Strontium (atomic symbol Sr) is a silvery-white alkaline earth metal that exists in several stable
(e.g., Sr-86 and Sr-88) and several radioactive (e.g., Sr-89 and Sr-90) isotopic states. Stable
strontium and its salts have many industrial uses, such as providing the red color in pyrotechnic
devices such as tracer bullets, distress signal rockets, flares, and fireworks. In medicine,
strontium bromide has been used as a sedative, as an antiepileptic drug, and in the therapy for
skin rashes.
Abundance. Stable strontium is the 15th most abundant element in nature and it is the most
abundant trace element in seawater. Thus, it can become incorporated into all plants and
animal tissues. The amount of strontium in natural fresh waters in the U.S. may vary from
approximately 0.007 to 15 milligrams/liter (mg/L), averaging about 0.5 mg/L. The daily intake of
strontium varies from about 1.8 to 2.0 mg/day. Of this a negligible quantity is supplied by air,
approximately 60 to 90 percent by food, and the remaining 10 to 40 percent by water.
Strontium is present naturally in many foods (e.g. spices, seafood, cereals, grains, and leafy
Metabolism. There is some evidence that strontium is essential for growth of animals,
especially for the calcification of bone and teeth. It would appear that the metabolism of
strontium closely resembles that of calcium, especially with regard to bone. The
gastrointestinal adsorption of strontium is described as poor, varying from approximately 5 to 25
percent of the ingested dose. The 70 kilogram standard man contains approximately 320 mg of
strontium. The skeleton contains more than 99 percent of the strontium. The rest is distributed
among soft tissues, the largest concentrations residing in the aorta, larynx, trachea, and lower
gastrointestinal tract. When administered orally, it is excreted primarily in the feces. Strontium
is also excreted in the sweat and in the milk of lactating females.
Health Aspects. The chemical toxicity of the stable isotopes of strontium is considered to be
quite low. Strontium poisoning is rare and in most instances accidental. Current interest in the
toxicity of strontium is related to the radioactive isotope, Sr-90, which is present in radioactive
fallout as a fission product, remains available for an extended period because of its 28.1-year
half-life, and has been implicated as a causative agent in bone cancer and leukemia.
2. Sr-90
Sr-90 is a radioactive isotope of strontium that is produced in nuclear fission with a relatively
high yield of 3 to 4 percent [7000 gigabecquerels (GBq) (190 curies) of Sr-90 and 1.4x106 GBq
(3.8x104 curies) of Sr-89 per kiloton]. Sr-90 is a beta emitter (546 KeV, no gammas) with a
half-life of 28.1 years [specific activity 5217 becquerels/gram (Bq/g), or 141 curies (Ci)/g], Sr-89
is a beta emitter (1.463 MeV, gammas very rarely) with a half-life of 52 days (specific activity
28,200 Ci/g). Sr-89 is an important radiation hazard for a year or two after a nuclear weapon
-1- Enclosure 3
The possible hazard of Sr-901, with its relatively long half-life and its chemical similarity to
calcium, was recognized in the work with atomic energy carried out as part of the Manhattan
District efforts. Initially, there was a concern about the Sr-90 in fallout from atmospheric tests of
nuclear weapons. By the mid-1970's, there was a concern about potential nuclear facility
accidents because of the Sr-90 inventory in power reactors, at fuel reprocessing plants and in
high-level waste, as well as a continuing concern for the potential consequences of nuclear
weapons use. Accidental or deliberate misuse of Sr-90 in research laboratories also can result
in human exposure. The primary focus of concern was in the induction of bone cancer by the
beta radiations. Wide-ranging investigations were initiated regarding the behavior of Sr-90 in
the environment, especially in food and food chains, in aqueous media, and in a variety of
organisms. This resulted in an enormous database on the radiobiology of strontium.
Releases of radioactive Sr-90 into the environment and exposures of human populations have
occurred in several activities, practices, and events involving radiation sources. The main
contribution to the collective doses to the world population in such cases has come from the
testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere. This practice occurred from 1945 through 1980.
