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I360 Customer Feedback US 0807

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Impact 360

Customer Feedback

hat do customers really think about your business? It’s a deceptively simple question — and it’s one of

W the most fundamental challenges organizations face in today’s highly competitive market. While different
communications channels, distributed service centers, and internal processes and systems all capture
fragments of customer intelligence, they don’t provide a comprehensive picture of customer perception. As a result,
your organization can overlook critical information that affects repeat sales, customer loyalty, and the bottom line.

Verint® Witness® Actionable Solutions can help. We offer Impact 360™ Customer Feedback — a browser-based solution
that uses short, context-sensitive, dynamic surveys to capture information from customers across all channels of contact.
By gathering data that might otherwise be overlooked or lost, Impact 360 Customer Feedback provides insight into the
effectiveness of your people, products, and processes, allowing you to take action quickly. As a result, you can do more
than simply measure customer satisfaction — you can influence it.

Impact 360 Customer Feedback is part of the Impact 360 Workforce Optimization solution from Verint Witness Actionable
Solutions. Impact 360 unifies performance management, workforce management, full-time recording, quality monitoring,
and eLearning. With Impact 360, your contact center, remote, and back-office operations can capture, share, and act
on information from across the enterprise. As a result, you can make better decisions faster, and benefit from a single,
coordinated source of support, service, and maintenance with a lower total cost of ownership.
Now You Can:

• Make informed business decisions by capturing and analyzing customer feedback — and the context in which
it was provided — in real time.

• Gain increased visibility into customer service processes and performance based on the specific people,
products, and processes that impact the customer experience.

• Measure business and revenue drivers in detail — including customer loyalty — through net promoter scores
and other metrics.

• Improve first-call resolution rates, decrease escalations, and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

• Move beyond sampling to capture statistically valid, census-level data — even with large numbers of
customers and multiple sites — across all contact channels, including IVR, Web, and email.

• Reference recorded calls from customer feedback and optionally integrate survey results with other
workforce optimization metrics.

• Benefit from a reliable, scalable system that works independently or integrates with your existing Impact 360,
back-office, contact center, and CRM systems.


• Dynamic survey and intelligent question builder
• Real-time performance monitoring and analysis
• Comprehensive business effectiveness and survey results reports
• Detailed goal management and quality reports
• Real-time alerts and customer feedback-specific workflow
COLLECT AND ANALYZE CUSTOMER DATA IN REAL TIME Customer Retention – A large North American utility company relies
Impact 360 Customer Feedback integrates with your other Impact 360 on Impact 360 Customer Feedback to understand the root cause of
solutions, back-office and contact center software, and CRM systems customer attrition. When customers consider competitive offerings, the
to provide insight into customer and performance data. It engages system alerts the customer retention department in real time, enabling
customers immediately after their interactions with your agents over IVR, them to take action.
Web, and email with short, dynamic surveys that are delivered based
on business rules you define. Because these surveys are intelligent, Competitive Advantage – A large provider of consumer electronics
context-based, and timely, they engage customers and deliver response and services uses Impact 360 Customer Feedback to test its customer
rates far greater than those obtained through traditional, one size-fits-all service processes. In a matter of days, the company can gather
questionnaires. As a result, you can move beyond mere sampling to statistically valid data and make immediate, customer-pleasing
capture meaningful data — even with large numbers of customers adjustments — a significant advantage in this highly competitive market.
and multiples sites.

Survey Builder – The Survey Builder allows you to build intelligent

surveys with conditional questions. Building a survey is easy — just
select a template and add your own questions, or choose from a
library of question types. Surveys are presented to customers based
on rules that you define, allowing them to be dynamic and relevant to
the customer’s experience. For example, you can set rules to deliver
surveys based on:

