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The 22-Step VSL Framework

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The 22-Step VSL Framework

An Attention-Grabbing Introduction

Say something that turns the head of your viewer so they want to pay attention
to the rest of your video.

Identify The Problem

Identify the problem your viewer is having that you intend to solve. This lets your
viewer know that you understand them and the issues they are dealing with.

Communicate and empathize with the Problem/Pain.

Agitate the Problem

Build the need/desire for a solution.

Provide The Solution

THERE'S A SOLUTION: The main goal of the discovery is to share that

there is a way out, a way through the pain. You must present the solution
before you present the product.

The solution/secret/discovery that solves the problem and eases pain

(Prescription). Evidence or proof to support your solution such as a key
fact, statistic, story or new paradigm/belief.

Let your viewer know that you have the solution to that problem and you intend
to share the details about that solution in your video.

Tease Emotional Discovery Story

Tease Unique Mechanism Behind Solution

Tease Contrarian Nature of Mechanism (This Flies in the Face of What

You’ve Been Told Before)

Working in “Fascinations” as Incentive For Continuing With Copy


Explaining the “Real Cause” of the Problem; You’ve Had 99% of the Answer

But This is the Missing 1%

Should Be Surprising, Possibly Even Counterintuitive

Backed by Credibility and Proof Elements

Show Your Credentials

Share credentials—such as customer testimonials or accomplishments—to get

your viewer to trust you.

Tell The Back Story

Give a quick version of you and your product’s backstory. This is done by telling
the actual story that led to you creating the product you’re about to sell them.
This helps them trust you even more and helps them know that you have felt
their same pain.

Explain The “Perfect World”

Paint a picture of what life would be like without the problem they’re
experiencing right now. Make them envision how much better life would be like if
they had the results your product delivers. This builds their desire for your

The Dream Come True Transition

Now they’re on the edge of their seat imagining how much better life would be
without this problem. This is where you let them know that the solution actually
does exist and that it exists in the form of your product.

Introduce Your Product

Here you will introduce your product by name.

Explain Big Benefits

Talk about the big benefits your product delivers in detail.

Eliminate Their Biggest Objections

Eliminate your viewer’s biggest objections that might keep them from buying.

The job of a VSL is to push people to take action, but inevitably there will be
things that hold people back. Those are called objections, and a well-crafted VSL
will answer them. Some of the most common objections are around time and
money, but others will be specific to your product. So you should identify the
most commonly asked questions and answer them in your VSL.

Reveal Your Irresistible Offer

Show them your offer and make sure it’s one they can’t refuse.

The main goal of your offer section is to share the offer specifics — exactly what's
included when they purchase.

Features and product information (use benefit-rich descriptions).

Create Their “Future Self”

Paint the picture again of what life will be like as soon as they get access to your

Get the prospect of future-pacing (imagining themselves in the future). When

you’re writing VSLs, you want the viewer to imagine themselves enjoying all the
benefits of your product in the future. That’s why Arman recommends using
phrases like, “How good would it feel to ____?” and “Imagine what it would be
like to no longer have to think about _____.” These phases future-pace the
viewer and make them think about a life that’s better with your product in it.

Add In Awesome Bonuses

Add in additional bonuses so it’s even harder for them to say no.

Stack The Value

Use bonuses, scarcity and urgency to stack the value of this offer. Make the offer
more irresistible by stacking on with value.

Reveal Your Special Offer

Make it hard for them to say no by revealing the special price they get today.
The three secrets model have proven to work better for VSL where you have a list
of the secrets they are going to know about the problem you are trying to solve.
You basically want to list out the three secrets and kind of explain them in
details. You’re just trying to provide value to your prospects to put them in a
situation where they be like “oh I didn’t know that!




Make a Call To Action

Make your first call to action which is where you tell them exactly how to place
their order step by step.

Risk Removal

Remove all the risk so they aren’t nervous about taking action (usually with some
sort of guarantee).

Even though consumers rarely use them when the product is high quality,
guarantees are an important part of any VSL because nobody wants to feel like a
fool and make a bad decision. Instead of letting that fear stop people from acting,
you should communicate the fact that there is no risk to your customers. Pro tip:
Demonstrate how easy it is to take advantage of the guarantee in your VSL.

Garantia de 7 Dias

Make A Call To Action

Make your second call to action.

Give A Reminder

Remind them of the amazing deal they are getting today.

At this point you want to recap everything and have something along the lines of
“up till this point you’ve learnt this and learnt that” and then
Issue A Warning

Warn them that this deal won’t last forever. Trigger FOMO (Fear of missing out).

Lembre como vai ser continuar com o problema

TWO CHOICES: I love to use the exact copy you have two choices. “I’ve given you
all the things you need now to achieve {desired result} and now you have two
choices first you can do nothing and try to figure out those paint point {you
talked about} on your own or two” which takes us to the last step

Make A Call To Action

Make your third call to action.

Eliminate Any Left Over Objections

Remove any leftover reasons they may have for not buying.

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