Each nuclear test resulted in unrestrained release to the environment of substantial quantities
of Sr-90. These were widely dispersed in the atmosphere and deposited everywhere on the
earth’s surface. Approximately 622 petabecquerels (PBq) (16.8 million curies) of Sr-90 were
produced and globally dispersed in atmospheric testing.
Numerous measurements of the global disposition of Sr-90 (and cesium-137) and the
occurrence of these and other fallout radionuclides in diet and the human body were made at
the time the testing was taking place. The worldwide average effective dose from ingesting
Sr-90 (1945 to date) is 97 microsieverts (µSv) [9.7 millirem (mrem)]. The worldwide average
effective dose from inhaling Sr-90 (1945 to 1985) is 9.2 µSv (0.92 mrem).
Intake. The deposition of Sr-90 on land and the transfer to humans by ingestion is the most
significant pathway for human exposure (i.e., worldwide pathway contribution is 79 percent).
Long-term variation in the Sr-90 intake will depend on the composition of the individual's diet.
For example, the major contributors of Sr-90 in the former Soviet diet were cereals and whole
grain (UNSCEAR 1977). Milk and milk-byproducts are the major contributors of Sr-90 in
western countries. Other food products that may contain Sr-90 include fruits, vegetables
(carrots, cabbage, potatoes), meat, eggs, spices, and seafood. During the late 1960s, fish
consumption contributed about 3 percent to the body burden of Sr-90 among the Japanese.
The National Academy of Sciences, in 1973, stated, in "Radionuclides in Food," that "Although
Dairy products represented 58 percent of the dietary calcium, they provide less radiostrontium/g
calcium than did any of the other items. If an attempt is made to reduce radiostrontium intake
by eliminating milk from the diet and increasing the vegetable portion to make up the deficit of
calcium, the resulting intake of Sr-90 is greater than that from the diet containing the milk
Embryo/Fetal Deposition. The rapid growth of the fetal and neonatal skeleton with its high
proliferation of bone cells and the development of the hematopoietic system, which start about
the fifth month in utero, cause the skeleton to be more sensitive to radiation from Sr-90 than at
Actually most of the radiation damage from Sr-90 is caused by its daughter isotope yttrium-90. Y-90 has a
half-life of only 64.2 hours, so it decays as fast as it is formed, and emits 2.27 MeV beta particles.
any other stage of life. However, Sr-90 ingested by the mother before pregnancy is generally
not available for transfer to a future fetus. The total amount of strontium in the developing
skeleton increases about 20-fold in the course of pregnancy. During the last 4 weeks before
birth, the fetal skeleton accumulates the same amount of strontium as during all the previous
months of pregnancy. Although strontium follows the calcium pathways in the mother’s body,
the metabolic processes can discriminate against strontium in favor of calcium; however, the
ability of placental membranes to discriminate against strontium decreases during pregnancy.
By the end of the pregnancy, the ability to discriminate against strontium has almost
disappeared and strontium is passed on to the fetus in the same concentration as that present
in the maternal circulation. The estimated lifetime radiation dose to the infant skeleton from a
single ingestion of 3.7x104 Bq (1 µCi) Sr-90 at six months and nine months of gestation is 600
6 milligray (mGy) [600 millirad(mrad)] and 18 mGy (1,800 mrad), respectively (NCRP Report
No. 128).
Deposition of Sr-90 into deciduous teeth does not cease at birth. The dentine of the deciduous
tooth continues to take up calcium, phosphorus, and strontium through the life of the tooth,
typically 7 to 12 years depending on the type of tooth. Sr-90 will be deposited uniformly
throughout the tooth if a constant dietary source is provided. Conversely, Sr-90 will be
deposited in bands, in the dentine beneath the tooth enamel, if dietary Sr-90 is ingested as
single acute doses. Dental mapping of the tooth can indicate when and how much dietary Sr-
90 was ingested. American Dental Association staff are mapping Sr-90 deposition in exfoliated
teeth obtained from Russian adults exposed to Sr-90 during the cold war.
The concentrations of the radionuclides released into the environment from a nuclear facility are
generally too low to be measurable except close to the nuclear facility and then for a limited
number of radionuclides.
