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Is 2881 1984

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 2881 (1984): Barytes for chemical industry and oil-well

drilling [CHD 1: Inorganic Chemicals]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
( Reaffirmed 2003 )
IS t 2881 - 1984

Indian Standard

f Second Revision)
Inorganic Chemicals ( Mist ) Sectional Committee, CDC 3

Chairman Representing
DR M. S. VAIDYA The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Bombay
SERI P. V. S. RAO ( Alternate to
Dr M. S. Vaidya )
SHRI S. K. BAsU Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals,
New Delhi
SERI D. S. CHOWDHURY (Alternate)
DR R. M. BHATNAUAR Projects & Development India Ltd, Sindri
SHRI S. N. BHATTACHARYA Tata Chemicals Ltd, Bombay
SHR~ S. GANAPATHY ( Alternate )
SHRI J. C. BOSE Indian Oxygen Ltd, Calcutta
SITRI A. K. DAS (Alternate )
DR S. GHOSH In personal capacity ( 17-A, ‘F’ Block, Saket, Malmja
Nagar Extension, .New Delhi 110017 )
DR S. H. IQBAL National Chemical Laboratory ( CSIR ), Pune
SHRI N. J. KIKANI Sarabhai M. Chemicals, Vadodara
SERI H. H. KAVARANA ( Alternate )
SHRI P. R. MALEIAN Development Commissioner, Small Scale Indus-
tries, New Delhi
DR P. D. MALHOTRA Geological Survey of India, Calcutta
SHRI P. MANSUKHANI Glaxo Laboratories ( India ) Ltd, Bombay
DR V. J. DALVI ( Alternate )
SHRI J. S. MATEARU Directorate General of Technical Development,
New Delhi
SHRI P. A. MENON Golden Chemicals Pvt Ltd, Bombay
SHRI T. S. KALAHASTY ( Alternate )
( Continued on page 2 )

@ Copyright 1985
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyrighf Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS:2881 - 1984

( Continued from #age 1 )

Members Representing
SHRI S. V. NAYAK J. K. Chemicals Ltd, Thane
DR ANIL PANDIT Deepak Nitrite Ltd, Vadodara
SRRI J. T. VORA (Alternate )
SHRI C. V. RAYAMURTHY Indian Oil Corporation Ltd ( Refineries &
Pipelines Division ), New Delhi
SHRI A. K. RAO Shriram Foods & Fertilizer Industries, New Delhi
SHRI B. K. VAHI ( Alternate )
DR S. B. RAY Ministry of Defence ( DGI )
SHRI D. P. BASU ( Alternate)
SHRI B. K. SACHAR Ministry of Defence ( R & D )
SHRI A. D. GUPTA ( Alternate )
SHRI C. R. SANTHANAPRISENAN Travancore Chemical & Manufacturing Co Ltd,
Mettur Dam
SERI K. V. MANI ( Alternate )
DR E. R. SAXENA Regional Research Laboratory ( CSIR ),
. Hyderabad
Dlz MORD ZAFAR JAUIL ( Alternate )
SHRI C. P. SHARDA Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research,
SHRI L. B. SRIVASTAVA ( Alternate )
SHRI N. N. SUBRAHMANIAN Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur
SHRI M. R. RUIKAR ( Alternate )
SHRI N. C. THAKKAR Indian Chemical Manufacturers’ Association,
SHRI S. K. MATHUR, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-oficio Member )
Director ( Chem )

Deputy Director ( Chem ), IS1

Minerals for Chemical and Allied Industries Subcommittee,


DR P. D. MALHOTRA Geological Survey of India, Calcutta
SHW J. A. ASTRAPUTRE Ministry of Defence ( DGI )
SHRI K. P. MAJUMDAR ( Alternate )
CONTROLLER .Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur
SHRI A. S. GOPALACHARI ( Alternate )
SHRI J. V. JOSHI The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
DR V. C. MALASHE ( Alternate )
SHRI V. M. KARVE Indian Chemical Manufacturers’ Association,
SHRI B. K. VAHI (Alternate)
Drt A. K. LAIIIRY Rajasthan State Mineral Development Corpora-
tion Ltd, Jaipur
( Continued on page 18 )
IS:2881 - 1984

