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[The] Civic Welfare Training

Service (CWTS) refers to programs or
activities contributory to the general
NSTP introduces the Filipino youth welfare and the betterment of life for the
to civic consciousness and emergency members of the community or the
response. It aims to develop their ethics enhancement of its facilities, especially
and patriotism by engaging in one those devoted to improving health,
component out of its three components, education, environment, entrepreneurship,
which is designed to enhance the Filipino safety, recreation, and morals of the
students' active participation in nation- citizenry.
building. The NSTP Law or Republic Act No.
The Department of National Defense
9163, also known as the National Service
(DND), Commission on Higher Education
Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001, was
(CHED), and Technical Education and Skills
signed by former President Gloria
Development Authority (TESDA) lead the
Macapagal-Arroyo on January 23. 2002. It is
implementation and monitoring of NSTP.
the integration of House Bill No. 3593 and
Their primary function is to oversee if the
Senate Bill No. 1824. which were both
program being conducted in schools is in
passed and approved on December 19, 2001
consonance with the newly revised IRR
The NSTP Law has made ROTC issued on November 13, 2009
optional since the first semester of school
Coverage of the NSTP Law
year 2002-2003 and has allowed students
to choose from ROTC, LTS, and CWTS as a The coverage of the NSTP Law is provided
requisite for graduation in Section 4 of the IRR as follows:

NSTP Components 1. All incoming freshmen students,

male and female, starting School Year (SY)
The following are the components of the
NSTP Law as enumerated in Section 3 of
Republic Act No. 9163: 2003, enrolled in any baccalaureate and in
at least two (2)-year technical-vocational
1. [The] Reserve Officers' Training
or associate courses, are required to
Corps (ROTC) is a program institutionalized
complete one NSTP component of their
under Sections 38 and 39 of Republic Act
choice as a requirement for graduation.
No. 7077 designed to provide military
training to tertiary level students to 2. All higher educational institutions,
motivate, train, organize, and mobilize them including State Universities and Colleges
for national defense preparedness. (SUCs) and technical-vocational education
institutions, must offer upon enrollment, all
2. [The] Literacy Training Service
the three NST components. However, state
(LTS) is a program designed to train
universities and colleges (SUCs) are
students to become teachers of literacy and
required to provide and maintain the ROTC
numeracy skills to school children, out-of-
school youth, and other segments of
society in need of their services. 3. The Philippine Military Academy
(PMA), Philippine Merchant Marine
Academy (PIMMA), Philippine National
Police Academy (PNPA) [are] exempted NSTP-CWTS Mission
from the NSTP in view of the special
The mission of NSTP-CWTS is to
character of these institutions. Other state
foster the promotion and integration of
universities and colleges of similar nature
values education, transformational
will be exempted, subject to approval of the
leadership, and sustainability of social
Department of National Defense.
mobilization for youth development,
4. Private higher educational national-building, and global solidarity
institutions (HEIs) and technical- vocational (Agcaoili, 2012a). The mission of NSTP-
education institutions with at least 350 CWTS is provided as follows:
student cadets must establish/ maintain a
1. Provide relevant activities that will
Department of Military Science and Tactics
contribute to the physical, intellectual,
(DMST), subject to existing rules and
spiritual, and social development of
2. Inculcate in students the values of
The vision of NSTP-CWTS serves as leadership, patriotism, and social
the practical guide for setting goals and responsibility
objectives, making decisions, preparing the
3. Educate students to become
course outline, and coordinating and
community planners, designers, and
evaluating the course program. The vision
managers on sustainable community
will help in keeping the course focused. In
her "National service training program
manual," Agcaoili (2012a) stated the vision 4. Conduct capability enhancements
of the NSTP-CWIS as follows: for the community services geared toward
preparing the students to become results-
1. to educate students to become
oriented, social entrepreneurs, community
pioneers of change and embody respect
volunteers, and socio-economic mobilizing
and preservation of culture with integrity,
forces that serve as value-oriented
competence, and commitment when
pioneers in community development
rendering service to the community
5. Allow students to render services
2. to inculcate students with Filipino
with community organizations at 1
values, such as loyalty, the desire to serve
grassroots level
the country with pride and integrity, the
accountability of nation- building, and 6. Create an opportunity for
sustainability students to do community service
3. to develop a sense of
volunteerism as productive Filipino citizens
and members of the National Service
Reserve Corps
NSTP-CWTS Core Values CHED provides that NSTP-CWTS 1
must have eighty-three (83) training not for
The NSTP.CWTS core values will become
two semesters, and includes seven topics
the basis of a student's performance in the
and scopes of instruction. These are as
subject. NSTP-CWTS fosters the following
1. Filipino core values such as self-
1. Love of God
awareness and values development this
2. Hunan dignity deal with the nature of the self, personality
development, nationalist patriotism, and
3. Discipline, truth, righteousness, and good Filipino citizenship
2. The concepts of leadership.
4. Awareness, innovation, and creativity Human behavior, good communicatory
5. Respect, synergy, and professionalism individual motivation, time management,
and decision-making
6. Excellence and indigenous learning
3. Dimensions of development that
7. Protection and conservation of the cover global, national, and local issues on
environment health, education (enhancement of
8. Effective community service instructional support materials and
faculties), entrepreneurship, recreation,
and morals of the citizenry and other social
welfare concerns such as voters' education
NSTP-CWTS Minimum Standards
and poverty alleviation
NSTP-CWTS helps develop self-
4. Community exposure and agency
reliant communities and encourages the
visits that involve the nature, development,
cooperation of the different departments of
and approaches to community work and
the national government, which could
community- building
provide support in facilitating
socioeconomic activities and delivering 5. Community needs assessments
basic services toward the development of and its process, survey, and execution
the community. NSTP-CWTS strategies
follow an integrative approach to 6. Programs and services about
community development, which unites drug and health education for the youth,
people, local government units (LGU), civic medical-dental missions, community
leaders, and nongovernmental cleanliness drives, livelihood training for
organizations (NGOs) at the grassroots women, and values formation
level. 7. Monitoring and evaluation for
NSTP-CWTS 1 is a three-unit non- assessing the impacts of programs on the
academic course required to be taken Dy community
every tertiary-level student. The common
and specific modules outlined in the IRR of
the NSTP Law provide its minimum
Chapter 2 Biblical Views

