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MEBS Course Material ACY 23-24

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Department of Chemical Engineering


(22CH C04)

Course Title MATERIAL

CourseCode 22CHC Credits 3 Class III Semester
Contact Work
TLP Credits Total Number
Hours Load Assessment in
of Classes
Theory 3 3 Per Semester Weightage
Course Practic 0 0
Structure e Theory Practical CIE SEE
Tutoria 0 0
40 60
Total 3 3 40 -
Course Lead: Dr

Course Theory Practice

Instructors Dr.B. Ganesh
1. Basis for all the chemical engineering courses that are part of the curriculum
2. Basic calculations of Chemical engineering
3. Material balance calculations for with and without chemical reactions
4. Properties and laws for analyzing vapors and liquids
5. Energy balance calculations and its importance

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DepartmentofChemical Engineering

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:

CO# Course Outcomes POs PSOs

Convert physic-chemical PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4,

chemical quantities from one unit
1 system to another and express composition of systems
PO5, PO9,
on different basis of calculations PO11,PO12
Solve material balance problems without chemical
PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4, PSO1,2
2 reactions for single and multiple systems PO5, PO9,PO10,
3 Solve material balance problems with chemical PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4, PSO1,2
reactions PO5, PO9,PO10,
Solve energy balance problems for non reactive PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4, PSO1,2
systems PO5, PO9,PO10,
5 Estimation heat of reaction for reactive system PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4, PSO1,2
PO5, PO9,PO10,


Bloom’s Level
CO# Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
(L1) (L2) (L3) (L4) (L5) (L6)
L1 L2 L3
CO2 L1 L2 L3 L4
L1 L2 L3 L4
L1 L2 L3 L4
CO5 L1 L2 L3 L4

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Department of Chemical Engineering















CO1 3 2 3 3 2 - - - 2 2 1 1 3 2

CO2 3 2 3 3 2 - - - 2 2 1 1 3 2

CO3 3 2 3 3 2 - - - 2 2 1 1 3 2

CO4 3 2 3 3 3 - - - 2 2 1 1 3 2

CO5 3 2 3 3 3 - - - 2 2 1 1 3 2

S Duration Total
Component Wise Weightage Marks
No inHours Marks
1 Theory:Test
Theory:Test-1 1 20 40 40 40
2 Theory:Test
Theory:Test-2 1
3 Evaluation(
CIE) sessment

4 PracticalExam - -
5 SemesterEndExam(SEE) 3 60 60 60
TotalMarks 100
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DepartmentofChemical Engineering
Course Prerequisites: Material and Energy Balance
calculations-22 CHC04



Introduction to process calculations: Units and Dimensions - Conversion of
Units; Process and process variables – process flow sheet, process unit, process
streams, density, specific gravity, specific gravity scales, mass and volumetric
flow rates, mole concept, molecular and equivalent
equivalent weights; Composition of
concentration Gases, Vapours and Liquids:
streams; other expressions for concentration.
Equations of state, mixture of ideal gases-Dalton‟s
gases ‟s and Amagat‟s laws, Vapour
pressure, Clausius- Clapeyron equation, Cox chart, Duhring
Duhring‟s‟s plot, Raoult‟s
Raou law.
Material balance without chemical reaction: Introduction, Mixer, splitter,
Solubility, dissolution and crystallization (single solute systems) – Solving
material balance problems without chemical reaction. Unit operations like
absorption, distillation, evaporation, crystallization, leaching, and extraction,
drying and mixing units under steady state conditions.

Material Balance with Chemical Reaction: Material Balance with chemical
reaction, Concept of stoichiometry and and mole balances, examples, including
Proximate and ultimate analysis of coal and analysis of flue gas.
Material balances for by-pass,
by recycle and purge Operations.

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DepartmentofChemical Engineering

Energy Balances for non reactive system: Heat Capacity,
system Thermophysics -Heat
Calculation of enthalpy changes without and with phase change, Heat of
solution and mixing

system Thermochemistry - Energy balances with
Energy Balances for reactive system:
chemical reactions - Standard heat of reaction, formation and combustion, Hess
Law, Effect of temperature; Simultaneous material and energy balances -
Adiabatic flame temperature.

