Prospectus Patrachar DT 04082023
Prospectus Patrachar DT 04082023
Prospectus Patrachar DT 04082023
f'k{kk uoS njwLFkk
ços'k foojf.kdk
i=kpkj fo|ky;
S. Description Page
No No.
1. Important Events and Dates to be remembered 03
for the session 2023-2024
2. Introduction, Disclaimer 04
22. Special Terms 24
S. No Activities Months
1. Submission of Online Admission Forms & 07.08.2023 to 06.09.2023
Online Admission Fee + Exam fee
(Both Without late Fee)
3. Internal Assessment / ASL Will be intimated in due course
through circular on our official
(Patrachar Vidyalaya Icon).
Introduction, Disclaimer
The 'Patrachar Vidyalaya' is a pioneer f'k{kk funs'kky; fnYyh] }kjk 1968 esa LFkkfir
institution in the field of Non-Formal
Education at school level. It was established in
January 1968 with the purpose of opening new ,d çeq[k laLFkk gSA bldh LFkkiuk tuojh 1968
vistas of education for the drop-outs and those esa vkfFkZd] lkekftd] 'kSf{kd #i ls detksj ,oa
belonging to weaker sections of society who xzkeh.k vapy ls tqM+s gq, O;fä;ksa dks f'k{kk çnku
could not continue with their education.
Admissions are opened for the following djus ds mís'; ls dh xbZ gSA blds rgr
category only: fuEufyf[kr oxksZa ds fy, ços'k miyCèk gSa%
School Schedule and Holidays
For seeking admission in Patrachar Vidyalaya, i=kpkj fo|ky; esa izos'k ikus ds fy, izos'kkfFkZ;ksa
candidates will have to abide by the following dks fuEufyf[kr 'krksZa ds ikyu djuk vfuok;Z
compulsory conditions: gksxk%
Patrachar Vidyalaya does not issue Character Certificate and Letter of Recommendation
(LoR) to the students.
i=kpkj fo|ky; fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks fdlh Hkh izdkj dk pfj= çek.k&i= o vuq'kalk i= tkjh
ugha djrk gSA
D.T.C. Pass or any other Pass facility is not permissible to the students of Patrachar
i=kpkj fo|ky; ds Nk=ksa dks MhåVhålhå ikl o vU; fdlh Hkh ikl dh lqfoèkk dh
vuqefr ugha gSA
No application will be accepted after the expiry of the last date as notified on our
website i.e. (Patrachar Vidyalaya) Icon.
gekjh csolkbV (Patrachar Vidyalaya) vkWbdku ij lwfpr fuèkkZfjr
vafre frfFk dh lekfIr ds mijkar ços'k QkeZ Lohdkj ugha fd, tk,axsA
The candidate must submit application form online directly only and not through any
agent, representative, coaching center or any other outside person/entity. Later they will
4 be given a specific date to submit hard copy of application form & documents.