THE NATURE OF THE HUMAN PERSON A human person possesses

superiority and dignity inherited from the
Creator. According to the book of Genesis,
Characteristics of a Human Person chapter 1, verses 26-27, God created man
and woman in His own image and likeness
In The Human Person: Not Real, But and made them masters of the fish of the
Existing, Babor (2007) discusses the sea, the birds, the heaven, the earth, the
several characteristics of a human person, wild beasts, and all the reptiles that crawl
namely: upon the earth.
1. A human person can reason out and The Supreme Being entrusted to the
distinguish between right and wrong. human persorn the care of creatures on
Hershe can rationalize and think freely. Earth, aware of the possibilities,
2. A human person has the freedom to do challenges, and difficulties he/she will
or not to do things that he/she thinks is encounter in his/her life. Agbuya et al.
right or wrong. However, every person is (1997) state that:
responsible for his/her actions. "He/She (human person) is
3. A human person possesses an designated by God to exercise dominion
identification, which makes him/ her a over other creatures in his/her everyday
unique individual. Persons who are born as use of freedom and search for happiness
twins have the same characteristics and and openness to the world around him/ her.
physical features, but they are unique And what makes him/her human is his/her
because each has her own perception, set being a true person, which includes the
of values, and priorities in life special gifts and talents of thinking, loving,
longing for happiness, and making
4. A human person is a social being and decisions. The human nature was patterned
cannot detach from other creatures in this after the image of God."
world characterized by relationships

with creations.

5. A human person is sexual by nature, but

his/her expression of his/her sexuality
makes him/her a unique individual. A
person's sexual expression is manifested
through his/ her emotions, attitudes,
feelings, and actions, which exemplify
his/her uniqueness from other animals.
Philosophical Views enables them to know the principles of
suitable living. According to Mencius,
Protagoras, a Greek philosopher,
"Every human being can become a sage
stipulated that the human person is the of
king, that is, anyone can gain the wisdom to
all existent and nonexistent things. Plato
also presented that a human person is
perfect in this world because what is in this 3. Socialism
world is just an imperfect copy of
In socialism, a human being readily
humanity's original self in the realm of
engages in cooperative social activities
ideas. Furthermore, Parmenides posited
when given the opportunity. Unfortunately,
that a human person is knowledgeable of
this natural cooperative instinct is not
those existing, for who does not exist is
fostered when some people selfishly
nothing (Cruz, 1995)
exploit other people.
A human person, like other animals,
Marx believes that man is driven
has external and internal organs. A human
primarily by desire for economic gains. n
being becomes evident when he/she starts
his Das Kapital, he considers the human
to share his/her thoughts and ideas with
person as a social animal; if he/she fails to
relate actively with others and with nature,
In Philosophy of the Human Being, he/she loses himself/ herself and becomes
Maguigad (2006) explains the different alienated. His/Her drives lose human
philosophical views of the human person, qualities and assume animal qualities.
4. Fascism
1. Conservatism
Fascism believes that the country is
The conservative view is not entirely what matters most. The Like the human
positive and non-egalitarian. Some men person can prosper only when the nation
contribute more than others to society and, prospers. naturally Conservatives, the
therefore, must be rewarded and honored fascists contend that some human beings
by society. All human persons may not be are and racially better than others.
of equal value to society. Some men are
intended to rule, the rest to obey. This is in
line with one of the Confucian ethical ideas
that states that the superior man must rule
and the commoner must bow before his/
her authority.

