Composite Structure
Composite Structure
Composite Structure
Composite Structures
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Keywords: In the present study, two distinguishable unidirectional composite structures have been produced using com-
Bio-composites pression molding technique. Among these two, one is made through conventional film stacking (FSC) method
Natural fibre while the other structure is made after consolidating the DREF spun hybrid yarns (DYC). In both cases, low
Composite structure twisted, MAgPP treated flax yarns are used as reinforcement and polypropylene (PP) is used as matrix. Effects of
Mechanical properties
fibre content on both composite structures are studied at 40%, 50% and 60% flax contents respectively. It has
Hybrid yarn
been observed that irrespective of composite structure, the tensile and flexural properties of the composite
samples increase with increasing flax content but the impact strength decreases with increasing flax content.
However, at constant fibre volume fraction, the DYC composites demonstrate better properties than the FSC
composites. This is mainly due to better fibre-matrix distribution and lower void content of the DYC composites
than the FSC composites.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Bar).
Received 24 November 2017; Received in revised form 15 April 2018; Accepted 26 April 2018
Available online 27 April 2018
0263-8223/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Bar et al. Composite Structures 197 (2018) 63–71
produces thermoplastic composite structure with voids, which are not content in both composite structures is varied between 40% and 60%.
desirable [19,20]. Finally, the effect of composite structures on different composite
Presently, hybrid yarns are in the center of attention of the com- properties such as tensile, flexural and impact properties have been
posite researchers. In the context of thermoplastic composite, hybrid studied.
yarns are the yarns having both the reinforcing and matrix forming
fibre components in its structure. Alagirusamy et al. [18] have sum- 2. Materials and methods
marized different types of hybrid yarn used for thermoplastic composite
manufacturing. It is observed that DREF (Dr. Ernst Fehrer AG, Austria) 2.1. Materials
spinning technique has few more advantages over all other existing
hybrid yarn manufacturing methods. For instance, DREF spinning offers PP, in both fibre or in film forms, having a density of 0.91 g/cm3,
very high rate of production with minimum damage or no damage to melting temperature of 165 °C and melt flow index 1 g/min (tested at
the core yarn. Hybrid yarns with wide range of core to sheath ratios can 190 °C temperature with 2.16 kg weight) are used as sheath or matrix
be manufactured using this method [23]. In some recent studies, re- component. Flax yarn having a linear density of 165 g/km and a twist of
searchers have developed natural fibre based hybrid yarn structures 28 turns per meter (TPM) is used as reinforcing component after un-
through different techniques such as commingling [24], braiding [25], twisting in ring spinning machine. PP was supplied by M/s Zenith Fibre
wrap spinning [26] etc. It has been observed that hybrid yarn improves Ltd., Gujarat, India and the flax yarn (having a twist of 320 TPM) was
the thermoplastic resin distribution in the composite structure by re- procured from M/s Jayashree Textile Ltd. West Bengal, India. Maleic
ducing effective resin flow distance. However, most of the studies on Anhydride grafted Polypropylene (MAgPP) having Maleic Anhydride
natural fibre based hybrid yarn reinforced thermoplastic composite are content between 1.6% and 2.5%; melt flow index 5 g/min is used as a
carried out using twisted core based hybrid yarn [24–26]. Yarn twist coupling agent. It was procured from Pluss polymers Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon,
restricts the resin penetration into the yarn core and it ultimately results India.
in composite structure with voids. Twist also reduces the ultimate fibre
strength utilization to the final composite [19,27]. Zhang et al. [26] 2.2. DREF yarn preparation
have developed a flax-PP commingled wrap spun yarn in which all flax
fibres remain in a twist-less state. They have also studied the effec- The DREF or friction spinning system is an open end spinning pro-
tiveness of the commingled wrap spun yarn on the flexural properties of cess, was developed by Dr. Ernst Fehrer, in 1973. The DREF spinning
the resultant composites. It is observed that the wrap spun yarn sig- process can produce core-sheath structured hybrid yarn at very high
nificantly enhances the flexural strength and modulus of the unidirec- delivery rate. In the present study, low twisted (28 TPM) flax yarn is
tional composite samples but it is very difficult to produce a 2-dimen- used as core whereas PP is used as sheath. Initially, flax yarn having an
tional woven prepreg using the same yarn. The mechanical average Z-twist of 320 TPM has been taken for this study. It is further
performance of a wrap spun yarn mainly depends on the wrapper fed to the front delivery roller nip of a laboratory scale ring spinning
thread. During weaving, each thread is subjected to many forces in- frame and twisted in the S-direction to the pre-determined twist level.