CoursesvH;FkÊ Lo;a viuk vkosnu i= Lo;a vkWuykbu Hkjdj tek djk,aA fdlh ,tsaV] çfrfufèk]
dksfpax lsUVj ;k fdlh Hkh vU; cká O;fDr@laLFkk vkfn ls QkeZ Lohdkj ugha fd;s tk;saxsA
Courses Offered, Medium of Instruction/Examination
Courses Offered
Through Non-Formal Mode of Education, vukSipkfjd f'k{kk ds ek/;e ls i=kpkj fo|ky;
Patrachar Vidyalaya offers its students to vius Nk=ksa dks fuEufyf[kr ijh{kkvksa esa cSBus dk
appear in following examinations: volj iznku djrk gS%
Medium of Instruction/Examination
Except in languages, the medium of Hkk"kkvksa ds vfrfjä] vU; fo"k;ksa esa
Instruction/Examination in other subjects is f'k{k.k@ijh{kk dk ekè;e gSA
Hindi/English. Pass out Students can apply for mÙkh.kZ fo|kFkhZ Medium of Instruction/Medium
Medium of Instruction/Medium of
of Examination lVhZfQdsV ds fy, vkosnu dj
Examination Certificate and are eligible to get
the same from Patrachar Vidyalaya within 02 ldrs gSa rFkk bls i=kpkj fo|ky; ls 02
working days. dk;Z&fnolksa esa izkIr dj ldrs gSaA
Method of Imparting Education, Personal Contact Programme-I & II
(PCP-I & II)
Admission Procedure, Mode of Payment of Admission Fees,
Mode of Payment of CBSE Examination Fees
Admission Procedure
The whole procedure of admission in orZeku l= esa ços'k v‚uykbu ekè;e }kjk
Patrachar Vidyalaya is online. Students are fd;k tk,xkA Nk=ksa dks funZs'k fn;k tkrk gS fd
directed to go through the details about foojf.kdk ds lkFk layXu vkWuykbu ços'k çfØ;k
admission procedure annexed in the prospectus ds i`"B dks è;ku ls ns[ksaA iw.kZr% Hkjh ,oa gLrkfjr
at page “Procedure for Online Admission”. v‚uykbu ços'k QkeZ dh çfr] v‚uykbu Qhl
The hard copy of online form duly filled and jlhn ,oa vU; vko;'d nLrkostksa ds lkFk
signed by the candidate alongwith the copy of i=kpkj fo|ky; ds dkmaVj ij fu/kkZfjr dk;Z
online fee receipt and other required fnolksa esa çkr% 10%00 cts ls 05%00 cts vijkgu
documents must be submitted at the counter of rd tek djk ldrs gSaA ços'k QkeZ ,oa ços'k 'kqYd
Patrachar Vidyalaya between 10:00AM to fuèkkZfjr vafre frfFk rd gh Lohdkj fd;k tk,xkA
05:00PM on any working day on or before last fdlh Hkh rjg ls viw.kZ Hkjk gqvk ços'k QkeZ jn~n
date. Incomplete/ incorrect admission form dj fn;k tk;sxk ftldh dksbZ lwpuk ugha nh
shall be treated as cancelled and the admission tk,xh rFkk tek dh xbZ Qhl okfil ugha dh
fee/ Exam fee shall be forfeited. tk,xhA
Important Note, Proof of Residence
Important Note/
After filling the online application form, it is mandatory for the applicant to be present
in person at Patrachar Vidyalaya, Outram Lane, GTB Nagar Delhi-110009 on the scheduled
date for verification with necessary documents (original and one self-attested photocopy).
If the applicant does not appear till the last date for document verification, his/her
application will be automatically rejected and he/she will not be able to submit any claim for
admission and refund of fees.
Direction for Foriegn Candidates (Outside India),
Cancellation of Admission
Patrachar Vidyalaya Identity Card (PV Card), Duplicate PV Card,
Collection of Admit Card for CBSE Examination (Class X & XII)
Reimbursement of CEA/Tuition Fee for Government Servants,
Most Important
Most Important/
All information/instructions of Patrachar Vidyalaya pertaining to
Admission, CBSE Exam Fee, PCP Classes, Internal Assessment/
ASL/Practical Schedule, Issuance of Admit Cards & other information
are conveyed to students only through our official website (Patrachar Vidyalaya) Icon.
Therefore, students are advised to go through the official website on a
regular basis and follow the information/instructions published here.
(Patrachar Vidyalaya)
Eligibility for Admission, Documents to be Attached with Admission Form
Original School Leaving Certificate/ Transfer Certificate of class IX issued by the school
last attended & duly countersigned by the concerned DDE (Zone) /Education Officer/
Inspector of school along with two self-attested copies of the same.
f'k{kk vfèkdkjh }kjk fofèkor~ çfrgLrk{kfjr ukSoha d{kk ¼mÙkh.kZ@vuqÙkh.kZ½ vafre fo|ky; }kjk
fuxZr Ldwy NksM+us dk ewy çek.k i=] vadrkfydk rFkk mldh nks Lo;a lR;kfir QksVksçfr
Original School Leaving Certificate/ Transfer Certificate of class VIII issued from the
school last attended & duly countersigned by the concerned DDE (Zone) Education
Officer/ Inspector of schools along with two self-attested copies of the same and an
affidavit for gap year (as per attached format annexure-G) annexed with the prospectus.
