Chapter Iii Sample 1
Chapter Iii Sample 1
Chapter Iii Sample 1
This chapter of the paper presents the research design, the research locale,
population and respondent of the study, sampling design, research instrument of the
study, validity and reliability of the research instrument, data gathering procedure and the
Research Design
This study employed the descriptive — correlational research design. This research
design is deemed appropriate because it primarily describes the level of language barriers
and academic performance among senior high school students. The quantitative approach
was also used to determine the extent of language barriers of senior high school students.
Moreover, it was used to determine the significant difference and influence between the
challenges in developing the skills and competencies of respondents when data will be
of the general characteristics of the group under the study. According to Aquino (2010),
descriptive survey method includes those that purport to present facts concerning
phenomenon, in which the data must be subjected to the thinking process in terms of
ordered reasoning.
between the level of language barriers and academic performance. According to Bhandari
(2022), a correlational research design investigates relationships between variables
without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them. A correlation reflects the
Research Locale
This research was conducted in the selected senior high school sections in Culianan
A total of 291 students from the five selected sections were constituted the
population of the study. The distribution of these students by section is presented in Table
1 below.
Table I
officially enrolled during the first semester of the school year 2022-2023 in Culianan
National High School, Culianan Zamboanga City. These students belong to 5 sections
respondents determined using Slovin’s formula for computing the sample size with a five
percent margin of error. These samples were randomly selected through stratified random
sampling, which was used to define groups and a systematic method to randomly
determine the samples. Using the percentage share of 169 respondents that was shown in
the table above, section D had the greatest number of students and had the greatest
number of respondents, consisting of 39 respondents, because they are about 23% of the
total population, which is the greatest percentage. Sections B and E had the second-most
respondents in the research. They both had 20% each of the total respondents for the
study. While section A has the second lowest population among the five selected
sections, about 19% of the total population. Section C has the lowest population among
Sampling Design
The simplified random sampling design was used to determine and select the
respondents of the study. In this design, each student from the selected sections was given
equal chances of being selected as respondents in the study. This sampling design was
used since the selected respondents were representative of the target population. It is also
each member of the population is assigned a number. After which, numbers are selected
at random. But for larger populations, a lottery method can be inconvenient. Selecting a
which the same methodology as the lottery method was used; only the number
This study used one research instrument to gather the data on the variables being
studied. A valid questionnaire developed by Qurban (2019), was used to measure the
level of language barriers of senior high school students of Culianan National High
School. The survey aims to identify the opinion of the participants on language barriers.
Section 2 determined the level of language barrier of the respondents using the
performance was the average grade in the first semester of the school year 2022-2023.
Section 4 corresponded with the qualitative question which consisted of 4
statements that indicated the effects of language barrier on the academic performance of
The questions in the survey were developed based on measures which were
validated in previous studies. Qurban (2019) established the validity and reliability in the
questionnaires. The research instrument was set forth by the adviser for the fundamental
revisions of the content. The same instrument was given to the evaluators for consistency,
Aligned with the research study, the group of evaluators sought to evaluate the research
instrument. The research considered the advisers and panel of evaluators' suggestions.
Letter of permission was sought from the school principal to gather data from the
respondents. After the approval of the permit, a copy of the letter was given to the class
advisers and subject teachers. As soon as the schedules of gathering of data with the
teachers are arranged, the researchers coordinated with the participants to seek consent.
Each respondent was provided with the survey questionnaire checklist to answer
and accomplish. The researcher conducted the gathering and retrieval of the instruments
and fully explained to the respondents the real intent of the study and for proper
tabulation, analysis and interpretation. The researchers also utilized online platform
specifically google forms to collect and retrieve data from the respondents.
After the retrieval of the questionnaires, the responses were tabulated, encoded,
computed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). It was analyzed and
The following statistical tools were used in analyzing and interpreting data after the
Slovin’s formula. This measure was used to calculate the sample size (n) in a given
Frequency count and percentage. This measure was used to determine the profile
Mean. This measure was used to determine the level of language barriers and
academic performance of senior high school students. This was used to answer problems
1 and 2.
the significant relationship between the level of language barriers and academic
performance of senior high school students. This was used to answer problem 3.
One Factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This measure was used to determine
the significant relationship between the level of language barriers and academic
performance when data are grouped according to profile in terms of age and track. This
level of language barriers and academic performance when data are grouped according to