Abundance of Meiofauna and Physical Chem
Abundance of Meiofauna and Physical Chem
Abundance of Meiofauna and Physical Chem
Muh Sri Yusal1*, Muh Aris Marfai2, Suwarno Hadisusanto3 and Nurul Khakhim2
1Environmental Science, Multidisciplinary Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada
2Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
3Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
The zone of Losari Coast is an icon of Makassar city, however increase activity of surrounding communities
causes a decrease in the water quality. Meiofauna is an effective benthic organism used as an indicator of water
quality. This study assessed the meiofauna abundance and physical-chemical parameters as water quality
indicator in the Losari Coast, Makassar. The sampling method in this study was purposive sampling. The resuts
showed that total meiofauna abundance identified was 66791 indv.m -2, composed of 12 phylum and 91 species
or genera. Stations at the estuary of the Jeneberang and Tallo River are two sites with high level of abundance,
this condition allows presence of organic contaminants triggers the high growth of meiofauna in these locations.
Dissolved Oxygen is below its supposed level in waters. Acidity, phosphate and nitrate content at some of
research stations exceed the threshold of their allowed presence in waters set by Indonesia government.
Ostracoda, oligochaeta, polychaeta, tunicata and ciliophora are phylums with a high level of abundance, because
the phylum has high adaptability to pollutant. Good water quality is indicated by a variety of biota living in the
waters, the range of diversity and uniformity indices shows that meiofauna species are categorized highly diverse
and evenly distributed. The dominance index shows that there is no species was dominant, except stations
around Losari reclamation project. Temperature, current velocity, depth, brightness, salinity, pH, DO, nitrate-
seawater, and phosphate-seawater correlate with meiofauna abundance. The results as a consideration for the
management or monitoring of coastal environments.
influence on the speed of metabolic rate and the 2009). Meiofauna is a biological component that
aquatic organisms proliferation. Koropitan et al. can be used as an indicator of changes in water
(2009) stated that environmental physical factors quality. There are some advantages of using it as a
has an important role in the speed of metabolic rate water quality bioindicator, namely: (1) this
and respiration of aquatic biota so that need to community of organisms has different sensitivity to
dissolved oxygen gas is increasing. This shows that various types of pollutants and provides a quick
higher the influence of physical factors in the reaction to changes in waters; (2) due to its low
aquatic environment such as temperature, salinity, mobility, it is easily influenced by the state of its
and the partial pressure of dissolved gases, surrounding environment; and (3) it is easy to
therefore the dissolved oxygen value decreases in capture and identify (Giere, 2009; Moreno et al.,
water. Likewise with aquatic chemical parameters 2011; Mirto et al., 2012; Alves et al., 2013).
that indirectly affect the process of aquatic Therefore, this study aims to assess the abundance
organisms growth and development, such as in of meiofauna and environmental physical-chemical
terms of the formation of energy and proteins in cell parameters as water quality indicator at Losari
metabolic processes (Nicholson et al., 2006). coast, Makassar.
Figure 1. Map of sampling sites at Losari coast of Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
The density of meiofauna on the Losari Coast Stations V and II. Compared with other phyla,
was determined using formula by Krebs (1989). The Ostracoda, Oligochaeta, Ciliophora, and Tunicata
diversity index in a community was calculated using had a high density, whereas Aelosomatidae had a
the Shannon-Wiener's Index (Odum, 1994). Diversity low density. There was a significant difference in the
Index can identify the extent of water pollution or average abundance of meiofauna in several
determine the water quality of an area or region. research stations, as evident from F= 7.584 and P=
Water quality classification based on the diversity 0.00. These results showed that the abundance of
index (Odum, 1994). The Dominance Index was meiofauna phylum in every station was significantly
measured with the formula of the Simpson’s Index of different from each other or, in other words, without
Dominance (Krebs, 1989). Uniformity or evenness similarities. Tukey’s test resulted in three groups of
index was calculated using the formula of the Hilis meiofauna inhabiting the Losari coast (Table 2. and
Evenness Index (Krebs, 1989). 3.). The results of the one-way ANOVA affirmed the
differences in the densities of meiofauna phylum at
One-way ANOVA was applied which is aimed each station.
