This report describes project work carried out in the College of Business, Technology, and
Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University between [start month] and [finish month] [year].
The submission of the report is in accordance with the requirements for the award of the
degree of [full name of the degree] under the auspices of the University.
I want to thank my lecturer and supervisor for their continued support and
encouragement. My successful project completion could not have been accomplished without
their support and my classmates. Thank you all for helping with idea generation, writing, and
researching this project.
Energy conservation and adopting sustainable technologies are becoming increasingly
prevalent and critical to companies, especially energy-intensive industries. Typical action is
adopting modern technologies, which help realise energy cost savings. In the modern
dynamic and highly competitive market, with climate change and global warming, it is
critical for energy costs to be evaluated as production costs and managed similarly to the
labour and raw materials costs. Also, the application adoption of waste heat recovery
technologies is increasing. This research aimed at assessing human behaviour at personal and
company levels, both at home and work, that either encouraged or hindered employees from
conserving energy or adopting energy efficiency practices. To increase energy conservation,
the research proposed Organic Rankine Cycle technology to recover waste heat and use it to
produce electricity for the company. The research shows the finding of the computations
performed to evaluate the potential of power generation in ORC using regenerative furnaces'
waste heat. The computations were based on three different working fluids. Employees'
knowledge and views on energy conservation and what motivates them to conserve energy at
work and home were collected through a structured survey method. The study showed that
cost savings are the key motivation for energy conservations in households and companies.
To increase the motivation behind energy conservation at work and home, people should be
enlisted on the impact of conserving energy. The ORC simulation analysis established that
ORC systems generate 300kW with a turbine efficiency of more than 81%. Under different
working fluids, the ORC system efficiency ranges between 14.85% and 16.68%.
Table of Contents
List of Tables..............................................................................................................................6
List of Figures............................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................8
2.1.2 Feedback................................................................................................................13
2.1.3 Prediction...............................................................................................................14
2.3.6 Hydrogen...............................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................34
3.1 Methodology.................................................................................................................34
5.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................69
5.2 Recommendation...........................................................................................................70
List of Tables
Table 1: The adopted Heat Source Parameters........................................................................39
Table 2: ORC Layout Assumptions for Different Working Modes.........................................41
Table 3: Single Stage Axial Turbine Coefficients used for Estimating Isentropic Efficiency 43
Table 4: Descriptive Statistics..................................................................................................46
Table 5: ANOVA Test.............................................................................................................47
Table 6: Post Hoc Tests............................................................................................................47
Table 7: Homogeneous Subset.................................................................................................48
Table 8: Behaviours and Actions at Home..............................................................................49
Table 9: Responses Coding and Characterisation for Behaviours and Actions at Home........49
Table 10: Energy Efficient Thermostat and Energy Assessment Questions............................50
Table 11: Behaviours and Actions at Work.............................................................................50
Table 12: Kappa Test for Workplace and Home Recycling....................................................51
Table 13: Kappa Test for Workplace and Home Switching Lights Off..................................52
Table 14: "What would help you conserve energy at the workplace? Other (Specify please)."
Table 15: Paired Sample T-Test Results..................................................................................53
Table 16: Kappa Scores...........................................................................................................55
Table 17: Energy Conservation Motivation at Home..............................................................56
Table 18: Motivations to Conserve Energy at Workplace.......................................................57
Table 19: Selected Analysis Results........................................................................................64
List of Figures
Figure 1: UK Remelt CO2 Saving (Bueno et al., 2020).......................................................................21
Figure 2: Cross-Section of The Glass Making Machines' Fired Regenerative Furnance Showing Its
Key Features and Flows (De Bhowmick, Sarmah & Sen, 2019).........................................................22
Figure 3: Glass furnace model schematic illustration showing key elements and flows (Tyagi et al.,
Figure 4: Energy flow schematic for the glass furnance (Zhuang & Wu, 2019)..................................26
Figure 5: Reasoned Action Theory (Zier et al., 2021).........................................................................31
Figure 6: Behavioural Planning Theory (Del Rio et al., 2022)............................................................32
Figure 7: Cycle Of ORC Thermodynamics (Left) and Plant Diagram (Right) (Kolasiński,2020).......33
Figure 8: An ORC Module for Turboden (Kolasiński,2020)...............................................................34
Figure 1: Adapted ORC System Layout: s1-hot exhaust gas at the inlet; s2-cold exhaust gas at the
outlet; o1-hot oil at economiser outlet and evaporator inlet; o2-Cold oil at evaporator outlet and oil
pump inlet; o3-Cold oil at pump outlet and evaporator inlet; 1-Vapour of working medium at
evaporator outlet and turbine inlet; 2-Vapor at turbine outlet and regenerator inlet; 3-Vapour at
regenerator outlet and condenser inlet; 4-liquid working medium at condenser outlet and medium
pump inlet; 5-high pressure liquid working medium at pump outlet and regenerator inlet; 6-high
pressure liquid at regenerator outlet and evaporator inlet; c1-coolant at pump outlet and condenser
inlet; c2-heated up coolant at condenser outlet directed to cooling tower; G – electric generator
(Musiał et al., 2021).............................................................................................................................38
Figure 3: Results for ORC Utilising DMC Working Fluid in Power-only mode.................................62
Figure 4: Results for ORC using DMC Working Fluid in Cogeneration Mode...................................63
Figure 5: The Harvested Heat in the Economiser................................................................................65
Figure 6: Net Power Output.................................................................................................................66
Figure 7: Turbine Efficiency...............................................................................................................67
