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Hybrid (hydrodynamic + permanent magnetic) journal bearings

Data · August 2007


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2 authors:

Harish Hirani Pranab Samanta

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute


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Hybrid (hydrodynamic + permanent

magnetic) journal bearings
H Hirani∗ and P Samanta
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, India

The manuscript was received on 24 February 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 1 August 2007.
DOI: 10.1243/13506501JET282

Abstract: Survey of patents on bearings indicates the maturity of hydrodynamic and rapid devel-
opment of magnetic bearings. Active magnetic bearings are costlier compared with permanent
magnetic bearings. To understand the performance characteristics of permanent magnetic bear-
ings, an experimental setup has been developed. Experimental studies on radial permanent
magnetic bearings demonstrated the drawbacks, such as high axial thrust and low load capacity.
This has led the authors to hybridize the permanent magnet with hydrodynamic technology and
to explore the possibility of achieving the low starting torque of a permanent magnetic bearing
and the medium to high load carrying capacity of a hydrodynamic bearing in a single bearing
Simulation is carried out in order to reduce axial force-effect and enhance the radial force
supported by the permanent magnetic bearing. Results of simulation on permanent magnetic
bearing have been compared with that of published research papers. Finally an algorithm has
been developed to investigate the coupling of forces generated by permanent magnets and
hydrodynamic actions. Results of load sharing have been reported. The experimentally mea-
sured displacements of the shaft running at 500, 2000, and 3000 r/min have been plotted. The
effect of hydrodynamics on shaft orbit has been illustrated.

Keywords: axial force of permanent magnetic bearings, sector-shaped magnetic bearings, test
setup for horizontal journal bearings, modelling of magnetic bearings, simulation of magnetic

1 INTRODUCTION hydrodynamic-lubricant-film at start, stop, and low

speed operations, which brings journal bearings into
The life of properly-designed components of a boundary lubrication conditions. Table 1 indicates a
machine, in relative motion, is governed by the wear reduction in the coefficient of friction from 0.25 (third
rate under the running conditions. On comparing the column of Table 1) to 0.001 (fourth column of Table 1)
data related to dimensionless wear coefficients [1], under hydrodynamic lubrication mechanism. In other
collected under different mechanical contact condi- words, if a system of hydrodynamic bearings requires
tions, as shown in Table 1, the lowest wear rate is found a torque of T N m for normal operation, then it needs
with the hydrodynamic mechanism. The lowest value 250 T N m during start-up operation. Therefore, there
of the friction coefficient [2] under fully developed is a need to augment the hydrodynamic bearing under
hydrodynamic conditions, as shown in Table 1, is an rotor-to-stator rubbing conditions. Jiang et al. [3] sug-
additional advantage of hydrodynamic journal bear- gested an active auxiliary bearing to deal with rubbing
ings. However, the major disadvantage of the hydrody- conditions. They proposed two control approaches
namic bearing is its inability to generate an effective to reduce severe rubbing between the rotor and the
stator to mild rubbing through an active auxiliary
bearing. Nicoletti and Santos [4] recommended active
∗ Corresponding author: Department of Mechanical Engineering, lubrication to minimize wear and vibration between
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, rotating and stationary machine parts. The control
India. email: hirani@iitb.ac.in action over the rotating shaft was achieved by injecting

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Table 1 Coefficients of wear and friction for different

bearing mechanisms

Static Dynamic
Wear friction friction
coefficient coefficient coefficient
Type [1] [2] [2]

Hydrodynamic <10−13 0.25 0.001

EHD lubrication 10−9 − 10−13 – –
Boundary lubrication 10−6 − 10−10 – –
Solid lubrication 10−6 0.1 0.05
Dry bearing 10−2 − 10−6 0.15 0.1
Rolling element – 0.05 0.05 − 0.001

