ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta
ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta
ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta
የጨא ףנከֶከያ አዋጅ
በሀገֱד ًעበףዊና ኢኮኖגያዊ እድገُ ውስጥ WHEREAS, the need for using radiation and radio-
ጨףנንና פዲዮ አይሶِፖ٤ን ጥቅֶ וይ የדዋָ isotopes in the nations socioeconomic development is
ፍֶጎُ ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ እየጨ נאበואጣًና ይֱו increasing from time to time with the entailing risks of
አጠቃ ושׂአግוֹብ ያֳውና ውጤٍ דየאከֶከָ ዘዴ damage to health, property and the environment, unless
በֶ ףםይ እስካָዋֳ ድנስ በጤና በንብُנና proper and effective protection schemes are introduced
በአካֶ תּוֹይ ـጓዳኝ ጠንቅ ֵያስከָُ የג٤ָ with respect to such use;
በኢُዮጵያ ፌዴֶףዊ ዲזክתףያዊ עፐብֵክ NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55 (1)
of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
ሕገ אንግ ُםአንשׂጽ $5 (1) ُנטאየגከֳـው
Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
ይֱ አዋጅ “የጨא ףנከֶከያ አዋጅ שּׁጥץ This Proclamation may be cited as the “Radiation
Protection Proclamation No. 571/2008”.
5)&1/2ـ ”ְֱךብֹ ֵጠשׂስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
2. Definitions
2. ُץጓה
የቃִ አገוֹብ ֶַ ُץጉ וየגያרጠው ካֲָነ In this Proclamation, unless the context otherwise
በስ ץשׂـበዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ፣ requires:
6/ “የውስድ אጠን” ֳُדእያንዳንዱ רው 6/ “Dose limit” means the value of effective
שּׁጥጥ ץከגደנግበُ ـግ ץוֹበגደץስ dose or equivalent dose to individuals from
የጨא ףנጋֳጥ የגያገኘውና אጣስ controlled practices that shall not be
የֳַበُ እץከን ነው፣ exceeded;
7/ “ـግـֳ ֳُד ”ץוֹጨ עדየጨףנ 7/ “Practice” means any human activity that
אጋֳጫ וንጮ٤ ወይא וንገዶ٤ introduces additional sources of exposure or
אንስኤ የֲነ ወይו אጋֳጫ exposure pathways or extends exposure to
אንገዶ٠ን በֳאወጥ በרዎ٤ ֶይ additional people or modifies the network of
የגደרץውን ወይֵ וደץስ የג٤ֳውን exposure pathways from existing sources, so
የጨא ףנጋֳጥ ከፍ የגያደץግ ወይו as to increase the exposure or the likelihood
ـጨר עדዎ٤ እንዲጋֳጡ የגያደץግ of exposure of people or the number of
דንኛው וእንቅስቃሴ ነው፣ people exposed;
gA 4ְך# “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4040
8/ “የጨ ףנጠንቅ” ד ֳُדንኛውֳ וጨ 8/ “Radiation hazard” means any injury or bodily
ףנበאጋֳጥ ወይ וየአካ תּוֹወይו or mental deficiency or abnormality due to
ንብ ُנበפዲዮአክٌá שּׁሶ٤ אበከָ radiation exposure or contamination of the
וክንያُ የגደץስ ጉዳُ ወይ וየአካָ environment or property with radioactive
ወይ וየአእ צוጉድֳُ ወይא וዛُוֹ materials;
9/ “Radiation protection” means the task of
9/ “ጨא ףנከֶከָ” ֳُדጨףנን በُክክָ
በֳאካُና የጨא ףנጋֳጥን ֳשׂאነስ የג