Indian Standard

( Second Revision)

0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 10 December 1984, after the draft finalized by
the Inorganic Chemicals ( Mist ) Sectional Committee had been
approved by the Chemical Division Council.
0.2 Barytes, the sulphate of barium, also known as ‘heavy spar’, is
extensively mined in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan. It is one of the
ma.jor minerals for export amongst non-metallic minerals. The demand
for barytes is mainly for paints and oil-well drilling. Small quantities are
also used in the chemical industry for preparation of barium compounds
and in rubber and explosive industry. The paint industry takes mostly the
best grade white material.
0.3 The reserves of barytes are estimated at l-4 million tonnes in the
country. About .15 700 tonnes are consumed by Oil and Natural Gas
Commission ( ONGC ) in drilling operations. A large amount of l&w grade
barytes, for which economical beneficiation arrangements are not available
at present, remains untapped causing considerable difficulty to the mining
industry. To offset the national wastage involved, it was thought fit that
ONGC and Oil India Limited, the two consumers of barytes for oil-well
drilling should use barytes of comparatively lower purity ( 90 percent ),
0.4 This standard was first published in 1964. It was revised in 1978 in
the light of the experience gathered in production and consumption
patterns of the material. This second revision has been undertaken mainly
to align the requirements in line with the requirements of Oil and Natural
Gas Commission.
0.5 This standard is one of a series of Indian Standards on barytes/
barium sulphate. Other standards published are:
IS : 64-1972 Barium sulphate pigments for paints (first revision )
IS : 1683-1973 Barytes for rubber industry (first revision )


IS : 4156-1967 Methods for sampling of barytes

IS : 7588-1974 Barytes for explosive and pyrotechnic industry

0.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this

standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, express-
ing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.


1.1 This standard prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and

test for the material commercially known as barytes, intended for the
preparation, of barium compounds and for oil-well drilling.


2.1 The material shall be of the following two grades:

Grade 1 - suitable for chemical industry, and

Grade 2 - suitable for petroleum industry in oil-well drilling opera-


2.1.1 The material of Grade 1 shall be of two qualities, namely,

Quality A and Quality B.


9.1 Description - The material consists essentially of barium sulphate

and is white, greyish white or very light pinkish white in colour, free from
dirt and foreign matter.

3.2 The material shall comply with the requirements prescribed in Table 1
when tested according to the methods given in Appendix A. Reference to
relevant clauses of Appendix A is given in co1 6 of the table.


4.1 Packing - Unless agreed to otherwise between the purchaser and

the supplier, the material shall be packed in clean jute bags.
*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).
IS : 2881 - 1984


( Clause 3.2 )


No. t-_‘-~__-- -7 TEST, REP TO
Grade 1 Grade 2 CL No. IN
T-.----_~ APPENDIX A
Quality Quality

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

3 Insoluble minus silica, 97’0 90’0 90’0 A-2

percent by mass,

ii) Silica ( as SiOs ), 2’0 7 6’0* - A-3

percent by mass, MaA
iii) Aluminium ( as Al ), oeioj - - A-4
percent by mass, Max

iv) Iron ( as Fe ), percent 0.10 1.5 - A-5

by mass, Max

v) Calcium and magne- 0.10 2’0 - A-6

sium ( as CaCOs ),
percent by mass, Max

Vi) Fineness ( determined

by wet method ):

a) Passing through 75- - - 97 A-7

micron IS Sieve,
percent by mass,
b) Passing through 53- - - 90 f 5 A-7
micron IS Sieve,
percent by mass,

vii) Relative density at - - 4’15.t A-8

27”/27”C, Min

viii) Matter soluble - 0.02 A-9

water, percent ?y
mass, Max

ix) Performance - - To pass test A-10

*Silica and aluminium oxide together shall be 6’0 percent.

