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Citation: Bashir R and Ashour AF (2012) Neural network modelling for shear strength of
concrete members reinforced with FRP bars. Composites: Part B, 43 (8): 3198-3207.
Copyright statement: © 2012 Elsevier. Reproduced in accordance with the publisher's self-
archiving policy.
This paper investigates the feasibility of using artificial neural networks (NNs) to predict the
shear capacity of concrete members reinforced longitudinally with fibre reinforced polymer
(FRP) bars, and without any shear reinforcement. An experimental database of 138 test
specimens failed in shear is created and used to train and test NNs as well as to assess the
accuracy of three existing shear design methods. The created NN predicted to a high level of
accuracy the shear capacity of FRP reinforced concrete members.
Garson index was employed to identify the relative importance of the influencing parameters
on the shear capacity based on the created NNs weightings. A parametric analysis was also
conducted using the trained NN to establish the trend of the main influencing variables on the
shear capacity. Many of the assumptions made by the shear design methods are predicted
by the NN developed; however, few are inconsistent with the NN predictions.
Steel corrosion is initially protected against the alkalinity of concrete, usually resulting in
serviceable and durable construction. However for many structures subjected to aggressive
environments, such as bridges, marine structures, and parking garages exposed to de-icing
salts, combinations of chlorides, moisture and temperature reduce the concrete alkalinity
causing reinforcing steel corrosion and ultimately loss of serviceability. Over the last couple
of decades, fibre reinforced polymers (FRPs) have become alternatives to conventional steel
reinforcement for concrete structures owing to their non-corrosive and non-magnetic
Corresponding author; email:
properties (ACI-440, 2006), making them ideal for severe environments and situations where
magnetic transparency is required.
Concrete members reinforced longitudinally with FRP bars develop wider and deeper cracks
than these reinforced with steel due mainly to the relatively low elastic modulus of FRPs
(Razaqpur and Isgor, 2006, Weigan and Abdalla, 2005, Tureyen and Frosch, 2003, Tariq
and Newhook, 2003, El-Sayed et al., 2006b). Wider cracks decrease the shear resistance
contributions from aggregate interlock and residual tensile stresses, whereas deeper cracks
reduce the shear resistance contribution from the un-cracked concrete in compression (El-
Sayed and Soudki, 2010). Additionally, owing to the relatively wider cracks and small
transverse strength of FRP bars, dowel action contribution to shear resistance can be very
small compared with that of steel reinforcement (El-Sayed and Soudki, 2010). Hence, the
overall shear resistance of concrete members reinforced with longitudinal FRP bars is lower
than that of concrete members reinforced with steel reinforcement. Over the last couple of
decades, several design guidelines and codes (JSCE, 1997, BISE, 1999, ACI-440, 2006,
CNR-DT 203, 2006, ISIS, 2007, CAN/CSA S806-02, 2002, Razaqpur and Isgor, 2006,
Razaqpur and Spadea, 2010, Weigan and Abdalla, 2005, El-Sayed et al., 2006b) have been
published to address FRP bars as longitudinal reinforcement in concrete members. However,
the lack of a universally agreed model for shear means that many practice guidelines and
codes are still relying upon empirical equations to predict the shear resistance of FRP
reinforced concrete members.
The last few decades have witnessed the growth of artificial neural networks (NNs) applied to
different structural engineering problems (Perera et al., 2010, Flood et al., 2001,
Pannirselvam et al., 2008, Yang et al., 2008). NNs are computational tools that have the
ability to learn by examples of past data, generalise and thus make predictions for previously
unseen input data (Perera et al., 2010). Due to their unique characteristics, NNs can be used
to solve problems which are complicated, problems that can’t be handled by analytical
methods and even problems whose underlying numerical and physical models may not be
well-known. In this respect, NNs may be suitable for predicting the shear resistance of
concrete members longitudinally reinforced with FRP bars.
Several codes and design guidelines addressing FRP bars as primary reinforcement for
structural concrete have been recently published worldwide (JSCE, 1997, BISE, 1999, ACI-
440, 2006, CNR-DT 203, 2006, ISIS, 2007, CAN/CSA S806-02, 2002, Razaqpur and Isgor,
2006, Razaqpur and Spadea, 2010, Weigan and Abdalla, 2005, El-Sayed et al., 2006b).
Most of these design provisions follow the traditional approach of Vc + Vf for shear design,
where Vc is the concrete contribution and Vf is the FRP stirrup contribution. Nevertheless, the
concrete contribution Vc is different in the manner that it has been calculated in these
guidelines. Most of shear design provisions in these guides are based on the design
formulas for conventional steel reinforced concrete members after applying some
modifications to account for the difference between steel and FRP reinforcement properties.
