Other names:
Made From
Trombidium muscæ domesticæ. N. O . Acaridea (Class, Ar achnida). Tincture of the animals.
Clinical Symptoms
Anus, prolapse of. Diarrhœa. Dysentery. Hip-joint, pain in. Liver, pain in. Nose, catarrh of.
Sciatica. Tibia, pain in. Toothache.
Merc. cor. Similar,
Author:John Henry CLARKE, M.D.
Trombidium muscæ domesticæ. N. O. A caridea (Class, Ar achnida). Tincture of the
Anus, prolapse of. Diarrhœa. Dysentery. Hip-joint, pain in. Liver, pain in. Nose,
catarrh of. Sciatica. Tibia, pain in. Toothache.
Tromb. is "a parasite found singly or in groups upon the common house-fly, of a
bright red colour, nearly circular in shape. The alcoholic tincture, a brilliant
orange in colour, was prepared from specimens, about 115 in number, collected
in Frankfort, Philadelphia, in September, 1864. The provings, under the
supervision of Hering, were made by Harvey, Head, J. F. R., and Bancroft, the
potencies used 3x, 6x, 9, 18, and 30" (Hering, Guiding Symptoms). The grand
keynote of Tromb. is "< by eating or drinking." The symptom may be in the nose,
teeth, or tonsils, this modality is characteristic. On this indication I have cured
some of the worst cases of diarrhœa; and also intestinal pains coming on when
the patient eats or drinks. I have used a 10m preparation of Fincke's given me by
Skinner. A comprehensive keynote in diarrhœa and dysentery is: "Much pain
before and after stool; stool only after eating." Tromb. has cured dysentery with
brown, thin, bloody stools and tenesmus. Congested liver with urgent, loose
stools on rising from bed; during stool, sharp pain in left side, shooting
downward." Skin symptoms were prominent, especially itching of scalp and in
whiskers. Fainting on rising up. Restlessness, inability to keep quiet. Peculiar
Sensations are: As if there were no weight in head; lightness. As from
incarcerated flatus in abdomen. As if excoriated after tenesmus. As if everything
were coming out of anus. As if hot air blowing over lower abdomen and thigh.
As if abdomen needed support. As if three toes on left foot would be twisted off.
As if her breath were leaving her. The symptoms are: < By touch (pain in liver).
< By pressure (pain in abdomen). Lying down: < toothache; prevents fainting.
Swallowing, or blowing Dose = shooting in right ear. < Shaking head. Reading
aloud = toothache. Rising up = fainting. Walking < pain in head; = pain in hip-
joint (which is, however, > after a few steps). < Moving. Warm drink >
toothache. Open air > coryza. Cold air < toothache. Cold bath < pain in
abdomen. < Eating or drinking. < After stool.
2. Head
3. Eyes
4. Ears
Shooting: in ears in afternoon, < r.; frequently in r. during day and evening; in r.
in forenoon, < swallowing or blowing nose.─Itching in ears after
rising.─Burning in both pinnæ, esp. r.
5. Nose
7. Teeth
Aching in l. decayed tooth: on waking at 7 a.m., renewed by breakfast, lasting till
noon; in evening; in evening from reading aloud, preventing sleep almost all
night, lasting next day, < lying down, eating, talking, and cold air, > warm drinks,
> Staph.
8. Mouth
Appetite lost.
11. Stomach
12. Abdomen
18. Chest
21. Limbs
Pain in l. hip-joint on rising from a seat and beginning to walk, causing limping,
usually > after taking a few steps.─Thighs: tearing in lower part of l. at 2.30
p.m.; flying, sharp pains in l. at 9 a.m.─Knee: rheumatic pain in l.; intermittent
pain in r. at 9 a.m.─Boring in r. tibia in forenoon.─Pain in inner part of l. ankle at
12 p.m., < bearing weight on it.─Tearing in l. tarsus at 1 p.m.─Shooting: in r. ankle
at 3 p.m.; in l. tarsus at 6 p.m.; in outer side of r. metatarsus at 3 p.m.; in inner
side of l. heel.
24. Generalities
25. Skin
27. Fever