1. Felder, R. M.; Rousseau, R. W., “Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes”, Third Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, 2000
2. Himmelblau, D. M., Riggs, J. B. “Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering”, Eighth
Ed., Pearson India Education Services,
3. Hougen O.A., Watson K.M., Ragatz R.A., Chemical Process Principles (Part I): Material and Energy
Balances, 2nd Edition, CBS Publishers, 2004

Suggested Reading:
1. Bhatt, B. I., Vora, S. M., “Stoichiometry”, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd,
2. Narayanan K.V., Lakshmikutty B., Stoichiometry and Process Calculations, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
7th Edition, 2015.
3. Sikdar, D. C., “Chemical Process Calculations”, Prentice Hall of India, 2013

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Lecture# TopicstobeCovered
1. Introduction to process calculations

2. Units and Dimensions

3. Conversion of Units
4. Process and process variables

5. process flow sheet

6. process unit

7. process streams
8. density, specific gravity

9. specific gravity scales

10. mass and volumetric flow rates

11. mole concept, molecular and equivalent weights

12. Composition of streams; other expressions for concentration

13. Equations of state

14. ‟s and Amagat‟s laws, Vapour pressure

mixture of ideal gases-Dalton‟s

15. Clapeyron equation, Cox chart, Duhring‟s ‟s law

Duhring plot, Raoult‟s

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16. Material balance without chemical reaction : Introduction-single
Introduction unit
17. Mixer, splitter

18. evaporation, drying

19. Solubility, dissolution and crystallization

20. absorption

21. distillation

22. evaporation

23. leaching, and extraction

24. Material balance without chemical reaction : Introduction-multi
Introduction unit
25. Material Balance with Chemical Reaction: Material Balance with chemical
26. Concept of stoichiometry and mole balances ,Limiting
Limiting reactant, Excess
27. Conversion and Yield ,Selectivity
28. combustion
29 Proximate and ultimate analysis of coal and analysis of flue gas
30. by pass, recycle and purge Operations.
Material balances for by-pass,
31 Energy Balances for non reactive system:: Thermophysics -Heat Capacity
32 Calculation of enthalpy changes without and with phase change
33 Energy Balances for reactive system
34 Thermochemistry
35 Energy balances with chemical reactions
36 formation and combustion
37 Hess Law
38 Effect of temperature
39 Simultaneous material and energy balances
40 Adiabatic flame temperature

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Practice Questions *CO *BT

1 Skim milk is prepared by the removal of some of the fat from whole milk. 1 3
This skim milk is found to contain 90.5% water, 3.5% protein, 5.1%
carbohydrate, 0.1% fat and 0.8% ash. If the original milk contained 4.5%
fat, calculate its composition, assuming that fat only was removed to make
the skim milk and that at there are no losses in processing
2 A solution of common salt in water is prepared by adding 20 kg of salt to 1 3
100 kg of water, to make a liquid of density 1323 kg m m-3.
3. Calculate the
concentration of salt in this solution as a (a) weight fraction, (b)
weight/volume fraction, (c) mole fraction, (d) molal concentration.
3 Air composition If air consists of 77% by weight of nitrogen and 23% by 2 3
weight of oxygen calculate: (a) the mean molecular weight of air, (b) the
mole fraction of oxygen, (c) the concentration of oxygen in mole m--3 and
kg m-3 3 if the total pressure is1.5 atmospheres and the temperature is 25oC.
4 In the carbonation of a soft drink, the total quantity of carbon dioxide 2 3
required is the equivalent of 3 volumes of gas to one volume of water at 0oC
and atmospheric pressure. Calculate (a) the mass fraction and (b) the mole
fraction of the CO2 in the drink, ignoring all components other than CO2
and water.
5 If 35,000kg of whole milk containing 4% fat is to be separated in a 6 hour 3 3
period into skim milk with 0.45% fat and cream with 45% fat, what are the
flow rates of the two output streams from a continuous centrifuge which
accomplishes this separation?
6 Baker's yeast is to be grown in a continuous fermentation system using a 3 3
fermenter volume of 20m3 in which the flow residence time is 16 h. A 2%
inoculum containing 1.2 % of yeast cells is included in the growth medium.
This is then passed to the fermenter, in which the yeast grows with a steady
doubling time of 2.9h. T he broth leaving the fermenter then passes to a
continuous centrifuge, which produces a yeast cream containing 7% of
yeast, 97% of the total yeast in the broth. Calculate the rate of flow of the
yeast cream and of the residual broth from the centrifuge
7 A processing plant is producing minced meat, which must contain 15% of 4 3
fat. If this is to be made up from boneless cow beef with 23% of fat and
from boneless bull beef with 5% of fat, what are the proportions in which
these should be mixed?