Figure 8: ORC Net efficiency..............................................................................................................68
Figure 9: ORC Efficiency for Technically Available Heat Rate Q HS...................................................69
In the modern world, energy conversation and intensity reduction efforts are
becoming ultimately essential and prevalent due to the increasing global effect of climate
change and global warming. The global temperature rise is currently highest due to global
warming. In 2021 United Nations stated that 2021 was the warmest and the 7th year in a row,
with average global temperatures being more than 10C above the industrial levels (Jacob et
al., 2018). This means that the 1.50C set during Paris Agreement in December 2015 is
approaching and necessitating the adoption of technologies that will drastically reduce
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Jacob et al., 2018). Energy-intensive manufacturing entities are
adopting renewable energy and energy conservation measures to survive the changing global
energy demand (Zier et al., 2021). The glass industry has adopted energy conservation
measures for economic and environmental purposes. Energy conservation is essential in the
glass industry to ensure reduced energy costs and efficient production. Some energy
conservation measures adopted by energy-intensive manufacturers, such as the glass industry,
utilise modern furnaces and technology, alternate materials, and insulating equipment to
reduce heat loss (Zier et al., 2021). Waste heat recovery recommendations are on the rise,
with several technologies being suggested among heat recovery and power generation
techniques such as Micro Rankine Cycle, Thermo-Electric, Inverted Brayton Cycle, etc. ORC
is the best-performing technology (Campana et al., 2014). The evidence shows that
recoverable waste heat from the glass industry in the United Kingdom (UK) is between 10 to
15 TWh/year (Department of Energy & Climate Change, 2016). Research by Element
Energy, Imperial College, and Ecofys consultants assessed the technical and economic
potential of waste heat recovery from energy-intensive industries such as iron and steel, glass,
cement, and ceramic. Their report indicated more than 48 TWh/year of recoverable waste
heat, which had a technical and economic potential of 11 TWh/year and 8 TWh/year,
respectively (Department of Energy & Climate Change, 2016). Also, the report identified that
all Energy-intensive sectors in the UK are commercially viable to install waste heat recovery
options. Therefore, implementing waste heat recovery techniques and energy-efficient
management approaches is vital for energy-intensive manufacturers such as the glass
industry. Human behaviour in an organisation influences energy conservation actions that
increase energy-efficient practices (Corson, 2014). Employee behaviour towards energy
conservation is essential in ensuring a company attains high energy conservation (Corson,
The success of peer educators has been explained in a variety of ways. According to
one school of thought, this approach is practical because peers can better capture their
audience's attention and are perceived to be more trustable than an unknown individual. This
could be true, but there appears to be an underlying factor whereby peers influence things
through normative communication. In addition to providing the relevant information, peers
may also communicate the interlocutory norm that "other people in our group approve of
this" as well as the descriptive norm that "other people in our group are doing this" when
used to encourage behaviour change (Malinauskaite et al., 2019). A large body of research
suggests that descriptive and injunctive norms have a powerful effect on behavior, especially
when the two sets of norms are congruent.
At least not yet. Peer education has never been used in the context of energy
conservation. However, this strategy would work well in an organizational setting where
employees interact socially regularly. Their behavior can be easily observed throughout the
workplace daily. In other areas, interventions for workplace peer education have been
successful. Furthermore, if normative social influence is one of the mechanisms underlying
the success of peer education, employees' motivation to act per the group's norms may
motivate individuals who would otherwise be motivated primarily by the financial benefits of
conserving energy (Vertakova, 2019). As a result, a peer education program can reach a
group of people who otherwise would not be reached.
2.1.2 Feedback
Feedback has long been recognized as one of the most effective methods of
encouraging energy conservation. It is speculated that feedback is helpful because it
highlights the relationship between someone's actions and a given outcome, thereby
encouraging a sense of result expectancy1 or the belief that one's behavior will result in the
desired outcome. This argument has led many to conclude that feedback must occur
immediately after an action to obtain adequate information to inform future actions
(Malinauskaite et al., 2019). In other words, feedback removed from the specific behavior,
either temporally or in a unit of analysis, will not provide the information that enables an
individual to gauge whether his or her actions are having the desired impact.
2.1.3 Prediction
Given the characteristics of the workplace environment, peer education and feedback
might be more efficient in lowering energy consumption. There is an additional reason to
believe that exposing yourself to both interventions will result in even more significant
energy savings than either intervention alone (Griffin, Hammond, & McKenna, 2021). In
response to years of research in this area, multiple authors have argued that the core elements
required in a successful intervention include information about changing behavior, feedback,
and a supportive environment.
Peer education and feedback may also target different pathways for engaging in
energy-saving actions. According to the authors, there are two pathways for participation in
social movements: one involves a rational thought process in which individuals weigh the
costs and benefits of cooperation, and the other involves a need for approval and affiliation
from the group (Griffin, Hammond, & McKenna, 2021). Suppose the feedback and peer
education interventions investigated here target outcome expectancy beliefs and perceived
social norms differently. In that case, combining the two may motivate more people who
would otherwise be motivated by only one or the other.
production site (Vieira, Longo & Mura, 2021). Compressed air systems, variable speed
drives, and LED lighting are all being installed.
Novel approaches to utilizing oxyfuel furnace waste heat have been demonstrated on
an industrial scale. These include the Praxair Optimelt system, which uses the waste heat to
turn the natural gas fuel supply into hot syngas, and the Air Liquide Heatox system, which
uses the waste heat to pre-heat the oxygen and natural gas supply in the furnace. The furnace
waste gases cannot be used to recover all of the heat because they must remain above the acid
dew point (180 °C) to prevent corrosion of the waste gas flue system and any pollution
control equipment (Vieira, Longo & Mura, 2021). If the flue gas requires a higher operating
temperature, the flue gas abatement system may limit the amount of waste heat that can be
recovered in some cases.
2.3.6 Hydrogen
Only lately has the glass industry begun to explore the potential of using hydrogen to
power glass furnaces. Due to its flame properties, the industry only recently viewed hydrogen
as a practical alternative. However, proposals for mass manufacturing and eventual hydrogen
substitution in the EU and UK have reignited interest (Tartière & Astolfi, 2017). The
feasibility of melting Glass using hydrogen in its whole or in various ratios combined with
natural gas is being investigated in five projects in the UK and Europe. The first industrial
clusters having access to hydrogen supply are expected to be operational by 2026 because of
significant investments the UK has made in infrastructure and research related to hydrogen
technology (Mulvaney et al., 2021).