For example, JSCE (1997), BISE (1999), CNR DT 203/2006 (2006), ISIS-M03-07 (2007) and
Tottori and Wakui (1993) apply a correction factor 𝐸𝑓 /𝐸𝑠 that takes into account the
difference in the elastic modulus between FRP, 𝐸𝑓 , and steel reinforcement, 𝐸𝑠 . However,
this modification factor 𝐸𝑓 /𝐸𝑠 is raised to different powers in these guidelines. On the other
hand, the modification proposed by the ACI-440.1R-06 (2006), CAN/CSA-S806-02 (2002),
Razaqpur and Isgor (2006) and El-Sayed et al. (2006a) only includes the FRP reinforcement
axial rigidity Ef Af.
Many published provisions and methods for shear resistance of FRP reinforced concrete
members (JSCE, 1997, BISE, 1999, ACI-440, 2006, CNR-DT 203, 2006, ISIS, 2007,
CAN/CSA S806-02, 2002, Razaqpur and Isgor, 2006, Razaqpur and Spadea, 2010, Weigan
and Abdalla, 2005, El-Sayed et al., 2006b) have been considered in this study i.e. the latest
versions and those which are currently implemented around the world. However, for the sake
of brevity, only three methods are assessed and presented here, namely provisions
developed by ACI-440.1R-06 (2006), CNR DT 203/2006 (2006) and ISIS-M03-07 (2007). It is
also to be noted that in these design provisions, all safety factors were ignored, i.e. assigned
to 1.0. In reality safety factors would be applied to make shear capacity predictions more
conservative and acceptable for design purposes.
ACI-440.1R-06 (2006) adopted the design method proposed by Tureyen and Frosch (2003).
The ACI-440 shear capacity 𝑉𝑐 of FRP reinforced concrete members is given as:
2 2
𝑉𝑐 = 5 (√( 2 𝜌𝑓 𝑛𝑓 + (𝜌𝑓 𝑛𝑓 ) – 𝜌𝑓 𝑛𝑓 ) √𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏𝑤 𝑑 (1)
where 𝑛𝑓 = 𝐸𝑓 /𝐸𝑐 is the moduluar ratio, 𝐸𝑓 and 𝐸𝑐 (= 4.7√𝑓𝑐′ 𝑖𝑛 𝐺𝑃𝑎) are FRP and concrete
elastic moduli, respectively, 𝜌𝑓 = 𝐴𝑓 /(𝑏𝑤 𝑑) is the FRP reinforcement ratio, Af is the FRP
reinforcement area, 𝑏𝑤 and 𝑑 are the width and effective depth of FRP members and 𝑓𝑐′ is
the cylinder compressive strength of concrete (in MPa). The above equation is simply the
ACI-318 shear equation for steel reinforced concrete modified by a factor to account for the
The CNR DT 203 Task Group (2006) conducted a calibration to adjust the shear resistance
equation of steel reinforced concrete members in Eurocode 2 (2004) and extend it to
concrete members reinforced with FRP; the following expression for the shear resistance Vc
of FRP reinforced concrete members was proposed:
𝐸 2
𝑉𝑐 = 1.3 ( 𝑓 ) 𝜏𝑟𝑑 𝑘𝑑 (1.2 + 40𝜌𝑓 )𝑏𝑤 𝑑 (2)
where 𝜏𝑟𝑑 = 0.25𝑓𝑐𝑘𝑡0.05 is the design shear stress, 𝑓𝑐𝑘𝑡0.05 (= 0.7 𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 ) is the characteristic
tensile strength of concrete (5% fractile), 𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑚 (= 0.3(𝑓𝑐′ )3 ) is the mean value of concrete
tensile strength, 𝐸𝑠 is the steel elastic modulus and 𝑘𝑑 (= 1.6 − 𝑑 ≥ 1.0, 𝑑 = depth in metres)
is a size effect parameter. The above equation was calibrated for FRP reinforcement ratios
𝜌𝑓 in the range: 0.01 < 𝜌𝑓 < 0.02. The motivation behind Eq. 2 was based on the objective of
developing a simple and reliable equation having a structure with which practitioners are
familiar (Fico et al., 2008).
The shear strength of members reinforced with FRP bars in ISIS-M03-07 (2007) is
determined in accordance to the analogous principles for steel reinforced concrete in CSA
A23.3-94 (Bentz and Collins, 2006) after accounting for the difference in the elastic modulus
between steel and FRP reinforcement. The shear strength formula distinguishes between
members with effective depth d less or greater than 300 mm as given below:
𝐸 2
𝑉𝑐 = 0.2 𝜆 √𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏𝑤 𝑑 ( 𝐸𝑓) 𝑑 ≤ 300𝑚𝑚 (3a)
1 1
260 𝐸 2 𝐸 2
𝑉𝑐 = (1000+𝑑) 𝜆 √𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏𝑤 𝑑 ( 𝐸𝑓) ≥ 0.1 𝜆 √𝑓𝑐′ 𝑏𝑤 𝑑 ( 𝐸𝑓) 𝑑 > 300𝑚𝑚 (3b)
𝑠 𝑠
where 𝜆 is a factor accouting for concrete density (assumed 1.0 in this study).
