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Fire Safety - 2022

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Fire Safety

Health, Safety & Environment


The main aim is to lay down the instructions for fire prevention and also lay down procedure to be
followed in the event of any outbreak of fire/fire emergency.

In retail industry, fire accidents may happen due to the following reasons:

• Loose connections in electrical panels resulting in arcing

• Storage of combustible materials
• Storage of flammable liquids
• Overloading in electrical circuits
• Smoking
• Human Negligence
• This SOP will make you understand the procedure to prevent fire accidents and fire emergency at your retail
• This SOP is applicable for employees, customers & Contractors
Design Principles

• As per NFPA 70E, Fire accidents happens due to electric arcing. It is due to the faulty electric equipment
or poor maintenance of equipment

• As per the NBC 2016, Fire extinguishers are required to be maintained in the workplace

• As per NBC 2016, it is a requirement to install a fire system consisting Automatic fire sprinklers, fire hose
reel which will be acting to extinguish the fire at high rise building

• As per NBC 2016, fire detection system is required to be installed at our workplace like smoke detectors,
manually operated fire alarm

• As per NBC 2016, fire staircase is required as a fire exit which is used for fire emergency evacuation
Design Principles

Fire is an exothermic chain reaction that takes place in presence

of fuel, heat & oxygen

Oxygen, heat & fuel are frequently referred to as the “Fire


Fire requires:

Enough Oxygen to sustain combustion.

Enough heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature.
Some sort of fuel or combustible material.
Design Principles

To fight fire, there is need to remove any one of the elements that is necessary for a fire

No Fire Fuel Fuel

When any one of the three components of fire triangle is removed, the fire is extinguished
Design Principles

Methods of Extinguishing Fire :

Elimination of each element can be done by the following

Oxygen element: (smothering )

a) Use of blanket cover to smother the fire

b) Use of carbon dioxide extinguishers
c) Use of dry chemical powder extinguishers

Heat element: (cooling)

a) Use of water or water extinguishers

b) Moving heat producing elements away

Fuel element: (starvation)

a) Move flammable materials away
Design Principles

Types of Fire :
Although all fires look alike; the classification depends on the kind of fuel
that is involved in the fire. They are classified as:

Class “A":

These are generated generally by solid combustible materials that are not
metals such as wood, paper, cloth, trash, plastics etc.
Class “A” fires generally leave an Ash

Class "B":
These are generated generally by any non-metal in a liquid state, such as
flammable liquids: gasoline, oil, grease, acetone etc.
This classification also includes flammable gases
Class “B” fires generally involve materials that Boil or Bubble
Design Principles

Class " C":

Electrical fires generated by energized electrical equipment

Class “C” fires generally deal with electrical Current

Class ”D":

Generally occur due to reactions with metals such as potassium, sodium,

aluminum, magnesium

It takes special extinguishing agents (Metal-X, foam) to fight such a fire

Design Principles

Types of Fire Extinguishers :

Although there are many types of Fire extinguishers depending upon the type of the fire, our sites
have been provided with the two types of extinguishers

ABC Type Fire extinguisher CO2 Type Fire Extinguisher

Multipurpose Fire extinguisher can be
to be used for electrical fires
used on A,B & C types of Fire
Design Principles

ABC Type Fire Extinguisher (For All types of Fire)

▪ Can be used on any type of fire & is effective on burning liquid & electrical

▪ Dry powder is a highly versatile Class A, B & C fire-fighting medium

suitable for most situations.

▪ In addition to dealing with electrical hazards, flammable liquids & gases,

dry powder is also effective on vehicle fires

▪ Dry chemical extinguishers put out fire by coating the fuel with a thin
layer of dust, separating the fuel from the oxygen in the air.

▪ The powder also works in interrupting the chemical reaction of fire, so

these extinguishers are extremely effective at putting out fires
Design Principles

CO2 Type Fire Extinguisher (For Electrical Fires)

▪ CO2 Fire Extinguishers must be used in case of an electrical fire

▪ Carbon Dioxide extinguishers are filled with non-flammable carbon

dioxide gas under extreme pressure.