*For off-shore drilling the value shall be 4’20.

4.2 Marking

4.2.1 The packages shall be marked legibly and indelibly with the
following information:

4 Name and grade ( and quality, if applicable ) of the material;

b) Mass of the material in the package;

C>Month and year of packing;
4 Recognized trade-mark, if any; and
4 Code number to enable the batch of packing to be traced back
from records.
4.2.2 The packages may also be marked with the IS1 Certification Mark.
NOTE -The use of the IS1 Certification Mark-is governed by the provisions of
the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks) Act and the Rules and
Regulations made thereunder. The IS1 Mark on products covered by an Indian
Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the
requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and
quality control which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the
producer. IS1 marked products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity
to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions, under which a licence
for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufacturers or
processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution.

5.1 Preparation of Test Samples - Representative test samples of the
material shall be prepared as prescribed in IS : 1683-1973*.
5.2 Number of Tests
5.2.1 Tests for the determination of calcium and magnesium and silica in
case of Grade 1, and for the determination of fineness in case of Grade 2
shall be conducted on each of the individual test sample.
5.2.2 Tests for the determination of allthe remaining characteristics
given in Table 1 shall be carried out on the composite test sample.
5.3 Criteria for Conformity

5.3.1 For Individual Samples - For those characteristics which are tested
on individual sample, the mean and the range of test results shall be
computed as follows:
Sum of individual test results
Mean(X) =
Number of test results

*Specification for barytes for rubber industry (first rsvisivn ).

IS e 28Sl- lW4

Range ( R ) = Difference between the maximum and the minimum

values of test results.
For declaring the conformity of the lot:

z- - O-6 R shall be less than or equal to the maximum specified

requirements, and

X-- O-6 R shall be greater than or equal to the minimum

specified requirements.
5.3.2 For Comfiosite Sample - For declaring the conformity of the lot to
the requirements of all characteristics tested on the composite sample, the
test results shall satisfy the corresponding specified requirements.

( Clsuu 3.2 )


A-l.1 Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals and distilled water ( see
IS : 1070-1977* ) shall be employed in tests.
NOTE - ‘ Pure chemicals ’ shall mean chemicals that do not contain impurities
which affect the results of analysis.


A-2.0 General - Two methods are prescribed, namely, the classical
method and the insoluble-minus-silica method. The latter is resommended
for routine determination while the former shall be the referee method.
A-2.1 Classical Method

A-2.1.1 Outline of the Method - Barytes powder of known mass ( usually

not more than 1 g ) is fused with 8 to 10 times its mass ofsodium carbonate
between 800 to 900 “C in a gas-heated or electric furnace. The fused mass
is leached out with hot water and filtered. The filtrate is used for the
determination of silica and alumina. The residue on the filter paper con-
tains barium, calcium and magnesium as carbonates and iron as oxide.
This residue is dissovled in hot dilute hydrochloric acid. The solution
obtained contains all the above-mentioned elements in their chloride form
*Specification for water for general laboratory Fse ( second revision ). .

and is used for determination of barium, iron, calcium and magnesium. It

is made up to 500 ml. For barium determination as aliquot is taken,
barium is precipitated as barium sulphate with the addition of ammonium
sulphate which is ignited and weighed.
A-2.1.2 Reagent
A- Sodium carbonate - anhydrous.
A- Sodium carbonate solution - 2 g/1.
A- Dilute hydrochloric acid - 1 : 4.
A- Ammonium hydroxide - 20 percent ( m/m ).
A- Concentrated hydrochloric acid - See IS : 26.51976*.