f'k{kk vfèkdkjh }kjk fofèkor çfr gLrk{kfjr vkBoha d{kk rd ¼mÙkh.kZ@vuqÙkh.kZ½ vfUre
fo|ky; }kjk fuxZr Ldwy NksM+us dk ewy çek.k i=] vdrkfydk rFkk mldh nks Lo;a lR;kfir
QksVksçfr ,oa foojf.kdk esa layfXur çk:i ds vuqlkj varjky o"kZ dk 'kiFk i= ¼as per
attached format Annexure G½ tek djkuk gksxkA
Subjects according to Scheme of Studies:
Students who have studied privately upto class VIII may submit Affidavit as per
Annexure-D attached with the prospectus along with the copy of Birth Certificate issued
by the Competent Authority.
os Nk= ftUgksusa vkBoha d{kk rd futh :i ls vè;;u fd;k gks] foojf.kdk esa layfXur izk:Ik
ds vuqlkj 'kiFk i= 'kiFk i= ¼as per attached format Annexure D½ ,oa blds lkFk l{ke
vfèkdkjh }kjk tkjh tUe çek.k i= dh çfr tek djkuh gksxhA
1. Two Self attested photo copy of 1- fnYyh ljdkj ds l{ke vfèkdkjh }kjk
S.C./S.T. Certificate issued by the fuxZ r vuq l w f pr tkfr@vuq l w f pr
Competent Authority of Govt. of NCT tutkfr çek.k i= dh Lo;a lR;kfir
of Delhi only in favour of Candidate. (if QksVksçfr yxk,a ¼dsoy Nk= ds uke ls
applicable). tkjh½ ¼;fn ykxw gks rks½
2. Two self-attested copies of Certificate 2- l{ke vfèkdkjh }kjk fuxZr 'kkjhfjd
for physical disability issued by the v{kerk ds çek.k i= dh lR;kfir nks
Competent Authority. (if applicable). QksVksçfr yxk,a ¼;fn ykxw gks rks½
3. Two Self -Attested copies for the Proof 3- fnYyh esa fuokl ds çek.k i= dh nks Lo;a
of Residence in Delhi. lR;kfir çfr;kaA
4. Receipt of online fee payment. 4- v‚uykbu Qhl Hkqxrku dh jlhn
Scheme of Study (A)
Scheme of Study (B)
Scheme of Study (C)
Eligibility for Admission, Required Documents (Only for those Students
who were enrolled in XI Class in Patrachar Vidyalaya)
Documents to be Attached with Admission Form, Important
Candidates applying for Class XII are advised to apply Online only after
going through Scheme of Study carefully,
applicable for Class XII of Patrachar Vidyalaya.
Scheme of Studies for Class XII
Students should strictly follow the pattern of the subject combination as given below:
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks uhps fn, iSVuZ ds vuqlkj fo"k;ksa dk lfEeJ.k djuk vfuok;Z gS%
1. As per CBSE norms candidate can opt streams as under :
1. lhch,lbZ ds fu;ekuqlkj dksbZ Hkh ços'kkFkÊ fuEu ladk; esa ços'k ys ldrk gS&
(a) Science Stream passed/failed Students in Class XI can get admission in Science,
Commerce/Humanities (Arts) Stream.
( ) foKku ladk; ls X;kjgoha d{kk esa mÙkh.kZ@vuqÙkh.kZ fo|kFkÊ foKku@okf.kT;@ekufodh
¼dyk½ ladk; esa ços'k ys ldrk gSA
(b) Commerce Stream passed/failed in Class XI can get admission in
Commerce/Humanities (Arts) Stream.
( ) okf.kT; ladk; ls X;kjgoha d{kk esa mÙkh.kZ@vuqÙkh.kZ fo|kFkÊ okf.kT;@ekufodh ¼dyk½
ladk; esa ços'k ls ldrk gSA
(c) Humanities (Arts) Stream passed/failed Students get admission in Humanities
(Arts) Stream only.
