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The q-calculus originated as a link between physics and

mathematics. Number theory, combinatorics, orthogonal
polynomials, simple hypergeometric functions, quantum theory, and
electronics are only a few of the fields where it can be found.
There has recently been a lot of interest in using it in
differential transform methods to get analytical approximate
solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations. We
present some of the more interesting concepts of q-calculus and
q-derivatives in this paper. Any differential equations could be
solved with the aid of the q-calculus.

1. Introduction

The quantum estimate is a natural, infinite calculus. More

specifically, in classical calculus, the derivative of a function
f(x)= is defined as

Subject to the existing boundary. The q-derivative is set by

Where p is different from a fixed scalar. Notice that the

restriction does not apply to this category of derivatives. The
Quantum Calculus is a special form. In several ways, quantum
derivatives can be described. In case we do not take limit, for
example, we may describe various types of quantum derivatives
(f'(x)). When taking into account y=qx,y=x+h and y=x x^p
derivatives, q-derivative, h-derivative and p-derivative of f(x)
are called, respectively, where p,q are the fixed number, which
is different from 0 and h is the fixed number. The quantity
derivatives for the functions f(x)= x^3 respectively (h
derivatives, q derivatives and p derivatives) are,

The origin of q-calculus dates from the 18th century, Euler and
Jacobi. Jackson revisited their related work in the early 20th
century. Due to its application in many fields [1–18], in the
second half of the twentieth century there was remarkable
research interest in the q-calculus market. Recently, the demands
for mathematical models of quantum computing have led to a
considerable interest. The q-calculus connects the worlds of
mathematics and physics. They are used in numeric theory,
combinatorics, orthonormal polynomials, algebraic functions and
quantum theory.

The researchers were drawn to the study of q-extension of

calculus or q-analysis because of its recent use in a variety of
applications. The q-calculus theory was introduced by Jackson.
We've seen q-analysis in action in Geometric Function Theory
(GFT). They were introduced and applied to the generalized q-
hypergeometric functions in a systematic manner. Later, Ismail et
al. investigated the geometry of starlike functions in q-analog
using the q-differential operator. Agrawal and Sahoo (2012) later
applied this principle to the group of q-starlike features with
some order. Many researchers were inspired as a result of this
growth in function theory, as Srivastava has shown. They made
important contributions, which has steadily increased the
interest of this research field to potential researchers.
Furthermore, Kanas et al. (2001) used the Hadamad product to
describe the Ruscheweyh operator's q-extension. They also went
through some of the more complex implementations of this operator
in depth.

Mohammad and Darus (2014) investigated this operator in depth.

Mahmood and Sokó (2017) and Ahmad et al. (2017) have also done
similar work (2019). Maslina (2013) used new ideas to construct a
new differential operator called generalized q-differential
operator with the aid of q-hypergeometric functions, and the
authors studied the applications of this operator in detail.

The aim of this paper is to implement a new integral operator in

q-calculus for multivalent functions based on the Hadamard
product, as well as to look at some of its applications. Let Ap
(p N = 1, 2,... ) contain multivalent functions of all types f
that can be described as holomorphic and/or analytic in any
subset D = z : |z| 1 that is part of a complex plane C with the

series form shown as:

We can explicitly state that f is subordinate to g for any two

given functions that are analytic in form f and g in D, mostly
symbolically if it is presented clearly as f g or f (z) g (z), if
and only if there exists an analytic function w with the given
properties as w (0) = 0 and |w (z)| 1 such that f(z) = g(w(z)) (z
D). Furthermore, we can explicitly have: if and only if g can be
seen as univalent in D.

For analysis of the f-form equation (1) and g-form functions

The product is characterized by convolution or Hadamard;

In q-analog off the derivative is given by q ∈ (0, 1).

Using Equations, for n ∈ N and z ∈ D we can easily obtain;


For n ∈ Z + := Z\ {−1, −2, . . .} , the q-factorial is given as:

In addition, with t > 0, the q-Pochhammer symbol has the form:

Where the equation is given with [t]q

For t>0, a gamma feature is presented in q-analog as;

consider a function;

2. Notations and Preliminaries

q is the positive number < 1 in this section. We obey q-shifts,

the q-integral, q-derivatives, q-gamma and Q-beta functions,
Bq(α,β) for definitions. We follow the q-shifted factorial
description. We also use [dem] as the q-derivative is set to 0
and q-regular is set to 0. [dem]. The next q-integral is useful
for the sequence:

Setting = t/x will prove it. By "l" (mutual, a), ">" we mean the
space of Banach of all functions identified (a) "
Some basic concepts of multivalued analysis are reviewed.

