WL Midterm Reviewer
WL Midterm Reviewer
WL Midterm Reviewer
LESSON 1: THE ILIAD (PART 1) 6. Polydamas – a prudent commander
whose advice is ignored; he is Hector’s
“Is this the face that launched a thousand 7. Agenor – a Trojan warrior, son of Antenor,
ships…” – Marlowe who attempts to fight Achilles.
8. Sarpedon – son of Zeus killed by Patroclus
BACKGROUND OF ILIAD 9. Glaucus – friend of Sarpedon and co-
- The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem leader of the Lycians
written in dactylic hexameter. 10. Euphorbus – first Trojan warrior to wound
- It narrates an episode of the Trojan War Patroclus
fought between the Achaeans (Greeks) 11. Dolon – a spy upon the Greek camp
against the Trojans. 12. Antenor – King Priam’s advisor, who
- It centers on the battles and events argues for returning Helen to end the war
during the weeks of a quarrel between 13. Polydorus – son of Priam and Laothoe
King Agamemnon and the warrior 14. Pandarus – famous archer and son of
Achilles. Lycaon
- The story covers only a few weeks in the CHARACTERS (TROJAN WOMEN)
final year of the Trojan war.
- The story is narrated in Medias Res. 1. Hecuba – Priam’s wife, mother of Hector,
- The epic narrative takes up events Cassandra, Paris and others
prophesied for the future, such as 2. Helen – abducted by Paris, the cause of
Achilles’ looming death, the fall of Troy, war
and the capture of Trojan women. 3. Andromache – Hector’s wife, mother of
- It contains 15,693 lines written in Homeric Astyanax
verse. 4. Cassandra – Priam’s daughter; courted
- It comprises 24 books of varying length. by Apollo, who bestows the gift of
- The events are usually dated to around prophecy to her
the eighth century BC. 5. Briseis – a Trojan woman captured by the
Greeks; she was Achilles’ prize of the
1. Agamemnon – King of Mycenae, leader 6. Chryseis – daughter of Chryses, a Trojan
of the Greeks. priest of Apollo
2. Achilles – Leader of the Myrmidons, half- CHARACTERS (DEITIES)
divine hero.
3. Odysseus – King of Ithaca, the wiliest 1. Zeus (Neutral) – the King of the
Greek commander and hero of the gods/goddesses
Odyssey. 2. Hera (Achaeans) – the queen of the
4. Ajax the Greater – son of Telamon, with gods, wife of Zeus
Diomedes, he is second to Achilles in 3. Artemis (Trojans) – the goddess of the
martial prowess. hunt and the moon
5. Menelaus – King of Sparta, brother of 4. Apollo (Trojans) – the god of truth,
Agamemnon. prophecy and healing
6. Neoptolemus – son of Achilles, killed King 5. Hades (Neutral) – the god of the
Priam of Troy. underworld
7. Diomedes – son of Tydeus, King of Argos. 6. Aphrodite (Trojans) – the goddess of love
8. Ajax the Lesser – son of Oileus, often and beauty
partner of Ajax the Greater. 7. Ares (Trojans) – the god of war
9. Patroclus – Achilles’ closest companion. 8. Athena (Achaeans) – the goddess of
10. Nestor – King of Pylos, and trusted advisor wisdom
to Agamemnon. 9. Hermes (Neutral) – the
11. Antilochus – son of Nestor. messenger/herald of the gods
12. Philoctetes – arms bearer of Hercules. 10. Poseidon (Achaeans) – the god of the
13. Calchas – a prophet of Mycenae. sea
14. Tiresias – a blind prophet. 11. Hephaestus (Neutral) – the divine forge
and armorer
CHARACTER (TROJANS) 12. Iris (Achaeans) – the messenger of Zeus
1. Hector – son of King Priam and the SETTING
foremost Trojan warrior
2. Aeneas – son of Anchises and Aphrodite - Takes place in the tenth year of the
3. Paris – Helen’s lover-abductor Trojan War
4. Deiphobus – brother of Hector and Paris - Various territories in Greece
5. Priam – the aged King of Troy - Trojan plains, Trojan gates and walls
PROLOGUE - The war lasted for nine years with no
clear victor
1. The wedding banquet of Peleus and Thetis
- Troy still intact, army undefeated
(the parents of Achilles)
- Achilles attacked the allies in the south
- All the Olympian gods were invited
and Ajax the allies in the north
except Eris, the goddess of discord.
