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Method Study

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Work Study

Work study

⚫ Generic term used for techniques, Method

Study and Work Measurement, with which
work can be simplified, standardized and
⚫ It aims at improving existing and proposed
ways of doing work and establishing
standard times for work performance.
Need of work study (Advantages)

1. To Lower costs
2. To Increase productivity
3. To Increase profitability
4. To Increase jobs security
5. To simplify and standardize work
6. To Establish work standards and time
7. To Check achievement against standards.
Objectives of work study

⚫ The most effective use of plant and

⚫ The most effective use of human effect.
⚫ The evaluation of human work.
Techniques of work study

1. Method study
2. Work measurement (Time study)
Work study procedure

1. SELECT the job or process to be studied

2. RECORD all the details concerning job
using recording technique.
3. EXAMINE the recorded facts critically.
4. DEVELOP the most economic method
5. MEASURE the quantity of work involved in
the selected method and determine a
standard time for doing that job.
Work study procedure

6. DEFINE the new method and the related

standard time
7. INSTALL the new method with the standard
time as agreed standard practice
8. MAINTAIN the standard practice with the
help of proper control procedures.
Method Study
Method Study

⚫ “It is systematic recording and critical

examination of existing and proposed ways
of doing work as a means of developing and
applying easier and more effective methods
and reducing cost.”
⚫ The main purpose of method study is to
eliminate un necessary operations and to
achieve the best method of performing the
Objectives of Method Study
(or Advantages)

1. To improve and achieve best work methods

and procedures.
2. To determine best sequence of doing work
3. To smoothen material flow
4. To improve working conditions and reduce
health hazards
5. To improve labor efficiency
Objectives of Method Study
(or Advantages)

6. To improve plant utilization and material

7. To eliminate waste and unproductive
8. To reduce manufacturing costs through
reducing cycle time of operations.
Steps involved in Method Study

1. SELECT the job to be analyzed

a. Economic aspects
b. Technical aspects
c. Human considerations
2. RECORD all relevant facts about present
methods. Recording techniques used are
a. Process charts
b. Diagrams
c. Micro motion study
Steps involved in Method Study

3. EXAMINE the recorded facts

4. DEVELOP the new most efficient, practical
and economic method. It is done 3 phases
a. Evaluation
b. Investigation
c. Selection
Steps involved in Method Study

5. DEFINE the new method

6. INSTALL the method as standard practice
a. Recommendation phase
b. Implementation phase
7. MAINTAIN the standard practice
Recording techniques
Method study symbols
(Process chart symbols)
Recording Techniques

1. Process charts
i. Operation process chart ( Outline process
ii. Flow process chart
iii. Multiple activity chart
iv. Two handed process chart
v. SIMO chart
Recording Techniques

2. Diagrams
i. Flow diagram
ii. String diagram
iii. Cycle graph
iv. Chronocycle graph
3. Micro motion study
1. Process charts

⚫ Give over all view

⚫ Helps to visualize possibilities of
1.1. Operation process chart ( Outline
process charts)

⚫ Give overall picture of entire process at a

⚫ Shows where material enters and what
operations, inspections are carried out
⚫ Does not show where work take place and
who performs
1.2. Flow process chart

⚫ More detailed
⚫ Give sequence of flow of work of a product
⚫ it is graphic representation arranged
according to time sequence of all operations,
transportation, inspection, delay, storage
occurring during a process
⚫ Include information like time required,
distance moved.
1.2. Flow process chart

⚫ Types of flow process charts

1. Material type – shows events that occur to
2. Man type – shows activities performed by man
3. Equipment type – shows how equipment is used
1.2. Flow process chart

⚫ Use or advantage
– To reduce distance traveled by men and material
– To avoid waiting time and unnecessary delay
– To reduce cycle time by combining or eliminating
– To fix up sequence of operations
– To relocate the inspection stages
1.3. Two handed process chart

⚫ Most detailed type

⚫ Activities of both hands of workers are
recorded in relation to one another
⚫ Helps to know what left hand does when
right hand is working
1.4. Multiple activity chart

⚫ Simultaneous activities of more than one

man operator or machine are recorded on a
common time scale to show their inter
1.4. Multiple activity chart

⚫ Use
– To study idle time of man and machine
– To determine no: of machines which one operator
can handle
– To determine no: of operators needed in a team to
perform given job
– To combine or eliminate some operations
– To reduce idle time of machines and operators
and thus increase their utilization
1.6. SIMO chart (simultaneous Motion

⚫ It is a recording technique for micro motion

⚫ It shows on a common time scale the
simultaneous movements ( therbligs)
performed by two hands of an operator
⚫ It permits very accurate and detailed analysis
⚫ We can conduct study at ease, peacefully
and away from disturbing surrounding of
actual work place
⚫ High cost
Therbligs - symbols

2. Diagrams

⚫ Flow process chart shows sequence and

nature of movement but does not show path
of movements
⚫ Diagrams record path of movement
⚫ Use
– To study different layout plans and select most
optimal layout
– To study traffic and frequency over different routes
of the plant
– Identification of back tracking and obstacles
during movements.
2.1. Flow diagram

⚫ Shows rough( or scaled) view of work space

with a connecting set of arrows and line to
indicate routes of travel followed by workers,
materials or equipment.
2.2. String Diagram

⚫ Scaled layout drawing on which length of a

string is used to record the extend as well as
pattern of movement of a worker.
⚫ We will get actual distance traveled
⚫ We can easily identify repetitive movements
between work stations
2.3. Cycle graph

⚫ To measure motions of very small time, but

repeats hundreds of time
⚫ Small bulb attached to workers hand, legs
⚫ Path of light photographed with still camera
⚫ It will not give direction or speed of
2.4. Chrono- cycle graph

⚫ To find direction and speed of movement

⚫ Here light source is interrupted so that path appears
as a series of pear shaped dots.
⚫ The pointed end indicate direction of movement
⚫ Space between dots indicate speed of movement
⚫ Time taken determined by knowing the rate at which
light source is being interrupted and by counting no:
of dots
⚫ Size and shape of dot will show whether body part is
in acceleration or in retardation.
3. Micro motion study

⚫ “ It is a technique of recording and analyzing

the timings of fundamental elements of an
operation with the aim of achieving the best
method of performing the operation”
⚫ Micro motion study is a set of techniques
intended to divide human activities in to a
group of movements or micro motion ( called
“therbligs” ) and the study of such movement
helps to find one best pattern of movement.
3. Micro motion study

⚫ Developed by Frank B Gilbreth

⚫ Therbligs refer primarily to motion of human
body at workplace and mental activities
associated with it.
Steps in Micro motion study

1. Filming the operations to be studied using

video tapes
2. Analysis of data from the film
• Film run at slow speed, stopped or reversed
frequently to identify therbligs
3. Recording of data using SIMO chart
Memo motion study

⚫ For jobs which does not need to be

examined in fine detail
⚫ Record activities by use of camera to take
picture at longer intervals than normal.

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