Computer Test
Computer Test
Computer Test
Examination Paper
Subject Code-B112
Computer Fundamental
• This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.
• Answer all the questions.
• Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.
Part one:
Multiple choice:
I.A Light Sensitive device that converts drawing, II. The basic operations performed by a
printed text or other image into digital from is computer are (1)
(1) e) Arithmetic operation
a) Keyboard f) Logical operation
b) Plotter g) Storage and relative operation
c) Scanner h) All the above l
d) OMR
III. The two major types of computer chips IV. Microprocessors as switching devices
are (1) are for which generation computers
a. External memory chip (1)
b. Primary memory chip a. First Generation
c. Microprocessor chip b. Second Generation
d. Both b and c c. Third Generation
d. Fourth Generation
IX. The two kinds of main memory are: X. A storage area used to store data to
a compensate for the difference in
a) Primary and secondary speed at which the different units
b) Random and sequential can handle data is
c) ROM and RAM a) Memory
d) All of above b) Buffer
c) Accumulator
d) Address
Part Two:
Caselet 1
Mr. and Mrs. Sharma went to Woodlands Apparel to buy a shirt. Mr. Sharma did not read the
price tag on the piece selected by him. At the counter, while making the payment he asked for
the price. Rs. 950 was the answer.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Sharma, who was still shopping came back and joined her husband. She was
glad that he had selected a nice black shirt for himself. She pointed out that there was a 25%
discount on that item. The counter person nodded in agreement.
Mr. Sharma was thrilled to hear that “It means the price of this shirt is just Rs. 712. That‟s
fantastic”, said Mr. Sharma. He decided to buy one more shirt in blue color.In no time, he
returned with the second shirt and asked them to be packed. When he received the cash
memo for payment, he was astonished to find that he had to pay Rs.. 1,900 and Rs.1,424.
Mr. Sharma could hardly reconcile himself to the fact that the counter person had quoted the
discounted price which was Rs. 950. The original price printed on the price tag was Rs.1,266.
1. What should Mr. Sharma have done to avoid them is understanding? (10)
2. Discuss the main features involved in this case. (10)
Caselet 2
I don’t want to speak to you. Connect me to your boss in the USA,” hissed the Alfred is a do-it
yourself entrepreneur who built up his fortune in trading. He traded in anything and everything
and kept close control of every activity. That was now he had grown rich enough to indulge in
his own dream-to build a college in his home town. A college that would be at par to the ones in
the better cities, the one in which he could not study himself.
Work started a year hack and the buildings were coming along well He himself did not use
computers much and became hooked to the Internet and e-mail only recently. He was determined
to provide a PC with Internet connectivity to every students and faculty member. He was
currently engrossed in plans for the 100 seater computer lab.
What was confusing him was the choice of Internet connectivity. He had about a dozen
quotations in front of him, Recommendations ranged from 64 Kbps ISDN all the way to 1 Gbps
leased line to Guwahati which was almost 200 kms away. Prices ranged from slightly under a
lakh all the way upto 25 lakh and beyond. He did not understand most of the equipment quoted
firewall, proxy server, cache appliance, nor was he sure what the hidden cost were. Although it
went against his very nature, he would have to identify a trustworthy consultant who would
help him make sense of the whole thing.
1. In the context of the given case, what managerial issues need to be addressed by Alfred. Why
is It Important for managers to be tech savvy? (10)
2. What is the importance of a 'Systems consultant' to an organization? What skills should
he/she possess? (10)