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ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta

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yxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK

ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È


bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK 14th Year No 23

አ‫ףם‬ኦ‫ـף‬ኛ ዓ‫ ُא‬qÜ_R @3
yÞZB twµ×C MKR b¤T «ÆqEnT ywÈ ADDIS ABABA 22nd April, 2008
አዲስ አበ‫ג וֹ‬ያዝያ 04 qN 2‫ ְֱך‬ዓ.‫ו‬


xêJ qÜ_R 5)&1/2‫ְך‬ሀ ›.M Proclamation No. 571/2008

የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ አዋጅ......... ገጽ 4¹þ#8 Radiation Protection Proclamation ……Page 4038

xêJ qÜ_R 5)&1/2‫ְֱך‬ PROCLAMATION NO. 571/2008

የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ አዋጅ

በሀገ‫ֱד ًע‬በ‫ף‬ዊና ኢኮኖ‫ג‬ያዊ እድገُ ውስጥ WHEREAS, the need for using radiation and radio-
ጨ‫ףנ‬ንና ‫פ‬ዲዮ አይሶِፖ٤ን ጥቅ‫ֶ ו‬ይ የ‫ד‬ዋָ isotopes in the nations socioeconomic development is
ፍֶጎُ ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ እየጨ‫ נא‬በ‫וא‬ጣًና ይֱ‫ו‬ increasing from time to time with the entailing risks of
አጠቃ‫ ושׂ‬አግ‫וֹ‬ብ ያֳውና ውጤٍ‫ ד‬የ‫א‬ከֶከָ ዘዴ damage to health, property and the environment, unless
በ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ እስካָዋֳ ድ‫נ‬ስ በጤና በንብ‫ُנ‬ና proper and effective protection schemes are introduced
በአካ‫ֶ תּוֹ‬ይ ‫ـ‬ጓዳኝ ጠንቅ ֵያስከָُ የ‫ג‬٤ָ with respect to such use;

የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪዎ٤ና ‫ـ‬ያያ¡ነُ ֶֶْው WHEREAS, it is essential to establish an Authority

‫ـ‬ግ‫ֳ ُףוֹ‬ሕብ‫ שּרـנ‬ጥቅ‫ ו‬አገָግֹُ ֶይ that regulates radiation sources and related practices in
order to protect individuals, society and environment in
‫ת‬ውִ በግֳ‫ר‬ቦ٤፣ በሕብ‫שּרـנ‬፣ በንብ‫ُנ‬ና በአካ
current and future generation against the harmful
‫ תּוֹ‬በአሁኑና በወደፊً ُውָድ ጭ‫ֵ ץו‬ያደ‫שץ‬
effects of radiation, while such sources and related
የ‫ג‬٤ִُን ‫ـ‬ጓዳኝ የጨ‫ ףנ‬ጠንቅ ‫א‬ከֶከָ እንዲ
practices are used for the benefit of the public;
٢ָ የ‫פ‬ጉֶِ‫שּׁ ע‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬የ‫ג‬ያደ‫ץ‬ግ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣን
‫ והּהּד‬በ‫ד‬ስፈֳጉ፣
WHEREAS, it is essential to strengthen radiation
የጨ‫ ףנ‬ደֱንነُና የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ ‫שּׁ‬ሶ٤ protection activities by defining the legal
ጥበቃ የ‫ֳאג‬ከٍْው ‫ר‬ዎ٤ን ሕጋዊ ٪ֶፊነُ responsibilities of persons, who are in charge of
በ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ንና ‫וֹשׂـ‬ይነُ ካֳው የ‫א‬ጋֳጥ ‫א‬ጠን በֶይ radiation safety and security of radiation sources, and
የጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥ በ‫ג‬ያደ‫ר שץ‬ዎ٤ ֶይ ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ድ by providing appropriate sanctions against persons who
የ‫ג‬ገ‫ْוֹ‬ውን ‫ـ‬ገ‫ תּ‬እ‫וץ‬ጃዎ٤ በ‫א‬ደንገግ የጨ‫ףנ‬ cause radiation exposure in excess of the acceptable
‫א‬ከֶከִን ‫ד ףם‬ጠናከ‫ ץ‬አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ በ‫א‬ገኘً፣ level;

በኢُዮጵያ ፌዴ‫ֶף‬ዊ ዲ‫ז‬ክ‫תף‬ያዊ ‫ע‬ፐብֵክ NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (1)
of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
ሕገ ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬አን‫שׂ‬ጽ $5 (1) ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ג‬ከ‫ֳـ‬ው
Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA 4‫"ְך‬9 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4039

ክፍָ አንድ PART ONE


1. አጭ‫ץ ץ‬ዕስ 1. Short Title

ይֱ አዋጅ “የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ץ‬ This Proclamation may be cited as the “Radiation
Protection Proclamation No. 571/2008”.
5)&1/2‫ـ ”ְֱך‬ብֹ ֵጠ‫שׂ‬ስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
2. Definitions
2. ُ‫ץ‬ጓ‫ה‬

የቃִ አገ‫וֹ‬ብ ֶַ ُ‫ץ‬ጉ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ያ‫ר‬ጠው ካֲָነ In this Proclamation, unless the context otherwise
በስ‫ ץשׂـ‬በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ፣ requires:

1/ “ጨ‫ ֳُד ”ףנ‬ጋ‫ד‬፣ ኤክስ‫פ‬ይ፣

1/ “Radiation” means gamma rays, X-rays,
ኮ‫ץ‬ፐስኩֳ‫ץ‬፣ ָእֳ ሀ‫ףו‬ዊ፣ ብ‫ץ‬ሃን፣ corpuscular, ultraviolet, visible, infrared,
ֱٍ‫שׂـ‬ይ፣ ‫ד‬ይክ‫צ‬ዌá ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫פ‬ዲዮ microwave or radio radiation;
‫ז‬ገድ ጨ‫ ףנ‬ነው፣

2/ “የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ” ‫ד ֳُד‬ንኛውን‫ו‬ 2/ “Radiation source” means any material or

ጨ‫ ףנ‬በ‫אד‬ንጨُ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥን device that may cause radiation exposure by
የ‫ג‬ያስከָُ ‫שּׁ‬ስ ወይ‫עכא ו‬ያ ነው፣ emitting radiation;

3/ “እ‫ֹּל‬ግ የጨ‫ו ףנ‬ንጭ” ‫ ֳُד‬በ‫ٍא‬₪ጉ 3/ “Sealed source” means radioactive material

ወይ‫ ו‬በֶַ ‫ץם‬ዓُ ‫ֳוֹ‬ው ‫א‬ንገድ በ‫א‬ያዙ that is permanently sealed in a capsule or
በ‫ـ‬ገ‫ָא תּ‬ኩ አገָግֹُ ֶይ በ‫ג‬ውָበُ closely bonded and in a solid form, excluding
ጊዜ በውስጡ ያֳው የ‫פ‬ዲዮ አክٌá ‫שּׁ‬ስ reactor fuel elements which is not exempted
ֳ‫ץם‬ጭُ ወይ‫ֳ ו‬ንኪኪ በ‫ד‬ናْው‫ו‬ from regulatory control;
‫א‬ንገድ ያָ‫ـ‬ጋֳጠ የጨ‫ו ףנ‬ንጭ ነው፣

4/ “የአِ‫ג‬ክ ኢነ‫ץ‬ጂ” ‫ ֳُד‬ከ‫פ‬ዲዮአይ 4/ “Atomic energy” means any type of energy

ሶِፕ፣ ከኒውክַ‫ע ץ‬አክ‫ֹּל‬ን፣ ከኒውክַ‫ץ‬ emitted from radio-isotopes, nuclear
‫ע‬አክ‫ץـ‬፣ ከኤክስ‫פ‬ይ ‫א‬ሳ‫ע‬ያዎ٤ ወይ‫ו‬ reactions, nuclear reactors, X-ray equipment
ከַֹ٤ አዮን ፈጣ‫ ע‬ጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ or other technical apparatus emitting ionizing
ዎ٤ የ‫ג‬ገኝ ኢነ‫ץ‬ጂ ነው፣ radiation;
5/ “Exposure” means exposure to radiation from
5/ “‫א‬ጋֳጥ” ‫ ֳُד‬ከአካָ ውጭ‫ֲ ו‬ነ
sources either external to the body or
በአካָ ውስጥ ከ‫ג‬ገኝ ‫ו‬ንጭ ֳፈֳ‫שׂ‬ incorporated within the body;
ጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥ ነው፣

6/ “የውስድ ‫א‬ጠን” ‫ ֳُד‬እያንዳንዱ ‫ר‬ው 6/ “Dose limit” means the value of effective
‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ከ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ግበُ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ dose or equivalent dose to individuals from
የጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥ የ‫ג‬ያገኘውና ‫א‬ጣስ controlled practices that shall not be
የֳַበُ እ‫ץ‬ከን ነው፣ exceeded;

7/ “‫ـ‬ግ‫ـֳ ֳُד ”ץוֹ‬ጨ‫ עד‬የጨ‫ףנ‬ 7/ “Practice” means any human activity that
‫א‬ጋֳጫ ‫ו‬ንጮ٤ ወይ‫א ו‬ንገዶ٤ introduces additional sources of exposure or
‫א‬ንስኤ የֲነ ወይ‫ו‬ ‫א‬ጋֳጫ exposure pathways or extends exposure to
‫א‬ንገዶ٠ን በ‫ֳא‬ወጥ በ‫ר‬ዎ٤ ֶይ additional people or modifies the network of
የ‫ג‬ደ‫רץ‬ውን ወይ‫ֵ ו‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ የ‫ג‬٤ֳውን exposure pathways from existing sources, so
የጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥ ከፍ የ‫ג‬ያደ‫ץ‬ግ ወይ‫ו‬ as to increase the exposure or the likelihood
‫ـ‬ጨ‫ר עד‬ዎ٤ እንዲጋֳጡ የ‫ג‬ያደ‫ץ‬ግ of exposure of people or the number of
‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬እንቅስቃሴ ነው፣ people exposed;
gA 4‫ְך‬# “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4040

8/ “የጨ‫ ףנ‬ጠንቅ” ‫ד ֳُד‬ንኛው‫ֳ ו‬ጨ 8/ “Radiation hazard” means any injury or bodily
‫ ףנ‬በ‫א‬ጋֳጥ ወይ‫ ו‬የአካ‫ תּוֹ‬ወይ‫ו‬ or mental deficiency or abnormality due to
ንብ‫ ُנ‬በ‫פ‬ዲዮአክٌá ‫שּׁ‬ሶ٤ ‫א‬በከָ radiation exposure or contamination of the
‫ו‬ክንያُ የ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ ጉዳُ ወይ‫ ו‬የአካָ environment or property with radioactive
ወይ‫ ו‬የአእ‫ צו‬ጉድֳُ ወይ‫א ו‬ዛ‫ُוֹ‬ materials;
9/ “Radiation protection” means the task of
9/ “ጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָ” ‫ ֳُד‬ጨ‫ףנ‬ን በُክክָ
በ‫ֳא‬ካُና የጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥን ֳ‫שׂא‬ነስ የ‫ג‬
protecting radiation workers and the public
ያስ٤ָ ስָُ በ‫א‬ንደፍና ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ በ‫ד‬ዋָ from unnecessary exposure by the accurate
የጨ‫ـףר ףנ‬ኞ٤ንና ሕብ‫שּרـנ‬ን አስፈֶጊ measurement of radiation and the design and
ካֲָነ ‫א‬ጋֳጥ ֳ‫א‬ከֶከָ የ‫ג‬ከናወን use of methods to reduce radiation;
‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬ነው፣

0/ “የጨ‫ـףט ףנ‬ኛ” ‫ ֳُד‬ከጨ‫ףנ‬ 10/ “Radiation Worker” means any worker

‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫ـ‬ያያዘ ‫ו‬ድብ ‫ףם‬ው potentially exposed to radiation as a result of
የ‫ـ‬ነሳ ֳጨ‫ ףנ‬የ‫א‬ጋֳጥ እድָ ያֳው his occupation;
‫ר‬ው ነው፣
11/ “Radiation work” means work involving the
01/ “የጨ‫ ֳُד ”ףם ףנ‬በ‫פ‬ዲዮአክٌá use of radioactive materials, X-ray equipment
‫שּׁ‬ሶ٤፣ በኤክስ‫פ‬ይ ‫א‬ሳ‫ע‬ያዎ٤ ወይ‫ו‬ or other devices capable of emitting
ጨ‫אדֳ ףנ‬ንጨُ በ‫ג‬٤ִ ַֹ٤ radiation;
‫א‬ሳ‫ע‬ያዎ٤ የ‫ג‬ከናወን ‫ ףם‬ነው፣
12/ “Exemption” means a determination by the
02/ “ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ነጻ” ‫ ֳُד‬ከጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪው Authority that a source or practice need not
ወይ‫ו‬ ከ‫ـ‬ግ‫סוֹ‬ የ‫ג‬ጠበ‫שׂ‬ው ‫א‬ጋֳጥ be subject to some or all aspects of regulatory
አነስ‫ـ‬ኛ በ‫ֲא‬ኑ ‫ו‬ክንያُ በ‫ـ‬ወ‫ר‬ነ ደ‫נ‬ጃ control on the basis that the exposure due to
ወይ‫ ִב ו‬በ‫ ִב‬የ‫פ‬ጉֶِ‫שּׁ ע‬ጥጥ‫ץ‬ the source or practice is small to warrant the
የ‫ד‬ይደ‫נ‬ግበُ ‫ـ‬ብֹ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የ‫אـ‬ደበ
application of those aspects;
‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬ወይ‫ ו‬የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ ነው፣
13/ “Exclusion” means any exposure whose
03/ “ከግዴٍ ውጭ” ‫ד ֳُד‬ንኛው‫ו‬ magnitude or likelihood is essentially unable
ከአዮን ፈጣ‫ ע‬ጨ‫ ףנ‬የ‫ג‬ኖ‫ ץ‬የ‫א‬ጋֳጥ to be controlled through the regulatory
‫א‬ጠን ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ጠበቅ ‫א‬ጋֳጥ ‫ִُוֹ‬ requirements or standards;
የ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫א ץ‬ስፈ‫ِץ‬٤ ወይ‫ ו‬ደ‫נ‬ጃ
‫שּׁ ُנטא‬ጥጥ‫ֵ ץ‬ደ‫נ‬ግበُ የ‫ד‬ይ٢ָ

04/ “‫פ‬ዲዮአክٌá ‫שּׁ‬ስ” ‫ד ֳُד‬ንኛው‫ו‬ 14/ “Radioactive material” means any material
ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ነጻ ‫ـ‬ብֹ ከ‫ג‬ወጣው ‫א‬ጠን emitting ionizing radiation above the
በֶይ የֲነ አዮን ፈጣ‫ ע‬ጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ exemption level;
‫שּׁ‬ስ ነው፣

05/ “‫ד‬ሳወቅ” ‫ ֳُד‬በዚֱ አዋጅ በአን‫שׂ‬ጽ 15/ “Notification” means a document submitted
06/1/ እና 06/2/ በ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ـ ُס‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ to the Authority by a person to notify an
ֳ‫ ُףדרא‬ወይ‫ד ו‬ንኛውን‫ ו‬ከጨ‫ףנ‬ intention to carry out a practice or any other
action described in the Article 16(1) and 16
ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ـ‬ያያዘ እንቅስቃሴ ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ያ‫שׂ‬ደ
(2) of this Proclamation;
‫ר‬ው እቅዱን ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ֳ‫ד‬ሳወቅ
የ‫ג‬ያ‫ץשׂ‬በው ‫נא‬ጃ ነው፣

06/ “የ‫ו‬ዝገ‫ וֹ‬የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫ ֳُד ”ُשׂנ‬አነስ 16/ “Registration” means a form of authorization
‫ـ‬ኛ ወይ‫א ו‬ካከֳኛ ጉዳُ ֵያስከָُ granted by the Authority for practices of low
ֳ‫ג‬٤ָ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬እንደአስፈֶጊነً ገደቦ٤ or moderate risks and accompanied by
ንና ሁኔٍዎ٤ን ያካ‫ ــ‬በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ conditions and limitations as appropriate;
የ‫רג‬ጥ ፈቃድ ነው፣
gA 4‫ְך‬#1 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4041

07/ “የፈቃድ የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫חא ֳُד ”ُשׂנ‬ 17/ “License” means an authorization granted by
ֶُ ያֳ‫ْוֹ‬ው የደֱንነُና የጥ‫א ُף‬ስፈ the Authority on the basis of a safety
‫ِץ‬٤ ‫ֶٍْחא‬ው ‫נת‬ጋገጥ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ assessment and accompanied by specific
ጣኑ የ‫רג‬ጥ ዋና ዋና ‫א‬ስፈ‫ِץ‬٤ንና requirements and conditions to be complied
ሁኔٍዎ٤ን አካِ የያዘ ፈቃድ ነው፣ with by the license;

18/ “Person” means a natural or juridical person.

08/ “‫ר‬ው” ‫ ֳُד‬የ‫ـ‬ፈጥ‫ר צ‬ው ወይ‫ ו‬በሕግ
የ‫ר‬ውነُ ‫א‬ብُ የ‫רـ‬ጠው አካָ ነው፡፡
19/ “Radiation Safety Officer” means a person
09/ “የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ‫א‬ኮንን ” ‫ֳُד‬ who is a worker of the Authority and in
የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫ـףט‬ኛ ֲኖ ከጨ‫ףנ‬ connection to radiation protection has
‫א‬ከֶከָ ‫ ףם‬ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫ـ‬ያያዘ َክኒካዊ technical knowledge and the proper
ብቃُ ያֳውና የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ץ‬ ወ‫ُשׂנ‬ certificate.
የ‫רـ‬ጠው ‫ـףט‬ኛ ነው፡፡

3. Scope of Application
3. የ‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ג‬ነُ ወ‫ר‬ን
1/ This Proclamation shall be applicable to
1/ ይֱ አዋጅ በጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪዎ٤፣ በጨ radiation sources, accessories of radiation
‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ ‫עכא‬ያ ‫ֳא‬ዋወጫዎ٤ና devices and related practices.
‫ـ‬ያያ¡ነُ ‫ֶْוֹ‬ው ‫ـ‬ግ‫ֶ ُףוֹ‬ይ
‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ג‬ነُ ይኖ‫נ‬ዋָ፡፡

2/ የዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ ድንጋጌ፣ 2/ The provisions of Sub-Article (1) of this
Article shall not extend to:
ሀ/ ‫ר‬ው ‫ـ‬ጽእኖ ሳያደ‫ץ‬ግ‫ْוֹ‬ው በ‫ـ‬ፈ
ጥ‫ צ‬የ‫ג‬ገኙ ጨ‫צנ‬٤ንና የጨ‫ףנ‬ a) radiations and radiation sources found in
አ‫א‬ንጪዎ٤ን፣ እንዲሁ‫ו‬ nature without any human interventions;
ֳ/ ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ነጻ የֲኑ የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ን
ጪዎ٤ንና ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ን፣ የ‫ֳאג‬ b) radiation sources and practices which are
ከُ አይֲን‫ו‬፡፡ exempted from regulatory control.

ክፍָ ሁֳُ
የኢُዮጵያ ጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣን THE ETHIOPIAN RADIATION
4. ‫והּהּא‬
4. Establishment
1/ It is hereby re-established the Ethiopian
1/ የኢُዮጵያ ጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣን
Radiation Protection Authority (hereinafter
/ከዚֱ በኋֶ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣን እየ‫ ֳוֹـ‬የ‫ג‬
referred to as “the Authority”) as an
ጠ‫ף‬/ የሕግ ‫ר‬ውነُ ያֳው ‫שף‬ን የ٢ֳ autonomous federal agency having its own
የፌዴ‫א ָף‬ንግ‫עםא ُם‬ያ ቤُ ֲኖ legal personality.
በዚֱ አዋጅ እንደገና ‫ָחשּׁהּـ‬፡፡
2/ The Authority shall be accountable to the
2/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫ـ‬ጠ‫ע‬ነً ֳኢُዮጵያ ሳይን Ethiopian Science and Technology Agency.
ስና َክኖֹጂ ኤጀን‫ ת‬ይֲናָ፡፡
gA 4‫ְך‬#2 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4042

5. ዋና ‫עםא‬ያ ቤُ 5. Head Office

የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ዋና ‫עםא‬ያ ቤُ አዲስ አበ‫וֹ‬ The Authority shall have its head office in Addis
ውስጥ ֲኖ ቅ‫ץ‬ንጫፍ ‫עםא‬ያ ቤِ٤ን እንደ Ababa and may establish branch offices in other
አስፈֶጊነً በַֹ٤ የሀገ‫ ًע‬ክָֹ٤ ‫והּהּד‬ regions of the country as appropriate.

6. የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ዓֶ‫ד‬ዎ٤ 6. Objectives of the Authority

The objectives of the Authority shall be to:

የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ዓֶ‫ד‬፤

1/ የኤክስ‫פ‬ይ ‫א‬ሳ‫ע‬ያዎ٤ን ጨ‫ צו‬ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥ 1/ protect individuals, the society, its property

ጥ‫ ץ‬ነጻ ያֲָኑ የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪዎ٤ና and the environment, in current and future
‫ـ‬ዛ‫ד‬ጅ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ ُףוֹ‬በግֳ‫ר‬ቦ٤፣ በሕብ‫נ‬ generations, from radiation hazards emitted
‫שּרـ‬፣ በንብ‫ُנ‬ና በአካ‫ֶ תּוֹ‬ይ የወደ from radiation sources and related practices
ፊًን ُውָድ ጨ‫ֵ צו‬ያደ‫ שץ‬የ‫ג‬٤ including X-ray machines above the
ִُን የጨ‫ ףנ‬ጠንቅ የ‫א‬ከֶከָ፣ እና exempted level; and

2/ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָ እንቅስቃሴውን በ‫ג‬ያ 2/ carryout or promote study and research on

ግዙ ጉዳዮ٤ ֶይ ጥናُና ‫ ץוץו‬የ‫ד‬ድ issues that could support radiation protection
‫נ‬ግ ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ጉ ጥናُና ‫צוץו‬ activities.
٤ን የ‫ד‬በ‫ٍٍُנ‬፣
7. Powers and Duties of the Authority
7. የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫ָם‬ጣንና ‫ـ‬ግ‫ץוֹ‬
The Authority shall have powers and duties to:
‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የ‫ג‬ከ‫ָם ִُـ‬ጣንና ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬
1/ Issue, renew, suspend and revoke licenses to
1/ በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 06/1/ እና 06/2/ perform any of the activities listed in Article
የ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ُס‬ን እንቅስቃሴዎ٤ ֳ‫ד‬ከናወን 16/1/ and 16/2/ of this Proclamation and
የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ָ ፈቃድ የ‫א‬ስጠُ፣ የ‫ד‬ደስ፣
impose any necessary conditions on a license
የ‫ד‬ገድና የ‫נרא‬ዝ እንዲሁ‫ ו‬በ‫רـ‬ጠው
so granted;
ፈቃድ ֶይ አስፈֶጊ የֲኑ ግዴٍዎ٤ን

2/ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָን የ‫ֳאג‬ከً ፖֵ‫ת‬

2/ Formulate, as necessary, radiation protection
ዎ٤ን እንዳስፈֶጊነً የ‫א‬ንደፍ፣ ‫שּׂנ‬ቅ
policies and draft laws and submit to the
ሕጎ٤ን የ‫ד‬ዘጋጀُና ֳ‫א‬ንግ‫ُם‬ Government for approval;
አቅ‫ץ‬ቦ የ‫ד‬ስጸደቅ፣

3/ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָ ፖֵ‫ת‬ዎ٤ንና ሕጎ٤ን 3/ Issue directives for the implementation of

‫ـ‬ግ‫ףוֹ‬ዊ ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ִ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ץ‬ polices and laws concerning radiation
‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ን የ‫ד‬ውጣُና ‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ג‬ነٍ protection and follow up their implementation;
ْውን የ‫א‬ከٍ‫ָـ‬፣

4/ የጨ‫ ףנ‬ደֱንነُንና የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ

ዎ٤ን ጥበቃ በ‫ג‬ገ‫נדֳ וֹ‬ጋገጥ የ‫א‬ንግ 4/ Establish a system for coordinating public
‫ُם‬ንና የግָ እንቅስቃሴዎ٤ን ֳ‫ד‬ስ and private activities with a view to ensuring
‫וֹـ‬በ‫ ץ‬የ‫נג‬ዳ ‫ץם‬ዓُ የ‫א‬ዘ‫ץ‬ጋُ፣ radiation safety and security of radiation
5/ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָ አገָግֹُ የ‫א‬ስጠُ፣ 5/ Render radiation protection services;
gA 4‫ְך‬#3 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4043

6/ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ሕጎ٤ና ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ 6/ Carryout inspection and take appropriate

‫ֶ ףם‬ይ ‫א‬ዋֶْውን ֳ‫נד‬ጋገጥ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ measures to ensure compliance with radiation
ጥ‫ד ץ‬ካְድና አግ‫וֹ‬ብ ያֶْው እ‫וץ‬ጃዎ protection laws and directives;
٤ን የ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ፣
7/ Carryout or promote study and research on
7/ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָ እንቅስቃሴን በ‫ג‬ያግዙ issues that could support radiation protection
ጉዳዮ٤ ֶይ ጥናُና ‫ ץוץו‬የ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ወይ‫ו‬ activities and take measures or advise on
የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ጉ ጥናُና ‫צוץו‬٤ን የ‫ד‬በ‫ٍٍנ‬ measures to be taken based on the findings
ُና በ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ጉ ጥናُና ‫צוץו‬٤ የ‫ג‬ገኙ thereof;
ውጤِ٤ን ‫ ُנטא‬በ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ እ‫וץ‬ጃዎ٤
የ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ ወይ‫ ו‬እንዲወ‫ר‬ዱ የ‫דד‬ከ‫ץ‬፣

8/ ከአِ‫ג‬ክ ኢነ‫ץ‬ጂና ጨ‫ ףנ‬ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫ـ‬ዛ 8/ Advise the Government on matters related to

‫א‬ዱ ጉዳዮ٤ ‫א‬ንግ‫ُם‬ን የ‫דד‬ከ‫ץ‬፣ atomic energy and radiation;

9/ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָና ‫ـ‬ዛ‫ד‬ጅነُ ያֶْ 9/ Organise and promote the dissemination of

ውን ጉዳዮ٤ የ‫ֳאג‬ከً ‫נא‬ጃዎ٤ን information on radiation protection and
የ‫ד‬ደ‫ף‬ጀُና በ‫ָם‬ጠና ኮ‫ץ‬ሶ٤፣ በሴ‫ג‬ related matters through training courses,
ና‫צ‬٤፣ በ‫ג‬በ‫ـ‬ኑ ጽሁፎ٤ና በ‫א‬ሳ‫ִُר‬ seminars, pamphlets and the like;
10/ In collaboration with other concerned bodies,
0/ ጨ‫ ףנ‬የ‫ג‬ያደ‫רץ‬ውን አደጋ ֳ‫א‬ከֶከָ formulate emergency plans and set up
ከ‫ֳאג‬ከٍْው አካֶُ ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫וֹـא‬በ‫ץ‬ emergency squads for accidents involving
የድንገ‫ـ‬ኛ አደጋ ዝግጁነُና ‫ ֹּלֶו‬ብሔ radiation and take measures or advise on
‫ף‬ዊ ‫שּ‬ድን ‫והּהּד‬ና እቅድ የ‫ד‬ውጣُ፣ measures to be taken as needed;
እንደአስፈֶጊነً እ‫וץ‬ጃ የ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድና
11/ Ensure the implementation of treaties
01/ ሀገ‫ ًע‬በ‫א‬ስኩ ‫ـ‬ዋዋይ ወገን የֲነ٤‫ْוֹ‬ውን applicable to the sector and to which Ethiopia
ዓֳ‫ ו‬ዐ‫שׂ‬ፍ ስ‫וו‬ነِ٤ የ‫ד‬ስፈጸ‫ו‬ና ‫אـ‬ሳ is a party, and cooperate with local, foreign
ሳይ ዓֶ‫ ד‬ካֶْው የአገ‫ ץ‬ውስጥ፣ የውጭና and international organizations having
ዓֳ‫ ו‬አ‫שׂ‬ፍ ድ‫ץ‬ጅِ٤ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫וֹـא‬በ‫ץ‬፣ similar objectives;
02/ የውስድ ‫א‬ጠኖ٤ን፣ ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ነጻ፣ የ‫שָׂא‬ 12/ Issue directives to define dose limit,
‫שּׂ‬ያ ወ‫ר‬ኖ٤ንና ከግዴٍ ውጭ እ‫ץ‬ከኖ٤ exemption, clearance and exclusion levels as
እንዲሁ‫שּׁ ו‬ጥጥ‫ֵ ץ‬ደ‫נ‬ግ‫ْוֹ‬ው የ‫ג‬ገ‫שּ‬
well as relevant accessory equipments subject
‫ـ‬ዛ‫ד‬ጅ የ‫ֳא‬ዋወጫ ‫א‬ሳ‫ע‬ያዎ٤ን በ‫ג‬ያወ
to regulatory control;
ጣْው ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ የ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ን፣
13/ Establish a system of national register of
03/ ֳጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪዎ٤ና ‫ـ‬ዛ‫ד‬ጅ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬
ብሔ‫ף‬ዊ የ‫ו‬ዝገ‫ץם וֹ‬አُ የ‫א‬ዘ‫ץ‬ጋُ፣
radiation sources and practices;

14/ Issue certificates of competence to those

04/ ከጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ـ‬ያያዙ አገָግֹِ
٤ን ‫א‬ስጠُ ֳ‫ג‬ያቅዱ ‫ר‬ዎ٤ የብቃُ ‫נד‬ጋ who intend to provide radiation protection
ገጫ የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫ ُשׂנ‬የ‫א‬ስጠُ፣ የ‫בּא‬ጣጠ related services, supervise their activities, and
‫ץ‬ና አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ ‫ת‬ያገኘው‫ ו‬የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫שׂנ‬ if necessary suspend and revoke a certificate
ًን የ‫ד‬ገድና የ‫נרא‬ዝ፣ የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫ًשׂנ‬ it issued; and inform, on time, the suspension
‫ٍא‬ገዱን ወይ‫נרא ו‬ዙን ֳ‫ֳאג‬ከٍْው or revocation of a certificate to the concerned
አካֶُ በወቅً የ‫ד‬ሳወቅ፣ bodies;

05/ የንብ‫ֳוֹ ُנ‬ቤُ የ‫ֲא‬ን፣ ውָ የ‫א‬ዋዋ 15/ Own property, enter into contracts, sue and
ָና በስ‫ ב‬የ‫א‬ክ‫ר‬ስና የ‫א‬ከ‫ר‬ስ፣ be sued in its own name;

06/ ዓֶ‫ד‬ዎ٠ን ֳ‫ד‬ስፈፀ‫ ו‬አስፈֶጊ የֲኑ 16/ Carryout such other activities as necessary
for attaining its objectives.
ַֹ٤ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ን የ‫ד‬ከናወን
gA 4‫ְך‬#4 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4044

8. የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ አ‫והּ‬ 8. Organization of the Authority

‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ፣ The Authority shall have:

1/ የኢُዮጵያ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ቦ‫ץ‬ድ /ከዚֱ 1/ The Ethiopian Radiation Protection Board
በኋֶ ቦ‫ץ‬ድ እየ‫ ֳוֹـ‬የ‫ג‬ጠ‫ף‬/፣ (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”);

2/ በ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬የ‫ג‬ሾ‫ ו‬ዋና ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ץـ‬፣ እና 2/ a Director General to be appointed by the

Government; and
3/ አስፈֶጊው ‫ـףט‬ኞ٤፣
ይኖ‫ָٍס‬፡፡ 3/ The necessary staff.

