DLL - TLE Agri - Q2 - W2
DLL - TLE Agri - Q2 - W2
DLL - TLE Agri - Q2 - W2
market demands for fruits market demands for fruits market demands for fruits market demands for fruits market demands for fruits
D. Learning Objectives elements to be observed in elements to be observed in elements to be observed in elements to be observed in elements to be observed in
planting trees and fruit-bearing planting trees and fruit-bearing planting trees and fruit-bearing planting trees and fruit-bearing planting trees and fruit-bearing
trees trees trees trees trees
market demands for fruits market demands for fruits market demands for fruits market demands for fruits market demands for fruits
II. CONTENT Orchard Gardening Orchard Gardening Orchard Gardening Orchard Gardening Weekly Test
( Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials SLM/ADM SLM/ADM SLM/ADM SLM/ADM
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual, Copy of the Weekly Test
Resources Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
A. Drill/Reviewing previous Let’s Review The teacher will show a picture Review the previous lesson. Review the previous lesson.
Lesson or presenting of fruit bearing trees.
new lesson What are the fruit bearing trees?
B. Establishing a purpose Have you try to plant trees? The teacher will group the Trees are valuable to the family The student will prepare their
for the lesson What do you think are the students into 4. These groups and the community for the data from their task.
consideration in planting trees? will conduct a survey to their products and amenities they give
community. such as: Guide Questions:
1. What are their fruit bearing
Guide Questions: 2. What are the benefits of these
1. What are their fruit bearing trees to their community/house?
trees 3. What strategies they use to
2. What are the benefits of these market their selling fruits?
trees to their community/house? 4. How much will cost theirs
3. What strategies they use to fruits?
market their selling fruits? 5. How do they take good care of
4. How much will cost theirs their trees?
5. How do they take good care of
their trees?
C. Presenting examples/ Let’s try. As the group conduct data. They The class will group into 4. The Presentation of data per group
instances of the new can also ask help to the elders. groups will make a short skit on
lesson Can you arrange the sequence in The students will prepare their how to protect our trees from
planting plants/trees? data on Friday for discussion. gradually depleted.
D. Discussing new concepts Elements to be observe in Instruction: Find a partner and Presentation The teacher will give feed back
and practicing new planting trees answer the following questions. to the students.
1. Proper care of plants and soil
– Choose the best place for 1.What is your favorite plant or
planting and the best seeds that trees?
best suit the season and the soil. 2.Do you think plants are
2. Methods of planting – important to us? Why?
different trees are planted in 3.Are you in favor of cutting
different ways. trees in our environment?
a. Direct planted
b. Indirect planted
3. Preparing seeds for planting –
different seeds have different
preparation before planting.
Ex. Placing the seed under the
4.Preparation of seeding before
A. Thinking
B. Pricking
C. Hardening
E. Discussing new concepts Market Demands for Fruits Can you give some delicious Feed backing Think-Pair-Share
and practicing new skills To ensure success in selling food with fruit-bearing trees or
#2. fruits, the farmer or seller should plants? Now it’s your turn, you are the
consider the following market seller of fruit-bearing trees. What
demands: Example: Salad strategies you will use to sell
your product. And what tip you
1. Buyer selects fruits and other give to your partner.
products of good quality, usually
based on size, shape, and
2. Good quality
3. Fruits should be in the freshest
state when being sold.
4. Pack fruits properly in good
container to maintain their
freshness and to avoid cuts.
5. Price your product based on
the current price on the market.
F. Developing Mastery Famous Orchard Farms in Instruction: Fill in the blanks Give 5 strategies to market the Make poster that will help our
(Lead to Formative Country with the best answer by selecting fruit-bearing trees. community to take good care of
Assessment 3) from the box below. your trees and plants.
Rosa Farm – A spawn 12-5
hectare farm located at Km. 156
National Highway, San
Marcelino – San Antonio
Boundary, Zambales.
G. Finding practical Group Activity Instruction: Write T if the Read the statement carefully. 1.What are the benefits we
application of concepts statement is true and F if it is Choose the letter of the correct derived from trees and fruit –
and skills in daily living In a manila paper. The group false. answer. bearing trees?
will illustrate the following: _______ 1. Trees are animals 2.How do trees contribute to a
and human source of food. 1. It is one of the most healthy and safe environment?
Group 1 – Benefits of the trees _______ 2. Trees give shade challenging activities in orchard 3.What are the benefits of having
Group 2 – How to prepare the from the sun gardening. a skill in planting trees?
seed to market _______ 3. Man needs carbon A. planting
Group 3 – What are the dioxide to live. B. harvesting
strategies to market fruit bearing _______ 4. It is legal to cut trees C. marketing
trees? when its too old. D. selling
_______ 5. Too many trees
cause pollution. 2. What are the characteristic of
fruit to be harvested to reach the
market in a good condition?
A. unripe fruits
B. fruits of good quality and
C. with bruises and blemishes
D. fruits that are very ripe
H. Making Generalizations Look around, do you think you Can you live without tree? Why? Answer the following questions How the experience in
and Abstraction about can have market if you will sell Or why not? briefly. conducting survey?
the Lesson. fruits in your community? How will you contribute to make
your environment healthy?
What is the role of community to
save our trees from illegal
As a student, do you also have
role in making our environment
beautiful? How?
I. Evaluating Learning What have you learned in Draw a smiling face id the Make poster that will help our What makes a successful orchard
marketing the fruit bearing trees? statement shows elements to community to take good care of grower?
observe in planting trees and your trees and plants.
Who among the successful
fruit-bearing and sad face if the
orchard growers you want to be
like? Why?
statement is wrong.
J. Additional Activities for Search for other owner of fruit Conduct Survey Conduct Survey Conduct Survey
Application or bearing trees.
A.No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80%
80% in the evaluation above ___ of Learners who earned above above above
80% above
B.No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation who scored below remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who have ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up
caught up with the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
to require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation
E.Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? Why did __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration
these work? __Games __Games __Games __Games __Games
__Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation
__Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary
__activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises
__Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share
G.What innovation or localized Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
which I wish to share with other __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
__Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets
__Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module
__Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel
__Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards
__Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation
Prepared by:
Grade 6 Adviser
Head Teacher III