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Classification and Use of Irrigation Waters

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and Use of


By L. V. Wilcox
United States
Salinity Laboratory


Circular No. 969

Washington, D. C. NOVEMBER 1955
Page Page
Collection of water samples 1 Classification of irrigation waters
Analysis of irrigation waters 3 — Continued
M ethods of analysis 3 Diagram for classifying irriga-
Explanation of an analysis and tion waters
its items 3 Conductivity 9
Units 3 Sodium 10
Electrical conductivity 4 Effect of boron concentration
Soluble-sodium percentage on quality 11
(SSP) 4 Effect of bicarbonate ion
Sodium-adsorption-ratio concentration on quality- _ ._ 11
(SAR) 4 Summary of classification re-
Residual sodium carbonate quirements 11
(RSQ 5 Use of irrigation waters 12
Boron (B) 6 Control of salinity 12
Dissolved solids 6 Control of exchangeable so-
pH reading 6 dium (alkali) in soil 14
Cations 6 Supplemental irrigation 15
Anions 6 Glossary 16
Classification of irrigation waters. 7 Symbols and abbreviations 17
Salinity hazard 7 Conversion formulas and factors. 17
Sodium (alkali) hazard 7 Chemical symbols, equivalent
weights, and common names 19

THE STUDY REPORTED HERE was carried out cooperatively by the Soil
and Water Conservation Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service,
and the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the 17 Western States and the
Territory of Hawaii.
This publication supersedes Circular 784, "Explanation and Interpretation of
Analyses of Irrigation Waters"

Washington, D. C. Issued November 1955

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office
Washington 25, D. C. —
Price 15 cents
and Use of
Irrigation Waters 1

By 2
L. V. Wilcox, senior soil scientist, Soil and Water
Conservation Research Branch, Agricultural Re-
search Service

Irrigation waters, whether diverted from surface streams or pumped

from wells, carry certain chemical substances in solution, dissolved
from the rocks or soils over which the waters have passed. The
concentration and nature of these dissolved constituents determine
the quality of the water for irrigation use.
Accurate chemical analyses of irrigation waters identify the more
important substances that are present and show their concentration.
From such analyses it is possible to classify waters in terms of their
suitability for irrigation and to anticipate with some assurance the ef-
fect of the water on crops and on soils. The purpose of this circular
is to explain the analysis and classification of irrigation waters and
the special problems involved in their use.


As a detailed analysis of a water is time consuming and expensive,
care should be taken that the sample represents the stream or well
from which it is taken. Samples from streams should be collected
from running water, well downstream from tributaries. Samples
from wells should be taken after the well has been in operation for
some time. Clean glass bottles with cork or rubber stoppers are suit-
able containers. The samples should be transferred to the laboratory
promptly after collection.
In order that an analysis may be of greatest use, not only for the
immediate purpose but for future reference, the following informa-
tion should accompany each sample sent to the laboratory 3

Report of a study in which certain phases were carried on under the Research
and Marketing Act of 1946.
Mr. Wilcox is Assistant Director of the United States Salinity Laboratory,
Riverside, California.
The United States Salinity Laboratory does not analyze waters except in the
course of its own investigations or those conducted for other Government


Collector's No ; Lab. No ; Date ; Collector

Owner •

Spring, Stream, Lake, Well? (circle one)

County Miles— distance nearest town USQS sheet

Location. . . . %, Sec. . . .
; T ; R
Distance and direction from
section corner or landmark

Other description

Depth ; Depth to upper perforations ; Casing diameter

Discharge ; Static level ;

Draws down to

Temp ; Odor ; Gas ;

° C. or ° F.

Use: Irrig., Municipal, Ind., Stock, Domestic

Approximate acreage served, crops

Condition or symptoms of land or crops

Owner's opinion of water quality

Collector's remarks

Report to:

(Please draw a map on the reverse side, if necessary, to show the exact location
of the sampling site.)


Methods of Analysis

The procedures that are recommended for the analysis of irrigation

waters are given in detail in chapter 8, United States Department of
Agriculture Handbook 60. 4 These methods are reasonably rapid and
yield results of satisfactory accuracy, but any set of procedures of
comparable accuracy may be substituted.

Explanation of an Analysis and Its Items

The following is a typical analysis of a river water that is used for

the irrigation of thousands of acres of farm land.

Analysis of Water Sample No. 22431 1

Electrical conductivity (EC XlO 6 at 25° C.) micromhos/cm__ 1,010

Soluble-sodium percentage (SSP) 41
Sodium-adsorption-ratio (SAR) 2. 5
Residual sodium carbonate (RSC)
Boron (B) parts per million 0.15
Dissolved solids do 701
pH 7.8

Cations meq./l. Anions: meq./l.