- She vowed revenge and strife for the THE PLAGUE (BOOK 1)
- Apollo’s priest Chryses, whose daughters
- Eris (the goddess of discord) threw a
(Chryseis and Briseis) were kidnapped
golden apple with the inscription “For the
prayed for revenge
- Apollo shoots deadly arrows of plague to
2. The judgment of Paris
Greek camp
- Hera: I promised to make you the Lord of
- Athena: You will lead the Trojans to
victory against the Greeks and lay - Agamemnon returns Chryseis but got
Greece in ruins! Briseis
- Aphrodite: The fairest woman in the - Feeling dishonored, Achilles refused to
world should be yours! fight
- The golden apple went to Aphrodite. - He recalled his troops, the Myrmidons
- The most beautiful woman in the world in who are the best warriors, back to camp
Helen, wife of Menelaus, rulers of Sparta. ZEUS INTERVENES (BOOK 2)
- Paris left the nymph Oenone his wife at
Mt. Ida. - Achilles asks his mother, Thetis, to ask Zeus
for punishment to Greek army.
THE CAUSE OF WAR – HELEN’S ABDUCTION - Zeus sent a dream to Agamemnon,
- Paris went to Sparta as a visiting ally. urging him to attack Troy but they lost a
- Menelaus and Helen welcomed him as lot of men due to Achilles’s absence
their guest. MENALAUS VS. PARIS (BOOK 3)
- Paris broke this trust and snatched Helen
with the help of Aphrodite. - A duel was set between Menelaus, the
wronged husband; and Paris, the
“Paris who coming entered a friend’s kind abductor
dwelling, - The result will determine the outcome of
Shamed the hand there that gave him food, war
- Everyone will respect the outcome of the
Stealing away a woman” – Homer duel
- The army assembled at Aulis, a seaport in - Menelaus is the clear winner of the duel
Euboea - Menelaus is about to finish Paris when
- Odysseus and Achilles are summoned, Aphrodite snatched Paris and whisks him
the war will not be won without them to Helen’s bedroom
- Aulis is a place of dangerous winds and
- Calchas the prophet declared that - Athena and Hera was determined that
Artemis was angry Troy be destroyed
- Agamemnon killed her sacred deer - She persuaded Pandarus to break the
- Iphigenia must be sacrificed true and shoot an arrow to Menelaus
THE LANDING AT TROY - The fighting rages anew and many men
died that day
- Prostesilaus was a suitor of Helen fulfilling
- He was the first casualty of the war, killed - Diomedes and Athena vs. Pandarus and
by Hector Aeneas and Aphrodite and Apollo
- His name means “first to be slain” - Ares and Hector vs. Diomedes and
- Hermes brought him up from dead to see Athena
once again his deeply, mourning wife, - Ares vs. Athena
Laodamia - Diomedes vs. Ares
- But Laodamia killed herself
- So Protesilaus begged Hermes to die
again to join his wife in THE DIVINE RUMBLE FOLLOWS…
• Aristeia – an episode/day glorious bravery - The onslaught of Trojans were supported
and gallantry in battle by Zeus as promised to Thetis
- Book 5 is the aristeia of Diomedes. Book 5 - The Greeks retreat in their ships
is also entitled Diomedia
- Other heroes have their own aristeia too.