protecting radiation workers and the public
ያስ٤ָ ስָُ በאንደፍና ֶ ףםይ በדዋָ from unnecessary exposure by the accurate
የጨـףר ףנኞ٤ንና ሕብשּרـנን አስፈֶጊ measurement of radiation and the design and
ካֲָነ אጋֳጥ ֳאከֶከָ የגከናወን use of methods to reduce radiation;
ـግ ץוֹነው፣
04/ “פዲዮአክٌá שּׁስ” ד ֳُדንኛውו 14/ “Radioactive material” means any material
ከשּׁጥጥ ץነጻ ـብֹ ከגወጣው אጠን emitting ionizing radiation above the
በֶይ የֲነ አዮን ፈጣ עጨ ףנአאንጪ exemption level;
שּׁስ ነው፣
05/ “דሳወቅ” ֳُדበዚֱ አዋጅ በአንשׂጽ 15/ “Notification” means a document submitted
06/1/ እና 06/2/ በـዘנዘـ ُסግُףוֹ to the Authority by a person to notify an
ֳ ُףדראወይד וንኛውን וከጨףנ intention to carry out a practice or any other
action described in the Article 16(1) and 16
ጋ ץየـያያዘ እንቅስቃሴ ֳדድנግ ያשׂደ
(2) of this Proclamation;
רው እቅዱን ֳָםֳוֹጣኑ ֳדሳወቅ
የגያץשׂበው נאጃ ነው፣
06/ “የוዝገ וֹየוስክ ץወ ֳُד ”ُשׂנአነስ 16/ “Registration” means a form of authorization
ـኛ ወይא וካከֳኛ ጉዳُ ֵያስከָُ granted by the Authority for practices of low
ֳג٤ָ ـግ ץוֹእንደአስፈֶጊነً ገደቦ٤ or moderate risks and accompanied by
ንና ሁኔٍዎ٤ን ያካ ــበָםֳוֹጣኑ conditions and limitations as appropriate;
የרגጥ ፈቃድ ነው፣
gA 4ְך#1 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4041
07/ “የፈቃድ የוስክ ץወחא ֳُד ”ُשׂנ 17/ “License” means an authorization granted by
ֶُ ያֳْוֹው የደֱንነُና የጥא ُףስፈ the Authority on the basis of a safety
ِץ٤ ֶٍْחאው נתጋገጥ በָםֳוֹ assessment and accompanied by specific
ጣኑ የרגጥ ዋና ዋና אስፈِץ٤ንና requirements and conditions to be complied
ሁኔٍዎ٤ን አካِ የያዘ ፈቃድ ነው፣ with by the license;
3. Scope of Application
3. የـፈጻגነُ ወרን
1/ This Proclamation shall be applicable to
1/ ይֱ አዋጅ በጨ ףנአאንጪዎ٤፣ በጨ radiation sources, accessories of radiation
ףנአאንጪ עכאያ ֳאዋወጫዎ٤ና devices and related practices.
ـያያ¡ነُ ֶْוֹው ـግֶ ُףוֹይ
ـፈጻגነُ ይኖנዋָ፡፡
2/ የዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ ድንጋጌ፣ 2/ The provisions of Sub-Article (1) of this
Article shall not extend to:
ሀ/ רው ـጽእኖ ሳያደץግْוֹው በـፈ
ጥ צየגገኙ ጨצנ٤ንና የጨףנ a) radiations and radiation sources found in
አאንጪዎ٤ን፣ እንዲሁו nature without any human interventions;
ֳ/ ከשּׁጥጥ ץነጻ የֲኑ የጨ ףנአאን
ጪዎ٤ንና ـግُףוֹን፣ የֳאג b) radiation sources and practices which are
ከُ አይֲንו፡፡ exempted from regulatory control.
ክፍָ ሁֳُ
የኢُዮጵያ ጨא ףנከֶከያ ָםֳוֹጣን THE ETHIOPIAN RADIATION
4. והּהּא
4. Establishment
1/ It is hereby re-established the Ethiopian
1/ የኢُዮጵያ ጨא ףנከֶከያ ָםֳוֹጣን
Radiation Protection Authority (hereinafter
/ከዚֱ በኋֶ ָםֳוֹጣን እየ ֳוֹـየג
referred to as “the Authority”) as an
ጠף/ የሕግ רውነُ ያֳው שףን የ٢ֳ autonomous federal agency having its own
የፌዴא ָףንግעםא ُםያ ቤُ ֲኖ legal personality.