cluding repetitive abrasive forces of the reads and heald eyes in the In this way flax yarn having Z-twist level equal to 28 TPM (as un-
loom. When a wrap spun yarn is subjected to these forces, with in few twisting below this level is not possible due to random yarn breakage) is
cycles the wrapper thread breaks. As a result, a random yarn breakage produced. The untwisted flax yarn is then fed as core in DREF 3 spin-
starts to take place during the weaving of wrap spun yarn. ning system to produce core-sheath structured flax-PP hybrid yarn. The
In our previous work, a DREF spun hybrid yarn has been developed PP slivers (sheath components) are fed from the back side of the DREF
using very low twisted flax yarn (28 twist per meter) as core and PP spinning machine. After feeding, the slivers are opened-up into in-
fibre as sheath. After analyzing different hybrid yarn properties such as dividual entity by a pinned beater and transferred to the yarn forming
tenacity, modulus, flexural rigidity and weavability, it is concluded that zone to wrap over the core flax yarn. In this way hybrid yarns of dif-
one can produce a woven prepreg in a conventional loom using these ferent core to sheath ratios are manufactured after varying the PP sliver
hybrid yarns [28]. In the present study, two different unidirectional feed rate with respect to constant core yarn feed rate of 40 m/min. A
composite structures have been developed through conventional film schematic diagram illustrating the formation of DREF spun hybrid yarn
stacking method (FSC) and through DREF yarn consolidation (DYC) is shown in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 1(b) shows a cross-sectional image of a DREF
method. In both cases, very low twisted MAgPP treated flax yarns spun hybrid yarn. Prior to DREF spinning, all flax yarns are subjected to
(28 twist per meter) are used as reinforcing component and PP, either in a MAgPP treatment. MAgPP treatment of flax yarn is performed in hank
film form or in fibre form are used as matrix forming materials. Fibre form in a boiling xylene medium at 140 °C for 5–7 min.
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of DREF spun hybrid yarn formation (b) Flax-PP (50:50) based DREF yarn cross-section.
M. Bar et al. Composite Structures 197 (2018) 63–71
Fig. 2. Stacking sequences of (a) Hybrid yarn method (b) Film Stacking method.
Table 1
Particulars of the DYC and FSC composite samples.
Sample Id Variables Response
stacked yarn sample is then placed in the groove of female mold halve
2.3. Preparation of DYC and FSC unidirectional composites
as shown in Fig. 3 and subjected to consolidation after closing the mold.
During hot compression, some resin comes out from the mold through
In case of DYC unidirectional composites, DREF spun hybrid yarns
both open ends. In order to compensate the volume of matrix squeeze
are wound over a spring loaded rectangular metallic frame
out, corresponding volume of PP in film form is pre-added. In both
(25.5 cm × 19.5 cm) in a parallel configuration in layer-by-layer
cases, consolidation is carried out at 190 °C temperature, with 8 bar
manner. While in case of FSC unidirectional composites, pre-weighted
consolidation pressure and 8 bar vacuum pressure for 5 min. After
and predetermined (based on fibre to matrix ratios) number of PP strips
curing, whole set-up is cooled down to below 100 °C without releasing
having 20 mm width are placed evenly between the parallel wound flax
the consolidation pressure. The dimensions of the finally produced
yarn layers. A schematic diagram showing the stacking sequences for
composite is 20 mm (width) × 160 mm (length) × 3.5 ± 0.2 mm
both type of composites are shown in Fig. 2.
The stacked yarn layers are then wrapped with a thin PP film and
subsequently tied with a PP filament. The metallic frame having
M. Bar et al. Composite Structures 197 (2018) 63–71
Fig. 5. SEM images of (a) untreated flax fibres (b) MAgPP treated flax fibres.
Fig. 6. The cross-sectional images of hybrid yarn reinforced (DYC) composite and film stacked (FSC) composite (both composites have 50% flax content).
2.4. Experimental design speed. Specimens for flexural tests have a nominal width of 20 mm and
a span length of 56 mm. Specimens for both the tensile and flexural
In preliminary studies, it is observed that MAgPP treated flax core tests have a thickness between 3.3 and 3.7 mm and are cut in the length
based DREF yarn reinforced composites show better mechanical prop- of fibre orientation direction. The notch Izod impact behavior of the
erties than those of untreated flax yarn reinforced composites. The composite samples is tested in an impact strength tester, according to
mechanical properties of the resultant composites further improve with ASTM D256-97 test method. The specimens for notch Izod impact test
decreasing twist level of the reinforcing flax yarn. The tensile strength have a dimensions of 64 mm × 12.7 mm × 3.5 ( ± 0.2) mm. Before
of the above mentioned composite samples is reported in Fig. 4. Con- testing a V-shaped notch is engraved in all specimens using a notch
sidering the preliminary test results, very low twisted MAgPP treated cutting machine on the shoulder side of 12.7 mm dimension of the
flax yarn has been chosen as reinforcement for this study. The details of specimen or on the side parallel to the direction of the application of
all composite sample produced in this study are tabulated in Table 1. molding pressure. The notch etched on the test specimens has a notch
angle of 45 ± 1° with a radius of curvature at the apex of
0.25 ( ± 0.05) mm. The depth under the notch of the specimen is
2.5. Testing of composite samples
10.2 mm. All the tests are carried out at 27 ± 2 °C temperature and
65% RH. Each reported value represents the average of five samples.
