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Procurement and Materials


Keeping you supplied

Your material and purchasing departments have a significant impact on how smooth
your operations run. In order to meet demand from production and satisfy customer
requirements, these teams need to evaluate the production schedule in conjunction with
supplier lead times to determine how you will meet the promised delivery date. Your
planners and purchasers also need a detailed understanding of each order’s requirements
so that the right materials and services are bought from the correct vendors and for the
right price. Managing your vendors and their performance is integral to the success of
these departments to ensure that supply issues are avoided and everything sails smoothly
into production.

“Managing our purchases

and our vendors has saved us
thousands. We know who our
approved vendors are for each
item, and can stay on top of
— Gloria Marchand, Controller,
Security Door Controls

The INDUSTRIOS Procurement and Materials Management suite represents a group of

modules completely dedicated to managing the procurement process from purchasing to
processing supplier invoices. This comprehensive collection of tightly integrated modules
ensures a seamless flow of information among departments. The features will enable your
material planning and purchasing teams to quickly and easily identify inventory shortfalls,
create realistic material requirement plans, and manage vendor relationships while
lowering costs. As many others have discovered, we provide you with the solutions you can
depend on.
Vendor Relationship Manage Relationships
• Once a prospective vendor becomes an approved vendor, you can begin transacting
Management (VRM) without having to reenter account information or lose history of communications.
• Each account can have an unlimited number of contacts associated with it. Contacts
Closer cooperation with vendors is critical if can be classified by type, status, department, and job titles. You can also identify which
your objective is to eliminate inefficiencies, contacts are primary, and contact specific addressing.
• Appointments, activities and document references are fully integrated to the operations
improve delivery cycles, and reduce inventory
modules. Review and create appointments, activities or documents and associate them
balances and costs. The INDUSTRIOS VRM
with a specific record from any of the operations workbenches.
is designed to assist you in managing
relationships with your vendors by improving Automate
how you are able to classify vendors, • Easily record email communications using the MS Outlook integration.
review transactions, monitor and manage • The integration of mail merge functionality allows you to create printed communications,
communications. At the end of the day, you envelopes, labels and emails.
• Export account information for mass emailing, faxing or mail drops.
want to ensure your vendors are meeting
• Attach external documents to the account or contact for quick and easy reference.
their commitments and delivering high- • Communications received through email can be updated on the account and contact
quality products and services at the lowest records directly through the email system.
possible cost.
• Establish reminders in the system for appointments or activities to be completed or
followed up with the account.
• Define the appropriate level of security based on the relationship with the account and
the user’s function within the vendor management process. Restrict visibility to sensitive
account information based on user’s security rights.
• Record communications and appointments with vendors. Classify the nature of the
activity through user defined types. The activity type allows you to manage the nature
of the activity, the direction and results. Record the date and time of the activity, the
account, contact and the operations it related to.

• The Vendor Account Type allows you to classify vendors and prospects into groupings
that are meaningful to your business, define how vendor numbers will be assigned and
establish the vendor profile defaults.
• The activity type allows you to classify appointments and communications. You can also
associate expected results for appointments.
• The Vendor Account Status allows you to define business specific statuses. Each of the
statuses can have unique business rules, color coding and exception messages.

• Search and range accounts based on standard search keys such as vendor name, city,
country as well as status of account, source, terms, and responsibility in the vendor
account workbench, contact workbench, appointment and history transaction
• Easily review documents related to an account: purchase orders, receipts, production
orders, vouchers, debit memos, and a complete vendor account profile directly from the
vendor account workbench screen.
Material Requirements Classify
• Establish the planning horizon to be used when calculating the material requirements
Planning plan. The planning horizon includes: the planning bucket length, the start date for the
plan, and the demand horizon.
Having too much inventory can result in • Schedule the materials planning calculation to automatically generate on a user-defined
obsolescence and increased costs but schedule.
• Considers the low level code for multi-level bills of materials to ensure the proper
not having enough can result in lost sales,
sequencing of material requirements.
delayed deliveries and overtime premiums.
• Identify one or more forecasts to include in the materials requirement plan.
The challenge is to increase sales and • Define the expedite horizon to minimize the number of suggested requisitions or
maintain on-time deliveries while working production orders.
to lower costs, reduce inventory levels and
manage supplier relationships. Companies Analyze
that can master this balancing act enjoy • Dynamic ranging filters allow planners to quickly focus on shortages that will affect firm
demand in the short-term planning horizon.
on-time customer deliveries without over
• Time phased view of material requirements plan allows planners to easily review trends
investing working capital in inventory. in demand and supply.
• Material planning results provide visibility to the opening available inventory, source of
demand and supply, and shortages for each planning bucket.
• Easy drill down access to details supporting the material planning recommendations for
all or ranges of planning buckets.
• Quickly identify and address situations where it is necessary to pull in, push out or cancel
supply due to changes in demand.

