Index: D20 System, Feats, Skill Set and Other Things Are Someones Trademark. Don't Profit With This Document
Index: D20 System, Feats, Skill Set and Other Things Are Someones Trademark. Don't Profit With This Document
Index: D20 System, Feats, Skill Set and Other Things Are Someones Trademark. Don't Profit With This Document
Character Creation ........2 Powers Table ...............2 Skill List ......................3 Feat List ......................3 Combat .......................8
Melee 8 Ranged 8 Multiple Attacks.8 Special Attacks.8 Perfect Body.15 Body Mass Control 15 Energy Resistance 15 Celular Evolution.15 Regeneration.15 Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Character Creation
1) Roll attributes Roll 4d6 for each attribute, taking out the smaller dice Distribute 75 points among all attributes 2) Choose Offensive or Defensive, apply Base attack and AC accordingly.
Base Attack = Level 1 Good Save, 2 Bad Saves AC = Level / 8
Base attack = Level / 4, AC = Level / 2 2 Good Saves, 1 Bad Save
3) Roll your 3 powers checking them on the powers table, roll 1d6 to de ne attribute and 1d10 to de ne the power. 1s and 10' are extra good. 4) Choose Mild or Strong Mutation and apply the points to your powers as you see t. MILD MUTATION 1D6 2 2 Base Power Point STRONG MUTATION 1D3 3 3 Base Power Points
5) Apply your Hit Points according to your mutation, add constitution bonus for each level. Remember rst level gets the full die. 6) Choose 12 skills wich would be your class skills. Use the skill list below or make up your own. 7) Add skill points, you get 8 + your intelligence modi er every level, and 4 times this number on level one. An easy way to handle this is to just pick 8+INTmod skills and do as if you always have 3+your character level on these skills ranks. 8) Add feats from the feat list, you get one when starting the game and one for every 2 levels. 9) Buy the master some munchies and soda and/or beer for extra in-game bonuses.
Powers Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All Terrain Dig Swim Climb Jump Melee Weapon Unmovable Stance Disrupting Slam Muscular Evolution Demolisher
Hasted Contender Marksman Ranged Weapon Stretchable Limbs Extra Limbs Teleportation Fly Re exive Evolution Incredible Speed
Invulnerable Armored Skin Healing Factor Exoskeleton Toxin Immune Body Ful lled Body Mass Control Energy Resistance Celular Evolution Regeneration
Telekinesis & Telepathy
Healing Improved Sense Density Control Trade health Force Field Danger Sense
Morphing Hormone Aura Change size Talk to animals Drain life Drain powers Doppleganger Human perfection Empathic Evolution Drain life/powers
Energy Blast Telekinesis Telepathy Kinetic Energy Illusions Gifted mind Technomancy Neural Evolution Energy Blast/Resist Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Skill List
Balance Bluff Climb Computer Use Concentration Craft Craft (chemical) Craft (electronic) Craft (mechanical) Craft (pharmaceutical) Craft (structural) Craft (visual art) Craft (writing) Decipher Script Demolitions DEX CHA STR INT CON INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT INT Diplomacy Disable Device Disguise Drive Escape Artist Forgery Gamble Gather Information Handle Animal Hide Intimidate Investigate Jump Knowledge Listen CHA INT CHA DEX DEX INT WIS CHA CHA DEX CHA INT STR INT WIS Move Silently Navigate Perform Pilot Repair Research Search Sense Motive Sleight of Hand Spot Survival Swim Treat Injury Tumble DEX INT CHA DEX INT INT INT WIS DEX WIS WIS STR WIS DEX
Feat List
+2 on Jump and Tumble checks Unarmed strike critical hit deals 3 damage Acrobatic -Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat Advanced Combat Martial Arts Martial Arts, base attack bonus +8 Agile Riposte Aircraft Operations Dex 13, Dodge Pilot 4 ranks
Make one attack of opportunity when your designated target fails a melee attack against you +1 on Pilot checks or attack rolls with selected class of aircraft. +2 on Listen and Spot checks +2 on Handle Animals and Ride checks Can use ranged and melee weapon at the same time Add equipment bonus for armor type to your Defense; no armor penalty for skill checks Add equipment bonus for armor type to your Defense; no armor penalty for skill checks Add equipment bonus for armor type to your Defense; no armor penalty for skill checks +2 on Climb and Swim checks +2 on Investigate and Sense Motive checks Purchase Licensed or Restricted gear at unrestricted prices. (No extra cost for being illegal.) Use attack of opportunity to make a 5-foot step
Alertness -Animal Af nity -Dex 13, Two-Weapon Armed to the Teeth Fighting Armor Pro ciency (heavy) Armor Pro ciency (light) Armor Pro ciency (medium) Armor Pro ciency (light, medium) -Armor Pro ciency (light)
Athletic -Attentive -Authorized Channels Back Off -Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility, Sidestep Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Black Marketeer Blind-Fight
Easily purchase and sell Licensed and Restricted gear. (Extra cost remains, but you can also sell this equipment with the extra cost.) Reroll miss chance once. Reduce concealment by half. Only in melee +1 on unarmed attacks, +1 nonlethal damage +2 on any two of Craft (chemical, electronic, mechanical, structural) checks. -4 on attack, +2 dice damage +2 on Demolitions and Disable Device checks. Extra attack after dropping target to 0 hp Reduce attack bonus by up to -5, increase Defense bonus by up to +5. 1d3+1 + Str lethal or nonlethal damage, considered armed Additional attacks of opportunity +2 to Str, Dex on trips and grapples +2 on Gamble and Intimidate checks +2 on any two Craft (visual arts, writing), or Perform checks +1 to two different ability scores, -2 to one ability score +2 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise against native speakers of known language +2 on ranged attack if full round spent aiming +2 on Bluff and Disguise checks +1 dodge bonus to Defense against melee attacks +1 dodge bonus against selected opponent -2 on attack, +1 die damage No speed penalty when attacking from moving vehicle +2 on any two Knowledge checks -4 on ranged attacks against you while you are engaged in melee combat +4 on certain Swim and Con checks, some Fort saves +4 on saves to resist one type of energy damage Multiply range increments by 1.5 (2 for thrown weapons) May turn while running and charging +2 on Balance and Concentration checks Remain directly behind vehicle you are following
Brawl -Builder --
Burst Fire Wis 13 Multishot Cautious -Cleave Str 13, Power Attack Combat Expertise Combat Martial Arts Int 13 Base attack bonus +1
Combat Re exes -Combat Throw Defensive Martial Arts Con dent -Creative Cross-Training Culturally Adapted --Deceptive
Dead Aim Wis 13, Far Shot Deceptive -Defensive Martial Arts -Dodge Dex 13 Dex 13, Point Blank Double Tap Shot Drive-By Attack --
Educated -Dex 13, Defensive Elusive Target Martial Arts Endurance -Energy Aligned -Far Shot --
Fleet of Foot Run Focused -Drive 6 ranks, Vehicle Follow That Car Dodge, Vehicle Specialization Force Stop Drive 4 ranks, Vehicle Expert Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Frightful Presence
Cha 15, Intimidate 9 ranks
