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Go-See & Fix

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AS106 Appendix A

PFMEA GoSeeFix Checklist

Order Question Name What ? How ? Why ? Guidelines

1 PFMEA accuracy and PFMEA is reviewed, line by line by the Review with team, this can be prior to the cell To ensure the PFMEA meets AIAG requirements The team determines the extent of the review based on past GS&F audits including if a
Document Correlation GS&F. This is a document review to review or after. It is up to the team to decide. The and all special characteristics are carried Launch review was performed, as well as any design or process changes since the last audit.
ensure potential failure, effect, and cause most important thing about the review is that it is throughout documents. Review PFMEA and all corresponding documents to verify requirements and specifications
methods are valid; severity, occurrence, an "open minded - fresh eyes" review to ensure the match, including control methods, CC/SCs, tolerances, sample sizes, etc.
and detection rankings are appropriate; current PFMEA is challenged. Review all Severity, Occurrence and Detection rankings to ensure they are in line with AIAG
and prevention and detection controls manual and Autoliv Standard rankings.
are valid. All CC/SC from Drawings Review the control methods for all CC/SCs defined on PFMEA, Control Plan and WI and
(envelope (customer) and top assembly), verify conformance with requirements.
specifications, PFMEA, Control Plan, Identify any possible CC or SCs that are missing from the drawing.
CC/SC List and Standard Work Verify Reaction plans are stated in the control plan; Check documentation and ensure it is
Instruction, Daily Inspection Sheets, TPM, clear; ensure reaction plans meet criteria STOP, CALL & WAIT.
are in correlation. **See Note in Have all past CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS for this cell/product been identified in the PFMEA?
Guidelines regarding multiple document Review past year of CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS data and lessons learned and compare to
findings** PFMEA. Review the current yokoten summary to ensure applicable best practices have been
Ensure all methods listed in the prevention or detection column of the PFMEA are listed on
respective documents (Preventative Maintenance (PM), INSPECTIONS, and WI).
If customer interface points are not listed as special characteristic, update PFMEA.
**Note: Only issue one (!) document finding per event regardless of how many findings or
how many machines are involved in the event!! Document findings are to be tracked
outside this audit using an action register or similar tracking.

2 Preventative Maintenance Ensure PM and TPM instructions are Verify a schedule exists in maintenance system for To ensure TPM and PM exists for each machine Verify PMs are set up in the maintenance system and there is a documented method for
controlled and available to schedule each machine. Operators may need to be and they are applied correctly. TPMs to be performed. Verify Records are available for the completed TPMs and PMs for
required maintenance. Ensure the interviewed or challenged to ensure TPM each machine
operators understand the TPM instructions are clear and followed. To ensure there is no gap in our maintenance
requirements and are following them. instructions.
Perform a real go see fix on a specific maintenance
operation (critical to quality) by following the
procedure step by step.

3 PFMEA Review on the cell PFMEA is reviewed, line by line by the Line by line to ensure potential failure, effect, and Ensure process is documented according to actual Team to test/verify all failure modes, causes, and prevention/detection methods defined on
team at the cell. Drawing should also be cause methods are valid as well as all prevention practice in the cell and effectively in place in the PFMEA are sufficiently applied at the cell.
considered for review on the cell. If and detection controls are in place and sufficient. If cell. Team to determine if any relevant failure modes are missing in PFMEA.
there are multiple nests or change over there are multiple nests or change over tooling, Review all Severity, Occurrence and Detection rankings to ensure they are in line with AIAG
tooling, questions 4 - 18 must consider all questions 4 - 18 must consider all nests or change manual.
nests or change over parts. The team can over parts. The team can determine if all should go Review the control methods for all CC/SCs defined on PFMEA, Control Plan and WI and
determine if all should go through the through the audit or a sample size. verify conformance with requirements.
audit or a sample size.

4 CC/SC and Interface points All CC/SC from the PFMEA and Customer Verify Poka yokes/ red rabbits / devices / LVDT and Ensure CC/SC’s and customer interface points Ensure if the CC/SCs and interface points have no Poka-Yoke, control methods are verified
Interface points have adequate that they are effective. Check that Sensors have prevention and detection controls in place by team to be adequate. If customer interface points are not listed as an SC, update PFMEA.
prevention and detection controls (e.g. transition on/off during cycle. Ensure all tooling and that the sensors are functioning and cannot be Check discrete pass/fail sensors and unplug them.
poka yoke, red rabbits, LVDT) and All interaction with customer interface points protects 'turned off' for processing. Check that sensors are functioning and cannot be disabled for processing.
discrete pass/fail sensors have change of interface integrity. Trick sensors with hand/component.
state logic. Verify capability requirements for all CC/SCs meet Check for all tooling interaction points to identify potential damage conditions.
the requirements using current data. Check if there any product SC-CC characteristics controlled indirectly within the process.
Validate link between required SC-CC and the control method. Try to vary related process
parameters to ensure that the final product SC-CC is correctly controlled.