በዚֱ አዋጅ እንደገና ָחשּׁהּـ፡፡
2/ The Authority shall be accountable to the
2/ ָםֳוֹጣኑ ـጠעነً ֳኢُዮጵያ ሳይን Ethiopian Science and Technology Agency.
ስና َክኖֹጂ ኤጀን תይֲናָ፡፡
gA 4ְך#2 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4042
የָםֳוֹጣኑ ዋና עםאያ ቤُ አዲስ አበוֹ The Authority shall have its head office in Addis
ውስጥ ֲኖ ቅץንጫፍ עםאያ ቤِ٤ን እንደ Ababa and may establish branch offices in other
አስፈֶጊነً በַֹ٤ የሀገ ًעክָֹ٤ והּהּד regions of the country as appropriate.
05/ የንብֳוֹ ُנቤُ የֲאን፣ ውָ የאዋዋ 15/ Own property, enter into contracts, sue and
ָና በስ בየאክרስና የאከרስ፣ be sued in its own name;
06/ ዓֶדዎ٠ን ֳדስፈፀ וአስፈֶጊ የֲኑ 16/ Carryout such other activities as necessary
for attaining its objectives.
ַֹ٤ ـግُףוֹን የדከናወን
gA 4ְך#4 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4044
ቦץዱ የגከִُـ ָםጣንና ـግُףוֹ The Board shall have the powers and duties to:
2/ የָםֳוֹጣኑን ዘገוֹዎ٤ ץאץאאና 2/ review reports and approve the plans, work
እቅዱን፣ የ ףםፕצግבףን፣ በጀًንና programmes, budget and internal regulations
የውስጥ ደንשּን דጽደቅ፣ of the Authority;
1/ ቦץዱ תּያንስ በስድስُ ወ ץአንድ ጊዜ 1/ The Board shall meet at least once in every
six months; provided, however, that it may
ይרበָוֹר፣ ֲኖ וበስብሳתּው ጥע
convene at any time when called by the
በדናْው וጊዜ ֵרበרብ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
gA 4ְך#5 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4045
4/ ቦץዱ የשףን የስብם וֹרነ ץםዓُ 4/ The Board may determine its own rules of
ደንብ ֵያወጣ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ procedures.
02. የዋና ዳይפክָם סـጣንና ـግץוֹ 12. Powers and Duties of the Director General
2/ በዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ የֳאـ 2/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this
ከـው አጠቃֶይ አነጋገ ץእንደـጠበשׂ Article, the Director General shall:
ֲኖ፣ ዋና ዳይפክסـ፣
a) exercise the powers and duties of the
ሀ/ በዚֱ አዋጅ አንשׂጽ 7 የֳאـከ Authority specified under Article 7 of
ًُን የָםֳוֹጣኑን ָםጣንና this Proclamation;
ـግצוֹ٤ ֶ ףםይ ያውֶָ፣
b) employ, administer or terminate the
ֳ/ የፌዴת ָףቪָ ץרቪስ ሕጐ٤ን employment of employees of the
ٍנטאዊ ዓֶדዎ٤ ـከֹُ በא Authority in accordance with directives
approved by the Government following
ንግ ُםበגጸድቅ עאאያ טא
the basic principles of the federal civil
ُנየָםֳוֹጣኑን ـףטኞ٤
service laws;
ይשׂጥָף፣ ያስـዳድָף፣ ያרና
c) submit reports, plans, work programs,
ּ/ የָםֳוֹጣኑን עፖُץ፣ እቅድ፣ budgets, organizational structure and
የ ףםፕצግוף፣ በጀُ፣ ድץጅ internal regulations of the Authority to
ٍዊ אዋቅץና የውስጥ ደንብ ֳቦ the Board;
ץዱ ያָוֹץשׂ፣
d) effect expenditure in accordance with the
א/ ֳָםֳוֹጣኑ በـፈשׂደው በጀُና approved budget and work programme
የ ףםፕצግ ُנטא וףገንዘብ of the Authority;
ወጪ ያደץጋָ፣
e) represent the Authority in all its dealings
ט/ ከሶስـኛ ወገኖ٤ ጋ ץበגደנጉ with third parties;
ግንኙነِ٤ ሁִ ָםֳוֹጣኑን
f) notify the concerned body forthwith in
נ/ ከָםֳוֹጣኑ አቅ וበֶይ የֲኑ የጨ
cases of radiation accidents and
ףנአደጋዎ٤ና ድንገـኛ አጋጣג emergencies beyond the means of the
ዎ٤ תከֳאגֳ ًרከـው አካָ Authority.