Lower-level foes are shaken (Will save negates). Free Action. Everyone in 10 feet rolls a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the character's level + the character's Charisma modi er). Shaken for 1d6 + cha mod. +2 on Computer Use and Repair checks Opponents receive -4 on Computer Use to interfere with your hacking
Must be aligned with at +2 on Charisma-based checks against government Government Sanctioned least one legitimate of cials government Str 13, Power Attack, Great Cleave Cleave, base attack bonus +4 Great Fortitude -Dex 13, Dodge, Greater Dodge Improved Dodge Guide -No limit to Cleave in a round
+2 on Fortitude saves +3 dodge bonus against selected opponent +2 on Navigate and Survival checks
Dex 13, Point Blank Make two-weapon ranged attacks as attack action Shot, Dodge, Mobility, Guns Akimbo Shot on the Run, TwoWeapon Fighting Prof. Hard-Eyed High Ready Cha 13, Intimidate 4 ranks Dex 13, Reactive Shooter Combat Martial Arts, base attack bonus +4 +5 on Intimidate checks when aiming a gun at target Make ranged attack during surprise round with large weapon No attack of opportunity for bull rush Unarmed strike threatens critical hit on 19 or 20
Improved Bull Rush Str 13, Power Attack Improved Combat Martial Arts
Defensive Martial Arts, Free trip attack when opponent misses you Improved Combat Throw Combat Throw, base attack bonus +3 Improved Disarm Int 13, Combat Expertise Int 13, Brawl, Street ghting Brawl, Dex 13 +2 on Disarm checks, Disarm does not provoke attack of opportunity. +2 dodge bonus against selected opponent +2 on Bluff checks to feint; feint is move action. +2 bonus on grapple checks, don't provoke attacks of opportunity. +4 on initiative checks
Brawl, Knockout Punch, Nonlethal unarmed critical hit deals triple damage. base attack bonus +6 +4 bonus on overrun checks +2 on Trip checks, Trip opponent and make an immediate melee attack. +2 on Will saves May use skills which otherwise require training Nonlethal unarmed attack is automatically critical hit. Only rst hit on atfooted opponent. Damage is always nonlethal. +2 on Re ex saves
Improved Overrun Power Attack, Str 13 Int 13, Combat Improved Trip Expertise Iron Will -Jack of All Trades Character level 8 Brawl, base attack Knockout Punch bonus +3 Lightning Re exes -- Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Mental Warding
+2 on Craft (pharmaceutical) and Treat Injury checks Give false information during attempts to read your surface thoughts Resist attempts to read your surface thoughts +4 +2 on Forgery and Search checks +4 dodge bonus against attacks of opportunity reduce penalties of multishot or auto re by 2. Unarmed strike incapacitates foes. No damage, Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half your character level + your Strength modi er) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Successful attacks of opportunity cancel this attack. +2 on Escape Artist and Sleight of Hand checks +1 on attack and damage from up to 30 ft. Others get -2 to Sense Motive checks against you Subtract from melee attack to add to melee damage roll No -4 penalty for shooting into melee 4 Related skills are core skills Draw weapon as free action Reload as a free or move action, instead of as move or full-round action Make ranged attack during surprise round with small or medium weapon only Move up to 5 times normal speed, +2 on running Jump checks Move before and after ranged attack Follow opponent making 5-foot step out of melee. Once per round, when you make an attack of opportunity, you may take a 5- foot step after you attack. Ignore cover, -2 on attack, -1 die damage +2 on Computer Use, Navigate, and Pilot in space Move before and after melee attack
Mental Warding -Meticulous -Mobility Dex 13, Dodge Multishot Combat Martial Arts, base attack bonus +4 Nerve Pinch
Nimble -Point Blank Shot -Poker Face Wis 12 Power Attack Str 13
Precise Shot Point Blank Shot Profession Able -Quick Draw Base attack bonus +1 Quick Reload Reactive Shooter Run Shot on the Run Base attack bonus +1 Dex 13 -Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility Dex 13, Dodge, Mobility
Skip Shot
Spacer -Dex 13, Dodge, Spring Attack Mobility, base attack bonus +4 Stealthy -Brawl, base attack Street ghting bonus +2 Studious -Dex 13, Dodge, Supreme Dodge Improved Dodge, Greater Dodge Surface Vehicle Operations Drive 4 ranks
+2 to Hide and Move Silently checks +1d4 damage once per round with unarmed attack or light melee weapon. +2 on Decipher Script and Research checks +4 dodge bonus against selected opponent or split between various opponents No -4 penalty on Drive checks or attack rolls with selected class of vehicle No -4 penalty for performing surgery +3 hit points Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Use Survival skill to track +2 on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks Lessen two-weapon penalties by 2 +2 on Fortitude saves against poisons, diseases, and radiation sickness; ability drain is treated as ability damage
Track -Trustworthy -Two-Weapon Pro ciency Dex 13 Constitution 13 Ultra Immune System Unbalance Opponent
Defensive Martial Arts, Opponent receives no Str bonus to attack, only to base attack bonus +6 damage Use Gather Information skill to track urban targets
Urban Tracking --
Dex 13, Drive 6 ranks, +1 dodge bonus to Defense Vehicle Dodge Vehicle Expert Vehicle Engineer Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks -Base attack bonus +1 +2 to Initiative, Maneuver, Defense, or Hardness on a vehicle you create +2 on Drive and Pilot checks +2 bonus to on skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws with speci c vehicle type Use Dex modi er instead of Str modi er with melee weapon +1 on attack rolls with selected weapon +1 to chosen Weapon attack rolls with chosen weapon class. Melee, Guns, Heavy Guns, Thrown. +1 to chosen Weapon dmg with chosen weapon class. Melee, Guns, Heavy Guns, Thrown. Double carrying capacity and reduce encumbrance penalties
Weapon Focus Base attack bonus +1 Weapon Pro ciency Weapon Specialty Well-Equipped ----
Dex 13, Int 13, Combat One melee attack at each opponent within 5 feet. Expertise, Dodge, Whirlwind Attack Mobility, Spring Attack, base attack bonus +15 Zero-G Training Dexterity 13, Tumble 4 No penalty for attacks in low- or zero-gravity; no ranks. space sickness +2 to Defense in low and no gravity Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Your attack bonus with a melee weapon is: Base attack bonus + Strength modi er + size modi er base attack. This is a standard action. If you have improved feint it becomes a movement action.
Wrestle with an opponent. Make a touch attack and a Str check. if you succeed you are grappling, deal unarmed DMG. While you grapple you can do the following actions: Use attacks with natural, melee or light weapons all with a -4 penalty. Make a grapple check to deal unarmed subdual DMG. Make a grapple check with a -4 penalty to do lethal DMG. Draw a ligth weapon as a move action. Make a escape artist check to escape. Make a move action to move half your speed and pull your opponent with you. Make a grapple check to make an attack roll at a -4 penalty with the opponents weapon. Make a grapple check to hold him immobile (-4 AC to others people attacks).