Calcium (Ca)_. _ 3.54 Carbonate (C0 3 ) 0.12
Magnesium (M| _ 2.43 Bicarbonate (HCOs) 1.88
Sodium (Na)__ _ 4.30 Sulfate (S0 4 ) 5.92
Potassium (K). _ .10 Chloride (CI) 2.40
Nitrate (NOs) .01
Total 10. 37
Total 10.33
Fordefinitions, abbreviations, and symbols, see "Glossary" and subsequent

The items of an analysis are explained as follows.

Units. It is customary to express the concentrations of cations
and anions either in parts per million (p. p. m.) or in milliequivalents
(milligram equivalents) per liter (meq./l.) the latter unit is pre-

ferred. Both units are defined and factors for converting p. p. m. to

meq./l. are given on pages 16 to 18. The unit meq./l. has at least 2
advantages that the unit p. p. m. does not have 1 milliequivalent of :

any ion will exactly combine with or be equivalent to 1 milliequivalent

of any other ion and in any solution, such as an irrigation water, the

sum of the cations should equal the sum of the anions in terms of
equivalents. Differences between cations and anions signify that there
are undetermined constituents present or that there are errors in the
The expression "electrical conductivity" is synonymous with
"specific electrical conductance.-' The standard unit for conductivity,
mho/cm., is so large that most natural waters have a value of much

United States Salinity Laboratory Staff, diagnosis and improvement of
saline and alkali soils. TJ. S. Dept. Agr. Handb. 60, 160 pp., illus. 1954.
(This handbook may be consulted in most agricultural libraries or purchased
from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office,
for $2.00.)

less than 1 unit. For purposes of convenience in recording or ex-

pressing such results, the value in mho cm. is multiplied by 10 6
(decimal point moved 6 places to the right) and reported as
micromhos 'cm. or EC X 10 5 at 25 C
The several methods of reporting

conductivity are as follows, The conductivity from the foregoing


analysis is used as an example, I

EC =0.00101 mho cm.

^rxiO^l.Ol millimhos/cm.
ZY"xif> 5 =101 (KX10 5 )
EC X 10=1.010 mieromhos/em.
Electrical (x>ndtjgtjlv±tx. —
Electrical conductivity is commonly
used for indicating the total concentration of the ionized constituents
of a natural water. It is closely related to the stun of the cations (or
anions ) determined by chemical analysis, and it correlates well with
the value for dissolved solids. In the classification of waters, dis-
cussed in the next section, conductivity is the measure of the salinity
hazard involved in the use of the water for irrigation.
Soluble-sodium percentage SSP This term is also referred to
i I

as the percent sodium, or sodium percentage. It is a calculated value
and is denned by the following equation in which the concentrations
are in meq. 1.
CC p_ Soluble sodium concentration
Total cation concentration
It is useful in characterizing a water, since a high value indicates a
soft water and a low value indicates a hard water. It is indicative
of the sodium (alkali) hazard but is not satisfactory a measure of
this hazard as is the sodiiun-adsorption-ratio.

This is a calculated value and
is denned by the equation

\a _
Ca-- Mg-
y 2

in which the concentrations are expressed in meq. 1. A monogram

for determining the SAB
value of an irrigation water is shown ( fig. 1 )

Anexchangeable-sodium-percentage ESP scale is included in the | |

nomogram opposite the SAB scale. This ESP scale is based on an

empirical equation that relates ESP to SAR. For a more detailed
discussion of this relationship, see United States Department of Agri-
culture Handbook 60. cited previously. After the SAR value of an
irrigation water is determined by use of the nomogram, it is possible
to estimate from the central scale the ESP value of a soil that is at
equilibrium with this irrigation water. Under field conditions, the
actual ESP may be somewhat higher than the estimated equilibrium
value. This is because the concentration of the soil solution is in-
creased by evaporation and plant transpiration, resulting in a higher
SAB and a correspondingly higher ESP. The ESP estimated from
the central scale of the nomogram can therefore be regarded as a
minimum value that is often exceeded in the field.

Figure 1. —
Nomogram for determining the SAR value of irrigation water and
for estimating the corresponding ESP value of a soil that is at equilibrium
with the water.

Residual sodium carbonate (RSC). —This term was proposed by

Eaton 5 and defined as
RSC= (C0 + HC0 -) - (Ca++ + Mg ++
3 )

in which the concentrations are expressed in meq./l. The chemistry

involved is discussed under "Anions," and its significance in the sec-
tion "Classification of Irrigation Waters."
Eaton, F. M. significance of carbonates in irrigation waters. Soil Sci.
69 : 123-133. 1950.

