De1 ML186 NLTK-va-TKDN 260921
De1 ML186 NLTK-va-TKDN 260921
De1 ML186 NLTK-va-TKDN 260921
Q2. The grades that a random sample of MBA students received over the last five years of
“International Business” classes represent what statistical concept?
A) The grades are a sample.
B) The grades are a parameter.
C) The grades are a population.
D) The grades are a statistic.
Q3. A newspaper advertising sales representative earns a commission on each advertisement sold.
This person made $3,000 in commissions during one month and concludes that annual
compensation will be $36,000. This is an example of:
A) secondary data.
B) inferential statistics
C) nominal data.
D) descriptive statistics.
Q4. A consumer confidence researcher asks several retailers to report the number of LCD
televisions sold during a particular month. These numbers most likely represent what level of
A) Interval
B) Nominal
C) Ordinal
D) Ratio
Q5. Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness for a particular course asks students to respond
to their level of agreement with several statements according to the scale 1 = Strongly Agree, 2 =
Agree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Disagree, and 5 = Strongly Disagree. The responses indicate what level of
A) Interval
B) Nominal
C) Ordinal
D) Ratio
Q6. Look at the survey questions that a firm sent to its customers. What type of variable and levels
of measurement do the questions concerning overall service, selection, and quality of the items
purchased represent?
A) Categorical variables measured on the interval scale.
B) Continuous variables measured on a ratio scale.
C) Categorical variables measured on an ordinal scale.
D) Categorical variables measured on the nominal scale.
Q7. The Quality Assurance Department of a large urban hospital is attempting to monitor and
evaluate patient satisfaction with hospital services. Prior to discharge, a random sample of patients
is asked to fill out a questionnaire to rate such services as medical care, nursing, therapy,
laboratory, food, and cleaning. The Quality Assurance Department prepares weekly reports that
are presented at the Board of Directors meetings and extraordinary/atypical ratings are easy to flag.
True population characteristics estimated from the sample results each week are called ________.
A) a sample.
B) a population.
C) a parameter.
D) a statistic
Q9. The chancellor of a major university was concerned about alcohol abuse on her campus and
wanted to find out the proportion of students at her university who visited campus bars on the
weekend before the final exam week. Her assistant took a random sample of 250 students and
computed the portion of students in the sample who visited campus bars on the weekend before
the final exam. The portion of all students at her university who visited campus bars on the
weekend before the final exam week is an example of:
A) a statistic.
B) a population.
C) a sample.
D) a parameter.
Q10. The average number of units earned per semester by college students is suspected to be rising.
A researcher at Calendula College wishes to estimate the number of units earned by students during
the spring semester at Calendula. To do so, he randomly selects 100 student transcripts and records
the number of units each student earned in the spring term. Identify the variable of interest to the
A) The number of students enrolled at Calendula College during the spring term.
B) The average indebtedness of Calendula College students enrolled in the spring.
C) The age of Calendula College students enrolled in the spring.
D) The number of units earned by Calendula College students during the spring term.
Problem 1: (3 points) A manufacturer of industrial wheels suspects that profitable orders are
being lost because of the long time the firm takes to develop price quotes for potential customers.
To investigate this possibility, 50 requests for price quotes were randomly selected from the set of
all quotes made last year, and the processing time (in days) was determined for each quote. Each
quote was classified according to whether the order was “lost” or not (i.e., whether or not the
customer placed an order after receiving a price quote).
A. Describe the process studied. (0.2 points)
B. Describe the research question. (0.2 points)
C. Describe the variables of interest. (0.4 points)
D. Describe the measurement of the variables in C. (0.4 points)
E. Describe the population and sample. (0.4 points)
F. Use the descriptive statistics on the processing time of the lost orders and the placed
orders to answer the research question (1.4 point).
Problem 2: (2 points) At one university, the students are given z-scores at the end of each semester
rather than the traditional GPAs. The mean and standard deviation of all students’ cumulative
GPAs, on which the z-scores are based, are 2.7 and 0.5, respectively.
A. Students with z-scores below −1.6 are put on probation. What is the corresponding probationary
GPA? (0.5 points)
B. The president of the university wishes to graduate the top 16% of the students with cum laude
honors and the top 2.5% with summa cum laude honors. Where (approximately) should the limits
be set in terms of z-scores? (0.5 points) In terms of GPAs? (0.5 points) What assumption, if any,
did you make about the distribution of the GPAs at the university? (0.5 points)
Problem 3 (3 points):
We use data on SAT score and estimate the equation:
𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ℎ𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 + 𝛽2 ℎ𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑠𝑞 + 𝛽3 𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 + 𝛽4 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 + 𝑢 (1)
where: sat = combined SAT score
hsize = size of the student’s high school graduating class, in hundreds
hsizesq =hsize2
female =1 for female, 0 otherwise
black = 1 for blacks, 0 otherwise
Regression results
(1) (2)
VARIABLES Model 1 Model 2