With a ranged weapon, your attack bonus is: Base attack bonus + Dexterity modi er + size modi er + range penalty
Special feats, multi shot rearms, and automatic re rearms grant you extra attacks. Each extra attack means -4 penalty.
Aid another
Grant an ally a +2 bonus on attacks or AC
Bull rush*
Push an opponent back 5 feet + 1 for each point above his strength check. 25% of attacks hit the wrong target (you or defender).
Plow past or over an opponent as you move. If the opponent resists, make a DEX vs STR Check. If you win you trip the opponent, if you don't he gets the same roll against you.
Move up to twice your speed and attack with a +2 bonus. -2 AC for one turn.
Knock a weapon from your opponents hands, or grab a worn item. Opposed attack rolls, if you fail, opponent gets a free disarm attempt against you.
Trip an opponent. Make a touch attack if you succeed make STR vs DEX check. if you succeed the opponent is prone. if you fail the opponent gets the same roll against you.
Snatch Item*
Same as disarm.
Negate your opponents DEX bonus to AC. Roll bluff + base attack against the opponents Sense Motive + Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Weapon List
RATE: Single re: One shot. Multi re: 2 Shots. Auto re : 3 shots. Spray 3 attacks + clip until emptied or reach 40 shots. Only 20s hit. WEAPON Old revolver Revolver Heavy Revolver Pistol Heavy Pistol Old Rie Hunting Rie Rie Sniper Rie Cheap Automatic Rie Automatic Rie Cheap SMG Uzi SMG Mini Gun Cheap Shotgun 2D6,1D6,1D3 Shotgun 3D6,2D6,1D6 Doub. Shotgun, 3D6,2D6,1D6 Heavy Shotgun 4D6,3D6,2D6 DMG 1D6 1D6+6 2D6+6 2D6 3D6 1D6 2D6 2D6+6 2D6+12 2D6 3D6 1D6 2D6 4D6 1D6+6 1D6+6 1D6+6 2d6+6 RNG 20 20 20 20 20 200 200 200 200 150 200 20 30 30 30 30 20 20 CAP 6 6 6 17 7 4 4,8 20 10 30 30 25 25-40 1500 6 6 2 4 RATE S M M M M S S M M A A A A A S S M S ACTION REV REV REV SEMIA SEMIA LEVER LEVER BOLT BOLT SELECT SELECT AUTO SELECT AUTO PUMP PUMP BREAK PUMP LOAD SIDE SIDE SIDE MAG MAG SIDE SIDE MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG MAG BELT SIDE SIDE BREAK SIDE
*Shotguns decrease damage with range increment. The DMG eld is for slug rounds. Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
The Mutant easily climbs over mostly any surface at his normal speed; at the same dif culty he may stay or walk in ceilings. His Climb bonus is equal to 10 +2/each power lvl. Dif culties: Terrain Type Surface with ledges Trees/Natural Rock Narrow ledges Brick Wall, Stone wall Common building Steel Wall Slippery surface Greasy surface Diff. 10 15 20 25 30 35 +5 +10
The Mutant can dig and move through earth at his normal speed, provided he has a way to enter a patch of soil; though its possible, it would be extremely hard to dig through a city street or a steel wall. His Movement while digging increases by 5ft. for each power level. His Dig skill is equal to 10 +1/ each power lvl., adding his strength modi er to the roll. Terrain Type Soft soil/Mud Common soil Hard soil/Sand Stony earth Rock pile Rock City Street 2in. Steel Wall Diff. 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Unstable Power: Climb skill bonus is +5 plus 1/2 lvls. Unstable Power: Using this power drains the mutants stamina, at the second round its used the mutant rolls FORT 10+1 for each subsequent round. Failure means he lays immobile for a full round before taking action. He wont fall from a wall like in All Terrain Movement Power.
Unstable Power: All Bonus are halved, speed bonus is 5ft./2 lvls., Dig skill is +5 plus 1/2 lvls. Unstable Power: Needs Special tools to dig. These tools often need to be repaired or the digging dif culty raises continuously, as they wear out.
The Mutant jumps over great distances, also if he nds a wall to jump on it and shoot himself horizontally (roll tumble 15) advances forward as in an horizontal jump. Even if he jumps from a standing position the roll is made as if it was running jump, with a bonus equal to 10 +2/lvl. Unstable Power: Jump skill bonus is +5 plus 1/2 lvls.
SWIM Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Unstable Power: The mutant knows how to jump but not how to fall, he takes falling damage accordingly.
molecular composition. He ignores 2 hardness for each power level, and this can be applied through a melee weapon as well, but not with a ranged one. If the bonus exceeds the hardness of the object, the remaining bonus is applied as damage. Unstable Power: Hardness ignored is 1/lvl. Unstable Power: Character needs to roll FORT +1 for each power level used or rest for one round after using this power.
The Mutant has increased musculature adding 1 point to Strength for each power level. Unstable Power: Strength bonus is 1/2 levels. Unstable Power: This power has severely changed the characters appearance in an almost unhideable way, revealing the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes. Unstable Power: Whenever the character nds himself in a disturbing situation, one that alters him emotionally, such as fear, extreme preoccupations etc, he must roll FORT 10 + 1 per each power level to prevent going berserker and attacking anything near him.
The Mutant can lock and harden his body muscles and articulations in such way that he can hold his position, holding tight to something or resisting collapsing walls or falling stones. When the character decides to harden a part of his body its treated as if it had a Strength bonus of 4/power level, this bonus can never be applied to hitting damage as the part of the body that hardens must be completely immobile. The total Strength bonus of the character is reduced from damage dealt by objects falling into him or crushing him, or by falling damage as long as he uses his power to prevent them. When an object is stopped by this power, the damage absorbed is dealt to the object, hardness applying normally. This defense can be readied, but its unusable in melee unless the character has a way of knowing exactly where and how the blows will land on him. Unstable Power: Bonus is 2/Lvl. Unstable Power: The mutant looses connection with the outside world, he becomes deprived of all his senses while using this mutant power, he declares how much time wants to spend hardened and wakes up when the time expires, he can think normally, so telepathy could prove a great complement of this power. If someone can talk to him telepathically or theres something reasonable going through his mind that makes him realize he should react, he can choose to cancel his hardened state.
This power combines Strength Evolution and Disrupting Slam. Unstable Power: As the rst options of both powers. Unstable Power: The Character is unable to control this power disrupting anything(and anyone) he touches. (Roll as if hitting the object) Unstable Power: Whenever the character nds himself in a disturbing situation, one that alters him emotionally, such as fear, extreme preoccupations etc, he must roll FORT 10 + 1 per each power level to prevent going berserker and attacking anything near him.