Enhanced recycling infrastructure has led to the remelting of Glass into fresh bottles
and jars. The yearly CO2 reductions from employing cullet instead of raw materials increased
from 324,796 tonnes in 2002 to 593,978 in 2019 (Bueno et al., 2020). The glass container
value chain in the UK has successfully established a closed-loop recycling system over forty
years that allows a bottle to be recycled at the curb and returned to the factory as a new bottle
in as little as thirty days. Currently, the recycled composition of green glass bottles ranges
from 40 to 90%, while that of clear and amber bottles is from 40 to 50%. 13. The glass
container business requires much high-quality colour-sorted cullet in order to increase further
recycled content, which calls for further raising recycling rates (Bueno et al., 2020). By
raising recycling rates and the percentage of recycled material in glass packaging, the
industry is dedicated to advancing the circularity of glass packaging. Glass packaging was
recycled at a rate of 71% in the UK in 2019, the most significant percentage of any packaging
material, including plastic, aluminum, and steel. 14 Glass container producers in the UK
support the Close the Glass Loop effort, which aims to collect 90% of Glass for recycling by
2030 (Ganguli & Cook, 2018).
influenced by demand from the downstream market for high-efficiency Glass for windows,
the automotive industry lightweight glass for vehicles, the beverage industry evident versus
coloured Glass, heavy versus lightweight bottles, and the companies that process fruits and
vegetables. Inevitably, some level of maintenance of the current building stock must be done
by replacing outdated structures and windows. The usage of Glass is associated with changes
in architectural styles, building techniques, and overall economic activity. Long-term
development prospects in the compartment glass niche depend on the continued ability of
containers and container makers to compete with alternative packaging materials (Rani et al.,
2021). The development of upstream industries like electronics, wind energy, and bathroom
will also impact the fiberglass industry's growth prospects.
The UK glass industry produces more than 3 million tons of Glass each year, serving
as a vital link in the supply chain for many of the most significant domestic industrial sectors,
including the food and beverage, construction, renewable energy, and automotive sectors.
About 60% of all Glass produced in the UK is used to build containers, bottles, and jars. At
the same time, the other 30% is used to make glazing for the construction and automotive
sectors. The remaining ten percent of glass production comprises fiberglass and specialized
glasses like those used in lighting. Over £1.3 billion is thought to be contributed to the UK
economy by the overall glass sector. North East England, North West England, and Scotland
dominate the market. It is made up of a few smaller specialized companies as well as thirteen
big manufacturers. Around 6,000 people work in various highly skilled positions in this
industry. The supply chain supports several indirect jobs at downstream producers, including
those created in producing wind turbine blades, packaging, laboratory and scientific
equipment, and construction. Most of the market share for flat Glass in the UK is held by
Pilkington UK Ltd., Saint-Gobain Building Glass, and Guardian Glass UK Ltd (De
Bhowmick, Sarmah & Sen, 2019). Although Pilkington continues to operate and sell under its
original name, a more assertive Japanese corporation (the NSG Group, formerly known as
Nippon Sheet Glass) purchased the firm in June 2006. Another well-known Japanese glass
maker, Asahi Glass, which had about 25% of the market at the time of the acquisition,
Pilkington had 19%, and NSG had around 50%, would compete with the merged firm on a
worldwide scale (De Bhowmick, Sarmah & Sen, 2019).
The Glass was blown into vessels by hand up until the late 19th century. Michael
Owens of Owens-Illinois (O-I) created the first wholly automated bottle machine in the
United States. This machine was tested, generating 2500 bottles per hour in Manchester,
United Kingdom. Currently, machines can create about 36,000 jars or bottles each hour. The
glass industry currently generates around 65% of container glass, 30% of flat Glass, and the
remaining 5% of fibre and specialty glass (Zhuang & Wu, 2019). Before the COVID-19
pandemic of 2019–2021, container glass sales brought in about £853 million yearly for the
UK glass sector. Compare this to the about £316 M cost of flat Glass. Container glass is
created by automated machinery that presses or blasts the molten Glass into the appropriate
shape, which commonly results in bottles and jars. Clear Glass holds a 64% manufacturing
market share in the UK's food and beverage sector, with the other top colors being green
(18%), amber (17%), and other (1%). Six companies that produce glass storage containers are
based in the British Isles: Encirc, O -I, Stoelzle Flaconnage, Allied Glass, Ardagh Group,
Beatson Clark Ltd., and O-I. Cullet is added to the softener, providing significant energy
savings and other advantages (Zhuang & Wu, 2019). The fact that remelting cullet does not
produce "pro- cess" CO2 emissions, as is the case when using fresh raw materials to make
Glass, is the most significant advantage in terms of reducing CO2 emissions. Domestic cullet,
which has the benefit of sharing the same chemical makeup as the Glass being melted, can
develop in the manufacturing environment due to damaged or rejected products. On average,
a container glass manufacturer rejects 10% of its production and recycles it as a home cullet.
As a significant source of raw materials, the firm can also receive the cullet from outside
sources, sometimes referred to as foreign cullet. Even with cullet levels over 90%, some
green glass furnaces are still operating (Zhuang & Wu, 2019). This transparent Glass is
primarily sold to other countries.