2. Liberalism

Liberalism has a more egalitarian

view, which believes that a human person
is capable of reasoning out, rationalizing,
and having the capacity to live productively
if only given the opportunity. Reason is
common to all human beings, and this fact
raises them above the level of beasts and
Classical Greek Views 2. The social behavior of a human person is
learned; it is not instinctive. In this respect,
The birth of philosophy in Greece
the argument is that one has to learn, from
has a purity and originality superior to all
the moment he/she is born, how to be not
those that come later. The ancient human
just a human being but also a recognizable
person's vital and historical situation
member of the society into which he/she
directly conditions the theme of the history
happens to have been born.
of Greek philosophy. Greek philosophy
determines why a human person, upon 3. A human being is a recognizable member
reaching the stage of development, is of society who focuses on the group to
compelled to fulfill a completely new and which he/she belongs. These groups are
unknown need, which today refers to many and varied, but the largest group to
philosophizing (Padilla, 2012). As a rational which people belong is a society.
animal, he/she needs the power of thought,
4. Sociology is a discipline that looks into
reason, and cognition.
the totality of relationships an individual's
Due to a person's nobility and her life. Sociologists do not restrict their
special place in God's kingdom, it is through studies to a single dimension of an
him/her that the rest of the creation enter a individual's life (e.g., economics, politics,
dialogue and relationship with the Supreme history, 20 in geography, and psychology).
Being. As the human person is given free Although each of these areas is significant
will to choose, decide, or shape his/her life, and interesting in varying degrees, it is only
he/she is always responsible for his/her by looking at how these relationships affect
action. each other that one can arrive at a
complete picture of human social behavior.
A human person can know, loving,
and believing, thereby leading him/her to be Sociologists do not reject the
fully aware of his/ her humanity. contributions of other social sciences.
Sociology, as an academic discipline itself,
is based on the recognition that human
Sociological Views beings are not one-dimensional but
A perspective is a particular way of
looking at and seeing something. Salcedo et For example, in our society, people
al. (2001) state that people look at this work (economic dimension), have the
social world or at the various ways that opportunity to vote in elections (political
human beings behave in a social way. dimension), and live in different areas of
Hence, when one talks about society or the the country (geographic dimension). What
social world, he/she is really referring to interests sociologists in this regard might
the behavior of human beings. be the relationship between these three
dimensions -how does the area in which
San Juan (2007) proposes the people live affect the type of work they do
following common ideas about the human and how does the type of work they do
person. affect how they vote in elections?
1. A human person is a social animal that
cooperates with others in some way to
create the social world in which they live.
If the sociological perspective confident and valuable. However, when they
differs from that provided by other social are not met, the human person feels
sciences, it is evident that it also differs inferior, weak, helpless, and worthless.
from a final perspective one has to
5. Self-actualization means a person has
consider, namely, that of naturalistic or
reached the peak of his/her potential.
commonsensical explanation of the social
world. Investigating some examples of
commonsensical ideas about the social
world will allow one to demonstrate more Self-Actualization
effectively the idea of a sociological Creativity, Reaching potential
perspective and show how sociology
provides a greater understanding of human
behavior. Esteem needs

Strength, Freedom, Self-respect.

Hierarchy of Needs Accomplishment, Appreciation

The guiding principle of a human Love & Belonging needs

person is competence and ability in the
field of humanistic psychology. It is Affection, Relationships, Friends,
theorizing that human behavior and
relationships are shaped by feelings and
self-images (Zarate, 2012)
McLeod (2020) presents the levels Safety needs
of the hierarchy of needs as follows:
Security, Safety (sometimes provided by a
1. Physiological needs are biological and protector)
basic needs, such as water and clothing.
These needs are immensely important
because they are essential for survival. Physiological needs
2. Safety needs include security and Food, Water, Breathing, Warmth, Rest
protection from physical and emotional
3. Social needs include affection, a sense of McLeod (2020) presents the theory
belonging, and friendship with which people of Maslow and points out that a human
overcome feelings of person must satisfy his/her needs. Without
accomplishing the lower needs, a person's
loneliness and alienation. self-worth and potential cannot be
achieved. A person must have enough time
4. Self-esteem needs include achievement,
to develop his/her full potential, which
mastery, and confidence derived from
maintains the self- actualization that drives
recognition, respect, and attention that,
human personality. A human person cannot
when satisfied, the human person feels
appreciate intellectual and aesthetic
learning if he/she is struggling for food,
shelter, and safety. Self-actualization can
be achieved after all the other needs are

McLeod (2020) also presents Carl

Rogers' human person-centered therapy
theory that every human person has an
inherent desire within for a positive
transformation and development of
capacities. People possess innate goodness
no matter how imprudent their actions are.
However, it is the individual who will
eventually create his/her own path and not
the people around him/ her. The self-
actualized human person allows the innate
goodness to transcend. Only by
understanding himself/ herself first can
he/she effectively relate to others. Utilizing
the gifts and talents to reach one's goals
and helping others realize their worth as
people are challenges from the Supreme

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