For a normed
space (X , ∥⋅ ∥)(X ,∥⋅ ∥), let Pcl( X )={Y ∈ P( X ):Y is closed }Pcl ( X)={Y ∈ P( X ):Y is
closed}, Pcp( X)={Y ∈ P( X):Y is
compact }Pcp (X )={Y ∈ P(X ):Y is compact },∧Pcp , c (X )={Y ∈ P(X ):Y is compact ∧convex }
Pcp , c (X )={Y ∈ P ( X ):Y is compact ∧convex }.
A multivalued map G: X → P( X)G : X → P( X) is convex (closed )valued if G(x )G(x )is convex (closed) for all x ∈
¿ the sequel , we denote by C=C ([0 , T ], R)C=C ([0 ,T ], R)the space of all continuous functions ¿[0 , T ]→ R[0 ,T ]
For each y ∈ C y ∈C , define the set of selections of F by
SF , y :={v ∈C : v (t)∈ F (t , y (t )) on [0 , T ]}. SF , y :={v ∈ C :v ( t)∈ F(t , y (t))on[0 ,T ]}.

Definition 2.1 A multivalued map F:J×R→P(R)F:J×R→P(R) is said to

be Carathéodory (in the sense of qkqk-calculus)
if x↦F(t,x)x↦F(t,x) is upper semicontinuous on J. Further a
Carathéodory function F is called L1L1-Carathéodory if there
exists φα∈L1(J,R+)φα∈L1(J,R+) such that ∥F(t,x)∥=sup{|
v|:v∈F(t,x)}≤φα(t)∥F(t,x)∥=sup{|v|:v∈F(t,x)}≤φα(t) for
all ∥x∥≤α∥x∥≤α on J for each α>0α>0.
We recall the well-known nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder
for multivalued maps and a useful result regarding closed graphs.

Lemma 2.2 (Nonlinear alternative for Kakutani maps)

Let E be a Banach space, C a closed convex subset of E, U an

open subset of C and 0 ∈U 0 ∈ U . Suppose
that F :U ¯ ¯ ¯ → Pcp , c (C) F :U ¯ → Pcp , c (C)is a upper semicontinuous
compact map. Then either

1. (i)

F has a fixed point in U¯¯¯U¯, or

2. (ii)

there is a u ∈ ∂U u ∈ ∂U ∧λ ∈(0 , 1) λ ∈(0 ,1)withu ∈ λF (u)u∈ λF (u).

Lemma 2.3 ([23, 24])

Let X be a Banach space. Let F : J × R → Pcp ,c ( X) F : J × R → Pcp ,c ( X)be an L 1 L 1−Carathéodory multivalued

Θ ∘ SF :C ( J , R ) → Pcp , c ( C ( J , R ) ) , x ↦ ( Θ∘ SF ) ( x )=Θ ( SF , x ) Θ∘ SF :C ( J , R )

→ Pcp ,c (C (J , R)), x ↦ (Θ∘ SF )(x)=Θ(SF , x )

is a closed graph operator∈C (J , R)×C (J , R)C (J , R)×C (J , R).

Let J =[0 , T ] J=[0 , T ], J 0=[t 0 , t 1]J 0=[t 0 ,t 1 ], Jk=¿ Jk=¿ for k =1 ,2 , … , m k=1 , 2 , … ,m . Let PC ( J , R) PC (
→ R : x (t )is continuous everywhere except for some tk tk at which x (t +k ) x ¿

2. The Main Aspects of the q-Calculus

The q-calculus is a relatively recent branch for calculating the
dériving of a real function without any limit. In this part, we
consider the issue of falling body in resisting media to be
reviewed for the first time in terms of the q-calculus. The q-
differential equations are obtained that explain the vertical
speed and distance of the body. Exact expressions are also given
for vertical speed and vertical distance. In terms of the small
q-experonential function, the solutions are represented in the
qcalculus as the basic function. The dimensionality and distance
of the obtained formulae was evaluated as well.