Fig. 1 Patent survey on magnetic and hydrodynamic

pressurized oil into the bearing through the orifices bearings
machined in bearing sliding surface. Chen and Wal-
ter [5] combined an aerodynamic foil bearing with Magnetic bearings may be classified into two cat-
a magnetic bearing based on the inductance, capac- egories: (a) AMB and passive (permanent) magnetic
itance, and resistance (LCR) resonance circuit. They bearings. AMBs provide lubricant free, adjustable
performed an analytical study to demonstrate the load damping and stiffness characteristics in all direc-
sharing between foil and magnetic bearings. Shankar tions, and allow high-speed relative motion. However,
et al. [6] compared economics of three bearing tech- these magnetic bearings incur high initial as well as
nologies: active magnetic, rolling, and hydrodynamic. high running costs [6]; have complicated structure,
They concluded that it was hard to justify active mag- and relatively low (5–15 per cent) capacity com-
netic bearing (AMB) with costs of the order of $1500 pared to hydrodynamic bearings of equivalent size.
compared to similar sized greased lubricated rolling Therefore, the present study is restricted to hybridiza-
element and hydrodynamic bearings with costs of less tion of hydrodynamic and repulsive-type-permanent-
than $15. Further they compared power loss due to magnetic bearings, which are referred to as magnetic
these bearings and showed for a typical application, bearings. For first-hand experience, a test setup has
an AMB consumes 48 W compared to 7 W required for been designed and developed to study permanent
a rolling element bearing. Finally, they concluded that magnetic, hydrodynamic, and hybrid bearings.
actively controlled bearing cannot replace conven-
tional bearings if direct cost is the primary constraint.
Use of ‘boundary additives’ and ‘viscous lubricants’ 2 DESCRIPTION OF SETUP
are low cost solutions that minimize wear and coeffi-
cient of friction during low speed operations in journal A schematic diagram of the test setup is shown in Fig. 2.
bearings. However, these recommendations do not A three phase 1.1 kW AC motor with rated speed of
provide the complete solution. 3000 r/min has been used. A variable frequency drive
A patent survey on hydrodynamic bearings, as regulates motor speeds in the range of 115–6000 r/min.
shown in Fig. 1, shows that this technology has reached The shaft is made of non-magnetic stainless steel
a mature stage of development. On the other hand, (SS201). The rotor, as shown in Fig. 2, is made of mild
a patent survey on magnetic bearings, also shown in steel. The rotor comprises a series of holes to add mass
Fig. 1, shows rapid development of the technology. and generate dynamic load on the shaft. Provision is
Further, a theoretical study indicates the compli- made to support the shaft load on any combination
mentary nature of these two technologies. Magnetic (hydrodynamic/magnetic/hybrid) of two bearings. To
bearings provide no contact support (zero wear) and avoid load sharing by the coupling that connects the
almost negligible friction, but they have low load car- motor with the shaft, a flexible spiral coupling (hav-
rying capacity and relatively high cost. On the other ing bending stiffness less than 0.5 N/mm) has been
hand, hydrodynamic bearings have medium to high used. A separate gear pump assembly has been used
load capacity and are relatively economic, but con- to feed the lubricant for hydrodynamic action in the
sume power and wear-out during start/stop and at low bearing. The supply pressure and flowrate have been
operating speeds. If these two technologies are com- controlled using a speed controller and a regulating
bined, a bearing that provides no-contact support, low valve. The supply pressure has been checked through
friction loss, medium to high load capacity, and low the pressure gauge as shown in Fig. 2. The base plate
cost, may be obtained. The main aim of the current of the setup is mounted on rubber pads to isolate the
paper is to explore this possibility of hybridization. vibration transmission.