9. የቦ‫ץ‬ድ አደ‫נ‬ጃጀُ 9. Organization of the Board

The board shall be organized by the government

የቦ‫ץ‬ዱ አደ‫נ‬ጃጀُ በ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬የ‫ג‬ወ‫ר‬ን ֲኖ
including a senior scientist as deemed necessary.
እንዳስፈֶጊነً ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬አንድ ከፍ‫ـ‬ኛ
ሳይንٌስُ በቦ‫ץ‬ድ አ‫ָוֹ‬ነُ ֵ‫א‬ድብ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
10. Powers and Duties of the Board
0. የቦ‫ץ‬ዱ ‫ָם‬ጣንና ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬

ቦ‫ץ‬ዱ የ‫ג‬ከ‫ִُـ‬ ‫ָם‬ጣንና ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ The Board shall have the powers and duties to:

1/ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ዋና ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ ץـ‬የ‫שּץשׂג‬ 1/ approve, upon submission by the Director

‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ን፣ እንዲሁ‫ו‬ ֳጨ‫ףנ‬ General, directives, fees and conditions
‫א‬ከֶከָ የ‫אשׂג‬ጡ ግዴٍዎ٤ንና prescribed for radiation protection activities
የነዚֱኑ ‫ָךָךד‬ያዎ٤ የ‫ד‬ጽደቅ፣ and amendments thereto;

2/ የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑን ዘገ‫וֹ‬ዎ٤ ‫ץאץאא‬ና 2/ review reports and approve the plans, work
እቅዱን፣ የ‫ ףם‬ፕ‫צ‬ግ‫בף‬ን፣ በጀًንና programmes, budget and internal regulations
የውስጥ ደን‫שּ‬ን ‫ד‬ጽደቅ፣ of the Authority;

3/ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ዋና ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ ץـ‬ውሳኔዎ٤ 3/ receive and decide on appeals by concerned

bodies against decisions by the Director
ֶይ ከ‫ֳוֹ‬ጉዳዮ٤ የ‫ שּץשׂג‬ይግ‫וֹ‬ኞ٤ን
‫שׂـ‬ብֹ የ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ን፣
4/ select and appoint technical advisers and
4/ በ‫ ֳُשּץשׂג‬ይግ‫וֹ‬ኞ٤ ֶይ َክኒካዊ obtain relevant professional assistance on
‫ו‬ክ‫צ‬٤ን የ‫רג‬ጡ ‫בֳוֹ‬ያዎ٤ ‫ץא‬ጦ appeal cases submitted to it;
የ‫רא‬የ‫ו‬ና ‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ውን ‫ב‬ያዊ ድጋፍ
5/ Recommend a senior scientist for board
5/ ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬በቦ‫ץ‬ድ አ‫ָוֹ‬ነُ የ‫אג‬ድበ membership upon request by the government;
ውን አንድ ከፍ‫ـ‬ኛ ሳይንٌስُ ‫ץא‬ጦ
እንዲָክֳُ ከጠየ‫ד שׂ‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ፣
6/ Provide advices as appropriate on draft laws
6/ በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 7/2/ ‫ُנטא‬ to be submitted to the Government as per
ֳ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬በ‫שּׂנ שּץשׂג‬ቅ ሕጎ٤ ֶይ Article 7(2) of this Proclamation.
እንደአስፈֶጊነً ሃሳብ የ‫ד‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ፡፡

01. የቦ‫ץ‬ዱ ስብ‫וֹר‬ዎ٤ 11. Meetings of the Board

1/ ቦ‫ץ‬ዱ ‫תּ‬ያንስ በስድስُ ወ‫ ץ‬አንድ ጊዜ 1/ The Board shall meet at least once in every
six months; provided, however, that it may
ይ‫ר‬በ‫ָוֹר‬፣ ֲኖ‫ ו‬በስብሳ‫תּ‬ው ጥ‫ע‬
convene at any time when called by the
በ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬ጊዜ ֵ‫ר‬በ‫ר‬ብ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
gA 4‫ְך‬#5 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4045

2/ ከቦ‫ץ‬ዱ አ‫ ֶُוֹ‬ከግ‫ֹּלד‬ በֶይ ‫ת‬ገኙ 2/ There shall be a quorum where a simple

‫ָו‬ዓ‫ ـ‬ጉ‫וֹ‬ኤ ይֲናָ፡፡ majority of the members of the Board are
3/ የቦ‫ץ‬ዱ ውሳኔዎ٤ በድ‫ו‬ፅ ብָጫ ይ‫ֳֶـ‬
ፋִ፣ ֲኖ‫ ו‬የድ‫ו‬ፅ አ‫ר‬ጣጡ እኩָ በኩָ 3/ Decisions of the Board shall be passed by
የ‫ـ‬ከፈֳ ‫ֲת‬ን ‫ר‬ብሳ‫תּ‬ው ወሳኝ ድ‫ו‬ፅ majority votes; and in case of a tie, the
ይኖ‫נ‬ዋָ፡፡ chairperson shall have a casting vote.

4/ ቦ‫ץ‬ዱ የ‫שף‬ን የስብ‫ם וֹר‬ነ ‫ץם‬ዓُ 4/ The Board may determine its own rules of
ደንብ ֵያወጣ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ procedures.

02. የዋና ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ָם סـ‬ጣንና ‫ـ‬ግ‫ץוֹ‬ 12. Powers and Duties of the Director General

1/ The Director General shall be the chief

1/ ዋና ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ סـ‬የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ዋና ‫ףם‬ executive officer of the Authority, and
አስፈፃ‫ֲ ג‬ኖ ቦ‫ץ‬ዱ በ‫רג‬ጠው አጠቃ subject to the general directives of the Board,
ֶይ ‫עאא‬ያ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑን shall be responsible for its proper
‫ףם‬ዎ٤ ይ‫ָףא‬፣ ያስ‫ـ‬ዳድ‫ָף‬፡፡ administration and operation.

2/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ የ‫ֳאـ‬ 2/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this
ከ‫ـ‬ው አጠቃֶይ አነጋገ‫ ץ‬እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫שׂ‬ Article, the Director General shall:
ֲኖ፣ ዋና ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫סـ‬፣
a) exercise the powers and duties of the
ሀ/ በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 7 የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ Authority specified under Article 7 of
ًُን የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑን ‫ָם‬ጣንና this Proclamation;
‫ـ‬ግ‫צוֹ‬٤ ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ ያውֶָ፣
b) employ, administer or terminate the
ֳ/ የፌዴ‫ת ָף‬ቪָ ‫ץר‬ቪስ ሕጐ٤ን employment of employees of the
‫ٍנטא‬ዊ ዓֶ‫ד‬ዎ٤ ‫ـ‬ከֹُ በ‫א‬ Authority in accordance with directives
approved by the Government following
ንግ‫ ُם‬በ‫ג‬ጸድቅ ‫עאא‬ያ ‫טא‬
the basic principles of the federal civil
‫ ُנ‬የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑን ‫ـףט‬ኞ٤
service laws;
ይ‫שׂ‬ጥ‫ָף‬፣ ያስ‫ـ‬ዳድ‫ָף‬፣ ያ‫ר‬ና
c) submit reports, plans, work programs,
ּ/ የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑን ‫ע‬ፖ‫ُץ‬፣ እቅድ፣ budgets, organizational structure and
የ‫ ףם‬ፕ‫צ‬ግ‫וף‬፣ በጀُ፣ ድ‫ץ‬ጅ internal regulations of the Authority to
ٍዊ ‫א‬ዋቅ‫ץ‬ና የውስጥ ደንብ ֳቦ the Board;
‫ץ‬ዱ ያ‫ָוֹץשׂ‬፣
d) effect expenditure in accordance with the
‫א‬/ ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በ‫ـ‬ፈ‫שׂ‬ደው በጀُና approved budget and work programme
የ‫ ףם‬ፕ‫צ‬ግ‫ ُנטא וף‬ገንዘብ of the Authority;
ወጪ ያደ‫ץ‬ጋָ፣
e) represent the Authority in all its dealings
‫ט‬/ ከሶስ‫ـ‬ኛ ወገኖ٤ ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ጉ with third parties;
ግንኙነِ٤ ሁִ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑን
f) notify the concerned body forthwith in
‫נ‬/ ከ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ አቅ‫ ו‬በֶይ የֲኑ የጨ
cases of radiation accidents and
‫ ףנ‬አደጋዎ٤ና ድንገ‫ـ‬ኛ አጋጣ‫ג‬ emergencies beyond the means of the
ዎ٤ ‫ת‬ከ‫ֳאגֳ ًר‬ከ‫ـ‬ው አካָ Authority.
ወዲያውኑ ያሳውቃָ፡፡
gA 4‫ְך‬#6 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4046

3/ ዋናው ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ָםֳוֳֹ ץـ‬ጣኑ ‫ףם‬ 3/ The Director General may delegate part of
ቅָጥፍና በ‫ג‬ያስፈָግ ‫א‬ጠን ‫ָם‬ጣ his powers and duties to the officers and
ንና ‫ـ‬ግ‫סוֹ‬ን በከፊָ ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ٪ֶፊ other employees of the Authority to the
ዎ٤ና ַֹ٤ ‫ـףט‬ኞ٤ በውክָና ֵያ extent necessary for the efficient execution of
ስ‫ֶָـ‬ፍ ይ٤ֶָ፣ ֲኖ‫ ו‬እ‫שץ‬ን ‫ـ‬ክِ its activities; provided, however, that a
የ‫ףרג‬ው ٪ֶፊ ከ" ‫שׂ‬ናُ ֳ‫ג‬በָጥ delegation given to act on behalf of the
Director General for a period of more than 30
ጊዜ የ‫ ףרג‬ከֲነ ውክָናው አስ‫שׂ‬ድ‫ז‬
days, shall be subject to the prior approval of
ֳኢُዮጵያ ሳይንስና َክኖֹጂ ኤጄን‫ת‬
the Director General of the Ethiopian Science
ዋና ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ץשׂ ץـ‬ቦ ‫א‬ፈ‫שׂ‬ድ አֳበُ፡፡ and Technology Agency.
03. የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ‫א‬ኮንኖ٤ 13 . Radiation Protection Officers

1/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የዚֱ አዋጅና የጨ‫ףנ‬ 1/ The Authority shall have radiation protection
‫א‬ከֶከָን የ‫ֳאג‬ከً የַֹ٤ ሕጎ٤ officers to ensure compliance with the
ድንጋጌዎ٤ ‫א‬ከበ‫ْף‬ውን ֳ‫נד‬ጋገጥ provisions of this Proclamation and other
የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ‫א‬ኮንኖ٤ ይኖ‫ָٍס‬፡፡ laws relating to radiation protection.

