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Good for overall health: As with all forms of physical

exercise, badminton can reduce or eliminate your risk for
HISTORY OF BADMINTON many health problems, such as high blood pressure,
diabetes, and obesity It can also reduce your risk for
 The First games of Badminton were played in China as coronary heart disease by reducing your triglyceride
early as the 12th century. levels and increasing your good cholesterol
7. Flexibility and muscle strength: The more you move,
 The British Military brought back a version of badminton the more flexible you become, especially in a sport like
from India that was called “poona.” badminton where swinging and reaching are required. In
 The first game of badminton as we know it was played addition to improving flexibility, players also gain muscle
inside on a rainy day in the Estate of Badminton in strength and endurance.
England in 1873. 8. Mobility: As we age, mobility becomes limited, but
staying active can help prevent these problems. Keeping
 In 1893 the official rules of Badminton were written and mobile lubricates your joints, preventing arthritis and
the game was officially born. similar conditions from developing.
9. Weight loss: Badminton can also help with weight
 Badminton is one of the racquet sports requiring players control because of its fat-burning and metabolism
to hit a shuttlecock across a net with a racket inside a boosting qualities Combined with proper diet, optimal
badminton court. Generally, it comes in 2 forms: weight loss may be achieved.
10. Decrease risk for diabetes: It can decrease the
o “Singles”, a 1 vs 1 game and
production of sugar by the liver and therefore can
o “Doubles”, a 2 vs 2 games.
decrease fasting blood sugar. In fact, one study from the
 You can play badminton in both indoor or outdoor Diabetes Prevention Program found that exercise
environments, however, most of the world-class decreased the incidence of developing diabetes by 58%
competitions are held in an indoor area because they even better than medication.
want to reduce the influence caused by external factors
such as wind and lights to the minimum level.

 Badminton could be traced back to more than 2000 years
ago to the ancient game called battledore (bat or paddle)
and shuttlecock (also called “bird” or “birdie”), similar
games were played for centuries across Eurasia
countries such as Greece, Egypt, China, India, and

1. Physical fitness: Between the running, lunging, diving
and ball hitting, playing badminton burns fat at
approximately 450 calories per hour. This kind of
cardiovascular workout can help keep you in tip top
shape, especially if you're looking for a good alternative
cross-training exercise.
2. Develops athleticism: The fast-paced nature of the game
increases your speed and improves your reflexes.
Intelligence is also a factor since players must know how
to deceive their opponents in every shot
3. Increased muscle tone: Playing badminton builds and
tones the quads, glutes. calves and hamstrings, In
addition, your core muscles, arm and back muscles get a
workout as well.
4. Psychological benefits: Because badminton promotes
physical fitness, it helps to reduce stress and anxiety
Exercise increases endorphins, which are the brain's feel-
good neurotransmitters, and has also been found to
improve mood and sleep 1. Back Boundary Line/Long Service Line for Singles –
Any shot that will fall behind this line is outside either
service or rally for both singles and doubles

2. Long Service Line for Doubles – used only during

5. Social health: You'll need at least one opponent, but you service for doubles
can also play with a teammate and two other opponents.
3. Side Line for Singles – The side boundary line for
The social interactions of a game will result in positive
feelings after a session on the court Joining a league can
also help you become part of a community. 4. Side Line for Doubles – The side boundary line for the
5. Short Service Line – Any service that will fall in the
short service area is considered fault. (Server is not
allowed to step in the SSL)

6. Center Line – Divides the court into two (Right Service

Court and Left Service Court)

7. Left Service Court – Initial place of the second

server/second receiver (Service area if the score is odd

8. Right Service Court – Initial place of the first

server/first receiver (Service area if the score is even

BADMINTON: Learn the Rules for the Serve in Doubles

PARTS OF A RACKET and SHUTTLE COCK  Badminton Scoring for Doubles – 21 Points

 The Badminton Scoring System is commonly known as

the 21 Points System or the New Rules.

 Both pairs have decided that you and your partner start
the game. You and partner decided that you deliver the
first serve. The score is 0-0.

 Since 0 is an even number, you will serve from the

RIGHT side of the
 Touching the net.

 If the shuttle fails to go over the net.

 The player must hit it with the racket. The SHUTTLE

may not be hit with any part of the body.

 You win the first rally and obtained 1 point. Your
opponent’s score remains at 0. Since you have been
serving and haven’t lost a rally, you will continue to
serve. And since 1 is an ODD number, you will move to
the left hand side of the court to serve.

• You lose the first rally. Your opponent obtained 1 point

and your score remains at 0. Since you’ve lost the rally,
it’s Service Over for you. Your opponent will serve for
the next rally.

 Say you and your partner win the next rally. So your side
will serve for the next rally. The score is now 1-1. Since 1
is an ODD number, the serve must be delivered from the
left hand side of the court. Remember you had a ‘service
over’ during the last rally. So it’s your partner’s turn to
serve from the left side (Player A move to the left side
and deliver the serve).

 Double Hit.
One side has only ONE attempt to retrieve the shuttle. So
it’s either you or your partner who is going to hit it. Even
if you accidentally touch the shuttle with your racket, and
then your partner hits the shuttle, its still a fault.

 Only the Receiver Can Return the Serve.

Let’s say you are the Receiver for a particular rally. So
only you can return your opponent’s serve. Your partner
cannot return the serve on your behalf.

 Service Fault?
Service faults are more likely to be committed when you
try to perform the Flick Serve and the ‘perfect serve’
(shuttle passing right above the net).


 Hitting the shuttle cock two times in a row. You may only
hit the shuttle one time.

 When the shuttle gets stuck in the net or goes through or

under the net.

 If the shuttle lands outside the boundaries.

 A player may not reach over the net and hit the shuttle.

a. backhand serve

b. forehand serve


a. clear shot

b. dive shot

c. drop shot

d. smash shot

e. net shot

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