The most crucial parameters that affect the response as well as the design of Steel Moment Frame (SMF) Reduced Beam
Section (RBS) connections are discussed. After a brief historical background concerning the development of RBS connections,
according to the reviewed literature these highly interdependent parameters are: (a) connection strength, (b) RBS profiles/sizing
and location, (c) stiffness of beam, moment frame and connection, (d) use of deep columns and associated instability
phenomena, (e) existence of composite floor slabs/lateral bracing, (f) strength and ductility of the column panel zone-beam
instability, (g) connection type and (h) column axis orientation. Their effect on the design and the seismic performance of RBS
connections is presented and recommendations, for future research required, in order to fully implement and refine the RBS
concept in European Standards and Practices, are given.
Keywords: steel moment frames, RBS connections, ductility, seismic response, design
moment connections, as designed prior to the aforementioned 3. RBS profiles/sizing and location
seismic events, mainly two novel design strategies were
introduced. The one is associated with the strengthening Three main RBS configurations have been the subject
of the connection and the other with weakening the beam of a significant number of experimental and theoretical
framing. Both strategies force the plastic hinge away works (Iwankiw and Mohamadi, 2004; Jin and El Tawil,
from the face of the column, and problems related to 2005). The straight-cut, the tapered-cut, referred to also as
potential fragility of groove welds under triaxial stress teardrop (Carter and Iwankiw, 1998) and a slight
conditions are avoided. modification (Chen and Tu, 2004), and the radius-cut
The first approach provides a beam-to-column connection (circular, radiused), while two more rather marginal types
stronger than the beam itself, through reinforcing a short have also been reported. All these are depicted in Fig. 2,
portion of the beam near the column by using cover while more geometrical details and nominal sizing values
plates, ribs, haunches or side plates. The second approach concerning the three main types mentioned above are
however, referred as Reduced Beam Section (RBS), is given in Fig. 3 (from Carter and Iwankiw, 1998; Iwankiw
based on the selective removal of beam material adjacent and Carter, 1996).
to the connection, either from the web or from the flanges. Earlier experiments on straight-cut RBS beam-to-column
The reduction in cross sectional area will reduce the connections, conducted within the ARBED-EU project
moment capacity at a discrete location of the beam, where (Plumier, 1997), using HEB 300 columns and HEA 260
yielding will be concentrated, and thus the connection is beams, have shown that the shape of the reduction in the
protected against early fracture. The use of RBS by either beam section and the technique for realizing it should be
utilizing corrugated web I-girders (Mirgharderi et al., defined on the basis of the following: (a) the length of the
2010) or providing voids in the web (Hedayat and plastic hinge is of the order of the beam height, (b) the
Celikag, 2009) is still in its early stages and will not be technique must take into account two type of stress
considered herein. On the other hand, the well known concentrations, local ones resulting from flame cutting
“dogbone” connection, in which both beam flanges are and global ones, resulting from the shape of the reduction
trimmed, has gained a considerable attention, and a great section and (c) local stress concentrations are of higher
number of experimental and theoretical investigations order than the global ones. Moreover, in a quite informative
have been carried out and reported in the literature. In issue of Steel Tips (Moore et al., 1999), a very comprehensive
contrast to reinforced moment connections, the RBS evaluation of test results for straight cut, tapered cut and
avoids elevated force demand on the supporting column radius cut RBS moment frame connections, which had
(Iwankiw and Zoruba, 2002), increased weld-metal volume been realized up to that time, was summarized and
and joint restraint as well as supplementary material reported.