2/ የዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ 2/ Without Prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this
አጠቃֶይ አነጋገ‫ ץ‬እንደ‫ـ‬ጠበ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ Article, a radiation protection officer shall
‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ‫א‬ኮንን፣ have the powers to:

ሀ/ ያֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ፈቃድ ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ነፃ

‫א‬ጠን በֶይ የֲነ የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ a) enter, inspect and examine any business
‫א‬ያዙን፣ ‫א‬ከ‫ًْד‬ን፣ በአገָግֹُ premises, vehicle, boat, aircraft or any
ֶይ ‫א‬ዋִን፣ እየ‫ـ‬ጓጓዘ ‫ֲא‬ኑን ወይ‫ו‬ carriage, at any time, where he has
‫א‬ጣִን ֳ‫אד‬ን በ‫ו שּׂ‬ክንያُ ‫ת‬ኖ‫נ‬ው reasonable cause to believe that any
በ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ጊዜ ወደ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የ‫ףם‬ source of radiation above the exempted
ቦٍ፣ ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬፣ ጀָ‫וֹ‬፣ አይ‫צ‬ፕֶን level is held, stored, used, transported or
ወይ‫ד ו‬ናْው‫א ו‬ጓጓዣ ገብِ የ‫ד‬ disposed of without the authorization of
የُ፣ የ‫ץאץאא‬፣ የ‫ד‬ጣ‫ُף‬ና በዚֱ the Authority, and to seize the source of
ሂደُ ያገኘውን የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ radiation found in such process;
በ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץם ץ‬የ‫ד‬ዋָ፣

ֳ/ በ‫פ‬ዲዮአክٌá ‫שּׁ‬ስ ወይ‫ ו‬በጨ‫ףנ‬ b) require the production of any license

አ‫א‬ንጪዎ٤ ֳ‫א‬ጠ‫ ושׂ‬የ‫רـ‬ጠ authorizing the use of radioactive
ፈቃድ እና በጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ሕጐ material or sources of radiation and any
٤ና ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ـ‬ያዘ registry, notice or document kept in
‫א‬ዝገብ፣ የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫ ُשׂנ‬ወይ‫ו‬ pursuance of radiation protection
‫ד‬ስٍወ‫שּׂ‬ያ ‫ר‬ነድ እንዲ‫ץשׂ‬ብֳُ legislation and directives, and to inspect,
ጠይ‫ בּ‬የ‫ָאא‬ከُና የ‫ץאץאא‬ examine or take a copy thereof;
ወይ‫ ו‬ቅጅውን የ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ፣

ּ/ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ሕጐ٤ና ‫עאא‬ያ c) make such enquiries and take sample for
ዎ٤ ‫א‬ከበ‫ْף‬ውን ֳ‫נד‬ጋገጥ እንዳ examination as may be necessary to
ascertain whether the provisions of
ስፈֶጊነً የ‫ד‬ጣ‫ُף‬ና ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ
radiation protection legislations and
በ‫ג‬ያወጣው ‫א‬ስፈ‫ُנטא ُץ‬
directives have been complied with and
የ‫ ףאץו‬ና‫ב‬ና የ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ፣ ሕጉ in case of non-compliance, to seal the
‫ـ‬ጥሶ ‫ת‬ገ ኝ‫ ו‬የ‫ד‬ንኛውን‫והּـ ו‬ radiation sources of any institution or the
የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ ወይ‫ ו‬የጨ‫ףנ‬ room in which such sources are located;
አ‫א‬ን ጪው የ‫ג‬ገኝበُን ክፍָ

‫א‬/ ብ٢ውን ֲኖ ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ץאג‬ጠው d) examine, either alone or in the presence

ֶַ ‫ר‬ው በ‫ـ‬ገኘበُ ‫ד‬ንኛውን‫ו‬ of any other person as he thinks fit, any
‫ר‬ው እ‫שף‬ን ወንጀֳኛ ֵያ‫ר‬ኘው person with respect to matters under
gA 4‫ְך‬#7 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4047

የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ָ ‫ָא‬ስ ወይ‫נא ו‬ጃ radiation protection legislations and

እንዲ‫ר‬ጥ እስካֶስገደደው ድ‫נ‬ስ የጨ directives or to require such person to be
‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ሕጎ٤ንና ‫עאא‬ያ examined provided that no person shall
ዎ٤ን ስֳ‫ֳאג‬ከً ጉዳዮ٤ ቃִን be compelled to answer any question or
የ‫שׂא‬በָ ወይ‫ ו‬ቃִን እንዲ‫ר‬ጥ give any evidence tending to incriminate
የ‫ד‬ዘዝ፣ himself;

e) require the conducting of such medical

‫ט‬/ ከ‫ـ‬ጣֳበُ ٪ֶፊነُ አኳያ አስፈֶጊ
examinations as may be necessary in the
ֲኖ ‫ת‬ገኝ የֱክ‫ו‬ና ‫ ףאץו‬እንዲ
discharge of his duties.
ከናወን የ‫ד‬ዘዝ፣
‫ָם‬ጣን ይኖ‫נ‬ዋָ፡፡

3/ Every radiation protection officer shall be

3/ እያንዳንዱ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ‫א‬ኮንን provided with a certificate of authorization
በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ዋና ዳይ‫פ‬ክ‫ ץـ‬የ‫ـ‬ፈ‫אנ‬ signed by the Director General of the
የ‫ָם‬ጣን ‫נד‬ጋገጫ የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫ُשׂנ‬ Authority and shall produce the certificate
‫א‬ያዝና በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /2/ where exercising his power under Sub-
የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ውን ‫ָם‬ጣኑን ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ Article (2) of this Article.
በ‫ג‬ያውָበُ ጊዜ የ‫ו‬ስክ‫ ץ‬ወ‫ًשׂנ‬ን
‫ד‬ሳየُ አֳበُ፡፡

04. የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በጀُ 14. The Budget of the Authority

The Authority shall run its activities by a budget

‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬በ‫אג‬ድበው በጀُ allocated by the Government.
15. Books of Accounts
05. የሂሳብ ‫א‬ዛግብُ
1/ The Authority shall keep complete and
1/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የ‫ִחـ‬ና ُክክֳኛ የֲኑ accurate books of accounts.
የሂሳብ ‫א‬ዛግብُ ይይዛָ፡፡
2/ The books of accouns and financial documents
2/ የ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የሂሳብ ‫א‬ዛግብُና ገንዘብ of the Authority shall be audited annually by
ነክ ‫ר‬ነዶ٤ በዋናው ኦዲ‫ ץـ‬ወይ‫ ו‬እ‫שץ‬ the Auditor General or by auditors assigned
በ‫רג‬ይ‫א‬ው ኦዲ‫ ץـ‬በየዓ‫ ًא‬ይ‫ִףאנא‬፡ by him.

ክፍָ ‫מ‬ስُ PART THREE

16. General
06. ጠ ቅ ֶ ֶ
1/ No practice shall be adopted, introduced,
conducted, discontinued or ceased except in
1/ ֳ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ـ ו‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬የ‫ג‬ጠበ‫שׂ‬ው ‫א‬ጋ
accordance with the requirements established
ֳጥ ከግዴٍዎ٤ ውጪ ካֲָነ ወይ‫ו‬ by the Authority unless the exposure to such
‫ـ‬ግ‫ סוֹ‬ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ነፃ ካֲָነ በስ‫ץשׂـ‬ practice is excluded or the practice is
የ‫ד‬ስٍወቅና ፈቃድ የ‫ד‬ግኘُ ግዴٍን exempted from the requirements, including
ጨ‫ָםֳוֹ צו‬ጣኑ ያወጣውን ‫א‬ስፈ‫ُץ‬ the requirements of notification and
ሳያ‫ ֶח‬አይጀ‫וץא‬፣ አይ‫ـ‬ዋወቅ‫ו‬፣ authorization
አይከናወን‫ו‬፣ አይ‫נהּ‬ጥ‫ו‬ ወይ‫ו‬
አይ‫וובּ‬፡፡ 2/ No radioactive material shall, as applicable,
be mined, manufactured constructed,
2/ ֳ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ የ‫ג‬ጠበ‫שׂ‬ው assembled, acquired, transited, imported,
‫א‬ጋֳጥ ከግዴٍዎ٤ ውጪ ካֲָነ ወይ‫ו‬ exported, distributed, sold, loaned, hired,
የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪው ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ነፃ ካֲָነ used, commissioned, maintained, repaired,
በስ‫ד ץשׂـ‬ንኛው‫פ ו‬ዲዮአክٌá ‫שּׁ‬ስ የ‫ד‬ሳ disassembled, transported, stored or disposed
ወቅንና ፈቃድ የ‫ד‬ግኘُ ግዴٍን ጨ‫צו‬ of except in accordance with the requirement
‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ያወጣውን ‫א‬ስፈ‫ ُץ‬ሳያ‫ֶח‬ established by the Authority unless the
gA 4‫ְך‬#8 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4048

እንደአግ‫ שּוֹ‬በ‫ד‬እድን ‫ָא‬ክ አይወጣ‫ו‬፣ exposure to such source is excluded or the

አይፈበ‫נ‬ክ‫ו‬፣ አይ‫וףר‬፣ አይገጣጠ‫וו‬፣ source is exempted from the requirements
በ‫ֳוֹ‬ቤُነُ አይያዝ‫ו‬፣ አይ‫ֳֶـ‬ፍ‫ו‬፣ ወደ including the requirements of notification and
አገ‫ ץ‬አይገ‫ווֹ‬፣ ወደ ውጭ አይֶክ‫ו‬፣ authorization.
አይከፋፈָ‫ו‬፣ አይ₪ጥ‫ו‬፣ አይዋስ‫ו‬፣ አይከ
‫ף‬ይ‫ו‬፣ ጥቅ‫ֶ ו‬ይ አይውָ‫ו‬፣ ከ‫ ףם‬ውጭ
እንዲֲን አይደ‫נ‬ግ‫ו‬፣ አይٍደስ‫ו‬፣ አይጠገ
ን‫ ו‬አይፈٍٍ‫ו‬፣ አይጓጓዝ‫ו‬፣ አይከ‫ד‬٤‫ו‬
ወይ‫ ו‬አይወገድ‫ו‬፣
3/ General notification and authorization
3/ አዮን ፈጣ‫ ע‬ያֲָኑ የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ obligations applicable to non-ionizing
ዎ٤ንና ከነዚሁ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ـ‬ያያዙ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ን radiation sources and related practices as well
የ‫ֳאג‬ከً አጠቃֶይ የ‫ד‬ሳወቅና ፈቃድ as detail regulatory control mechanisms of
የ‫ד‬ግኘُ ግዴٍዎ٤ እንዲሁ‫ ו‬የ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ the same shall be determined by regulations
‫ץ‬ና የክָُُ ዝ‫ץ‬ዝ‫ ץ‬ሂደِ٤ በዚֱ and directives issued hereunder.
አዋጅ ‫ ُנטא‬በ‫ג‬ወጡ ደንቦ٤ና ‫אא‬
‫ע‬ያዎ٤ ይወ‫ר‬ናִ፡፡

07. ‫ד‬ሳወቅ 17. Notification

1/ በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 06/1/ እና 06/2/

በ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ُס‬ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ ֳ‫ُףדרא‬ 1/ Any person intending to engage in any of the
ወይ‫ ו‬ጨ‫ ףנ‬ነክ የፍጆٍ እቃዎ٤ን ֳ‫ד‬ activities described under Article 16(1) and
‫ُנו‬፣ ֳ‫ד‬ከ‫ُْד‬፣ ወደሀገ‫דֳ ץ‬ስገ 16(2) of this Proclamation or to manufacture
store, import or distribute radiation related
‫ ُוֹ‬ወይ‫דֳ ו‬ከፋፈָ ያ‫שׂ‬ደ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ו‬
consumer products shall submit a written
‫ר‬ው ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በጽሁፍ ‫ד‬ሳወቅ
notification to the Authority.

2/ ‫ד‬ሳወቅን ብ٢ የ‫ג‬ጠይ‫ـ שּׁ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ 2/ Practices and radiation sources requiring only

ወይ‫ ו‬የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪዎ٤ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ notification shall be determined by the
ጣኑ ይወ‫ר‬ናִ፡፡ Authority.