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AS106 Appendix A
PFMEA GoSeeFix Checklist

Order Question Name What ? How ? Why ? Guidelines

5 Build a Bad Part - Prevention Try to build a bad part. Try to mix similar parts, try to process a part with Ensure prevention methods are working properly Building a bad part has been attempted by the cross-functional team.
wrong orientation (upside down, backwards, and that the current process can detect the failure. Try to fit incorrect parts - Similar parts available in the plant
indexed, inside out, twist, positional). Operators Part orientation of any feature of sub-component is controlled as required, try to build a part with
should be involved in this process. subcomponents out of position.
Place components incorrectly into gages under abnormal conditions.
Deform components to make them "fit for use"
Place bad or rejected parts in flow.
What happens if too much/little lubricant is present at process? What happens if process fails to
detect a bad part?
What happens if process fails to accept a good part? What happens if part is not seated?
What happens if part or component is missing?
What happens if more than required quantity is installed?
What happens if a wrong/similar part is installed?
What happens if part or nest tooling in the equipment is worn or broken?
What happens if crimp/rivet is misaligned?
What happens if a crimp/rivet segment breaks?
Other methods attempted to build a bad part?
Applies to all nests and changeover parts.
Build a bad part - Prevention - Ensure potential failure modes cannot be created or caused by
subsequent processes.

6 Traceability JOB prevents processing of product that Verify all components with current BOM.; try to To ensure traceability exists and that an incorrect All components which go into the product have traceability according to PLEX.
is not on the Bill of Material (BOM). introduce a component not on the current BOM to component cannot be introduced to the build. Check that the BOM matches the traceability.
make sure it cannot be processed. To secure the quality of traceability record by JOB.

8 Inspection Parts will not be damaged if checked Cycle the part as many times as allowed and verify To ensure repeated inspections within the allowed Cycle the part as many times as allowed and inspect.
multiple times. no visual damage. control plan limit will not damage the part. Applies to all nests and changeover parts.

9 Incomplete Process Parts are rejected if process is not fully Remove part before fully processed and verify To ensure part is fully processed before moving on. Emergency stop
performed. rejection. Try to open protection door
Try to reset cycle of machine.
Certain processes may need to be evaluated at different stages of the process
1) Interrupt process mid-cycle and restart, verify part is rejected by system.
2) Remove part before fully processed. Move to next station, verify the part cannot run.
3) Remove part, re-install; verify machine does NOT restart.

10 Programming Changes Only authorized personnel can make Try to make changes on controllers without To ensure all unauthorized changes are locked out. All machine programming changes are locked out to associates.
programming changes. password. Verify programming is password Manual function of press machine that are not authorized for associates are locked out to
protected. associates.
Controls are in place so that limits cannot be set outside of specification.
Ensure latest version of programming installed on the machine is backed up per the plant
procedure. This is to ensure that in the case the machine loses its programming, the latest
changes and improvements are backed up and can be re-loaded.

11 Machine Limits Limits on machines correspond to limits Verify the machine settings and programming with Ensure machine meets specification. Limits on machines correspond to the limits on the drawing.
on the drawing/Control Plan/Inspection documents. Critical adjustments are controlled.
records Machine & all devices are controlled.
For single sided limits, what can happen if the non-controlled side of the machine
parameter is set at the machine min or max?

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AS106 Appendix A
PFMEA GoSeeFix Checklist

Order Question Name What ? How ? Why ? Guidelines

12 Tooling and Programming Change out tooling and programming is Try to change out tooling. Verify machine will not To ensure the proper tooling and programming is Change over from left to right or product type.
detected by the machine or by other run with incorrect tooling installed. used. Mixed parts can be detected by tooling or machine.
detection methods. Verify the system response matches the selected program expected response on the
machine. This will ensure that the correct program is selected.
Applies to all nests and changeover parts.

13 Sensors and Calibrated Tooling and sensors that are used to Check calibration status of all devices. To ensure these devices are measuring within Variable output devices that are used to meet drawing dimensions are set-up and verified
Tooling meet drawing dimensions are set-up and specifications. by a calibrated gage.
verified by a calibrated gage, and the Calibration and verification sequence has been evaluated. The calibration pass and fail
calibration requirements match the limits are set correctly.
requirements in control plan. What happens if equipment is not calibrated/verified properly?
If applicable, does the calibrated tooling have a passing Attribute or Gage R&R result?