ወዲያውኑ ያሳውቃָ፡፡
gA 4ְך#6 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4046
3/ ዋናው ዳይפክָםֳוֳֹ ץـጣኑ ףם 3/ The Director General may delegate part of
ቅָጥፍና በגያስፈָግ אጠን ָםጣ his powers and duties to the officers and
ንና ـግסוֹን በከፊָ ֳָםֳוֹጣኑ ٪ֶፊ other employees of the Authority to the
ዎ٤ና ַֹ٤ ـףטኞ٤ በውክָና ֵያ extent necessary for the efficient execution of
ስֶָـፍ ይ٤ֶָ፣ ֲኖ וእשץን ـክِ its activities; provided, however, that a
የףרגው ٪ֶፊ ከ" שׂናُ ֳגበָጥ delegation given to act on behalf of the
Director General for a period of more than 30
ጊዜ የ ףרגከֲነ ውክָናው አስשׂድז
days, shall be subject to the prior approval of
ֳኢُዮጵያ ሳይንስና َክኖֹጂ ኤጄንת
the Director General of the Ethiopian Science
ዋና ዳይפክץשׂ ץـቦ אፈשׂድ አֳበُ፡፡ and Technology Agency.
03. የጨא ףנከֶከያ אኮንኖ٤ 13 . Radiation Protection Officers
1/ ָםֳוֹጣኑ የዚֱ አዋጅና የጨףנ 1/ The Authority shall have radiation protection
אከֶከָን የֳאגከً የַֹ٤ ሕጎ٤ officers to ensure compliance with the
ድንጋጌዎ٤ אከበْףውን ֳנדጋገጥ provisions of this Proclamation and other
የጨא ףנከֶከያ אኮንኖ٤ ይኖָٍס፡፡ laws relating to radiation protection.
2/ የዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ 2/ Without Prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this
አጠቃֶይ አነጋገ ץእንደـጠበֲ שׂኖ Article, a radiation protection officer shall
דንኛው וየጨא ףנከֶከያ אኮንን፣ have the powers to:
ּ/ የጨא ףנከֶከያ ሕጐ٤ና עאאያ c) make such enquiries and take sample for
ዎ٤ אከበْףውን ֳנדጋገጥ እንዳ examination as may be necessary to
ascertain whether the provisions of
ስፈֶጊነً የדጣُףና ָםֳוֹጣኑ
radiation protection legislations and
በגያወጣው אስፈُנטא ُץ
directives have been complied with and
የ ףאץוናבና የאውרድ፣ ሕጉ in case of non-compliance, to seal the
ـጥሶ תገ ኝ וየדንኛውንוהּـ ו radiation sources of any institution or the
የጨ ףנአאንጪ ወይ וየጨףנ room in which such sources are located;
አאን ጪው የגገኝበُን ክፍָ
1/ ָםֳוֹጣኑ በגያወጣው עאאያ ከשּׁጥጥ ץነጻ 1/ Unless the practice or the radiation source is
የֲኑ ወይד וሳወቅን ብ٢ ከגጠይـ שּׁግףוֹ exempted or requires only notification as per
ُና የጨ ףנአאንጪዎ٤ በስ ץשׂـበዚֱ directives issued by the Authority, any person
አዋጅ አንשׂጽ 06/1/ እና 06/2/ በـዘנዘُס who engages in a practice or is in possession
ـግ ُףוֹየ ףדרגወይ וየጨ ףנአאንጪ of radiation sources prescribed under Article
ዎ٤ን በֳוֹቤُነُ የגይዝ דንኛውר וው 16(1) and 16(2) of this Proclamation shall
ፈቃድ ֳדግኘُ ֳָםֳוֹጣኑ ָאדከُ apply to the Authority for authorization.