The Mutant has an increased capability of receiving data into his brain and his body is mutated in such way that he can move faster. He gains bonuses and actions as listed below. The AC bonus is dexterity based. His movement is also increased by 5ft. per each power level. When gaining any level he can choose to sacri ce his bonus for an additional 5ft. movement.
This mutant power allows the character to slam hard solid objects in such way that he weakens their Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
LVL Bonus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 +1 Reex 11 Extra Action 12 +1 AC 13 +1 Reex 14 +1 AC 15 +1 Reex 16 Extra Action 17 +1 AC 18 +1 Reex 19 +1 AC 20 +1 Reex, Extra Action Unstable Power: The characters has a dangerous hyperactivity power, if he is restrained in some way, he must roll Will 10 +1 for each round held , or faint in a neural breakdown. The character is treated as if he was asleep. The same rule applies if he wants to act at normal speed but the dif culty is 15 +1 per round. His metabolism is also increased so he must eat as much as a number of persons equaling his power level would eat. Unstable Power: Using this power drains the mutants stamina, at the second round its used the mutant rolls FORT 10+1 for each subsequent round. Failure means he lays immobile for a full round before taking action. His metabolism is also increased so he must eat as much as a number of persons equaling his power level would eat.
Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Whirlwind Attack, Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Advanced Combat Martial Arts, Nerve Pinch, Combat Re exes, Defensive Martial Arts, Combat Throw, Improved Combat Throw, Elusive Target, Unbalance Opponent, Dodge, Agile Riposte, Improved Dodge, Greater Dodge, Supreme Dodge, Mobility, Sidestep, Back off, Spring Attack, Drive-By Attack, Power Attack, Cleave, Greater Cleave, Improved Bullrush, Improved Overrrun, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Pro ciency, Weapon Finesse. Unstable Power: Bonus is halved and bonus feats come at level 1, 8 & 16. Unstable Power: The mutant is always on the edge, any physical contact or near quick actions trigger will checks, if failed he attacks the person doing such actions dealing at least hand to hand dmg.
The Mutant has an incredible facility to use ranged weapons. He gains +2 bonus to hit or damage for each power level, plus a ranged weapon feat at levels 1, 4, 8, 12,16 and 20. The permitted feats are: Aircraft Operations, Weapon Pro ciency, Weapon Specialty, Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Improved Dodge, Greater Dodge, Supreme Dodge, Far shot, Dead Aim, Multishot, Burst Fire, Point Blank Shot, Double Tao, Precise Shot, Skip Shot, Shoot on the run, Guns Akimbo, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Reactive Shooter, High Ready. Unstable Power: Bonus is halved and bonus feats come at level 1, 8 & 16. Unstable Power: The mutant is farsighted, practically blind in a 10 foot radius around him.
The Mutant has an incredible facility to use melee weapons. He gains +2 bonus to hit or damage for each power level, plus a melee weapon feat at levels 1, 4, 8, 12,16 and 20. The permited feats are: Weapon Pro ciency, Weapon Specialty, Blind Fight, Brawl, Improved Grapple, Knockout Punch, Improved Knockout Punch, Street ghting, Improved Feint,
The mutant can stretch his body as much as 10ft. per power level, allowing him to make melee attacks at a distance, and increasing all grappling dif culties by 1 Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
for each 10ft. of limb entangling a foe. The maximum length that a body part can be stretched is half the power level, and he can stretch his arms, legs, and torso. Unstable Power: When a limb is stretched out for more than a round, the character rolls FORT 10 + 1 for each consequent round to prevent loosing
and wont act against the mutant directly. This unstable power is not always harmful, in a battle for example they will defend the mutant to their best capabilities. To overcome the arms will the mutant must roll a WILL save of 25. Unstable Power:The mutant only has 4 arms and receives the bonus on the second column of the table.
The mutant has the ability to grow out of his body a total of six limbs, it is complicated to control all of them at the same time, but the mutant grows accustomed as he grows up in levels, granting him extra actions and bonuses as in the table below. Bonuses only apply on actions where the use of many limbs is helpful, climbing for example, in combat this applies to grappling, tripping, disarming and the like. Also extra actions represent actions done with an extra limb, so the character cant use both the bonuses and the extra actions on the same round, each round he chooses which he will use. LVL Bonus 6 arms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The mutant can phase out and appear at any place he desires as long as its between his range. Whenever the mutant exceeds his teleportation range he must roll a will save of 15 + 1 for each 5ft. beyond his range, if he fails he appears sharing space with another object, he then rolls a fort check at the same dif culty with a +5 bonus, if he fails he dies instantly, if he succeeds, he receives 5d6 damage, probably loosing a limb. Teleporting blindly into a space occupied by another body other than air or water has the same effect. The teleportation range is 20ft. per each power lvl. No matter how much the character moves in distance, the teleportation is considered a standard action. The mutant can take along all his equipment and even another person with him, and up to 1 extra person for each 4 power levels. Unstable Power: The teleportation range is 5ft. per each power lvl.
Bonus 4 Arms Extra Action +1 Bonus +1 Bonus +2 Bonus +2 Bonus +3 Bonus +3 Bonus +4 Bonus +4 Bonus +5 Bonus Extra Action +5 Bonus +6 Bonus +6 Bonus +7 Bonus +7 bonus +8 Bonus +8 Bonus +9 Bonus
Extra Action +1 Bonus +2 Bonus +3 Bonus +4 Bonus Extra Action +5 Bonus +6 Bonus +7 Bonus
This power allows the character to y freely in the air, his ying speed is 5ft. per each power level. Unstable Power: The mutant ies thanks to a pair of wings, he needs to ap them in order to move in the air, and are almost unhideable, revealing the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes. Unstable Power: The mutant cant y, but he glides allowing him to ignore falling dmg. As long as he moves downwards, his ying speed remains.(Strong air currents could help him maintain himself in the air.) Unstable Power: Using this power drains the mutants stamina, at the second round its used the mutant rolls FORT 10 +1 for each subsequent round. Failure means exhaustion beats him, dropping down from whatever distance he is, he can keep rolling each round at the dif culty he failed but if he succeeds and stays in the air another round the dif culty keeps increasing again, staying one round on a surface (or not falling) resets the dif culty.
10 +8 Bonus 11 Extra Action 12 +9 Bonus 13 +10 Bonus 14 +11 Bonus 15 +12 Bonus 16 Extra Action 17 +13 Bonus 18 +14 Bonus 19 +15 Bonus
The Mutant has increased re exes adding 1 point to DEX for each power level. Unstable Power: DEX bonus is 1/2 levels. Unstable Power: This power has severely changed the characters appearance in an almost unhideable way,
Unstable Power: The extra limbs act on their own and have their own agenda, the consciousness of the limbs is most possibly tied to the characters most deep desires, however the arms do have a survival instinct Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
revealing the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes. Unstable Power: The mutant uses his power compulsively and always needs to perform some activity related to it, juggling, making card tricks, pick pocketing etc. Whenever he is not using his power he must roll WILL 10 + 1 per each power level to prevent falling into the compulsion.
