OrcFuck - A RPG
OrcFuck - A RPG
OrcFuck - A RPG
1. Always remember that consent is key, and if the other player
brings up content that you are not comfortable with, let them
know. This applies not only to kink, but to NSFW content in
general. Before the game, you can also create a list of “Want,
Will, Won’t”-- “Want” being what you want to do, “Will” being
what you can try, and Won’t being what is off limits.
2. No matter what point of the game you are in, you may stop if
you no longer want to play. The most important pillars of Orc
3. Play fairly and play generously. This isn’t just about you-- it’s
about your partner, too. Sex isn’t a single person ordeal.
4. Enjoy, and don’t hold back from what you really want.
The Orcfucker is the person who will fuck/get fucked by/fuck around
with an Orc. The Orc will play the Orc. After a game is done, you may
switch character roles.
So, you want to fuck/get fucked by/just fuck around with an Orc. I
would assume so, because you downloaded this RPG. And who could
blame you? Make sure to tremble in awe at the sight of your massive
partner; really sell that this big, green hottie is turning you on.
Establish some base details of your character, such as gender
identity, genitals, sexual orientation, traits, and hominid species.
Flavor details are entirely up to you. After you do that, roll your stats.
You are Orc, and you will be fucking/fucked by/just fuck around with
the Orcfucker. Something about this creature that is smaller and
punier than you has caught your attention, and you’ve given them the
glorious chance to bang it out with you. Do a deep voice, the lower
and more gravelly the better. Establish some base details of your
character, such as gender, genitals, sexual orientation, traits, and
miscellaneous Orc details, like how long your tusks are and how
muscular your biceps are. After you do that, roll your stats.
The Orc gets an immediate bonus to strength rolls. A 2 will be added to all
strength rolls.
Strength: Strength is important in Orcish culture. It is also very
important in Orcish lovemaking. It is used for actions that would
require force or demonstrations of power. Roll a d6 to determine
your strength. (If you roll a 6, you may choose whichever level you
1: Not at all strong. Your punches are as strong as wet tissue paper.
Subtract 3 from your strength rolls.
2: Slightly strong. You could stand to lift some weights every now and
then. Subtract 1 from your strength rolls.
3: Neutral. You are neither very strong, nor very weak. No modifier.
4: Quite strong. You work out! Add 1 to your strength rolls.
5: Incredibly strong. Your power could even rival an Orc’s, if you
exerted yourself. Add 3 to your strength rolls.
Sensuality: While Orcs may be strong creatures, they are also tender
ones. Not every orc is the hit-it and quit-it type-- they can bring on
the romance when need be. It is used for actions that require
seductiveness and delicacy.
1: Not at all sensual. You aren’t exactly the type who cares for
seduction-- just having a pound. Subtract 3 from your sensuality
2: Slightly sensual. You can try to turn on the smoulder if you need to,
but you aren’t proficient in it. Subtract 1 from your sensuality rolls.
3: Neutral. You are indifferent to sensuality. No modifier.
4: Quite sensual. Your capabilities for romance are well honed. Add 1
to your sensuality rolls.
5: Incredibly sensual. You can make others swoon with little effort.
Add 3 to your sensuality rolls.
(Optional) Roles: Top Or Bottom
If you are queer/planning on doing a dom/sub dynamic, choose this
option. In order to decide whether you will be topping or bottoming this
orc, both players will flip a coin. Heads is what you think it is, and tails is
also what you think it is. Whichever side it lands on will be your role for
the game.
The sexuality level you select will determine the “difficulty”. This can
be adjusted according to your taste and comfort level.
Level Two: Experimental. Maybe you want to try out some toys,
kinks, or interesting positions? Mid-tier Mode, mid-tier DCs.
Medium success/failure threshold.
To start, set up a mutual scenario as to how you two met. Was it
during battle? On public transit? This is optional, but backstory can
always make things interesting. Roleplay a little about your meeting
before you start to fuck, incorporating your stats into your acting.
The time period, circumstances, etc. are all up to you both. The time
can come to fuck whenever you two want.