( ) ekkufodh ¼dyk½ ladk; ls X;kjgoha d{kk esa mÙkh.kZ@vuqÙkh.kZ fo|kFkÊ dsoy ekufodh
¼dyk½ ladk; esa gh ços'k ys ldrk gSA
2. Candidates of Vocational Stream can change their Subjects and opt only Humanities
(Arts) Stream as there is no provision of Vocational Stream in Patrachar Vidyalaya.
2. oksds'kuy ladk; ds vH;FkhZ Nk=@Nk=k fo"k; cny dj dsoy ekufodh ¼dyk½ ladk; pqu
ldrs gSa D;ksafd i=kpkj fo|ky; esa oksds'kuy ladk; dk izko/kku ugha gSA
3. No request shall be entertained for the change of Subject submission of Application
Form so the Students should select the Subjects & their correct Codes very carefully.
3. ços'kkFkÊ ços'k QkeZ Hkjrs le; fo"k;ksa dk p;u è;kuiwoZd djsaA ços'k QkeZ tek gksus ds
i'pkr fo"k; ifjorZu dk vkosnu Lohdk;Z ugha gksxkA
Candidates applying on the basis of Class X can take admission in any Stream of
Class XII.
Subjects for Science Stream in Class XII
A. Languages A.
Any one or two Languages dksbZ ,d@nks Hkk"kk,a
1. English Core (301) 1- vaxzsth dksj ¼301½
2. Sanskrit Core (322) 2- laL—r dksj ¼322½
3. Hindi Elective (002) 3- fgUnh bysfDVo ¼002½
4. Punjabi (104) 4- iatkch ¼104½
5. Urdu Elective (003) 5- mnZw dksj ¼303½
6. Urdu Core (303 ) 6- mnZw bysfDVo ¼003½
B. Main Subjects B.
From the Following fuEu esa ls dksbZ
Four Subjects pkj fo"k;
(if One Language is opted) ¼;fn ,d Hkk"kk pquh gS½
OR vFkok
Three Subjects rhu fo"k;
(if Two Languages are opted) ¼;fn nks Hkk"kk,a pquh gSa½
1. Physics (042) 1- HkkSfrdh ¼042½
2. Chemistry (043) 2- jlk;u 'kkL= ¼043½
3. Biology (044) 3- thofoKku ¼044½
4. Maths (041) 4- ¼041½
5. Physical Education (048) ( 5- 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk ¼048½ ¼
*Physical Education subjects can
* fnO;kax ços'kkFkÊ 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk
not be choosen as main or optional
subject by Divyang Students. fo"k; dks eq[; vFkok oSdfYid fo"k;
6. Hindustani music Vocal (034) ds :Ik esa ugha ys ldrs½
*Only for 100% Visually impaired 6- fgUnqLrkuh E;wftd oksdy ¼034½
Students. * dsoy 100% n`f"Vghu Nk=ksa ds fy,
C. Additional Subject( Optional) C.
Any one Language (Elective) or any one mijksä esa ls dksbZ ,d Hkk"kk ¼bysfDVo ;k
Subject from the Main Subjects can be eq[; fo"k;ksa esa ls ,d fo"k; vfrfjä fo"k;
