Tiwari 2019
Tiwari 2019
Tiwari 2019
Abstract—Technology, developed over the years, has reduced page which was created for recovering ID Cards, Pets,
human efforts significantly. We have used this technology to Animals and Gadgets.
build a website called “LOSTANDFOUND.COM”. This website In [2], author Pravir Chawdhry et.al. Highlights ‘what is
is python based. This website will help people to get their lost
needed for e-commerce’. The components needed for e-
things. A person using this website has to just put his/her lost
thing on the website and the website will find it as soon as commerce are given below:
possible. HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP, JQUERY, 1. Security and Privacy
PYTHON, DJANGO and SQLITE are the technologies which we
have used in making this website. We have used Django as a 2. Law enforcement
framework for Python in this website because it is fast, secure
and scalable. The reason we are using Python for this website is
3. Market driven approach
because it is simple, powerful and has many libraries. This 4. Self-regulation
website also helps people to connect with each other. This website
is extremely beneficial for private organizations where employees 5. Technological research
usually misplace their smartphones, laptop charger, smartphone
6. Socio-economic impact
charger, purse etc.
7. Network infrastructure
Keywords— lost, found, website, Python
In [3], author Huang.S et.al. Inspects previous literatures
I. INTRODUCTION which focus on trust in business to consumer (B2C) of e-
commerce transactions between the year 2001 and 2006.This
When a person loses his/her valuable item in office
process includes three phases:
premises, there is more than 50% chance that he/she will not
1) Selecting and Focusing Phase
get that item. Trust among employees towards each other plays
2) Analysing Phase
an important role in this situation. If a person finds a lost item
3) Concluding and Outcome-Converging Phase
of any other person in the office, there are chances that he/she
might not return that item to its owner. This is where the role of In [4], author Kim.J et.al. Provide a framework for
“LOSTANDFOUND.COM” comes. “MISSINGX.COM” is building brand equity online for business to consumer (B2C)
one of the examples of websites which helps in finding the lost companies. The framework can be provided by drawing on
valuable item. Keller’s (1993) consumer-based brand equity model.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW In [5], author Lah.C et.al. Want to improve current e-
Commerce implementation through social presence. For this
In [1], author Githinji et.al. Want people to maintain their purpose, this study explores e-Commerce trust properties
trust on LOST AND FOUND WEBSITES. This study with its attributes as suggested by previous researchers. This
focuses on three lost and found web applications which were study also identifies trust factors based on social presence
used in Kenya according to Google results. The name of the attributes. This research paper provides guidelines to online
first lost and found web application is “Zipate”. The umoja businesses for developing a trusted website which follows
ICT youth group made Zipate. The name of the second lost updated trend of e-Commerce.
and found web application is “Lost and Found Document
Center”.It’s aim was to getting lost items back to their In [6], author Rewatkar.L et.al. Describes the connection
rightful owners. The name of the third lost and found web between cloud computing and web application. This study is
application is “Lost and Found Kenya”. It is a Facebook also about the advantages of cloud computing and survey
Our website gives us peace of mind and reminds us that
someone is always there in case of an emergency. Those
people who want to return the things, this website will help
them to keep the good work. There is huge scope of
improvement in our project. Our project can be enhanced in
such a way that by learning more python library, we can track
a person also. In [1], Lost and Found Kenya Application does
not have module to post lost and found items. Everything is
posted in one section in Lost and Found Kenya Application.
But in our proposed work there are multiple sections to find
lost items. In future the proposed work can be modified in
many ways. This proposed work can be enhanced in such a
way that by learning more python libraries we will be able to
track a person also.
Figure 2: Section of LOST THINGS
[1] Githinji and Stanley Muturi, “Designing lost and found web
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[2] Chawdhry,P., Masera,M & Wilikens,M, 2002, Strategies for Trust
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[4] Kim, J.,Sharma,S,& Setzekorn,K, 2002. A Framework for
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[5] Lah,C, Hussin,R, & Dahlan,H,2005, Improving B2C e-Commerce
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[6] Rewatkar,L & Lanjewar U, 2010. Implementation of Cloud
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[7] Chen, S. C. & Dhillon, G. S. (2003). Interpreting dimensions of
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