requirements. In what follows, the most important For the tapered cut (Chen et al., 1996), although the
parameters affecting the seismic response and the design intension is to allow the section modulus of the beam to
of this type of RBS connections will be discussed. match the seismic moment gradient in the reduced region
-thus promoting more uniform yielding, stress concentrations
2. Connection Strength at the re-entrant corners of the flange cut may lead to
fracture there or in the minimum beam section (FEMA
In order to ensure acceptable seismic performance, an 355D, 2000). This phenomenon has been reported for
adequate combination of connection stiffness, strength both straight and tapered cut RBS laboratory tests after
and ductility should be provided (Jin and El Tawil, 2005), significant plastic rotations. This is not the case however
a fact that is also true for any connection type. Several for the radius cut RBS, which appears to minimize stress
basic strength principles that may be used in the design of concentrations, hence reducing the danger of fractures
steel moment frames with RBS connections to achieve a within the reduced section (Engelhardt et al., 1996, 1998),
desirable balance between seismic ductility and strength the inelastic deformations distribute over the length of the
demand have been reported (Iwankiw, 1997; Carter and reduced section-providing therefore the greatest ductility
Iwankiw, 1998). Depending on the location and sizing of (Carter and Iwankiw, 1998) and the fabrication of such a
the RBS (discussed below), on the beam span and its cut is relatively simple. For all these reasons, the radius
structural shape, and on various other parameters (such as cut RBS has been prequalified in FEMA, in ANSI/AISC,
strength degradation due to local instability, strain hardening, as well as in Canadian Standards (FEMA 350, 2000;
floor slab, shear effects, plastic deformation, inelastic ANSI/AISC 358-05, 2005; CISC/ICCA, 2008) and depicted
drift-also addressed in later sections herein) new design in Fig. 4, accompanied by recommended sizing limits. It
criteria and enhanced equations, regarding the strength of should be noted however that the radius cut RBS
an RBS connection have been proposed (Iwankiw and connection is prequalified only for shallow columns.
Mohamadi, 2004; Han et al., 2009). Further details, in The radius cut RBS has only been incorporated in
conjunction with the contents of the next paragraphs, can Eurocode 8 (Design of structures for earthquake resistance)
be found in the works cited above. and more specifically in the “EN 1998-3: 2005, Assessment
Parameters Affecting Response and Design of Steel Moment Frame Reduced Beam Section Connections: An Overview 135
Figure 3. Schematic of widely accepted reduced beam section profile options (Carter and Iwankiw, 1998).
and retrofitting of buildings”, for improving the local schematic and the recommendations for sizing in design
ductility of steel beams and as a steel beam-to-column are shown in Fig. 5, from where one may readily perceive
connection upgrading alternative, in order to shift the the similarities between the US, Canadian and European
plastic hinge away from the face column. The corresponding dimensioning.
136 D. S. Sophianopoulos and A. E. Deri / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 133-144, 2011
Figure 4. Prequalified circular (radius) cut RBS connection for seismic applications and recommended sizing limits.
4. Stiffness of Beam, Moment Frame and Iwankiw, 1998). Early post-Northridge researches reported
Connection that the decrease is of the order of 5% (Chen et al., 1996;
Iwankiw, 1997), which can be considered quite marginal
Evidently, trimming of the beam flanges in the RBS for structural design purposes. Since then, a significant
area, results in decrease of stiffness for the beam, the number of theses and technical papers were published
connection and the moment frame. The amount of this aiming to evaluate the stiffness matrix of RBS frame
decrease depends on numerous parameters, such as the elements, the knowledge of which is fundamental to the
geometry and sizing of the cut, the dimensional and quantification of elastic and inelastic performance of steel
inertia properties of the frame elements and the connection frames with RBS connections. An excellent state-of-the-
as well as on other non-structural items (Carter and art review containing the mathematical problem formulation
Parameters Affecting Response and Design of Steel Moment Frame Reduced Beam Section Connections: An Overview 137
Figure 6. Loads and deformations of a 2-D frame element (Bartley and Chambers, 2008).
Figure 7. Nonprismatic beam element with reduced beam sections (Chambers et al., 2003; Kim and Engelhardt 2007).
138 D. S. Sophianopoulos and A. E. Deri / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 133-144, 2011
thickness of compressible material such as polystyrene parameter affecting the response of steel beam-to-column
insulation during the pouring of the slab). Moreover, the moment frame connections, regardless of their configuration
effect of floor slabs on the ductility performance of (Bertero et al., 1973; Popov et al., 1975, Engelhardt and
straight-cut RBS connections was experimentally investigated Husain, 1993). For seismic applications, the ductility
by Chen (1998), who conducted a series of large size tests developed in the beam or panel zone prior to connection
of-beam-to-column subassemblies. From his study it was failure is considered as a critically important measure of
deduced that: (a) in the absence of trimming of beam performance.
flanges the composite action of floor slabs induces strain After the Northridge and Kobe events and the gradual
concentration at the bottom flange of the beam causing increase of interest for RBS connections, the effect of the
fracture at that area, (b) the presence of RBS relaxes the panel zone (PZ) in conjunction with other parameters was
sensitivity of beam bottom flange welds, leading to a extensively re-examined. One important goal was to
much more reliable energy dissipation and provides a establish the optimal distribution of material inelastic
higher plastic rotation angle, (c) floor slabs contribute deformation in an RBS connection, since both the RBS
another 20% of extra strength and (d) in the design of the and the panel zone contribute in energy dissipation.