2/ No practice shall be authorized unless it
2/ דንኛውـ וግֳ ץוֹጨגֳ ףנጋֳጠው produces sufficient benefit to the exposed
רው ወይֱֳ וብ שּרـנየרגጠው ጥቅו individual or the society to offset the
ֵያደץስ ከג٤ֳው ጠንቅ የגበָጥ radiation harm it might cause. The applicant
ካֲָነ በስֵ ץשׂـፈשׂድ አይ٤ָו፡፡ for an authorization shall provide sufficient
የـግסוֹን አግוֹብነُ ֳאወרን ֳፈቃድ information and evidence on the benefit and
የגያָאክـው רው ስֳـግ סוֹጥቅוና harm to support the justification of the
ጉዳُ በנא שּׂጃና דስנጃ דቅנብ practice.
3/ ֳፈቃድ የגያֳאክُ דንኛውר וው፣ 3/ Any person who applies for a license shall:
gA 4ְך#9 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4049
1/ ָםֳוֹጣኑ በዚֱ አዋጅና በגወጡُ ደንቦ 1/ A license shall be granted to a person that
٤ና עאאያዎ٤ እንደየـግ ًףוֹየאשׂـ meets the practice specific requirements
specified in this Proclamation and
ጡُን אስፈِץ٤ ֳגያר ֶחው ፈቃድ
regulations and directives issued pursuant
to this Proclamation.
2/ ፈቃዱ ֳጨא ףנከֶከָ አስፈֶጊ ֲאኑ 2/ A license may contain any condition as the
በָםֳוֹጣኑ የٍאነበُን דናْውንו Authority deems necessary for the purpose
ግዴٍ ֵያካُُ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ of radiation protection.
!. ፈቃድ ስֳדሳደስና ֳፈቃድ በድጋָאד הከ٢ 20. Renewal of the Reapplication for License
1/ የፈቃድ ዕደሳ ָאדከ٢ በዚֱ አዋጅ 1/ An application for renewal of a license shall
ُנטאበגወጣ ደንብ በגወרነው be submitted to the Authority in
የדሳደָך ጊዜና አኳኋን ـዘጋጅِ accordance with the time limit and
ֳָםֳוֹጣኑ אቅנብ አֳበُ፡፡ conditions prescribed by regulations issued
pursuant to this Proclamation.
2/ አንድ ፈቃድ የשׂድ זይዘًን እንደጠበשׂ 2/ A license may be renewed with or without
ወይ וይዘً ֳـውጦ ֵٍደስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ variations in its content.
!1. ስֳፈቃድ ָָךָךד፣ דገድና נראዝ 21. Amendment, Suspension and Revocation of
1/ በנָךـው አዋጅֲ וነ በዚֱ አዋጅ 1/ A license issued under the repealed or this
ُנטאየרـጠ ፈቃድ፤ Proclamation may, at any time, be amended,
suspended or revoked by the Authority upon
providing a written notification to the license:
ሀ/ በָםֳוֹጣኑ አስـያየُ ֳ٭ብשּרـנ
ደ٭ንነُ አጠוֹበቅ አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ תገኝ፣ a) where, in the opinion of the Authority, it
ወይו is necessary for the safety of the society;
ֳ/ ֳጨא ףנከֶከָ አስፈֶጊ ـብֳው b) where the conditions prescribed for
የـዘנዘ ُסሁኔٍዎ٤ ሳይጠበסשׂת שּׁ፣ radiation protection are not complied
በדንኛው וጊዜ ֳֳוֹፈቃዱ በጽሁፍ with.