opted as Additional Subject. ds :i esa ys ldrs gSaA
Subjects for Commerce Stream in Class XII
A. Languages A.
Any one or two Languages dksbZ ,d@nks Hkk"kk,a
1. English Core (301) 1- vaxzsth dksj ¼301½
2. Sanskrit Core (322) 2- laL—r dksj ¼322½
3. Hindi Elective (002) 3- fgUnh bysfDVo ¼002½
4. Punjabi (104) 4- iatkch ¼104½
5. Urdu Elective (003) 5- mnZw dksj ¼303½
6. Urdu Core (303 ) 6- mnZw bysfDVo ¼003½
B. Main Subjects B.
From the Following fuEu esa ls dksbZ
Four Subjects pkj fo"k;
(if One Language is opted) ¼;fn ,d Hkk"kk pquh gS½
OR vFkok
Three Subjects rhu fo"k;
(if Two Languages are opted) ¼;fn nks Hkk"kk,a pquh gSa½
1. Accountancy (055) 1- ys[kk'kkL= ¼055½
2. Business Study (054) 2- O;kolkf;d v/;;u ¼054½
3. Economics (030) 3- vFkZ'kkL= ¼030½
4. Maths (041) 4- ¼041½
5. Geography (029) 5- Hkwxksy ¼029½
6. Physical Education (048)
*Physical Education subjects can
6- 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk ¼048½
not be choosen as main or optional * fnO;kax ços'kkFkÊ 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk
subject by Divyang Students. fo"k; dks eq[; vFkok oSdfYid fo"k;
7. Hindustani music Vocal (034) ds :Ik esa ugha ys ldrs½
*Only for 100% Visually impaired 7- fgUnqLrkuh E;wftd oksdy ¼034½
Students. * dsoy 100% n`f"Vghu Nk=ksa ds fy,
Subjects for Humanities/Arts Stream in Class XII
A. Languages A.
Any one or two Languages dksbZ ,d@nks Hkk"kk,a
1. English Core (301) 1- vaxzsth dksj ¼301½
2. Sanskrit Core (322) 2- laL—r dksj ¼322½
3. Hindi Elective (002) 3- fgUnh bysfDVo ¼002½
4. Punjabi (104) 4- iatkch ¼104½
5. Urdu Elective (003) 5- mnZw dksj ¼303½
6. Urdu Core (303 ) 6- mnZw bysfDVo ¼003½
B. Main Subjects B.
From the Following fuEu esa ls dksbZ
Four Subjects pkj fo"k;
(if One Language is opted) ¼;fn ,d Hkk"kk pquh gS½
OR vFkok
Three Subjects rhu fo"k;
(if Two Languages are opted) ¼;fn nks Hkk"kk,a pquh gSa½
1. History (027) 1- bfrgkl ¼027½
2. Political Science (028) 2- jktuhfrd foKku ¼028½
3. Geography (029) 3- Hkwxksy ¼029½
4. Economics (030) 4- vFkZ'kkL= ¼030½
5. Sociology (039) 5- lekt'kkL= ¼039½
6. Maths (041)
7. Physical Education (048)
6- ¼041½
*Physical Education subjects can 7- 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk ¼048½
not be choosen as main or optional * fnO;kax ços'kkFkÊ 'kkjhfjd f'k{kk
subject by Divyang Students. fo"k; dks eq[; vFkok oSdfYid fo"k;
8. Home Science (064) ds :Ik esa ugha ys ldrs½
9. Hindustani music Vocal (034) 8- x`g foKku ¼064½
*Only for 100% Visually impaired 9- fgUnqLrkuh E;wftd oksdy ¼034½
Students. * dsoy 100% n`f"Vghu Nk=ksa ds fy,
10. Information Technology (802) 10- lwpuk izkS|kSfxdh ¼802½
11. Information to Tourism (806) 11- lwpuk i;ZVu ¼806½
12. Beauty and Wellness (807) 12- lkSUn;Z vkSj dY;k.k ¼807½
13. Health Care (813) 13- LokLF; ns[kHkky ¼813½
C. Additional Subject( Optional) C.
Any one Language (Elective) or any one mijksä esa ls dksbZ ,d Hkk"kk ¼bysfDVo½ ;k
Subject from the Main Subjects can be eq[; fo"k;ksa esa ls ,d fo"k; vfrfjä fo"k;
opted as Additional Subject. ds :i esa ys ldrs gSaA
Special Terms
Special Terms
(1) For Class XII complete one year gap will not be considered of those students who have passed
Class X in October/ November/ December through NIOS Board.
(2) Students who have failed in X & XII Class more than twice may apply directly to CBSE as
private candidate.
(3) Apart from Admission fee and Exam fee amount, the transaction fee charged by the bank shall
be born by the applicant.
(4) In case of cancellation / Rejection of admission, the candidate has to apply online afresh, and the
amount of fee as applicable on the date of re-applying will have to be paid again.