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Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of experimental setup

Two non-contact type eddy current proximity been used to record the completion of cycle (shaft rota-
sensors (range 0–2 mm) have been used to measure tion by 360◦ ) that helps ‘time synchronous averaging’.
the film thickness of the bearing. A sleeve has been A photograph of the setup developed is shown in Fig. 3.
mounted on the shaft as a target material for the prox- A loading arrangement with leverage ratio of 1:2, as
imity sensors. The displacement sensors are placed at shown in Fig. 3, is attached to the test setup to apply
a phase angle of 90◦ so that their measurements corre- the static load on the rotor. The load arm contacts the
spond to displacement in the X - and Y -axis directions. rotor through a ball bearing that facilitates application
A fibre optic displacement sensor (range 0–12 mm) has of static load on the rotating rotor.

Fig. 3 Developed bearing test setup

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Before mounting the shaft-rotor system, alignment dial indicator (accuracy 10 μm) by adjusting the posi-
between motor shaft-centre and centres of bearings tion of housing with respect to the motor shaft. On
housings was carried out. First two bearings, as shown obtaining a well-aligned position (dial indicator read-
in Fig. 4, were mounted on the lower part of housing- ings within 10 μm) of shafts, the bearing-housings
slot. Two aluminium sleeves of same size of rotor were bolted to the frame.
magnets were mounted on the shaft at the position of The developed bearing setup, shown in Fig. 3, was
the rotor magnets. These non-magnetic sleeves were used to test hydrodynamic bearings made of alu-
required to avoid magnetic disturbance between shaft minium and neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) mate-
and bearing magnet during alignment. The shaft along rials. Hydrodynamic bearings, having outer diameter
with these sleeves was inserted in bearing. The shaft (OD) of rotating part = 39.94 ± 0.02 mm and inner
centre was aligned with the motor shaft centre using diameter (ID) of stationary part = 40.0 mm, are made
of aluminium material. A photograph of an aluminium
bearing is shown in Fig. 4. Magnetic bearings, hav-
ing OD of rotating part = 39.94 ± 0.02 mm and ID of
stationary part = 40.0 ± 0.02 mm, are made of NdFeB
permanent magnets. This magnetic material has been
selected due to its high energy (280 kJ/m) and high
coercive force (915 kA/m). Aluminium bearings were
tested for 3 h operation at 115 r/min shaft speed by
supplying lubricant of 5 mPa s viscosity at 1.5 bar feed
pressure. Photographs of the worn and unworn alu-
minium bearing are shown in Fig. 5. The marked
area on this figure indicates wear that has occurred
due to lack of the hydrodynamic film. This visual
inspection is sufficient to point out drawbacks of
hydrodynamic bearing at low operating speed. Sub-
sequently, the NdFeB bearings were tested under the
same operating conditions for 3 h. The magnetic bear-
ing was expected to provide non-contact support but
the opposite was observed with full contact occurring.
Fig. 4 Hybrid bearing Figure 6 shows the relatively high wear of the magnetic

Fig. 5 Wear of aluminium bearing

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The repulsive force between the two magnetic rings

comes from the interaction among the magnetic
charges on the stator and rotor surfaces. To calculate
the forces between stator and rotor, different elemen-
tal areas ds1 , ds2 , and ds3 have been considered as
shown in Fig. 7. To obtain a general expression for the
magnetic force, the stator is divided into a lower 180◦
arc and an upper variable degree arc.
Assuming that the magnetic charges are uniformly
distributed on the faces of magnetic poles: 1, 2, 3, 4
as shown in Fig. 7 and magnetic forces are generated
Fig. 6 Wear of magnetic bearing by interaction among charges of these faces, the ele-
mental magnetic force [9] between faces 2 and 3 of
the lower-arc-stator and rotor magnets is given by the
Coulomb law for magnetic poles
bearing. Visual inspection of this figure indicates wear
at one end of permanent magnet. One possible rea- μ0 qm1 qm2 R r3s2
son for such wear in NdFeB bearings is the high axial dF r3s2 = (1)
force generated by magnets themselves. According to
Earnshaw [7], a system made of permanent magnets In equation (1) qm1 , qm2 are the magnetic charges [9]
cannot be held in stable equilibrium by any combi- on surface elements ds1 and ds2 , respectively, and
nation of static magnetic or gravitational force [8]. can be expressed in terms of the surface charge
In other words if a magnetic bearing is designed to density [9], σ , as
support a radial load, i.e. stable in radial direction,
then it will be unstable in the axial direction, and vice
versa. Unless this axial force is either fully supported qm1 = σ ds1 and qm2 = σ ds2 (2)
by mechanical or servo control electromagnetic force
or reduced in magnitude, the system will not be sta- For the rare earth permanent magnetic material
ble. To reduce the axial thrust, geometric modelling (NdFeB), the surface charge density can be expressed
of magnet and simulation of radial and axial forces in terms of magnetic induction (Br ), as
are important, which are discussed in the following
sections. σ = Br /μ0 (3)