Boron (B). —This is the characteristic element of such well-known

compounds as borax and boric acid. It is found in practically all
natural waters, the concentration ranging from traces to several
p. p. m. It is essential to plant growth, but is exceedingly toxic at
concentrations only slightly above optimum. Plants usually show no
symptoms of boron deficiency if irrigated with water containing at
least 0.1 p. p. m. of B, but injury may develop on the more sensitive
plants when irrigated with water containing boron in excess of 1
p. p. m. Permissible limits of boron in irrigation waters and a rela-
tive tolerance list of plants are given later in this circular (see table 1)

Dissolved solids. This is a measure of the total quantity of dis-
solved matter carried by a water. It is determined by evaporating to
dryness a filtered sample of the water and weighing the residue.
Dissolved solids can be estimated from the electrical conductivity by
using the relationship given on page IT.

pH reading. This is an expression of the intensity of the acid or
alkali in a water. The scal-3 extends from (strongly acid) through 7
(neutral) to 14 (strongly alkaline). Most western irrigation waters
fall in the mildly alkaline range, 7 to 8.5.

Cations. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium are the
cations or basic constituents ordinarily present in significant concen-
trations in irrigation waters. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium
are essential plant foods. Sodium is taken up freely by many plants,
but it probably is not essential in the same sense as the other nutrients
and it may be actually toxic to some plants.
The sodium or alkali hazard involved in the use of a water for
irrigation is determined by the absolute and relative concentrations of
the cations. If the proportion of sodium is high, the alkali hazard is
high conversely, if calcium and magnesium predominate, the hazard

is low. Alkali soils are formed by the accumulations of exchangeable

sodium and are often characterized by poor tilth and low permeability.
The SAR, as discussed previously, provides an estimate of the sodium
or alkali hazard and is used for this purpose in the classification of
irrigation waters.

Anions. The more important anions found in irrigation waters
are carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, and nitrate. Sulfate and
nitrate are essential plant nutrients and are desirable in reasonable
concentrations. Chloride in higher concentrations is undesirable, as
it is toxic to some plants.
Carbonate waters are strongly alkaline, but bicarbonate waters are
only mildly so. The total quantity and relative proportions of the
two determine, to a great extent, the total alkalinity as well as the
pH reading of a water. In waters containing high concentrations of
these ions, there is a tendency for calcium and possibly magnesium to
precipitate as carbonates when the water is concentrated by transpira-
tion and evaporation. With the removal of calcium and magnesium
from the soil solution, the relative proportion of sodium is increased
with the attendant increase in alkali hazard. The residual sodium
carbonate (RSC), as previously defined, is a measure of the hazard
involved in the use of high-bicarbonate waters. Permissible limits
for RSC, based on field observations and greenhouse tests, are given
in the section "Classification of Irrigation Waters."


In classifying an irrigation water, it is assumed that the water will
be used under average conditions with respect to soil texture, infiltra-
tion rate, drainage, quantity of water used, climate, and salt tolerance
of the crop. Large deviations from the average for one or more of
these factors may make it unsafe to use a water that would be safe
under average conditions. Similarly, under some unusual circum-
stances it may be possible to use a water that would be considered
unsafe under average conditions. This relationship to average con-
ditions must be kept in mind in connection with the use of any general
method for the classification of irrigation waters.

Salinity Hazard

Under average conditions, as already mentioned, there is a close

relationship between the conductivity of an irrigation water and the
conductivity of the saturation extract of the soil. The growth of
plants, in turn, is inhibited or prevented by higher saturation-extract
concentrations and is not aifected seriously by lower concentrations. 6
Electrical conductivity therefore becomes a satisfactory measure of the
salinity hazard involved in the use of water for irrigation.
Waters are divided into 4 groups with respect to conductivity, the
dividing points between classes being at 250, 750, and 2,250 micromhos/
cm. (see fig. 2) These class limits were selected in accordance with the

relationship between electrical conductivity of irrigation waters and

the electrical conductivity of saturation extracts.
From a review of the analyses of water samples from more than
1,300 irrigation water sources of the West, representing both surface
and ground waters, it is apparent that more than half of the waters
have conductivity values below 750 micromhos/cm. and that less than
10 percent have conductivity values above 2,250 micromhos/cm.
Control of salinity is discussed on p. 12.