በדሳወቅ ፈቃዱ በָםֳוֹጣኑ ֵָָךָך፣
ֵٍገድ ወይנרֵ וዝ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
2/ በዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ ُנטא 2/ Any person whose license is suspended or
ፈቃዱ የٍገደ ወይ וየנרـዘ דንኛውו revoked pursuant to Sub-Article (1) of this
רው በָםֳוֹጣኑ በגገֳጹ ሁኔٍዎ٤ Article shall take all necessary measures
ُנטאየጨ ףנጉዳُ እንዳይደץስ prescribed by the Authority to prevent the
አስፈֶጊውን እוץጃ אውרድ አֳበُ፡፡ occurrence of any radiation hazard.
!2. የֳוֹፈቃዱና የֳאגከٍْው ַֹ٤ ወገኖ٤ 22. Duties and Responsibilities of Licensees and
ـግץוֹና ٪ֶፊነُ other Concerned Parties
ֳ/ ፈቃድ ከרـጠበُ ـግ ץוֹበשׂጥֲٍ וነ b) be responsible for ensuring that exposure
שׂጥـኛ ֲָוֹነ אንገድ የגደץስ የጨףנ for radiation resulting directly or
אጋֳጥን ይ٢ֶָ ـብֹ እስከגጠበשׂው indirectly from the authorized activity
ድנስ ከـወרነው ገደብ በٍ٤ ֲאኑን shall be kept as low as reasonably
የנדጋገጥ ٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፣ achievable below the prescribed limits;
ּ/ በጨ ףנጤንነُና ደֱንነُ ስץዓُ በשּׂ c) appoint a qualified and experienced
የُ ُץֱוደנጃና የוָ ףםድ person in radiation health and safety
ያֳው የጨ ףנደֱንነُ אኮንን ֲኖ measures as radiation safety officer.
የגያገֳግָ רው אאደብ አֳበُ፡፡
2/ ֳוֹፈቃዱና የጨףנ ደֱንነُ אኮንኑ 2/ The licensee and the radiation safety officer
ጨـףט ףנኞ٤፤ shall ensure that radiation workers:
4/ የጨ ףנአאንጪ ֳוֹንብُנ፣ ወኪִ ወይו 4/ The owner of any radiation source, his agent or
ـףרኛው የጨא ףנከֶከያ אኮንን ወደ employee shall furnish the means required by a
radiation protection officer of the Authority as
ድץጅً ֳאግُוֹ፣ ֳבּאጣጠץ፣ ֳץאץאא
may be necessary for entry, inspection,
ጥያቄ ֳדቅנብ፣ ናבና ֳאውרድ ወይו
examination, enquiry, the taking of samples or
በዚֱ አዋጅና አዋጁን ֳדስፈጸ וበגወጡُ otherwise for the exercise of his duties under
ደንቦ٤ና עאאያዎ٤ የרـጡُን ٪ֶፊነِ٤ this Proclamation and regulations and directives
ֳאወጣُ እንዲ٤ָ አስፈֶጊ ֲነው የגገኙُን issued pursuant to this Proclamation.
ሁኔٍዎ٤ ሁִ ֶُחדአֳበُ፡፡ .
5/ Where an individual licensee dies, the person
5/ በዚֱ አዋጅ ֳוֹ ُנטאፈቃድ የֲነ ግֳרብ responsible for the estate shall promptly
ֳ ُזתንብ ًנ٪ֶፊ የֲነ רው ֳוֹፈቃዱ notify the Authority of the death of the
ስֳָםֳוֳֹ ًזאጣኑ ወዲያውኑ דሳወቅና licensee and shall ensure the compliance of
ـገתּው የጨא ףנከֶከָና ደֱንነُ אስፈُץ
radiation protection and safety requirements
ֶًחאን እንዲሁ וየጨ ףנአאንጪ ששּׁ
as well as the security of the radiation source.