Experimental database
An experimental database of 138 FRP reinforced concrete members failed in shear was
initially created to compare experimentally determined shear capacities with the predictions
of the three shear design methods presented above, and also to train and test NNs to be
developed for shear capacity prediction. The database was then refined to 87 specimens as
explained below. 5 of the 138 test specimens collected had shear span to depth ratios a/d
less than 2.4 constituting deep beams and 2 specimens with a/d more than 6.5 identified to
be very long beams; these 7 specimens were omitted as they are not compatible with the
majority of the database specimens. In addition, most of the current shear design methods
were developed mainly on the testing of slender beams and not deep or long beams. Few of
specimens collected from the same investigation had the same material and geometrical
properties, however, their experimentally obtained shear capacities were different. Therefore,
the shear capacities of specimens with identical geometrical and material properties have
been averaged to reduce the noise in the training samples and consequently achieve
successful training and generalisation of NNs created.
The material and geometrical properties of the 87 members in the refined database as well
as their original sources are given in Appendix A (Table A.1). Of the 87 test specimens, 77
were beams and the other 10 were one way slabs. All specimens in the database were
simply supported, tested in either three or four points loading arrangement, had no
transverse reinforcement and failed in shear. The distribution of geometrical and mechanical
properties of the 87 test specimens is given in Table 1.
Table A.1 in Appendix A gives the ratio of experimentally measured shear capacity Vexp to
that predicted by the three design methods, Vpred, for every specimen in the refined database.
For each shear design method, four statistical observations are also calculated to assess the
predicted shear capacities to those experimentally observed, namely the mean, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation (COV%) and mean absolute square percentage error
(MAE%); these statistical parameters are summarised in Table 2. Verification of the shear
design equations is also shown by plotting the predicted shear strengths against the
experimental values for all specimens in Figures 1 to 3. In each plot a straight line, with Vexp =
Vpred, is drawn. The ACI-440.1R-06 is the most conservative, even though all safety factors
were not considered, and shows the largest scatter of results. On the other hand, CNR DT
203/2006 is the most accurate among the three methods with a mean of 0.954 and least
scatter with a standard deviation of 0.261.
Artificial neural networks (NNs) are defined as computing systems made up of a number of
simple, highly interconnected processing elements called neurons. They can be applied to
complex problems described with a large amount of data, where rational engineering
solutions have not yet been developed, such as the problem in hand.
Multi layered feed forward NNs
Based on the experimental observations and recently developed formula (JSCE, 1997, BISE,
1999, ACI-440, 2006, CNR-DT 203, 2006, ISIS, 2007, CAN/CSA S806-02, 2002, Razaqpur
and Isgor, 2006, Razaqpur and Spadea, 2010, Weigan and Abdalla, 2005, El-Sayed et al.,
2006b), the following parameters are used as the inputs of the networks to be developed: d,
bw, a/d, 𝑓𝑐′ , 𝜌f and Ef, where various notations are defined in Table 1. The output is the shear
capacity Vc of FRP reinforced concrete members.
The refined database of 87 specimens is used for training and testing NNs. As mentioned
earlier in the paper, many gathered specimens have exact same parametric values i.e.
material and geometrical properties but the experimentally measured shear capacities are
different, so the experimentally obtained shear capacities of these specimens have been
averaged. Based on initial trial and error testing it was realised that the averaged database of
87 specimens allowed the NNs to generalise better and train more efficiently than that using
the original un-averaged database.
Generalisation of NN
One of the problems that occur during NN training is the so called over fitting as the network
may memorise the training features, but not learned to generalise new patterns (Demuth and
Beale, 2002). One of the most effective and widely used techniques to improve
generalisation of NNs is early stopping. In this technique, the available data are divided into
three subsets: training, validation and test subsets. The training set is used for computing the
gradient and updating the network weights and biases to diminish the training error. When
the error on the validation set, which is monitored during the training process, increases for a
specified number of iterations, the training is stopped, and then the network weights and
biases at the minimum validation error are returned. The test set error is not used during
training, but it is used for verification of the NNs (Demuth and Beale, 2002). However for the
current problem it has shown to be inefficient and thus not most suitable.
On the other hand, Bayesian regularisation (BR) is known to provide better generalisation
performance than early stopping technique when the dataset is relatively small (Demuth and
Beale, 2002), such as the case in this paper, as it does not require that a validation data set
be separate from the training data set. Therefore, BR has been adopted in the current
development. Hence, all database specimens are divided into only two subsets: training and
testing as detailed later. Analogous to the early stopping technique, the training set is used
for computing the gradient and updating the network weights and biases to diminish the
training error.
