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Computation of Cohomology

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Computation of Cohomology Operations on Finite Simplicial Complexes

R. GonzlezD P. Real a az,

Dept. of Applied Math., University of Seville, Spain {rogodi, real}@us.es

Abstract. We propose a method for calculating cohomology operations for nite simplicial complexes. Of course, there exist wellknown methods for computing (co)homology groups, for example, the reduction algorithm consisting in reducing the matrices corresponding to the dierential in each dimension to the Smith normal form, from which one can read o (co)homology groups of the complex [Mun84], or the incremental algorithm for computing Betti numbers [DE93]. However, there is a gap in the literature concerning general methods for computing cohomology operations. For a given nite simplicial complex K, we sketch a procedure including the computation of some primary and secondary cohomology operations and the A algebra structure on the cohomology of K. This method is based on the transcription of the reduction algorithm mentioned above, in terms of a special type of algebraic homotopy equivalences, called a contraction, of the (co)chain complex of K to a minimal (co)chain complex M (K). For instance, whenever the ground ring is a eld or the (co)homology of K is free, then M (K) is isomorphic to the (co)homology of K. Combining this contraction with the combinatorial formulae for Steenrod reduced pth powers at cochain level developed in [GR99] and [Gon00], these operations at cohomology level can be computed. Finally, a method for calculating Adem secondary cohomology operations q : Ker(Sq 2 H q (K)) H q+3 (K)/Sq 2 H q (K) is showed.

Authors are partially supported by the PAICYT research project FQM-296 from Junta de Andalucia and the DGESSEUID research project PB981621C0202 from Education and Science Ministry (Spain).


Particular important topological invariants are the (co)homology groups. In a certain way, these groups measure the degree of connectedness of the space. Although there are plenty of programs for calculating (co)homology groups of nite simplicial complexes, we have not found any general software for computing cohomology operations. Our main motivation is the design of a program for computing all sort of cohomology invariants on nite simplicial complexes: (co)homology groups, cup product, Bockstein cohomology operation, cohomology operations determined by homomorphisms of coecient groups, Steenrod squares and reduced pth powers, Pontrjagin squares and pth powers, the A algebra structure of cohomology, higher cohomology operations, etc. In this paper, we give a solution to the problem of computing Steenrod squares and reduced pth powers [Ste47,ES62] and Adem secondary cohomology operations [Ade52,Ade58]. Our approach is based on the translation of the wellknown reduction algorithm for computing (co)homology groups [Mun84] in terms of homotopy equivalences. In that way, we have a description of the generators of the (co)homology groups in terms of cochains. In fact, this is sucient to enable us to determine the eect of the induced maps between cohomology groups corresponding to cochain maps. Using the same approach we think that the rest of primary cohomology operations could be attacked.


We give a brief summary of concepts and notation used in the following sections. Our terminology follows Munkres [Mun84]. For 0 q n, a qsimplex in Rn is the convex hull of a set T of q + 1 anely independent points (v0 , ..., vq ). The dimension of is || = q. For every nonempty U T , the simplex dened by U is a face of . A simplicial complex K is a collection of simplices satisfying the following properties: If is a face of and K then K. If , K then is either empty or a face of both. The set of all the qsimplices of K is denoted by K (q) . The largest dimension of any simplex in K is the dimension of K. A simplex in K is maximal if it is not face of any simplex in K. Therefore, K can be given by the set of its maximal simplices. A subset L K is a subcomplex of K if it is a simplicial complex itself. All simplices in this paper have nite dimension and all simplicial complexes are nite collections. From now on, K denotes a nite simplicial complex.

The oriented qsimplex = [v0 , ..., vq ] is the equivalence class of the particular ordering (v0 , ..., vq ). Two orderings are equivalent if they dier from one another by an even permutation. Let denote an abelian group. A formal sum, 1 1 + + n n , where i and i are oriented qsimplices, is called a qchain. The chain complex canonically associated to K, denoted by C (K), is the family of groups such that in each dimension q, Cq (K) is the group of qchains in K. The boundary of a qsimplex = [v0 , v1 , ..., vq ] is the (q 1)chain

q =

(1)i [v0 , v1 , . . . , vi , . . . , vq ] ,

where the hat means that vi is omitted. By linearity, the boundary operator q can be extended to qchains, where it is a homomorphism. It is clear that for each qsimplex j there exist unique integers ij such that q (j ) =
i K (q1)

ij i .