▪ CO2 extinguisher can be recognized by its hard horn & lack of

pressure gauge

▪ The pressure in the cylinder is so great that when we use one of

these extinguishers, bits of dry ice may shoot out from the horn
Fire Safety: Guidelines
1. Each store is equipped with fire detection (fire alarm system) and fire-fighting system (fire extinguishers), few
stores may also have hydrant / hose reel / sprinkler system in addition to fire extinguishers
2. The fire alarm system should be tested and maintained periodically by SLP automation team and the
maintenance records should be maintained and retained for future reference or audit trail.
3. SLP shall report all short circuit and fire incidents by CIR process and maintain records in Incident logbook.
Records shall be made available to any authorised person (e.g. fire services team, electrical inspector, mall
management etc.).
4. SLP Team should check workability of the system by doing certain tests. During test, following can be tested in
one go:
• Smoke / Beam Detectors (Detect and trigger the fire alarm when there is smoke present and trigger the fire
alarm when activated and also sends a fire alert with its location (zone) to the fire panel)
• Manual call point (sends the signal to Fire Alarm system to trigger the fire alarm and also sends a fire alert
with its location (zone) to the fire panel)
• Fire hooters/flashers (sounds alarm when activated by a smoke detector or a MCP, also have flash lights
which blinks to indicate emergency for differently abled people with hearing impairment)
• Fire Alarm Panel (receives the signal from smoke detector or MCP and activates the hooter)
Note: In cases where the fire panel is connected to the building’s fire panel, the same alert needs to be sent to the
building’s fire panel as well and vice-a-versa.
Fire safety: Emergency Management Guidelines
• The safety and emergency signages shall be visible, unobstructed and maintained in good condition.
Emergency lights should be identified, marked and tested on a periodic basis and connected with an
alternate / power backup.
• Emergency exit shall be kept unlocked, unblocked and clear at all times when human life is present inside
the store. The escape route shall be marked and maintained in racking area to ensure that emergency
escape is easily visible for emergency evacuation.
• An emergency contact list shall have details of store management, fire services, nearest hospital, police
station and ambulance services shall be displayed at conspicuous locations. Staff must be aware about the
same. Note: In case of shared premise, Building/mall management details shall also be captured.
• Safety equipment, shall be easily identifiable and accessible from any point.
• All portable fire extinguishers shall be installed at 750 mm above ground level for easy access.
• Electrical / DG room shall have proper ventilation and free from any storage material.
• All the points mentioned above shall be checked and ensured at all times
Activity Chart

Sr. no Activity By Who By When

1 Identify the hazards during the walk through of store, which can lead to fire LPA/ALPO Always
accident, and report the same
2 The Fire alarm and detection systems should be tested periodically LPA/ALPO Periodically
3 Report all short circuit and fire incidents LPA/ALPO Always
4 Get all MCB’s switched off in the evening other than external lighting FM/LPA Always

5 Fire signage's to be visible to all the employees, contractor & customers FM / SM Always
6 Fire extinguishers are to be installed at 750 mm above the ground level FM / SM Always

7 Flammable liquids are to be sealed properly at the storage area FM Always

8 Thermography to be done covering all the cable terminations and joints FM Every quarter

9 Housekeeping to be done following all the standard operating procedures covering SM/Admin Always
all the areas
Types of Fire Extinguishers

Fire Extinguisher details

•DISCHARGE LEVER (not found on CO2







Fire Extinguishers Management

▪ Mount all the Fire Extinguishers wall at a height of 750 mm

from floor or on a trolley

▪ Place the Fire Extinguishers at the designated locations with

no obstructions

▪ Check for Valid refilling /next inspection date for Fire

Extinguishers (must be a future date)

▪ Train staff on how to operate a fire extinguisher

Fire Extinguishers – How to use

Fire Extinguishers - Application

Fire Extinguishers

Stay upwind of the fire

Stay low, do not try to use an extinguisher

over the top of the fire
Fire Extinguishers

Spray the extinguisher at the base of

the fire

Never allow the fire to get between you

and a route to escape
Fire Extinguishers

Never go to an unknown area to fight

a fire

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