The training algorithm is allowed to run until convergence i.e. when the sum squared error
(SSE) is relatively constant over several iterations as calculated by the equation below:
𝑆𝑆𝐸 = ∑𝑚
𝑖=1(𝑉𝑖 ,𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑 − 𝑉𝑖 ,exp )
where m is the total number of training specimens. Then the testing subset is used to assess
the created network and any possible complications due to over fitting. For this investigation,
80% is used for training and 20% for testing the networks as indicated in Table A.1. Over
fitting in training and outputs of NNs are commonly influenced by the number of hidden
layers and neurons in each hidden layer. A trial and error approach was therefore carried out
to choose an optimum number of hidden layers and number of neurons in each hidden layer
as explained later.
In a multi-layered feed-forward NN having a back-propagation algorithm, the combination of
non-linear and linear transfer functions can be trained to approximate any function arbitrarily
well (Demuth and Beale, 2002). For the NNs created in this study, tan-sigmoid transfer
function was employed in the hidden layers as it is generally known to be more suitable for
multi-layer networks developed for non-linear applications than log-sigmoid function that
generates outputs between 0 and 1 (Demuth and Beale, 2002). On the other hand, linear
transfer function was adopted in the output layer; its suitability was also reiterated by the trial
and error experiments conducted.
Data normalisation
By performing certain pre-processing steps on the network inputs and targets, NN training
can be made more efficient, commonly referred to as normalisation. As upper and lower
bounds of the tan-sigmoid function output are +1 and -1, respectively, inputs and targets in
the database were normalised so that they fall in the interval [-1, 1]. The network output is
then reverse transformed back into the units of the original target data when the created
network is simulated. Most of the network creation functions in the NN toolbox of Matlab
automatically assign pre and post processing functions to the network inputs and targets.
Initial weights and biases were randomly assigned by the NN toolbox of Matlab. The
maximum number of iterations (epochs) was set at 1000. In the training process of the multi-
layer feed-forward NNs developed, the error between the prediction of the output layer and
experimental shear strength was then back propagated from the output layer to the input
layer in which the connection weights and biases were adjusted. The training process was
repeated until the maximum epochs were reached, the SSE converged or the performance
gradient fell below a minimum value. However, the SSE converged in most trials.
Of the 87 specimens (refined database), 80% (70 specimens) of data was assigned to
training and 20% (17 specimens) to testing as given in Table A.1. The distribution of each
parameter across its range in the training subset is manually examined to ensure that it
covers a good spread within the range considered. At early stages of trial and error network
creation and testing, data corresponding to a high error for the test set were moved into the
training set and replaced in the test set with another random combination to achieve better
results and learning.
A total of 10 different NNs with different architectures were created and tested i.e. networks
with varying number of hidden layers and corresponding neurons as listed in Table 3. Each
created network weights and biases were randomly reinitialised nine times thus the results
shown are the most favourable of the ten trials for each NN architecture. SSE defined in Eq.
(4) was used to monitor the network performance. For each NN four statistical observations;
mean, standard deviation, COV% and MAE% of Vexp / Vpred are used to assess predicted to
those experimentally observed shear capacities for all specimens as presented in Table 3.
Although the mean and standard deviation of the ratio of predicted and measured shear
capacities of FRP reinforced concrete members presented in Table 3 by different NN
architectures were similar, the 6×12×1 NN was finally selected for predicting shear capacity
of FRP reinforced concrete members. In addition, over-fitting seldom occurred in the 6×12×1
network due to their simpler architecture and better prediction especially for the testing data
set compared with NNs having more neurons or hidden layers. Figure 5 compares the
6×12×1 network prediction and experimental results. It indicates generalisation and good
modelling of the problem with low scatter around the diagonal line showing consistency and
The fact that the somewhat limited training set of 70 specimens was successful for
developing networks which provide accurate predictions of shear capacity suggests that the
problem is not heavily non-linear. This is also reiterated by the fact that the problem can be
modelled reasonably well with a single hidden layer and a relatively small number of
corresponding neurons.
Comparing the predictions from the 6×12×1 NN and existing shear design methods
presented above for the specimens in the database, the following observations can be made:
The NN has a mean value closer to 1, indicating its superior average accuracy as
compared to the design methods.
The NN standard deviation, COV% and MAE% are far much lower than those of the
three design methods. Graphically the NN also shows more favourable results. The
data points are less scattered and closer to the diagonal line indicating that the NN
predictions are more accurate and consistent at predicting shear resistance.
The trained 6x12x1 NN is used to analyse the influence of the main parameters on shear
capacity of FRP reinforced concrete members. This has been done via two avenues; firstly
the Garson index (Garson, 1991) which identifies the relative importance of each parameter
based on the created NN weightings at node points and secondly by using the created
network to simulate indicative results for the influencing parameters.