• Ichor – the ethereal fluid flowing in the veins - Idomeneus, the Cretan king, has his
of the gods aristeia as he holds off the Trojan
- The Trojans were not used to fight near
- Glaucus and Diomedes challenged ships, they use to fight on plains
each other to a combat
- After learning their common lineage,
they became friends and exchanged - Poseidon disguised as the prophet
armors Calchas
- He stirred the Greek to defend their ships
and fight till the end
- Hector chastises Paris for his cowardly
acts after finding him in bed with Helen
- Hector visits his wife Andromache with his - Zeus was seduced by Hera using
son Astyanax, to whom he said, “Greater Aphrodite’s girdle
is he than his father.” - After their act, Morpheus, god of sleep,
lulls Zeus to sleep
- Hector and Ajax fought a duel with no
clear winner - Patroclus got permission to wear
- They call for a truce to let each side bury Achilles’s armor
their dead - The aristeia of Patroclus, kills many Trojans
- Antenor suggests to return Helen and including Sarpedon, Zeus’s son
end the war but Paris resents - Achilles warned him to just defend the
- Zeus forbids the gods from intervening ships, but he stormed the Trojan walls
- With aid of Apollo, Hector kills Patroclus,
- Zeus watches the battle from Mt. Ida and stripped Achilles’s armor and dons it
decides to give Troy victory for the day - Menelaus protected the corpse of
- Hector is everywhere, slaying hundreds Patroclus and killed many Trojans
of men attempting to mutilate it
- It was finally brought to camp
- Greeks were demoralized with the
onslaught of Hector - Achilles mourns, vows revenge for
- Nestor rebukes Agamemnon for Patroclus
Achilles’s refusal to fight - Thetis comforts Achilles, reminding him of
- Agamemnon convinces Achilles but he his fate
still refused to fight - Achilles decides to go back to battle,
Thetis asks Hephaestus to forge new arms
for Achilles
- Greeks sent Diomedes and Odysseus to
spy on Trojan lines by night
- Trojans sent Dolon to counterspy the - Achilles wants the Greek to attack right
Greeks too away but Odysseus urged them to eat
- Diomedes and Odysseus capture Dolon and rest first
and kill him after getting information - Achilles said he will not eat nor rest until
he avenged Patroclus
- Agamemnon sweeps the battlefield with
strength and vigor - Achilles slew thousands of men in his
- But the Greeks were slowly defeated due onslaught
to Achilles’s absence - Aeneas was nearly killed but saved by
Poseidon upon order of Zeus
- Aeneas is destined to be the sole survivor
among the Trojans and will be the
founder of Rome
The Roman Literary Giants – Horace’s Works - The Aeneid has 12 books.
- First 6 books – patterned after Odyssey. THE MAIN CHARACTERS OF AENEID – DEITIES
- Second books – patterned after Iliad
1. Juno – (Hera in Greek) the queen of the
- The Aeneid is written in dactylic
gods, the wife and sister of Jupiter.
hexameter or more commonly known as
2. Venus – (Aphrodite in Greek) the
“heroic hexameter”
goddess of love and the mother of
- “Dactyl” in Greek means finger, which
has one long and two short nodes
3. Jupiter – (also known as Jove, and Zeus
in Greek) the king of the gods, and the
- “Hexameter” is a poetic line with six feet.
son of Saturn.
- As with other classical Latin poetry, the
4. Neptune – (Poseidon in Greek) god of
meter is based on the length of syllables
the sea is generally an ally of Venus and
rather than the stress, though the
interplay of meter and stress is also
5. Mercury – (Hermes in Greek) the
messenger god. The other gods often
- Virgil also incorporated such poetic
send Mercury on errands.
devices as alliteration, onomatopoeia,
6. Aeolus – the god of the winds.
synecdoche, and assonance.
7. Cupid – (Eros in Greek) a son of Venus
THE MAIN CHARACTERS OF AENEID – MORTALS and the god of erotic desire.
8. Allecto – one of the Furies, or deities who
1. Aeneas – the protagonist of the Aeneid.
avenge sins, sent by Juno to incite the
Aeneas is a survivor of the siege of Troy.
Latin people to war against the Trojans.
2. Dido – the queen of Carthage, a city in
9. Vulcan – (Hephaestus in Greek) god of
northern Africa, in what is now Libya, and
fire and the forge, and husband of
lover of Aeneas.
3. Turnus – the ruler of the Rutulians in Italy
10. Tiberinus – the river god associated with
and Aeneas’s major antagonist among
the Tiber River, where Rome will
eventually be built.
4. Ascanius – (also called Iulus). Aeneas’s
11. Saturn – (Cronus in Greek) the father of
young son by his first wife, Creusa.
the gods. Saturn was king of Olympus
5. Anchises – Aeneas’s father and a symbol
until his son Jupiter overthrew him.
of Aeneas’s Trohan heritage.
12. Minerva – (Athena in Greek mythology)
6. Creusa – Aeneas’s wife at Troy, and the
the goddess who protects the Greeks
mother of Ascanius.
during the Trojan War and helps them
7. Sinon – the young Greek spy who
conquer Troy.
pretends to have been left behind at the
13. Apollo – a son of Jupiter. God of truth,
end of the Trojan War.
prophecy, and archery.
8. Latinus – the king of the Latins, the
14. Diana – (Artemis in Greek) Apollo’s twin
people of what is now central Italy,
sister, goddess of hunting, the moon and
around the Tiber River.
9. Lavinia – Latinus’s daughter and a
15. Penates – the Trojan and Roman
symbol of Latium in general.
household gods or gods of the state.
10. Amata – Queen of Laurentum (a region
16. Lares – a small ancestral gods brought by
of Latium, in Italy) and wife of Latinus.