08. ፈቃድ ስֳ‫ד‬ግኘُ 18. Authorization

1/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በ‫ג‬ያወጣው ‫עאא‬ያ ከ‫שּׁ‬ጥጥ‫ ץ‬ነጻ 1/ Unless the practice or the radiation source is
የֲኑ ወይ‫ד ו‬ሳወቅን ብ٢ ከ‫ג‬ጠይ‫ـ שּׁ‬ግ‫ףוֹ‬ exempted or requires only notification as per
ُና የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪዎ٤ በስ‫ ץשׂـ‬በዚֱ directives issued by the Authority, any person
አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 06/1/ እና 06/2/ በ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ُס‬ who engages in a practice or is in possession
‫ـ‬ግ‫ ُףוֹ‬የ‫ ףדרג‬ወይ‫ ו‬የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ of radiation sources prescribed under Article
ዎ٤ን በ‫ֳוֹ‬ቤُነُ የ‫ג‬ይዝ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው 16(1) and 16(2) of this Proclamation shall
ፈቃድ ֳ‫ד‬ግኘُ ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫ָאד‬ከُ apply to the Authority for authorization.
2/ No practice shall be authorized unless it
2/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ـ ו‬ግ‫ֳ ץוֹ‬ጨ‫גֳ ףנ‬ጋֳጠው produces sufficient benefit to the exposed
‫ר‬ው ወይ‫ֱֳ ו‬ብ‫ שּרـנ‬የ‫רג‬ጠው ጥቅ‫ו‬ individual or the society to offset the
ֵያደ‫ץ‬ስ ከ‫ג‬٤ֳው ጠንቅ የ‫ג‬በָጥ radiation harm it might cause. The applicant
ካֲָነ በስ‫ֵ ץשׂـ‬ፈ‫שׂ‬ድ አይ٤ָ‫ו‬፡፡ for an authorization shall provide sufficient
የ‫ـ‬ግ‫סוֹ‬ን አግ‫וֹ‬ብነُ ֳ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ን ֳፈቃድ information and evidence on the benefit and
የ‫ג‬ያ‫ָא‬ክ‫ـ‬ው ‫ר‬ው ስֳ‫ـ‬ግ‫ סוֹ‬ጥቅ‫ו‬ና harm to support the justification of the
ጉዳُ በ‫נא שּׂ‬ጃና ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ጃ ‫ד‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ practice.

3/ ֳፈቃድ የ‫ג‬ያ‫ֳא‬ክُ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው፣ 3/ Any person who applies for a license shall:
gA 4‫ְך‬#9 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4049

ሀ/ ‫ָאד‬ከ٢ውን ֳዚሁ ‫ـ‬ብֹ በ‫ـ‬ዘጋ a) submit, together with any required

ጀው ቅጽ ֶይ ‫ָِז‬ና አስፈֶጊ ‫ר‬ነዶ documents, an application completed on
٤ን አያይዞ ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በ‫ד‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ the prescribed form and pay the
‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ውን የፈቃድ ክፍያ ‫א‬ፈጸ‫ו‬ appropriate license fee;
ֳ/ ፈቃድ ከ‫ד‬ግኘً በፊُ በዚֱ አዋጅ b) refrain from carrying out any of the
activities described in article 16(1) and
አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 06/1/ እና 06/2/ የ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ُס‬ን
16(2) of this Proclamation until
‫ד‬ናْውን‫ ו‬እንቅስቃሴዎ٤ ከ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ
authorization has been granted;
‫בּא‬ጠብ አֳበُ፣
c) make safety assessment on the
ּ/ በጨ‫ ץנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪው ‫ו‬ክንያُ ֵከ‫ָـ‬ likelihood and magnitude of exposure
የ‫ג‬٤ֳውን የጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥ ሁኔٍና attributed to the source depending on the
‫א‬ጠን እንደየ‫ـ‬ግ‫ץֱוֹ סוֹ‬ይ የደֱንነُ nature of the practice, and submit the
ግ‫ו‬ገ‫ד ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግና ዘገ‫וֹ‬ውን የ‫ָאד‬ከ report to the Authority as part of the
٢ው አካָ በ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ application and take all necessary steps
‫ד‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ እንዲሁ‫ֳ ו‬ጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָና for radiation protection and safety.
ደֱንነُ የ‫ג‬ያስፈָጉ ‫ד‬ናْውን‫ו‬
‫ـ‬ገ‫ תּ‬እ‫וץ‬ጃዎ٤ ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ አֳበُ፡፡

09. የፈቃድ አ‫ר‬ጣጥና ይዘُ 19. Issuance and Content of License

1/ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በዚֱ አዋጅና በ‫ג‬ወጡُ ደንቦ 1/ A license shall be granted to a person that
٤ና ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ እንደየ‫ـ‬ግ‫ ًףוֹ‬የ‫אשׂـ‬ meets the practice specific requirements
specified in this Proclamation and
ጡُን ‫א‬ስፈ‫ِץ‬٤ ֳ‫ג‬ያ‫ר ֶח‬ው ፈቃድ
regulations and directives issued pursuant
to this Proclamation.
2/ ፈቃዱ ֳጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָ አስፈֶጊ ‫ֲא‬ኑ 2/ A license may contain any condition as the
በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የٍ‫א‬ነበُን ‫ד‬ናْውን‫ו‬ Authority deems necessary for the purpose
ግዴٍ ֵያካُُ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ of radiation protection.

!. ፈቃድ ስֳ‫ד‬ሳደስና ֳፈቃድ በድጋ‫ָאד ה‬ከ٢ 20. Renewal of the Reapplication for License

1/ የፈቃድ ዕደሳ ‫ָאד‬ከ٢ በዚֱ አዋጅ 1/ An application for renewal of a license shall
‫ ُנטא‬በ‫ג‬ወጣ ደንብ በ‫ג‬ወ‫ר‬ነው be submitted to the Authority in
የ‫ד‬ሳደ‫ָך‬ ጊዜና አኳኋን ‫ـ‬ዘጋጅِ accordance with the time limit and
ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ‫א‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ አֳበُ፡፡ conditions prescribed by regulations issued
pursuant to this Proclamation.
2/ አንድ ፈቃድ የ‫שׂ‬ድ‫ ז‬ይዘًን እንደጠበ‫שׂ‬ 2/ A license may be renewed with or without
ወይ‫ ו‬ይዘً ‫ֳـ‬ውጦ ֵٍደስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ variations in its content.

3/ Reapplication for a license shall be required

3/ የ‫ג‬ከ‫ ִُـ‬ሁኔٍዎ٤ ‫ת‬ያጋጥ‫ ב‬በድጋ‫ה‬
in cases of :
የፈቃድ ‫ָאד‬ከ٢ ‫א‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ አֳበُ፤
a) use of different devices or maintenance
ሀ/ በጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥ ‫א‬ጠኑ ֶይ ֳውጥ thereof or change or modification of
የ‫ג‬ያ‫א‬ጣ የ‫א‬ገָገያ ‫א‬ሳ‫ע‬ያ ֳ‫א‬ጠ premises that could cause change in the
‫ ושׂ‬ወይ‫ ו‬ጥገና ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ወይ‫ו‬ radiation exposure;
የ‫ ףם‬ቦٍ ወይ‫ ו‬በ‫ ףם‬ቦٍ አካ‫תּוֹ‬
ֳውጥ ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ‫ת‬ፈֳግ፣
ֳ/ የ‫ֳـ‬የ ወይ‫א ו‬ጠናْው የ‫ֳـ‬ወጠ b) use of different or modified radioactive
የ‫פ‬ዲዮአክٌá ‫שּׁ‬ሶ٤ አገָግֹُ ֶይ materials.
ֳ‫ד‬ዋָ ‫ת‬ፈֳግ፡፡
gA 4‫ְך‬$ “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4050

!1. ስֳፈቃድ ‫ָָךָךד‬፣ ‫ד‬ገድና ‫נרא‬ዝ 21. Amendment, Suspension and Revocation of

1/ በ‫נָךـ‬ው አዋጅ‫ֲ ו‬ነ በዚֱ አዋጅ 1/ A license issued under the repealed or this
‫ ُנטא‬የ‫רـ‬ጠ ፈቃድ፤ Proclamation may, at any time, be amended,
suspended or revoked by the Authority upon
providing a written notification to the license:
ሀ/ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ አስ‫ـ‬ያየُ ֳ‫٭‬ብ‫שּרـנ‬
ደ‫٭‬ንነُ አጠ‫וֹ‬በቅ አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ ‫ת‬ገኝ፣ a) where, in the opinion of the Authority, it
ወይ‫ו‬ is necessary for the safety of the society;
ֳ/ ֳጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָ አስፈֶጊ ‫ـ‬ብֳው b) where the conditions prescribed for
የ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ ُס‬ሁኔٍዎ٤ ሳይጠበ‫סשׂת שּׁ‬፣ radiation protection are not complied
በ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ጊዜ ֳ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ በጽሁፍ with.
በ‫ד‬ሳወቅ ፈቃዱ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ֵ‫ָָךָך‬፣
ֵٍገድ ወይ‫נרֵ ו‬ዝ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡

2/ በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /1/ ‫ُנטא‬ 2/ Any person whose license is suspended or
ፈቃዱ የٍገደ ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫נרـ‬ዘ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ו‬ revoked pursuant to Sub-Article (1) of this
‫ר‬ው በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ በ‫ג‬ገֳጹ ሁኔٍዎ٤ Article shall take all necessary measures
‫ ُנטא‬የጨ‫ ףנ‬ጉዳُ እንዳይደ‫ץ‬ስ prescribed by the Authority to prevent the
አስፈֶጊውን እ‫וץ‬ጃ ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ አֳበُ፡፡ occurrence of any radiation hazard.