A- Methyl orange indicator - Dissolve O-1 g of methyl orange in

100 ml of water.
A- Ammonium sulkhate solution - 3 percent.
A-2.1.3 Procedure
A- Weigh about 8 g of sodium carbonate. Place an appro-
priate quantity out of it in a platinum crucible so as to form a layer about
6 mm deep. Separately, weigh accurately about 1 g of the finely powdered
material and place it on top of the sodium carbonate layer in the crucible.
Mix both with a glass rod. Add the rest of sodium carbonate also to the
crucible. Cover and fuse the mixture at 800 to 900°C in either a gas-heated
or electric furnace till the mix melts.
Cool and as the melt cools, rotate the crucible so that the fused mass
solidifies in a thin layer. This will shorten the time required for leaching.
Leach out the fuse mass with 200 ml of hot water in a 400-ml beaker with
thorough stirring. Filter through a 15-cm filter paper ( Whatman No. 40
or equivalent ). Wash several times by decantation, then remove the
crucible from the beaker, transfer the insoluble carbonates to the filter,
and wash with hot sodium carbonate solution testing after the twelfth
washing to be certain that sulphates have been removed completely.
Collect all the filtrate, make up to 500 ml and reserve for the determina-
tion of silica in A-3.
A-2;1.3.2 Cover the funnel containing the insoluble carbonates with
a watch-glass and add hot dilute hydrochloric acid carefully, in small por-
tions at a time to prevent loss, catching the solution in a 600-ml beaker.
Add hot dilute hydrochloric acid to the platinum crucible and the beaker
in which the leach was made and pour over the filter. Wash the paper

*Specification for hydrochloric acid ( second revision ).

IS: 2881-1984

with hot water until free from chlorides. Make up the solution to 500 ml.
Use it for the determination of barium sulphate content in A-, iron
in A-4 and calcium and magnesium in A-7.
A-2.1:3.3 Take IOO-ml aliquot of the solution. Neutralize this with
ammonium hydroxide using methyl orange as indicator. Add 0.4 to 0.6
ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Dilute to 400 ml with hot water,
bring the solution to boiling, and add 25 ml of hot ammonium sulphate
solution dropwise with constant stirring to prevent coprecipitation of
calcium and magnesium. Transfer the beaker to a warm hot-plate and
allow to stand for at least 4 hours. Filter on an ignited/weighed Gooch
crucible wash with hot water several times by decantation. The beaker
should be scrubbed thoroughly to remove any adhering, precipitate.
Continue the washing until free of chlorides. Ignite the crucible in a
muffle furnace for 30 minutes at 850°C. Cool in a desiccator and weigh.
Make a blank determination in a similiar manner with an equal amount
of sodium carbonate and other reagents.
A-2.1.4 Calculation
Insoluble minus silica, percent by mass =

Mr = mass in g of the precipitate with the material,

Ms = mass in g of the precipitate in the blank determination, and
M = mass in g of the material present in the aliquot used.
A-2.2 Isrsoluble-MinusSilica Method
A-2.2.1 This method presumes that the material other than silica left in
the determination is barium sulphate.
A-2.2.2 Reagents
A- Concentratedhydro$hloricacid - See IS : 265-1976*.
A- Concentratedsulphuric acid - See IS : 266-19771_.
A- HydroJJuoricacid - 48 percent.
A-2.2.3 Procedure
A- Weigh about 1 g of the sample ( as received ) (to the
nearest 0.1 mg and place it in a 250-ml beaker. Add 50-ml of concentrated
hydrochloric acid and digest over hot water-bath for 10 to 15 minutes
*Specification for hydrochloric acid ( second w&ion ).
j-Specification for sulphuric acid ( second revision ).
!8 t 2881 - 1984

with constant stirring. After digesting, filter it through Whatman No. 48

filter paper ( or equivalent ) and wash the residue with hot water till free
from chloride. Keep the residue ( free from chloride ) in an oven to
become dry, and then incinerate the same in a weighed platinum crucible.
A- Acid treatment - Cool the platinum crucible and treat the
residue with 2 to 3 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid and 10 ml of
hydrofluoric acid. Then place the crucible on a hot sand-bath till the acid
is completely evaporated. Remove the crucible from sand-bath and gently
heat over a low burner flame. Finally heat the crucible till constant mass
is obtained. Weigh the residue.
A-2.2.4 Calculation