The mutant can make his skin incredibly hard at will, protecting him from most kinds of damage; he gains a Damage Reduction of 1/each power level but his tact sense is diminished almost completely. At will he can soften his skin again. Unstable Power: The skin of the mutant is permanently hardened or takes great periods of time to soften into his natural state; also the skin reveals the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes. Unstable Power: The skin of the mutant is permanently hardened or takes great periods of time to soften into his natural state; also if the armored skin suffers from continuous heat, cold or electricity, it might harm the mutant for some time after being exposed to it. Unstable Power: Damage reduction is his power level.
The mutant has is able to move his body at incredible speeds, sadly his brain isnt fast enough to keep up with his movements so he generally declares a simple action and his body moves at lightning speed hoping nothing comes in his way. The most common uses of this power are moving into a certain spot, making a urry of hits against an opponent and defying gravity for small distances. The character can run up to 20ft. more per each power level, hopefully the distance to be crossed is in his sight range, otherwise he might hit himself against some obstacle receiving 1d6 points of damage of each 20ft. added to his speed, roll REFLEX 20 for half damage. A burst of blows allows you to roll as many times as your power level but hitting with a -10 penalty, dealing normal melee damage ( st or weapon in hand), If the weapon in hand is not a light weapon, the number of attack halves, also wielding 2 weapons halves the number of attacks (so a mutant making a burst of slashes with 2 katanas has only 1/4 his power level in attacks). Against a burst of blows, the ac given by dexterity is reduced by 10, not going below 0. For every 20ft. added to your speed, you can: Add a +1 bonus to a jump roll Walk forward against a wall for 5ft. Walk up against a wall for 2.5ft. Unstable Power: This power changes the mutant metabolism or physiologic functions, he needs to eat as much as 1d6+4 people would eat every day, or he needs to sleep around 16 hours a day to recover fully.
Wounds heal, broken bones mend and sickness heal a lot faster than the common human. The mutant recovers 1 hp/power level each hour, also whenever he is poisoned or sick, he rerolls each hour, on a successful check all temporary damage are removed and permanent damage becomes temporary and heals over time. Unstable Power: Physiology is all messed up on you, each 1d6 hour you roll FORT 10 + power level or your cell production has an unstable outbreak giving you numbing pains that immobilize you for 1d3 rounds, you grow blisters, tumors and hair, a horrible visage to people present. Unstable Power: Half recovery rate and never receive permanent damage from poison.
A piece of armor quickly covers the mutants body at will, this armor grants a +1 AC bonus for each power level the armor check penalty is 10, and is reduced by one for each level of the power, ending at +20 AC and 0 check penalty at level 20. The armors hardness is 15. Unstable Power: The mutants armor is always on, revealing the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes, he is unable to take it off without hurting himself severely. Extirpation by surgical means can end in irreversible damage. Unstable Power: AC bonus is half the power level, hardness is 10.
This combines the hardened skin and exoskeleton powers making the mutant as hard to hit as the jackpot. Unstable Power: The protection of your armor and/or skin are made clearly visible and cant be hided, revealing your mutant nature to everyone. Unstable Power: AC bonus is half the power level, hardness is 10, damage reduction is his power level.
The chemicals and hormones in the mutants body have evolved, allowing him to resist toxins more effectively. For each power level, he gains a FORT bonus of +2, if checks succeed; poison gases are breathable as long as there is oxygen on them, and Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
liquid poisons might quench thirst. If the roll beats the dif culty by 20 or more your body reacts to the poison, and you can take the primary damage as a bonus, instead of a penalty. You can stack bonuses from the same poison as long as it doesnt surpass the maximum you can get in a roll, and you can get bonuses from different poisons on the same attribute. This effect lasts as much as the poison would take effect, gradually losing the bonus, and until that bonus reaches 0 you cant bene t from that poison again. If youre stupid enough to think you can drink acid too, you deserve whatever happens to you. Unstable Power: FORT bonus is half your power level. Unstable Power: The good news is that you dont need water to survive; the bad news is that you need some kind of poison instead, equal amounts.
The mutant has full control of his body weight. Even when you can be light enough to oat in the air, you will need to nd a way to move to other directions other than up and down. You can subtract 10 k. from your weight with each power level, this grants you a +1 to STR and DEX for each 20 k, this bonus only applies to strength and agility you use in your own body (like in jumping and tumbling). For each 10 k. over your bodys weight, you move 1 feet up in the air each round. You can reverse this, and add 10 k. per power level to your body weight. Unstable Power: All bonus and reduced weight are halved. Unstable Power: You Choose wether you get heavier or lighter and you can only change your weight that way. Unstable Power: Using this power in ates your body.
Evolution has provide your body with means to sustain and accomplish its basic needs, there is no hunger, no thirst, no need for rest, and you are over all kinds of desires. A mutant that has this power, has many ways to nd energy on his surroundings and uses his body reserves so well that he might last years, even decades without touching food or water. Though he can enjoy them, he has no need of sex, smoking, drinking and such; he is never trapped in any kind of vice, even the ones that resolve more on the mind, this grants him continuous state of well being, that makes him more aware, and t to solve the problems that he might face. Each power level, you can add a +1 bonus to any saving throw you choose, after you choose it, you cannot change it. Also on levels 5,10,15 and 20, you gain a +1 on all saving throws. Not needing air mean you dont need a friendly environment to live, you have no problem staying in outer space or other harmful environments. Keep in mind that excessive gravity is a powerful force that might hurt you anyways. Unstable Power: +1 Bonus comes each second level, +1 to all saving throws comes on levels 10 and 20, you choose only one basic need. Unstable Power: The presence of vices becomes poisonous to the mutant, each time he smokes, drinks, or otherwise intoxicates himself (even with coffee), or when hes presented with big temptations (surrounded by slot machines or in a brothel) he needs to roll a FORT or WILL check or have his integrity diminished. he rolls 1d3 to see which attribute is temporally damaged, and 1d6 damage is applied. Depending if its physical or mental, he rolls for STR, DEX and CON or INT, WIS, CHA. He can be af icted by more than one at the time, so try not to spend much time in Vegas.
You roll 1d6 to choose one type of energy from which you receive less damage than common people, it can be re, cold, electricity, sonic, or acid, on a roll of 6 choose it. Each level of this power grants you +2 dmg resistance against the type of energy you choose. Unstable Power: +1dmg resistance per power level. Unstable Power: Activating this power changes your appearance in a way that makes your mutant nature evident, and it takes 1d10 rounds to return to your normal appearance.
The Mutant has increased health and tness of body, adding 1 point to CON for each power level. Unstable Power: CON bonus is your power level. Unstable Power: This power has severely changed the characters appearance in an almost unhideable way, revealing the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes. Unstable Power: This power changes the mutant metabolism or physiologic functions, he needs to eat as much as 1d6+4 people would eat every day, or he needs to sleep around 16 hours a day to recover fully.