The matrix Aq = (ij ) is the matrix of q relative to the bases K (q) and K (q1) . The group of qcycles, Zq (K), is the kernel of q , and dene Z0 (K) = C0 (K). The group of qboundaries, Bq (K), is the image of q+1 , that is, the subgroup of qchains b Cq (K) for which there exists a (q + 1)chain a with b = q+1 a. It can be shown that q q+1 is null so Bq (K) is a subgroup of Zq (K). Then, the qth homology group Hq (K) = Zq (K)/Bq (K) can be dened for each integer q. Let K and L be two simplicial complex. A chain map f : C (K) C (L) is a family of homomorphisms {fq : Cq (K) Cq (L)}q0 such that q fq = fq1 q , for all q. Dual concepts to the previous ones can be dened. The cochain complex canonically associated to K, C (K), is the family C (K) = {C q (K), q }q0 , where C q (K) = Hom(Cq (K); ) = {c : Cq (K) ,

c is a homomorphism}

and q : C q (K) C q+1 (K) called the coboundary operator is given by q (c)(a) = c(q+1 a) ,

where c C q (K) and a Cq+1 (K). Observe that a qcochain can be dened only on K (q) and extended to Cq (K) by linearity. Moreover, if is a ring, then a basis of C q (K) is the set of homomorphisms : Cq (K) , such that if K (q) , then ( ) = 1 if = , and ( ) = 0 otherwise. Z q (K) and B q (K) are the kernel of q and the image of q1 , respectively. The elements in Z q (K) are called qcocycles and those in B q (K) are called qcoboundaries. It is also satised that q q1 = 0 so the qth cohomology group H q (K) = Z q (K)/B q (K) can also be dened for each integer q. If is a ring, the cohomology of K is also a ring with the cup product : H p (K) H q (K) H p+q (K) dened at cocycle level by c c (v0 , v1 , . . . , vp+q ) = (c(v0 , . . . , vp ) c (vp , . . . , vp+q )) ,

where v0 < v1 < < vp+q , c is an pcocycle, c is a qcocycle and is the product on . We use in this paper a special type of homotopy equivalences. A contraction r of a chain complex N to another chain complex M is a set of three homomorphisms (f, g, ) where f : Nn Mn (projection) and g : Mn Nn (inclusion) are chain maps and satisfy that f g = 1M , and : Nn Nn+1 (homotopy operator) satises that 1N gf = N + N . Moreover, g = 0 , f = 0 , = 0 . A contraction up to dimension n of N to M consists in a set of three homomorphisms (f, g, ) such that fk : Nk Mk , g k : Mk N k and k1 : Nk1 Nk

are dened for all k n, n = 0, and the conditions of being a contraction are satised up to dimension n. Starting from a contraction r = (f, g, ) of N to M , it is possible to give another contraction r = (f , g , ) of Hom(N ; ) to Hom(M ; ) as follows: f : Hom(Nn ; ) Hom(Mn ; ) , g : Hom(Mn ; ) Hom(Nn ; ) ,

: Hom(Nn ; ) Hom(Nn1 ; ) , are such that

f (c) = cg ,

g (c ) = cf


(c) = c ,

where c Hom(Nn ; ) and c Hom(Mn ; ).

