NSTP Lec Wed
NSTP Lec Wed
NSTP Lec Wed
Republic Act. No. 9163, also known as the National Service Training
Program (NSTP) Act. of 2001 was signed into law by Pres. Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo on Jan. 23, 2002.
The school and the community serve as alliances in national development. How
can the school administrators determine the parameters of this symbolic relationship?
Good practice is based on sound theories. Any training of NSTP students must
provide for the field application of learned concepts, theories and methods in the
classroom experience. This is very important for the development of skills. The
development of a positive attitude towards work and responsibility may accrue as a
result of extensive training in the school, but are further refined in the society.
In outreached programs for knowledge on the different components of the NSPT
specifically the CWTS, it is very practical if the students could be assigned to the place
where they are residing to enable them to deal with work conditions that are closest to
the realities in their areas.
The community activities are manned by well-trained NSTP coordinators who are
expected to provide the necessary guidance and direction for the day-today activities of
the students as field counselors.
Hereunder are the course objectives so that the NSTP students can be guided
on what to do in the community.
Orientation on NSTP-2
This stage includes discussion of the course objectives, learning
experience, requirements and evaluation. It also includes schedule
of activities by weeks and the days when the NSTP coordinators
will visit and the days when students must report to their school.
Course Leveling of Expectations
The students are expected to attain the objectives set for it’s the
course. They are expected to submit a weekly report to the NSTP
Grouping/Team Building
Harmonious inter-relationship is very essential in all fields of
endeavor. In this stage, it includes:
1. Relationship with the group members;
2. Relationship with the NSTP coordinators; and
3. Relationship with the Local Government Officials in the community
The following guides govern the conduct of the NSTP students before
they are sent to the field. They have to understand and bear these in
mind before they go out to the community where they are assigned.
1. Appearance
Your personal appearance is considered very important. Ladies
should not wear backless clothing, spaghetti straps, short or
clothing in which the midriff is exposed. Depending upon the project
blue jeans will be allowed. You will be supplied with a NSTP T-shirt
which should be worn when participating in a community service
2. Accountability
The students are responsible for arriving at the given locations on
time. They are expected to be punctual in the place of the
3. Student Behavior
Bear in your mind that you represent your school when you are out
of the community. Your actions are a reflection of you and your
school, hence, you are expected to behave properly, maintain
proper decorum at all times.
6. Use of cellphones
Cellphone is not allowed to be used while performing Community
Service programs/activities.
7. Working with the LGU Officials
You should work closely with the LGU officials and the community
people in all aspects of your activities from situational analysis,
planning, and implementation to evaluation. Students
activities/projects should be within the plans of the local
government officials with which they are working and should
contribute positively to the solution of the community problems
8. Problem/s Encountered
Any problem encountered by the students in the community should
be reported immediately to the facilitator.
What is Community
According to Merriam Website, a community is a unified body of individuals with
common characteristic or interest living together within larger society.
A community is a group of people who share something in common. You can
define a community by the shared attributes of the people in it and/or by the
strength of the connections among them. You need a bunch of people who are
alike in some way, who feel some sense of belonging or interpersonal connection
(Simon, 2018).
Pfortmuller (2017) defined community as a group of people that care about each
other and feel they belong together.
Elements of Community
1. Group of People- it is the most fundamental or essential characteristic or
element of community. This group may be small or large but community always
refers to a group of people.
Community service is performed by someone or a group of people like the NSTP
students for the benefits of the public or community. The NSTP students step outside of
their school and expand their horizons. Through community service the students can
strengthen their senses of civic engagement and nationalism. They broaden their
educational, developmental and social goals. As NSTP students, they should deliberate,
plan, implement and reflect on their activities in order to sustain the highest quality of
community service learning.
It also allows those participating students to contemplate on the difference they
are making in society. Some NSP students in a community service project may find
themselves gaining a greater understanding of their roles in social service as well as the
impact of their contribution towards those in need of service. Because community
service areas vary, those who serve are exposed to many kinds of people, environment
and situations.
The purpose of the community Service Program mirrors the mission of the
school itself, that is, to prepare the NSTP students to become responsible, active
citizens. To that end the program strives to instill in the NSP students an awareness of
the multiple needs of the community a sense of moral obligation to help those less
fortunate and the desire to make the community a better place in which to live.
“We don’t accomplish anything in this world alone and whatever happens is the
result of the whole tapestry on one’s life and all the weaving of individual threads
from one to another that create something.”
- Sandra Day O’ Connor
Community immersion generally takes on different overlapping phases, similar to
performing community organizing strategies called social preparation phase, integration,
social analysis, program implementation, evaluation and report writing, and termination
of the project.