Anchises from Troy.
11. Evander – King of Pallanteum (a region of
17. Iris – the messenger goddess of Jupiter.
Arcadia, in Italy) and father of Pallas.
18. Mars – (Ares in Greek) the god of war.
12. Pallas – son of Evander, whom Evander
entrusts to Aeneas’s care and tutelage. THE AENEID
13. Drancës – a Latin leader who desires an
“Find your place under the sun…”
end to the Trojan-Latin struggle.
14. Camilla – the leader of the Volscians, a The Aeneid – Book 1
race of warrior maidens.
15. Juturna – Turnus’s sister. - Aeneas, a prince of Troy is struggling to
16. Achates – a Trojan and a personal friend find his ancestral homeland, but Juno
of Aeneas. opposes him.
17. Ulysses – (Latin name of Odysseus) the - Juno arranges for a storm to drive him
hero of Homer’s Odyssey toward North Africa and Carthage.
18. Achilles – the greatest of the Greek - Dido, founder and queen of Carthage
warriors. welcomes Aeneas and his companions.
19. Hector – the greatest of the Trojan - Jupiter assures Venus that her son
warriors, killed at Troy. Aeneas will prevail and found the Latin
20. Andromachë – Hector’s wife, who race in Italy. Venus sends Cupid to
survives the siege of Troy. poison Dido with love for Aeneas, so she
will not harm him.
The Aeneid – Book 2 - Aeneas finally arrives in Latium,
welcomed by King Latinus.
- Dido is gracious to Aeneas and his
- Turnus, King of the Rutulians, wants to
companions and interested in the story
marry Lavinia.
of the fall of Troy.
- Juno sends Allecto from the underworld
- Aeneas tells her how the Greeks created
and urges her to stir poisonous rage into
the deception of the Trojan Horse.
Amata, Lavinia’s mother and into Turnus,
- Aeneas relates the final battle, and his
Lavinia’s suitor.
furious fighting until his mother Venus
- Ascanius (Iulus) shoot a per deer
instructed him to leave Troy with his
belonging to Sylvia, a local peasant girl.
father (Anchises), son (Ascanius) and the
household gods of his family and of Troy. The Aeneid – Book 8
- While fleeing Troy, Creusa, Aeneas’ wife
- Aeneas travels to the king of the
was parted from them and killed.
Arcadians, Evander, seeking alliance.
The Aeneid – Book 3 - Evander welcomes him, introduces him
to the ancient rural piety of the region,
- Aeneas narrates their journey to establish
and offers Aeneas troops led by his own
new Troy.
son Pallas.
- First they went to Thrace, and met the
- Venus persuades her husband Vulcan to
soul of Polydorus.
make new armor for Aeneas.
- They went to Delos Island and learned a
- The shield portrays critical moments
when Rome was saved. At the center of
- They went to Crete, then to Strophades,
the shield is the Battle of Actium.
then to Actium, followed by Buthrotum,
to the Underworld, the Cyclop’s Island, The Aeneid – Book 9
and how they were swept to Carthage
- The battle goes on at Trojan Camp.
by a storm concocted by Juno.
- Nisus and Euryalus, foray into the sleeping
The Aeneid – Book 4 enemy camp and slaughter many
before being killed themselves.
- Incited by Cupid, Dido fell madly in love
- Ascanius gets his first real taste of battle
with Aeneas.
and kills his first man, Numanus.
- The two became attached and enjoy
- Turnus gets into the Trojan stockade and
each other’s company.
rages furiously, slaughtering men.
- Jupiter sends Hermes to chide Aeneas of
- Trojans pursued him and he escaped.
his duty and abides.
- Dido prevents Aeneas but eventually The Aeneid – Book 10
gives in.
- Jupiter wants peace, but Juno and
- She watches Aeneas sail away and kills
Venus are still bickering.
herself by jumping on a funeral pyre.
- Finally, Aeneas returns with numerous
The Aeneid – Book 5 allies.
- Turnus and Aeneas both rage in battle.
- Aeneas goes back to Sicily where he
- Pallas fights bravely, but is finally killed by
arranges Memorial Games for Anchises.
- Aeneas displays his skills as a leader,
- Turnus fate is sealed when he stripped
carrying out rituals, presiding at the
Pallas his belt and wore it.
games, encouraging his men, restraining
anger, preventing injuries. The Aeneid – Book 11
- Juno sends her messenger, Iris, to inflame
- Aeneas learns that Pallas has died, and
the Trojan women with fury, encouraging
he prepares to send him back to his
them to burn the Trojan ships so they will
father for his funeral.
not have to travel any further.