The Garson index (Garson, 1991) has been used to identify the relative importance of all
input parameters with respect to the shear resistance as the output parameter via operations
between the weight matrices generated in two successive layers of the trained NN. For a NN
with one hidden layer the Garson index is determined from the following formula:
|𝑊𝑖𝑗 ||𝑉𝑗𝑘 |
∑𝐼 |𝑊𝑖𝑗 |
𝐺𝑖𝑘 = |𝑊𝑖𝑗 ||𝑉𝑗𝑘 |
∑𝐼𝑖=1 ∑𝐽𝑗=1
∑𝐼𝑖=1|𝑊𝑖𝑗 |
where 𝐺𝑖𝑘 indicates the connectivity strength between the ith parameter of the input layer and
the kth prediction of the output layer; |𝑊𝑖𝑗 | is the weight matrix linking the I neurons of the
input layer with the J neurons of the intermediate hidden layer, |𝑉𝑗𝑘 | represents the weight
matrix linking the J neurons of the intermediate hidden layer with the K neurons of the output
layer, as shown in Figure 4.
Table 4 gives the Garson index values for the six input parameters considered in the final NN
configuration (6x12x1). It is clear that all parameters have a high relative importance which
demonstrates their usage as input parameters for the NNs and shear design methods. 𝜌f and
Ef have a relatively large weighting, shortly followed by d, then bw and then 𝑓𝑐′ . The lowest
relative importance is that of a/d, approximately half that of d, 𝜌f and Ef. This may be
attributed to the range of a/d in the refined database used to train and test NNs. The
literature shows that a/d has a large effect for deeper beams (0<a/d<2.5) than it does for
slender beams (2.5<a/d<6.5) similar to those in the refined database.
Parametric Analysis
The developed 6x12x1 network is employed to examine the effect of the main input
parameters on shear capacity. The ranges of the inputs have shown that there are parts
which are covered by a limited amount of specimens, if any, mainly due to the fact that many
tests have not been conducted so as to have ranges which are fully and thoroughly covered
as presented in Table 1. Therefore only parts of the ranges which are appropriately covered
are considered in this parametric study to give reliable trend in the confidence that the NN
has generalised for those parts accordingly. The values, at which various parameters were
kept constant when other parameters were being changed in the analysis, are: d=300mm;
bw=200mm; a/d=3.5; 𝑓𝑐′ =40MPa; pf =1.5% and Ef =40 GPa. These values have been chosen
as they are not at the extremes of the whole range for each parameter and also as they
occur within the band for which there is a high frequency.
The influence of the shear span to depth ratio a/d is presented in Figure 6. It is clear that as
a/d increases, shear capacity decreases. This is in accordance with the known effect of a/d
on reinforced concrete shear capacity indicating that the NN has modelled the problem
adequately. Interestingly some shear design methods don’t consider a/d to be a notable
influencing parameter.
Effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratio
Figure 7 shows that Vc increases with increasing longitudinal FRP reinforcement ratio 𝜌f,
which is general knowledge in the field. The NN indicates that Vc is linearly proportional to 𝜌f,
disputing the assumptions made by some of the shear design methods that it is proportional
to 𝜌f1/2 or 𝜌f1/3. Surprisingly some design methods (ISIS, 2007) don’t even consider 𝜌f to be a
notable influencing parameter.
The influence of FRP elastic modulus Ef is presented in Figures 8. This figure has been
produced for the commercially available ranges of Ef (=30 to 50 and 110 to 140 GPa) and
consequently used in NN training. However, as future shear test data become available in
the Ef range between 60 and 110 GPa, the NN will be re-trained to cover the entire Ef range
between 20 and 140 GPa. The figure shows that for smaller Ef values (30 to 50 GPa), Vc
increases with increasing Ef and that Vc is nearly linearly proportional to Ef. For higher Ef
values (110 to 140 GPa), the effect of increasing Ef has a much smaller influence on Vc, if
any, and Vc is far much less from linearly proportional to Ef. None of the empirically
developed shear design methods presented in the literature takes this dual effect into
account; the formulas are the same regardless of whether high modulus CFRP or lower
modulus GFRP or AFRP bars are used as flexural tensile reinforcement.
The effect of increasing concrete compressive strength 𝑓𝑐′ is to increase Vc (see Figure 9) as
is common knowledge in the field. The developed network predicts that the shear capacity Vc
is nearly linearly proportional to 𝑓𝑐′ . It also predicts that Vc is more linearly proportional to 𝑓𝑐′
than √𝑓𝑐′ (Figure 9(b)) as is assumed by some shear design methods in the literature.
However, the difference between the two is rather small and so it is reasonable as to why
some design methods consider one over the other.
The ACI-440.1R-06 and ISIS-M03-07 were not accurate at predicting shear capacity
and had a large dispersion of data about the mean. However, CNR DT 203/2006
design method showed reasonable accuracy and scatter in calculating shear
The shear capacity of FRP reinforced concrete members is not heavily non-linear as
it can be modelled reasonably well with a single hidden layer and small number of
corresponding neurons e.g. 6x3x1 network. In addition, NN training was successfully
achieved using a limited training set of 70 specimens.
Statistically and graphically the NN proved to be considerably more accurate than the
three existing design methods with its better mean and proved to be more consistent
with its lower standard deviation and graphical scatter, at predicting the shear
capacity of FRP reinforced concrete members.