At the end of this unit, the student must be able to:
Verbalize the process of immersion as a guide for rendering service to the
Design a community immersion plan of implementation following the process;
Internalize the importance of carrying out the steps of community immersion in
Question and answer session may serve as the closing activity. Here, a
representative from each group will act as a member of a panel which will provide
answers to questions from the audience (class) should there be points of inquiries or
classifications in regards the process of community immersion.
The community immersion process is a series of interrelated and intertwined
phases which commences with the Pre-Immersion followed by Entering the Community,
Community Integration, Community Needs Assessment, Program or Project
Implementation, and Termination of the Project.
This phase regards the identification of the community where the students will be
immersed at. Trainees will have to prepare themselves physically, mentally and
spiritually for many tasks ahead. Trainees must have waivers from their parents or
guardians stating that they are informed of the mandate to undergo the NSTP
community immersion. The school also needs to organize its own manpower, resources
and other technical needs. According to many who have undergone immersion, the
activities could be both exciting and exhausting.
Aside from preparation of the trainees and the school, the community is primarily
the one to be prepared and informed. With this, trainees must set up criteria in selection
of an area for immersion.
Area Selection
Factors to be considered in area selection:
1. Groups or communities to be chosen belong to the deprived, depressed and
underprivileged (DDU). The marginalized sectors are your target clients because
they are the ones needing your assistance more than any other groups in the
society. Examples of marginalized groups are the youth, women, slum dwellers,
the differently-abled, among others.
2. Willingness of local groups and community leaders to work with you on
community projects. This goes to say that we should start with the people and
work with the people.
3. Anticipated activities and demands fall within your available resources and ability
to meet them. You cannot extend what you do not have in the first place.
4. Presence of development agencies and other support institutions providing
assistance to the areas. Supporting agencies are probable resources waiting to
be tapped that can provide additional financial assistance when it comes to
projects that are also within their type of service.
Soliciting their support will also prevent duplication of services and activities. You
have to identify if their schedule of activities coincide with yours so that you will not
confuse the people with your separate identity. There is a danger that people will not
support you if the schedules of your activities overlap with those of an agency that has
long existed in the community before you came.
Through appropriate communications and relations with these agencies, they can
most likely be the source of other updated baseline of that data you will need to
understand the community.
5. Stable peace and order situation. You have to put into consideration your own
safety when you conduct your immersion. Some of the salient questions you
need to ask are that, “ Are the roads and work area secure to travel on? “Am I
not putting myself and other members of the immersion team in danger if we
conduct our immersion in this venue?” Will I and my school be compromised if I
continue to work in this area?”
Sometimes despite the community leaders commitment to work with the trainees,
when the community in general does not regard their area as having stable peace and
order situation, they themselves will not cooperate because their community issues go
beyond what you can respond to.
Remember, you are also a student and that one of your main objectives is to learn
and experience community living without disregards to your own safety.
6. Accessibility, Successful community immersion also relies on how quickly and
how often you can visit the community. If you live in Cavite and you happen to
have chosen Bulacan as an immersion area, would it be easy for you to conduct,
monitor and evaluate your projects in the latter area mentioned?
You have to take into account how much time you spend traveling how much money
you spend for transportation or lodging. Then is a chance that you will spend extra effort
on tasks like carrying training materials on the field, etc. that could otherwise be
prevented if you have chosen a much accessible venue for immersion.
If you have been able to select an area for immersion based on the foregoing
factors, you can now proceed to entering the community.
To ensure success in entering the community, it is necessary to have community
mapping of the target area. This will help you identify the geographic coverage of the
project. It will also help point out the resources that maybe used by the trainees in the
community and the relationship of people with these resources.
Angelito G. Manalili in his book Community Organizing for People’s
Empowerment (1990), remarked that there are different ways of entering the
community, Similarly, immersion begins with the initial steps in community organizing,
Anchored on Manalili’s concepts, those planning to conduct community immersion can
enter the community thru:
Ostentatious Entry. Complete with banner and general assembly of the
people, the community ushers in the people who will undergo immersion
or outsiders. People naturally expect more from the outsiders because the
latters identity is boosted.
Banking on the Peoples Weakness. Outsiders sometimes enter the
community through catching peoples attention. At time when community
people are in distress, they usually adhere to outsiders, like during
economic crisis, emergency and disaster situations. The outsiders try to
find out which aspect is it that the community will need them for and
through this, they emphasize on how they could be helpful.
Academic Style of Entry. Communities are often called social
laboratories because they are a place to test the theories learned in
classrooms. Academic institutions field some students into the community
to assist the students and the community is done to identify the terms to
which the community service will be fulfilled.
But the best way is People – Centred Approach. This approach
ultimately believes on the capacity of the community people to participate
and acknowledge whether outside assistance is really needed. Users of
this type of entering the community invest on community development.
Key to this type of entry is strong linkage with the people in the