- Both sides bury their dead.
The Aeneid – Book 6 - King Latinus wants to make peace and
share his land and rule with the Trojans.
- The Cumaean Sibyl leads Aeneas into
- Turnus is in favor of continuing the war,
the underworld.
which resumes.
- Aeneas meets the shade of Dido and her
- Camilla, a woman warrior ally of Turnus,
enters the fray, fights bravely, and is killed
- He met his father Anchises in Elysium.
by Arruns.
- He met his future descendants over
twelve centuries, culminating in Augustus The Aeneid – Book 12
- Turnus challenges Aeneas to a duel that
The Aeneid – Book 7 will settle the war.
- Juturna, Turnus’ sister helps him fight
- Queen Amata hangs herself.
- Turnus tells his sister to stop interfering,
because fate has won, and he wants to
fight Aeneas honorably before he dies.
- Turnus and Aeneas begin to duel, and
Jupiter holds up his scales to confirm their
- Turnus’ sword breaks; he panics and runs
away, Aeneas pursuing. However, gods
are still interfering.
- Aeneas throws his spear, wounding
- Turnus begs for his life, but Aeneas sees
the belt of dead Pallas on Turnus and,
enraged, kills Turnus.
- Aeneas and Lavinia were married.
LESSON 4: BEOWULF ✓ “Hell’s captives”
Major Conflict:
- The
LESSON 6: DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA - The title character soon gets lost in his
own fantasy world, believing he is one of
Knowing the Author…
these knights, and convinces a poor
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (1547-1616) peasant, Sancho Panza, to serve as his
- Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes - In one scene, the deluded Don Quixote
created one of the world's greatest even fights a windmill, mistaking it for a
literary masterpieces, 'Don Quixote,' in giant. Quixote finally regains his senses
the early 1600s. before the novel ends.
- Born near Madrid in 1547. He became a - In 1612, the first translation of Don
soldier in 1570 and was badly wounded Quixote into a foreign language appears
in the Battle of Lepanto. four years after the death of Cervantes
- Captured by the Turks in 1575, Cervantes and seven years after it was first
spent five years in prison before he was published. Thomas Shelton entitled the
ransomed and returned home. translation, The History of the Valorous
- After less successful earlier efforts, and Wittie Knight Errant, Don Quixote of
Cervantes finally achieved literary the Mancha.
success in his later years, publishing the
first part of Don Quixote in 1605. He died THE CHARACTERS
in 1616.
1. Don Quixote
- His father, Rodrigo, deaf from birth,
- A fifty-year-old hidalgo, the lowest level
worked as a surgeon, a lowly trade at the
of gentry, of La Mancha in rural Spain, he
time, and the family moved around
has long since given up running his
often in Cervantes youth as his father
modest estate and has begun selling off
searched for better prospects.
some of his property in order to buy
- Whatever his family's financial
conditions, Cervantes was an avid
- These books all relate to chivalry, a
reader as a child—a skill he was
subject that is about to drive Quixano
reportedly taught by a relative. There is
over the edge of reason, where he will
still much debate if he undergone formal
take on the name of Don Quixote de la
Mancha. A spavined dray and hack
His life as a Poet and a Soldier… horse, Rosinante, becomes his steed.
2. Sancho Panza
- Cervantes's first known published writing - A local laborer who is enlisted to serve
dates to 1569, when he contributed the newly dubbed knight, lured
some poetry to a memorial collection principally by the promise of his own
after the death of Elizabeth of Valois, the island to govern. His primary means of
wife of Spain's King Philip II. transportation is an ornery mule, Dapple.
- But by the following year, Cervantes had 3. Teresa
put his pen aside and, instead, picked up - Sancho Panza's wife, who runs the
a weapon, joining a Spanish military unit household and cares for the couple's
in Italy. two children while Sancho is off in his
- Known for his bravery, Cervantes took chivalric pursuits with Quixote.
part in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. 4. Dulcinea El Taboso
Stationed on the ship La Marquesa, he - A young country girl who barely knows
fought against the Ottoman Empire and Don Quixote, she nevertheless becomes
sustained serious injuries in the conflict, the newly dubbed knight's womanly
suffering two chest wounds and the ideal.
