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I Audit Energi Listrik

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Audit Energi Listrik

Dr. Giri Wiyono, M.T.
Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Audit Energi
(Energy Audit)

Energy Conservation
Energy Efficiency
Energy Management
Energy Audit
Energy Conservation

 (Free Encyclopedia):

 Efforts to reduce energy

consumption through the result of
several processes or developments,
such as productivity increase or
technological progress.
Energy Efficiency
 (Free Encyclopedia):
 The goal of efforts to reduce the amount
of energy required to provide products
and services. It is achieved when energy
intensity in a specific product, process or
area of production or consumption is
reduced without affecting output,
consumption or comfort levels.
 Sometimes called efficient energy use.
Energy Management (1)
 Energy Management is a technical
and management function the remit
of which is to monitor, record,
analyze, critically examine, alter and
control energy flows through system
so that energy is utilized with
maximum efficiency.
 (Paul O’Callaghan, Energy Management)
Energy Management (2)
 The strategy of adjusting and
optimizing energy, using systems
and procedures so as to reduce
energy requirements per unit of
output while holding constant or
reducing total costs of producing the
output from these systems
 (Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India)
Energy Audit (1)
 (Free Encyclopedia)

 An energy audit is an inspection,

survey and analysis of energy flows
for energy conservation in a building,
an industry, process or system to
reduce the amount of energy input
into the system without negatively
affecting the output(s).
Energy Audit (2)

 (US Agency for International Development)

 Energy audit is a tool to identify

areas where energy can be
Energy Audit (3)
 (Guide Book: Energy Audit)

 The verification, monitoring and

analysis of use of energy including
submission of technical report
containing recommendations for
improving energy efficiency with cost
benefit analysis and an action plan
to reduce energy consumption.
Energy Audit (4)
 (PP 70 tahun 2009 tentang Konservasi
 Audit Energi adalah proses evaluasi
pemanfaatan energi dan identifikasi
peluang penghematan energi serta
rekomendasi peningkatan efisiensi
pada pengguna energi dan
pengguna sumber energi dalam
rangka konservasi energi.
Preliminary Energy Audit
 Preliminary energy audit is a relatively
quick exercise to :
 Establish energy consumption in the
 Estimate the scope for saving
 Identify the most likely (and the easiest areas
for attention)
 Identify immediate (especially no-cost/low-
cost) improvements/savings
 Set a ‘reference point’
 Identify areas for more detailed
 Preliminary energy audit uses existing, or
easily obtained data
Detailed Energy Audit (1)
 A comprehensive audit provides a
detailed energy project implementation
plan for a facility, since it evaluates all
major energy using systems.
 This type of audit offers the most
accurate estimate of energy savings and
cost. It considers the interactive effects
of all projects, accounts for the energy
use of all major equipment, and includes
detailed energy cost saving calculations
and project cost.
Detailed Energy Audit (2)

 In a comprehensive audit, one of the key

elements is the energy balance.
 This is based on an inventory of energy
using systems, assumptions of current
operating conditions and calculations of
energy use.
 This estimated use is then compared to
utility bill charges.
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 70/2009 Pasal 12

 Pemanfaatan energi oleh pengguna

sumber energi dan pengguna energi
wajib dilakukan secara hemat dan
 Pengguna sumber energi dan pengguna
energi yang menggunakan sumber
energi dan/atau energi lebih besar atau
sama dengan 6.000 (enam ribu) setara
ton minyak per tahun wajib melakukan
konservasi energi melalui manajemen
Peraturan Pemerintah No. 70/2009 Pasal 12

 Manajemen energi dilakukan dengan:

 menunjuk manajer energi;
 menyusun program konservasi energi;
 melaksanakan audit energi secara
 melaksanakan rekomendasi hasil audit
energi; melaporkan pelaksanaan
konservasi energi setiap tahun kepada
Menteri, gubernur, atau bupati/walikota
sesuai dengan kewenangannya masing-
Auditor energi dari Berbagai Institusi:
 Freelance energy auditors
 Energy Audit / Energy Management
 Mechanical & Electrical Consultants
 Equipment manufacturers / suppliers
 Energy committee in industries
 Energy audit training centers
 Research centers
 Universities
 Related government officers
Langkah-Langkah Audit Energi

 Seeking for where the greatest energy

consumed goes to
 Measuring the energy losses started
from the greatest energy consumer
 Analyzing the problem
 Establishing a saving strategy
 Calculating the saving and payback
 Implementing the strategy.
Analisis Data dalam Audit Energi

1. Energy Consumption (kWh, Joule)

2. Energy Intensity / Specific Energy
Consumption :
(kWh/Ton Prod), (Ton Steam/Ton Prod),
(liter of Oil/Ton Steam), (lumen/watt)
3. Lighting Intensity (lux) for specific
4. Power Intensity (watt/m2, pk/m2)
Analisis Data dalam Audit Energi

5. Energy Distribution (Energy used and

6. Efficiency and effectively of equipment
7. Aspects of human comfort and lighting
8. Energy saving potentials (kWh/thn,
9. Energy Management Planning
Laporan Audit Energi

 Executive Summary
 Energy Balance
 Profile of Energy Consumption
 Specific Energy Consumption

 Introductory
 Background
 Aims and Goals
 Scope of Activities
 Methodology
Laporan Audit Energi
 Evaluation of Thermal Systems
 Thermal Energy Balance
 Thermal Energy Consumption
 Combustion System & Thermal Analysis
 Heat Integration and Process Analysis

 Electrical System Evaluation

 Electrical Energy Balance
 Electrical Energy Consumption
 Demand Factor Analysis

 Evaluation of Energy Management

 Asessemen of Energy Management
Tugas 3
 Buatlah makalah tentang Langkah
dalam Audit Energi Listrik
berdasarkan Kajian teori dari sumber
 Ketentuan tugas:
 Tugas kelompok 2 orang
 Kajian: masalah dan solusinya
dilengkapi dengan diagram, gambar,
 Diemail: giri_wiyono @ yahoo.com
 Tugas terbaik nilai A dan presentasi

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