Possible Problems Part 2
Possible Problems Part 2
Possible Problems Part 2
2. Sketch the relation between Pressure and Time to describe 3 different flow
regimes You have to draw 3 lines to show SSS, SS and Unsteady State Flows.
If reservoir pressure is below bubble point pressure for two phase (partial two phase)
5. Diffusivity equation is a combination of 3 equations, describe them (equations are not necessary
but desirable).
6. Estimate the compressibility of co of an undersaturated crude oil with x API gravity (x specific gravity) at
a reservoir temperature of x °F and pressure of x psia. You have to calculate Tpc, Ppc and based on
Figure 1 find cpr. After calculate co.
Specific gravity 0.78
P 2000 psia
T 150 F=609.67 R
Pc 450 psia
Tc 900 R
2000 609.67
p( pr )= =4.4 t( pr )= =0.67
450 900
C pr = 5.5*10^-2
7. Describe the measures for boosting an IPR (at least 3)
Add more pay zones
Reperforate the formation
Acidizing job
Hydraulic fracturing
Drill short radius well and multimaterials
Sand control measures
8. Derive an equation IPR for partial two-phase flow, sketch the line graph (Pwf vs q), and show
some flash calculations
Given data:
Pr = x psi
Pb = x psi
Find qb, qmax, q for Pwf = x psi
9. Diffusivity equation consists of 3 equations, describe them and show the equations
10. What’s the difference between superposition in space and superposition in time?
11. Given the rock and fluid properties, analyze the pressure drawdown test.
3300 P1
2900 P2
q x STB/d Pi x
φ x B x
h x ft μ x cP
rw x ft ct x psi-1
Your task is to calculate m-slope and based on that find permeability, skin factor and radius of
M- slope = p1-p2/log(0,001)-log(100) (psi/cycle)
12. In Type Curve analysis, skin factor can be estimated qualitatively by the shape of the pressure
and pressure derivative response. Show 3 regions of skin factor below and name it.
13. Drawdown Type Curve Analysis. Rock and fluid properties are given in problem 11.
1 Pressure change,
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Equivalent time, hr
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
tD/CD = x
Dimensionless time
14. Manual log-log plot. Rock and fluid properties are given
Pressure change, derivative,
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Equivalent time, hr
Calculate CD, k, S =?
15. Describe the pressure loses (put equations) in Nodal Analysis
16. Calculate average reservoir pressure using MBH and Ramey Cobb
mo = x cp ct = x psi-1
rw = x ft h = x ft
= x% B = x RB/STB
q = x STB/D tp = x hrs
pwf = x psia k = x mD
A = x ft2 CA = 4.5141
0.01 0.1 1 10
1) M slope = p1-p2/log(1)-log(100000)
19. Define the reasons for downward and upward shapes of buildup test (at least 3 for each type)
Downward Shape of Buildup Test:
The pressure buildup curve exhibits a downward shape when the pressure within the wellbore or reservoir
decreases over time. Several factors can lead to a downward curve in a buildup test:
a. Fluid Production: If the well is producing fluid, the pressure within the reservoir will gradually decrease as
the fluid is withdrawn. This typically occurs in oil and gas wells during production operations.
b. Water Influx: In some cases, water may be infiltrating the reservoir and displacing hydrocarbons. This can
lead to a decrease in pressure within the reservoir.
c. Wellbore Damage: Damage to the wellbore or near-wellbore area can result in a reduction in the flow
capacity of the well, causing a gradual pressure decline.
d. Reservoir Depletion: Over time, as a reservoir is depleted, the pressure in the reservoir decreases. This is
particularly common in mature oil and gas fields.