complete maiming of his left hand. 5. John Haldudo, the Rich
- In 1575, Cervantes and his brother - The rich man who, in Quixote's first
Rodrigo tried to return to Spain, but they knightly adventure, is castigated by
were captured during their voyage by a Quixote for beating his servant-boy.
group of Turkish ships. Cervantes 6. Andrew
subsequently spent five years as a - A young apprentice whom Quixote
prisoner and an enslaved person, and attempts to help, in the process causing
made several failed attempts to escape more trouble.
during his imprisonment. 7. Antonia
- In 1605, Cervantes published the first part - Quixote's loving niece, who is conflicted
of Don Quixote, a novel that tells the story by her desire to keep her uncle safely at
of an elderly man who becomes so home and her wish for the old gentleman
enamored by the old stories of brave to enjoy himself at his new
knights that he seeks out his own preoccupation.
adventures. 8. Muñaton
- A scholar whom Antonia accuses of escapes from his house again, but
stealing Quixote's library. this time he is accompanied by a
9. Samson Carrasco humble neighbor who acted as his
- A young student from Quixote's village. squire.
He believes that by providing Quixote - The appearance of Sancho Panza
with adventures, he will make the "knight" enriches the possibilities of the novel
tire of chivalric pursuits. Carrasco is a key since Sancho Panza is going to be Don
character; he appears in many guises, Quixote’s confidant, opening the doors
especially as knights-at-arms, and finally to dialogues which is important for their
is the cause of Quixote's return home. journey ahead.
10. The Duke and Duchess - Besides, Sancho Panza and Don Quixote
- A pair of decadents, high-ranking nobles are two opposite characters well-
who become amused by Quixote and matched by their differences. On this
Panza, orchestrating lavish and complex journey, we can read about a lot of
pranks as a source of amusement. They different adventures and how Don
are frequent causes of pain and Quixote was tricked into going home.
humiliation for the pair from La Mancha.
Second Part (1615)
11. Cid Hamet Benegali
- The Arab translator of Don Quixote. - It covers the third and last journey.
Appearing as a satiric character, he is New adventures on the way to
constantly being accused of dishonesty Barcelona. Most of them take place
by Cervantes in authorial asides. in the court of some Dukes that have
12. Cardenio ("The Ragged Knight of the Sorry read the first part of the book. They
Countenance") know Don Quixote and for a bit of
- A young man whose heart is broken entertainment they pretend that
when his lover, Lucinda, marries Don they live in a chivalrous court.
Fernando. He and Dorothea apprehend - At the end of the second part, another
Don Fernando at the inn, late in Book I. character from Don Quixote’s village,
Cardenio ends up with Lucinda in the dressed also as a knight-errant,
end. challenges Don Quixote and wins. This
13. The Priest forces Don Quixote to go back home.
- A scholar who Antonia accuses of There he regains his sanity and dies at
stealing Quixote's library. peace.
Alonzo Quijano (Don Quixote) goes crazy from - Don Quixote is the model of the ideal
reading too many chivalry books. This madness aesthetic and ethical life. He becomes a
makes him to try imitate the adventures which knight-errant so that he can defend
he has read. He leaves his hometown and justice in the world, do good and live the
embark himself in a series of adventures and life as if it was a work of art.
returns defeated. - Don Quixote is a synthesis of life and
literature, a life that has been lived and
First Part (1605)
a life that has been dreamed. It is a
Don Quixote’s First Journey fabulous integration of reality and
- Don Quixote prepares his old, rusty
- Miguel de Cervantes displayed an
weapons which belongs to his great-
extraordinary example of the difficulties
grandfathers. He puts them on and sets
of writing about complex human
out through La Mancha with the hope of
doing justice, just as it happened in the
stories he read. THEMES
- He arrives in an Inn in which he believes
Idealism vs Realism
is a castle, where he is knighted in a
ridiculous ceremony. He then seeks - Don Quixote is the ultimate idealist. He
adventures and returns home wounded constructs a moral code built around
and in failure. unrealistic expectations and outdated
beliefs, then he fully immerses himself in a
fantasy world that soon becomes
his reality.
- The second journey makes up the - The ideas of honor and virtue go hand
rest of the book. Don Quixote in hand in Don Quixote. The best men
are honorable; the most desirable
women are virtuous. Chivalric romance
stories are the ultimate example of
honor and virtue, which is why Don
Quixote has dedicated himself to the
protection of both.
Social Class
It has become customary to speak of this new - The early writings of Boccaccio, almost
school of poets as the dolce stil novo (or nuovo; all of which are available in English
“sweet new style”), an expression used by translation, are purely literary, without
Dante in his Commedia (Purgatorio, Canto any didactic implications.
