Phil Lit
Phil Lit
Phil Lit
Point of View
● The story is in the Third Person Point of The Historical Context of Philippine Literature
View. The narrator is not part of the story during the Middle Period 1930-1960
but the he let us know exactly how the ● The Filipino writers began in English
characters thought, attitude and feeling. We language by mastering vocabulary ,learning
learn about the characters through this the mechanics of grammar , and imitating
outside. established western Writers.
● By 1925,the extent and quality of writing has
Settings greatly improved and perhaps it is wrong to
● Roadside – It is the place where Aling Sebia say that the early period of Philippine
and Aling Biang stood alone, neighborless Literature ended in 1930
but for themselves. The boy Iking was not ● Leopoldo Yabes , a prominent Rizalist and
allowed to play by the roadside; for if he did, prolific writer, called the year 1930-1944 the
he would not know were on the other side of “most productive”of distinctive work in
the fence
● Nipa house of Aling Biang – It is the place THE PHIILIPPINE COMMONWEALTH
where Iking was born. It is also the place GOVERNMENT
where Iking keeps on listening to the ● During this time, writers began to explore
daughter of Aling Sebia while playing guitar. the idea of searching for a national identity
● Nipa house of Aling Sebia – It is the place that form the organization of Philippine Book
where the daughter of Aling Sebia plays Guild .This organization aimed for a
guitar purpose to create a wider reading that will
be available for Filipino writers by printing
Conflict low-cost books. One of these books is
● Man vs Man Arturo Rotors “The wound and Scar”
● Aunt Sophia’s House- The house where
she and her niece stays.
● The Poet’s New Home- The place where
the poert and her mistress stays
● The Chapel- The place where the funeral of
the poet takes place
● School- The school where the niece is