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Presentation 1

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°A French Philosopher, mathematicians

and considered the founder of modern
° Decartes , famous principle the “cogito ,
ergo, sum” – I think , therefore I exist’
established his philosophical views on
“true knowledge” and concept of self.
• He explained that in order to gain
true knowledge, one must doubt
everything even own existence.
• Doubting makes someone aware that
they are thinking being this, they exist.
The essence of existing as a human
identity is the possibility of being aware
of our selves: being self-conscious in
this way is integral to having a personal
identity. Conversely, it would be
impossible to be self+conscious if we
did not have a personal identity of
which to be conscious. In other words,
the essence of self is being a thinking
•The Self is a dynamic
entity that engages in
mental operations-
thinking, reasoning,and
perceiving processes. In
addition to this, self-
identity is dependent on
the awareness in engaging
with those mental
•He declared that the essential self of the self as the
thinking entity is radically, different from the physical
body. The thinking self or soul is a non-material,
immortal, conscious being, independent of the body
physical laws of the universe while the physical body is a
material, mortal,non-thinking entity fully governed by the
physical law of nature.
•He also maintained that the soul and the body are
independent of one another and each can exist and
function without the other. In cases in which people are
sleeping or comatose, their bodies continue to function
even though their minds are not thinking much like the
mechanism of a clock.
“The Soul and The Self
To know Thy Self”
•SoCRaTIC MeThod
•David Hume
Hume strongly believes and considered that there is no such
self in a personas in carefully examining Our self the results
of finding impressions and perceptions in ourselves which are not
unified as such our self are just humanistic imagination that
build up our characters.
•St. Agustine
“According to st.agsutine the human Nature
CoMpoSed of Two RealMS”
* God as the source of all reality and truth.
* tHe sinfulness of man.

• imannuEl kant
For Kant, self is the one that makes consciousness within a
person in order for him/her gain insights and knowledge and make
sense of everything therefore, people are the one who creates their
self that constructs its own reality and makes consciousness
understandable and unique..

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