Assignment 3 History 105
Assignment 3 History 105
Assignment 3 History 105
In 1880s it was the most of clairvoyant that could predict by end of century the as Africans
would lie practically in European’s feet. the sensible thing was that the leaders of various
Africa states did something emphatic to look at European treatment, the Africa would be no
longer there they would try to run away for their lives as nobody noticed by that time
everything happened so fast. As nibbling happened there were changes to aggressive
grabbing and swallowing of Africa’s things, as the tactics was the consequence of certain
development in Europe and Africa.1878 the foundation of Frances west African empire was
already established. The France founded it possible to commit itself to the police of
aggressive land taking it was the merely formalization of thing that was goanna continued in
various degree century. The way things happened hade the validity of a word scramble which
was convinced in the sense of Europe countries made themselves the same in land
steeplechase. France was merely responding to the activities of other countries it was not a
prime to move for the conference, as the African power had no much to gain in such
conference. The France should be said that having initiated the scramble by it previous
grabbing of African lands when either other power was not looking in one position to
participate in the left. 1
The things that made colonisation of Africa possible there is western medicine which showed
the difference in the survival rates of African population, this growth of the African people
stated during colonial area. There was formal education, anti-African as it might had been in
so many countries it was mentioned that it helped to broad the African outlook and to unlock
hided potential African people. Education and healthcare were provided by missionaries, the
young activists were able to challenge the status que and to make demands for the restoration
of African dignity and freedom by using political and moral ideas it is even rotted in western
education. There was a small infrastructure that colonial authorities established it became the
foundation which new African leaders built their national institution, this new built were built
initially to service the white colonial community and to support the small urban settlement.
The Africans acquired important skills by working for colonial bureaucracies, as they
experienced it helped to maintain the services during tumultuous period of political transition
and afterwards. There was also the introduction of Islamic and Cristian in African people that
are spiritual people who believe in God and believe in life after death with ancestral spirits.
They promoted the health care and self-help; they created a new basic for Africans to come
G. N. Uzoigwe. “The berlin west Africa: history society of Nigeria “1984, page 10,11,12.
together and assist one another as they had traditionally done. Lastly was imposing arbitrary
boundaries on the African people countries were created with a stroke of a pen. 2
The conference of berlin was held to study possibility of a universally agreed rule regarding
African colonization. Bismarck as he involved many nations with no direct interest in the
issue to discussed covering up his political purpose in the conference, he also stated that the
reason to invite the second series was to give the great validity possible to the resolutions of
the conference. There was a conference that was held which satisfied Britain that the desired
of engagement taken in the conference should be binding not only in signatory powers but on
those not present. As the Belgium asked for help the France protested and germen intervened
proposing an international conference for introducing into Africa the equality and community
of interest that was successful pursued in the Far East. The pledge of secrecy gave by the
participant powers regarding to the proceedings of the conference, the purpose of the
conference was to guarantee free trade and navigation on the Congo and the Niger slavery,
slave trade and to stablish certain uniform rules with reference to future occupation on the
African coast. The conference of berlin established the principle that occupied of Africa
territory had to be effective to be legal and it intended to formulate a general rule of
international law upon the controversial subject.
The berlin conference brought within each empire territories where an elaborate system
government would be premature. There was an agreement in the conference that the future
any power that effectively occupied Africa territory and dully notified the others power could
just claim the right to its possession, the berlin conference was seen as a productive meeting,
they even pointed that it did much to keep the imperial ambitions of the power within limits
by internationally coordination action. It took a very important step in the establishment of
the open door police by declaring the rules of free commerce, free navigation and neutrality
for the conventional Congo basin and by recognized the free Congo the conference that was
focused in the matter of west Africa was expressly recognized that in extending the principle
of free trade to the eastern zone, the conference powers only undertook engagements for them
and the territories belonged to independent sovereign state this principle had to be applicable
in far as it approved in each state. The berlin putted down the large difference between the
mandatory principle. The conference of berlin was certainly relative to the partition of Africa,
but it was not necessarily the cause for such an outcome.3
Dana April Seidenberg.” Colonialism and the African experience: colonization of Africa” 1960, page 136, 137.
Wang shih-Tsung.” The conference of berlin: British new imperialism” 1884, page 1-13.
The decisions that were taken in the conference the British mission was finally emerged from
a difficult position without losing any important interests. Bismarck when time goes, he lost
interest in conference as he saw that Germany dreams of forming a colonial alliance of
continental powers against the British. Colonial secretary grasped the rhythm at the time, he
then argued that government to copy the coastland in order to make the British possession in
south Africa, he agrees that the scramble for colonies was ridiculous. The present of
scramble for Africa the British were forced into action. there were five who signed African
chiefs to establish British influence on many African tributes. The Britain made an agreement
of terms of the berlin act with Germany for the separation of sphere action on Gulf of Guinea
subsequently a British protectorate was proclaimed there, the Britain even started to
contemplate an Anglo German partition of east Africa. the British applied the provision of the
fifth article the berlin act which secured protection to the person and treatment of foreigners
as to settlement or access to the markets. British become ready to resort in resolution of the
conference in matter of colonisation.i4
African continent was partitioned in more than 50 countries. The European established the
formal control over Africa in 1880. The commercial tied connection of Africa and Europe
when the Portuguese landed on the cost of west Africa, this contacted intensifies with the rise
of the slave trade that was height in 1700s until the mid1800s. the was a century that bring
missionaries and explore to Africa to discover the unknown territory and converting souls.