Sodium (Alkali) Hazard

The establishment of water-quality classes from the standpoint of

the sodium hazard is more complicated than for the salinity hazard.
The problem can be approached from the viewpoint of the probable
extent to which soil will adsorb sodium from the water and the
rate at which such adsorption will occur as the water is applied.
Consider the simple case where a nonalkali soil is leached continu-
ously with a high-sodium irrigation water and an increase in concen-
tration of the salts in the solution is prevented by the absence of plant
growth and of surface evaporation. Under these conditions, the
exchangeable-sodium-percentage (ESP) which the soil will eventually
attain when it and the water are in equilibrium can be predicted closely
from the sodium-adsorption-ratio (SAR) of the water; the rate at
which the equilibrium condition will be attained will depend on the
total cation concentration or electrical conductivity of the water.
Thus, for this situation, application of waters having the same sodium-
Plant response and crop selection for saline and alkali soils is discussed in
chapter 4, U. S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 60, previously cited.
346908—55 2

adsorption-ratios and variable electrical conductivities would ulti-

mately result in about tlie same exchangeable-sodium-percentages, but
the amount of water required to bring the soil to this ultimate ex-
changeable-sodium-percentage would vary inversely with the electrical
In actual practice, the SAR of the s5il water increases, owing to the
increase in concentration of all salts and the possible precipitation of
calcium and magnesium salts, as the moisture content is decreased by
plant extraction and surface evaporation. This results in a somewhat
higher ESP than would be predicted directly from the of the SAR
water. Although the SAR is the best available index of the equilib-
rium ESPof soil in* relation to irrigation water, total cation concen-
tration or conductivity is an additional factor and is taken into
account in the classification of sodium hazard given in the next section.
Control of exchangeable sodium (alkali) in soil is discussed on
p. 14.
Diagram for Classifying Irrigation Waters

The diagram for the classification of irrigation waters (fig. 2) is

based on electrical conductivity in micromhos/cm. and on the sodium-
The curves are given a negative slope to take into account the depend-
ence of the sodium hazard on the total concentration. Thus, any
water with an SAR of 9 and a conductivity of less than 168 is classed,
insofar as sodium hazard is concerned, as an Si water. With the
same SARand a conductivity between 168 and 2,250, it becomes an
S2 water; and with a conductivity greater than 2,250, the water is
rated S3. This system, by which waters at a constant value are SAR
given a higher sodium-hazard rating with an increase in total con-
centration, is arbitrary and tentative, but it seems to be supported by
field and laboratory observations.
To use the diagram, the electrical conductivity and the concentra-
tions of sodium and calcium plus magnesium for the irrigation water
are required. If only the concentration of calcium plus magnesium
is known, sodium can be estimated as follows

Na + = (EOx 10 6
/100) - (Ca ++ + Mg ++ )
Conversely, if only sodium is known, calcium plus magnesium can be
estimated by the equation

(Ca ++ +Mg ++ ) - (EOX 10V100) -Na +

The ionic concentrations are expressed in milliequivalents per liter

The SAR can be calculated from the defining equation or estimated
from the nomogram (fig. 1). Using SAR
and the ECXlQP as co-
ordinates, locate the corresponding point on the diagram. The posi-
tion of the point determines the quality classification of the water.
This is illustrated by the analysis of the irrigation water already
given, in which calcium plus magnesium equals 5.97 meq./l sodium, ;

4.30 meq./l; and electrical conductivity (ECx 10 6 ), 1,010 micromhos/

cm. The SAR, calculated from the defining equation or estimated
from the nomogram (fig. 1) is found to be 2.5. The point on the dia-

100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1,000 2 3 4 5,000

1 I i I I 1 Ml 1 1 1

30 —
i 28

26 _ £72-54 _

X 24 -
22 £4-54
^ 20
O -
< §
s 1
< a <M g 16 -
*: UJ
o 14
s CO
o £|- 52

o £2-52
8 io £4-53 ~

8 £3-52

3 £4-52
4 -
1 1 1 I'll 1 1 1 1 1 1

100 250 750 2,2 50,

CONDUCTIVITY— MICROMHOS/jM. (£"£x!06) ^ T 25* C.

1 2 3 4
Figure 2.—Diagram for the classification of irrigation waters.

gram corresponding to these coordinates (SAR=2.5, ECXlO —lfilO)


the water as C3-S1.

The significance and interpretation of the quality ratings on the
diagram (fig. 2) are summarized as follows
Low-salinity water (Cl) can be used for irrigation with most crops
on most soils, with little likelihood that a salinity problem will de-

velop. Some leaching is required, but this occurs under normal irri-
gation practices except in soils of extremely low permeability.
Medium-salinity water (02) can be used if a moderate amount of
leaching occurs. Plants with moderate salt tolerance can be grown
in most instances without special practices for salinity control.
High-salinity water (C2>) cannot be used on soils with restricted
drainage. Even with adequate drainage, special management for
salinity control may be required, and plants with good salt tolerance
should be selected.
Very high salinity water (04:) is not suitable for irrigation under
ordinary conditions but may be used occasionally under very special
circumstances. The soils must be permeable, drainage must be ade-
quate, irrigation water must be applied in excess to provide consider-
able leaching, and very salt-tolerant crops should be selected.

