Method Study
Method Study
Method Study
Work study
1. To Lower costs
2. To Increase productivity
3. To Increase profitability
4. To Increase jobs security
5. To simplify and standardize work
6. To Establish work standards and time
7. To Check achievement against standards.
Objectives of work study
1. Method study
2. Work measurement (Time study)
Work study procedure
1. Process charts
i. Operation process chart ( Outline process
ii. Flow process chart
iii. Multiple activity chart
iv. Two handed process chart
v. SIMO chart
Recording Techniques
2. Diagrams
i. Flow diagram
ii. String diagram
iii. Cycle graph
iv. Chronocycle graph
3. Micro motion study
1. Process charts
⚫ More detailed
⚫ Give sequence of flow of work of a product
⚫ it is graphic representation arranged
according to time sequence of all operations,
transportation, inspection, delay, storage
occurring during a process
⚫ Include information like time required,
distance moved.
1.2. Flow process chart
⚫ Use or advantage
– To reduce distance traveled by men and material
– To avoid waiting time and unnecessary delay
– To reduce cycle time by combining or eliminating
– To fix up sequence of operations
– To relocate the inspection stages
1.3. Two handed process chart
⚫ Use
– To study idle time of man and machine
– To determine no: of machines which one operator
can handle
– To determine no: of operators needed in a team to
perform given job
– To combine or eliminate some operations
– To reduce idle time of machines and operators
and thus increase their utilization
1.6. SIMO chart (simultaneous Motion
2. Diagrams