¼1½ ckjgoha d{kk ds fy, iwjs ,d o"kZ ds varjky ij mu Nk=ksa ij fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xk ftUgksaus
,uvkbZvks,l cksMZ ds ekè;e ls vDVwcj@uoacj@fnlacj esa nloha d{kk mÙkh.kZ dh gSA
¼2½ tks Nk= X vkSj XII d{kk esa nks ckj ls vfèkd vuqÙkh.kZ gq, gSa] os futh mEehnokj ds :i esa lhch,lbZ dks
lhèks vkosnu dj ldrs gSaA
¼3½ ços'k 'kqYd vkSj ijh{kk 'kqYd jkf'k ds vykok] cSad }kjk fy, tkus okys ysunsu 'kqYd dk ogu vkosnd }kjk
fd;k tk,xkA
¼4½ ços'k fujLr@vLohdkj gksus dh fLFkfr esa vH;FkÊ dks u;s fljs ls v‚uykbu vkosnu djuk gksxk rFkk iqu%
vkosnu djus dh frfFk dks ykxw 'kqYd dh jkf'k dk iqu% Hkqxrku djuk gksxkA
Fee Structure 2023-24
Only for those students seeking admission on the basis of duplicate SLC/TC
1. That the original certificate has been lost & FIR/DDR has been lodged in Police
station (Copy attached)
2. That the original SLC/TC was not used in seeking admission in any other
3. That if original SLC/TC is found, the same will not be used to seek admission
in any other class.
That my/my son's/daughter's date of birth is as per birth certificate attached (in
figure)….../…../………… (in words)______________________________________________.
Verified at Delhi/ New Delhi on this______________________ day and the contents of above
affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there
Apply online for admission in Class 10th & 12th at Patrachar Vidyalaya
through website (Patrachar Vidyalaya) Icon.
I. Sample of Affidavits are annexed with the Prospectus.
,fQMsfoV ds uewus@izk:i izos’k foojf.kdk ds lkFk layXu gSaA
II. Procedure of Online Admission Process is given below in the table with
instructions for the help of Candidates.
i=pkj fo|ky; esa v‚uykbu ços'k dh çfØ;k] vH;fFkZ;ksa dh lgk;rk ds fy,
funZs'kksa ds lkFk] uhps rkfydk esa nh xbZ gS%
Read Prospectus of Patrachar Vidyalaya thoroughly before filling Online
Admission form. Patrachar Vidyalaya will not be responsible for rejection of
admission due to wrong submission of data by the candidate.
v‚uykbu ços'k i= Hkjus ls igys i=kpkj fo|ky; dh foojf.kdk dks vPNh rjg ls i<+saA
mEehnokj }kjk xyr fooj.k çLrqr djus ds dkj.k ços'k ds vLoh—r gksus ij i=kpkj
fo|ky; ftEesnkj ugha gksxkA
The following sequence should be followed while filling the online application
v‚uykbu vkosnu i= Hkjrs le; fuEufyf[kr vuqØe dk vuqlj.k djsa%
Step-1 Visit/open the website osclkbV ij tk,¡ [kksysa
(Registration (without any ID & Password). ¼fcuk fdlh vkbZMh vkSj ikloMZ ds½
Click on “Patrachar Vidyalaya” gkse ist ij miyC/k “Patrachar
Icon available at home page. Vidyalaya” Icon ij fDyd djsaA
Read Terms & Conditions fu;e vkSj 'krsaZ /;ku ls i<+sa vkSj
carefully and click at “Accept Terms & conditions”
”Accept Terms & conditions”. ij fDyd djsaA
Step-2 Then click “Login”. fQj “Login” ij fDyd djsaA
(Login, LOGIN HERE page will open. LOGIN HERE ist [kqy tk,xkA
Application Go to select and choose Select esa tk,a ,oa “Candidate”
Form & “Candidate”. pqusaA
Fill your Username/User-ID and viuk Username/User-ID vkSj
Password. Password HkjsaA
Fill the blank fields of application vius nLrkostksa esa fn, x, fooj.kksa ds