100 ( Ms - Ml )
Insoluble-minus-silica, percent by mass =
Ml = mass in g of the crucible + lid, + residue ( after hydrofluoric
acid treatment ),
Ma = mass in g of the material taken for the test, and
Ma = mass in g of the crucible + residue + lid, + residue ( before
hydrofluoric acid treatment ).
A-3.0 Outline of the Method - An aliquot of the solution obtained
in A-2.1.3;I is acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid and evaporated to
dryness to dehydrate the silica, and treated with hydrochloric acid and
filtered. Silica obtained is ignited and weighed as SiOl. The silica is
hydrofluorized with hydrofluoric acid to obtain the content of pure silica.

A-3.1 Reagents
A-3.1.1 Dilute Hydrochloric Acid - 1 : 1.
A-3.1.2 Hydr&oric Acid - 40 to 60 percent ( m/v ).
A-3.1.3 Concentrated Sulghuric Acid - See IS : 266-1977*.

A-3.2 Procedure - Take 100 ml aliquot of the solution reserved

in A- in a 400-ml beaker, acidify with dilute hydrochloric acid and
evaporate to dryness to dehydrate the silica. After dehydrating, take up
the residue with dilute hydrochloric acid and filter. The filtrate is again
evaporated to dryness, taken up in dilute hydrochloric acid and filtered as
*Specification for sulphuric acid ( second reuision ).

IS: 2881.1984

before on a new filter paper. Reserve the filtrate for the determination of
iron and aluminium oxides in A-5. Wash the filter paper thoroughly with
hot water and place in a platinum crucible. Ignite at 900°C for 30 min
and weigh. Add a few drops of hydrofluoric acid and concentrated
sulphuric acid to the crucible, evaporate to dryness, ignite and weigh.
A-3.3 Calculation
100 ( Mr - MS )
Silica ( as Si02 ), percent by mass =
11fr = mass in g of the crucible before treatment with hydrofluoric

M, = mass in g of the crucible after treatment with hydrofluoric

acid, and
M = mass in g of the material present in the aliquot.


A-4.0 Outline of the Method - The formation of a red aluminium

lake with aurin tricarboxylic acid, also known as ‘aluminon’ is the basis
for calorimetric estimation of aluminium present in small quantities. The
lake is formed in the presence of acetic acid - acetate buffer. Since
silicates and phosphates interfere they have removed first. The optimum
intensity of colour is developed around jH 5.3.
A-4.1 Apparatus
A-4.1.1 Kessler C3;linders - 50 ml capacity

A-4.2 Reagents
A-4.2.1 Aluminon Solution -- Dissolve 154 g of ammonium acetate in 500
ml of water, add 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid 1 : 4 ( v/v ) and mix.
Dissolve 0.4 g of ammonium salt of aurin tricarboxylic acid ( aluminon )
in water, add and mix with the above solution. Finally dissolve 1 g of gum
arabic or pure gelatin in water, add to above and dilute the solution
exactly to 1 litre. This solution should be stored in amber-coloured bottle.

A-4.2.2 Standard Aluminium Solution - Dissolve 1.757 0 g of potash alum

( K,SOd. Al, ( SO1 ) s24H,O) in water and dilute exactly to one litre.
One millilitre of this solution is equivalent to 0.10 mg of aluminium
( as Al ).
A-4:2.3 Glacial Acetic Acid - See IS : 695-1975*.

*Specification for acetic acid ( second revision ).

iS : 2881- 1984

A-4.2.4 Ammonium Hydroxide - 20 percent (m/m>.

A-4.2.5 Ammonium Carbonate - Solid.

A-4.3 Procedure

A-4.3.1 Pipette out 25 ml of the solution reserved in A- into a

Nessler cylinder. Add 5 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and 5 ml of glacial
acetic acid. Then add 5 ml of ammonium hydroxide and 1 g of ammonium
carbonate and mix. The @H of the solution at this stage should be bet-
ween 5-O and 6-O. Finally, add 5 ml of aluminon solution and make up to
50 ml. Shake well and allow to stand. A pink colour slowly develops,

A-4.3.2 In four other Nessler cylinders, take 1 ml to 4 ml of the stand-

ard aluminium solution and add the same quantities of other reagents as
in A-4.3.1, finally making up to 50 ml volume and mixing well. Allow the
pink colour to develop on standing. Compare the colour given by the test
solution against these four standards and determine which is nearest
matching colour.