וֹግא שּוֹጠበשּׁን የנדጋገጥ ٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፡፡
23. Rights of Licensees and other Concerned
!3. የֳוֹፈቃዶ٤ና የֳאגከٍْው ַֹ٤ ወገኖ٤
1/ An appeal against a decision made by the Authority
1/ በዚֱ አዋጅ ُנטאበָםֳוֹጣኑ የרـጠ pursuant to this Proclamation may be submitted to
ውሳኔን በאቃወ וየץשׂגብ ይግוֹኝ ውሳኔው the Board within 30 days from the date of
ֳֳוֹጉዳዩ ከደרנው שׂን ጀשׂ " ִُוֹ צוናُ notification of the decision. Decisions of the
ውስጥ ֳቦץዱ ֵץשׂብ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ Board on such appeals shall be final.
2/ ֳוֹፈቃዱ በֳת ُזይ ፈቃዱ የጨףנ 2/ In the case of the death of a licensee, the
አאንጪውን በח٠ ንብ ُנይዞٍነُ የבּדየُ authorization shall remain valid for three months
אብُን በֳאגከُ ብ٢ ֳמስُ ወ ץፀንِ after the death in so far as it confers the right to
ይבּያָ፡፡ possess the authorized radiation source as the
estate of the deceased.
!4. በጨֶ ףם ףנይ ስֳُףדראና ስֳጤና
24. Engagement in Radiation Work and Medical
1/ በየאስኩ ـገתּው ስָጠና ያֶገኘ ወይ וከ08 1/ Any person shall not engage in radiation work if he
ዓ ُאበٍ٤ ዕድ הያֳው ወይ וበስףው וክን does not have proper training, is under the age of
ያُ ֵፈጠגֳ ץ٤ָ የጤና ጠንቅ በ ִֶשׂእን 18 years or is not found, by medical examination,
gA 4ְך$2 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4052
ዲጋֳጥ ֵያደץገው ከג٤ָ በ ֹּٍלወይ וድክ to be free from disease or weakness which could
ُאነፃ ֲאኑ በሕክוና ףאץוያָנـጋ be considered to make him particularly vulnerable
ገጠֳُ דንኛውר וው በጨֶ ףם ףנይ to the health hazards involved in the work.
ֵ ףדרአይ٤ָו፡፡
3/ የዚֱን አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /2/ ድንጋጌ 3/ The Authority may ban any person who fails
ዎ٤ ያֶከበד נንኛውר וው ወደፊُ በד to observe the provisions of Sub-Article (2)
ንኛው וየጨֶ ףם ףנይ እንዳይሳـፍ of this Article from further radiation work.
ָםֳוֹጣኑ ዕገዳ ֵያደץግበُ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
4/ በጨֶ ףם ףנይ የ ףדרـወይ וበףםው 4/ When a person engaged in radiation work or any
person who, because of his work, may have been
וክንያُ ֳጨ ףנየـጋֳጠ דንኛውר וው
exposed to ionizing radiation shows signs of
ከጨ סנእንደאነጨ ֵገ ُאየג٤ָ injury which may be suspected of having been
የጉዳُ ָוክُ תያሳይ ֳוֹፈቃዱ ግֳשּרን caused by such radiation, the lisencee shall have
ወዲያውኑ የሕክוና ףאץוእንዲደנግֳُ the responsibility to immediately make arrangements
የדድנግ ٪ֶፊነُ አֳበُ፡፡ for medical examination of the person.
በዚֱ አዋጅ አንשׂጽ 06/1/ እና 06/2/ No authorization, other than by the Authority,
የـዘנዘُסን እንቅስቃሴዎ٤ ֳדከናወን shall be issued to engage in any of the activities
የגያስ٤ָ ፈቃድ ከָםֳוֹጣኑ ውጭ prescribed under Article 16(1) and 16(2) of this
በדንኛው ֶַ וአካָ ֵרጥ አይ٤ָו፡፡ Proclamation.