form carefully as per details given vuqlkj vkosnu Q‚eZ ds
in your documents. Details already
dks lko/kkuhiwoZd Hkjsa A mEehnokj
filled in candidate registration page
will appear here automatically. iathdj.k i`"B esa ntZ fd,s x;s
fooj.k automatically ;gka fn[kkbZ
Upload photograph & signature QksVks vkSj gLrk{kj vkosnu i= esa fn,
according to format and size given x, çk:i vkSj lkbt ds vuqlkj
in application form and also at
djsaA ;g tkudkjh egRoiw.kZ
important instructions page. Then
click on “Proceed to Apply” button. funsZ'k i`"B ij Hkh nh xbZ gSA blds
ckn “Proceed to Apply” *cVu ij
fDyd djsaA
For Students who have studied fdlh Hkh Ldwy] fdlh Hkh d{kk vkSj
in any school, any class and in fdlh Hkh o"kZ esa v/;;u djus okys
any year, fill your complete Nk= rn~uqlkj viuk complete fooj.k
details accodingly. HkjsaA
Choose your Subject as per foojf.kdk esa fn, x, fooj.k ds
Scheme of Studies given in vuqlkj viuk fo"k; pqusaA vkSj fQj
Prospectus. And then go for “Preview” ds fy, tk,aA
Check your details in Preview if ;fn Preview esa vkidk dksbZ fooj.k
any detail is found incorrect xyr Hkj x;k gS] rks “Edit
then click on “Edit application” Application” ij fDyd djsa vkSj
and correct all the details. If
lHkh fooj.kksa dks lgh djsaA ;fn
details are correct then click on
“Submit Application”.
fooj.k lgh gSa] rks “Submit
Application” ij fDyd djsaA
First click on “Print Application” igys “Print Application” ij
and then click on “Print fDyd djsa fQj “Print Receipt” ij
Receipt” and must take printout fDyd djsa vkSj nksuksa nLrkostksa dk
of both documents. fizaVvkWmV vo’; ys ysaA
Step-3 Then click on “Fee Payment” fQj “Fee Payment” ij fDyd djsa
and click on “Confirm & Pay fQj “Confirm & Pay Fees.” ij
(Procedure Fees.” fDyd djsaA
to Deposit
Admission Then screen of STATE BANK fQj STATE BANK COLLECT ist
Fee) COLLECT will open. First click on [kqy tk,xkA igys Check Box ij
Check Box and then on fDyd vkSj fQj “Proceed” cVu ij
“Proceed” Button. fDyd djsaA
Step-3 Click “Login” again. LOGIN HERE nksckjk ls “Login” djsaA LOGIN
page will open. HERE ist ][kqy tk,xkA
to Deposit Click on “Fee Payment” from cka;ha rjQ ds esU;w esa “Fee
CBSE Exam menu on left side. Payment” ij fDyd djsaA
Then click on “Confirm & Pay fQj “Confirm & Pay Fees” cVu
Fees.” Button. ij fDyd djsaA
Then confirm the details and fQj viuh Details dks Confirm djsa
click on “Confirm” Button to pay vkSj Exam Fees tek djus ds fy,
the Exam Fees. “Confirm” cVu ij fDYkd djsaA
Submit the printout copy of finally submitted online application form along with all
the necessary documents, Admission Fees Receipt and Exam Fees Receipt of Bank
to Patrachar Vidyalaya personally. Bring all the original documents for verification
on the date and time mentioned on Application form for confirmation of your
lHkh vko’;d nLrkostksa dh izfr] izos’k 'kqYd ,oa ijh{kk 'kqYd dh cSad }kjk tkjh jlhn rFkk
vkWuykbu izos’k QkeZ dh izfr i=kpkj fo|ky; esa O;fDrxr :Ik ls tek djk,saA izos’k dh
lqfuf’prrk gsrq vkosnu i= esa nh xbZ frfFk ,oa le; ij vius lHkh ewy nLrkostksa dks
osjhfQds’ku ds fy, lkFk yk,saA
Documents to be enclosed along with Application Form.