Orj INDEL2016
Orj INDEL2016
Orj INDEL2016
45 8,119
3 authors:
Sabri Camur
Kocaeli University
All content following this page was uploaded by Murat Unlu on 20 March 2018.
Abstract— Nowadays, DC/DC converters are widely used in • low input-current pulsating, it is desirable and important
industrial applications and renewable energy systems. A SEPIC to precisely track maximum power point application for
(single-ended primary inductance converter) DC-DC converter is photovoltaic systems and to reduce EMI, and thus
capable of operating in either step-up or step-down mode and reduce the necessity for additional filter elements
commonly used in a battery charger system. This paper presents
the modeling and analyzing of the SEPIC with coupled and The SEPIC converter has four energy storage elements
uncoupled inductors. In this study, the state-space averaged (two capacitors, two inductors). Therefore, four state –variables
(SSA) model is established and built in MATLAB/Simulink occur, and it makes the converter a fourth order non-linear
environment. The obtained SEPIC model was simulated for system, and hence modeling the converter is rather difficult
different input parameters, and results of coupled and uncoupled issue.
are compared. Moreover, the small signal model is used for
linearization of the SSA model of the SEPIC with coupled and In literature, SEPIC DC/DC converter is frequently used in
uncoupled inductors, hence the transfer function of control (duty photovoltaic energy system with a maximum power point
cycle) to output voltage is formulated. Bode plots of the duty tracking and also as a battery charger [2-7]. Furthermore, it is
cycle to output voltage transfer functions are constructed, and utilized in power factor correction applications and LED
the result can be used in various applications to design a closed- drivers [8-12]. In [2], a SEPIC converter modeling and control
loop controller to regulate the output voltage. was realized for battery charger system. Besides, detailed
comparison of various buck-boost converters are given in this
Keywords— DC/DC SEPIC converter, State-space averaged study. In [1], State-Space Averaging (SSA) technique was
model, small signal model, transfer function. used in order to obtain transfer function of SEPIC with
uncoupled inductor presents modeling of a SEPIC converter
I. INTRODUCTION operating in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM).
The switching mode DC/DC converters can be realized by In this paper, firstly, SEPIC converter circuit topologies for
different circuit topologies. Among them the buck, boost, two switching modes are presented, Secondly, steady-state
buck-boost, Cuk, and SEPIC (Single-Ended Primary Inductor model, dynamic model and transfer functions of SEPIC with
Converter) converters are the mostly used depends on coupled inductor are obtained via state-space averaging and
requirements for power conversion system. It has become small signal methods in CCM mode. After dynamic model a
popular in recent years step up or down DC-DC converters are SEPIC converter is built, SEPIC with uncoupled and coupled
useful in applications where the battery voltage can be above or inductors is analyzed for different parameters and compared
below the regulator output voltage. The converter must be able each other’s. In third stage, the bode diagrams of SEPIC with
to operate as step up or down in order to continue supplying the coupled inductor and uncoupled inductor are given. These
constant load voltage over the entire battery voltage range [1]. results can be used in order to design a controller, like
Each of these converters has its advantages and definition of parameters of PID control.
disadvantages. The SEPIC is not the finest as an efficiency and
cost among these converters [2]. But it possesses several II. SEPIC CONVERTER TOPOLOGY
significant advantages with regard to the other converters. The The SEPIC converter is consists of an active power switch