Despite this, the UK's domestic market for green Glass, which includes imported wine
bottles, has the most significant proportion. As a result, large amounts of green Glass are
easily accessible in the UK; nevertheless, this inevitably limits the amount of cullet used to
make clear Glass. Because they include a sizable quantity of air, glass fibres are an effective
insulator that can work at high temperatures. Molten Glass is pulled through more than 1600
calibrated holes in bushings at a steady pace of several thousand meters per minute to create
continuous filament glass fiber (Tyagi et al., 2020). The fundamental substance is alumina-
borosilicate Glass with a deficient sodium oxide component. It may stiffen polypropylene,
nylon, thermosetting polymers, and thermoplastics. Glass fibre continuous filaments reinforce
plastics and other materials in various goods, including wind turbine blades, mobile phone
cases, and vehicles. Currently held by Nippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd. (NEG), Electric Glass
Fibre (UK) Ltd. manufactures continuous glass fibre in Wigan, England. Glass wool may be
made by spinning Glass through holes in a revolving drum. This mainly insulates homes,
cars, and appliances from heat and sound. In Britain, this glass wool is produced by
Rockwool Insulation, Knauf Glass Fibre, and Super glass (Tyagi et al., 2020). Modern
textiles, printed circuit boards, architectural canopies, and sound-absorbing drapes are all
made from glass fibre that is thin enough to be woven or knitted. These goods include
garments that can withstand fire.
Figure 3: Glass furnace model schematic illustration showing key elements and flows (Tyagi
et al., 2020)
Figure 4: Energy flow schematic for the glass furnance (Zhuang & Wu, 2019)
Although Glass requires energy to manufacture, many glass-based items are carbon
and energy efficient. For instance, energy-efficient double-glazed windows reduce the energy
needed to produce Glass in homes and other structures. In a similar line, glass packaging is
meant to cut down on food waste, while continuous filament fiberglass is a crucial
component in manufacturing wind turbine blades. While glass goods may be seen as a way to
reduce emissions across the economy, companies producing Glass produce pollutants.
Choices for the glass area's energy efficiency and CO2 reduction should ideally avoid
interfering with the liquefying process and with downtime and production mishaps. Before
jarring changes can be made, such as remodelling furnaces and adding other important
decarbonization technology, the melting campaigns must be finished. It will be necessary to
either wait until the furnace is rebuilt or take advantage of unscheduled downtime and
production delays to execute net-zero abatement possibilities that call for retrofitting (Sahu,
Padhy, & Dhir, 2020). Because the cullet does not emit CO2 throughout the production
process like fresh raw materials do, remelting it has a good effect on the environment.
In reality, others contend that more extraordinary inventiveness is needed and that the
emphasis on cost and British Thermal Units (BTUs) should be restrained to justify demand
management and other cost-cutting measures. The initial stages of installing energy
management systems instruct that energy flow can only be detected and charged to
operational centers. The actual capacity for energy savings can be reached. On the other
hand, as energy costs continue to climb and the importance of energy conservation continues
to rise in conversations, legislation, and programs, businesses are increasingly emphasizing
the entire energy cost. Several study stakeholders believe businesses must show more social
and environmental responsibility (Parajuly et al., 2020). Unexpectedly, partners in the
exploration's commercial environment also expect something similar; nevertheless, the two
have different knowledge bases and approaches to achieve this. Energy conservation is thus
both a technological and a human problem.
Energy efficiency and energy habits do not relate to one another, and efficiencies
pertain to technological advancements regarding energy. This way of thinking isolates people
from the procedure. However, this study will relate to energy efficiency due to technological
advancements and a combination of individual actions, as previous researchers have done.
Accordingly, energy efficiency may be accomplished more than simply by the change in
technologies but also by how the technology is utilized. This relates to energy behaviours
(Parajuly et al., 2020). Technology advancements and modifications to 16 energy behaviours
are likely required to meet the stakeholder above expectations.
A range of sectors, including those with the most significant energy intensity cement
and textile, have been researched for their decision-making processes and barriers to energy
efficiency advances. According to the study, decision-making involves selecting whether or
not to carry out energy-saving measures. The research also asserts that lack of knowledge is
the main deterrent for industrial decision-makers from taking potentially beneficial actions.
Research findings indicated that management worry regarding production interruptions,
investment cost, and project implementation time are the main obstacles to energy efficiency
adoption in the industry (Parajuly et al., 2020). Some industries need more cooperation across
the various sectors and a reliance on government funding as their main obstacles.
Early in the 1990s, experts said that both policymakers and psychology researchers
had adopted a somewhat spartan attitude to energy usage, ignoring technology advancements
as essential conservation instruments and money's influence as a crucial motivation to
change. They claimed that it was necessary to consider the overall energy system. In addition,
they recommended that researchers investigate behaviours outside of families that their
techniques could affect, which is the main objective of the present study (Kremer, Rao, &
Schilbach, 2019). According to cognitive dissonance, modifying individual conservation
behaviours like sharing rides or turning off lights may have significant indirect benefits on
energy conservation by merely changing attitudes toward energy consumption.
The same strategy might be utilized by a manufacturing company, like the one
employed in this research, in the same way that energy studies explore changing national
policy to be more directive in pushing change, especially in the industrial regions. People
consider the price of products. They consider things that will make them money with little to
no work. They focus on learning things that will help them save money. Why couldn't
something occur in the office if it occurs in the home? This study demonstrates that, to the
degree that it is conceivable, it does occur in the office (Kremer, Rao, & Schilbach, 2019).
Possible because of personal choice and access.
The following are the five factors that influence environmentally important actions.
Personal values are the primary factor determining how individuals act and exhibit more
prosocial behavior. Environmental belief systems, the second factor, are defined as
understanding the possible adverse effects of environmental problems on things, people, or
personal values. The third is a personal understanding of the adverse effects of environmental
issues on priceless items. This comprises a review of a person's behavior and acceptance of
personal accountability for the issue. The fourth is an individual's conviction that he or she
can take the initiative to lessen the unfavourable effects (Ajzen, 2020). The individual's
norms, which influence conduct, make up the last variable.
Personal norms are divided into four groups of environmentally necessary actions
according to the VBN theory. Environmental activism is the first category of behavior, which
includes taking part in protests and lobbying. Public non-activist behaviours make up the
second category of behaviours. The final category of behaviours is private. The fourth and
last category of behaviours relates to how people work in organizations. The basic premise of
the idea is that a person's actions toward environmental concerns are a good predictor of how
they would behave toward initiatives to save energy. Expressed, it indicates that a person will
actively participate in energy saving at work if they are particularly ecologically conscious in
their personal lives (Ajzen, 2020). Overall, research has shown that the VBN hypothesis is a
good explanation for explaining why people generally have pro-environmental conduct.