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8 1000 kg of soya beans, of composition 18% oil, 35% protein, 27.1% 4 4
carbohydrate, 9.4% fibre and ash, 10.5% moisture, are: (a) crushed and
pressed, which reduces oil content in beans to 6%; (b) then extracted with
hexane to produce a meal containing 0.5% oil; ((c) c) finally dried to 8%
moisture. Assuming that there is no loss of protein and water with the oil,
set out a materials balance for the soya bean constituents.
9 It is desired to freeze 10,000 loaves of bread, each weighing 0.75 kg, from 5 4
an initial room temperature of 18oC to a final store temperature of –18oC.
– If
this is to be carried out in such a way that the maximum heat demand for the
freezing is twice the average demand, estimate this maximum demand, if the
total freezing time is to be 6 h. If data on the actual bread is unavailable, in
the literature are data on bread constituents, calculation methods and
enthalpy/temperature tables.
10 In drying casein, the dryer is found to consume 4m3/h of natural gas with a 5 4
calorific value of 800kJ/mole. If the throughput of the dryer is 60kg of wet
casein per hour, drying it from 55% moisture to 10% moisture, estimate the
overall thermal efficiency of the dryer taking into account the latent heat of
evaporation only.
11 (a) Heat balance for cooling pea soup after canning An autoclave contains 5 4
1000 cans of pea soup. It is heated to an overall temperature of 100oC.
If the cans are to be cooled to 40oC before leaving the autoclave, how
much cooling water is required if it enters at 15oC and leaves at 35oC?
The specific heats of the pea soup and the can metal are respectively
4.1 kJ kg-1oC-1 1 and 0.50 kJ kg-1
kg oC-1. 1. The weight of each can is 60g
and it contains 0.45 kg of pea soup. Assume that the heat content of the
autoclave walls above 40oC is 1.6xl04 kJ and that there is no heat loss
through the walls.
freezing operation of Example 2.10 is to be carried out in an
(b) The bread-freezing 4
blast freezing tunnel. It is found that the fan motors are rated at a
total of 80 horsepower and measurements suggest that they are
operating at around 90% of their rating, under which conditions their
manufacturer's data claims a motor efficiency of 86%. If 1 ton of
refrigeration is 3.52 kW, estimate the maximum refrigeration load
imposed by this freezing installation assuming (a) that fans and motors
are all within the freezing tunnel insulation and (b) the fans but not
heat loss rate from the tunnel to the
their motors are in the tunnel. The heat-loss
ambient air has been found to be 6.3 kW.
tatoes are dried from 14% total solids to 93% total solids. What is
12 (a) Potatoes 4 V
the product yield from each 1000 kg of raw potatoes assuming that 8%
by weight of the original potatoes is lost in peeling.
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(b) 3 III
13 (a) 3 IV
(b) 2 III
14 (a) 2 I
(b) 4 IV
15 (a) 5 III
(b) 3 II
16 (a) 2 I
(b) 3 IV
17 (a) 3 IV
(b) 2 II
(c) 1 I

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Code No.: 20CHC03


B.Tech (Chem) III Sem (Main) Examination March 2023
Material and Energy Balance Calculations
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Note: Answer ALL questions from Part-A & Part –B (Internal Choice) at one place in the
same order
Part - A
(5Q X 3M = 15 Marks)
1 Define Molality. (3) 1 1
A solution of caustic soda contains 20% NaOH by weight. Express the
composition in mole %.
2 What is degrees of freedom? Give its significance. (3) 2 2
3 The carbon monoxide is reacted with hydrogen to produce methanol. (3) 3 2
Calculate (i) the stoichiometric ratio of H2 to CO, (ii) kmol of CH3OH
produced per kmol of CO reacted.
4 What is Dew point temperature? How do you estimate it. (3) 5 2
5 Write the energy balance equation for open system and closed system. (3) 6 1

