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Nylons (Polyamide)

The name "nylons" refers to the group of plastics known as 'polyamides'. Nylons are typified
by amide groups (CONH) and encompass a range of material types (e.g. Nylon 6,6; Nylon
6,12; Nylon 4,6; Nylon 6; Nylon 12 etc.), providing an extremely broad range of available
properties. Nylon is used in the production of film and fibre, but is also available as a
moulding compound.

Nylon is formed by two methods. Dual numbers arise from the first, a condensation
reaction between diamines and dibasic acids produces a nylon salt. The first number of the
nylon type refers to the number of carbon atoms in the diamine, the second number is the
quantity in the acid (e.g. nylon 6,12 or nylon 6,6).

The second process involves opening up a monomer containing both amine and acid groups
known as a lactam ring. The nylon identity is based on the number of atoms in the lactam

The majority of nylons tend to be semi-crystalline and are generally very tough materials
with good thermal and chemical resistance. The different types give a wide range of
properties with specific gravity, melting point and moisture content tending to reduce as the
nylon number increases.

Nylons tend to absorb moisture from their surroundings. This absorption continues until
equilibrium is reached and can have a negative effect on dimensional stability. In general,
the impact resistance and flexibility of nylon tends to increase with moisture content, while
the strength and stiffness below the glass transition temperature (< 50-80 oC) decrease. The
extent of moisture content is dependent on temperature, crystallinity and part thickness.
Preconditioning can be adopted to prevent negative effects of moisture absorption during

Nylons tend to provide good resistance to most chemicals, however can be attacked by
strong acids, alcohol's and alkalis.

Nylons can be used in high temperature environments. Heat stabilised systems allow
sustained performance at temperatures up to 185 oC (for reinforced systems).

Grades Available (Suggest TYPES rather than Grades.)

There are many types of nylon available (e.g. Nylon 6 nylon 66, nylon 6/6-6, nylon 6/9, nylon
6/10, nylon 6/12, nylon 11, nylon 12). The material is available as a homopolymer, co-
polymer or reinforced. Nylons may also be blended with other engineering plastics to
improve certain aspects of performance. Nylon is available for processing via injection
moulding, rotational moulding, casting or extrusion into film or fibre.

Physical Properties: NB The lower figure is typical for unreinforced Nylon, and the higher
figure typical for 30% glass filled.
Tensile Strength 90 - 185 N/mm²
Notched Impact Strength 5.0 - 13 Kj/m²
Thermal Coefficient of expansion 90 - 20/70 x 10-6
Max Cont Use Temp 150 - 185 oC
Density 1.13 - 1.35/1.41 g/cm3

Dilute Acid *
Dilute Alkalis ***
Oils and Greases ****
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons ****
Aromatic Hydrocarbons ****
Halogenated Hydrocarbons *** variable
Alcohols *KEY * poor ** moderate *** good **** very good

Nylon fibres are used in textiles, fishing line and carpets. Nylon films is used for food packaging,
offering toughness and low gas permeability, and coupled with its temperature resistance, for
boil-in-the-bag food packaging.

Moulding and extrusion compounds find many applications as replacements for metal parts, for
instance in car engine components. Intake manifolds in nylon are tough, corrosion resistant,
lighter and cheaper than aluminium (once tooling costs are covered) and offer better air flow due
to a smooth internal bore instead of a rough cast one. Its self-lubricating properties make it useful
for gears and bearings.Electrical insulation, corrosion resistance and toughness make nylon a
good choice for high load parts in electrical applications as insulators, switch housings and the
ubiquitous cable ties. Another major application is for power tool housings.



Door Handles & Radiator Grills:

As an integral part of the vehicle's body the door handles have many difficult requirements. They
must excellent surface appearance, paintability and UV resistance, but also good mechanical
properties like stiffness and toughness.

Click here for more information

Low Voltage Switch Gears:
This has a range of sub-category applications, miniature circuit breakers, residual current
devices, fuses, switches and relays, contactors and cabinets.

Click here for more information


Ski Bindings & In-line Skates:

Polyamide 6 is used in large applications in sport, such as ski bindings and in-line skates. This is
because it has excellent fatigue properties and provides high impact and mechanical strength.

Click here for more information

Stockshapes or semi-finished materials are easily machined to make all kinds of products that
benefit from the excellent properties of engineering plastics. These properties include (among
others) strength and rigidity and electrical insulation properties.

Nylon in Textiles: One of the earliest and most significant applications of nylon is in
textiles. Nylon fabric is known for its strength, durability, and elasticity, making it
ideal for clothing, hosiery, and various accessories. In the 1940s, nylon stockings
became a fashion sensation, often referred to as "nylons." Nylon's popularity in the
textile industry remains strong, with applications ranging from activewear and
outdoor gear to lingerie and industrial fabrics.

Nylon in Engineering Plastics: Nylon's exceptional mechanical properties, including

high tensile strength and resistance to abrasion and impact, have made it a preferred
material in engineering plastics. Nylon is used to manufacture gears, bearings,
bushings, and other machine components. Its self-lubricating properties and ability
to dampen vibrations are particularly advantageous in industrial machinery.

Nylon in Automotive Industry: Nylon's lightweight and high-strength

characteristics have found extensive use in the automotive sector. It is employed in
manufacturing engine components, including intake manifolds and valve covers, as
well as interior parts like dashboards and upholstery. Additionally, nylon-based
composites are being used to produce lightweight, fuel-efficient car parts.

Nylon in Consumer Goods: The consumer goods industry utilizes nylon in various
products. Toothbrush bristles, zippers, and camping equipment are just a few
examples of everyday items that often feature nylon components. Its versatility and
resistance to wear and tear make it a preferred choice in consumer goods

Nylon in Sports Equipment: Nylon is also prominently featured in sports

equipment. It's used to create racket strings, fishing lines, and the mesh for
basketball hoops. The material's lightweight and durable properties contribute to
improved performance in sports and outdoor activities.