According to research, there are limitations to how accurately TRA predicts actions.
The notion that the activity must be entirely under the individual's power for the person to
choose whether or not to engage in it is of utmost importance. When controlling aspects like
opportunities and resources for time, money, talent, and knowledge are taken into account,
this is crucial (Zier et al., 2021). Furthermore, if it is possible to say that a behavior is entirely
within a person's control if that person has the freedom to choose whether or not to engage in
it, this may only sometimes be the case.
The TPB theory's goal is to forecast the actions that come from attitudes and explain
how these two things are related. The TPB hypothesis is described in other studies as three
distinct intention-determining factors. The subjective aspect of social pressure or norms, the
perceived behavioural control, and the attitude toward the activity come first, second, and
third, respectively (Del Rio et al., 2022). Included is the understanding of control over the
circumstance, which means that, contrary to the theory of reasoned action, purpose alone is
insufficient to predict conduct if the action permits the individual to control it fully.
The organic working fluid is enclosed in a closed, leak-free circuit and circulated
throughout it [1-2]. At the same time, the heat source in the preheater and evaporator is
utilized to pre-heat and evaporate it [3]. The organic fluid vapour expands in the turbine [4-
5], which runs the electric generator, and is condensed in the shell-and-tube heat exchanger
[6] through a closed water loop; alternatively, ambient air can be utilized for cooling via an
air-cooled condenser. The condensate is subsequently returned to the evaporator, completing
the thermodynamic cycle. Sources of heat and cold are not in direct contact with the working
fluid or the turbine (Kolasiński, 2020). To further enhance the cycle effectiveness for high-
temperature usage, a regenerator heat exchanger can be installed downstream of the turbine
Advantages of ORC
Using an organic fluid rather than water, as in the conventional Rankine cycle, gives
rise to a unique set of benefits for the Organic Rankine cycle, which result - directly or
indirectly from its Rankine cycle using steam.
These benefits make ORC the best option in many small-to-medium-sized plants 0.5 –
15 MW. These benefits include: Due to its bigger size, the turbine has a very high efficiency
of up to 85% (Quoilin et al., 2013). The turbine's low mechanical stress is caused by its low
peripheral speed of 1.500 to 3.000 rpm. Without the requirement for gear reduction, direct
driving of the electric generator is possible due to the low RPM of the turbine. High cycle
efficiency prevents turbine blades and casing from eroding since there is no moisture in the
vapour nozzles: long life, more than 20 years (Quoilin et al., 2013).
This research aimed to establish energy conservation strategies that can improve
energy efficiency in glass manufacturing companies. This was by establishing employee
engagement strategies and the potential of electricity generation in ORC using waste heat
from natural gas-fired glass melting furnaces at Beatson Clark Glass Manufacturer.
3.1 Methodology
This research involved a mixed methods approach using qualitative, quantitative, and
simulation methodology to collect data useful in establishing a framework whereby Beatson
Clark Glass Manufacturer can benefit from improved energy conservation and efficiency
behaviours and waste heat recovery.
Before the actual survey was distributed, a sample survey was distributed to 11
individuals who requested to complete the survey to assess its ease of use, and user-
friendliness, ensure all survey questions were understandable, and evaluate survey
completion time. The feedback was received from the 11 participants, and necessary
modification to the questions and survey user-friendliness was done. The survey completion
time was computed to be approximately 13 to 15 minutes. This was the estimated time for
completing the survey shared through an invitation email sent to all participants. The survey
study participants were distributed across all Beatson Clark Glass Company departments, and
no personal identifying information was requested in the survey. The data was collected
electronically. Statistical methods assessed the data.
The survey questions were grouped into six sections. The first section incorporated
five general questions on why individuals engage in energy conservation. The questions were
based on the VBN theory key factors (Finlinson, 2005). The second group had nine
questions, with one open-ended question, and all questions were related to energy
conservation behaviours at their respective homes. The third group had eight open-ended
questions, with seven open-ended questions, and the questions were related to energy
conservation behaviours workplace. The fourth group had thirteen questions related to home
and workplace energy conservation behaviours. In the fifth section, there were two open-
ended questions relating to what motivates the participants toward energy conservation at
work and home. The last section concentrated on collecting information about employees'
years of service, job level, number of people supervised, company roles, and whether the
participant rents or owns their home.
Figure 9: Adapted ORC System Layout: s1-hot exhaust gas at the inlet; s2-cold exhaust gas at
the outlet; o1-hot oil at economiser outlet and evaporator inlet; o2-Cold oil at evaporator
outlet and oil pump inlet; o3-Cold oil at pump outlet and evaporator inlet; 1-Vapour of
working medium at evaporator outlet and turbine inlet; 2-Vapor at turbine outlet and
regenerator inlet; 3-Vapour at regenerator outlet and condenser inlet; 4-liquid working
medium at condenser outlet and medium pump inlet; 5-high pressure liquid working medium
at pump outlet and regenerator inlet; 6-high pressure liquid at regenerator outlet and
evaporator inlet; c1-coolant at pump outlet and condenser inlet; c2-heated up coolant at
condenser outlet directed to cooling tower; G – electric generator (Musiał et al., 2021).
Toluene working fluid is among the best-performing fluids used in ORC because it is
thermally stable and cheap, although it is hazardous to human health and flammable. MM is
regarded for its excellent thermal stability, high cycle efficiency, compatibility with different
materials, and not being hazardous to human health (Loni et al., 2021). Dimethyl carbonate is
acknowledged for its high cycle efficiency in waste heat recovery applications. It is not
hazardous to human health, although it is flammable. Some working fluids' hazardous nature
can be mitigated through proper ORC unit design (Loni et al., 2021). Therminol66 was
selected as heat transfer oil in this design due to its diverse application in ORC units used for
waste heat recovery. In the system, a 40% glycol-water mixture was utilised in the coolant.