• Analysis of time phases allows you to quickly predict when there will be a shortage
in inventory based on firm bookings, forecasts, planned production and purchase
• Define stocking constraints such as minimum stock levels help to reduce the risk of
shortages due to unexpected increases in demand.
• Easily integrate forecasts to manage and commit purchasing plans for long lead-time
items or create master production schedules.
• Standard templates developed in MS Excel make it simple to create new or adapt
existing forecasts to be included in the Material Planning Calculation.
• Multiple forecasts can be created and included in the planning calculation.

• Suggestions to purchase inventory can be easily and quickly converted to a purchase
order directly from the material planning results.
• Requirements to manufacture inventory are automatically translated from the materials
plan into preliminary production orders for consideration in the production schedule.



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Purchasing Anticipate
• Communicate when goods or services are to be received at the ship to address and track
the following dates for each purchase order line: require date, promise date, dock date,
Purchasing teams have the responsibility
cannot arrive before date and cannot arrive after date. Use these dates to communicate
of ensuring that commitments for product delivery requirements, manage changes and evaluate vendor performance.
and services are made to approved • Supervise and track those goods in transit to ensure the status of the order can be
vendors, according to specifications, within properly communicated and record specific information such as: container number, bill
the appropriate lead time so production of lading, and commercial invoice.
and customer delivery schedules are • Forecasted requirements provide vendors with visibility to future requirements.
• Automatically generate and distribute expected delivery reports to vendors and those
not jeopardized. With the enhanced
responsible to expedite purchases and minimize surprises with late deliveries.
Procurement functionality, the capability
to track your vendors’ shipments, capture Analyze
specific information as it pertains to only • Procurement staff can address concerns relating to delivery status and history, available
your business, and manage goods and inventory and pricing using query functions and drill down options inherent in the
services processed outside of your company, Purchase Order Workbench.
ensures the purchasing team can meet their • Query purchase orders using the new range criteria to quickly group orders for reviewing
and reporting including: branch, ship to, responsibility, and order type.
• Quickly review related information in other modules such as: vouchers, receiving,
receiving inspection, sales order or production order, through drill down icons.
• Utilize late purchase order and vendor delivery performance reports to evaluate
performance issues with vendors.

• Classify purchase orders using user-defined order types that represent specific
characteristics of the order. The purchase order type allows you to: define how purchase
order numbers will be assigned; identify how user defined fields will be associated and if
the type reflects a blanket order.
• Capture business specific information through user-defined fields. You can associate a
user-defined field group with a specific order type to simplify and standardize the data
collection during purchase order entry. Associate the fields at the purchase order header
and at the line level and indicate if these fields will flow to the Receiving Workbench.

• Automate the status on production order sequences when goods are sent to vendors for
outside processing, and be able to reconcile the quantity and value to support financial
and operational reporting.
• Purchase order line types allow you to signify the nature of the purchase and how it is
to be charged at the time of receipt. The types include: material, inventory, subcontract,
direct purchase and non-inventory. Material, subcontract and direct purchase line types
signify that the goods or services are being purchased to a specific job and will be
received directly against the job at the time of receipt.
• Manage the status and approval of purchase orders. Define unique status flows based on
business practices. Allows for email triggers to appropriate users at specific statuses.

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Receiving Anticipate
• Easily generate expected delivery reports to allow receiving staff to plan resources.
• Online queries allow receiving staff to quickly identify when product or services are
As purchased goods and services arrive at
expected to be delivered, the vendor and quantity ordered.
the receiving dock, it is important that they • The immediate visibility to the goods and services received provides the planners and
can be quickly and easily identified and production team with the inventory status needed to efficiently manage material and
forwarded to the departments that require production plans.
them. The team responsible for processing
receiving transactions need tools that will Record
allow them to easily identify product and • INDUSTRIOS pre-populates the receiving information based on the purchase order
details to ensure that receipts can be entered into the system with a minimal amount of
services, update the status of inventory
data entry.
and purchasing records, and generate the • Based on the purchase order selected, the receiver simply needs to record the quantity
paperwork to support accounts payable. received, the packing slip number and the receiving date in order to process the
• If a receipt is recorded incorrectly, the receipt void function provides a quick and easy
method of correcting errors, tracking the reason they occurred and creating an audit trail
to the corrected receipt.
• When business or quality practices require the tracking of serial or lot numbers,
INDUSTRIOS provides the capability to record the tracking information at the time the
goods are received, monitor the usage against production orders and follow through to
• Identification labels can be easily generated at receiving. With integration to Bartender®
by Seagull Scientific, easily create user defined label formats, including barcodes.
• Easily review a variety of receiving information including vendor, item type, purchasing
UOM, conversion factors to stocking UOM, and associated production order information.

