Westmead July 2013 Viva Q S
Westmead July 2013 Viva Q S
Westmead July 2013 Viva Q S
(b)If the endodontic treatment is good?(if patient has canine guidance,will consider group
function to avoid excessive forces on k9)
(d)if the endontically treated tooth is badly broken down, what consideartions?
(ferrule?...post n core)
2.(a)there is no specialist around n patient requires bridge for 23 n 25, 25 has failed endo
treatment, ur management?
3.bridge preparation done n patient calls within 1 week complaining of pain only to
hot(mention tests,history etc)
4.irreversible pulpitis of abutment tooth,what would you do?(inform patient abt the
prob…bridge may fail at the porcelain metal interface or at cement metal interface)
1.50 year old female patient used to attend ur clinic regularly,but u hvnt seen her for
sometime now(pic of 34 35 n 36),has high caries risk now,she has recently stopped
smoking. Reasons for the change in caries risk?
(enquire why the patient didn’t turn up recently,change in medical history,talk abt all the
etiological factors for reduced sal flow from mount n hume,diet etc…d clue here was pat
has stopped smoking so there cd be a posibilty tht d pat has started taking lozenges to get
rid of the habit of smoking n these cd be high in sugar content)
3.34, 35, 36 pic,management for each tooth(describe extent n management from evans)
4.do u remove all d discoloured dentine(no only infected as affected dentine has potential
to remin)
1. Mention the difficulties u will encounter while restoring d.o 36 with a tooth
coloured resto mat(isolation from saliva n blood at ging area,access,difficulty in
building contact,cdnt think of more reasons)
2. How wd u isolate?(rubber dam…cuff tech or else it’ll be difficult to place band)
3. Step by step procedure including isolation n placement of band(the one tht u
prefer n generally use), sandwich tech n why we do it.
4. Patient calls after one week n complains of sensitivity,reasons n possible causes?
Rubber dam
1.are u happy wit the placement?
5.for a lower molar if the tube is moved mesially where will the mesiobuccal canal move
on d radiograph(distally)
6.the tooth we had to isolate had missing lingual cusps,so I used cuff technique, they
asked how wd I restore it(ortho band n gic)
2.how often do we see 4 canals in mand molar n if 4th canal is present,where will it be?
4.for how long can we plc ledermix?can we fill it upto d pulp chamber?
10.patient cant afford a crown after endodontic treatment,what are your options for
12.what are retention features are you aware of other than pins and slots?(amalgam
1.showed me a picture of enlargement of interdental papilla and asked me to describe
it,the patient is a 14 year old girl(describe it just like you wd do in oral med…sessile or
pedunculated,size shape color etc)
2. wht is d most likely diagnosis?(rule out any significant medical history, medication
history, the diagnosis was puberty gingivitis)
3. if ths pat comes to u, wht will be ur management?wil you start scaling rt away?(take a
radiograph to rule out bone involvement,or any calcification,or if calculus present)
4. pat comes to clinic n complains of mild discomfort at meal times,pic of mild swellin in
floor of mouth(sialolithiasis)ur managemnt
Oral med:
1.bitewing shown with caries involving dentine,pat has mild pain…explain all steps u’ll
carry out when u see te pat rt from history taking,tests,final treatment like filling n wht
will u use)
2.coloured photograph of a small ulcer on buccal mucosa,describe it,4 q’s u will ask the
pat to cm to the d diagnosis(it was recurrent apthous stomatitis)
Oral radio:
Task:pa of 16 n bitewing of LHS
5.bitewing errors
Oral surgery:
Initial q’s based on case history,explain ur case,my pat was allergic to penicillin
1.how wd u confirm if pat Is really allergic to pn(ask details of signs n symptoms when
reaction to pn occurred,contact gp etc)
3.types of epilepsy
5.how many chest compressions n how many breaths in how much time?
9.identify instruments
10.pat calls a day or 2 after extraction ,pat cannot close mouth completely,reasons?
12,radiolucency in 3rd quadrant of the same opg n reasons for the radiolucency
13.landmarks on opg
Pat related…my pat had no perio or gingivitis n had a lot of sensitivity on using ultrasonic
scaler,it is best to use hand scalers in ths situation rather thn gvin LA 1 st,since ths patient
had no pockets d only scaler we can use wd be sickle scaler to remove supraging
calculus.if gingiva seems healthy n probing depths normal it wd be best not to repeatedly
probe to avoid damage to the periodontium.the medical history given to me mentioned
tht the patient had Pn allergy,however the pat didn’t actually hv any allergy.gingivitis
index was asked to me,I didn’t knw tht.pat had impacted 8’s…management for em.in such
a pat when wd be the best time to recall her?