The parameters of the waste heat stream used in this simulation are shown in the table
below. The flue gas is the waste heat source from the high-methane natural gas-fired glass
melting furnace (Loni et al., 2021). The key data of the heat source, such as mass flow,
temperature, and composition of exhaust gas, were obtained from the Beatson Clark Glass
Company. The data was obtained from the continuous process monitoring systems of the
Ps1=Ps2………………………………………….……………………. (3)
…..… (4)
These computations were used for two working modes, cogeneration and power
generation. Table 2 shows the assumptions for the two modes. For cogeneration mode, the
assumption was refined to ensure coolant temperatures at condenser output, TC2, are suitable
for the industrial heating system. It was achieved by raising the minimal condensation
temperature, Tcondens,min= 850C. The two modes used the same assumed layout, but the cooling
tower is kept off for cogeneration mode, and the cycle heat is utilised for industrial plant
heating purposes (Pili et al. 2020).
The heat exchange process in the heat exchangers was presumed to be isobaric, and
there were no heat losses to the environment.
P1 = P5 = P6 ……………………………………………………………….…. (6)
When fluid temperatures at minimal pressure Pmin is less than the allowed
Tcondensmin, Pmin is raised to mitigate the limitation.
Optimisation of the cycle was achieved by changing the pressure at the turbine inlet,
P1. For all tested P1 pressure values, the cycle was resolved by changing Ts2, T03, and Tc2,
which also helped in meeting the assumed minimal temperature difference in the Evaporator,
ΔTEVAP, min, Economiser, ΔTECO, min, and Condenser, ΔTCOND, min (Jouhara et al., 2018). The
mass flow of coolant, oil, and working fluid depended on iterated temperatures which were
computed based on the balance equation of heat exchangers as shown below:
M1 = M2 = M4 = M6 …………………………………………………… (13)
For regenerators, it was assumed the cold end of the regenerator produced a minimal
temperature difference, and the hot outlet temperatures were calculated (Pili et al., 2020).
Hence, the working fluid temperature at evaporate inlet, T6, was calculated as follows:
The optimisation criterion was used to select Net electrical power, as shown below:
NCT (energy consumption by cooling tower) was omitted for cogeneration mode. The
turbine power was computed using the equation below:
A single-stage axial turbine was presumptively used for the analysis. To determine the
efficiency of ORC, axial turbine correlation was used, as shown in eqt 23 below, obtained
from eqt 18 (Jouhara et al., 2018).
…….. (18)
Where Fj and Aj are terms of the efficiency correlation and efficiency correlations,
respectively, and the summation for 16 elements enlisted in the table below was performed:
Table 3: Single Stage Axial Turbine Coefficients used for Estimating Isentropic Efficiency
Physical quantities VT (Volume Ration) and SP (Size parameter) were the independent
variables utilised for the analysis, and they were computed as shown below:
………….. (24)
………………………………… (25)
Where Δhis is the difference between enthalpy at the inlet and outlet of the turbine,
assuming ideal expansion, Vout, is, and Vin is the volume flow rate at the turbine outlet and
inlet, respectively (Jouhara et al., 2018).
T1 and T2 were temperatures at the turbine inlet and outlet, respectively. These
temperatures were computed as follows:
……………… (30)
……………… (31)
A polynomial function was developed to estimate cooling tower power using two
variables, Discharged rate of heat (QCOND) and coolant mass stream (Mc1).
……….. (32)
Descriptive statistics were used on the five general survey questions to show the
means and the key reasons for conserving energy. The key energy-saving driver was
established to be saving money, and the second driver was personal responsibility and
preserving the environment (Li, Di, & Zitan, 2021). The table below shows this information.
ANOVA testing was utilised on the five general questions data and the results,
showing that the differences between the questions was significant since p<0.05.
The comparison between the general questions was established by using post hoc tests, as
shown in the table below:
Table 6 and 7 shows that all survey questions were significantly different from other
questions except questions five and one, five and three, and four and two. Table 7 shows the
detailed homogenous subset.
An open-ended question: " Why do you not typically recycle or conserve energy in
your home?” A total of 125 written responses were received and categorised through open
coding. Cost saving was the primary driver of energy saving at home. The next reason was
saving and environmental purposes. The third category was comprised of the environment
alone in the responses. When the three categories were grouped together, out of 125
responses, 40% coded for why people conserve energy or recycle materials would be for
environmental and cost-saving purposes, as shown in the table below.
Table 9: Responses Coding and Characterisation for Behaviours and Actions at Home
As seen from the above table, 48 of 229, nearly 21% of the participants, were having
energy assessments in their homes, which shows that people are seeking effective ways to
conserve energy.
There were two identical questions, one asked about home behaviours and the other
about workplace behaviours related to energy conservation. The questions asked about plastic
and paper recycling and turning off lights when living areas have no occupancy. The data
showed a small consistency of Kappa = 0.122 between recycling behaviours and actions in
the home and workplace and not likely due to chance with a p-value of 0.004. Hence, there is
no consistency in plastic and paper recycling behaviours in the home and workplace.
The table below summarises the responses in relation to switching off at the
workplace and home, and there is a small consistency of Kappa = 0.181, and there was no
likely due chance (p =0.000) (Moshi et al., 2021). Hence, switching off lights at work and
home is not consistent. But there is higher consistency in switching off lights at the
workplace and home than with recycling (Moshi et al., 2021).
Table 13: Kappa Test for Workplace and Home Switching Lights Off
Question eight of this section asked, “What would help you to conserve energy at
work?” and clearly showed the need for tracking/monitoring mechanisms followed by
technical skills. The open-ended question was analysed by coding and categorising through
inductive reasoning, which identified four key areas, as shown in the table below.