Players will enact their turns by saying what they will be doing
to/with the other character, as well as describing it, specifying if they
are using an item/acting on a kink. They will then roll a D20 to
determine their success. Depending on the type of action, they will
choose to add a Strength or Sensuality modifier. Choose whichever
stat is most appropriate for the action. The players alternate back
and forth between their turns-- an optional choice is to write down
exactly what you have done, and what your partner has done to/with
(If it turns out that both of you share the same role as a top or bottom,
you must compete in an in-character game of rock-paper-scissors to
determine who will do what. If you are a bottom who must top, you will
roll your strength rolls with disadvantage. If you are a top who must
bottom, you will roll your sensuality with disadvantage. This means you
will roll two D20, then take the worse of the two rolls. Additionally, a top
who is being a top rolls strength with advantage, and a bottoming bottom
rolls sensuality with advantage.)
Turns can be used to perform an action, have dirty talk, use an item,
and more. If you would like to hold your action, you may do so, and
let the other player act again. You cannot hold an action for more
than two times in a row-- come on, dude, be a part of the experience!
Depending on your Sexuality Level, you may have certain kinks and
items that apply to those kinks provided to you. It is your choice
whether you want to tell your partner your kink and what items come
with it, or keep it a secret to enhance the challenge. If you figure out a
kink your partner has, write it down. Being attentive and acting about
your partner’s needs is important.
Keep track of what succeeds and what fails. Each person has an
allotted amount of successes and failures they can reach until their
figurative boner is killed-- that number also depends on your
Sexuality Level. You must roll at a certain Difficulty Class, or DCs.
These are the numbers you must roll equal to/above in order to
succeed on an action that requires a stat check.
LEVEL 2 DC: 10
LEVEL 3 DC: 15
LEVEL 4 DC: 20
However, these successes and failures are not attributed to you; they
are attributed to your partner. If you roll above the DC, your partner
has enjoyed what you did. Pleasing your partner is success. A
successful roll means your partner will note the success on their
character sheet. If you are performing an action that brings you
pleasure-- i.e. masturbation, then you will attribute whatever roll you
make for that action to your Success/Failure amount.
If you meet or exceed the DC, you describe what it is you do, how you
succeed, and the other player describes their reaction to it. The other
player marks one success.
If you fail the DC, you describe what it is you attempt to do, how you
fail, and the other player describes their reaction to it. The other
player marks one failure.
Sometimes, you fall just a little flat when trying to please your
partner. With just a little extra push, you could make it! That’s
what bonus rolls are for. When you don’t meet the DC for a
certain roll, you may select one bonus additive from the list to
add an additional few points. You may use a certain bonus only
once, and when you run out of items on the list, you may no longer
apply any more.
● Call the Orc a pet name. (+1 Sensuality)
● Fawn over how shiny the Orc’s tusks are. (+2 Sensuality)
● Remark at how small and weak you are. (+3 Sensuality)
● Playfully tease/taunt the Orc. (+1 Strength)
● Bite or nip at the Orc. (+2 Strength)
● Pull the Orc’s hair. (+3 Strength)
● (A Bonus Action of your choice, adding up to +3 to a stat)
● Growl into the Orcfucker’s ear. (+1 Strength)
● Demonstrate your power. (+2 Strength)
● Flex. (+3 Strength)
● Moan under your breath. (+1 Sensuality)
● Tenderly hold your partner in your muscular arms. (+2
● Praise the Orcfucker. (+3 Sensuality)
● (A Bonus Action of your choice, adding up to 3 to a stat)
If your play engages in a kink that the other player is interested in,
add a +3 to your roll. If your play engages in a kink that the other
player is grossed out by, subtract a -3 from your roll. Approval or
disapproval of a kink will be voiced by the other player after
committing to the action. Acting on a kink the other partner does not
approve of after they have told you they are not interested is an
automatic failure.
rolling with advantage/disadvantage, you must still roll twice and
add the success or failure that comes afterwards.
The game does not end until both characters have climaxed, or until at
least one character fails so many times they become disinterested. Play
for as many rounds as you are interested in.
No matter the ending, once you are finished, thank the other player
for playing with you. Talk about what you liked. Talk about what you
disliked. Talk about what was fun. Talk about what you want to see
next time.
There are no winners, and there are no losers. There is just an
Orcfucker and an Orc.
Most importantly about this RPG is to have fun, and have sex. This is a
game about strength and sensuality-- the two most important and
alluring traits of Orcs. Showing your Orc that you love them is what
matters most. Orcs are beautiful; they have the power to crush heads
between their thighs, and this one is letting you occupy that space
without being killed. This is a special moment that you two are
sharing. And who knows? Maybe this Orc is as enamored with you as
you are with them.
Thank you to every Orc and Orcfucker that downloaded this game, and shares
the same love as I do for those beautiful brawny babes.
SympatheticSapphic 2021