A-4.3.3 If the test solution colour matches with a cylinder

a) having 1 ml of standard aluminium solution, then the barytes

sample contains O-2 percent aluminium,

b) having 2 ml standard solution, then the barytes sample contains

0.4 percent aluminium,

cl having 4 ml of standard solution, then the barytes sample contains

0.6 percent aluminium or; and

4 having 4 ml of standard solution, then the barytes sample

contains 0.8 percent aluminium.


A-5.1 Apparatus

A-5.1.1 Xssler Cylinders - 50 ml capacity.

A-5.2 Reagents
A-5.2.1 Dilute Hydrochloric Acid - 1: 1 ( v/v).
A-5.2.2 Concentrated flitric Acid - See IS : 264 - 1976*.

A-5.2.3 Ammonium Persulphate - Solid.

*Specification for nitric acid ( second revision).

I8 t 2991m1981

A-5.2.4 Butanolic Potassiun Thiocyanate Solution - Dissolve 10 g of potas-

sium thiocyanate in 10 ml of water. Add sufficient n-butanol to make up
to 100 ml and shake vigorously until solution is clear.

A-5.2.5 Standard Iron Solution - Dissolve 0,702 g of ferrous ammonium

sulphate [ FeS06 ( NH4 )s S0,.6HB0 ] in 10 ml of 10 percent sulphuric
acid and dilute with water to make up to 1 000 ml. Pipette out 10 ml of
this solution and dilute with water to make the volume to 100 ml exactly.
One millilitre of this solution is equivalent to O-01 mg of iron ( as Fe ).

A-5.3 Procedure - Pipette out 25 ml of solution reserved in A-

into a Nessler cylinder, add to this 5 ml of concentrated nitric acid and
mix thoroughly with a glass rod. Add about 30 mg of ammonium per-
sulphate and stir to dissolve. Finally, add 15 ml of butanolic potassium
thiocyanate solution, make up to 50 ml with water and mix the contents
of the cylinder well. Allow the cylinder to stand when the butanolic Uayer
is seen to separate out slowly at the top carrying the pink coloured iron
complex in it. Carry out a control test in another Nessler cylinder using 5
ml of the standard iron solution and the same quantities of other reagents
used in the test. Compare the colours in the two Nessler cylinders.

A-5.3.1 The limit prescribed for iron in Table 1 shall be taken as not
having been exceeded if the colour in the test with material is not deeper
than that produced in the control test.


A-6.0 Outline of the Method - Calcium and magnesium are deter-

mined together by titration of an aliquot of the filtrate obtained
in A- with standard EDTA solution.

A-6.1 Reagents

A-6.1.1 Standard Calcium Chloride Solution - Dissolve 1.00 g of calcium

carbonate ( dried at 120” C ) in minimum quantity of concentrated hydro-
chloric acid and make up the solution to exactly one litre.

A-6.1.2 Ethylenediamine Tetra-Acetic Acid (EDNA ) Solution - Dissolve

7.44 g of disodium ethylenediamine tetra-acetate dihydrate in water and
make up the volume to two litres.

A-6.1.3 Ammonium Hydroxide Ammonium Chloride Buffer Solution - Dissolve

67.5 g of ammonium chloride in a mixture of 570 ml of ammonium hydroxi-
de ( 20 percent m/m ) and 250 ml of water. Dissolve separately a mixture
of 0.931 g of EDTA and 0.616 g of magnesium sulphate heptahydrate in
about 50 ml of water. Mix the two solutions and make up to one litre.

