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FAMC Solution

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Manufacturing account

Particulars Amt Amt 2 Particulars

To Opening stock (WIP) 8000
To Raw material consumed by closing stock
opening stock 12000
Add: carriage inwrad 1000
Add : purchases 80000
Less: closing stock -6000 by trading a/c
Less : Returns -2000 85000
To Wages 10000
add : o/s 3000 13000
To Royalty 1000
To Indirect Wages 8000
To Dep. on Factory assets 4000
To fuel and power 2500
Less : prepaid -500 2000
To Repairs and maintenance 1500


Trading account
Particulars Amt Amt2 Particulars3
To opening stock (finished goods) 9000 By sales
To manufacturing /c 120000 Less: returns
To Purchases (FG) 8000 by closing stock (FG)
to gross profit 37000

Amt 3 Amt




Amt4 Amt5
-5000 169000

Manufacturing account
Particulars Amt Amt 2 Particulars Amt 3 Amt
To Raw M. Consumed
Opening Stock (RAW) 3000
Add: Purchases 40000 by Closing (WIP) 5000
Add: Carriage Inward 1000
Less: Closing (Raw) -1000 43000
To Opening of WIP 4000 By Cost of Production (Trading a 93000
To wages 20000
To royalty 2000
To hire of special plant 2000
To light, Gas 2000
To factory rent 4000
To repairs to plant 2000
To repairs to factory 1000
To salary to works staff 3000
To supervisors salary 8000
To wages of durwan 1000
To works managers salary 6000
98000 98000
Manufacturing account
Particulars Amt Amt 2 Particulars Amt 3 Amt
To Raw material consumed
opening stock 0
Add : purchase 340000 By closing WIP 5000
Add : expenses (Raw) 0
Less : purchase returns -5000
Less : closing stock 0 335000 By cost of production 413000
to Opening WIP 8000
to Wages 40000
To factory Rent and rates 6000
To Factory salaries 15000
To factory postage 1000
To depreciations 10500
To factory maintenance 2500

418000 418000
Manufacturing account
Particulars Amt Amt 2 Particulars
To Raw M. Consumed
Opening Stock 60000
Add: Purchases 320000 By Closing stock of WIP
Less : Returns -5000
Add : carriage Inward 1500
Less: Closing stock -40500 336000 By Cost of Production (Trading A/c)

To Opening stock of WIP 50000

To Duty & cleaning 2000
To factory rent 3000
To electric and water 4000
To wages 140000
To salary to works manager 6000
To Dep on plant 3000
To dep on factory shed 1000


Trading account
Particulars Amt Amt2 Particulars3
to opening stock (finished goods) 75000
to manufacturing /c 485000 by sales
Less : returns
to gross profit 116000 by closing stock (FG)

Profit and Loss A/c
Amt 3 Amt Particulars Amt Amt 2

stock of WIP 60000 To Carriage Outward 1000

to office rent 2000
To salaries 5000
Production (Trading A/c) 485000 To Advertisement 2000
to Dep on furniture 600

To Net Profit 105400



Amt4 Amt5

-4000 621000

Profit and Loss A/c
Particulars Amt 3 Amt

By Gross Profit 116000

Manufacturing account
Particulars Amt Amt 2 Particulars Amt 3 Amt
To Raw material Consumed
Opening stock 20000
Add : Purchases 225000
Add : Carriage Inward 15000 By Closing (WIP) 19000
Less : Closing -6000 254000
To Opening (WIP) 25000 By Cost of production 457300 To carriage
To duty and cleaning 10000
To Power 35000
Add: O/S 5000 40000
To Gas & water 15000
To Rent 12000
To Insurance 2000
Add : Last Years amt 500
Less : Prepaid exp -200 2300
To Wages (O/s 3000) 75000 78000
To dep on palnt 40000
476300 476300

Trading account
Particulars Amt Amt2 Particulars3 Amt4 Amt5
to opening stock (finished goods) 61000
to manufacturing /c 457300 by sales 631220
by closing stock (FG) 45000
To Gross profit 157920

676220 676220
Particulars Amt Amt 2 Particulars Amt 3 Amt

To Bank Charges 230

To Salaries 22000 By Gross profit c/d 157920
Add : O/s 2000 24000
To Bad debt 1700
To carriage Outward 2000
To rates & taxes 2200
Add: O/S 200 2400
To printing and stationery 16000
To Advertisement 20000
Less : Prepaid -8000 12000
To furniture 1000

To Net profit 98590

157920 157920
to dep. On mchiner
Manufacturing account
Particulars Amt Amt 2 Particulars Amt 3 Amt
to closing stock (WIP) 10000
to raw material consumed by closing stock 7000
opening stock 23000
carriage inwrad 1000 by sale of scrap 1500
purchases 100000
closing stock -15800 108200 by trading a/c 140950

to wages 12000
add : o/s 2000 14000
to repirs of plnt 1200
to rent 3750
to lighting expense 1350
add : o/s 450 1800
to insurnce 2000
less: prepaid -500 1500
to dep. On mchinery 9000
149450 149450

Balance sheet
Liabilities Amt Amt 2 Assets Amt Amt2
capital 100000
net profit 43550 143550 debtors 27000
(RDD) 2700 24300
creditors 17000 bills receivble 16000
bills payable 8500 plnd mchinery 90000
outstanding wages 2000 deprecition -9000 81000
outstanding salaries 2000 furniture 9000
outstanding lighting expense 600 deprecition -450 8550
csh t bnk 2300
closing stock
rw mteril 15800
WIP 7000
finished goods 18200 41000
prepid insurnce 500
173650 173650
Trading account
Particulars Amt Amt2 Particulars3 Amt4 Amt5
to opening stock (finished goo 15500
to manufacturing /c 140950 by sales 200000
by closing stock (FG) 18200
to gross profit 61750

218200 218200

Profit and Loss account

Particulars Amt Amt2 Particulars2 Amt3 Amt4
to carriage outward 1000
to salaries 10000 by commission 400
add : o/s 2000 12000 by gross profit 61750
to repairs of furniture 600
to rent 1250
to lighting expense 450
add: o/s 150 600
to general expense 1600
to new bad debts 0
add: new RDD 2700
less: old RDD -1600
add: old bad debts 0 1100
to dep. On furniture 450

to net profit 43550

62150 62150

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