In Sem-1 QB
In Sem-1 QB
In Sem-1 QB
Department of BES-II
In Sem-I, Question Bank
I. Short Answer Questions
Draw IoT system architecture and how its components enable data exchange
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and processing.
Illustrate the concept of Arduino GPIO programming and how it can be used
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to control external devices like LEDs and sensors.
Outline the benefits of using specialized development kits for IoT and provide
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an example of a kit designed for a specific application.
4 CO-1 Illustrate the purpose of GPIO pins on an Arduino board?
Illustrate the primary essence of the Internet of Things (IoT), and how does it
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deviate from the way traditional devices connect to the internet?
Outline the role of Arduino board digital and analog pins in connecting and
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controlling external components.
7 CO-1 Outline any two key characteristics of the Internet of Things (IoT).
What role does a microcontroller (ATMEGA328P) play in embedded
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systems, and how does it differ from a microprocessor?
What is the Internet of Things (IoT), and how does it differ from traditional
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internet-connected devices?
Outline the function of a decoder (74LS138) and provide an example of its
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11 CO-1 Summarize the role of Arduino in an IoT application.
12 CO-1 State two important characteristics of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Outline the primary distinctions between a microcontroller and a
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Show the primary components required to get started with Arduino in IoT
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15 CO-1 Briefly explain the architecture of the Internet of Things.
16 CO-1 Differentiate between a multiplexer and a demultiplexer.
17 CO-1 Demonstrate the purpose of GPIO pins on an Arduino board?
18 CO-2 Discuss the limitations of the LM35.
19 CO-2 Describe the different types of thermistors.
20 CO-2 Outline the real time challenges of using sensors.
21 CO-2 Discuss the limitations of the LDR.
22 CO-2 Describe the different types of sensors.
23 CO-2 Illustrate the working principle of LM35.
24 CO-2 Discuss the limitations of the infrared sensor.
25 CO-2 Describe how to interface the LM35 with Arduino.
26 CO-2 Outline the benefits of using sensors.
27 CO-2 Discuss the limitations of the gas sensor.
28 CO-2 List the disadvantages of the PIR sensor.
29 CO-2 Discuss the limitations of the PIR sensor.
30 CO-2 Illustrate the working principle of LM35.
31 CO-2 Outline the benefits of using sensors.
32 CO-2 Discuss the limitations of the infrared sensor.
33 CO-2 Discuss the limitations of the ultrasonic sensor.
34 CO-2 List the advantages of the PIR sensor.
II. Long Answer Questions
Create a timeline that highlights the major milestones in the history of IoT, from
1 CO-1 its inception to modern-day applications, and explain the significance of each
Illustrate the concept of "selection lines" in a multiplexer and how they control
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the input selection.
3 CO-1 Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of IoT.
Describe the operation of a demultiplexer and how it routes a single input
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signal to multiple output lines.
Illustrate how IoT's evolution has led to everyday devices being integrated into
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interconnected networks.
Explain the pin configuration of the 74LS153 IC and describe the truth table of
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the 74LS153.
Illustrate the role of microcontrollers (ATMEGA328P) in IoT hardware and
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their importance.
8 CO-1 Create a timeline of key events in the history of IoT.
Describe how the evolution of IoT has led to the integration of everyday
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devices into interconnected networks
10 CO-1 Describe about the basic building blocks of IOT hardware
Organize the core concept of sensors and provide real-world examples to
11 CO-2
demonstrate their understanding.
12 CO-2 Outline the advantages and disadvantages of LDR sensors.
Compare and contrast active and passive sensors, provide detailed
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explanations and examples of each type.
14 CO-2 Outline the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic sensors.
Illustrate the importance of sensor characteristics and explain their impact on
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measurement accuracy and system reliability.
16 CO-2 Outline the advantages and disadvantages of gas sensors.
Analyze the attributes of different sensor types and determine their respective
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Discuss the significance of sensor characteristics such as accuracy, sensitivity,
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range, resolution, and linearity.
Classify sensors based on their transduction principles and provide examples
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for each classification.
Illustrate the fundamental concept of sensors in the context of electronic
20 CO-2
III. Long Answer Questions
Develop an understanding of how IoT devices enhance various industries,
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contributing to improved operations, safety, and decision-making.
Elaborate the pin configuration of the 74LS155 IC and describe the truth table
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of the 74LS155.
Elaborate the pin configuration of the 74LS153 IC and describe the truth table
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of the 74LS153.
Compare and contrast the evolution of IoT with other technological
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advancements in recent history.
Identify the key components of IoT hardware, and how do they contribute to
5 CO-1
the functionality of the device?
Model the 74LS138 decoder function to select one of eight output lines based
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on a 3-bit input code. Explain its internal logic.
7 CO-1 Organize the primary characteristics of Internet of Things (IoT).
Compare and contrast the evolution of IoT with other technological
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advancements in recent history.
Compare and contrast digital pins and analog pins in Arduino in terms of their
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functionality and use cases.
10 CO-1 Organize the main components of an Arduino board and their functions.
Make use of the pinMode() function in Arduino programming and describe its
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significance with different examples.
Model the SN74LS148 encoder convert multiple input lines into a binary code.
12 CO-1
Provide a brief overview of its internal operation.
Develop insights into how IoT devices enhance various industries, contributing
13 CO-1
to improved operations, safety, and decision-making.
Elaborate the potential advantages and limitations of using the SN74LS148
14 CO-1
encoder in a IOT design.
Identify the important parts of IoT hardware and explain how they make the
15 CO-1
device work better.
Elaborate the functionalities of IoT software platforms, and what are some
16 CO-1
popular IoT software platforms available in the market today?
Elaborate the concept of Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) and Positive
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Temperature Coefficient (PTC) thermistors
Describe the basic structure of an LDR and how its resistance changes in
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response to variations in light intensity.
Discover the steps involved in connecting and configuring a PIR sensor to
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detect human presence and motion.
Analyze and provide insights into the roles of five distinct sensors utilized in a
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Discuss a real-world application where an LDR is used to control a device based
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on ambient light levels.
22 CO-2 Describe the fundamental operating principle of an IR sensor.
23 CO-2 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic sesnor.
24 CO-2 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of thermistor.
25 CO-2 Elaborate the applications of IR sensors in everyday life and various industries.
26 CO-2 Discuss the applications of a ultrasonic sensor.
Explore the process of connecting and setting up a PIR sensor to detect human
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presence and motion.
28 CO-2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a Light Dependent Resistor.
Describe the operational mechanism of an ultrasonic sensor, and how does it
29 CO-2
primarily find utility in measuring distances and detecting objects?
IV. Programs