Nylon Sustainability: As environmental concerns grow, there is an increasing

interest in sustainable nylon production. Companies are developing bio-based and
recycled nylon to reduce the environmental impact of the material. These initiatives
are shaping the future of nylon and its role in a more sustainable world.

Carothers discovered polyamides in 1931. On the 28th October 1938 commercial production of
nylon 6,6 began. Polyamides were first introduced as fibre forming polymers). The first
commercial application was the Bristles on Dr West's Miracle Tuft toothbrush. In the following
year nylon stockings became available and, in 1941, nylon moulding powders began commercial
production. Nylon 6 was developed in the 1940's (largely as a consequence of the patent that
existed on Nylon 6,6). Nylon mouldings were not widely used until the 1950's.

Nylon is a synthetic polymer that can be prepared through several methods,

primarily involving condensation polymerization. The two most common methods for
preparing nylon are the Interfacial Polymerization Method and the Polycondensation
Method. Here's an overview of both methods:

1. Interfacial Polymerization Method: This method is typically used to produce

nylon-6,6. It involves the reaction of two different monomers at the interface
of two immiscible liquids. In the case of nylon-6,6, the monomers used are
hexamethylenediamine and adipoyl chloride. Here are the steps:
a. Dissolution of monomers: The two monomers are dissolved in separate
immiscible solvents. Hexamethylenediamine is typically dissolved in an
aqueous solution, while adipoyl chloride is dissolved in an organic solvent,
usually hexane or another nonpolar solvent.
b. Contact at the interface: The two solutions are brought into contact at the
liquid-liquid interface. The monomers react to form nylon-6,6. The interface is
where the polymerization occurs.
c. Polymer formation: As the reaction takes place, nylon-6,6 polymer
molecules form and precipitate at the interface.
d. Separation and washing: The newly formed nylon is separated from the
liquid phase, washed, and then dried.
2. Polycondensation Method: This method is commonly used for producing
nylon-6. It involves the reaction of two monomers, caprolactam and water, in a
step-growth polymerization process. Here are the steps:
a. Formation of caprolactam: Caprolactam is first prepared by the cyclization
of aminohexanoic acid.
b. Polymerization: Caprolactam is then heated, causing it to polymerize by
ring-opening polymerization. The reaction releases water as a byproduct.
Nylon-6 polymer chains grow as caprolactam molecules join together.
c. Cooling and shaping: The resulting polymer is cooled and shaped into the
desired form, such as fibers or sheets.
d. Washing and finishing: The nylon-6 material is washed to remove any
impurities or unreacted monomers and then finished according to the
intended application (e.g., drawing into fibers or molding into various

These methods are the primary ways to prepare different types of nylon. The choice
of method depends on the specific type of nylon being produced and the intended
Ending Report on Nylon: A Durable and Versatile Polymer

Executive Summary:

Nylon, a synthetic polymer introduced in the late 1930s, has had a profound impact on various
industries and continues to play a vital role in our daily lives. Its exceptional properties, including
strength, durability, and versatility, have made it a preferred choice in applications ranging from
textiles and engineering plastics to automotive components and consumer goods. This ending
report provides an overview of the significance and evolution of nylon, as well as the emerging
trends and challenges in the world of nylon production and applications.

The Evolution of Nylon:

From its inception, nylon has continually evolved and adapted to meet the ever-changing needs
of different industries. The journey of nylon began with its introduction in the textile industry,
where nylon stockings quickly became a fashion sensation. Its versatility soon led to applications
in engineering plastics, automotive manufacturing, consumer goods, sports equipment, and even
the aerospace industry. Nylon's ability to combine strength, flexibility, and lightweight properties
has been a driving force behind its widespread adoption.

Key Applications:

1. Textiles: Nylon remains a staple in the textile industry, offering durability and elasticity
for a wide range of clothing and accessories.
2. Engineering Plastics: Nylon's mechanical properties have made it indispensable in the
production of machine components.
3. Automotive Industry: Nylon's lightweight properties contribute to fuel efficiency, and it
is used in various vehicle components.
4. Consumer Goods: Nylon components are ubiquitous in everyday items, from toothbrush
bristles to zippers.
5. Sports Equipment: Nylon is a key material in many sports and outdoor products,
improving performance and durability.

Sustainability Initiatives:

As environmental concerns have gained prominence, the nylon industry is increasingly focusing
on sustainability. Efforts to develop bio-based and recycled nylon are reducing the environmental
impact of production. These initiatives demonstrate the commitment of the industry to address
sustainability concerns and adapt to a more eco-friendly future.

Emerging Trends:

• Bio-based Nylon: The development of nylon from renewable sources reduces the
reliance on fossil fuels and lowers the carbon footprint of production.
• Recycled Nylon: Recycling and repurposing nylon waste is on the rise, contributing to a
more circular and sustainable economy.
• Lightweight Composites: In the automotive and aerospace sectors, there is a growing
emphasis on lightweight nylon composites to improve fuel efficiency and reduce


Despite its versatility and adaptability, the nylon industry faces challenges, including the need to
address environmental concerns, reduce energy consumption, and develop cost-effective
recycling methods.


Nylon has been an enduring success story in the world of synthetic polymers. Its history is
marked by adaptability, innovation, and the ability to meet the ever-evolving demands of a wide
range of industries. As we look to the future, sustainability initiatives and technological
advancements will play a pivotal role in ensuring the continued relevance of nylon in a world that
increasingly values eco-friendly and resource-efficient materials. The legacy of nylon serves as a
testament to the transformative power of materials science and engineering in our modern age.

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