Table 14: "What would help you conserve energy at the workplace? Other (Specify please)."
test was used to determine the statistical differences between the question pairs, and it was
established that each question was significantly different, with p<0.05 (Moshi et al., 2021). It
is important to note that there were two negative mean pairs, which shows the greater
difficulty in conserving energy between the workplace and home. Hence, it falls in line with
individual control, which is more likely to occur at home than at work.
Although the paired t-tests computations showed a statistical difference between the
question pairs, the Kappa scores were used to compare the same data from the participant’s
responses to determine the consistency level between each pair (Moshi et al., 2021). The
highest level of consistency between the question of making each attempt to conserve energy
at work and home at Kappa 0.538 and the importance of doing so at Kappa 0.564 is only
moderate (Moshi et al., 2021).
findings regarding the main motivators. Categories three and four add more information
about the concrete items that could motivate people and ultimately result in cost, financial,
and environmental savings (Moshi et al., 2021; Unsworth et al., 2021).
When the reasons for recycling and energy conservation at home were coded and
categorised, there were a number of results under the category of "why they do" that stood
out among the others and revealed a very high level of knowledge as well as determination to
take action on energy conservation, as shown below: "I don't need an incentive, personally. I
have a sense of obligation to reduce waste. Cutting costs on my utility bills would
undoubtedly encourage me to invest money in new windows and insulation.”
"I already practice conservation at home. I recently bought a new variable-speed pool
pump, cut back on using the air conditioner during the day, and switched to led and
CFL lighting. In order to remain motivated, I invested $1800 on a heat pump water heater,
$2850 on LED bulbs, and $3350 on duct sealing and attic run installation this year, and I was
tremendously driven.
"I do what I can, such as shutting off the lights, keeping the temperature from being
excessively hot or cold, having my husband's primary vehicle be an electric Tesla, and
attempting to ensure that my children only take as many showers as are absolutely required.
We already have an energy-efficient washing machine, water heater, and dishwasher, and
most of our fixtures use CFL bulbs."
Even the survey questions about performing energy assessments in the household and
using energy-efficient/programmable thermostats indicated that people are looking for
methods to expand their knowledge and use basic household components to help save energy
(Zhang et al., 2018). Although it was not anticipated that many households would complete
energy assessments, the 21% that did is yet another indication of how the sample population
influences their energy consumption (Zhang et al., 2018). And those who need to
comprehend the energy assessment results performed in their office may find it useful to have
completed an assessment at home.
"Details on the typical energy use by each employee per office" "More awareness of
our usage and tools to monitor and turn off when not in use"
These inquiries are related to research conducted by numerous scholars that suggested
that monitoring at the cost object and giving employees and managers control over their
energy use would be advantageous in terms of overall conservation. These and other
responses suggest that the employees would conserve if given the knowledge and resources
to do so in their respective work settings, whether on an office floor or a manufacturing floor
(Zhang et al., 2018). The results of this study show that in the workplace, in particular,
monitors and tracking mechanisms were the highest ranking selected, followed by more
technical knowledge. The same was true for the open-ended question attached to question 8,
which demonstrated the need for appliances and knowledge. Research has looked into the
necessity for both technical advances and behaviour changes to have an impact on energy
efficiency (Zhang et al., 2018). The results of this study lend credence to earlier studies'
findings. According to a prior study, the administration category was a crucial element, both
assisting and hindering, and was also included in the open-ended question on what would
drive you to conserve energy at work. The absence of senior management support was, in
reality, the biggest hurdle (Zhang et al., 2018; Moshi et al., 2021). The replies falling under
the management category showed the influence of social pressure and peer pressure by
illustrating how management sets policies and expectations that everyone must meet. The
requirement for understanding and awareness of the consequences, which was identified as a
critical factor in motivating workers to conserve energy, was important in the stimulator at
work (Zhang et al., 2018; Moshi et al., 2021).
This is in accordance with the traditional system for energy management guidelines,
which state that to create an efficient energy management system, the following are essential
components: good initial projects; monitoring; management
commitment; measuring; targets; and metrics (Zhang et al., 2018). Visibility of the program,
including explanations of why and how it will affect participants' jobs, income, and
expectations (Mansfield et al., 2018). Even though the community selected has never had an
energy management system installed in any of their sites, the comments' categorisation
largely corresponds to the fundamental requirements of a management system (Mansfield et
al., 2018). Ironically, the characteristics of an energy management system and their general
responses to what would motivate them are related.
environmental compliance issues (Allen & Marquart-Pyatt, 2018). This demonstrates that
people are more likely to comply with sustainability practices, such as energy conservation if
they are aware of the consequences of not doing so.
This is in line with the VBN theory, which focuses on behaviours based on
understanding consequences. Additionally, this is consistent with other studies that indicate
corporate success and environmental rules are the main drivers in SMEs. The Kappa scores
and paired sample t-test show the requirement for individual control and ease, both of which
are more readily available at home (Allen & Marquart-Pyatt, 2018). These questions asked
about the ability to influence energy consumption at work or home and the difficulty level in
conserving energy at home or at work. Although it is only a moderate degree of consistency,
the Kappa scores revealed the highest level of agreement between the significance of energy
conservation and making every attempt to conserve energy (Allen & Marquart-Pyatt, 2018).
This could be interpreted to indicate that the values driving the actions taken at home
or work are typically closely correlated. The simplicity with which the action may be carried
out and the complexity level, which is linked to the knowledge and resources available, are
other criteria that influence literal acts (Allen & Marquart-Pyatt, 2018). The basic reason for
saving money was the same at home and work, but it was substantially larger at home
because most people also sought personal gain. A financial or monetary benefit doing the
same at work would motivate the same people who are encouraged to conserve energy at
home for monetary gain or savings, according to the response that incentives are a motivator
at work (Allen & Marquart-Pyatt, 2018).
