Portal Hypertension and Ascites
Portal Hypertension and Ascites
Portal Hypertension and Ascites
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Table 2
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If bleeding is difficult to control, an oral-gastric tube (e.g. Management of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube or Minnesota tube) should be Segmental portal hypertension from splenic vein thrombosis is a
inserted for temporary balloon tamponade of bleeding varices potential cause of bleeding gastric varices and should be sus-
until further endoscopic treatment, transjugular intrahepatic pected in patients with normal liver function and previous
portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) or (less commonly) surgery can pancreatic pathology (e.g. acute or chronic pancreatitis). Cura-
be undertaken. Depending on local resources and expertise, tive treatment involves splenectomy or splenic artery emboliza-
specialist input should be sought at this time and transfer to a tion. In BuddeChiari syndrome, anticoagulation is the first line
centre that provides an emergency TIPSS service should be of treatment, while endovascular therapy in the form of angio-
immediately arranged. plasty with stenting is used if anticoagulation fails. TIPSS is now
TIPSS is a minimally invasive interventional radiology pro- considered optimal treatment for BuddeChiari syndrome if initial
cedure performed by needle puncture from a hepatic vein to a anticoagulation and angioplasty are unsuccessful. Assessment
tributary of the intrahepatic portal vein under image guidance. for liver transplantation is advised for BuddeChiari syndrome
The track is maintained by a polytetrafluoroethylene covered when there is evidence of hepatic decompensation and jaundice.
stent so blood flow to the liver is preserved and decompression of Treatment of portal vein thrombosis depends on the presence of
the hypertensive portal system is achieved. Even after satisfac- symptoms, the precipitating cause, the presence of malignancy
tory haemostasis with endoscopic therapy, emerging evidence and cirrhosis. Conservative management is reasonable in
suggests that early TIPSS (<72 hours after primary variceal asymptomatic patients with an obvious reversible precipitant
haemorrhage) can be considered in selected patients to prevent (e.g. following intra-abdominal sepsis or pancreatitis). There is a
re-bleeding. Balloon tamponade is unlikely to be effective for low threshold for anticoagulation in patients with malignancy,
varices further down the stomach and early recourse to TIPSS for and in those with thrombosis extending into mesenteric veins or
bleeding gastric varices should be considered. The early post- progressing on serial imaging without treatment. In an emer-
procedural complications of TIPSS are due to the shunting of gency presentation with mesenteric ischaemia secondary to
portal flow directly into the venous system, which results in the portal vein thrombosis, thrombectomy or thrombolysis is indi-
accumulation of toxins and aggravates encephalopathy. Other cated and can be life saving. Endovascular options in the setting
procedure-related complications include liver parenchymal, of acute portal vein thrombosis include thrombolysis and TIPSS.
vascular and biliary injuries. Absolute contraindications to TIPSS
include severe heart failure, tricuspid regurgitation, multiple liver Management of ascites
cysts, uncontrolled sepsis, on-going biliary obstruction, and se- Ascites is an abnormal accumulation of excess intra-peritoneal
vere pulmonary hypertension. fluid. The pathophysiology is described in Figure 2. It is an
If TIPSS is unavailable or not feasible due to contra- important complication of cirrhosis and a significant develop-
indications, and local expertise exists, surgical shunting can be ment in the natural history of cirrhosis because it is associated
considered in ChildePugh A patients that are otherwise good with 50% mortality rate over 2 years. The majority of patients
surgical candidates. Surgical shunts have a lower risk of re- who present with ascites have underlying liver cirrhosis (75%).
