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19EIO433 Cloud Based IOT - IMP

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19EIO433 Cloud Based IOT (Important Questions)

Short Answer questions: 2 marks

10X2 = 20

1. What is IOT, draw the simple IOT architecture

2. Examine the importance of IOT in industry automation.
3. Mention some of the negative impacts of IOT usage in garage
4. Mention any two advantages of IOT Digitization.
5. Explain about security and privacy concerns in IOT.
6. Identify sensors and actuators might involve in typical home
7. What is Edge computing?
8. What are the basic services will be offered by cloud infrastructure?
9. Mention any two advantages of IOT.
10. Identify sensors and actuators might involve in Garage automation.
11. What is FOG computing?
12. What is RFID,Bar code ?How they works?
13. Compare IPv4 with IPv6 in terms of address
length,security,configuration and transmission scheme.
14. Write any four differences between URI and URL.
15. Draw the TCP segment fromat.
16. Explain about cloud deployment models with examples?
17. Draw the cloud computing architecture?
18. Is the cloud necessary for IOT? Justify your answer.
19. What are Beacons? Explain the usage.
20. Explain the following a)RPL b) 6LoWPAN c) AMQP d) Web Socket vs HTTP

Long answer questions: 8 marks

5X8 = 40

1. Explain about layered architecture of IOT with suitable diagram. (ch 1)

2. Explain about different types of Actuators along with their advantages
and disadvantages? (ch 2)
3. Explain about active and passive sensors and their difference in
functioning. (ch 2)
4. Explain about layered architecture of IOT with suitable diagram.(ch 1)
5. Explain about different types of Sensors along with their advantages
and disadvantages? (ch 2)
6. Study various IOT device platforms like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Beagle
Board in terms of architecture, specifications, advantages etc. (ch 2)
7. Write short notes on AZURE IOT HUB.(ch 4)
8. Explain about The core IOT functional Stack. (ch 1)
9. Explain about Raspberry-Pi Architecture along with its components
and advantages. (ch 2)
10. Analyze in detail Lora WAN technology, illustrating the layers, MAC
format and Architecture. (ch 3)
11. Describe about Application Layer Protocols: (a) CoAP (b) MQTT (ch 3)
12. Prepare the 3 case studies which I gave.
13. Explain about Cloud computing and its service models, deployment
models and characteristics. (ch 4)
14. Role of Cloud Computing in IOT (ch 5)
15. Explain the steps involved in connecting a web application to AWS
IoT using MQTT (ch 5)
16. Write short notes on AWS components S3, Lambda, IOT core (ch 5)

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