!2. የ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱና የ‫ֳאג‬ከٍْው ַֹ٤ ወገኖ٤ 22. Duties and Responsibilities of Licensees and
‫ـ‬ግ‫ץוֹ‬ና ٪ֶፊነُ other Concerned Parties

1/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ֳוֹ ו‬ፈቃድ፤ 1/ Any licensee shall:

ሀ/ ፈቃድ ֶገኘበُ የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪና a) be primarily responsible for the security of

የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪውን ֳ‫ֳـ‬ያዩ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ُףוֹ‬ radiation source and the facility in which
ֳ‫ד‬ዋָ እየ‫ـ‬ጠ‫אשׂ‬በُ ֳֶው ‫ם‬ፍ‫ף‬ the source is used for different practices
‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ውን አካֶዊ ጥበቃ የ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ እንዲ and for the fulfillment of the requirements
ሁ‫ ו‬ፈቃድ ካገኘበُ የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ prescribed by this Proclamation and
ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ـ‬ያያዘ ‫ד‬ንኛውን‫ـ ו‬ግ‫ת ץוֹ‬ያከና regulations and directives issued pursuant
ውን በዚֱ አዋጅና በአዋጁ ‫ ُנטא‬በወጡ to this Proclamation. while performing any
ደንቦ٤ና ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ የ‫אשׂـ‬ጡُ ‫א‬ስፈ activity related to the authorized radiation
‫ِץ‬٤ ‫ֶٍْחא‬ውን የ‫נד‬ጋገጥ ‫שׂـ‬ዳ‫ג‬ source;
٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፣

ֳ/ ፈቃድ ከ‫רـ‬ጠበُ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬በ‫שׂ‬ጥٍ‫ֲ ו‬ነ b) be responsible for ensuring that exposure
‫שׂ‬ጥ‫ـ‬ኛ ‫ֲָוֹ‬ነ ‫א‬ንገድ የ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ የጨ‫ףנ‬ for radiation resulting directly or
‫א‬ጋֳጥን ይ٢ֶָ ‫ـ‬ብֹ እስከ‫ג‬ጠበ‫שׂ‬ው indirectly from the authorized activity
ድ‫נ‬ስ ከ‫ـ‬ወ‫ר‬ነው ገደብ በٍ٤ ‫ֲא‬ኑን shall be kept as low as reasonably
የ‫נד‬ጋገጥ ٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፣ achievable below the prescribed limits;
ּ/ በጨ‫ ףנ‬ጤንነُና ደֱንነُ ስ‫ץ‬ዓُ በ‫שּׂ‬ c) appoint a qualified and experienced
የُ‫ ُץֱו‬ደ‫נ‬ጃና የ‫וָ ףם‬ድ person in radiation health and safety
ያֳው የጨ‫ ףנ‬ደֱንነُ ‫א‬ኮንን ֲኖ measures as radiation safety officer.
የ‫ג‬ያገֳግָ ‫ר‬ው ‫אא‬ደብ አֳበُ፡፡

2/ ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱና የጨ‫ףנ‬ ደֱንነُ ‫א‬ኮንኑ 2/ The licensee and the radiation safety officer
ጨ‫ـףט ףנ‬ኞ٤፤ shall ensure that radiation workers:

ሀ/ ፈቃድ ከ‫ـ‬ገኘበُ የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ ወይ‫ו‬

‫ـ‬ግ‫ ץוֹ‬ከ‫ג‬ጠበቅ ጉዳُ ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫אـ‬ጣጠነ a) are supplied with monitoring device
‫ָא‬ኩ የጨ‫ ףנ‬ውስድ ‫א‬ጠን ‫א‬ከٍ‫ـ‬ያ commensurate with the level of the
‫א‬ሳ‫ע‬ያና የጨ‫ףם ףנ‬ን በ‫ُףםא‬ potential risk expected from the
gA 4‫ְך‬$1 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4051

ֵደ‫נ‬ስ‫ْוֹ‬ው ይ٤ֶָ ‫ـ‬ብֹ የ‫ג‬ገ‫ـא‬ውን authorized source or practice and other

ጉዳُ ‫וֹשׂـ‬ይነُ ‫ֳוֹ‬ው ‫א‬ጠን ዝቅ accessories necessary to carry out
ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ አስፈֶጊ የֲኑ ‫ـ‬ጨ‫עד‬ radiation work with the lowest
‫א‬ከֶከያዎ٤ ‫ד‬ግኘٍْውን፣ reasonably achievable risk;

ֳ/ በጨ‫ ףנ‬ደֱንነُ ‫ץם‬ዓُ ֶይ አግ‫וֹ‬ብነُ b) are given proper instructions on radiation

ያֶْው ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ የ‫רـ‬ጧْውና እንደ safety measures and as appropriate
አስፈֶጊነً በየስድስُ ወ‫ ס‬የጤንነُ ‫ץו‬ receive medical check up every six
‫ ףא‬የ‫ג‬ደ‫נ‬ግֶْው ‫ֲא‬ኑን፣ months.
‫נד‬ጋገጥ አֳ‫ْוֹ‬ው፡፡
3/ The licensee, the radiation safety officer or
3/ ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ፣ የጨ‫ ףנ‬ደֱንነُ ‫א‬ኮንኑ ወይ‫ו‬ any person involved in radiation work, shall
በጨ‫ֶ ףם ףנ‬ይ የ‫ד ףדרـ‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው notify the Authority any loss, theft or
የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪው ‫ת‬ጠፋ፣ ‫נרת‬ቅ ወይ‫ו‬ diversion for unauthorized use of the
ֶָ‫ـ‬ፈ‫שׂ‬ደ ‫ـ‬ግ‫ת ץוֹ‬ውָ፣ ‫וֹשׂـ‬ይነُ ካֳው
radiation source, any over exposure to
‫א‬ጠን በֶይ የጨ‫א ףנ‬ጋֳጥ ሁኔٍ ‫ת‬ከ‫ُר‬
radiation or the occurrence of any accident
ወይ‫ד ו‬ንኛው‫ ו‬አይነُ አደጋ ‫ת‬ያጋጥ‫ו‬
ወዲያውኑ ወይ‫ ו‬ስֳሁኔٍው ‫א‬ጀ‫עא‬ያ ካወ‫שׂ‬
immediately or not later than 24 hours after
በُ ጊዜ አንስِ ከ!4 ‫ר‬ዓُ ‫ָוֹ‬በֳጠ ጊዜ ውስጥ such an occurrence has come to his
ֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የ‫ד‬ሳወቅና ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የ‫ג‬ወስ knowledge, and fully comply with any
ናْውን የድንገ‫ـ‬ኛ አደጋ እ‫וץ‬ጃዎ٤ ‫ִב‬ emergency measures as may be prescribed by
በ‫ـ ִב‬ግ‫ףוֹ‬ዊ የ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ግዴٍ አֳበُ፣ the Authority.

4/ የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ ‫ֳוֹ‬ንብ‫ُנ‬፣ ወኪִ ወይ‫ו‬ 4/ The owner of any radiation source, his agent or
‫ـףר‬ኛው የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከያ ‫א‬ኮንን ወደ employee shall furnish the means required by a
radiation protection officer of the Authority as
ድ‫ץ‬ጅً ֳ‫א‬ግ‫ُוֹ‬፣ ֳ‫בּא‬ጣጠ‫ץ‬፣ ֳ‫ץאץאא‬
may be necessary for entry, inspection,
ጥያቄ ֳ‫ד‬ቅ‫נ‬ብ፣ ና‫ב‬ና ֳ‫א‬ው‫ר‬ድ ወይ‫ו‬
examination, enquiry, the taking of samples or
በዚֱ አዋጅና አዋጁን ֳ‫ד‬ስፈጸ‫ ו‬በ‫ג‬ወጡُ otherwise for the exercise of his duties under
ደንቦ٤ና ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ የ‫רـ‬ጡُን ٪ֶፊነِ٤ this Proclamation and regulations and directives
ֳ‫א‬ወጣُ እንዲ٤ָ አስፈֶጊ ֲነው የ‫ג‬ገኙُን issued pursuant to this Proclamation.
ሁኔٍዎ٤ ሁִ ‫ ֶُחד‬አֳበُ፡፡ .
5/ Where an individual licensee dies, the person
5/ በዚֱ አዋጅ ‫ֳוֹ ُנטא‬ፈቃድ የֲነ ግֳ‫ר‬ብ responsible for the estate shall promptly
‫ֳ ُזת‬ንብ‫ ًנ‬٪ֶፊ የֲነ ‫ר‬ው ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ notify the Authority of the death of the
ስֳ‫ָםֳוֳֹ ًזא‬ጣኑ ወዲያውኑ ‫ד‬ሳወቅና licensee and shall ensure the compliance of
‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ው የጨ‫א ףנ‬ከֶከָና ደֱንነُ ‫א‬ስፈ‫ُץ‬
radiation protection and safety requirements
‫ֶًחא‬ን እንዲሁ‫ ו‬የጨ‫ ףנ‬አ‫א‬ንጪ ‫ששּׁ‬
as well as the security of the radiation source.
‫וֹ‬ግ‫א שּוֹ‬ጠበ‫שּׁ‬ን የ‫נד‬ጋገጥ ٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፡፡
23. Rights of Licensees and other Concerned
!3. የ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዶ٤ና የ‫ֳאג‬ከٍْው ַֹ٤ ወገኖ٤
1/ An appeal against a decision made by the Authority
1/ በዚֱ አዋጅ ‫ ُנטא‬በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ የ‫רـ‬ጠ pursuant to this Proclamation may be submitted to
ውሳኔን በ‫א‬ቃወ‫ ו‬የ‫ץשׂג‬ብ ይግ‫וֹ‬ኝ ውሳኔው the Board within 30 days from the date of
ֳ‫ֳוֹ‬ጉዳዩ ከደ‫רנ‬ው ‫שׂ‬ን ጀ‫שׂ " ִُוֹ צו‬ናُ notification of the decision. Decisions of the
ውስጥ ֳቦ‫ץ‬ዱ ֵ‫ץשׂ‬ብ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ Board on such appeals shall be final.

2/ ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ በ‫ֳת ُז‬ይ ፈቃዱ የጨ‫ףנ‬ 2/ In the case of the death of a licensee, the
አ‫א‬ንጪውን በ‫ח‬٠ ንብ‫ ُנ‬ይዞٍነُ የ‫בּד‬የُ authorization shall remain valid for three months
‫א‬ብُን በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ ብ٢ ֳ‫מ‬ስُ ወ‫ ץ‬ፀንِ after the death in so far as it confers the right to
ይ‫בּ‬ያָ፡፡ possess the authorized radiation source as the
estate of the deceased.
!4. በጨ‫ֶ ףם ףנ‬ይ ስֳ‫ُףדרא‬ና ስֳጤና
24. Engagement in Radiation Work and Medical
1/ በየ‫א‬ስኩ ‫ـ‬ገ‫תּ‬ው ስָጠና ያֶገኘ ወይ‫ ו‬ከ08 1/ Any person shall not engage in radiation work if he
ዓ‫ ُא‬በٍ٤ ዕድ‫ ה‬ያֳው ወይ‫ ו‬በስ‫ף‬ው ‫ו‬ክን does not have proper training, is under the age of
ያُ ֵፈጠ‫גֳ ץ‬٤ָ የጤና ጠንቅ በ‫ ִֶשׂ‬እን 18 years or is not found, by medical examination,
gA 4‫ְך‬$2 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4052

ዲጋֳጥ ֵያደ‫ץ‬ገው ከ‫ג‬٤ָ በ‫ ֹּٍל‬ወይ‫ ו‬ድክ to be free from disease or weakness which could
‫ ُא‬ነፃ ‫ֲא‬ኑ በሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫ ףאץו‬ያָ‫נـ‬ጋ be considered to make him particularly vulnerable
ገጠֳُ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው በጨ‫ֶ ףם ףנ‬ይ to the health hazards involved in the work.
ֵ‫ ףדר‬አይ٤ָ‫ו‬፡፡

2/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬በጨ‫ֶ ףם ףנ‬ይ የ‫ר ףדרـ‬ው

2/ Any person engaged in radiation work shall,
በዚֱ አዋጅ ከ‫ـ‬ደነገገው ‫א‬ደበኛ የጤና in addition to the periodic examinations
‫ ףאץו‬በ‫ـ‬ጨ‫ָםֳוֹ עד‬ጣኑ በ‫ג‬ወስ ነው prescribed in this Proclamation, undergo
‫ُנטא‬ የሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫ףאץו‬ ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ medical examination as may be required by
አֳበُ፡፡ the Authority.