RBS the provided strength should be 10% less than the Initially, in an effort for simulating in a simple manner the
required one. Similar results were reported on tests inelastic response of steel frames with RBS (Shen et al.,
concerning tapered-cut RBS connection with floor slabs 2000; Kitjasateanphun et al., 2001), the panel zone was
(Chen and Chao, 2001). modeled as a rotational spring with a bilinear shear
In order to establish cyclic stability criteria for Steel distortion relationship and incorporated into DRAIN-2DX
Moment Frame RBS connections, a statistical study was software. The cyclic response of RBS connections using
performed (Uang and Fan, 2001), based on test results of two simple models was compared to the response of fine
55 full-scale specimens. Except developing relations 3-D Abaqus models, and a very good agreement was
between the response quantities (i.e. plastic rotation found. It was concluded that the panel zone has a
capacity and strength degradation rate) and the slenderness profound influence on inelastic deformation of steel
ratios of both web and flange local buckling modes, the frames. The proposed PZ model performed adequately
investigation on the effect of concrete slab revealed that and correlated well with the actual performance observed
its presence increases both the strength and the rotation during testing, but special attention should be given to
capacity of RBS beams under positive bending. However, weak panel zones with high demand to capacity ratio.
under negative bending, it was found the slab enhances In the experimental work discussed in the previous
slightly only the plastic rotation capacity, implying that it section (Jones et al., 2002), specimens having strong
does not provide any bracing to the beam bottom flange. panel zones, balanced panel zones and weak panel zones
Further experiments on radius cut RBS moment relative to beam strength were tested. The results showed
connections were carried out at the same period (Jones et that weak panel zones allow for the most stable hysteretic
al., 2002), aiming mainly to investigate the effects of response at large drift levels, since the corresponding
panel zone strength, beam web-to-column flange connection specimens performed in an excellent way without strength
(discussed herein in later sections) as well as of degradation and exhibited very good energy dissipation.
composite behavior with a concrete slab. As far as the Yielding occurred within the panel zones, leaving the
latter parameter is concerned, the presence of a composite RBS segments of the beams essentially elastic, but the
floor-contrary to previously reported findings-did not connections failed due to low-cycle induced fast fracture.
seem to lead to early fracture or other detrimental effects. The effect of panel zone strength and the web connection
As reported in the aforementioned paper’s Summary and type, the latter being the parameter discussed in the next
Conclusions “… to the contrary, the presence of the slab section, were the key variables of an experimental study
was beneficial to specimen performance by enhancing conducted on eight radius cut RBS steel moment
beam stability and delaying strength degradation.…it connections (Lee et al., 2005). This work was to a large
appears that no special treatment is needed for the slab, extent motivated by the fact that, although a significant
such as leaving a gap between the slab and the face of the amount of RBS test data was available at that time, no
column”. No shear studs were placed within the RBS specific recommendations regarding the desirable range
region to avoid possible initiation of beam flange fractures of panel zone strength had been proposed. Aiming to
at a stud weld. come up with a balanced PZ strength criterion on the
basis of their test results and the results of previous
7. Strength and Ductility of the Column experiments, the authors designed the panel zones of the
Panel Zone-beam Instability specimens adopting the following expression for the PZ
design shear strength:
The column panel zone strength and ductility has long 2
been recognized by the scientific community as well as 3bcftcf
Vp = γFycdctp 1 + -------------
- (1)
by the structural engineering practitioners as a crucial db dc tp
140 D. S. Sophianopoulos and A. E. Deri / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 133-144, 2011
Figure 9. Typical geometry of radius cut RBS (a) and seismic moment profile for RBS design (b), (Lee et al., 2005).
