Ica Engineering Academy - Calicut - Kochi - Malappuram - Trivandrum
Ica Engineering Academy - Calicut - Kochi - Malappuram - Trivandrum
Ica Engineering Academy - Calicut - Kochi - Malappuram - Trivandrum
ASSIGNMENT 1 9. A field line and an equipotential surface are
A. Always parallel
1. The force between two charges is 120 N. If the B. Always 900
distance between the charges is double, the force C. Inclined at the any angle 𝜃
will be D. None of the above
A. 60 N B. 30 N 10. The ability of charged bodies to exert force
C. 40 N D. 15 N on one another is attributed to the existence of
2. The mass of an electron is equal to A. Electrons B. Protons
A. 1.602 × 10−19 kg C. Neutrons D. Electric field
B. 9.11 × 10−31 kg 11. If the sheet of the Bakelite is inserted
C. 1.673 × 10−27 kg between the plates of an air capacitor, the
D. 9.11 × 10−20 kg capacitance will
3. As per Coulomb’s law A. Decrease B. Increase
𝑄1𝑄2 𝑄1𝑄2 C. Remains uncharged D. Become zero
A. F= 𝜀0𝜖𝑟𝑑2 B. 𝐹 = 4𝜋𝑑2
12. A capacitor store 0.24 coulombs at 10 volts. Its
𝑄1𝑄2 𝑄1𝑄2
C. F= 4𝜋𝜀0𝜖𝑟𝑑2 D. F= 4𝜋𝜀0𝜖𝑟𝑑 capacitance is
4. The electric field intensity at point situated 4 A. 0.024 F B. 0.12 F
meters from a point charge is 200 N/C. If the C. 0.6 F D. 0.8 F
distance is reduced to 2 meters, the field 13. For making a capacitor, it is better to select a
intensity will be. dielectric having
A. 400 N/C B. 600 N/C A. Low permittivity
C. 800 N/C D. 1200 N/C B. High permittivity
5. Electric intensity (E) at any point in an electric C. Permittivity same as that of air
field is equal to D. Permittivity slightly more than that of air
A. potential gradient 14. The unit of capacitance are
2 A. Volts/coulomb B. Coulombs/volt
B. (𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 )
C. (𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 )1/2 C. ohms D. Henry / Wb
1 15. If three 15 𝜇F Capacitor are connected in
D. (𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 )3
series, the net capacitance is
6. The lines of force due to charged particles
A. 5 𝜇𝐹 B. 30 𝜇𝐹
C. 45 𝜇𝐹 D. 50 𝜇𝐹 .
A. Always straight
16. If three 10 𝜇𝐹 capacitors are connected in
B. Always curved
parallel, the net capacitance is
C. Sometimes curved
A. 20 𝜇𝐹 B. 30 𝜇𝐹
D. None of the above
C. 40 𝜇𝐹 D. 50 𝜇𝐹
7. The electric field at a point situated at
17. A dielectric material must be
distance d from straight charged conductor is
A. resistor B. insulator
A. Proportional to d
C. good conductor D. semi conductor
B. Inversely proportional to d
18. An Electrolytic capacitor can be used for
C. Inversely proportional to 𝑑 2
A. D.C only B. A.C only
D. None of the above
C. both D.C as well as A.C
8. The direction of electric field due to positive
19. The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected
charge is
A. Away from the charge
A. distance between plates
B. Toward the charge
B. area of plates
C. Both A and B
C. thickness of plates
D. None of the above
D. all of the above
20. The capacitance of a cyclindrical capacitor is 27. If A.C voltage is applied to capacitive circuit,
given by the alternating current can flow in the circuit
𝜀0𝜀𝑟 2𝜋𝜀0𝜀𝑟 2 because
A. log 𝑟2 B. log 𝑟2
𝑒 ⁄𝑟1 𝑒 ⁄𝑟1 A. varying voltage produces the charging and
3𝜋𝜀0𝜀𝑟 2𝜋𝜀0𝜀𝑟
C. D. log 𝑟2 Discharge current
log𝑒 𝑟2⁄𝑟1 𝑒 ⁄𝑟1