other advantages could be summarized as follows: (MOSFET), a diode, two inductors (L1, L2) and two capacitors
• SEPIC is able to generate output voltage greater than, (C1, C2) shown in Fig. 1. C1 capacitor, which is between the
less than, or equal to the input voltage inductors L1 and L2, ensure DC isolation which blocks any DC
current path between the input and the output [9]. If the SEPIC
• having non-inverting output converter is operating in the CCM, two switching modes are
considered and the equivalent circuits belong to each mode are
• easy-to drive switch because the switch referenced to given in Fig.2. In Mode 1 (S1 is turned on) L1 and L2 are
the ground node charged by Vi and VC1, respectively as depict in Fig.2a. In
Mode 2, (S1 is turned off) C1 and C1 are discharged by iL2
ௗಽభ ௗಽమ
ܮଵ ܯ ൌ ܸ ۗ
ௗ௧ ௗ௧
ௗಽమ ௗಽభ ۖ
ܮଶ ܯ ൌ ܸ ۖ భ
ௗ௧ ௗ௧
ௗ௩భ (2)
Fig. 1. The equivalent circuit of SEPIC converter ܥଵ ൌ െ݅మ ۘ
ௗ௩మ ିమ ۖ
ܥଶ ൌ ۙ
ௗ௧ ோಽ
ௗಽభ ௗಽమ
ܮଵ ܯ ൌ ܸ െ ܸభ െ ܸమ ۗ
ௗ௧ ௗ௧
ௗಽమ ௗಽ ۖ
ܮଶ ܯభ ൌ െܸమ
ௗ௧ ௗ௧
(a) ௗ௩భ (3)
ܥଵ ൌ ݅ భ ۘ
ௗ௩మ మ ۖ
ܥଶ ൌ ݅ భ ݅ మ െ ۙ
ௗ௧ ோಽ
ܮ ܯଶ Ͳ Ͳ ێଓሶሶమ ۑ Ͳ Ͳ ͳ Ͳ ݅
SEPIC CONVERTER ൦ ൪ ۑ ێൌ ൦ ൪ ൦ మ ൪ Ͳ ሾܸ ሿ (4)
Ͳ Ͳ ܥଵ Ͳ ݒሶ భ Ͳ െͳ Ͳ Ͳ ݒభ Ͳ
A modeling for SEPIC converter is required in order to Ͳ ᇧᇧͲ
ᇣᇧ ᇧᇤᇧ ܥଶ ݒێሶ ۑᇣᇧ
Ͳᇧᇧᇧᇥ Ͳ ᇧᇧͲᇧᇧ Ͳ
ᇧᇤᇧ െͳȀሺܴ
ሻ ݒమ ด
ۏమ ے
analyze the SEPIC behavior and design its corresponding ሾிሿ ᇲ ሾᇲ ሿ
ሾభ ሿ భ
controllers. The state-space averaged model is widely used as a
mathematical model for the converter control design. The state-
space averaged method derives an equivalent model in matrix ሶ
ܮଵ ۍ Ͳ Ͳ ܯଓሶభ ې Ͳ Ͳ െͳ െͳ ݅భ ͳ
forms by averaging all the system variables in a switching
ܮ ܯଶ Ͳ Ͳ ێଓሶሶమ ۑ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ െͳ ݅మ
period. By placing the matrices into the final equations give the ൦ ൪ ۑ ێൌ ൦ ൪ ൦ ൪ Ͳ ሾܸ ሿ (5)
Ͳ Ͳ ܥଵ Ͳ ݒሶ భ ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ݒభ Ͳ
steady-state model, dynamic model and transfer functions of ܥଶ ݒێሶ ۑᇣᇧ െͳȀሺܴ ሻ ݒమ ด
Ͳ ᇧᇧͲ
ᇣᇧ ᇧᇤᇧ Ͳᇧᇧᇧᇥ ۏమ ے ͳ ᇧͳ
ᇧ ᇧ ᇧͲ
ᇧᇤᇧ ᇧᇧᇧᇧᇧᇥ
the converter. Meanwhile, the switching frequency is fairly ሾிሿ ᇲ ሾᇲ ሿ
ሾమ ሿ మ
greater than the natural frequency of system variables and the
converter operates in CCM mode are assumed. Besides, ESR
(the equivalent series resistance) and ESL (the equivalent series ሾܣሿ ൌ ሾܣଵ ሿ ܦ ሾܣଶ ሿሺͳ െ ܦሻ (6)
inductance) of capacitances (C1 and C2) are neglected, and the
ESRs of two inductances (L1 and L2) are ignored. It is widely
known that state-space equations of any system can be
represented as in (1). The state equations of SEPIC with ሾܤሿ ൌ ሾܤଵ ሿ ܦ ሾܤଶ ሿሺͳ െ ܦሻ (7)
ܮଵ ۍ Ͳ Ͳ ܯଓሶభ ې
ێ Ͳ Ͳ ܮ ܯଓሶ ሶ ۑ
൦ ଶ ൪ ێమ ۑൌ
Ͳ Ͳ ܥଵ Ͳ ݒሶ భ
Ͳ ᇧᇧͲ
ᇣᇧ ᇧᇤᇧ ܥଶ ݒێሶ ۑ
Ͳᇧᇧᇧᇥ ۏے మ
ሾܣଵ ሿ ൌ ሾܨሿିଵ ሾܣଵ Ԣሿǡ ሾܤଵ ሿ ൌ ሾܨሿିଵ ሾܤଵ Ԣሿǡ ሾܣଶ ሿ ൌ ሾܨሿିଵ ሾܣଶ Ԣሿǡ
In simulation studies, the following parameters for the Fig. 5. Output voltage of the converter (D=0.4)
SEPIC converter are chosen: L1 and L2 are 340 μH, C1 = 20 μF,
C2 = 680 μF, RL = 5 , Vi = 20 V. The switching frequency is
100 kHz. Since SEPIC converters can operate as a step up or
step down, Vo output voltage 30 V and 13.3 V are selected,
respectively. In this study, coupling factor, k is selected 0.98,
hence Mutual inductance, M is calculated as 333.2 μH. The
simulation results related to output voltage of SEPIC with
coupled inductor for two different duty cycle (D) are given in
Fig. 4, Fig.5, and Fig.6. In addition, the waveform of the input
currents or L1 inductor currents iL1 for coupled inductors and
uncoupled inductors are illustrated in Fig. 7 and Fig. 9,
respectively. Fig. 8 shows the waveform of L2 inductor currents
iL2 related to SEPIC with coupled inductors.
ݔൌ ܺ ݔො
݀ ൌ ܦ ݀መ
ൢ (11)
ݑൌ ܷ ݑො
ݕൌ ܻ ݕො
Fig. 7. Waveform of the input current (iL1) for L1 coupled inductor situation
ܺ ൌ െିܣଵ ܷܤ
ܻ ൌ െܿ ் ିܣଵ ܷܤ
ݔሶ ൌ ݔൣܣଵ ൫ ܦ ݀መ ൯ ܣଶ ൫ͳ െ ܦെ ݀መ ൯൧ሺܺ ݔොሻ
Fig. 8. Waveform of the L2 current (iL2) By rearranging (12), (13) is obtained, where I represents the
identity matrix.
ሾ ܫݏെ ܣሿݔሺݏሻ ൌ ݒܤ ሺݏሻ ሾሺܣଵ െ ܣଶ ሻܺ ሺܤଵ െ ܤଶ ሻܸ ሿ݀ሚ ሺݏሻ(13)