3/ የዚֱን አን‫שׂ‬ጽ ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ /2/ ድንጋጌ 3/ The Authority may ban any person who fails
ዎ٤ ያֶከበ‫ד נ‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው ወደፊُ በ‫ד‬ to observe the provisions of Sub-Article (2)
ንኛው‫ ו‬የጨ‫ֶ ףם ףנ‬ይ እንዳይሳ‫ـ‬ፍ of this Article from further radiation work.
‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ዕገዳ ֵያደ‫ץ‬ግበُ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡

4/ በጨ‫ֶ ףם ףנ‬ይ የ‫ ףדרـ‬ወይ‫ ו‬በ‫ףם‬ው 4/ When a person engaged in radiation work or any
person who, because of his work, may have been
‫ו‬ክንያُ ֳጨ‫ ףנ‬የ‫ـ‬ጋֳጠ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው
exposed to ionizing radiation shows signs of
ከጨ‫ סנ‬እንደ‫א‬ነጨ ֵገ‫ ُא‬የ‫ג‬٤ָ injury which may be suspected of having been
የጉዳُ ‫ָו‬ክُ ‫ת‬ያሳይ ‫ֳוֹ‬ፈቃዱ ግֳ‫שּר‬ን caused by such radiation, the lisencee shall have
ወዲያውኑ የሕክ‫ו‬ና ‫ ףאץו‬እንዲደ‫נ‬ግֳُ the responsibility to immediately make arrangements
የ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ ٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፡፡ for medical examination of the person.

ክፍָ አ‫ُף‬ PART FOUR


!5. ‫ו‬ስጢ‫ ץ‬ስֳ‫א‬ጠበቅ

25. Confidentiality
ይֱን አዋጅ ወይ‫ ו‬በአዋጁ ‫ ُנטא‬የወጡ No person who has obtained confidential
ደንቦ٤ንና ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ን በ‫ד‬ስፈጸ‫ ו‬ሂደُ information in the course of implementation of
‫ו‬ስጢ‫ף‬ዊ ‫נא‬ጃዎ٤ በእጁ የገ‫ד שּ‬ንኛው‫ו‬ this Proclamation and regulations and directives
‫ר‬ው አዋጁን፣ ደንቦ٠ን ወይ‫עאא ו‬ያዎ٠ን issued pursuant to this Proclamation shall disclose
ֳ‫ד‬ስፈፀ‫ ו‬አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ እስካָ‫ـ‬ገኘ ድ‫נ‬ስ such information to any other person unless it is
‫נא‬ጃዎ٠ን ֳֶַ ‫ר‬ው ‫א‬ግֳጽ የֳበُ‫ו‬፡፡ necessary for the implementation of the Proclamation,
regulations or directives.

!6. ክָከֶ 26. Prohibition

በዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 06/1/ እና 06/2/ No authorization, other than by the Authority,
የ‫ـ‬ዘ‫נ‬ዘ‫ُס‬ን እንቅስቃሴዎ٤ ֳ‫ד‬ከናወን shall be issued to engage in any of the activities
የ‫ג‬ያስ٤ָ ፈቃድ ከ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ውጭ prescribed under Article 16(1) and 16(2) of this
በ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ֶַ ו‬አካָ ֵ‫ר‬ጥ አይ٤ָ‫ו‬፡፡ Proclamation.

!7. የ‫וֹـא‬በ‫ ץ‬ግዴٍ 27. Duty to Cooperate

‫ד‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው ֳዚֱ አዋጅና አዋጁን Any person shall have the duty to cooperate in the
ֳ‫ד‬ስፈጸ‫גֳ ו‬ወጡُ ደንቦ٤ና ‫עאא‬ያዎ٤ implementation of this Proclamation and regulations
and directives issued pursuant to this
አፈጻጸ‫ ו‬የ‫וֹـא‬በ‫ ץ‬ግዴٍ አֳበُ፡፡
!8. ቅጣُ 28. Penalties
በወንጀָ ֱጉ የበֳጠ የ‫ג‬ያስ‫שׂ‬ጣ ካֲָነ Unless severe penalties are prescribed in the
በስ‫ץשׂـ‬፣ criminal law:-
gA 4‫ְך‬$3 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4053

1/ በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ፈቃድ ሳያገኝ በ‫ר‬ው ֶይ የ‫ُז‬ 1/ any person who without permission from the
ወይ‫ ו‬ከፍ‫ـ‬ኛ የአካָ ጉዳُ ወይ‫ ו‬በንብ‫ُנ‬ Authority transfers, alters, disposes or
ֶይ ከፍ‫ـ‬ኛ ጉዳُ ֵያስከָُ የ‫ג‬٤ָ የኒው disperses nuclear materials that are likely to
ክַ‫שּׁ ץ‬ስ የ‫שׂא‬በָ፣ የ‫ד‬ስ‫ֳֶـ‬ፍ፣ የ‫ֳא‬ወጥ፣ cause death or serious injury to any person or
የ‫ד‬ስወገድ፣ የ‫ףרד‬ጨُ ወይ‫ ו‬የ‫ד‬ጓጓዝ ድ‫ץ‬ substantial damage to property shall be
ጊُ የፈጸ‫ד א‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው ከ3 እስከ 05 ዓ‫ُא‬ punishable with an imprisonment from 3 to
በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ እ‫ ُףם‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከብ‫ ץ‬$‫ ְֱך‬እስከ ብ‫ץ‬ 15 years or with a fine from Birr 50,000 to
5)‫ ְֱך‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ የገንዘብ ቅጣُ ወይ‫ו‬ Birr 500,000 or with both;
በሁֳً‫ ו‬ያስ‫שׂ‬ጣָ፤

2/ any person who without permission from the

2/ ያֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ፈቃድ የኒውክַ‫שּׁ ץ‬ስን Authority possesses nuclear materials shall
‫א‬ያዝ ከ1 እስከ 3 ዓ‫ ُא‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ be punishable with an imprisonment from 1
እ‫ ُףם‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከብ‫ ץ‬0ሺህ እስከ ብ‫ ץ‬$ሺህ to 3 years or with a fine from Birr 10,000 to
በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ የገንዘብ ቅጣُ ወይ‫ ו‬በሁֳً‫ו‬ Birr 50,000 or with both;
3/ any person who without permission from the
3/ ያֳ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ ፈቃድ የኒውክַ‫שּׁ ץ‬ስን Authority uses nuclear materials and cause
በ‫א‬ጠ‫ ושׂ‬ጉዳُ ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ስ ከ0 እስከ 05 damage shall be punishable with a rigorous
ዓ‫ ُא‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ ፅኑ እ‫ ُףם‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከብ‫ץ‬ imprisonment from 10 to 15 years or with a
1)‫ ְֱך‬እስከ ብ‫ ץ‬5)‫ ְֱך‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ የገንዘብ fine from Birr 100,000 to Birr 500,000 or
ቅጣُ ወይ‫ ו‬በሁֳً‫ ו‬ያስ‫שׂ‬ጣָ፤ with both;

4/ የኒውክַ‫שּׁ ץ‬ስን የ‫א‬ጠ‫ ושׂ‬በ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣኑ 4/ any authorized person to use nuclear material
who causes damage due to negligence shall
የ‫רـ‬ጠ ፈቃድ ኖ‫ צ‬በָْ‫ـ‬ኝነُ ጉዳُ
be punishable with a rigorous imprisonment
‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ስ ከ3 እስከ 0 ዓ‫ ُא‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ ፅኑ
from 3 to 10 years or with a fine from Birr
እ‫ ُףם‬ወይ‫ ו‬ከብ‫ ץ‬$‫ ְֱך‬እስከ ብ‫ץ‬ 50,000 to Birr 100,000 or with both;
1)‫ ְֱך‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ የገንዘብ ቅጣُ ወይ‫ו‬
በሁֳً‫ ו‬ያስ‫שׂ‬ጣָ፤
5/ any person who commits other offences in
5/ የዚֱን አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ ወይ‫ ו‬በአዋጁ violation of the provisions of this
‫ ُנטא‬የወጡ ደንቦ٤ን ወይ‫עאא ו‬ Proclamation or regulations or directives
ያዎ٤ በ‫א‬ጣስ ַֹ٤ ጥፋِ٤ን የፈጸ‫א‬ issued pursuant to this Proclamation. shall
‫ד‬ንኛው‫ר ו‬ው እስከ 3 ዓ‫ ُא‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ be punishable with an imprisonment not
እ‫ ُףם‬ወይ‫ ו‬እስከ ብ‫ ץ‬0‫ ְֱך‬በ‫ג‬ደ‫ץ‬ስ exceeding 3 years or with a fine not
የገንዘብ ‫שׂא‬ጮ ወይ‫ו‬ በሁֳً‫ו‬ exceeding Birr 10,000 or with both.

!9. ደንብ የ‫ד‬ውጣُ ‫ָם‬ጣን 29. Power to issue Regulations

የ‫ג‬ኒስُ‫צ‬٤ ‫ו‬ክ‫ ץ‬ቤُ ይֱን አዋጅ በ‫ג‬ገ‫וֹ‬ The Council of Ministers may issue regulations
necessary for the proper implementation of this
‫ـ‬ግ‫ףוֹ‬ዊ ֳ‫ד‬ድ‫נ‬ግ የ‫ג‬ያስፈָጉ ደንቦ٤ን
ֳ‫ד‬ውጣُ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
30. Repealed Laws
". የ‫ סָךـ‬ሕጎ٤
1/ The Radiation Protection Proclamation No.
1/ የጨ‫א ץנ‬ከֶከያ አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫& ץ‬9/09)'6 79/1993 is hereby repealed.
በዚֱ አዋጅ ‫ָקֹּלـ‬፡፡

2/ ይֱን አዋጅ የ‫ג‬ቃ‫נ‬ን ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ሕግ 2/ No law, regulation or directive shall, in so far
ወይ‫עאא ו‬ያ በዚֱ አዋጅ የ‫ֳאـ‬ከً as it is inconsistent with this Proclamation,
ጉዳዮ٤ን በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ ‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ג‬ነُ have force or effect with respect to matters
አይኖ‫נ‬ው‫ו‬፡፡ provided for by this Proclamation.
gA 4‫ְך‬$4 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4054

"1. አዋጁ የ‫ג‬ፀናበُ ጊዜ 31. Effective Date

ይֱ አዋጅ በፌዴ‫ ָף‬ነጋ‫ ُע‬ጋዜጣ ٍُ‫ז‬ This Proclamation shall enter into force upon
ከወጣበُ ‫שׂ‬ን ጀ‫ צו‬የፀና ይֲናָ፡፡ Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 22th day of April, 2008

አዲስ አበ‫ג וֹ‬ያዝያ 04 ‫שׂ‬ን 2‫ ְך‬ዓ.‫ו‬




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