The Garson indices calculated for the developed NN clearly showed that all
parameters considered have a high relative importance demonstrating their usage as
input parameters for the NN. For the parameter ranges used to develop NNs, FRP
reinforcement amount and modulus of elasticity have the highest weighting shortly
followed by the beam depth, then width and then concrete compressive strength. The
shear span to depth ratio has the lowest relative importance for the range (2.49–6.49)
The trained NN predicted that the shear capacity is:
o linearly proportional to the FRP reinforcement ratio, 𝜌f, disputing the
assumptions made by some of the shear design methods that it is proportional
to 𝜌f1/2 or 𝜌f1/3.
o more linearly proportional to the concrete compressive strength, 𝑓𝑐′ , than √𝑓𝑐′
as is assumed by some shear design methods, however the difference is
rather small and so it is reasonable as to why some design methods consider
one over the other.
o nearly linearly proportional to Ef for smaller FRP modulus of elasticity values
(Ef = 30-50 GPa). However, for higher Ef values (110–140 GPa), the effect of
increasing Ef has a much smaller influence on shear capacity, if any. None of
the shear design methods take this dual effect into account.
The developed network is trained to generalise well within the range of inputs
considered. However, it does not have the ability to accurately extrapolate beyond
this range and isn’t flexible enough for engineering design where a design model
consisting of simple equations would be more suitable but less accurate.
The authors would like to express their dearest appreciation to the financial support provided
by the IStructE and Robinson Design Group.
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Appendix A
Table A.1 – Refined experimental database of 87 specimens and shear strength predictions
Vexp / Vpred
Specimen bw d f'c ρf Ef Vexp CNR DT
Source a/d ACI 440.1R- ISIS-M03-
No. (mm) (mm) (MPa) (%) (GPa) (kN) 203/2006 6x12x1 NN
06 (2006) 07 (2007)
1 1000 165.3 6.0 40.0 0.39 114 140 2.11 0.72 0.89 0.97
2 1000 165.3 6.0 40.0 0.78 114 167 1.84 0.77 1.06 1.01
3* 1000 160.5 6.2 40.0 1.18 114 190 1.81 0.82 1.24 1.05
El-Sayed et 4 1000 162.1 6.2 40.0 0.86 40 113 1.95 0.88 1.23 0.99
al. (2005) 5 1000 159 6.3 40.0 1.70 40 142 1.84 0.92 1.58 1.03
6* 1000 162.1 6.2 40.0 1.71 40 163 2.06 1.04 1.78 1.15
7 1000 159 6.3 40.0 2.44 40 163 1.80 0.92 1.81 0.98
8 1000 154.1 6.5 40.0 2.63 40 168 1.85 0.94 1.93 1.00
9 250 326 3.1 50.0 0.87 128 77.5 1.48 0.68 0.86 0.73
10 250 326 3.1 50.0 0.87 39 70.5 2.30 1.07 1.41 1.19
El-Sayed et 11* 250 326 3.1 44.6 1.24 134 104 1.73 0.89 1.19 0.90
al. (2006b) 12 250 326 3.1 44.6 1.22 42 60 1.67 0.87 1.23 0.81
13* 250 326 3.1 43.6 1.72 134 124.5 1.82 0.98 1.44 0.98
14 250 326 3.1 43.6 1.71 42 77.5 1.86 1.02 1.60 0.89
15 250 326 3.1 63.0 1.71 135 130 1.70 0.86 1.25 0.94
El-Sayed et 16 250 326 3.1 63.0 1.71 42 87 1.89 0.96 1.50 0.98
al. (2006a) 17 250 326 3.1 63.0 2.2 135 174 2.05 1.04 1.67 1.07
