Article in International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology · January 2016
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Uma Ghosh
Department of Food Technology and Biochemical Engineering,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, West Bengal, India
Abstract- This review work analytically explicates the food sources, chemistry and benefits of natural
antioxidants. Naturally occurring antioxidants are not only capable of abolishing the ill effects of free radical
damage to food system, but their consumption also boost the body’s endogenous antioxidant mechanism to
combat oxidative stress. Natural ingredients in food are gaining much contemplation in both the areas of food
industry and research, as these are considered safer option than synthetic additives. This review explores the
possible uses of natural antioxidants as additive and components of functional food formulations. Critical
analysis of natural antioxidants as additive in food is reviewed, addressing food safety and health benefit for
the consumers.
An antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules and delays or prevents
oxidative damage. Biochemical reactions occurring in biological systems continuously produce various
free radicals. These are highly reactive and may further react with other bio molecules and thus initiate a
chain reaction [1]. The body has several antioxidant mechanisms to protect against oxidative stress. This
is achieved by either the actions of externally supplied antioxidant through foods or the endogenous ones,
for example, enzymes like glutathione peroxidise, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and metabolites like
uric acid, glutathione, L-arginine, etc. Vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals from food are exogenous
antioxidants [2]. The antioxidants neutralise the load of free radicals, protect the cells against their
deleterious effect and thus help in disease prevention.
Natural antioxidants are obtained from the biological system. Human diet contains an array of
different compounds that possess antioxidant activities. The most prominent representatives of dietary
antioxidants are vitamin C, tocopherols, carotenoids, flavonoids, antioxidant polysaccharides and amino
acids & its compounds. In the diet, there may be synergistic effects of these various dietary compounds
and they work as an orchestra where interactions between constituents bring about the effects. The need of
antioxidants in food industry is not only to preserve flavour and colour and increase the shelf life of food,
but also as components of nutraceutical food. Intake of antioxidant rich diet protects against deleterious
degenerative diseases. In food system, naturally occurring antioxidant mechanism are often lost during
processing or storage. This necessitates the addition of exogenous food additives - either natural or
synthetically produced antioxidants. Butylated hydroxylanisole (BHA), Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT),
tert-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) are the frequently used synthetic antioxidant in food, whereas, natural
antioxidants generally added in food are tocopherols, ascorbic acid etc. However, antioxidants are
effective at very low concentration, higher doses may generate toxic effects. The cytotoxicity of BHA and
BHT have been found in human promeylocytic leukemia cell lines (HL-60) and squamous carcinoma cell
lines [3]. This food safety issue with these synthetic antioxidants limits their use as additive. On the other
hand, the higher production cost and lower efficiency of generally used natural antioxidants like ascorbic
acid, tocopherol etc. have triggered the need of exploring alternative natural and probably safer sources of
food antioxidants. Fruits and vegetable processing in India generates huge quantities of waste and
residues. It has been reported that these wastes and by-products of fruits and vegetables like seeds, peel
and pomace are abundant sources of antioxidants [4], but these have not been conventionally used as
additive. In this review the sources and potential uses of these less explored antioxidant stores is also
In biological system, oxidative stress generates excess free radical formation, which, in turn
induces disease process in different organs and physiological systems. The role of antioxidants in foods is
to retard or control oxidation. The process of auto-oxidation and development of rancidity in foods
involves a free radical chain mechanism via initiation, propagation and termination steps. While radicals
are produced in the ‘initiation’ step, they attack a compound by abstracting a hydrogen atom in the
‘propagation’ step [5]. The reactions in the propagation step make up a chain reaction until a
‘termination’ reaction occurs. In addition to auto-oxidation, lipid quality deterioration in foods may occur
due to photo-oxidations, oxidation via a lipoxygenase-assisted process, or oxidation under thermal
conditions as during frying of foods. Many of the products formed as a result of oxidation of foods,
regardless of the conditions experienced, are deleterious and affect health adversely. Thus, all oxidation
processes should be controlled in order to protect food lipids from deterioration & off-flavour formation
and disease propagation in man. Free radical damage to cell affects many organs and physiological
systems (figure 1) which may lead to chronic disease pathogenesis. Thus food antioxidants not only help
to improve food quality but also have a role in disease prophylaxis.
The presence of antioxidants in food prevents this damage caused by oxidative stress. Each
antioxidant functions in biological system in its own unique way. Vitamin E plays an important role to
prevent cardio vascular disease, ischemic heart disease, cataract, arthritis, cancer in colon, breast and
prostate in the prevention against colon, prostate and breast cancers. Flavonoids, Vitamin C and beta
carotene have been reported to delay the process of ageing and delay various chronic degenerative
diseases such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cataract, memory loss and act as
immune-modulator, fighting against infections and inflammation [6]. The antioxidants in food not only
help to prevent against the chronic diseases, their addition to food also prevent lipid oxidation or auto-
oxidation of food.
A. Activity of some commonly used synthetic antioxidant additives: BHA, BHT and TBHQ are
widely used synthetic antioxidant additives in food. These are phenolic compounds. BHA and BHT are
fairly stable to heat and are often used for stabilization of fats in baked and fried products. Some
antioxidants, such as BHA and BHT, are used in combination with resulting synergistic effects [7]. BHA
is also synergistic with propyl gallate [8]. These antioxidants act as a terminating agent that
suppresses auto-oxidation. They stop the chain reaction by the following mechanism:
The oxidative characteristics and/or metabolites of BHA and BHT are under investigation due to their
possible contribution to carcinogenicity or tumorigenicity. This food safety issue with these synthetic
antioxidants limits their use as additive.