Minimal Chain Complexes

It is possible to translate the results of the reduction algorithm, discussed at length in [Mun84], in terms of homotopy equivalences. Combining this translation with modern homological perturbation techniques, algorithms for computing algebraic invariants, such as the A algebra structure on the cohomology of K and primary and secondary cohomology operations can be designed in an easy way. First of all, it is necessary to recall the reduction algorithm for computing homology groups of a nite simplicial complex K. This method consists in reducing the matrix A of the boundary operator in each dimension q, relative to given bases of Cq (K) and Cq1 (K), to its Smith normal form A (a matrix of integers satisfying that all its elements are zero except for 11 1 and 11 /22 / / for some integer ). This reduction is done in each dimension q modifying the given base of Cq1 (K), using the following elementary row operations on the matrix A: (1) Exchange row i by row k. (2) Multiply row i by 1. (3) Replace row i by row i + n(row k), where n is an integer and k = i. Of course, there are similar column operations on A corresponding to changes of basis of Cq (K). With this operations, the Smith normal form A of A can be obtained, relative to some bases {a1 , . . . ar } of Cq (K) and {e1 , . . . , es } of Cq1 (K). Then, (1) {a +1 , . . . , ar } is a basis of Zq (K), (2) {11 e1 , . . . , e } is a basis of Bq1 (K). Obviously, a dual treatment for C (K) and, consequently, for the cohomology H (K), can be done. A chain complex M (K) is called minimal if in each dimension q, Mq (K) is a nitely generated free abelian group and the Smith normal form A of the dierential of Mq (K) has the rst element 11 dierent from 1. An algebraic minimal model of K is a minimal chain complex M (K) together with a contraction of C (K) to M (K). Indeed, there is an algebraic minimal model for any nite simplicial complex K and any two algebraic minimal models of K are isomorphic.

Now, let us construct inductively an algebraic minimal model of a given nite simplicial complex K. Suppose that an algebraic minimal model up to dimension q 1 is already constructed. That is, we have a minimal chain complex M (K) such that Mi (K) = 0, i q, and a contraction up to dimension q 1, (f , g , ), of C (K) to M (K). Reduce the matrix of q : Cq (K) Cq1 (K) to its Smith normal form A . If the elements 11 = = tt = 1, for t (that is, (ai ) = ei for 1 i t), then dene M (K) as follows: Mi (K) = Mi (K), for i = q 1, q

Mq1 (K) = Mq1 (K) [e1 , . . . , et ] Mq (K) = Cq (K) [a1 , . . . , at ] where [a1 , . . . , at ] and [e1 , . . . , et ] are the free abelian groups generated by {a1 , . . . , at } and {e1 , . . . , et }, respectively. The formulae for the component morphisms of the contraction up to dimension q, (f, g, ), of C (K) to M (K) are: f (x) f (x) = 0 x g(y) = g (y) y if x [et+1 , . . . , es ] or x Ci (K), i < q, if x [e1 , . . . , et ] or x [a1 , . . . , at ], if x [at+1 , . . . , ar ], if y Mi (K), i < q, if y Mn (K),

(x) = (x) if x Ci (K), i < q 1, (ei ) = ai if 1 i t, (ei ) = 0 if t + 1 i s. In this way, we can determine an algebraic minimal model for a nite simplicial complex K. Observe that whenever is a eld or the homology of K is free, then M (K) is isomorphic to H (K) and, therefore, we can obtain a contraction of C (K) to its homology. Passing to cohomology does not represent a problem and a dual process can be done without eort. The fact of dealing with contractions is highly important in obtaining topology invariants such as the A algebra structure of the cohomology of K [GS86]. In particular, if = Q, then from the previous contraction connecting C (K) with H (K), it is possible to design an algorithm computing the commutative A algebra structure of H (K) reecting the complete rational homotopy type of K [Kad98]. We will see in the next section that the homotopy equivalence data structure is also essential in computing cohomology operations.

Steenrod Cohomology Operations

Let us suppose = Zp (p being a prime), then it is possible to construct an algebraic minimal model for any nite simplicial complex K, in which the associated contraction (f , g , ) connects C (K) with its cohomology. From this data and the combinatorial formulae for Steenrod squares and reduced pth powers [Ste47,ES62] at cochain level in terms of face operators established in [GR99,Gon00], Steenrod cohomology operations can eectively be computed. For instance, the formula for the Steenrod reduced power P1 : H (X) H p1 (X) at cochain level [Gon00] is:
p1 (j+1)q1

P1 (c)() =
j=1 i=jq

(1)(i+1)(q+1)+1 (c(v0 , . . . , vq ) (vq , . . . , v2q ) . . . c(v(j2)q , . . . , v(j1)q ) c(v(j1)q , . . . , viq , vi , . . . , v(j+1)q1 ) c(v(j+1)q1 , . . . , v(j+2)q1 ) . . . c(v(p2)q1 , . . . , v(p1)q1 ) c(v(p1)q1 , . . . , vpq1 ) c(viq , . . . , vi ) )

where c is a qcocycle, = (v0 , v1 , . . . , vpq1 ) is a (pq 1)simplex such that v0 < v1 < < vpq1 and is the product on Zp . Therefore, for calculating the cohomology class P1 () with H q (K), we only have to compute f P1 g (). In the particular case of Steenrod squares, Sq i : H (K; Z) H +i (K; Z2 ) , we can express them in a matrix form due to the fact that these cohomology operations are homomorphisms. Moreover, the process of diagonalization of such matrices can give us detailed information about the kernel and image of these cohomology operations.