The classification of irrigation waters with respect to SAR is based
primarily on the effect of exchangeable sodium on the physical condi-
tion of the soil. Sodium-sensitive plants may, however, suffer injury
as a result of sodium accumulation in plant tissue when exchangeable
sodium values are lower than those effective in causing deterioration
of the physical condition of the soil.
Loio-sodium water (Si) can be used for irrigation on almost all soils
with little danger of the development of harmful levels of exchange-
able sodium. However, sodium-sensitive crops, such as stone-fruit
trees and avocados, may accumulate injurious concentrations of
Medium-sodium water (S2) will present an appreciable sodium
hazard in fine-textured soils of high cation-exchange-capacity, es-
pecially under low-leaching conditions, unless gypsum is present in the
soil. This water may be used on coarse-textured or organic soils that
have good permeability.
High-sodium water (#3) may produce harmful levels of exchange-
able sodium in most soils and will require special soil management
good drainage, high leaching, and additions of organic matter.
Gypsiferous soils may not develop harmful levels of exchangeable
sodium from such waters. Chemical amendments may be required
for replacement of exchangeable sodium, except that amendments
may not be feasible with waters of very high salinity.
Very high sodium water (S4) is generally unsatisfactory for irriga-
tion purposes except at low and perhaps medium salinity where the
solution of calcium from the soil or use of gypsum or other amend-
ments may make the use of these waters feasible.
Sometimes the irrigation water may dissolve sufficient calcium from
calcareous soils to decrease the sodium hazard appreciably, and this
should be take into account in the use of 01-S?> and c^l-^ waters.
For calcareous soils with high pH values or for noncalcareous soils,
the sodium status of waters in classes 01-S3, 01-84, and 02-S4: may be
improved by the addition of gypsum to the water. Similarly, it may
be beneficial to add gypsum to the soil periodically when 02-SZ and
03-S2 waters are used.

Effect of Boron Concentration on Quality

The occurrence of boron in toxic concentrations in certain irriga-
tion waters makes it necessary to consider this element when assess-
ing the quality of water. Scofielcl 7 proposed the limits shown
(table 1).

Table 1. Permissible limits of boron for several classes of irrigation


Sensitive Semitolerant Tolerant

Boron class
crops crops crops

P. p. m. P. p. 771. P. p. 771.

1_ _ __ ___ __ <0. 33 <0. 67 <1. 00

2 0. 33 to . 67 0. 67 to 33
1. 1. 00 to 2.00
3 . 67 to 1. 00 1. 33 to 00
2. 2. 00 to 3.00
4 __ _ __ 1. 00 to 1. 25 2. 00 to 2. 50 3. 00 to 3. 75
5 >1. 25 >2. 50 >3. 75

Plant species differ markedly in their tolerance to high concentra-

tions of boron. In areas where boron occurs in excess in the soil or
irrigation water, the boron-tolerant crops may grow satisfactorily,
whereas sensitive crops may fail. The relative boron tolerance of a
number of crops as determined by Eaton, 8 with only minor modifica-
tions based on more recent field observations, are shown (table 2)
Differences of a few places in the position of a crop in the boron-
tolerance list may not be significant, and there is no sharp division
between successive classes. Climate and variety may also be factors in
altering the indicated tolerance of a given species.

Effect of Bicarbonate Ion Concentration on Quality

Laboratory and field studies have resulted in the conclusion that

waters with more than 2.5 meq./l. residual sodium carbonate (RSC)
are not suitable for irrigation purposes. "Waters containing 1.25 to
2.5 meq./l. are marginal, and those containing less than 1.25 meq./l.
RSC are probably safe. It is believed that good management prac-
tices and proper use of amendments might make it possible to use
successfully some of the marginal waters for irrigation.

Summary of Classification Requirements

In appraising the quality of an irrigation water, first consideration

should be given to the salinity and alkali hazards by referring to
figure 2 and the quality-class ratings that accompany the diagram.


Smithsn. IllSt. Ann. Rpt.
1934-35 275-287, illus. 1936.

Eaton, F. M. boron in soils and irrigation waters and its effect on plants,
Dept. Agr. Tech. Bui. 448, 131 pp., illus. 1935.

Table 2. Relative boron tolerance of certain plants

[In each group, the plants first named are considered as being more tolerant:
the last named, more sensitive]

Tolerant Semitolerant Sensitive

Athel (Tarn rix aphylla) Sunflower (native) Pecan

Asparagus Potato Walnut (Black; and Per-
Palm (Phoenix canari- Cotton (Acala and Pima) sian, or English)
ensis) Tomato Jerusalem-artichoke
Date palm (P. dactyli- Sweetpea Navy bean
fera) Radish American elm
Sugar beet Field pea Plum
Mangel Ragged Robin rose Pear
Garden beet Olive Apple
Alfalfa Barley Grape (Sultanina and Mal-
Gladiolus Wheat aga)
Broadbean Corn Kadota fig
Onion Milo Persimmon
Turnip Oat Cherry
Cabbage Zinnia Peach
Lettuce Pumpkin Apricot
Carrot Bell pepper Thornless blackberry
Sweet potato Orange
Lima bean Avocado

Consideration should then be given to the independent characteristics,

boron or other toxic elements, and bicarbonate, any one of which may
change the quality rating. Finally, recommendations as to the use
of a water must take into account such factors as drainage and man-
agement practices.