The only chance of detecting reactor-generated Sr-90 is in the nuclear power plant effluents
themselves. Any Sr-90 detected in environmental samples can most likely be attributed to
fallout from nuclear weapons testing. To differentiate reactor-generated fission products from
those of nuclear weapons fallout, counting of strontium-containing environmental samples is
required several times over a period of a week followed by fitting the counted data to Sr-89, Sr-
90, and the ingrowth of yttrium-90 (Y-90). However, this methodology only works if there is
sufficient Sr-89 relative to Sr-90 in the sample.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-licensed nuclear power plant operators are
required to monitor gaseous and liquid emissions. Regulatory Guide 1.21 recommends that
"...a quarterly analysis for strontium-89 and strontium-90 should be made on a composite of all
filters from each sampling location collected during the quarter." The sensitivity is such that the
analysis for radioactive material in particulate form should be sufficient to permit measurement
of a small fraction of the activity which would result in annual exposures of 0.15 mSv (15 mrem)
to any organ of an individual in an unrestricted area.
Each nuclear power plant in the United States is required to file an effluents report annually. In
this report, information about the types and quantities of radionuclides that are released to the
environment, as well as the dose impact on the environment, is reported. The licensee
maintains an environmental monitoring program that is reviewed regularly by NRC. To keep
track of these releases, the plants take frequent radiological samples. For example, a total of
1261 analyses on 981 environmental samples was taken in 1997 at Salem/Hope Creek. No
strontium-90 was found in any samples acquired in 1997.
Animal experiments indicate that bone sarcoma and tumors of the soft tissue near the bone
may be important endpoints in the human exposure to radiostrontium at high doses [thousands
of rads (tens of grays) average skeletal dose]. However, these same experiments also suggest
that lifespan, cancer incidence, and genetic effects are unlikely to be influenced at the low
doses expected from normal environmental exposures.
Although very small increases in cancer incidence attributable to internal deposition of Sr-90
from world-wide fallout is theoretically possible, no statistically significant excess of biological
effects from Sr-90 exposures has been demonstrated. Whatever excess of incidence that
could be present is masked by the variation in incidence among the population groups studied,
the differences in methods of recording of data, and the normal statistical fluctuations of the
data for such groups.
Studies from the United Kingdom have reported increases in mortality from leukemia among
young persons, especially under age 10, living near certain nuclear facilities (Sellafield). The
reasons for this pattern are not clear, although there were no corresponding increases in total
Risk estimates in humans from exposure to Sr-90 are 1 bone sarcoma per 104 person Gy (with
lower and higher limits of 0 and 6) and 3 leukemias per 104 person Gy (with lower and higher
limits of 0 and 8) for populations exposed to radiostrontium at low doses and dose rates (NCRP
Report No. 110).
Chernobyl. Apart from the substantial increase in thyroid cancer after childhood exposure,
there is no evidence of a major public health impact related to the ionizing radiation 14 years
after the reactor accident at Chernobyl. 8 PBq (216,000 curies) of Sr-90 were released from
Chernobyl reactor unit 4 in April 1986. No increases in overall cancer incidence or mortality that
could be associated with radiation exposure have been observed. The risk of leukemia, one of
the most sensitive indicators of radiation exposure, has not been found to be elevated even in
the accident recovery workers or in children (UNSCEAR 2000, Annex J).
A survey of cancer rates was conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)(1990 NIH
Survey) in populations living near nuclear facilities in the United States. This study
encompassed all 62 nuclear facilities that went into service before 1982. Relative risk of
mortality was compiled for 16 classes of cancer and five age groups for each county in which a
nuclear power reactor resides (study county). Data also were compiled for two adjacent
counties for comparative purposes (control counties). There is no evidence to suggest that the
occurrence of leukemia or any other form of cancer was generally higher in the study counties
than in the control counties. For childhood leukemia, the relative risk, comparing the study
counties with their control counties, before plant startup, was 1.08, whereas after startup, it was
1.03. For leukemia all ages, the relative risks were 1.02 before startup and 0.98 after startup.
The observed comparisons provided no evidence of any cause-effect relationship between
particular facilities and cancer occurrence in nearby populations. However, if any excess
cancer risk was present in counties with nuclear facilities, it was too small to be detected by the
methods employed in the 1990 NIH survey.