In general, in the computation of derivatives of real functions

the normal calculus uses restrictions. But the infinite
computation nowadays is referred to as a quantum or q
computation. Euler had previously received the essential formulae
of q-calculus in the eighteenth century. Jackson may, however,
have been the first one to incorporate q-derivative and q-
integrative definitions.

Let q ∈ ℝ and n ∈ ℕ, then [n]q is defined as (

[n]q=1-qn1-q, (1)

and as q → 1, then

limq→1 [n]q=n. (2)

The q-factorial [n]q! of a positive integer n is given by;

[n]q!=[1]q×[2]q×[3]q×⋯×[n]q. (3)
The definition of q-differential is dqf(t) = f(t) − f(qt) and the
q-derivative of a function f(t) is defined by

Dqf(t):=dqf(t)dqt=f(t)-f(qt)(1-q)t, t≠0, (4)

such that

limq→1Dqf(t)=f′(t), (5)

if f is differentiable at t, and we have at t = 0 that

Dqf(0)=limt→0Dqf(t). (6)

According to (4) we have

Dqtn=[n]qtn-1. (7)

The small q-analog of the exponential function et denoted by

eq(t) is given as

eq(t)=∑j=0∞tj[j]q!. (8)

The definite Jackson q-integral is defined by

0xf(t)dqt=(1-q)x∑j=0∞qjf(qjx), (9)

and according to (4) and (9), we have

∫0xDqf(t)dqt=f(x)-f(0). (10)

The indefinite Jackson q-integral of the small q-exponential

function eq(αt) is given as

∫eq(αt)dqt=1αeq(αt)+c, (11)
where c is a real constant. The correctness of dimensionality of
the physical quantities is actually guaranteed by the definition

3. Applications of q derivatives

Currently, owing to its uses in numerous fields such as maths,

number theory and combinatorics, there is a strong interest in
the implementation of the Q. Ernst (2000) said that physicists
are the majority of the researchers using q-calculus. In
statistical mechanics, Baxter (1982) proposed precise solutions
for various models. The q-heat and q-wave equations were resolved
between Bettaibi and Mezlini (2012). Several writers in
literature have produced many important findings in this field of

In this section, the use of the q-calculus was expanded to

examine the falling body issue in a resistant medium. Several
scholars have studied this issue and the whole projectile motion
using different concepts. However, with a view to the Q-calculus,
this paper may be the first to study the falling body problem.

3.1 The Falling Body Problem

Take into account the decrease of a mass object m in the Earth's

gravitational field from air h to initial velocity V0. The
classical movement equation is determined by the particle;

mdvdt=−mg−mkv, (12)

Where k is a nice one for a reverse of seconds dimensionality,

[k] = s−1. The initial requirements shall be as;

v(0)=v0, z(0)=h, (13)

where z(t) is the random t and dz(t)dt=v(t)dz(t)dt=v vertical
distance of the particle (t). In light of the quantum calculus
the equation of motion (12) is established;

dqvdqt:=−g−kv, q∈(0,1]. (14)

We assume the solution in serial form to solve Equation (14):

v(t)=∑n=0∞antn, (15)



∑n=1∞[n]qantn-1, where [0]q=0,

=∑n=0∞[n+1]qan+1tn. (16)

Substituting yields

∑n=0∞[n+1]qan+1tn=-g-k∑n=0∞antn, (17)


[1]qa1+∑n=1∞[n+1]qan+1tn=-g-ka0-k∑n=1∞antn, (18)


a1=-g-ka0[1]q,an+1=-kan[n+1]q, n≥1, (19)

We get;



k)na0[1]q[2]q[3]q…[n]q, n≥1. (20)

The q-factorial [n]q! as this n-term coefficient can be defined

an=(-1)nkn-1g+(-k)na0[n]q!, n≥1. (21)

The instantaneous speed is achieved



=a0+∑n=1∞[(g/k)(-kt)n+(-kt)na0[n]q!], (22)

that can also be;

v(t)=a0+(gk+a0)∑n=1∞(-kt)n[n]q!. (23)

We have eq(−kt) in terms of the small exponential equation

v(t)=a0+(gk+a0)[eq(-kt)-1]. (24)

Applying the first initial condition in (13) on (24), we obtain

a0 = v0 and therefore v(t) becomes

v(t)=v0+(gk+v0)[eq(-kt)-1], (25)

which can be simplified as

v(t)=-gk+(gk+v0)eq(-kt). (26)