Control of Salinity

Plant roots take in water but absorb very little salt from the soil
solution. Similarly, water but no salt is lost by evaporation from
the soil surface. Both processes result in a concentration of salts in
the soil water. If irrigation water is applied so sparingly that leach-
ing is ineffectual, or if drainage is inadequate, the soil will become
saline and the growth of crops will be inhibited or prevented.
The leaching necessary to maintain a favorable salt balance can be
accomplished in several ways provided soil drainage is satisfactory.
Water can be applied in excess with each irrigation or in very heavy
irrigations at intervals. In many areas, rainfall is sufficient to effect
some leaching. If salinity is high at the start, reclamation may re-
quire leaching by ponding water on the surface.
The leaching requirement is defined as the percent of the applied
irrigation water that must pass through and beyond the root zone to
maintain the salt content of the water draining from the root zone at
•ispecified value. Assuming that it is desired to maintain the soil

60 1
1 1 i / i i i

hi 50


30 -

O 10

^""^ i i i i
1 I

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000

Figuee 3. —
Graphical estimate of tlie leaching requirement for an irrigation water
of known conductivity if the conductivity of the soil water at the bottom of the
root zone is to be maintained below values indicated on curves.

water at the bottom of the root zone at a conductivity of 4,000 when

using an irrigation water having a conductivity of 1,000, it is possible
to estimate the leaching requirement by referring to figure 3.
In this instance the indicated leaching requirement is 25 percent.
This means that to prevent the salinity of the soil water from building
up a conductivity higher than 4,000, the irrigation water with con-
ductivity of 1,000 must be applied in such excess that 25 percent of it
will leach on through the root zone. Obviously, this procedure can
give only an estimate of the excess water required, but it should be in
the right order of magnitude, and it does emphasize the necessity for
leaching the root zone in order to control salinity.
The permissible level of salinity in the soil water passing below the
root zone is related primarily to the salt tolerance of the crops to be
grown. The subject of salt tolerance is discussed in detail in chapter 4,
United States Department of Agriculture Handbook 60, previously
As a guide in determining the leaching requirement that may be
necessary, a scale of conductivity and related crop response is shown
in the following tabulation this material is from Handbook 60.
; The
conductivity is expressed in terms of micromhos/cm. of the saturation
extract of the soil in the root zone. The corresponding conductivity
values for the soil water at the bottom of the root zone would be higher,
in many instances iy2 to 2 times as great Thus, if the conductivity
values shown in the tabulation are used as a guide in deciding the per-

missible level of salinity in the drainage water, the value selected would
be conservative and the estimated leaching requirement should be

EG XlO 6
at 25° C.
of the
saturation extract Related crop response
( micromhos/cm. )
0-2,000 Salinity effects mostly negligible.
2,000-4,000 Restricted yields of the more sensitive crops, such as:
Avocado, citrus, strawberry, peach, apricot, almond,
plum, prune, apple, pear.
Beans, celery, radish.
Most clover species, meadow foxtail.
4,000-8,000 Yields of many crops restricted,.
The more sensitive crops in this group include
Grape, cantaloup.
Cucumber, squash, peas, onion, carrot, bell pepper,
potato, sweet corn, lettuce.
The more tolerant crops in this group include
Olive, fig, pomegranate.
Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, tomato.
Oats, wheat, rye, alfalfa, Sudan grass, Dallis grass,
strawberry clover, perennial ryegrass, sweet-
Flax, corn, rice.
8,000-16,000 Only salt-tolerant crops yield satisfactorily. These in-
Date palm.
Asparagus, kale, garden beets.
Birdsfoot trefoil, barley, many species of wheatgrasses
and wild ryes, Rhodes grass, Bermuda grass, salt-
Some varieties of cotton.
Sugar beet.
More than 16,000 Satisfactory yields from only a few very salt-tolerant
Certain native range plants.