to examine the significant differences in the
abundance of meiofauna at the research stations In general, Losari Beach is inhabited by true
(Mirto et al., 2012). Tukeys test was done following meiofauna, which is benthic organisms whose entire
those that significantly different. Principal life cycle are in the form of meiofauna living at the
Component Analysis determined the abiotic bottom of the waters (permanent meiofauna).
variables (i.e. physical and chemical parameters) Ostracoda, Oligochaeta, and Ciliophora can adapt to
that affected the abundance of meiofauna. habitats containing the accumulation of organic and
inorganic contents from the nearby land and aquatic
environment. These phyla can live in a variety of
Results and Discussion habitat conditions, such as muddy environments or
surfaces covered with fine sand or coarse sand.
Abundance and composition of meiofauna Ciliophora has cilia covering some or all parts of its
body as an organ that helps its movement to find
Total meiofauna abundance discovered food or adapt to an unfavorable environment. In a
during the research was 66,791 indv.m-2, consisting polluted environment, Oligochaeta is equipped with
of 91 species or genera from 12 phyla (Figure 2 and cysts on the walls of its body to anticipate anaerobic
Table 1.). Station I had a total meiofauna abundance conditions (lack of oxygen) at the bottom of waters.
of 3,209 indv.m-2, while Station II, III, and IV had
Meanwhile, Ostracoda has adhesive threads to
3,185 indv.m-2; 4,746 indv.m-2; and 5,100 indv.m-2,
attach its body to benthic plants, sands, or other
respectively. Station V had the lowest meiofauna
substrates (Giere and Pfannkuche, 1982; Hartmann,
abundance, i.e. 2,415 indv.m-2, whereas Station VI
1985; Rodriguez et al., 2001).
had the highest one, i.e. 16,239 indv.m-2. As for the
remaining Station VII, VIII, and IX, the total
meiofauna abundances were 10,909 indv.m-2; Some of the meiofauna have slender bodies
10,118 indv.m-2; and 10,870 indv.m-2, respectively. and adhesive glands. Oligochaeta can even adapt to
Based on the phylum, the total meiofauna oxygen-deficient habitats using its rigid body shape
abundance was as follows: Aelosomatidae (40 with a few but large setae. The reproduction rates of
indv.m-2), Ciliophora (1,902 indv.m-2), Gastrotricha Ostracoda, Oligochaeta, and Ciliophora are also high
(555 indv.m-2), Gnathostomulida (258 indv.m-2), even in unfavorable environmental conditions. They
Nematoda (751 indv.m-2), Nemertina (456 indv.m-2), can anticipate such adversities because they are
Oligochaeta (25,562 indv.m-2), Ostracoda (31,945 hermaphrodite, bisexual, and even parthenogenic,
indv.m-2), Polychaeta (1,286 indv.m-2), i.e., asexual reproduction without the fertilization of
Sarcomastigophora (595 indv.m ), Tunicata (2,905
-2 two different sexes. Ciliophora can also regenerate
indv.m-2), and Turbellaria (536 indv.m-2). In by binary fission, i.e. direct division of the nucleic
numerical order, the composition of the density of cells of the body to give rise to two cells without the
meiofauna was as follows: Ostracoda (47.828%), fertilization of two entities with different sexes
Oligochaeta (38.272%), Tunicata (4.349%), (Corliss, 1972; Fenchel, 1987; Higgins and Thiel,
Ciliophora (2.848%), Polychaeta (1.925%), 1988). Tunicata can adapt to an unfavorable
Nematoda (1.124%), Sarcomastigophora (0.891%), environment by simplifying its internal organs to a
Gastrotricha (0.831%), Turbellaria (0.8309%), very small shape and hermaphroditic form (i.e.,
Nemertina (0.683%), Gnathostomulida (0.386%), having multiple sex cells for reproduction). The small
and Aelosomatidae (0.060%) (Figure 2. and 3.). gonadal sex is always carried on the lower side of
the body until it becomes mature and develops into
The highest abundance was found at Stations new individuals at any time (Higgins and Thiel, 1988;
VI, VII, and IX, while the lowest one was identified at Mirto et al., 2012).