The vertical distance z(t) in quantum calculus is governed by,

Dqz(t)=-gk+(gk+v0)eq(-kt), (27)

where v(t) = Dqz(t). Integrating (27), it then follows;

∫0tDqz(τ)dqτ=∫0t(-gk)dqτ+(gk+v0)∫0teq(-kτ)dqτ, (28)

and hence,

z(t)-z(0)=-gk[τ[1]q]0t+(gk+v0)[-eq(-kτ)k]0t, (29)


z(t)=h-gk(t[1]q)+(gk+v0)(-eq(-kt)k+1k), (30)


z(t)=h-gtk+1k(gk+v0)(1-eq(-kt)), (31)

Where [1]q = 1. Where In classical Newtonian mechanics, the exact

solutions (26 and (31) can also be reduced to the appropriate
solutions if q is 1. Furthermore, the vertical velocity in (26)
shall have dimensions ms−1 and the vertical gap in (31) must be
dimensional m if it is computed in ms-2. The following segment
addresses these topics.


First, the solutions (26) and (31) are examined when q to 1. The
small exponential function eq(−kt) reduces the classical calculus
to the regular exponential function e−kt. Hence

v(t)=-gk+(v0+gk)e-kt, (32)

which in the case of classical Newtonian mechanics is the

analytic representation of speed. The gap in (31) decreases to
vertical in addition

z(t)=h-gtk+1k(gk+v0)(1-e-kt), (33)
It is also the empirical expression in the classical Newtonian
mechanics of the vertical distance. Furthermore, we get from (32)
that in the case of no air resistance, i.e. the parameter k




=v0-gt. (34)

In the absence of air resistance, the vertical gap in (33) is

also visible





=h+v0t-12gt2. (35)

It should be remembered here that the law of L'Hooelpital was

used for the measurement of the limits mentioned above. In
Newtonian mechanics in the absence of air resistance, the
equations (34) and (35) are equal to the corresponding equations
for the vertical velocity and vertical distance. As well as the
dimensions of the v(t) and z(t) q-forms in (26) and (31), the
quantity eq(−kt) and (1 − eq(−kt) should be defined,
respectively, as shown below:



=Scalar. (36)

As a consequence, eq(kt) and (1 eq(kt)) are scalar quantities,

and eq(kt) and (1 eq(kt)) are dimensionless quantities.

As a result, for all values of the quantum parameter q, v(t) in

(26) has a dimension of ms1. So z(t) in (31) still has dimensions
m.Thus it is not possible to have a single dimension. The
accuracy of the measurements of q-vertical velocity and q-height
is assured by the specification (4) without an auxiliary
parameter as in the literature being needed.

About the fact that the existing model of the falling body
problem appears to be straightforward, the authors feel it is
worth further investigation. This is due to the fact that the
current solution was given for the first time in the context of
q-calculus for the dropping problem. In addition, this paper
demonstrated how to obtain exact solutions as well as how to
verify the dimensions of physical quantities in terms of q-
parameter. Furthermore, direct substitutions into the governing
equations may be used to validate the obtained solutions. As a
result, the current study serves as a foundation for potential
research into various physical models of applied mathematics
using the q-calculus.

The falling body problem was solved using quantum calculus in

this section. For the q-vertical velocity and the q-distance,
exact solutions have been found. Exact solutions were obtained
and expressed in terms of a small q-exponential function. The
dimensionality of the obtained velocity and distance formulae was
shown to be accurate.
4.0 Quantum calculus with variance inclusions on intervals

The notions of q-derivative and q-integral of a function on

finite intervals were recently proposed by Tariboon (Adv. Differ,
2013). For first- and second-order impulsive qk-difference
equations, presence and uniqueness results for initial value
problems were proven. We use the quantum calculus to solve
initial value problems for impulsive first- and second-order qk-
difference inclusions in this article, which continues the work
of Tariboon and Ntouyas (Adv. Differ, 2013). The notions of qkqk-
derivative and qkqk-integral of a f:Jk:=[tk,tk+1]→R. Existence
and uniqueness results for first- and second-order impulsive qk-
difference equations were developed as applications.

On finite intervals, we remember the concepts of qkqk-derivative

and qkqk-integral. Let Jk:=[tk,tk+1]R be an interval and 0qk1 be
a constant for a given kN0. As follows, we define qk-derivative
of a function f:JkR at a point tJk.