16.t 2881 - 1984

A-6.1.4 Eriochrome Black T Indicator Solution - Dissolve 0.1 g of the

material in 20 ml of methanol. This solution shall be prepared fresh at
weekly intervals.
A-6.2 Procedure
A-6.2.1 Standardization of EDTA Solution -’ The EDTA solution is stand-
ardized against standard calcium chloride solution with eriochrome black
I indicator. Pipette out 50 ml of standard calcium chloride solution in a
250-ml conical flask and add 5 ml of ammonium hydroxide ammonium
chloride buffer solution ( #H of the solution approximately 10 ) and 5
drops of eriochrome black T indicator solution to it. Tirate with EDTA
solution until the wine red colour changes to pure blue ( A ml ).

A-6.2.2 Take lOO-ml aliquot of the solution reserved in A- in a

250-ml conical flask and add 5 ml of ammonium hydroxide-ammonium
chloride buffer solution and 5 drops of eriochrome black T indicator.
Titrate with EDTA solution until the wine red colour changes to pure blue
A-6.3 Calculation

Calcium and magnesium ( as CaCos ), percent by mass = $g

B = volume in ml of EDTA solution required in A-6.2.2,
A = volume in ml of EDTA solution required in A-6.2.1, and
M = mass in g of the material present in the aliquot.

A-7.1 Procedure - Place 25.0 g of the material, accurately weighed, on
to 75-micron and 53-micron IS sieves placed one above the other, the
former being on the top. Shake mechanically or by hand for 15 min.
Wash the material on each sieve with water, gently brushing with a soft
camel-hair brush, until the washings are clear. Dry the material passing
through each sieve to constant mass at 100 f 2%.

A-7.2 Calculation

Fineness, material passing through respective = 4 M

IS Sieve, percent by mass


M = mass in g of the material passing through the sieve.

IS : 2881- 1984


A-8.1 Apparatus

A-8.1.1 Relative Density Bottle - 50 ml capacity.

A-8.2 Procedure

A-8.2.1 Dry the material to constant mass at 105 to 110°C and place
the dried material in a glass-stoppered weighing bottle. Carry out the test
in duplicate.

A-8.2.2 Dry the relative density bottle and its stopper at 105 to llO”C,
cool in a desiccator and weigh to the nearest milligram. Fill the bottle
with kerosine maintained at 27.0 f 0*5T and again weigh ( MI ). Empty
the bottle and dry again.
A-8.2.3 Partially fill ( one-fourth to half of its capacity ) the dry relative
density bottle with kerosine maintained at 27 f O-5’%. Place exactly 40 g
of the dried material ( Mz ) in the bottle and connect to a vacuum pump
to remove any adhering air bubbles. Fill it up with kerosine maintained at
27 & 0*5”C and weigh ( Ms ).
A-8.3 Calculation

Relative density at 27127°C = M

a-((--_M1) x d

M, = mass in g of the material taken,

M3 = mass in g of the relative density bottle with the material and
Ml = mass in g of the relative density bottle with kerosine, and
d = relative density of kerosine at 27127°C.

A-8.3.1 The two determinations shall agree to within 0.005, otherwise

additional determinations shall be made.


A-9.1 Procedure - Weigh accurately about 100 g of the powdered

material. Wet it thoroughly with a small quantity of water and then add
200 ml freshly boiled and cooled water. Boil for 5 min. Cool the mixture
to room temperature. Make up to 250 ml with freshly boiled and cooled
water, shake and filter. Reject the first 50-ml portion of the filtrate. Take
a lOO-ml portion from the rest of the filtrate in a tared platinum dish and
evaporate to dryness on a water-bath. Dry the residue obtained to
constant mass in an oven at 105 to 110%.
tS:2881- 1984

A-9.2 Calculation
250 B
Matter soluble in water, percent by mass = M

A = mass in g of the residue, and

M = mass in g of the material taken for the test.