This is much as healing factor but for each level on this power you heal hp per round, and poisons never reach secondary damage. Unstable Power: You heal hp per round. Unstable Power: You require en speci c event to activate it, touching water, being exposed to sunlight or similar light, eating a speci c food(triggering for as long as you digest it). Unstable Power: This power changes the mutant metabolism or physiologic functions, he needs to eat as much as 1d6+4 people would eat every day, or he needs to sleep around 16 hours a day to recover fully. Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
You can create an emanation or material at will. You must chose which energy or material you create and you can never change it, same goes for its shape. You might create re, ice, acid, sonic waves, electricity, psychic, water, soil, steel, bone, etc(lasers are considered re), and you can create it in rays, cones or around you. For each level you advance in this power, you can choose to improve some of the following options: POTENCE: increase damage dealt by 1d6(energy) or 1d3(physical) RANGE: As this grows your emanation goes even more far away from you, if you put none into it you can only emanate a 5ft. square in any direction. For each range point, rays go as far as 30ft., wide(10ft.) rays go 15ft., cones grow 10ft. in radius, and spheres grow 5ft. in radius. SHAPE: If you choose this you can design a shape for your emanation area, this shape contains as much as 10 5ft. squares as your range value. If you buy this option for the third time, you can turn your emanation into any shape you like and change it every round if you want, the number of squares is the same. SIGHT REACH: by buying this option your emanation can begin anywhere in your current range, but it still cant go beyond it. Unstable Power: You need a source, at least a little bit of whatever you emanate to use your power, (in the case of sonic blasts you need something that can create a particular note, Roll perform 20 to use singing to create it). Unstable Power: Each 2 hours you need to succeed a WILL roll of 10 + your power level, or your power erupts violently, if you are continually exposed to your chosen material or energy the roll is made each hour but at 10 + only half your power level. You can take 20 on any of these rolls but you look obviously distracted and burdened and you cant take any complicated actions. Unstable Power: You have grown physically or mentally dependent on your chosen energy, each hour your not in contact with it, you suffer as much subdual damage as your power level, minus your wisdom modi er.
to move up to 10 k. per power level or create a bashing force of similar strength, each 10 k. allows you to deal 1d6 damage by hitting someone against an object or viceversa. Using your intelligence instead of STR or DEX, you can interact with the world, as if you were touching it(bashing a door, grappling someone etc). Using your telekinesis on more than one object requires a concentration check of 10, adding 5 for each additional object. Unstable Power: Each 2 hours you need to succeed a WILL roll of 10 + your power level, or your power erupts violently. You can take 20 on this roll but you look obviously distracted and burdened and you cant take any complicated actions.
You can reach other creatures mind and communicate with them, with time and expertise you can even look around their memories and even modify them or control their bodies. Each power level you have is 50ft. in range, you cannot affect any creature beyond your mental range. Visual contact is not necessary for mental contact, with a simple action you can probe the area within your range for mental activity and contact one mind, though in a crowd it can prove to be as dif cult as trying to nd the creatures body. You roll Concentration and add your power level to see how good you use your powers, people can try to resist your power by rolling WILL against it. If you succeed you establish contact with the targets mind and you can see what runs through his mind at that very moment. You receive a penalty if you try to do more complicated things, -10 if you try to extract someones memories and, -10 if you want to take control of his body for a round, -20 if you want to alter his memories. The affected creature feels the presence entering its mind, with a -10 penalty you can prevent this, so extracting info is not noticed or the creature is not alarmed after you stop controlling him, believing he did what you made him do. Whatever type of contact is made its maintained for a number of rounds equal to your WIS modi er + your power level. Changing or whipping out memories doesnt require stealthy tactics, you can erase the feeling of being contacted. To change someones memory you need to concentrate 1 round for each hour of memories you want changed or erased. And for those smart asses out there, breathing is an unconscious re ex, you cannot make someone forget how to breathe. You cant trick me, I know you thought about it. Unstable Power: Each 2 hours you need to succeed a WILL roll of 10 + your power level, or your extra sensorial perception gets out of control contacting everyone in your range, stunning you or leaving you unconscious due to the sudden ood of thoughts reaching your mind. You can take 20 on this roll but
Your mind has evolved in such way that you can move things by barely thinking about it. You are able Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
you look obviously distracted and burdened and you cant take any complicated actions. Unstable Power: When using this power you are disconnected from your physical senses and are completely vulnerable, you notice nothing of what happens to your body until you decide to come back to it, this takes you one round. While you are in this stupor your body remains in as it was when you left, either standing, sitting, etc, as long as its not a complicated position, standing on toes or playing twister.
Diff +3 +10
Somewhat unreasonable (lion loose +5 on the city) I r r a t i o n a l , r i d i c u l o u s ( u n r e a l +10 creature) Faced same illusion in less than 24 +5 hours (for each time he faced it) +2 Each person ignoring the illusion Subject fears the illusion Subject has phobia against the projected illusion
-5 -10
Unstable Power: You can only create 3 different illusions, making your self invisible counts as the 3 illusions but means you can make your self and everything you carry invisible, even if your clothes and equipment are different, you can have one illusion for invisibility but it means you would have to be naked to be truly undetectable. With 1d6 + 4 months of hard work and dedication you can change one of your chosen illusions into another one. Unstable Power: You can only affect one sense with your power either sound, light or touch, you choose this when you gain your power and you can never change it. If your illusion is not completely dependant on that sense, you have a -5 penalty to your roll.
You have always been and fast learner, your brain has evolved in such way that your acute senses, coordination and reasoning have become superhuman, almost everything seems easy for you and theres in almost no problem that you cant solve sitting your self on a library or practicing a little. You can choose as much skills as you INT modi er +1, on these skills you have a bonus equal to your power level. On all other skills you have a bonus of half your power level. You can only chose skills based on intelligence wisdom or charisma. Unstable Power: You only have half the normal bonus. Unstable Power: This power has severely changed the characters appearance in an almost unhideable way, revealing the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes.
