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17me320 Ieor (Even)

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Course Code & Course Title : 17ME320 and Industrial Engineering & Operations Research

Credits : 2/2/0/3
Course Designer : Mr.K.Vickram, Mr.S.Ramkumar & Mr.K.Umanath
k.vickram@skct.edu.in, s.ramkumar@skct.edu.in and umanath.k@skct.edu.in
Industrial engineering (IE) is an engineering profession that is concerned with the optimization of
complex processes, systems, or organizations by developing, improving and implementing integrated systems of people,
money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy and materials. Operations Research (OR) is a discipline that helps to
make better decisions in complex scenarios by the application of a set of advanced analytical methods. It couples theories,
results and theorems of mathematics, statistics and probability with its own theories and algorithms for problem solving.
Applications of OR techniques spread over various fields in engineering, management and public systems. 

Program Outcomes addressed
Program Outcome
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the
solution of complex engineering problems.
Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated
conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
PO3. needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
data, and synthesis of the Information to provide valid conclusions.
Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the
broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes addressed

Program Specific Outcome

PSO1. Graduates have an ability to identify, formulate and analyze the problems of existing mechanical engineering system and
new product development

Course Outcomes

Course Outcomes POs / PSOs CL KC Sessions

CO1. Demonstrate knowledge on theory concepts of work study U F,P 8
Determine the standard time to perform the job by the preferred PO1,PO3,PO4,
CO2. AP C,P 3
method PO12,PSO1

CO3. Formulate a real world problem into a mathematical formulation PO3,PO4, U M,PC 3

Solve the mathematical formulation of models for managerial PO1,PO2,

CO4. decision problems and to be solving by simplex method, PO3,PO4, AP M,FDC 10
transportation and assignment models. PO12,PSO1

Solve network models and determining critical path analysis and PO1,PO2,
CO5. programming evaluation review techniques for timely project PO3,PO4, AN M,FDC 10
scheduling and timely completion PO12,PSO1

Solve problems facing by business managers in decision
CO6. PO3,PO4, AP M 11
environments by analytic techniques and computer packages

Total Hours of instruction 45

Course Outcomes in Taxonomy Table

Cognitive Levels
Knowledge Categories
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

Factual X CO1 X X X X

Conceptual X X CO2 X X X

Procedural X CO2 CO1 X X X

Metacognitive X CO3 CO6 CO4,CO5 X X
Fundamental Design
Criteria and
Practical Constraints X CO3 X X X X
Design Instrumentalities X X X X X X

Strength to which POs and PSO are addressed by COs

60 of 60 (100%) classroom sessions are devoted to PO1 Course Level PO1 strength is 3
60 of 60 (100%) classroom sessions are devoted to PO2 Course Level PO2 strength is 3
60 of 60 (100%) classroom sessions are devoted to PO3 Course Level PO3 strength is 3
60 of 60 (100%) classroom sessions are devoted to PO4 Course Level PO4 strength is 3
40 of 60 (66.66%) classroom sessions are devoted to PO12 Course Level PO12 strength is 2
60 of 60 (100%) classroom sessions are devoted to PSO1 Course Level PSO1 strength is 3
Course – PO/PSO Mapping
Course PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2

17ME320 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 2 3 -

Program Articulation Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2

CO1 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 2 3 -
CO2 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 2 3 -
CO3 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 2 3 -
CO4 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 2 3 -
CO5 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 2 3 -
CO6 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 2 3 -


At the end of the course the student should be able to

Competency CO CL KC
Work study CO1 U F,P 3

Method study CO1 U F,P 3

Work measurement techniques CO1 U F,P 2

Standard Time calculation CO2 AP C,P 3

Formation of an LP model CO3 U M,PC 3

Methods to solve the LPP – Graphical & Simplex CO4 AP M,FDC 5

Transportation Algorithm CO4 AP M,FDC 3

Assignment problem CO4 AP M,FDC 2

Minimal spanning tree CO5 AN M,FDC 2

Maximum flow models CO5 AN M,FDC 2

Project networks- PERT and CPM CO5 AN M,FDC 6

EOQ & EBQ models CO6 AP M 2

C13 Inventory level of perishable items under probabilistic

CO6 AP M 2

Inventory management CO6 AP M 1

Queuing models CO6 AP M 4

Simulation models CO6 AP M 2

Test/Assessment Items for CO1

Course Outcome POs/PSOs CL KC

PO1,PO3, PO4,
CO1 Demonstrate knowledge on theory concepts of work study U F,P
PO12, PSO1
TI1 State the main objectives of work study

 Target time for each job can be scientifically estimated, with these estimate realistic schedules and manpower
Ans. requirements can be prepared.
 Sound comparison of alternative methods is possible by comparing their basic times.

TI2 Write the step by step procedure for conducting a method study
 Select the work
 Record
Ans.  Develop
 Install
 Maintain
TI3 Compare the various work measuring techniques

Test/Assessment Items for CO2

Course Outcome POs/PSOs CL KC

PO1,PO3, PO4,
CO2 Determine the standard time to perform the job by the preferred method AP C,P
PO12, PSO1
An operation consists of four work elements with the following data obtained during a work measurement
If the permissible allowance is 12% of the standard time. Then the standard time of the operation would (min)
operation would be?