Control of Exchangeable Sodium (Alkali) in Soil

Waters high in sodium affect soils differently than saline low-

sodium waters and may require special management practices. Sodi-
um in the water tends to be fixed or adsorbed by the soil in an ex-
changeable form. As the proportion of exchangeable sodium (alkali)
increases, adverse physical and chemical conditions develop in the soil
that limit or prevent the growth of plants.
Reclamation involves the replacement of the exchangeable sodium
by calcium or magnesium and the removal of the sodium by leaching.
It is often possible to prevent the formation of harmful levels of
exchangeable sodium by the addition of calcium, usually in the form
of gypsum, to the water or to the soil.
The sodium status of the water is expressed in terms of sodium-
adsorption-ratio (SAR). Using figure 4 as a guide, it is possible to
estimate the quantity of gypsum required to reduce the soluble sodium
content of the water to a level that will not produce adverse soil condi-
tions. For instance, if the BAR of the irrigation water is 22 and the
conductivity is 1,000, the gypsum required to reduce the to 8 SAR
would be 0.29 tons per acre-foot of water. The selection of the value

10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 4. —Graphical estimate of the quantity of gypsum to be added to an
irrigation water to reduce the sodium-adsorption-ratio (SAR) to 8, for waters
having conductivity values indicated on curves.

8 for the SAR of the irrigation water after treatment with gypsum
is arbitrary but is in the range that should be satisfactory.

Until comparatively recently, irrigation in the United States was
confined almost entirely to the arid West during the past two decades,

however, the use of irrigation water, on a supplemental basis, has

increased rapidly in the humid regions. The 1950 Census of Agri-
culture 9 reported a total of 1,516,889 acres under irrigation in the
31 Eastern States.
This type of irrigation presents problems in quality and use of
water that are new and different from those encountered in the areas
of less abundant rainfall. The classification of irrigation waters,
presented in a previous section, is not directly applicable to supple-
mental waters used in areas of relatively high rainfall; and the in-
formation and experience available are so meager that a satisfactory
classification cannot be developed at this time.
Certain general statements can be made, however, that may be use-
ful. The following statements are based on the assumption that leach-
ing of the root zone by rainfall takes place at least every year and
probably more often.
United States Bureau of the Census, united states census of agricul-
ture: 1950. 5 v., illus. Washington, D. C. 1952.

f» Trrs can pi
be used on a supplemental basis with little "

langer rops, Lile £74 it rs

1 —
an be used occasionally on all bnt the most w
salt-sensitive ps Similarly, it is assumed that the sodium concentration

;nder some conditions: that S3 "waters would result in very

e higher
little damage
rops r soils; :nd that infrequent applications of an £4 water

might be permissible.
igation water contains industrial wastes, '. ncentrations :

boron or other su' stan es nts sh 1 e :ermined. I -

In some areas the aj plication of saline irrigation waters by means of

sprinklers has resulted in serious leaf burn. As insufficient information is
available ermine when such injury may occur, trials on limited
ar- - ecommende 1

Many of the waters of the East are corrosive to metal pipes. In addition in
the injury to the sprinkler system, metal ions light :-:: solution may be
toxic to plants.

Electrical Conduct! yit* .-
— The reciprocal of die electrical resistivity.
The resistivity is the resistance in ohms of a conductor, metallic or
electroly;::. which is 1 cm. long and has a cross-sectional area of
1 cm. Hence, electrical conductivity is expressed in reciprocal

ohms per centimeter, or mhos per centimeter. The terms '•electri-

"\ "
conductance53 have identi-
cal c :
" :

. " nd "speciric electrical

cal meaning.
Equivalent Equivalent Weight Gkam Equivalent Weight. The
: : —
weight in grams of an ion or compound that combines with or
replaces 1 gm. of hydrogen. The atomic weight or formula weight
if i by its valence.
Equivalent Pee An equivalent weight of an ion or salt perAIlllicx.- —
gm. of solution or soil. For solutions, equivalents per
1 milli
million (a p. m. and milliequivalents per liter ineq. 1. are i i >

numerically identical if the specific gravity of the solution is 1.0.

ExciiaxCtEable-Soditcw-PeecextactE. The degree of saturation of tlie —
soil exchange complex It may be calculated by the
- :

th sc lium.
i rmula
et«p_ Exchangeable sodium (meq. 100 gm. soil)
Cation-exchange-capacity (nieq. 100 gm. soil)

Leachlxg. The process of removal of soluble material by the passage
water through soil.

Leaching Requlrealext. The fraction of the water entering the soil —

that must pass through the root zone in order to prevent soil
y from exceeding a specified value. Leaching requirement
is used primarily under steady-state or longtime average
Milleequlvalext : Milligram Equivalent. — One thousandth of an
AlrLLiEQrivALEXT Pee Litee Milligram Equivalent Pee Leeee. ; —
milliequivalent of an ion or a compound in 1 liter of solution.
Residual Sodium Carbonate. The excess of carbonate plus bicar- —
bonate over calcium plus magnesium in a water.

R$C=< CO £ — HCOr i
- Ca--Mg-

where the ionic concentrations are expressed in milliequivalents

per liter.