where Fy is the yield strength of the column, db the beam forced all inelasticity action in the PZ, with the beam
depth, dc the column depth, tp the thickness of the panel remaining elastic, and eventually caused fracture of the
zone, bcf the column flange width and tcf the column beam flange. Therefore, it was recommended that a
flange thickness. Coefficient γ was taken equal to 0.75× balanced panel zone design should be used, meeting the
0.6 for the strong PZ and equal to 0.60 for the medium following criterion:
PZ specimens. Note that Eq. (1) with γ=1 has been
adopted in the 2002 AISC Seismic Provisions, while the 0.70 ≤ -------------
- ≤ 0.90 (4)
strength reduction factor 0.75 was implemented in the Vp
1997 AISC Seismic Provisions. The above equation may The effect of column PZ ductility on the local and
also be written in the form: lateral instability of radius cut RBS beams in steel moment
connections has also been investigated analytically via a
1-F d t ≈ 0.6F d t
Vp = Vy(1 + CFC) , Vy = ----- yc c p yc c p , FEM based parametric study (Moslehi Tabar and Deylami,
3 2005). Similarly to the previous experimental investigation,
2 the authors in order to determine the strength of each
CFC = -------------
- (2) panel zone, compared the design shear demand Vr with
db dc tp
the ultimate shear strength of the column PZ Vy. Equation
(1) with γ=1 was used for Vy, while Vr was computed by
As explained by the authors, CFC corresponds to the
the following expression:
column flange contribution to the postyield strength, and
it was used as a measure for the panel zone strength, 1 Lb – 0.5dc 1
Vr = 0.85Mp --------------- – --------------------- ---- (5)
while the measure used for the beam strength was VRBS,p, 0.95db Lb H
i.e. the panel zone shear force corresponding to the
in which Mp is the plastic moment capacity of the beam
development of the actual plastic moment of the RBS,
section. European profiles for the column and beam (IPB
given by:
and IPE respectively) were used and hence, the whole
⎛ 1---[ L + d ]⎞ design combined US guidelines regarding RBS dimensions
M ⎜2 b c ⎟ d
VRBS, p = ⎛⎝--------------
RBS, p⎞
-⎠ × ⎜ ----------------------⎟ × ⎛1 – -----b-⎞
and panel zone strength with European beam and column
db ⎜ ---- Lb ⎟ ⎝ Hc⎠ profiles as well as beam-to-column connection (welded),
⎝ 2- – e ⎠ a fact appearing for the first time in the reviewed literature.
Moreover, the properties assumed for the steel material
where, MRBS,p refers to the plastic moment at the RBS were fy =250 MPa and fu =370 MPa, that do not correspond
(based on the measured yield strength), and Hc is the to any European Steel Grade. Nevertheless, the FE modeling
column height, with the remaining geometrical properties and consequent parametric study under cyclic loading
shown in Fig. 9. produced interesting results, which to a large extent agree
The results of the tests revealed that in the presence of with the findings of previous relevant studies. The most
a strong PZ all energy dissipation is concentrated in the important conclusion drawn was that partial shear yielding
RBS region, causing a significant amount of buckling, within the panel zone can improve the hysteretic
and that lateral-torsional buckling of beams lead to column response, by avoiding premature instability of beams. It
twisting associated with severe out-of-plane deformations, was found that (a) weak PZs produce stable hysteretic
thus preventing the development of sufficient ductility, as response while their presence may lead to premature
also reported in other studies (Chi and Uang, 2002; Jones fracture of the connection before attaining the required
et al., 2002). Very weak panel zone designs, although plastic rotation of the beam, (b) for strong PZs the
having the ability of dissipating a large amount of energy, flexural moment capacity of the beam is reduced due to
Parameters Affecting Response and Design of Steel Moment Frame Reduced Beam Section Connections: An Overview 141
lateral and local buckling and (c) for slender beams the bolted web connection, due to premature brittle fracture
hysteretic response is dominated by lateral-torsional of the beam flange at the weld access hole, was
buckling rather by web local buckling. contributed to the increased demand in the beam flanges
due to bolt slippage, by measuring the relevant strain
8. Connection Type data. As a sequel, the practice of providing web bolts
uniformly along the beam depth was brought into
In the ANSI/AISC 358-05 as well as in the CISC 2008 question via a combination of tests and FE analytical
publications, three types of connections are prequalified evaluations (Lee and Kim, 2007). The authors, on the
for steel SMF and IMF for seismic applications, namely basis of the principal stress distribution (main load path)
the Reduced Beam Section (RBS), the Bolted Unstiffened near the column face of radius cut RBS connections
(extended) end plate [BU(E)EP] and the Bolted Stiffened proposed an alternative beam flange bolted connection
(extended) end plate [BS(E)EP]. On the other hand, configuration, consisting of two separate shear tabs. The
although design and detailing rules for steel moment excellent agreement of analytical and experimental
resisting frames have been incorporated in Eurocode 8- results of this study indicates that the proposed design
Part1 (EN 1998-1: 2005), as well as design rules for overcomes the drawbacks of typical beam bolted RBS
beam-to-column connections (in dissipative zones), no steel moment connections. Marginally, a recent work
specific type of connection is recommended for seismic concerning design equations for moment strength of the
applications. Furthermore, as already discussed in Section latter should also quoted (Han et al., 2009).