Fig. 7 Coordinate system of magnetic bearing

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Substitution of equations (2) and (3) in equation (1) along z-axis, so that
leads to
Br2 Rr3 dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβ
dFrlasx =
Br2 ds1 ds2 R r3s2 4πμ0
dF r3s2 = or,  
4πμ0 R3r3s2 2 1 1
× 3
− 3
− 3
Rr3s2 Rr3s1 Rr4s2
Br2 Rr3 dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβR r3s2
dF r3s2 = (4) × (e + Rr3 cos α + Rs2 cos β) (10)
4πμ0 R3r3s2
Br2 Rr3
dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβ
dFrlasy =
where Rr3s2 = [x02 + (e + Rr3 cos α − Rs2 cos β)2 + (Rr3 4πμ0
sin α − Rs2 sin β)2 ]1/2 ×
2 1
− 3 − 3
Similarly, considering no misalignment between Rr3s2 Rr3s1 Rr4s2
lower-arc-stator and rotor, the elemental magnetic × (Rr3 sin α − Rs2 sin β) (11)
force between faces 1 and 4, faces 2 and 4, faces 1 and
3 can be written as Br2 Rr3
dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβ
dFrlasz =
Br2 Rr3 dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβR r4s1 2 1 1
dF r4s1 = (5) × 3
− 3 − 3
4πμ0 Rr4s1 Rr3s2 Rr3s1 Rr4s2
Br2 Rr3 dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβR r4s2 2x0 (L + x0 ) (L − x0 )
dF r4s2 = − (6) × 3
+ 3
− 3
4πμ0 Rr4s2 Rr3s2 Rr3s1 Rr4s2
Br2 Rr3 dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβR r3s1 On integrating equations (10) to (12)
dF r3s1 = − 3
4πμ0 Rr3s1  π/2  2π  R4  R2  
Br2 2 1 1
Frlasx = 3
− 3 − 3
4πμ0 −π/2 0 R3 R1 Rr3s2 Rr3s1 Rr4s2
respectively, where
× (e + Rr3 cos α + Rs2 cos β)
Rr4s1 = Rr3s2 = [x02 + (e + Rr3 cos α + Rs2 cos β) 2
× Rr3 dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβ (13)
+ (Rr3 sin α − Rs2 sin β) ] 2 1/2
 π/2  2π  R4  R2  
Br2 2 1 1
Rr4s2 = [(L − x0 ) + (e + Rr3 cos α + Rs2 cos β)
2 2 Frlasy = 3
− 3
− 3
4πμ0 −π/2 0 R3 R1 Rr3s2 Rr3s1 Rr4s2
+ (Rr3 sin α − Rs2 sin β) ] 2 1/2
× (Rr3 sin α − Rs2 sin β)
Rr3s1 = [(L + x0 )2 + (e + Rr3 cos α + Rs2 cos β)2
× Rr3 dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβ (14)
+ (Rr3 sin α − Rs2 sin β)2 ]1/2
 π/2  2π  R4  R2 
Br2 2x0 (L + x0 )
To account for attractive forces between faces 1 and 3, Frlasz = 3
+ 3
4πμ0 −π/2 0 R3 R1 Rr3s2 Rr3s1
and faces 2 and 4, a negative sign in equations (6) 
and (7) has been introduced. The total elemental force (L − x0 )
− 3
Rr3 dRr3 Rs2 dRs2 dα dβ (15)
between the lower-arc-stator and rotor is obtained by Rr4s2
adding all the elemental forces
Similarly, forces Fruasx , Fruasy , and Fruasz between upper-
arc-stator and rotor magnets can be calculated. The
dF rlas = dF r3s2 + dF r4s1 + dF r4s2 + dF r3s1 (8) total forces (Fx , Fy , and Fz ) in x-, y-, and z-directions,
respectively, will be the summation of the forces, due
to the lower-arc-stator (Frlasx , Frlasy , and Frlasz ) and the
Symmetry of the magnetic rings makes dF r3s2 = dF r4s2 ,
upper-arc-stator (Fruasx , Fruasy , and Fruasz ). The pres-
therefore equation (8) can be rewritten as
ence of the upper arc, reduces the resultant radial
force (force in y-direction) and increases the axial force
dF rlas = 2 · dF r3s2 + dF r4s2 + dF r3s1 (9) (force in z-direction).