B. Activity of some natural antioxidants: Foods are natural store house for antioxidant compounds
like polyphenols, bioactive peptides, cellular enzymes and vitamins etc. Antioxidant compounds have
been found in grains, oilseeds, spices, fruits and vegetables and even in food residues or wastes. Natural
antioxidants act in various ways, by binding metal ions, scavenging free radicals, decomposing peroxides
or by combining these methods together causing synergism.
Metal chelator Binding heavy metals into inactive Phosphoric acid, Maillard
compound compounds, citric acid
Apart from the above mentioned mechanisms, natural antioxidants in biological environment also act
synergistically with each other with the final outcome of free radical scavenging, for instance tocopherol
prevents lipid per-oxidation and itself gets oxidised; oxidised tocopherol is reduced by ascorbic acid to
its antioxidant active state (figure 1). Oxidised ascorbic acid (dehydro ascorbate) is converted into
harmless compounds such as 2, 3- diketogulonic acid which then decomposes to oxalate [10]. Phenolic
acids and flavonoid compounds act as metal chelator and free radical scavenger [11]. These interact with
body’s endogenous antioxidant enzyme system and boost the overall antioxidant mechanism (figure 2).
A. Food sources of natural antioxidants: Plants are a rich source of naturally occurring
antioxidants like phenols, phenolic acid and their derivatives for example, whole grain has found to
contain ferullic acid, vanillic acid and syringic acid [12]. Fruits and vegetables contain abundant source
of antioxidants. Fruits, especially berries, cherries and citrous fruits contain high levels of antioxidants.
The polyphenol content in berries varies from 30-2000mg / 100 g which include anthocyanins,
proanthocyanidins and flavonols. Among tropical fruits guava contains highest quantities of polyphenol
(126 mg/100g) showing antioxidant activity [13].Vegetable provide rich sources of antioxidant,
specially anthocyanins, flavonones, flavonols and vitamin C [14], [15]. Spices and herbs like garlic,
ginger, etc. also have antioxidant potential [16]. Fruits contain strong anti-oxidant compounds [17], for
example berries [18], [19], cherries [20], [21], [22], citrus [23] and in kiwi fruit [24] has been found to
be rich in antioxidants. High activity anti-oxidants were found in olive oil [25], [26]. A comprehensive
study on the role of phenolic compounds in the oxidative process of fruits reveals the effects of
processing and storage on its antioxidative capacity. [27]Several studies have analysed the antioxidant
potential of a wide variety of vegetables [28], [29], [30]. Wines contain a variety of polyphenolic
compounds, the most abundant being anthocyanins [31], [32], antioxidant activity was also reported in
whiskeys [33] .
Green and black tea extracts contains upto 30% phenolic compound of dry weight, which
mainly include (-)epigallocatechin, (-)epicatechin 3-gallate, (-)epicatechin, (+)gallocatechin and
(+)catechin and reports show that green tea extracts have greater antioxidant efficieny than BHT
(ÿ)epigallocatechin, (ÿ)epicatechin 3-gallate, (ÿ)epicatechin, (+)gallocatechin and (+)catechin were also
identified as good as synthetic antioxidants [34]. A number of studies deal with the antioxidant activity of
extracts from herbs, medicinal plants and spices [35]. Antioxidant component in different herbs and
elucidation of their antioxidant mechanisms has also been addressed [36], [37]. Other potential sources,
such as canola [38] has also been explored.
Waste/Residual sources: Food residues and waste of food product, though considered as waste, are
an unconventional source of antioxidants. For example, potato peel extract, Apple pomace, Oat hulls,
Lemon seeds, orange peel, Lentil seed coat (brown), Lemon peel, Grape seed extract have been found to
contain polyphenolic antioxidants [39].
Natural antioxidants are generally preferred by consumers and may gain legislative approval
more easily than synthetic additives do. However, the fact that a substance is commonly found in a food
is no guarantee that it is entirely non-toxic. Synthetic antioxidants are tested for carcinogenic or
mutagenic effects, but many natural food compounds have not yet been tested. The advantages and
disadvantages of synthetic and natural antioxidants are summarized.
The antioxidant activity of green tea extract was compared with the effects of the commonly-used
antioxidants such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and tert-
butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) at 200ppm and α-tocopherol at 500ppm. Green tea extract at >200 ppm
exhibited excellent antioxidant activity in both oils and its efficacy was higher than that of BHA, BHT
and a-tocopherol, but less than that of TBHQ [40]. Antioxidant activity of Grape Seed Extract and
Blueberry extract was observed in cooked pork patties. The addition of grape seed extract resulted in
minor increases in the surface colour of raw and cooked pork. The sensory quality of cooked pork was
unaffected and these exhibited potent lipid antioxidant activity in raw and cooked pork [41]. The search
for cheap and abundant sources of antioxidant compounds is attracting worldwide interest. Investigations
with vegetables, spice extracts and their residues as sources of antioxidant additive are being carried out.
Garlic, lemon and orange fiber has also been used as antioxidant in meat [42]. Residual sources like peels
of pomegranate, orange and lemon have been investigated as antioxidant additive in paneer and have
found to be a better substitute for synthetic antioxidants [43].
Here, it has been discussed that many food and food residue /waste are important antioxidant
sources and they have promising prospective as antioxidant additive in food. In some studies, natural
antioxidants have shown greater anti-oxidant efficiency than synthetic antioxidants. But before any
practical application, detailed study and consideration of the possible toxicity must be done. Much
research is needed in this subject in order to identify more food and residual origins of natural
antioxidants; optimisation of the application method in food must be done before practical scale
This review work has been financially supported by INSPIRE fellowship (DST/INSPIRE
Fellowship/2014, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India).
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