TI2 Find the standard time for single stop-watch reading with 12% allowance in S.T for the following table

TI3 A soldering operation was work sampled over two days (16 hours) during which an employee soldered 108 joints. Actual
working time was 90 % of the total time & performance rating was estimated to be 120 %. If the contract provides
allowances of 20 % of the total time available, The standard time of the operation would be?

Test/Assessment Items for CO3

Course Outcome POs/PSOs CL KC

PO1,PO2, PO3, PO4,

CO3 Formulate a real world problem into a mathematical formulation U M,PC
PO12, PSO1
A Company sells two different products A & B. The company makes a profit of Rs 40 and Rs 30 on the two products
respectively. They are produced by the common production process and are sold in two different markets. The production
TI1 process has a capacity of 30,000 man-hours. It takes 3 hours to produce a unit of A and one hour to produce a unit of B.
The maximum number of units of A and B that can be sold in the market are 8000 and 12000 respectively. Formulate the
above as a LPP.
Maximize, Z=40x1+30x2
Ans. Subject to 3x1+x2 ≤ 30000, x1 ≤ 8000 and x2 ≤ 12000
where x1,x2 ≥ 0
A Company manufactures 3 types of lamps. The schedule for labour and material inputs and availability of each type are
given below
Desk lamp Bedside lamp Floor lamp Availability
Turning labour 1 hour 3 hours 2 hours 1500 per month
Finishing labour 2 hours 2 hours 4 hours 1000 per month

Brass 2 Kg 1.5 Kg 3 Kg 3000 per month

Profit contribution of each type of lamp is Rs.400, Rs.500 and Rs.650 respectively. Formulate as a LPP model.
Maximize, Z=400x1+500x2+650x3 ,
Ans. Subject to x1+3x2 +2x3 ≤ 1500, 2x1+2x2 +4x3 ≤ 1000 and 2x1+1.5x2 +3x3 ≤ 3000
where x1 ,x2, x3 ≥ 0
Test/Assessment Items for CO4

Course Outcome POs/PSOs CL KC

Solve the mathematical formulation of models for managerial decision

PO1,PO2, PO3, PO4,
CO4 problems and to be solving by simplex method, transportation and AP M,FDC
PO12, PSO1
assignment models.

Maximize, Z=3x+7y
Subject to 3x+7y ≤ 10
4x+7y ≤ 8
Where x&y≥0. Also comment the nature of solution

Solution nature: Exactly one optimum solution

TI2 Consider the transportation problem shown in table below
Find the initial basic feasible solution using Vogel’s approximation method


Total transport cost= (300X2)+(350X6)+(75X12)+(75X0)+(100x4)+(175X14)+(150X12)+(400X10)+(375X0)

= Rs.12250
T13 The following modified table after few iterations is given below. Check for optimality and also find out the optimum
transportation cost using MODI method

Optimum Transportation cost=Rs. 2450

T14 Solve the given assignment problem using Hungarian method. The values in the matrix indicate the cost. You have to
minimize the total assignment cost

Test/Assessment Items for CO5

Course Outcome POs/PSOs CL KC

Solve network models and determining critical path analysis and

PO1,PO2, PO3, PO4,
CO5 programming evaluation review techniques for timely project scheduling and AN M,FDC
PO12, PSO1
timely completion
TI1 Consider the distance network as shown in figure
TI2 Write the procedure for doing Kruskal’s algorithm

TI3 Consider the network given as in figure, find the Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal’s algorithm

Total distance travelled = 4+2+3+5+5+3+1+2+5

= 30
TI4 Consider the pipe network as shown below. Identify any two flow paths and draw the initial flow matrix

Ans. Flow paths:1-3-6, 1-2-4-6 etc.,


TI6 Consider the table summarizing the details of project that involving 11 activities

Ans. (a)Network diagram

Test/Assessment Items for CO6

Course Outcome POs/PSOs CL KC

Solve problems facing by business managers in decision environments by analytic PO1,PO2, PO3,
techniques and computer packages PO4, PO12, PSO1

TI1 Draw the EOQ when demand is deterministic & replenishment rate is instantaneous
TI2 Give an expression for production quantity model

The company uses a certain component 'B' at the rate of 5000 pieces per year. The cost per item is Rs 20 & It costs Rs 200 to
TI3 place an order. The annual carrying cost of an inventory is 10% of the price of the item. Assume shortage cost is negligible
and zero safety stock. Compute EOQ





TI6 State the applications of simulation in the field of Industry and business
 In industrial problems including the shop floor management, design of computer systems, design of queuing models,
inventory control, communication networks and scheduling of production processes.
 In business and economic problems, including customer behavior, price determination, economic forecasting,
portfolio selection and capital budgeting

Targets for CO Attainment

CO Course Outcomes (Class Average

CO1 Demonstrate knowledge on theory concepts of work study 65

CO2 Determine the standard time to perform the job by the preferred method 65
CO3 Formulate a real world problem into a mathematical formulation 65
Solve the mathematical formulation of models for managerial decision problems and to be
CO4 65
solving by simplex method, transportation and assignment models.
Solve network models and determining critical path analysis and programming evaluation
CO5 65
review techniques for timely project scheduling and timely completion
Solve problems facing by business managers in decision environments by analytic
CO6 65
techniques and computer packages