• Customer or customer type

• Customer history
• Agent, representative, or queue type
• Transaction type
• Product, process, or service used
Impact 360 Customer Feedback’s intuitive user interface
allows you to capture, analyze, and report on customer Reports – Impact 360 Customer Feedback includes extensive,
feedback as well as the effectiveness of agents, sales people, real-time reporting capabilities, including:
and marketing programs.
• Survey Results Reports — Provide overviews and detailed views of
surveys, including response and completion rates, question details,
individual and aggregated responses, access to recorded calls, and more.
More than just a survey system, Impact 360 Customer Feedback • Performance Analysis Reports — Deliver overviews and summaries of
enables you to gather data on products, processes, staff performance, effectiveness metrics for agents, supervisors, and managers, enabling you
and customer loyalty and satisfaction levels in real time. You can to identify strong and weak performers.
identify and measure the drivers of customer behavior, along with • Quality Reports — Calculate indices based on internal (company-driven)
specific areas for improvement. and external (customer-driven) metrics. Discrepancies can be plotted to
depict areas of strength or weakness graphically.
For example, you can use data to calculate your net promoter score —
a metric that shows the percentage of promoters (customers who
would recommend your products and services to others) minus the
percentage of detractors (customers who cut back on their purchases
and warn others to avoid doing business with you). Net promoter
scores are a powerful way to gauge customer satisfaction and the
effectiveness of your customer loyalty programs.

Having gathered critical information, Impact 360 Customer Feedback

presents it in convenient reports based on the specific people,
products, and processes that each customer experiences. It “knows”
who the customer is, who the agent is, the transaction type the
customer has undertaken — even the revenue opportunity involved.
It also delivers alerts and workflow items to ensure that immediate
opportunities are acted upon. Links to actual call recordings provide
managers with a powerful review capability, enabling them to drill
down for further analysis. Armed with this information, you can
take the actions needed to increase first-call resolution rates,
reduce escalations, enhance customer satisfaction and retention,
and improve agent coaching and training. For example:
Impact 360 Customer Feedback provides extensive reporting
capabilities, including performance analysis reports that
Revenue Generation – One of the nation’s largest banks uses identify strong and weak performers within your contact or
Impact 360 Customer Feedback with its high-value customers to service center.
test their interest and satisfaction with new products and services.
The data collected is processed automatically and used to generate
alerts that are immediately actionable by customer service staff.
Alerts and Workflow – With Impact 360 Customer Feedback, duration and priority of each lesson, and the deadline for completion.
you can define rules that trigger email alerts notifying the appropriate Supervisors can view course transcripts and run reports, enabling them
people of a particular circumstance that requires immediate attention, to assess the progress and status of training for individual employees.
such as a customer retention opportunity. Alerts can also trigger
workflows — a predefined series of activities that must be performed Advanced Scorecards – Impact 360 Customer Feedback provides
within a prescribed period of time. role-appropriate scorecards that display actual employee performance
metrics. These scorecards include an extensive set of predefined key
Feedback Performance – Performance improvement is a key performance indicators (KPIs) — or the ability to create your own —
element within Impact 360 Customer Feedback. For any metric tracked so all levels of the organization, from agents to executives, can see
within the system, you can set feedback goals and track them against how they’re performing against their goals.
actual performance results for employees within your contact or
service center. Additional Functions – At Verint Witness Actionable Solutions,
we understand that organizations and contact centers have different
Lesson Management – Lesson Management enables your goals and needs. Impact 360’s standard and optional functionality,
service representatives, agents, and managers to access eLearning outlined above, provide a convenient, cost-effective way to help you
assignments without ever leaving their desks. A browser-based address specific customer service issues. Additional add-on functions
interface shows the specific coursework that has been assigned, the include Customer Analytics and Customer Experience Research.


Verint Witness Actionable Solutions offers professional services that can help you get the most from your investment.
From implementation to business consulting to technical support and training, you can be confident that our
experienced consultants understand your business practices and operations — and are committed to your success.

About Verint Witness Actionable Solutions

Verint® Witness® Actionable Solutions was formed as a result of Verint’s successful combination with workforce optimization provider,
Witness Systems. Our software and services enable organizations to capture and analyze customer interactions, improve workforce
performance, and optimize service processes in contact center, branch, and back-office operations.

Verint. Powering Actionable Intelligence.®

Verint Systems Inc. is a leading global provider of analytic software-based solutions
for enterprise optimization and security. Verint solutions help organizations make
sense of the vast voice, video, and data available to them, transforming this information info@verint.com
into actionable intelligence™ for better decisions and highly effective performance. 1-800-4VERINT
Since 1994, Verint has been committed to developing innovative solutions that help 330 South Service Road
global organizations achieve their most important objectives. Today, organizations in Melville, NY 11747 USA

over 100 countries use Verint solutions to enhance security, boost operational efficiency, August 2007
and fuel profitability. WAIM0807007U

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All marks referenced herein with the ® or TM symbol are registered trademarks or trademarks of Verint Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All other marks are trademarks
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