3, the RBS concept in European Standards is adopted
only in EC8-Part 3, without any direct linking to the 9. Column Axis Orientation
contents and guidelines of the relevant Eurocode for Steel
Structures, i.e. EN 1993-1-8: 2005, Design of joints, All the previously reviewed literature deals with steel
which are valid only for static loading and prescribe three moment frame RBS connections to the strong column
main types of beam-to-column connections, i.e. welded, axis. The only pertinent study concerning cyclic response
bolted with extended or flush end plate and bolted with and design recommendations of weak-axis RBS connections
angle flange cleats. Although a large amount of theoretical was conducted by Gilton and Uang (2002). Accounting
and experimental studies are available for the modeling for the difference between the stress profile along beam
of these types of connections and the static and cyclic flange in strong and weak axis connections, shown in Fig.
behavior of corresponding framed structures (Chan and 10, the tests performed included two different specimens
Chui, 2000 and other works not cited herein), none of (designed, fabricated and constructed with simulated field
these has been investigated in the presence of RBS, conditions), which were loaded quasi-statically using
except in a very recent work, referred to in Section 10. standard SAC protocol.
According to the above remarks, it is of no surprise that FE analytical predictions were thereafter correlated to
the parameters dealt with herein are associated almost with the experimental results, and significant issues were
exclusively with the response of steel moment frame RBS addressed, namely the effect of RBS on stress flow, the
connections that are utilized only in northern America. necessity of far-side continuity plate in the connection
After major concerns that were expressed about the welded configuration, the determination of continuity plate stickout
flange-bolted web pre-Northridge moment connection for length, the effect of its trimming and the beam shear stress
severe seismic applications (Engelhardt and Husain, 1993), profile near grove weld. Moreover, a design procedure was
the RBS concept for enhanced ductility and energy recommended and the following conclusions were drawn:
dissipation demands lead to a significant amount of (a) prevention of brittle weld fracture was achieved in the
works with the effect of the connection type as one of the presence of RBS, which may reduce the strain concentration
major concerns. After re-establishing that sound welding near the groove weld by a factor of about three, (b) most
quality should be kept all times (Chen and Chao, 2001), of yielding and inelastic rotation took place in the vicinity
experiments conducted on radius cut RBS moment of the RBS, with no contribution of column and panel
connections (Jones et al., 2001) examined among other zone, (c) a continuity plate is not necessary on the far side
objectives the merits of a bolted web connection versus a of the one-sided connection, (d) the beam flange tensile
fully welded web connection. Although no dramatic
differences in performance between these two connection
types were perceived (as also stated earlier in Moore et
al., 1999), it appeared that a welded web connection
reduces the vulnerability of the connection to the occurrence
of a near weld fracture, a finding giving an advantage of
this connection type over the bolted one. Similar results
were drawn from a later experimental investigation (Lee Figure 10. Stress profile across beam flange: (a) strong-
et al., 2005). The poor performance of specimens with axis and (b) weak-axis connection (Gilton and Uang, 2002).
142 D. S. Sophianopoulos and A. E. Deri / International Journal of Steel Structures, 11(2), 133-144, 2011
force may be effectively reduced by allowing a continuity yielding occurred at the beam’s bottom flange near the
plate stick out of at least 76 mm from the column flange face of the column; if the welds weren’t that strong, brittle
tips, (e) if the beam flange width is less than 70% of the fracture would have occurred. The strain concentration
width of the continuity plate the corner of the plate should near the face of the column was also confirmed by the FE
be trimmed and finally (f) the majority of the beam shear analysis and the authors believe that the key parameters
is taken by the beam web. for the RBS design, as specified in EC8, should be
readjust, in order to safely apply to the European profiles.