You can shape the way the light re ects, and sound bounces around you, allowing you to make visions, sounds and warm or cold appear where there is nothing really. All this tricks are so real that the mind believes it and it might react to them, and even when this power never deals actual damage it can make someone feel pain or cold. To detect an illusion the spectator must make an opposed WILL roll against your d20 + 10 + power level. Bonuses to resist the mind trick apply as in the table bellow. If the target succeeds the illusion is still there but hes not affected by it. You can use this power to make your self invisible. Illusions can be cast in and area out of your sensorial reach. Situation Diff +3
Your interest for technology has been always clear to people around you, handling and or repairing any type of mechanical artifact or computer has always been easy to you. Not just this, your body has become sensitive to electrical impulses in machines,
2 senses involved Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
this allows you to understand how it works better and you can even deform such impulses to wreck or improve its functioning. This power gives you a bonus of +1 for each power level, to the next skills: Computer use, Demolitions, Drive, Pilot, Repair, Treat Injury, Knowledge Technology and the next crafts: Chemical, Electronical, Mechanical, Pharmaceutical. Why medical skills? The human body is in some way a machine and you can in a way x it or even shut it down. All craft times are divided by your power level. You know where to hit the coke machine and can also create a small pulse of energy disrupting or xing machines once per day per power level, Roll 1d20 + your power level, dif culty based on the complexity of the machine(or the creatures saving throw), and adding 5 if you want it to malfunction instead of working better, if you succeed, machines stop working and living beings are stunned for 1 round, or machines start working or improve their functions slightly for one round. Unstable Power: You only have half the normal bonus. Unstable Power: You have grown unattached to human beings and see machinery and computers as your real friends, though you can contact real people by your computer or radio devices, each round you need to roll WILL with a dif culty of 10 + your power level or youll nd yourself unable to talk or look directly at another human. Your CHA goes down by 1 each 5 power levels. Unstable Power: This power has severely changed the characters appearance in an almost unhideable way, revealing the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes.
Combines both powers. Unstable Power: When you decide to make this power unstable you get only +1dmg resistance per power level and one of the unstable powers below. Unstable Power: You need a source, at least a little bit of whatever you emanate to use your power, (in the case of sonic blasts you need something that can create a particular note, Roll perform 20 to use singing to create it). Unstable Power: Each 2 hours you need to succeed a WILL roll of 10 + your power level, or your power erupts violently, if you are continually exposed to your chosen material or energy the roll is made each hour but at 10 + only half your power level. You can take 20 on any of these rolls but you look obviously distracted and burdened and you cant take any complicated actions. Unstable Power: You have grown physically or mentally dependant on your chosen energy, each hour your not in contact with it, you suffer as much subdual damage as your power level, minus your wisdom modi er.
You are able to heal yourself or other people with your touch, with time you charge up your healing points pool at the rate of 1 point for each power level, each 20 minutes. Your pool cant be greater than twice your power level. Each round you can use as much points from your pool as you want, to heal anyone and as much people you wish as long as you have physical contact with them. Unstable Power: You add 1 point for each power level each 40 minutes. Unstable Power: The way your power is used or the this you use or need to use it look evil, unearthly and possibly repugnant to the commoners eye, people who arent used to it roll a fear check of 10 + the amount of pints healed or are panicked the rst time they see it and shaken on the next one, they need not to roll for 24 hours once they panic, and they become used to it in few days of seeing it often. Mutants get a + 15 bonus on the fear roll.
You are the next step of human evolution possibly among the rst not to be called homo sapiens. Each power level adds 1 point to your INT score. Unstable Power: Everything was nice until you smacked your head when you were little; you only get 1 INT for each 2 power levels. Unstable Power: As you become more aware of the universal truths and secrets your perception of the world becomes more twisted as you accept leaving your humane side in the name of knowledge and expansion of your conscience. Each 4 levels of this power you loose 1 point of charisma permanently, as your ideals become fearful or disgusting to common people. Unstable Power: This power has severely changed the characters appearance in an almost unhideable way, revealing the mutant nature of the character everywhere he goes.
One of your senses has become extremely acute, allowing you to perceive what others couldnt. Choose one sense from the list and you have its power and a bonus of 5, +1 for each power level on the skill that belong to it. This bonus also applies to spot rolls when the selected sense is involved. The skill bonus is also only applied when using the selected sense. Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
S P E C I A LSKILL ABILITY Dark vision, orSearch x-ray vision Sound vision Listen Tremorsence L i s t e n ( b y tremorsense) Search
Track Smell Unstable Power: You only have half your power level in skill bonus. Unstable Power: Though one of your senses has become very acute, you have lost another, choose one from the list.
divide this on multiple spheres. You can also shape this energy as walls and steps. Each 5hp in damage dealt to the force eld deal 1 hp to you, this damage is subdual, and if your subdual reaches zero and you fade so does your energy eld. You must concentrate to keep you force eld going. Each round this subdual damage regenerates by 1 + WIS modi er. If one last strike ends up with your subdual hp pool the remaining damage is dealt to you normally and you must roll WILL against this damage or pass out. Unstable Power: The sphere is as big as half your power level x 5 ft. Unstable Power: The damage dealt to you by damage to the force eld is not subdual.
Your have the power to peek into the past or future of objects or people you touch. Roll 10 + your power level, the dif culty is based on the time elapsed from the present to the time of the vision and the relevance of what happened there. You roll once for contact, if you succeed you can scan speci c moments or situations. Each roll takes one round. Situation Blurry general scan(most important or shocking events) Events more than 1 week older Diff. 15 +5
As the name of this power implies the idea is simple, you lose hp someone else gains it. For every 2 hp you sacri ce your target gains 3 hp. You can trade as much as 5hp per power level each round. Unstable Power: Each hp you sacri ce heals 1hp to your target you can trade as much as 3 hp for each power level.
Events more than 1 month older +10 Events more than 6 months older +15 Events more than 1 year older +20 Events more than 5 years older +25
You can create an protective eld made of your psychic energy. You can project a sphere as big as your power level x 5 ft. in diameter, and you can Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Situation Specic Facts (faces, notes, numbers, voices) Meaningful or Tragic Events
Unstable Power: you can only store as much as your power level x3 and each round you dont absorb or release your energy you loose grasp of one point in your pool.
You dwell in the world of the inner self, the knowledge and secrets of your own spiritual being uncover to you faster than most people, there is always an aura of serenity and self control around you. Each level you gain +1 to your WIS score. Unstable Power: Your WIS bonus is 1 for each 2 power levels. Unstable Power: Dwelling on the inside has made you somewhat uncaring off the outside, you become autistic, speaking to others requires you to roll diplomacy 20 each round.
Meaningful or Tragic Events(direct -10 contact with person/object) Murder or similarly shocking fact. -20 Each time you fail the same roll +5
Unstable Power: Your power triggers it self automatically at every object or person you touch, you roll each time the dm tells you and whenever you bump into a vision of a death or an accident or something as shocking, you roll a WILL saving throw versus fear with a dif culty of 20, or you absorb the very vivid feeling of the accident making you panicked. Unstable Power: You only have premonitions or ashbacks, choose one when you get this power. Also take the dif culty of your rolls, double them and substract 10.