14 Contamination Shielding is in place to prevent foreign 1) Verify proper placement of workstation parts Ensure no contamination of parts. Can solid components (i.e. burr; screw) enter assembly?
objects or contamination in the storage bins. Not located above the place of work. Can fluids (i.e. water; oil) enter assembly?
product/assembly. 2) Verify open area is protected from foreign object Check if machine design and machine environment can generate foreign objects inside the
entry . finished product.
All product contamination is prevented (e.g. oil, grease, jewellery, foreign objects,
What happens if contamination is present at nest/part?
Try to introduce foreign objects/contamination.

15 Sequence of Operations Verify that product must process through If you have station to station tracking, verify that To ensure product cannot miss a station/process. What happens if part skips operations?
each station in sequence and that part cannot skip any process. Otherwise, list and What happens if part is processed more than once?
sequencing does not compromise other verify administrative controls. Bypass (skip) station in sequence. Attempt to scan part at next station. Verify part cannot
factors. be processed out of sequence.
Applies to all nests and changeover parts.
If station to station tracking does not exist (such as scanning at each station) there must be
a method in the cell to ensure all process steps have been completed.
Can the current build sequencing within the station compromise poke yokes or induce a
non-conforming condition that cannot be detected?
Will a change of operator quantity within the station effect build sequencing and
compromise poke yoke or product quality

16 Master Verification Parts. Red rabbits are used to verify poka yokes Ensure poka yokes protect from bad parts and To ensure poka yokes are functioning and being All Red Rabbits are identified to prevent mixing with production product; are they tagged
and machine settings. validate Red Rabbits. checked properly. per the standard?
Verify that Red Rabbits parts are rejected according All Red Rabbits are verified with a current calibration or verification sticker.
to the control plan and verify that actual non Verify they are identified as required (red = bad, green = good) as applicable.
conforming parts. All Red Rabbits on the machine are listed in PFMEA & control plan.
Created on the production equipment are rejected Verify Red Rabbits have instructions on proper use listed in WI for work station/cell.
as well. Test process for each Red rabbits to verify it functions as designed or intended (i.e. sensor
verify, reject not OK part, etc.)
Test an actual non conforming part (not Red Rabbits) that is created in the line are rejected.
Any Red Rabbits identified in the PFMEA prevention or detection column are used on the

18 Inspection For all appearance items, ensure the Review the WI and verify that normal is clearly Review the WI and verify that normal is clearly Review WI for each instance where a Visual Inspection is required. Verify that (at Minimum)
acceptance criteria is well defined. defined from abnormal. defined from abnormal. a picture of the Acceptable condition is shown. Also evaluate if value-added to have a photo
Visual inspection is well defined in the of a NG or Reject condition.
WI with picture of acceptable conditions
or boundary samples etc.

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AS106 Appendix A
PFMEA GoSeeFix Checklist

Order Question Name What ? How ? Why ? Guidelines

19 Operator Safety Were there any findings of a Document finding(s) and share with area To ensure all safety issues are promptly elevated All findings for Operator Safety shall be categorized as Priority 1 findings.
problem/opportunity that could affect immediately & discuss resolution progress during as required.
associate safety? PFMEA Go, See, and Fix meeting.

20 Secondary Production Modes Process controls are still effective during Consider the impact of stopping and starting the To verify that the different production modes for a If applicable, perform a changeover and look for the potential for part mixing between
secondary production modes (e.g. line for different reasons such as changeover, process are all considered in our reviews to ensure models at each station
restarting after line stops, during problems with initial set up, maintenance. that, for example, if an issue only appears during a
changeover/purge of bulk material start up / prime / maintenance modes, then we
supply, etc.) have adequate controls in place to ensure that the
issue will be detected.

21 Material handling - Is there a risk of damaging components Review components used in manufacturing process To verify that parts/components are not damaged How is packaging opened? How are parts stored and protected from amongst other
Part/Component damage or products anywhere in the material and asses whether there are any components during material handling. For example when contamination?
handling/management logistics flow? (i.e sensitive to damage during material handling that opening a box, positioning part/component on
cutting boxes) will not be detected in the manufacturing process. the station etc. . Some components can be
For these components follow the physical flow and damaged without being detected in our
observe how they are handled from reception in manufacturing processes.
warehouse to line.

The released electronic version of this document is considered the latest revision with the database or electronic system controlling the master.
If this document is printed from an electronic database, it is up to the user to verify that it is the latest revision prior to use.

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PFMEA GoSeeFix Checklist

Version Date Author Approved by Modification

00 15-Nov-23

Version 2.0 / 24-Oct-2019 Modification Index Page 5 of 5

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