דንኛውר וው ֳዚֱ አዋጅና አዋጁን Any person shall have the duty to cooperate in the
ֳדስፈጸגֳ וወጡُ ደንቦ٤ና עאאያዎ٤ implementation of this Proclamation and regulations
and directives issued pursuant to this
አፈጻጸ וየוֹـאበ ץግዴٍ አֳበُ፡፡
!8. ቅጣُ 28. Penalties
በወንጀָ ֱጉ የበֳጠ የגያስשׂጣ ካֲָነ Unless severe penalties are prescribed in the
በስץשׂـ፣ criminal law:-
gA 4ְך$3 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4053
1/ በָםֳוֹጣኑ ፈቃድ ሳያገኝ በרው ֶይ የُז 1/ any person who without permission from the
ወይ וከፍـኛ የአካָ ጉዳُ ወይ וበንብُנ Authority transfers, alters, disposes or
ֶይ ከፍـኛ ጉዳُ ֵያስከָُ የג٤ָ የኒው disperses nuclear materials that are likely to
ክַשּׁ ץስ የשׂאበָ፣ የדስֳֶـፍ፣ የֳאወጥ፣ cause death or serious injury to any person or
የדስወገድ፣ የףרדጨُ ወይ וየדጓጓዝ ድץ substantial damage to property shall be
ጊُ የፈጸד אንኛውר וው ከ3 እስከ 05 ዓُא punishable with an imprisonment from 3 to
በגደץስ እ ُףםወይ וከብ ץ$ ְֱךእስከ ብץ 15 years or with a fine from Birr 50,000 to
5) ְֱךበגደץስ የገንዘብ ቅጣُ ወይו Birr 500,000 or with both;
በሁֳً וያስשׂጣָ፤
4/ የኒውክַשּׁ ץስን የאጠ ושׂበָםֳוֹጣኑ 4/ any authorized person to use nuclear material
who causes damage due to negligence shall
የרـጠ ፈቃድ ኖ צበָْـኝነُ ጉዳُ
be punishable with a rigorous imprisonment
דድנስ ከ3 እስከ 0 ዓ ُאበגደץስ ፅኑ
from 3 to 10 years or with a fine from Birr
እ ُףםወይ וከብ ץ$ ְֱךእስከ ብץ 50,000 to Birr 100,000 or with both;
1) ְֱךበגደץስ የገንዘብ ቅጣُ ወይו
በሁֳً וያስשׂጣָ፤
5/ any person who commits other offences in
5/ የዚֱን አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ ወይ וበአዋጁ violation of the provisions of this
ُנטאየወጡ ደንቦ٤ን ወይעאא ו Proclamation or regulations or directives
ያዎ٤ በאጣስ ַֹ٤ ጥፋِ٤ን የፈጸא issued pursuant to this Proclamation. shall
דንኛውר וው እስከ 3 ዓ ُאበגደץስ be punishable with an imprisonment not
እ ُףםወይ וእስከ ብ ץ0 ְֱךበגደץስ exceeding 3 years or with a fine not
የገንዘብ שׂאጮ ወይו በሁֳًו exceeding Birr 10,000 or with both.
የגኒስُצ٤ וክ ץቤُ ይֱን አዋጅ በגገוֹ The Council of Ministers may issue regulations
necessary for the proper implementation of this
ـግףוֹዊ ֳדድנግ የגያስፈָጉ ደንቦ٤ን
ֳדውጣُ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
30. Repealed Laws
". የ סָךـሕጎ٤
1/ The Radiation Protection Proclamation No.
1/ የጨא ץנከֶከያ አዋጅ שּׁጥ& ץ9/09)'6 79/1993 is hereby repealed.
በዚֱ አዋጅ ָקֹּלـ፡፡
2/ ይֱን አዋጅ የגቃנን דንኛው וሕግ 2/ No law, regulation or directive shall, in so far
ወይעאא וያ በዚֱ አዋጅ የֳאـከً as it is inconsistent with this Proclamation,
ጉዳዮ٤ን በֳאגከُ ـፈጻגነُ have force or effect with respect to matters
አይኖנውו፡፡ provided for by this Proclamation.
gA 4ְך$4 “ፌዴራል ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R @3 ሚያዝያ 04 qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 23 22nd April, 2008 …. page 4054
ይֱ አዋጅ በፌዴ ָףነጋ ُעጋዜጣ ٍُז This Proclamation shall enter into force upon
ከወጣበُ שׂን ጀ צוየፀና ይֲናָ፡፡ Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.