Sodium-Adsorption-Ratio. A ratio for soil extracts and irrigation
waters used to express the relative activity of sodium ions in
exchange reactions with soil.

Na +
J (Ca- + Mg-)/2

where the ionic concentrations are expressed in milliequivalents

per liter.

Soluble- Sodium Percextage. A term used in connection with irri-
gation waters and soil extracts to indicate the proportion of
sodium ions in solution in relation to the total cation concentra-
tion. It may be calculated by the formula :

aap_ Soluble sodium concentration (meq./l.) v 1fin

Total cation concentration (meq./l.)


EC Electrical conductivity in mhos/cm. unless other-
wise specified.
EC X10 3
Electrical conductivity in millimhos/cm. (value in
mhos/cm. XIO 3 )^
ECx 10 6
Electrical conductivity in micromhos/cm. (value in
mhos/cm. X10 6 ).
mho Reciprocal ohm (ohm spelled backward)
inmho Millimho.
/miho * Micromho.
ESP Exchangeable-sodium-percentage.
SAR Sodium-adsorption-ratio.
RSC Residual sodium carbonate.
meq Milliequivalent.
meq./l Milliequivalent per liter.
p. p. m Parts per million. As commonly measured and
used, parts per million is numerically equivalent
to milligrams per liter.
C2-S3 Example of classification of irrigation water; C
denotes conductivity (electrical) S denotes so-;

dium {SAR) numbers denote respective numer-


ical quality classes.


Conductivity to milliequivalent per liter
meq./l. = 0.01 XECX 10 6
for irrigation waters in the range 100-5,000
Conductivity to parts per million
p. p. m. = 0MX EC 10 6 for irrigation waters in the range 100-5,000
Parts of salt per million parts of irrigation water to tons of salt per
acre-foot of water
Tons per acre-foot (t. a, f.) =0.00136 X p. p. m.
Grains per gallon to parts per million :

p. p. m. = l7.1X grains per gallon.


Milliequivalents per liter (from chemical analyses) to parts per

Multiply meq./l. for each ion by its equivalent weight.
Parts per million to milliequivalents per liter
Divide p. p. m. for each ion by its equivalent weight.
1 mile =5,280 feet.
1 inch =2.54 cm.
1 foot= 30.48 cm.
1 pound =453.59 gm.
1 acre =43,560 sq. ft.
1 acre-foot of soil weighs 4,000,000 pounds, approximately.
1 acre-foot of water weighs 2,720,000 pounds, approximately.
Gallons per minute to cubic feet per second
c. f.s. = 0.002228 Xg. p.m.
1 cubic foot per second (c. f. s.) =
50 miner's inches in Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New

Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and southern

40 miner's inches in: Arizona, California (statute), Montana, and
38.4 miner's inches in Colorado.

1 c. f. s. for 24 hours=1.98 acre-feet.

1 U. S. gallon = 231 cubic inches,
8.345 pounds of water.
0.1337 cubic foot.
58,417 grains of water.
1 cubic foot =7.48 gallons.
1 cubic foot of water weighs 62.43 pounds.
1 cubic foot of soil in place weighs 68 to 112 pounds. Bulk density
1.1-1.8 gm./cc.
Average particle density for soils low in organic matter = 2.65 gm./cc,


Chemical symbol or formula lent Common name

Ca++ 20.04 Calcium ion.
Mg++ 12. 16 Magnesium ion.
Na+ 23.00 Sodium ion.
K+ 39. 10 Potassium ion.
CO3-- 30.00 Carbonate ion.
HCO3- 61.01 Bicarbonate ion.
SOr- 48.03 Sulfate ion.
ci- 35.46 Chloride ion.
NO3- 62.01 Nitrate ion.
CaCl 2 55.50 Calcium chloride.
CaS0 4 68.07 Calcium sulfate.
CaS0 .2H90 4 86.09 Gypsum.
CaC0 3 50.04 Calcium carbonate.
MgCl, 47. 62 Magnesium chloride.
MgS0 4 60. 19 Magnesium sulfate.
MgC0 3 42. 16 Magnesium carbonate.
NaCl 58. 45 Sodium chloride.
Na S0 2 4 71. 03 Sodium sulfate.
Na C0 2 3 53.00 Sodium carbonate.
NaHC0 3 84.01 Sodium bicarbonate.
KC1 74. 56 Potassium chloride.
K S0 4
2 87. 13 Potassium sulfate.
K,C0 3 69. 10 Potassium carbonate.
KHCO3 100. 11 Potassium bicarbonate.
Chemical amendments:
S 16.03 Sulfur.
H S0
2 4 49.04 Sulfuric acid.
Al 2 (S0 4 ) 3 .18HoO 111.07 Aluminum sulfate.
FeS0 .7H,0 4 139. 01 Iron sulfate (ferrous).


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