18 250 326 3.1 63.0 2.2 42 115.5 2.24 1.16 1.99 1.08
19 200 225 2.7 40.5 0.25 145 36.1 2.19 0.72 0.74 0.82
Razaqpur 20 200 225 2.7 49.0 0.5 145 47 1.97 0.77 0.88 1.02
et al. 21* 200 225 2.7 40.5 0.63 145 47.2 1.89 0.85 0.97 1.06
(2004) 22 200 225 2.7 40.5 0.88 145 42.7 1.48 0.72 0.88 0.90
23 200 225 3.6 40.5 0.5 145 49.7 2.20 0.93 1.02 1.11
24 200 225 4.2 40.5 0.5 145 38.5 1.70 0.72 0.79 0.86
25-27‡ 127 143 6.4 60.3 0.33 139 13.97 1.69 0.52 0.59 0.96
Gross et al. 28-30** 159 141 6.5 61.8 0.58 139 19.97 1.51 0.55 0.68 1.12
(2004) 31-33** 89 143 6.4 81.4 0.47 139 9.8 1.33 0.45 0.51 1.01
34-36** 121 141 6.5 81.4 0.76 139 15.4 1.25 0.48 0.60 0.90
37-38** 160 346 2.8 37.3 0.72 42 59.1 3.24 1.64 1.97 1.20
39-40‡ 160 346 3.3 43.2 1.1 42 44.1 1.91 1.01 1.37 0.79
Tarik and 41-42** 160 325 3.5 34.1 1.54 42 46.8 1.98 1.18 1.71 0.90
(2003) 43-44** 130 310 3.1 37.3 0.72 120 47.5 2.22 1.05 1.26 0.79
45-46** 130 310 3.7 43.2 1.1 120 50.15 1.87 0.91 1.23 0.79
47-48** 130 310 3.7 34.1 1.54 120 57.1 1.98 1.10 1.58 1.05
49-51‡ 203 225 4.1 79.6 1.25 40.3 38.03 1.63 0.72 1.04 1.13
Gross et al. 52-54** 152 225 4.1 79.6 1.66 40.3 32.5 1.63 0.75 1.19 1.10
(2003) 55-57** 165 224 4.1 79.6 2.1 40.3 35.77 1.49 0.70 1.21 0.99
58-60** 203 224 4.1 79.6 2.56 40.3 46.4 1.44 0.68 1.27 0.93
61 457 360 3.4 39.7 0.96 40.5 108.1 1.74 0.94 1.21 1.03
62 457 360 3.4 39.7 0.96 37.6 94.7 1.58 0.85 1.10 0.94
Tureyen 63 457 360 3.4 40.3 0.96 47.1 114.8 1.72 0.91 1.18 1.01
and Frosch
(2002) 64 457 360 3.4 42.3 1.92 40.5 137 1.59 0.92 1.49 0.91
65* 457 360 3.4 42.5 1.92 37.6 152.6 1.83 1.05 1.72 1.05
66 457 360 3.4 42.6 1.92 47.1 177 1.92 1.09 1.78 1.10
67-69** 229 225 4.1 36.3 1.11 40.3 38.1 1.89 0.97 1.37 1.01
70-72** 178 225 4.1 36.3 1.42 40.3 31.73 1.81 0.97 1.46 1.08
Yost et al. 73-75** 229 225 4.1 36.3 1.66 40.3 44.43 1.83 1.00 1.59 1.08
(2001) 76-78** 279 225 4.1 36.3 1.81 40.3 45.27 1.48 0.81 1.33 0.84
79-81‡ 254 224 4.1 36.3 2.05 40.3 45.1 1.54 0.85 1.47 0.90
82-84** 229 224 4.1 36.3 2.27 40.3 42.2 1.52 0.84 1.52 0.91
85 178 279 2.7 24.1 2.3 40 53.4 2.23 1.51 2.45 0.94
Alkhrdaji et
86 178 287 2.6 24.1 0.77 40 36.1 2.39 1.40 1.61 1.01
al. (2001)
87* 178 287 2.6 24.1 1.34 40 40.1 2.07 1.35 1.79 0.95
88 305 157.5 4.5 28.6 0.73 40 26.8 1.85 0.91 1.17 0.81
89 305 157.5 5.8 30.1 0.73 40 28.3 1.92 0.93 1.20 1.03
Deitz et al.
90 305 157.5 5.8 27.0 0.73 40 29.2 2.04 1.03 1.31 1.03
91* 305 157.5 5.8 28.2 0.73 40 28.5 1.97 0.97 1.25 1.02
92 305 157.5 5.8 30.8 0.73 40 27.6 1.86 0.89 1.16 1.01
Mizkuwa et
93 200 260 2.7 34.7 1.3 130 62.2 1.73 0.93 1.26 1.01
al. (1997)
Duranovic 94 150 210 3.7 32.9 1.31 45 22 1.62 0.88 1.28 0.96
et al.
(1997) 95* 150 210 3.7 38.1 1.31 45 26.5 1.87 0.96 1.44 1.09
Swamy and
Aburawi 96 254 222 3.2 39.0 1.55 34 19.5 0.80 0.43 0.67 0.43
97* 150 250 3.0 34.3 1.51 105 45 1.79 0.94 1.41 1.11
Zhao et al.
98 150 250 3.0 34.3 3.02 105 46 1.38 0.72 1.45 0.89
99 150 250 3.0 34.3 2.27 105 40.5 1.36 0.73 1.27 0.92
Lubell et al.