XXIV, line 27), in a passage where he - The Decameron, a prose collection of
emphasized delicacy of expression suited to the 100 stories recounted by 10 narrators—3
subject of love. men and 7 women—over 10 days, is
Boccaccio’s most mature and important
Poesia giocoso (a realistic, or comic, verse) was
a complete contrast to serious love poetry. The
language was often deliberately unrefined,
LESSON 8: THE DIVINE COMEDY Trench I: Panderers and Seducers
Satan was cast all the way to the very center of Canto II: The Descent
the Earth, has remained there since, and will
When asked why he came, Virgil answers that
remain there through all of eternity.
the head honchos of Heaven—the Virgin Mary
Circle 1: Those in Limbo and Santa Lucia—felt sorry for Dante.
Canto IV: The Virtuous Pagan (Circle 1 – Limbo) Canto IX-XI: The Wrathful and Sullen (Circle 5 –
The Gate of Dis)
The first circle of Hell (Limbo), considered pre-
Hell, just contains all of the unbaptized and Now at the gates of a city called Dis, Virgil takes
good people born and before the coming of it upon himself to persuade the demon guards
Christ, who obviously couldn’t be saved by him. to let them pass. Unexpectedly, he fails.
Virgil resides here, along with a bunch of other The walls of Dis are guarded by fallen angels.
Greek and Roman poets.
This means that instead of continuing on with
Dante encounters the poets Homer, Horace, the journey, Dante and Virgil must wait for an
Ovid, and Lucan, who include him in their angel to come down and force open the gates
number and make him “sixth in that high for them.
Canto IX-XI: The Heretics (Circle 6)
Canto V: The Lustful (Circle 2)
After passing the city of Dis, our dynamics duo,
Dante and Virgil leave Limbo and enter the enters the sixth circle, where the Heretics lay in
Second Circle—the fight of the circles of fiery tombs.
Incontinence – where the punishments of Hell
Dante talks to Farinata degli Uberti, who
proper begin. It is described as “a part where no
predicts that Dante will have difficulty returning
things gleam.” They find their way hindered by
to Florence from exile.
the serpentine Minos.
Canto XII: The Violent against Neighbors (Circle
Who judges all of those condemned for active,
deliberately willed sin to one of the lower circles.
This circle houses the violent. Its entry is guarded
He sentences each soul to its torment by
by Minotaur.
wrapping his tail around himself a
corresponding number of times. Divided into 3 rings:
In the second circle, lustful sinners are tossed 1. Outer ring – violent against their
around by endless storms. neighbors
2. Middle ring – violent against themselves
Dante speaks to the soul of Francesca da Rimini,
3. Inner ring – violent against GOD
a woman who was stuck in a loveless, arranged
marriage and committed adultery when she fell As they cross from the sixth to the seventh circle,
in love with a dashing youth named Paolo. where the Violent are punished, Virgil finally
begins explaining the layout of Hell.
Canto VI: The Gluttonous (Circle 3)
Canto XII: The Violent against Neighbors (Circle
Cerberus – the monstrous three-headed beast
7 – Outer Ring)
of Hell, ravenously guards the gluttons lying in
the freezing mire, mauling and flaying them with Outer ring – housing the violent against people
his claws as they howl like dogs. and property, who are immersed in Phlegethon
– a river of boiling blood, to a level
Dante then awakes in the third circle, where the
commensurate with their sins.
Gluttonous sinners suffer under a cold and filthy
rain. Canto XIII: The Violent against themselves
(Circle 7 – Middle Ring)
Canto VII: The Avaricious and Prodigal (Circle 4
– Guarded by Plutus) Middle ring – in this ring are the suicides, who are
transformed into gnarled thorny bushes and
Virgil leads Dante on to the fourth circle, where
the Avaricious (greedy people) and Prodigal
(reckless spenders) roll heavy weights in endless *The trees are a metaphor; In life the only way
circles. of the relief of suffering was through pain
Canto VIII: The Wrathful and Sullen (Circle 5 –
The River Styx) Canto XIV-XVII: The Violent against GOD,
Nature and Art (Circle 7 – Inner Ring)
The next stop on the tour is the fifth circle, where
the Wrathful and Sullen are immersed in the Inner ring – all reside in a desert of flaming sand
muddy river Styx. with fiery flakes raining from the sky.