African society effected prevent European from extending their presence into the hinterland.
As the European knew about continent interior this changed rapidly at the end of 19 th century
with the portioning of Africa. there were technology factors which that enable the European
powers to conquer Africa which were quinine, iron metallurgy, steamboat, administrative
capacity and racism.5
Wash shih-Tsung. “The conference of berlin: British new imperialism” 1884, page 25-33.
Jutta bolt. “the history of African development: the partitioning of Africa” 1880,page 1-3.
Reference list
G.N uzoigwe, “the berlin west Africa conference: the historical society of Nigeria” 1984.
Basil division. “Colonialism and the African experience: the history of Africa” 1990.
Wash shih-Tsung. “The conference of berlin: the partition” 1884.
Juta bolt. The partition of Africa: the history of Africa” 1880.
Question 2
The colonial police brought great change in the society as it started of social perspective the
development of capitalism tends towards the increase dominance of capital holding and
investing bourgeoisie and the landless and resourceless working class. In Africa the classic
tendency started to shape during the colonial period. The man carr was the most eminent of
growing class he formed association based on state service or common schooling that marked
territory consciousness and sense of belonging to a distinct interest group within the colonial
sphere. The capital penetration brought an argument of market life that encouraged Muslim
values while typically craft and trades flourish. Ahmadu Bamba who was mistrusted by
French and exiled to Gabon was returned to Senegal and become a decisive figure in the new
social and economic system. The Muslims was apparently a dignified and respectable social
grab, it built their own schools and promoted their international language of discourse Arabic.
There was a crucial issue for each colony was whether the colony has to rest chiefly on
peasants’ production. The outcome was that each colony had to integrate into the
international economy as a specialised economic producer for natural advantages. The most
economic development was left by European governments to private enterprise themselves
contributing only infrastructure, legal system and appetite for taxation that drove their subject
into the cash economy, the amount of restructuring involved, and its human coasts varied
from one country to another. The were pioneers which were Akwapim people of the south
gold coast who learned of cocoa from the enterprising Basel mission and west Indian agents.
The successful of African commodity production in this region ensured. Diamond discovery
gave new vitality of southwest Africa. railway transport was also vital to the establishment of
white agriculture in highlands of eastern and southern Africa which proved as suitable for
European cows. When the hopes of gold dimmed settlers started serious grain farming and
experimented with tobacco, they controlled half of the colony’s lands.
The achievements of schools in south Africa were high on the list major achievements in
Christian mission in Africa. after the national party came to power at when they realised, they
would have to gain control over mission education it was to succeed in implementing
apartheid. The western people in English schools holds out the idea that blacks should
achieve the same height that white could achieve it was not in the line of nationalist’s ideal
that made black not being educated above the level of certain forms of labour. The other
phase of national party wanted to form African education in accordance with static etc.,
African people in other to feet their political schemas of existence of various nations in south
Africa. the struggle that happened in black schools that was against oppression and white
supremacy was inspired by black consciousness. The idealism of early mission educators and
their total commitment to African advancement were known it because missionaries accepted
that western culture was superior to Africa culture, and they showed western style of
education without referencing to blacks’ traditional education. There was unresolved
contradiction it come as dual region system in which Christian was practised in integrity,
while as it selected elements of African traditional religion were also practiced either
privately or in a hidden way. The was a Christian teaching that was easy and accepted the
teaching of equal worth of people in the eyes of God, this teaching taken together with the
ideal of the autonomous individual could not but was being interpreted as implying the
equality of all people, as it was a quality of educated people.
During apartheid black people were treated so badly even women. European were controlling
commercial in crops and minerals they were getting profit. Black people were taxed for
staying in their home and it was the man that was allowed to pay the taxation money as a man
of the house. Women’s were working in the gardens everyday so that they will have food,
they were believing in thet women’s their jobs is to sit at home do households work or work
at the kitchen as a domestic workers. Having a farm as a black person realy help it really
saving, they can sell the food they planted and receive some money. Black people were not
allowed to have things mora than white people, they have to work for their family and the
money pay for the taxi. Women were also used as trade, selling them to get money as you
know so many African girls that are attraction, so they were really costing. If a person grows
up at rural areas and move to cities to look for a job or other things they get so attached so
fast, that anything that has to do with money then can take risk to have it
To conclude
This essay explains about the transformation in African society, how is the partition introduce
and the factors of colonial police that bring great change. It also explains the economic
changes the education and religion as missions introduced both Christianity and education.
Explanation of the women in old times during apartheid that how were treated, the work they
do in agriculture that were doing in their homes, how mans were contributing for their home
and what makes a women like to change if there is money involve.
Referencing list
A.N. “the making of the contemporary Africa: the development of African society” 1880.
John Iliffe. “The history of the continent: Africans” 1995.
Wille Saayman. “Association for study of religious in southern Africa: journal for the study
of religion” 1991.