TED (21) 2031 QP
TED (21) 2031 QP
TED (21) 2031 QP
I. Answer all the following questions in one word or sentence. Each question carries 1 mark.
(9x1=9 marks)
Module Cognitive
Outcome level
1 State ohm’s law. M 1.01 R
2 Given the equation for instantaneous voltage of an AC circuit as M 1.04 A
e(t)=100 Sin (314t), the maximum value of voltage is…………
3 The equation for power in a three phase AC circuit is ………. M2.02 R
4 Commercial unit of electrical energy is …………… M2.03 R
M3.01 A
II. Answer any Eight questions from the following. Each question carries 3 marks.
Module Cognitive
Outcome level
1 With a neat diagram explain the generation of alternating voltage M 1.03 U
in a coil placed in a magnetic field.
2 Define service connection and state its purpose. M 2.01 U
3 Explain Active power, Reactive Power and Apparent Power with M2.02 R
respect to single phase AC circuit.
4 Three 60 W lamps connected across a 230 V supply. Find the M2.03 A
number of Units consumed if the three lamps are operated for
5 State the importance of electric safety in a work place. M2.04 R
6 List the classification of Resistors. M3.01 R
7 Write any three comparisons between half wave and full wave M4.01 R
center tapped rectifiers.
8 Draw the symbol of semiconductor diode and illustrate its M4.01 U
operation under forward biased condition.
9 List any three applications of Zener diode. M4.02 R
10 Match the following
M4.04 R
Answer all questions from the following. Each question carries 7 marks.
Module Cognitive
Outcome level
III Draw an alternating voltage waveform and mark the following M 1.04 U
parameters on it. Write the Definition for each of them.
i. Frequency
ii. Maximum value
iii. Time period
iv. Cycle
IV Draw the circuit diagram of the following combinations of three
resistors connected in
M1.02 U
(a) series
(b) parallel
Give any three comparison between these two circuits.
V A resistor of 12 Ω is connected in series with a combination of
15Ω and 20Ω resistor in parallel. When voltage of 120 V is
M1.02 A
applied across the whole circuit, find
(a) the equivalent resistance of the combinations.
(b) the total current taken from the supply.
VI An alternating voltage is represented by the following expression.
V= 100 Sin 628 t.
Calculate the following
(a) Amplitude (b) Frequency (c) Time period M1.04 A
(d) instantaneous value of voltage at t=3s.
VII A residential Building has the following electrical load and
appliances are operated as per the load details given. Calculate
the following.
i. Total Connected Load in kW.
ii. Energy Consumption in kWh in one day. M2.03 A
iii. Monthly Electricity bill for a month of June at the rate
of Rs. 7 per kWh.
Sl.No. Load Details
1 5 Tube lights each 60 watts working 8
2 An electric Iron 750 Watts working 1 hour/day.
3 4 fans each 60 watts working 10 hours/day.
4 A Mixer- 750 Watts working 2 hours/day.
A circuit consisting of resistance 70Ω and inductive reactance
50Ω in series is supplied with an AC voltage of 300 V.
Determine M2.02 A
(a) Impedance of the circuit
(b) Power factor of the circuit
(c) Active power.
IX Define inductance of a coil and distinguish between self and M3.03 U
mutual inductance.
X Summarize the working of a transformer. Also define the turns
M3.04 U
ratio of the transformer.
XI Define capacitance and explain any four specifications of M3.02 U
XII Explain colour coding of resistors by band system with examples. M3.01 U
Specify the tolerance also.
XIII Explain the working of Full wave bridge rectifier with circuit M4.01 U
diagram and waveform.
XIV Explain the basic operation of transistor as an amplifier with M4.03 U