Figure 10: Results for ORC Utilising DMC Working Fluid in Power-only mode
Figure 11: Results for ORC using DMC Working Fluid in Cogeneration Mode
Detailed analysis results for all cases in the simulation are shown below;
The figure below shows the amount of energy harvested through economiser in both
power-only and cogeneration modes (Laouid et al., 2021). The amount of energy harvested is
higher for all analysed fluids in the cogeneration mode.
In all cases, the ORC electric output exceeded 300.0 kW, as shown in figure 4. This
shows the output reaching the uppermost value for toluene in cogeneration mode of 367.528
kW and the least for MM working fluid in cogeneration mode of 309.770 kW (Laouid et al.,
2021). The difference between cogeneration and power modes for DMC is less than 2.0 kW.
For toluene, the power out is higher than in cogeneration mode by 20.0 kW. It is only MM
working fluid in cogeneration that generations 23.198 kW less power than in the power-only
model (Laouid et al., 2021).
The turbine efficiency attained was more than 80% for both power-only and
cogeneration in all working fluids with the highest being 83.78% for toluene in cogeneration
mode (Laouid et al., 2021). The lowest efficiency was 80.75% for MM working fluid in
power-only mode (Chandra et al., 2022).
The ORC efficiency is shown in the figure below. All scenarios achieved more than
16% efficiency except DMC and MM in cogeneration mode. The highest ORC efficiency
result of 16.68% was achieved for MM working fluid in power-only mode (Kumar &
Rakshit, 2021). However, the power-only mode generated higher ORC efficiency in all
fluids, while in cogeneration mode, the highest ORC efficiency was achieved for toluene
(Kumar & Rakshit, 2021).
The temperatures of coolants leaving the condenser were above 70C for all
working fluids operating in cogeneration mode. According to the assumptions outlined in the
methodology section, the efficiency of the ORC unit, which includes heat recovered from the
condenser, was higher than 99% in all cogenerative scenarios when referring to heat
harvested in the economiser and much more than 70% when referring to all heat considered
to be recoverable from the heat carrier (Kumar & Rakshit, 2021). The highest value was
79.90% for DMC working fluid, and the lowest was 71.99% for MM working fluid. Because
electricity is the sole beneficial byproduct of ORC in the power-only scenario, it is
substantially lower (Chandra et al., 2022).
Figure 16: ORC Efficiency for Technically Available Heat Rate QHS
5.1 Conclusion
The goal of this study was to better understand the behavioural decisions made by this
particular population at home and at work to help the business make better use of its human
resources and reduce energy consumption in its manufacturing facilities. Also, the research
focused on developing an ORC system that can be adopted by Beatson Clark Glass
manufacturing to reduce its carbon footprint and generate energy from its regenerative
furnaces. By combining human behaviours with the ORC system, the company has a high
potential to conserve energy. The purpose of the questions was to give background
information on current energy conservation practices and thinking.
From the analysis of the results, it was clearly established that people conserve energy
for environmental purposes and to save money, where these behaviours are controlled by
knowledge of the right energy conservation tools. Employees’ energy conservation is highly
influenced by barriers such as a lack of energy monitoring equipment and insufficient
knowledge on how energy conservation energies are conserved.
This study provided answers to the questions presented, and the findings were
particularly significant because they demonstrate that workers of this organisation are not
seeking significant capital investments but rather more information and straightforward tools
to help them understand what to do at work and, more importantly, to demonstrate that what
they do can make a difference. This study shows a more optimistic view and a general desire
to conserve energy compared to other research, which is a huge potential for the company
because they do not need to overcome large cultural or motivational barriers to get started.
The quantitative and qualitative data that support these conclusions and offer insight into
important features of behaviours that exist in both the home and workplace may be used to
develop an efficient energy management system in the workspace of the population that is
being studied. Combining the human behaviour results, the company can install an ORC
system to increase its energy conservation capabilities. The results for the ORC system
according to the simulation are discussed below.
Simulation results indicate that even during cogeneration mode, ORC units may
provide an equivalent amount of net power or more than units solely used for power
generation (Pili et al., 2020). When the waste heat source is currently being utilised for
central heating to permit the production of additional power or at the request of a potential
user, a cogeneration unit can be considered (Kumar & Rakshit, 2021). The intended unit with
predicted output power can be categorised as a small ORC unit, and all estimated cycles are
subcritical, according to the analysis presented in the result section (Kumar & Rakshit, 2021).
It can be seen that the projected unit will be among the smallest ones accessible in the glass
sector by comparing output voltages obtained in the findings sections with the data gathered
in it. In 2018 a summary of power output from ten projects in the glass industry, among them
Beatson Clark Glass Company, indicated an 8.65 MW in Europe. When the report summary
is compared to the potential of electricity production in the ORC system applied in container
glass manufacturers, estimated at 78.5 MW in EU27, it demonstrates the great potential of
installing an ORC system. Therefore, the Beatson Clark Glass Company should install ORC
technology to recover the waste heat and convert it to electricity sold through the grid or
reused for lighting and other energy purposes.
5.2 Recommendation
To ensure Beatson Clark Glass Company achieve high energy conservation and
recycling of the heat waste to produce energy for the electricity grid or to be used within the
company, the following recommendation was established in this study;
The company should develop an energy conservation and waste recycling strategy within
the company. The strategy should comprise the following;
i. Conduct a detailed feasibility study on the installation of the ORC to recycle the heat
waste from the regenerative furnaces.
ii. Establish awareness criteria of simple and complex ways of conserving energy in the
iii. Start recycling all waste from the offices and place the right tools that encourage
employees to participate in recycling. Using the right bins is highly advices.
iv. Identify how much energy is used for lighting in office spaces and operational
departments, design easy techniques with staff to switch lights off at specific times,
and then realise the savings.
In the end, the strategy outlined above relies on using individual energy-saving decisions
and installing waste heat recycling technologies, which offer a means to boost energy
efficiency in the business. The ORC installation involves significant cash, but the benefits of
the technology outweigh the installation costs. Human behaviour on energy-saving advice
does not require significant financial or highly technical resources.
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