Upward Shape of Buildup Test:
The pressure buildup curve exhibits an upward shape when the pressure within the wellbore or reservoir
increases over time. Several factors can lead to an upward curve in a buildup test:
a. Reservoir Recharge: If the well is shut in for a period and then reopened, it may allow for pressure to build
up as the reservoir recharges with fluid. This can occur after a well has been temporarily closed or after a
hydraulic fracture treatment.
b. Reservoir Expansion: Certain reservoirs may exhibit an upward curve due to the expansion of fluids within
the reservoir rock as pressure increases.
c. Fluid Injection: In enhanced oil recovery operations, fluids (such as water or gas) may be injected into the
reservoir to increase pressure and improve hydrocarbon recovery. This injection can result in an upward
pressure buildup curve.
d. Well Stimulation: Treatments like acidizing or hydraulic fracturing can create pathways for fluid flow
and result in an upward pressure buildup as fluids are pushed into the formation.
20. Describe the two situations that can cause a permanent shift in the pressure between the
flow period and the buildup
21. Reservoir Test Limit. Given the rock and fluid property data in Table below, analyze the
reservoir limits test data given in Table 2.
Find slope mpss, bpss, Vp, N, A, J.
N2 x 493.1 227.2
first find yg
and Rs
then find Bo
35. Calculate the cross-sectional area and wellbore storage coefficient for a wellbore with a rising
liquid level. The well is x ft deep and has x”, x lb/ft casing (x” ID). the bottomhole pressure is x
psi. If the well has a column of water of density x , in it, what is the wellbore storage coefficient?
36. A wellbore is filled with a single-phase gas. the well has x ft of x” tubing (x” ID) and x ft of x”,
x lb/ft casing (x” ID). The average temperature in the wellbore is x °F, and the average pressure
is x psia. If the wellbore is filled with gas having cg = x psi-1, what is the WBS coefficient?
D = 5.921 in = 5.921/12 = 0.5 ft
V = pid^2/4 * h = 3,14 *(0.25/4)*7200 = 1413
C = V*Cg = 1413 *3,21 *10^-4 = 4535*10^-4
37. Manual Log-Log Analysis
1000 10000
Adjusted pressure change, derivative,
Pressure change, derivative,
100 1000
1 10
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Equivalent time, hr Adjusted equivalent time, hr
38. A new oil well produced x stb/day for x days; then it was shut-in for a pressure buildup test,
during which the data in Table x were recorded. The other data were: βo = x rb/stb, A = x ft, φ =
x, rw = x ft, ct, = x, and µo - x cP. From these data, estimate the formation permeability, k, pi, and
skin factor s.
39. A single-phase and single-rate pressure buildup test was conducted on an oil well. The data in the
first two columns of Table 5-2 were recorded. The following well/reservoir parameters are given:
Bo = x rb/stb, h = x ft, φ = x, rw = x ft, c0 = x, and µo = x cP, psc = 14.65 psia, T = x F, re = x ft, and
ρo = x lbm/ft3.
Assume the well is draining from the center of a square. Well depth = x ft, q f = final production
rate at shut-in time = x stb/day, and cumulative production at shut-in time = x stb. Determine the
1. At what shut-in time ∆t does afterflow cease and boundary effect appear?
2. Formation permeability, k
3. Skin factor, s
4. Additional pressure drop near the wellbore, (∆p)skin
5. Effective wellbore raadius, rwa
6. Flow efficiency FE using p*
7. Damage ratio DR using p*
8. Productivity index, PI
9. Radius of investigation by the shut-in transient at the start and end of the MTR
10. End of wellbore storage distortion.
40. x cm3 of a gas at the reservoir conditions of x K (x F) and x MPa (x psia) was brought to the
standard conditions, where the gas occupied a volume of x cm3. The produced gas specific
gravity is x. Calculate Bg, Z, and the gas density at the reservoir conditions.
find Bg
Find Z
43. What are the molecular weight and specific gravity of a gas that is one third each of methane,
ethane, and propane by volume?
44. A x lb block of dry ice is placed in a x ft3 tank that contains air at atmospheric pressure x psia and
x°F. What will be the final pressure of the sealed tank when all the dry ice has evaporated and
cooled the gas to x°F?
45. ..................................to be continued