The resultant elemental forces between the lower- 4 SIMULATION OF MAGNETIC BEARINGS
stator-arc and rotor can be divided into three compo-
nents, a radial component along y-axis, a transverse The magnitude of the force components in x-, y-,
component along x-axis and an axial component and z-directions, described in the previous section,

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depend on the thickness, air-gap (eccentricity), arc- 180◦ arc-stator, while the minimum axial thrust occurs
extent and length of the magnets. To perform a for the minimum possible extent of stator arc.
parametric study, MATLAB code has been developed. Ohji et al. [11] described the need for an upper arc
To ensure the validity of the developed code; results to enhance the stiffening of magnetic bearing. They
of radial force are compared with published results considered the case with R1 = 20 mm, R2 = 40 mm,
in references [10] and [11]. Qingchang et al. [10] R3 = 45 mm, R4 = 55 mm, L = 7 mm, Br1 = 1.17 T, and
considered full 360◦ rotor as well as stator. The Br2 = 0.38 T. Radial clearance between stator and rotor
input data used in published paper [10] are: inner is equal to 5 mm. Using these input parameters in
radius of rotor (R1 ) = 10 mm, outer radius of rotor the MATLAB code, values of radial force are obtained.
(R2 ) = 19 mm, inner radius of stator (R3 ) = 21 mm, These results are presented in Fig. 9. Again there is
outer radius of stator (R4 ) = 30 mm, length of bearing a close matching between the results obtained in the
(L) = 7 mm, and remanent (residual) induction (Br ) = present study and those given in reference [11].
1.25 T. Radial clearance between stator and rotor is
equal to 2 mm. The results obtained for these inputs
are plotted in Fig. 8, which shows a very close match
with the published results of Qingchang et al. [10].
Figure 8 provides very interesting observations that
A number of problems can be envisaged in hybridiza-
magnetic bearings can be operated with very high
tion of hydrodynamic and magnetic bearings. First
radial clearance (i.e. 2 mm) and eccentricity ratio
and foremost, the problem comes from the clearance
(eccentricity/radial-clearance) follow approximately
required for hydrodynamic action, which approaches
linear relation.
the tolerances required for the permanent magnets.
This exercise prompted the curiosity to explore the
For example, a diametral clearance of 50 μm is
effect of the extent of the stator. Rings with angular
required for a 50 mm bearing, and the minimum toler-
extent of 60◦ , 120◦ , 180◦ , 240◦ , 300◦ , and 360◦ were con-
ance required for the magnet is also 50 μm. Magnetic
sidered in the analysis. The results for radial force and
bearings can be operated with larger radial clear-
axial force are listed in Table 2. It is evident that the
ance, for example Qingchang et al. [10] used 2 mm
maximum value of the radial force is obtained for a
as radial clearance, while Ohji et al. [11] used 5 mm
clearance. Unfortunately, with such large clearance
appropriate hydrodynamic film thickness cannot be
achieved. The second problem comes from the angu-
lar extent of the bearing. The hydrodynamic bearing
requires a full 360◦ arc bearing for minimization of
oil flow, while the magnetic bearing requires angu-
lar extent of approximately 180◦ . The third problem
comes from the attitude angle of the hydrodynamic
bearing, which influences the magnitude of magnetic
force and couples magnetism with hydrodynamics.
Keeping these problems under consideration, the
bearing shown in Fig. 4, has been manufactured.
This design of bearing maintains larger radial clear-
ance between rotor-magnet and stator-magnet and
maintains low clearance between rotor-magnet and
Fig. 8 Radial magnetic force for full ring stator aluminium stator ring.