Definition 4.1 Assume f : Jk → Rf :Jk → R is a continuous function and

let t ∈ Jkt ∈ Jk . Then the expression

Dqk f ( t )=f ( t )−f ¿ ¿


Dqkf (tk)=limt → tkDqkf (t ),

is called the q k -derivative of function f at t.
Then f is q k -differentiable on Jk provided Dqkf (t) exists for
all t ∈ Jkt ∈ Jk . Note that if tk=0 and qk =q , then Dqkf =Dqf , where Dq
is the well-known q-derivative of the function f (t) defined by
f ( t )−f (qt)
Dq tf ( t )=

In addition, we should define the higher q k -derivative of


Definition 4.2 Let f : Jk → R is a continuous function, we call the

second-order qk-derivative D2qk f provided qk –differentiable on Jk
with D2qk f =Dqk ( Dqk f ) : J k → R

Similarly, we define higher order qk-derivative Dnqk :Jk → R .

The properties of qk-derivative.

Definition 4.3 Assume f : Jk → R is a function that runs

indefinitely. The qk-integral is then defined as

∫ f (s) dqks=(1−qk )(t−tk)∑ n=0 ∞qnkf (qnkt +(1−qnk )tk )



for t ∈ Jkt ∈ Jk . Moreover, if a ∈(tk ,t )a ∈ ¿) The definite q-integral is

then defined as follows:

∫ f ( s ) dqks−( 1−qk )( a−tk ) ∑ n=0 ∞ qnkf ( qnka+ ( 1−qnk ) tk ) .


¿ ∫ ttkf ( s ) dqks− ∫ atkf ( s ) dqks=( 1−qk ) ( t−tk ) ∑ n

¿ 0 ∞ qnkf ( qnkt + ( 1−qnk ) tk ) ∫ atf ( s ) dqks= ∫ tktf ( s ) dqks−∫ tkaf ( s ) dqks

¿ ( 1−qk ) (t−tk ) ∑ n=0 ∞ qknf ( qknt+ ( 1−qkn ) tk )−( 1−qk ) ( a−tk ) ∑ n

¿ 0 ∞ qknf (qkna+(1−qkn)tk).

Note that if tk=0 tk=0∧qk =qqk=q , then (1.3) reduces to q-integral

of a function f(t)f(t), defined by ∫ t 0 f ( s ) dqs=( 1−q ) t ∑ ∞ n=¿
0 qnf ( qnt ) ∫ 0 tf ( s ) dqs
¿ ( 1−q ) t ∑ n
¿ 0 ∞ qnf ( qnt )
for t ∈ ¿t ∈¿ .

The subject of q-calculus has drawn the interest of many

researchers in recent years, and the articles and references
referenced therein include a number of new findings.
Differential equations involving the impulse effect, or impulsive
differential equations, claim to be a natural representation of
observable evolution processes in a variety of real-world
problems. Any monographs on impulsive differential equations can
be found here.
The definition of q-derivative fails to function where there are
impulse points tk∈(qt,t)tk∈(qt,t) for any k∈Nk∈N, so the
classical q-calculus cannot be considered in problems with

In the other hand, this is not the case for impulsive q-time
problems, since t points and qt=ρ(t)qt=ρ(t) are consecutive
points where ρ:T→Tρ:T→T is a quantum calculus in finite intervals
of the backward leap operator:T is considered for qkt+(1-qk) is
considered in intervals [tk,tk+1][tk,tk+1]. The points t and
[tk,tk+1] are considered for a single intervals.
In the sense of q-calculus, thus, the problem of impulses can be
investigated at fixed times.
In this section we use qk-calculus to detect effects of life for
the original problems of significance for impulsive q-differences
in the first and second order. Consider the following initial
value problem:

Dqkx ( t ) ∈ F ( t , x ( t ) ) , t ∈ J ≔ [ 0 , T ] , t ≠ tk , Δx ( tk )=Ik ( x ( tk )) , k
¿ 1 ,2 , … , m , x ( 0 )=x 0 , Dqkx ( t ) ∈ F ( t , x ( t ) ) , t ∈ J ≔ [ 0 , T ] , t ≠ tk , Δx ( tk )
¿ Ik(x (tk )), k=1, 2 , … , m, x (0)=x 0 ,

5.1 Impulsive First Order Inclusions of qk differences

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