A-10.0 General - The purpose of the performance test is to observe the
effect on the rheological properties of a standard bentonite suspension
when it is loaded with the barytes under test. The rheological perameters
will increase due to the increase in the content of solid particles in the
mud. But if the barytes contain appreciable quantities of soluble salts,
especially calcium and magnesium salts, the rheological parameters will
increase much more than with the addition of the same amount of salt-free
barytes. The degree of fineness of the barytes particles also plays a role
in it. A bentonite suspension in water having an apparent viscosity of
15 centipoise is taken more or less as a standard for laboratory testing of
mud chemicals.

A-10.1 Apparatus
A-10.1.1 Direct Indicating Torsion-Viscometer - The instrument is based
on the principle that the torque exerted by a liquid is directly proportional
to its viscosity. It consists of two cylinders. Mud is contained in the
annular space between the two cylinders. The outer cylinder or rotor
sleeve is connected to a motor and is driven at a constant rotational velo-
city. The rotation of the rotor sleeve in the mud produces a torque on the
inner cylinder or bob. A torsion spring restrains the movement. A dial
attached to the bob indicates displacement of the bob. The instruments
constants have been so adjusted that the apparent viscosity in centipoise
( CP ) equals the 600 rev/min reading divided by 2.

A-10.1.2 Electric Stirrer - A high speed laboratory electric stirrer having

a minimum speed of 5000 rev/min with corrugated impeller.

A-10.2 Material

A-10.2.1 Btntonite Powder - An approved sample of bentonite powder

which on preparation of 5 to 7 percent suspension in water gives a mud
of 15 to 20 centipoise.
A-10.3 Procedure - Prepare a 5 to 7 percent bentonite suspension by
making 5 to 7 of approved bentonite per 100 g of suspension in water. Stir
for 15 min with the stirrer, and then age for 14 h at room temperature.


IS:2881 - 1984

After the lapse of ageing period, stir for 5 min. Place the suspension in a
suitable container and immerse the rotor sleeve exactly to the inscribed
line. With the sleeve rotating at 600 rev/min, wait for the dial reading
to reach a steady value. Divide the dial reading at 600 revlmin by 2 to
obtain the apparent viscosity. This value should be 15 to 20 centipoise.

A-10.3.1 Load 400 ml of bentonite suspension with 310 g of barytes so

that the relative density of the suspension is raised to 1.50 ( see Note ).
Stir for 5 min and determine the apparent viscosity as in A-10.3.

NOTE - The relative density of barytes varies. Therefore, the mass of barytes
required to be added to, say, one litre of bentonite suspension to raise its relative
density to 1.50 cannot be accurately specified. Generally 3 10 g of barytes is added to
400 ml of bentonite suspension. The formula given below serves as a guide:

VI DI f V, 4 = ( V, f Vs ) Da

M = VI Dz(Da__.__
- DI )
(Da - 03 1

VI = volume in ml of bentonite suspension,

D1 - relative density of bentonite suspension,

V2 = volume in ml of barytes added,

Da = relative density of barytes added,

D8 = desired relative density of the loaded mud, and

M = mass in g of bargtes required to be added ( Vp D, ).

A-10.3.2 The material shall be considered to possess satisfactory perform-

ance if the apparent viscosity of the mud is not more than 50 centipoise.

IS : 2881- 1984

( Continuedfrom page 2 )

Members Representing
SRRIV.G. MALKHAN Directorate of Geology & Mining, Ahmadabad
SHRI M. N. BRATTI ( Alternate)
SHRI S. C. PANDA Regional Research Laboratory (CSIR ),
DR S. Cl. DAS ( Alternate )
SHRI K. K. RAY The U. P. State Mineral Develooment
. Coroo-1

ration Ltd, Lucknow

DRS.SARAVANAN Tamil Nadu Minerals Ltd, Madras
( Alternate )
SHRI V. SHIVKUMAR Grindwell Norton Ltd, Bangalore
DR J. K. SINHA Central Mining Research Station ( CSIR ),
SHRI SUMESH SINHA Oil & Natural Gas Commission, Dehra Dun
SERI D. K. VERMA Bihar State Mineral Development Corporation
Ltd, Ranchi


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