Table 2 Force components (in N) obtained in the present study for the case with
L = 15 mm, e = 45 μm, CLCE = 50 μm, Br = 1.2 T, R1 = 10 mm, R2 = 16 mm,
R3 = R2 + CLCE, R4 = 22 mm

x0 = 0.0 mm x0 = 0.1 mm x0 = 0.5 mm x0 = 1 mm x0 = 2 mm

Extent Radial Axial Radial Axial Radial Axial Radial Axial Radial Axial

360 3.2 0 2.93 15.3 1.77 56 1.54 89.4 0.611 133

300 35.4 0 34.6 13 31 47 26.7 74.8 20.2 111
240 59.7 0 58.4 10.7 52.4 37.8 45.9 60.1 34.24 89.1
180 67.3 0 66.4 8.2 60 28.6 52.6 45.3 39.87 67
120 57.8 0 56.8 5.6 51.5 19.2 45.4 30.3 34 44.8
60 34 0 33.3 2.87 29.9 9.7 26.3 15.2 19.8 22.4

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Fig. 9 Radial magnetic force for various extents of upper-arc-stator

To analyse the manufactured bearing a code has Table 3 Simulated results of magnetic and hydrody-
been developed, which involves the following steps. namic forces for hybrid bearing

Operating Wmaloc Wmploc Whaloc Whploc

1. To begin with, evaluate load capacity (y-
conditions (N) (N) (N) (N)
component) of the magnet based on the thickness,
length, air-gap, and extents of upper and lower 115 r/min, 15 N 14.96 0.003 0.113 0.106
magnets. Determine the levitated position of the 200 r/min, 15 N 14.91 0.005 0.157 0.162
1000 r/min, 15 N 14.75 0.007 0.378 0.419
rotor-shaft assembly, which will provide the ini- 2000 r/min, 40 N 14.99 0.17 23.55 9.26
tial eccentricity between rotor and stator centres. 3000 r/min, 40 N 15.0 0.36 23.20 10.53
Assume the x component of magnetic force to be 4000 r/min, 60 N 15.32 0.142 41.96 17.16
2. Based on the geometric position of shaft, calculate
hydrodynamic force and attitude angle using the obtained by simulation at various operating con-
procedure suggested by Hirani et al. [12]. ditions are listed in Table 3. The load has been
3. Based on attitude angle, determine the x and y divided into magnetic and hydrodynamic forces,
components of magnetic force. Due to the attitude resolving each in directions along and perpendicular
angle, the y component of magnetic force decreases to the line of centres. These results clearly indicate
and the x component increases. Evaluate modified negligible load sustained by hydrodynamic mecha-
geometric position of the shaft. nism for shaft speed less than 1000 r/min and the
4. Iterate steps 2 to 3, till convergence occurs in load is then completely carried by the permanent
applied and calculated forces. magnets.
To the experimental confirmation of magnetic levi-
The developed code was tested for hybrid bearing, tation due to magnetic bearing, shown in Fig. 4, static
suggested in Fig. 4 with dimensions R1 = 10 mm, load has been applied on the rotor by the lever sys-
R2 = 16 mm, R3 = 19 mm, R4 = 25 mm, L = 15 mm; tem of loading arrangement. Displacements of the
oil viscosity= 0.005 Pa s, and Br = 1.2 T. The hydro- shaft have been recorded for each loading condition
dynamic radial clearance was kept 175 μm, to avoid by two proximity sensors positioned at right angles
ambiguity in interpretation of results. The eccentric- to each other. From Fig. 10(a) it is seen that as load
ity ratio (under hydrodynamic lubrication) for this increases, the shaft is moving away from the verti-
bearing operating at 1000 r/min will be nearly 0.99. cal sensor through the clearance space of bearing
This eccentricity ratio is quite high and indicates until it touches the bearing surface. The curve of this
that relatively large relative speed, for development figure specifies the magnetic bearing used can sustain
of hydrodynamic film thickness, is required. Fur- 30 N vertical load before the shaft touches the bear-
ther, this larger clearance avoids problems related ing surface. On the other hand, Fig. 10(b) indicates
to manufacturing of permanent magnets. The results that with increase in static load, the shaft approaches