Assessment Pattern

Assessment Instrument Percentage Weightage

Continuous Internal Assessment 40%
Semester End examination 60%

Continuous Internal Assessment

Assessment Instrument Weightage

CIA test-1 15%
CIA test-2 15%
Model Exam 20%
Online Quiz 25%
Case study presentation 12.5%
Software simulation 12.5%

Semester End examination

Assessment Instrument Weightage

Semester End Examination
Part A (10 x 2 marks) 20%
Part B (5 x 16 marks) 80%

Cognitive Level CIA 1 CIA2 Model Examination SEE

Remember 0 0 0 0
Understand 0 60 60 60
Apply 80 20 20 20
Analyze 20 20 20 20
Evaluate 0 0 0 0
Create 0 0 0 0
Item Bank Structure

Wt. to CO Items distribution in a 1000 item bank

CO. CL Class Sessions (approx.)
(100*CS/TS) R U AP AN E C

CO1 U 8 18 0 180 0 0 0 0

CO2 AP 3 7 0 0 70 0 0 0

CO3 U 3 7 0 70 0 0 0 0

CO4 AP 10 22 0 0 220 0 0 0

CO5 AN 10 22 0 0 0 220 0 0

CO6 AP 11 24 0 0 240 0 0 0

Total 45 100 0 250 530 220 0 0

Item Bank structure including the marks distribution

Proposed item distribution as per marks
CO1 0 18 0 0 0 0

CO2 0 0 7 0 0 0
CO3 0 7 0 0 0 0
CO4 0 0 22 0 0 0

CO5 0 0 0 22 0 0

CO6 0 0 24 0 0 0

Item Bank

Time in Difficulty
CO CL KC Marks
Min. Level

Demonstrate knowledge on theory concepts of work study U F,P 40 80 2

Determine the standard time to perform the job by the preferred method AP C,P 4 10 2

Formulate a real world problem into a mathematical formulation U M,PC 20 30 2

Solve the mathematical formulation of models for managerial decision

problems and to be solving by simplex method, transportation and AP M,FDC 10 20 3
assignment models.

Solve network models and determining critical path analysis and

programming evaluation review techniques for timely project scheduling AN M,FDC 20 30 3
and timely completion

Solve problems facing by business managers in decision environments by

AP M 6 10 3
analytic techniques and computer packages
*3- Difficult; 2-Moderate; 1-Easy

Instruction and Learning Material

Delivery Technologies:

S No. Delivery Technology

1. Classroom with LCD Projector and smart board
2. Annotated lectures
3. NPTEL Video delivery
4. Glossary talk
5. Case study presentation
6. Technical Presentation

Instructional Plan

No. of hours of
S No. IU Competency
C1 IU1 Work study 3
C2 IU2 Method study 3
C3 IU3 Work measurement techniques 2
C4 IU4 Standard Time calculation 3
C5 IU5 Formation of an LP model 3
C6 IU6 Methods to solve the LPP – Graphical & Simplex 5
C7 IU7 Transportation Algorithm 3
C8 IU8 Assignment problem 2
C9 IU9 Minimal spanning tree 2
C10 IU10 Maximum flow models 2
C11 IU11 Project networks- PERT and CPM 6
C12 IU12 EOQ & EBQ models 2
C13 IU13 Inventory level of perishable items under probabilistic condition 2
C14 IU14 Inventory management 1
C15 IU15 Queuing models 4
C16 IU16 Simulation models 2

Instructional Unit 1
Script for IU1
Instructional Material for IU1
Learning Material for IU1 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 2
Script for IU2
Instructional Material for IU2
Learning Material for IU2 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 3
Script for IU3
Instructional Material for IU3
Learning Material for IU3 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 4
Script for IU4
Instructional Material for IU4
Learning Material for IU4 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 5
Script for IU5
Instructional Material for IU5
Learning Material for IU5 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 6
Script for IU6
Instructional Material for IU6
Learning Material for IU6 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 7
Script for IU7
Instructional Material for IU7
Learning Material for IU7 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 8
Script for IU1
Instructional Material for IU8
Learning Material for IU8 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 9
Script for IU9
Instructional Material for IU9
Learning Material for IU9 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)
Instructional Unit 10
Script for IU10
Instructional Material for IU10
Learning Material for IU10 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 11
Script for IU11
Instructional Material for IU11
Learning Material for IU11 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 12
Script for IU12
Instructional Material for IU2
Learning Material for IU11 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 13
Script for IU13
Instructional Material for IU13
Learning Material for IU13 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 14
Script for IU14
Instructional Material for IU14
Learning Material for IU14 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 15
Script for IU15
Instructional Material for IU15
Learning Material for IU15 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Instructional Unit 16
Script for IU16
Instructional Material for IU16
Learning Material for IU16 (Selected and Developed Learning Material)

Staff In-charge HoD/Mechanical Principal

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