100 450 970 3.1 40.0 0.46 40 136 1.17 0.63 0.83 0.97
101 150 171 3.9 34.0 0.45 38 12.5 1.98 0.79 0.96 1.10
102 150 218 3.1 34.0 0.71 32 17.5 1.90 0.91 1.15 1.20
Ashour 103 150 268 2.5 34.0 0.86 32 25 2.02 1.06 1.33 0.95
(2005) 104 150 168 4.0 59.0 1.39 32 17.5 1.56 0.70 1.13 1.89
105* 150 218 3.1 59.0 1.06 32 27.5 2.14 0.95 1.37 1.38
106 150 268 2.5 59.0 1.15 32 30 1.83 0.86 1.21 0.91
107-108** 200 325 3.2 44.6 0.7 137 110.5 2.91 1.36 1.57 1.27
Tottori and 109 200 325 3.2 45.0 0.7 137 118 3.10 1.45 1.67 1.35
(1993) 110-112** 200 325 3.2 46.9 0.9 192 106 2.14 1.20 1.24 0.99
113-115** 200 325 3.2 46.9 0.9 58 87 2.97 1.41 1.85 1.22
Nagasaka 116 250 265 3.1 34.1 1.9 56 113 3.01 1.72 2.76 1.47
et al.
(1993) 117* 250 265 3.1 22.9 1.9 56 83 2.48 1.64 2.47 1.17
Nakamura 118 300 150 4.0 22.7 1.3 29 33 2.30 1.41 2.02 1.15
and Higai
119 300 150 4.0 27.8 1.8 29 36 2.05 1.20 1.99 1.10
120 457 883 3.1 29.5 0.59 40.7 154.1 1.37 0.90 1.13 0.98
121 457 880 3.1 29.5 1.18 40.7 220.7 1.43 1.12 1.62 1.02
122 456 880 3.1 30.7 1.18 41.4 216.2 1.38 1.06 1.55 1.00
Matta et al.
123 114 294 3.1 59.7 0.59 40.8 15.2 1.35 0.54 0.65 0.60
124-125** 114 294 3.1 32.1 0.59 40.8 18.7 1.96 0.96 1.09 0.71
126* 229 147 3.1 59.7 0.59 40.8 28.6 2.53 0.91 1.22 1.50
127-128** 229 147 3.1 32.1 0.59 40.8 31.55 3.29 1.44 1.83 1.32
Note: * Specimens used for training.
** Specimens having the same geometrical and material properties.
Specimens used for training and having the same geometrical and material properties.
Table 1 – Distribution of geometrical and mechanical properties of the 87 test specimens
Web width bw Shear span to Modulus of Reinforcement ratio
Effective depth d compressive
depth ratio a/d elasticity E f f %
strength f c'
Range Freq. Range Freq. Range Freq. Range Freq. Range Freq. Range Freq.
(mm) (mm) (MPa) (GPa)
80 - 100 1 100 – 200 23 20 - 30 11 2.48 - 3.0 11 20 - 50 56 0.25 -0.75 26
100 - 200 28 200 – 300 34 30 - 40 26 3.0 - 3.5 38 50 - 80 3 0.75 - 1.25 23
200 - 300 33 300 - 400 26 40 - 50 30 3.5 - 4.0 10 80 - 110 3 1.25 - 1.75 20
300 - 400 7 400 - 500 0 50 - 60 6 4.0 - 4.5 11 110 - 140 18 1.75 - 2.25 11
400 - 500 10 500 - 600 0 60 - 70 8 4.5 - 5.0 1 140- 170 6 2.25 - 2.75 6
500 - 1000 8 600 - 1000 4 70 - 90 6 5.0 - 6.5 16 170 - 200 1 2.75 - 3.25 1
Table 2 – Summary of statistical results for shear design methods
Design method Mean deviation COV % MAE %
ACI 440.1R-06 (2006) 1.894 0.443 23.37 44.95
CNR DT 203/2006 (2006) 0.954 0.261 27.41 24.28
ISIS-M03-07 (2007) 1.353 0.416 30.77 30.11
NN architecture* Mean COV% MAE%
6x3x1 1.032 0.240 23.24 15.33
6x6x1 1.021 0.200 19.61 13.11
6x10x1 1.020 0.211 20.68 13.87
6x12x1 1.018 0.189 18.57 12.83
6x15x1 1.020 0.182 17.82 13.03
6x21x1 1.024 0.216 21.09 14.02
6x3x3x1 1.023 0.216 21.16 15.17
6x3x5x1 1.022 0.214 20.90 14.96
6x5x5x1 1.012 0.190 18.75 14.29
6x6x1x1 1.019 0.179 17.60 13.14
* The first and last numbers indicate the numbers of neurons in
input and output layers, respectively, and the others refer to the
number of neurons in hidden layers.
Vpred (kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Vexp (kN)
Vpred (kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Vexp (kN)
Vpred (kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Vexp (kN)
n1,1 y1,1
p1 = d b1,1
n1,2 y1,2 V1,1
p2 = bw
p3 = a/d b1,2
n2,1 Vpred
p4 = fc'
p5 = b2,1
f n1,11 y1,11
p6 = Ef
W12,6 n1,12 y1,12
Testing set specimens
Training set specimens
Vpred (kN)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Vexp (kN)
Vpred (kN)
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Vpred (kN)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
80 f = 0.015
Vpred (kN)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Ef (GPa)
Vpred (kN)
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
f'c (MPa)
Vpred (kN)
4 5 6 7 8
(f'c )1/2