The mutant can create clones of himself that have and share full conscience with each other, there is no original after a clone is made, everyone shares thoughts and feelings, and so when one of the clones is hurt the others roll a FORT save with a dif culty of the damage received, or feel the pain the others are bearing and loose as much hit points and the hurt clone on subdual damage. For each clone that is hurt, all the others must roll, so receiving an area attack on your whole 5 clones will mean each clone will feel pain multiplied by 5. When a clone receives half his MaxHP or more of subdual damage from pain he must make another saving throw or become unconscious. Whenever a clones dies every clone suffer 2 points of temporary constitution damage and the clone cant be created again until this points are recovered. Even when there is no original clone there is one that has the focus conscience, the other ones have their powers level restricted as shown in the table below. When the focus conscience dies, another clone becomes the focus conscience immediately. LVL Effect 1 1 Clone 2 Pain Resistance + 2 3 Level 1 Powers on Clones 4 2 Clones 5 Pain Resistance + 4 6 Level 2 Powers on Clones 7 3 Clones 8 Pain Resistance + 6 9 Level 3 Powers on Clones 10 4 Clones
Your body is able to store energy that comes in contact with it, it can store as much as your power level x 6, each time your body comes in contact with some kind of energy you can roll 1d6 per power level and store as much damage as the result, not exceeding the damage you would receive, you can store different types of energy in your body. If your roll results in more than the damage you can absorb the energy even to the point of disappearing it completely, of the damage you would receive you can substract up to 1 point of damage for each power level. Each point that you store over your limit deals 1 damage of that energy type to you each round. As a free action you can let go as many points as you want, but if you let go more than 6 it becomes noticeable, light or electricity make you glow, re or cold might change the temperature around you, or create steam or mist. The true wonder of this power is releasing your stored energy violently, to do so you make a ranged touch attack and you can roll Xd6 damage where x cant be greater than your power level, and every point of damage you deal is substracted from your energy pool, obviously you cant do damage if you have no energy to do so. Damage is dealt on a 50ft line, a 20ft radius cone, or a 5ft sphere, always originated on you. Unstable Power: Each hour you must roll WILL with a dif culty of 10 + you power level, if you fail, energy sources near you start having erratic behavior, re ickers, electric hardware turns on and of or goes haywire, and things a like. Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
LVL Effect 11 Pain Resistance + 8 12 Level 4 Powers on Clones 13 5 Clones 14 Pain Resistance + 10 15 Level 5 Powers on Clones 16 6 Clones 17 Pain Resistance + 12 18 Level 6 Powers on Clones 19 7 Clones 20 Choose Extra Clone, Pain resistance
up to a maximum of double your power level in rounds. Unstable Power: The bonus is half your power level, and the hormones can be set to half the normal rounds before they dissipate. Unstable Power: You need to roll WIS 5 + your power level to release and control your hormones, other wise each times your mood changes hormones are released accordingly, provoking anger if your angry etc.
You can manage to shrink or grow any part of your body as much times as your power level, meaning a level 15 power allows you to grow 15 times or shrink to 1/15 your normal size. Unstable Power: You choose whether you shrink or grow and you can never change it, you only change half your power levels in times. Unstable Power: You cant use this power on portions of your body, youre only able to shrink it or enlarge it whole, you can only choose one, either shrinking or enlarging. Unstable Power: You cant use this power on portions of your body, youre only able to shrink it or enlarge it whole, and you can change your size only half your power level in times.
This power works exactly in the same way as CHANGE APPEARANCE, except that you can completely alter your shape and grow or shrink in size as much as with the CHANGE SIZE power. Unstable Power: The maximum/minimum size you can morph into is halved, your disguise bonus is halved as well. Unstable Power: You can only have 3 different appearances (besides your natural one), changing one takes 1d6 + 4 months dedicating yourself to it.
Your body has the ability to create hormones that y around you, any creature that come 5ft near you is a target for this invisible attack. This hormones can change the mood of the affected creature, making them feel anger, happiness, sadness, sexual attraction, fear, etc., using the right hormone you add a +1 bonus for each power level to all social skills rolls where you directly interact with your target. You can choose to leave a path of these hormones that last
Your power withers and absorbs life giving it to you, with a touch attack or a ranged touch attack you can drain 1d6 plus 1d6 for each 2 power levels, You gain half this amount in hp, hit point over your total are wasted. The maximum distance between you and your target is 5ft. for each 2 power levels. Draining someone completely, might also drain his psyche and his most meaningful memories, including the moment Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
when he died at your hands, this can prove shocking and haunt you continuously. Unstable Power: You can only use your power by touching your target directly, leaving you open for an attack. Unstable Power: Your power only heals 1hp per absorbed hit dice. Unstable Power: Your power is continuously active, whenever someone touches you he suffers its effects.
You can steal other mutants powers and use them your self, think that sometimes this is not applicable; Rogue could absorb wolverines healing factor but not his claws. To use this power you must make a touch attack or ranged touch attack in a range no bigger than 5ft. for each 2 power levels. Each round you can drain one level from someones power plus one for each 4 levels in your DRAIN POWER power. The target is temporally drained of his levels making his power weaker, this levels come back at the rate of one each round. Each level you drain means you can use his power at the targets full power level for one round, for example: You drain 3 levels from someones CHANGE SIZE and 2 levels from his AGILITY EVOLUTION; for 2 rounds youll have both powers at your targets full power level, after that youll have his CHANGE SIZE power for one round. When you get this power you can decide if its always active or you activate it at will, you cannot change this choice. Unstable Power: You can only use your power by touching your target directly, leaving you open for an attack. Unstable Power: You only get one round to use the drained power for each 2 levels drained.
This power continuously pushes you to overcome your own limits, always looking for a way to become better; you slowly become the example of human perfection. Each power level you have 1.5 points that you can distribute on your attributes as you see t, none of this attributes with your level bonus and your power level bonus together can become greater that 20, if you manage to reach 20 on all attributes with only these bonuses your limit becomes 21 until you have 21 on all attributes an so on. Bonuses given by other powers should be kept aside from this count. Also all your HD are maxed each level. Unstable Power: You only have 1 point to distribute each power level.
You have a great facility to understand human beings and their behavior, you always seem to know what to say or what to do to cheer up people or pick up chicks, this and some other factors turn you into someone to whom is almost impossible to say NO. Each power level you add 1 point to your charisma. Unstable Power: You only have 1 bonus point each 2 power levels. Unstable Power: Your glamour very often turns against you, fans, haters and media are continuously around you. This can prove specially harmful if someone catches you using other powers.
You can change the color of your skin and hair, you complexion and grow or shrink a little bit; you can even appear to have another clothing. Everything in you changes, smell, texture, color, shape, though you cant change as much as to stop looking humanoid, thus you cant take the shape of a dog or an elephant. You can change at will as a free action and this power gives a bonus of 10 + your power level to your disguise checks. Unstable Power: You must have had physical and visual contact with someone to take over his identity, a piece of skin or some hair with a lot of pictures and video can also do. Unstable Power: You can only have 3 different appearances, changing one takes 1d6 + 4 months dedicating yourself to it.
HUMAN PERFECTION Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.
Deformity Needs energy source to activate Loses life when activating it(1/round), Power depends on special suit, machine or item, out of that he is just a normal human. Share freely :) D20 system, feats, skill set and other things are someones trademark. Don't pro t with this document.