Part – B
(5Q X 9M = 45 Marks)
6 (a) Assuming air to contain 79 % N2 and 21% O2 by volume, Calculate the (7) 1 3
composition in terms of percentage by weight and its density at a
pressure of 735.56 mm Hg and a temperature of 25°C. Assume air to
behave as an ideal gas.
(b) What is normality and molarity of the solution? (2) 1 2
7 (a) A 20 litre cylinder containing oxygen at 1770 kPa is used to supply O2 (5) 1 3
to an oxygen tent. The cylinder can be used until its absolute pressure
drops to 111.5 kPa. Assuming a constant temperature of 27oC,
calculate the moles of O2 that can be obtained from the cylinder.
(b) What do you mean by a process? Draw a simple process diagram (4) 1 2
showing input and output streams.

8 (a) It is desired to make up 1000 kg of a solution containing 35% by (5) 2 3

weight of A. Two solutions are available, one containing 10% A and
the other 50% A by weight. How many kilograms of each solution is
(b) Wet solids containing 20% water is sent through a dryer in which 80% (4) 2 2
of the water is removed. Based on 100 kg of feed, Calculate the mass
fraction of dry solids in wet solids that leaves the dryer.

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Code No.: 20CHC03
9 Waste acid from a nitrating process contains 30% H2SO4, 35% HNO3 (9) 3 4
and 35% water by weight. The acid is to be concentrated to contain
39% H2SO4 and 42% HNO3 by addition of concentrated sulphuric acid
containing 98% H2SO4 and concentrated nitric acid containing 72%
HNO3 by weight. Calculate the quantities of the acids to be mixed to
get 1000kg of desired mixed acid. Show degrees of freedom analysis

10 (a) Ammonia is produced by the following reaction: (5) 3 3

Calculate (a) the molal flow rate of hydrogen corresponding to
nitrogen feed rate of 25 kmol/h if they are fed in the stoichiometric
proportion (b) kg of ammonia produced per hour if percent conversion
is 25 and nitrogen feed rate is 25 kmol/h..
(b) Define limiting reactant and excess reactant, % conversion and % (4) 3 1
11 (a) Methanol can be produced by the reaction of CO with H2: (7) 4 3
𝐶𝑂 + 2𝐻2 → 𝐶𝐻3 𝑂𝐻
Only 15% of CO entering is converted to methanol. The methanol
formed is condensed and recovered completely. The unreacted CO and
H2 are recycled back to the reactor. The feed contains H2 and CO in the
ratio 2:1. For 3200 kg/h of methanol produced and 100 kmol/h H2
recycled, calculate:
i) kg mol/h of fresh feed
ii) kg mol/h of recycle gas
(b) Define recycle ratio. (2) 4 1

12 (a) A mixture of acetone vapour and nitrogen contains 15.8% acetone by (5) 5 2
volume. Calculate the relative and percent saturation of the mixture at
a temperature of 293 K and a pressure of 101.325 kPa. Vapour
pressure of acetone at 293 K is 24.638 kPa.
(b) What is Raoult’s law and Henry’s law? When these laws are valid? (4) 5 1
13 Show with sketches the estimation of various thermodynamic (9) 5 4
properties using humidity chart.

14 (a) Define Specific heat and heat capacity at constant volume, constant (5) 6 1
pressure. Derive the relationship between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas.
(b) The heat of dilution of one mol of KClO3 in 5.66 mol of water at 18oC (4) 6 3
is -37.3 kJ per mol KClO3. Calculate the heat absorbed when 1000 kg
of solution is to be prepared at 18oC having the above composition.

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Code No.: 20CHC03
15 (a) Define Heat of formation and combustion. Explain Hess’s law of (3) 6 1
constant heat summation.
(b) Assuming ideal gas behavior, calculate the heat that must be (6) 6 3
transferred when a stream of nitrogen flowing at a rate of 100 mol/min
is heated from 20°C to 100°C.
𝐶𝑃 of nitrogen (KJ/mol °C):
𝐶𝑃 = 0.029 + 0.2199 × 10−5 𝑇 + 0.5723 × 10−8 𝑇 2 − 2.871
× 10−12 𝑇 3


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