Stations VI, VII, and IX represent the conditions nearby the hotels, restaurants, cafes,
conditions in Jeneberang and Tallo Rivers estuaries hospitals, house-scale industries, and handicraft and
that flow directly to the Losari coast. Stations VI and gold-crafting industries. These anthropogenic
IX have a high abundance of meiofauna because activities introduce inorganic wastes, e.g., hazardous
organic pollutants, which trigger the high growth rate metals, to the surrounding waters and cause a fatal
of meiofauna, are transported by both rivers and impact on the growth of aquatic organism
washed out by rainwater from the low-lying areas to (Monoarfa, 2002; Werorilangi et al., 2011; Jaya et
the river mouth. The same case applies to Station al., 2012; Setiawan, 2014).
VII, which illustrates the condition of Tanjung
Merdeka Beach as the tourist attractions in Dominance, diversity and evenness indices
Makassar City. This area is crowded with local
tourists during the holidays and even on weekdays. The dominance index of meiofauna in all
The constructions of tourist-supporting facilities on stations ranged from 0.0507 to 0.1178 with an
and around the beach, such as villas, lodges with average of 0.0746±0.0217. This range is close to 0,
simple to luxurious amenities, semi-permanent indicating the absence of dominant meiofauna
buildings for recreation or rest, and cafes and food species at each station. As for the diversity index, it
stalls, have started. The development at the tourism ranged from 2.2653 to 3.0992 with an average of
sites also plays a major role in the entry of organic 2.8824±0.2009. These figures represent the high
wastes into the surrounding waters. These particles diversity of the community of meiofauna inhabiting
can cause a high abundance of meiofauna in this the research stations (Odum, 1994). A high diversity
region. means that the meiofauna can adapt to disturbed
and polluted environments caused by the entry of
Station V has a very low level of abundance. It contaminants from the surrounding land or
illustrates the areas around Soekarno-Hatta Port, environment (Coull et al., 1992; Albuquerque et al.,
Makassar, which is the largest port in the eastern 2007).
part of Indonesia. It is characterized by intensive
development activities, busy maritime traffic, and The evenness index varied between 0.7860
port renovation to welcome the Indonesian and 0.9459 with an average of 0.8673±0.0439.
government’s Sea Toll Road Program. Station II also These index values are close to 1, which indicates
has a low abundance of meiofauna. It typifies the that the meiofauna species are diverse and evenly
Table 1. The meiofauna abundance at Losari coast, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Table 2. The Results of the One-way ANOVA of the meiofauna abundance along the Losari Coast
Turbellaria Ciliophora
Polychaeta Olygochaeta
Tunicata Nematoda
Ostracoda Sarcomastigophora
Figure 2. The meiofauna phyla which has high abundance in Losari Coast
distributed, or in other words, there are no dominant physical-chemical parameters do not meet the
species at the research stations (Krebs, 1989). standards for water quality. Dissolved oxygen was
However, Station III is an exception. It has a low below its supposed level in waters. Meanwhile, pH
evenness index due to the presence of dominant as well as phosphate and nitrate content at some of
meiofauna species. These station is dominated the research stations exceed the threshold of their
meiofauna are be able to adapt of disturbed allowed presence in waters (Table 4.).