Adem Secondary Cohomology Operations

For attacking the computation of secondary cohomology operations, we will see in this section that the homotopy operator of the contraction associated to an algebraic minimal model of a simplicial complex K is essential. First of all, we shall indicate how Adem secondary cohomology operations q : N q (K) H q+3 (K; Z2 )/Sq 2 H q+1 (K; Z) can be constructed (see [Ade52]). N q (K) denotes the kernel of Sq 2 : H q (K; Z) H q+2 (K; Z2 ) These operations appear using the known relation: Sq 2 Sq 2 + Sq 3 Sq 1 = 0 for any H (K; Z). For this particular relation there exist cochain mappings Ej : C (K K K K) C j (K) such that mod 2 c) = E3q3 (c4 ) ,






c) + (c





where k is the cupk product [Ste47] and c is a qcochain. Recall that, at cochain level, Sq i (c) = c ji c mod 2, where c is a jcocycle. Then q is dened at cochain level by

q (c) = b




b + E3i+3 (c) + (c)


(c) + (c)

(c) ,

where c is a qcocycle representative of a cohomology class of N q (K), b is a 1 (q + 1)cochain such that c q2 c = b and (c) = 2 (c q c + c). If Z2 is the ground ring, formulae for computing cupi products are well known [Ste47]. A method for obtaining economical formulae for E3i+3 in terms of face operations is given in [Gon00]. For example, E3 (c4 )() = (c(v0 , v2 , v3 ) c(v0 , v1 , v2 ) c(v3 , v4 , v5 ) c(v2 , v3 , v5 ) +c(v0 , v4 , v5 ) c(v3 , v4 , v5 ) c(v0 , v1 , v2 ) c(v0 , v1 , v2 ) +c(v0 , v1 , v5 ) c(v3 , v4 , v5 ) c(v1 , v2 , v3 ) c(v1 , v2 , v3 ) +c(v0 , v1 , v2 ) c(v2 , v4 , v5 ) c(v2 , v3 , v4 ) c(v2 , v3 , v4 ) +c(v0 , v1 , v2 ) c(v2 , v3 , v5 ) c(v3 , v4 , v5 ) c(v3 , v4 , v5 )) , where c is a 2cochain, = (v0 , v1 , ..., v5 ) is a 5simplex such that v0 < v1 < < v5 and is the product on Z2 . Therefore, the steps for computing q are the following:

1. Take N q (K) making use of the diagonalization of the matrix of Sq 2 in dimension q. 2. Compute b = Sq 2 g (). 3. Compute f g (). Note that it is very easy to prove that g ()

g () = Sq 2 g () ,

using the relation 1 g f = + .

Some Comments

All these results can be given in a more general framework working with not necessarily nite simplicial complexes. Nevertheless, a contraction of the chain complex associated to the simplicial complex to its (co)homology must exist in order to develop the method. Concerning the complexity, obtaining a contraction of a nite simplicial complex K to its (co)homology can be done using DelnadoEdelsbrunner incremental algorithm [ELZ00] which runs in time as most cubic in the number of simplices of the complex if the group of coecients is a eld. On the other hand, another datum to take into account is the number of summands of the formulae for computing cohomology operations at cocycle level. For example the number of summands of P1 over a qcocycle c and a (pq 1)-simplex is (p 1)q. Finally, in order to obtain the image of any cohomology operations at cochain level over a representative cocycle using our formulae, we have to compute them over a basis of C (K) in the desired dimension. A way of decreasing the complexity of this is to do a topological thinning of the simplicial complex K in order to obtain a thinned simplicial subcomplex Mtop (K) of K, such that there exists a contraction of C (K) to C (Mtop (K)) For example, one way to construct it is using simplicial collapses [For99]. Then we can apply our machinery to compute cohomology operations in the thinned simplicial complex Mtop (K) and the results can be easily interpreted in the big simplicial complex K.


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