While they are crossing the Styx, a sinner named Violent against:
Filipino Argenti reaches out to Dante
• GOD – blasphemers
• Nature – Sodomites Panderers and Seducers walk in separate lines
• Art – Userers in opposite direction, whipped by demons.
Canto XVIII: The Fraudulent (Circle 8) Flatterers are steeped in human excrement.
Finally, Dante and Virgil ready themselves to Canto XIX-XX: The Fraudulent (Circle 8) Trench
cross to the eighth circle. Dante, at Virgil’s III: Simoniacs; Trench IV: Sorcerers
command, summons the beast Geryon from
Simoniacs – those who commited simony are
the depths with a cord wrapped around his
place head first in holes in the rock, with flames
burning on the soles of their feet.
*Geryon, symbol of deceit.
Sorcerers and false prophets – they have their
Virgil stays to talk with the beast while urging heads twisted around on their bodies
Dante to look at the last of the Violent sinners. backward, so they can only see what is behind
When Dante comes back, they mount Geryon them and not in the future.
and ride the beast during the descent into the
Canto XXI-XXIII: The Fraudulent (Circle 8)
eighth circle.
Trench VI: Hypocrites; Trench VII: Thieves
The eighth circle contains ten pouches, each
Corrupt politicians (barrators) are immersed in a
containing different types of sinners.
lake of boiling pitch, guarded by devils, the
DANTE’S INFERNO Malebranche.
Ante-Purgatory (Late-Repentant)
- The souls here are immersed the same - Those who are proud are being punished
level as those in Caïna, except they are in this level.
unable to bend their necks. - The proud are purged by carrying giant
stones on their backs, unable to stand up
Region 3: Ptolomæa straight.
- Where traitors against their guests suffer, Second Terrace (Envious)
immobilized in ice and their tears frozen
against their eyes. - Those who are envious are being
punished in this level.
Region 4: Judecca - The envious are purged by having their
- In the fourth the final zone, Judecca, eyes sewn shut and wearing clothing
where traitors against their benefactors that makes the soul indistinguishable
are punished, Dante witnesses the king of from the ground.
Hell, the three-headed Lucifer, giant and Third Terrace (Wrathful)
frozen at the core. In his three mouths,
Lucifer mechanically chews on the most - Those who are wrathful are being
evil mortal sinners—Judas, Brutus, and punished in this level.
Cassius. - The wrathful are purged by walking
around in acrid smoke.
Fourth Terrace (Slothful)
- This is the place where the souls of sinners,
who still have the chance to redeem - Those who are slothful are being
themselves, would go after they die. punished in this level.
- The slothful are purged by continually
Having survived the depths of Hell, Dante and running.
Virgil ascend out of the undergloom, to the
Mountain of Purgatory on the far side of the Fifth Terrace (Avaricious)
- Those who sinned on the fifth through
Beatrice, Dante’s ideal woman, guides him seventh terraces are those who loved
through PURGATORY. Beatrice was a Florentine good things but loving them in a
woman whom he had met in childhood and disordered way.
admired from afar in the mode of the then- - Those who are avaricious and prodigal
fashionable courtly love tradition which is are being punished in this level.
highlighted in Dante’s earlier work La Vita - The avaricious and prodigal are purged
Nuova. by lying face-down on the ground,
unable to move.
Sixth Terrace (Gluttonous)
- Those who are gluttonous are being
punished in this level.
- The gluttonous are purged by abstaining
from any food or drink.
- Signifies the virtue of Fortitude. - Here, Dante had seen the redeemed
- The red planet carries traditional spirits and the angels in their form of the
associations of blood and war in myth Last Judgment.
and astrology; but in here, it represents - The Emyprean is the full Light of Truth
the associations of the Church Militant which is filled with Divine Love. That love
and of the Crucifixion. is full of transcendent joy coming from
- The spirits are those of the warriors of the Supreme God, the essence of Love.
God; those who fought for the Chosen - The Angels fly among the redeemed, in
People of the old law (Old Testament), the form of a white rose, and God.
and of Christ’s Church in the new (New Angels’ faces are flame, their wings
Testament). golden and the rest, white: the three
colors that symbolize Love, Knowledge
Jupiter and Purity.
- It is associated with Justice and Wisdom,
with Jupiter the Roman God, and
therefore with the Roman Emperors, and
with the Christian God.
- The head and neck of an Eagle:
1. The emblem of Rome
2. The divine sign of Empire and Justice
- The mind of God inspires the earthly
forms, the nests where intellect builds
and creates justice.
Fixed Stars