environmental conditions caused by reclamation
project activities. Figure 4 show a correlation between some of
the physical-chemical environmental factors, such as
Relationship between water quality and abundance temperature, current velocity, depth, brightness,
of meiofauna salinity, pH, DO, nitrate in seawater, phosphate in
seawater, and the abundance of meiofauna in the
According to the Decree of the Indonesian study area. The relationship between these variables
Ministry of Environment No. 51/2004, some of the are positive and negative, and the contributions of
the environmental factors to the abundance of et al., 1991; Morse, 1993). Water salinity is an
meiofauna vary between 0.15% and 11.78% (Table environmental parameter that strongly affects the
5). Seawater salinity, pH, and phosphate are presence of meiofauna. Increased salinity interferes
positively correlated to the abundance of meiofauna with the presence of meiofauna at the bottom of the
at the bottom of the waters. In other words, the waters. As well as, Aryawati et al. (2017) stated that
higher the range of these three parameters, the temperature and pH are environmental parameters
higher the abundance of organisms. has support the growth of sea biota.
35000 60
30000 50
5000 10
0 0
Table 3.Results of Tukey’s test of meiofauna abundance along Losari coast, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Table 4. Physical-chemical characteristics of waters at Losari coast, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Research Stations
Parameters Max. Limit*
St. I St. II St. III St. IV St. V St. VI St. VII St. VIII St. IX
Salinity 25 30 29 26 26 20 27 20 25 Natural
Ph 9.98 7.52 7.48 7.8 7.42 7.15 7.7 7.78 7.98 7-8.5
Temp. (oC) 30 28 31 28 32 33 30 32 33 Natural
Depth (m) 3.2 2.4 6 2 3 4 2.6 4 2 -
Current velocity (m.s-1) 0.032 0.08 0.4 0.1 0.59 0.68 0.35 0.42 0.67 -
Brightness (m) 2 2 3 1 1.5 3.5 2.5 3.4 1.5 -
DO 4 3.4 5 3.2 5 5 5 3 5 >5 mgL-1
Phosphate-seawater 0.03 0.12 0.0002 0.18 0.0003 0.005 0.0004 0.64 0.0024 0.015 mgL-1
Phosphate-sediment 0.02 0.025 0.019 0.015 0.018 0.017 0.013 0.023 0.023 -
Nitrate-seawater 0.0006 0.02 0.0003 0.51 0.00021 0.09 0.0002 0.78 0.00023 0.008 mgL-1
Nitrate-sediment 0.0014 0.001 0.0005 0.0006 0.0012 0.001 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 -
Max. Limit*: Based on the Decree of the Indonesian Ministry of Environment No. 51/2004
Table 5. The Summary of the PCA: The contribution of the Physical-chemical variables (%) to the abundance of meiofauna
F1 F2 F3 F4
Abundance 9.3351 0.3204 11.0283 0.5926
Dominance 15.5018 1.2818 0.2574 2.2129
Evenness 12.9428 2.4495 0.7741 6.7369
Diversity 10.8347 0.9757 6.8906 6.1825
Phosphate-seawater 0.1568 25.1152 1.6087 0.2906
Phosphate-sediment 0.0429 6.1403 1.7934 12.2964
Nitrate-seawater 1.4470 21.5619 0.0239 4.6404
Nitrate-sediment 0.0551 0.3321 0.0091 58.1719
Salinity 7.4806 3.8605 11.0559 2.1631
Ph 4.3253 6.5400 6.0891 0.5108
Temperature 11.7814 2.1903 6.5276 1.9727
Depth 8.2246 0.0313 25.6541 0.0261
Brightness 6.4216 0.0115 17.9144 2.8752
DO 0.5742 25.2823 0.1408 0.8765
Current Velocity 10.8760 3.9073 10.2326 0.4512
0,5 Current
Salinity velocity
Evenness Temperatur
F2 (23,39 %)
0 Depth
Nitrate- Brightness
-0,25 sediment Dominance
-0,5 pH sediment
-0,75 Nitrate-
Phosphate- seawater
-1 -0,75 -0,5 -0,25 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1
F1 (37,64 %)
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