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average current × power factor. The results of

Table 4 shows negligible variation in power sup-
plied to motor in the presence and absence of
To understand the effect of hydrodynamic lubri-
cation, the setup was operated at different speed
with and without the supply of lubricant. For each
speed, 1800 measurements of each displacement (two
proximity and one fibre optic) sensor have been
recorded. Fibre optic sensor data have been used
to mark start and end of shaft rotation, and these
markings were used in time synchronous averag-
ing of displacement data of proximity sensors. A
total of 12 sets (500, 2000, and 3000 r/min) of data
were recorded. Each set was selected using random
numbers. To execute random experiment method,
non-repetitive random integers within 1–12 were gen-
erated. The first generated random integer was six,
so first experiment with 2000 r/min rotational speed
under lubricant supply was selected. The second
random integer was 11, so experiment with rota-
tional speed of 3000 under no lubricant supply was
Fig. 10 (a) Displacement of shaft in vertical direction performed. Similarly, the remaining ten experiments
and (b) displacement of shaft with respect to were executed. Such recorded displacement read-
side sensor ings of shaft are plotted in Fig. 11. Figure 11(a)
illustrates no influence of lubricant on shaft orbit.
Figure 11(b) shows the shaft orbit at 2000 r/min
with and without lubricant and Fig. 11(c) demon-
the side sensor and then it moves away from the sen- strates the effect of lubrication on shaft rotating at
sor. A curve of this nature is possible only when the 3000 r/min. Figure 11(d) shows the comparison of
shaft centre is above the bearing centre, which points results at 500, 2000, and 3000 r/min. From these
towards the higher load capacity of the hybrid bear- figures it is clear that at low speed (500 r/min)
ing (Fig. 4) compared with dead weight of rotor-shaft hydrodynamic force is negligible. With increase in
system. rotational speed the orbit under lubrication reduces in
The manufactured bearing with aforementioned size and becomes relatively smoother compared to the
geometric (R1 = 10 mm, R2 = 16 mm, R3 = 19 mm, shaft-orbit in the absence of lubrication. This change
R4 = 25 mm, L = 15 mm) and oil (viscosity = 0.005 Pa s) in orbit illustrates the presence of hydrodynamic
conditions was operated for 8 h at low speed effects, which dominates over magnetic force. This
(115 r/min), and no visible sign of wear was proves that theoretical understanding of magnetic and
observed. Table 4 lists the experimentally mea- hydrodynamic bearings are important for success-
sured AC power supplied to motor. This power ful application of hybrid (hydrodynamic + permanent
has been calculated using power = average voltage × magnetic) bearings.