The tensile and flexural behaviors of DYC and FSC unidirectional
composites are tested in a Zwick-Roell universal testing machine, Model
no. Z052 with 50 kN load cell attachment. The tensile properties of the 2.6. Scanning electron microscopy
composite samples are tested according to ASTM D638 test method
while the flexural behavior are tested according to ASTM D790 test Thermoplastic resin distribution in the composite structure is stu-
method. Tensile testing is carried out at 10 mm/min test speed after died using the scanning electron microscopic image of fractured com-
clamping the composite sample over an area of 40 mm × 20 mm at posite surfaces. Composite specimens are fractured cryogenically after
both ends leaving 100 mm gauge length. The strain of all composite keeping them in liquid nitrogen medium. A Small piece of cryogenically
specimens along the loading direction is measured using an ex- fractured composite surface is placed over a metallic sample holder
tensometer, model no 3560-BIA-025 M-010-ST (Epsilon Technology with the help of a double sided carbon tape and subjected to a gold
Corp, Jackson, WY, USA) of 25 mm gauze length. The reported modulus coating. After coating, the samples are examined using a scanning
is calculated at 1% strain for all composite samples. On other hand, electron microscope (SEM ZEISS EVO 50) at an accelerating 5–10 AC
flexural behavior of the composite specimens is tested at 2 mm/min test voltage.
M. Bar et al. Composite Structures 197 (2018) 63–71
Fig. 7. SEM micrographs of the cryogenically fractured DYC (A1 and A2) and FSC (B1 and B2) composite surfaces (having 60% flax content).
Fig. 8. Tensile Stress-Strain curves of flax-PP based DYC and FSC composites. Fig. 9. Ultimate tensile strength of the flax-PP based DYC and FSC composites.
M. Bar et al. Composite Structures 197 (2018) 63–71
Table 2
Comparison of tensile modulus of the flax-PP composites reported in literatures.
S. No Composite Description Flax Fibre Content (wt%) Modulus (GPa) Ref. No.
1. Flax-PP commingled yarn based Plain and twill woven fabric compressed composites 40 7.25 and 7.93 [32]
2. Ring spun yarn based unidirectional woven fabric compressed composite 40 5.8 [33]
2. Flax-PP nonwoven mat compressed composite 40 3.0 [34]
3. Flax-PP needle punched nonwoven composite made in compression molding method 40 5.3 ± 0.3 [35]
4. Film stacked composite (present study) 40 9.26.1 ± 0.4
5. DREF yarn reinforced composite (present study) 40 8.32 ± 0.2
M. Bar et al. Composite Structures 197 (2018) 63–71
Fig. 11. Photographs of the tensile and compression sides of flexural tested DYC and FSC composites (having 50% flax content).
Fig. 12. Flexural stress-deflection curves of DYC and FSC composites (having
50% flax content).
Fig. 14. Flexural modulus of the flax-PP based DYC and FSC composites.
Fig. 15. Photographic images of the impact tested DYC and FSC composite
and DYC composites are observed at low fibre content (40%) but, the
Fig. 13. Flexural strength of the flax-PP based DYC and FSC composites.
difference becomes significant with increasing fibre content. Fibre or-
ientation plays a significant role in determining the tensile modulus of a
around 7% to 15% higher flexural strength than that of FSC composites. composite but in case of flexural modulus, the fibre-matrix distribution
It is mainly due to improved fibre- matrix distribution and low void is more important [27,39]. At lower flax content, the distance between
content of the DYC composites. As expected around 40% improvement two fibre bundles is more hence, there is no such difference in flexural
in the flexural modulus of both the types of composite specimens are modulus of the composite samples is observed. However, the distance
observed when the flax content increases from 40% to 60% respec- between two yarn bundles decreases with increasing flax content but
tively. However, no such difference in the flexural modulus of the FSC due to layer-by-layer fibre-matrix arrangement, a continuous layer of
M. Bar et al. Composite Structures 197 (2018) 63–71
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