bleeding and occlusion than TIPSS but a higher incidence of Other causes include malignancy (10%), heart failure (3%),
encephalopathy and no survival benefit. The direct porto-caval tuberculosis (2%) and pancreatitis (1%). The new development
shunt is a surgical technique that completely bypasses the liver of ascites should prompt investigation for spontaneous bacterial
by redirecting portal blood flow from the portal vein to the vena peritonitis, portal vein thrombosis or hepatic malignancy. If the
cava. This successfully reduces portal pressure but carries a high underlying cause is unclear, a diagnostic paracentesis should be
risk of encephalopathy. The selective distal splenorenal shunt is performed. This involves inserting a needle into the peritoneal
an alternative procedure that selectively decompresses the cavity (preferably under ultrasound guidance) to remove ascitic
oesophago-gastric and splenic area but maintains mesenteric fluid. Calculation of the serum-ascites albumin gradient is useful
portal blood flow to the liver and therefore has a lower rate of for establishing whether a transudate or exudate is present. This
encephalopathy. is determined by subtracting the ascitic fluid albumin concen-
An algorithm for the management of acute variceal bleeding is tration from the serum albumin concentration. A value of 11 g or
illustrated in Figure 1. more indicates transudative ascites (e.g. secondary to cirrhosis
and portal hypertension, cardiac failure, or nephrotic syndrome).
Secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding A value of less than 11 g is indicative of an exudate (e.g. sec-
Combination therapy with b-blockers and endoscopic band ondary to tuberculosis, malignancy and pancreatitis). Pancreatic
ligation are recommended for prophylaxis against variceal re- ascites may be evident from high concentrations of amylase in
bleeding. It is suggested that varices are banded at regular in- ascetic fluid. An ascitic neutrophil count of greater than 250
tervals until they are eradicated, with ongoing surveillance for cells/mm3 is diagnostic of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in the
recurrent varices thereafter. TIPSS is reserved for those who re- absence of another known cause (e.g. perforated viscus). Bedside
bleed despite combination therapy. Recurrent variceal bleeding injection of ascitic fluid into blood culture bottles increases the
after initial successful management with endoscopic therapy chance of identifying the culprit organism and enables more
occurs in 30% of patients and requirement for salvage TIPSS is targeted antibiotic treatment. Ascitic fluid can also be sent for
associated with a high mortality. Shunt surgery can be recom- cytology and culture for mycobacteria if there is clinical suspi-
mended if surgical expertise permits in Child’s A patients when cion of malignancy or tuberculosis, respectively.
TIPSS is not possible. Ascites in cirrhosis can be managed by medical, surgical or
radiological techniques. Initial medical management involves
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November 02, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Upper gastro-
intestinal bleed in
cirrhotic patient
Consider intubation,
IV access and activate
major haemorrhage
Transfer to HDU
or ITU setting
Intravenous antibiotics
and vasoactive drugs
Urgent endoscopy
Oesophageal Gastric
varices varices
Band Injection of
ligation cyanoacrylate
Rescue therapy
with TIPSS
Figure 1
dietary sodium restriction (5.2 g salt/day) and diuretic therapy administered intravenously (100 ml per 2.5 litres of ascites
with the aldosterone inhibitor spironolactone (increasing from drained).
100 mg/day to 400 mg/day). If peripheral oedema is present, TIPSS is effective in controlling ascites that is unresponsive to
furosemide (up to 160 mg/day) can be added. Patients unre- medical treatment, but often these patients have liver failure with
sponsive to salt restriction and diuretics are described as having a poor overall prognosis in the absence of transplantation and as
refractory ascites, which puts them at risk of hepatorenal syn- such refractory ascites is an indication for transplant assessment.
drome, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and hypovolaemic The immediate risk of TIPSS in this setting is worsening hepatic
hyponatremia. These patients may benefit from regular large- dysfunction, encephalopathy and death. Interventional
volume paracentesis. To avoid circulatory dysfunction, renal radiologically placed peritoneo-venous shunts can also be used in
impairment and electrolyte disturbances, 20% human albumin is the treatment of refractory ascites. Shunts drain ascites from the
Downloaded for Dai Hoon Han (dhhan@yuhs.ac) at Yonsei University College of Medicine from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on
November 02, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Downloaded for Dai Hoon Han (dhhan@yuhs.ac) at Yonsei University College of Medicine from ClinicalKey.com by Elsevier on
November 02, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.