Table 4 Experimental results of power supplied to motor driving bearing setup

Input voltage (V) Input current (A) Input

Speed power
Lubrication (r/min) I II III IV V Average I II III IV V Average (W)

No 500 74.8 75 73.4 76.4 77.2 75.36 1.03 0.99 1.06 1.01 1.02 1.022 58
Yes 500 75.7 77 76.3 76.4 74.2 75.92 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.016 58
No 910 129 122 124 123 123 124.2 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.87 81
Yes 910 120 122 122 126 122 122.4 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.862 79
No 2000 269 267 267 267 267 267.4 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 170
Yes 2000 268 268 268 268 268 268 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 171
No 3000 337 336 336 338 337 336.8 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 187
Yes 3000 337 337 336 337 337 336.8 0.74 0.73 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.738 186

JET282 © IMechE 2007 Proc. IMechE Vol. 221 Part J: J. Engineering Tribology
890 H Hirani and P Samanta

2. The magnetic part of the hybrid bearing should be

designed to levitate the dead weight.
3. The hydrodynamic part of hybrid bearing should be
designed to bear the dynamic (inertia, etc.) load.
4. The hybrid bearing can be operated with low


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lubricant at 500 r/min, (b) displacement of shaft
with and without lubricant at 2000 r/min, (c) APPENDIX
displacement of shaft with and without lubri-
cant at 3000 r/min, and (d) displacement of Notation
shaft with and without lubricant at 500, 200, and
Br residual induction of perma-
3000 r/min
nent magnet (Wb/m2 )
ds1 , ds2 , ds3 elemental areas on rotor, sta-
tor and arc magnets, respec-
6 CONCLUSIONS tively (m2 )
dF risj elemental force vectors
1. Magnetic and hydrodynamic actions can be inte- (i = 3 − 4; between faces of rotor (ri)
grated into a single hybrid configuration. j = 1 − 2) and stator (sj) (N)

Proc. IMechE Vol. 221 Part J: J. Engineering Tribology JET282 © IMechE 2007
Hybrid journal bearings 891

dF rlas resultant elemental force vec- Rrisj (i = 3 − distance between elements

tor between rotor and lower 4; j = 1 − 2) on faces of rotor (ri) and sta-
arc of stator (N) tor (sj) (m)
dFrlask resultant elemental force R1 , R2 rotor’s inner and outer radius
(k = x, y, z) components between rotor respectively (m)
and lower arc of stator R3 , R4 stator’s inner and outer
along x, y, and z directions radius, respectively (m)
respectively (N) Wmaloc radial magnetic force along
e eccentricity between bearing the line of centres (N)
and journal centre (m) Wmploc radial magnetic force perpen-
Frlask resultant forces between dicular to the line of centres
(k = x, y, z) rotor and lower arc of stator (N)
along x, y, and z directions, Whaloc hydrodynamic force along
respectively (N) the line of centres (N)
Fruask resultant forces between Whploc hydrodynamic force perpen-
(k = x, y, z) rotor and upper stator arc dicular to the line of centres
along x, y, and z directions, (N)
respectively (N) x0 axial offset between stator
Fk (k = resultant forces from mag- and rotor magnet (m)
x, y, z) net bearing along x, y, and z
directions, respectively (N) α angular position of elemental
L bearing length (m) area (ds1) on rotor (radian)
qm1 , qm2 magnetic charges on surface β angular position of elemental
elements ds1 and ds2, respec- area (ds2) on lower arc stator
tively (Weber) (radian)
R r3 positional vector of rotor ele- γ angular position of elemental
ment (ds1) from centre of area (ds3) on upper arc stator
rotor (m) (radian)
R s2 positional vector of lower sta- θ angular extend of upper arc
tor arc element (ds2) from (radian)
centre of stator (m) μo permeability of free space
R a2 positional vector of upper (H/m)
stator arc element (ds3) from σ face density of magnetic
centre of stator (m) charges (Wb/m2 )

JET282 © IMechE 2007 Proc. IMechE Vol. 221 Part J: J. Engineering Tribology

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