• The integration between receiving and voucher processing provides the flexibility to
manage the relationship of purchase receipts to supplier invoices. With INDUSTRIOS you
are able to group multiple receipts, regardless of the purchase order, onto one voucher.
Receiving can simply record goods received without the need to modify procedures
to support the accounting. This significantly streamlines the reconciliation to supplier’s
invoices, statements of accounts and reduces the transactions recorded in the accounts
payable sub ledger.
• The Receiving Workbench completely integrates with the Purchase Order, Inventory,
Production Orders, Receiving Inspection and Voucher Workbenches. Through this
integration, inventory balances and production orders are updated; vouchers can be
automatically generated; purchase order statuses updated; and the audit trail is visible
thoughout the system from any of the procurement screens, from purchase order
through to voucher history.

Go Mobile
• Enter receipts from vendors directly from the dock using handheld PC’s.
• Initiate the printing of receiving reports and barcode labels.
• Update inventory in real time by posting transactions directly from handheld PC’s.
Receiving Inspection Evaluate
• Inspection History maintains a complete record of all inspections that have been
completed and approved. Understand inspection trends relating to specific vendors and
Incoming inspection and test procedures are
items, and put corrective actions in place with objective evidence.
a standard part of the process to ensure that
product and services conform to specified Contain
requirements. The Quality team is responsible • Control the release of goods and services subject to inspection until they have been
to develop the quality plans to support verified against the inspection criteria.
inspection and test procedures for incoming
inspection. To support these procedures, the Control
inspectors need tools that will allow them • Visibility to the goods pending inspection provides the inventory status needed to
efficiently manage material, production plans, and supplier invoices.
to easily identify product and services that
• Inspection configuration and application settings control how receiving inspections are
require inspection, document inspection conducted, including rules related to specific vendors, items, and inspection frequency.
results, and segregate non-conforming
product. Track
• Receipts subject to inspection will automatically be recorded as pending inspection.
• Automatic calculation of accepted quantities makes entering inspections quick and easy.
• Through integration to the various workbenches, inspection records are automatically
created, inventory balances and production orders are updated, only approved vouchers
are generated, and the audit trail can be accessed from any of the procurement screens.
• The workbench provides the Quality team with access to purchasing and item
information, serial and lot details, and user-defined data collection fields.
• Easily group inspections by a variety of criteria including vendor, item, receipt dates, etc.
• User-defined fields may be used to capture information required for evaluating vendor
performance and conducting an analytical review of non-conformances or rejects.

Vouchers and Debit • Supplier Invoices or Debit Memos can be entered quickly and accurately by taking
Memos advantage of standard vendor default tables, vendor part number references, pricing
tables, selling units of measure, and copy order/line commands.
Processing supplier invoices within • Cost adjustments captured at voucher post updates jobs and inventory cost layers.
INDUSTRIOS has been designed with • Verification of duplicate vendor invoices performed at time of entry.
• Group multiple receipts, regardless of the purchase order, onto one voucher to
integration from purchase order through to
streamline the reconciliation to suppliers’ invoices and statements of account.
receiving and accounts payable, providing
the group responsible for posting expense Account
transactions with a clear view of what has • The INDUSTRIOS accrual process uses a periodic view of accrual accounting. This means
been received, what is waiting for disposition that the value of the liability to be recognized will be calculated as at a defined cut-off
in receiving inspection, and an opportunity to period and then set to auto-reverse based on user-defined date.
validate quantities, prices, and miscellaneous • Determine the accrued liability at any time, manage the level of detail required in the
general ledger file, simplify the analysis of inventory and expense balances, and generate
charges prior to posting the supplier invoice.
reports to support accrual entries from history batches.

• Vouchers can be automatically generated from receipts, and purchase order and
receiving details can be reviewed within the Voucher Workbench, and the audit trail can
be accessed from any of the procurement screens.

2150 Winston Park Drive, Suite 214, Oakville, ON L6H 5V1

1.866.275.9028 • 905.829.2525 • Fax: 905.829.3349
sales@industrios.com • www.industrios.com

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