10. Use of RBS in European Steel Moment The beam-to-column connection dealt with in this study,
Resisting Frame Connections: although (except some extreme cases) rigid and due to
Recommendations for Future Refinement symmetry advantageous for seismic applications, is rather
and Implementation marginal for use in everyday engineering practice, mainly
due to quality and economic reasons-extensive welds on
From the contents of the previous Sections based on the site. On the other hand, the extended end plate bolted
existing literature, although the RBS concept is originated connection, quite similar to the group of the US prequalified
from Europe (Plumier and Arbed), it is more than bolted stiffened/unstiffened extended end plate connections
profound that its use has not been implemented in is widely used in Europe for steel moment frame
European Civil Engineering Practice, and that there is connections. This because the extended end plate is shop-
marginal research available and minimal inclusion of welded to the beam (with quality prescribed) and the
design recommendations in the relevant Eurocodes. Only beam bolted to the column on site, thus reassuring easiness
one recent publication (Pachoumis et al., 2009) has been in construction and fully balanced dimensioning, and in
detected by the authors of this overview, concerning rigid case of severe damage under reversal loading, that could
fully welded beam-to-column connections with high by design be concentrated only on the beams, repair by
quality welds at the face of the columns (as prescribed in replacing them would be possible.
EC3-1-8) with RBS under cyclic loading. In the Focusing attention on the combination of extended end
experimental part of this study, the two specimens tested plate SMF connections and RBS, the authors suggest that
(differing only in the geometry of the radius cut RBS), the following actions should be followed (not necessarily
with details presented in Figure 11, were designed-as far in the order given below) in order to fully implement and
RBS dimensioning and location are concerned-according refine the RBS concept in European Standards and
to the guidelines given in Eurocode 8-Part 3.The beam Practices: (a) Perform an optimization study for the best
profiles chosen were very common in steel moment use of HEA or HEB columns and IPE (or HEA) beams
resisting frames of European structural steelwork. in an SMF with RBS extended end plate connections
In parallel, a detailed FE modeling and analysis of the under monotone (static) loading, utilizing the component
above subassemblies was carried out, with results presented method for determining the design moment resistance of
in terms of beam moment-rotation hysteretic responses in the relevant joint, combined with the RBS radius cut
very good agreement with the experimental ones. These dimensioning suggestions given in EC8, (b) after
results are summarized in what follows. Specimen RBS1 establishing optimal combinations of use of the above
exhibited excellent performance under cyclic loading, commonly used European I-profiles, conduct extensive
since the plastic hinge was developed at the RBS area and simulations via FE analysis, in order to establish whether
the objective rotation (0.03 rad) was exceeded and these combinations found are suitable for cyclic loading
extensive yielding took place at the beams’ flanges. This applications, accounting for all the parameters involved
was not the case however for specimen RBS2, whose and discussed earlier in this study, (c) organize a full
performance was very poor. The expected formation of European experimental program in order to verify and
the plastic hinge at the RBS region did not take place, and calibrate the theoretical findings and seek for the best
Parameters Affecting Response and Design of Steel Moment Frame Reduced Beam Section Connections: An Overview 143
possible application of RBS connections in seismic action on seismic performance of steel moment
design and, (d) through the results of all the previous connections with reduced beam sections.” Journal of
actions, incorporate into the relevant Eurocodes (EC3 and Constructional Steel Research, 57(4), pp. 417-434.
EC8) design recommendations and guidelines for the use Chen, S. J. and Tu, C. T. (2004). “Experimental study of
of RBS in steel moment frames with European I-beam jumbo size reduced beam section connections using high-
sections, and more specifically in frames using extended strength steel.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,
130(4), pp. 582-587.
end plate bolted connections.
Chi, B. and Uang, C. M. (2002). “Cyclic response and
design recommendations of reduced beam section
11. Concluding Remarks moment connections with deep columns.” Journal of
Structural Engineering, ASCE, 128(4), pp. 464-473.
In this overview, and within length limitations, a detailed Dumonteil, P. (2006). “In-Plane Properties and Modeling of
analysis and discussion of the parameters affecting the Reduced Beam Sections.” Engineering Journal, AISC,
cyclic response and design of Steel Moment Frame RBS 43(2), pp. 103-109.
connections is presented. Aiming to motivate the European Engelhardt, M. D. and Husain, A. S. (1993). “Cyclic-loading
Scientific as well as everyday practice Structural Engineering performance of welded flange-bolted web connections.”
Community to formally include the RBS concept in Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 119(12), pp.
European Standard Practice, some suggestions are 3537-3550.
introduced. It is believed that the RBS is underestimated Engelhardt, M. D., Winnerberger, T., Zekany, A. I., and
in Europe and that much more attention should be given. Potyraj, T. J. (1996). “The dogbone connection: Part II.”
Modern Steel Construction, AISC, 36(8), pp. 46-55.
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