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Riesgos Por Desprendimiento de Recubrimientos de Tubería

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Disbondments of Pipeline Coatings

and Their
on Corrosion

uried and submerged pipelines are pro- concern limited to buried pipelines onshore. Cases of
tected from external corrosion by a coat- corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) on old
ing system, which is considered passive. buried pipelines coated “on the ditch” with coal tar or
Coatings are practically always applied to asphalt enamels or cold-applied tapes have been known for
pipe lengths in specialized coating plants, and a long time. No case of external corrosion of pipelines
continuity of coverage is ensured after girth immersed in seawater has been detected so far using in-line
welding through field joint coatings (FJC). Cathodic pro- inspection (ILI), despite, most likely, the existence of some
tection (CP) is an essential, complementary, “active” pro- coating disbondment. Despite the assumption of some coat-
tection system aimed at preventing corrosion at coating ing disbondment in seawater, corrosion protection is main-
defects, where the pipe steel surface is exposed to the tained, probably because the high conductivity and homo-
corrosive electrolytic environment. As long as coatings geneity of seawater make it easier for the CP current to
remain bonded to steel and CP is correctly applied, access the exposed steel and protect it.
monitored, and maintained, no corrosion risk exists. Summaries of our company’s past experience with
The majority of known corrosion cases result various kinds of pipeline coatings have been presented
from disbonding of coatings, which may prevent in previous papers.1–9 In particular, at the 16th

By D. Melot, G. Paugam,
access of the cathodic protection current to International Conference on Pipeline Protection

and M. Roche, Total SA, France

steel. The cause of failure, known as the in Paphos, the authors presented a paper on
“CP current shielding effect,” failures recently discovered on
appears to be a “newer” coatings

18 JPCL September 2009 www.paintsquare.com

such as heat-shrinkable sleeves, three- before the PE/PP. Specific examples of steel surface together with poor bond-
layer polyethylene (PE) coatings, and such failures are given below. ing of HSS on the 3LPE plant-applied
fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) coatings.10 coating at the overlaps had allowed
The present article first updates and 18-Inch Oi l Pi pe l i ne i n Ga bon water to penetrate at the steel surface,
completes the information presented at In this case, presented earlier,10 exter- leading to corrosion because of the “CP
the Paphos conference on the recent nal corrosion was detected through ILI shielding effect” (Fig. 1).
cases of coating failures encountered. It on the first 15 km, which is the hottest Further excavations of the pipeline
also summarizes the results obtained side (>55 C [131 F]) of the 18-inch revealed that the HSS residual adhe-
from some laboratory test programs Rabi-Batanga oil pipeline, after 15 sion to the steel was also practically
aimed at trying to explain the prob- years of operation in the ground. The zero on sections at lower operation
lems for improving the future choices pipeline is buried in wet, compacted temperature (down to 35 C [95 F]) but
and the specifications of the company. sand (pH of sample, 5.4). Heat-shrink- without significant corrosion.

Recent Feedback on Disbonding

of Pipeline Coatings
Oi l Pi pe l i ne i n Syri a
Various practical case studies follow. ILI operations carried out
Fig. 1: Lack of
Cases related to heat-shrinkable on a 16-inch x 7.1 mm
adherence of HSS
sleeves (HSS) used for field joints and on PE (top) and steel wall thickness oil export
which overlap the factory-applied 3- (below) on 18-inch pipeline operated in Syria
layer PE/polypropylene (PP) are the Gabon. for about 12 years have
All photos courtesy revealed severe external
most important as far as corrosion is
of the authors.
concerned. Even if the problems relat- corrosion at many girth
ed to loss of adhesion of 3LPE/PP weld areas. These areas
coatings do not lead to significant cor- had been coated with HSS
rosion, the phenomenon must be better (hot-melt adhesive type)
understood to prevent the risk for the applied directly to a wire
future. brush-cleaned surface,
without liquid epoxy
Heat-shrinkable Sleeves primer (Fig. 2).
Used for Field Joint Coating Excavations have con-
Recent in-line inspections (ILI) carried firmed the indications of
out on a series of buried pipelines have ILI and revealed several
shown massive disbonding of HSS with corrosion craters under-
significant corrosion underneath after neath the surface of the
10 to 15 years of operation in the field joints with significant
ground. These coating failures and presence of mill scale.
subsequent corrosion have been noticed able sleeves were the hot-melt adhesive Corrosion is clearly due to
principally at moderately elevated type and were applied on a fast-curing disbondment of HSS. The surface
temperatures (about 50–60 C liquid epoxy (of nominal maximum preparation was poor and the HSS
[122–140 F]) and on coating systems operating temperature 80 C [176 F]). overlap on the PE plant-applied coating
that had been applied to a wire brush- Wire brush cleaning as per St 3 was was too small (1 cm).
cleaned surface specified at St 3 used for surface preparation. The appli- The soil is very aggressive (brackish
cleanliness level (~SSPC-SP 3, Power cation was fully surveyed by a compa- water with a chloride concentration of
Tool Cleaning), with or without ny inspector. 2 g/liter) and crystals of salt were
application of a liquid epoxy primer Massive disbonding of HSS on the observed under the disbonded HSS.

www.paintsquare.com JPCL September 2009 19

and on a 6-inch oil pipeline in nificant corrosion has been found
France (Paris basin). Again, underneath the disbondment of the
the operating temperature 3LPE.
was about 50 C [122 F] in
both cases. 18-Inch Oil Pipeline in Gabon

Disbonding of 3LPE/PP Used

Also presented earlier,10 disbonding of

in Plant-Applied Coatings
a 3LPE coating occurred on the same
18-inch Rabi-Batanga pipeline in Gabon.
Massive losses of adhesion of The coating was a low-density PE. It
3LPE coatings between the was applied partly by the side extrusion
epoxy layer and the steel process (with PE adhesive applied by
after 10 to 15 years’ opera- extrusion) and partly by the longitudi-
tions have been observed nal extrusion process (with PE adhesive
since 2004 through excava- applied by powder). The application was
tions carried out after the in compliance with the company specifi-
detection of corrosion at field cation requiring a minimum of 70
Fig. 2: Heavy corrosion under disbonded HSS joints under disbonded HSS. micrometers FBE beneath the PE.
(16-inch Syria)
The disbondments of 3LPE The 3LPE plant-applied coating gener-
have been noticed most often ally appeared to be correct externally
The soil is especially aggressive near when the operating temperature of the but was found fully disbonded between
the Al Furat river, where the major pipeline is about 50–60 C (122–140 the FBE and steel when cut for inspec-
defects were found. The area near the F) in wet environments. So far, no sig- tion with a tool at the excavation loca-
river is very saline and has been inten-
sively irrigated for a few years. In
addition, the temperature is high (> 55
C [131 F]) on the first 20 km of the
pipeline, the most affected part. The
corrosion appears to have been very
high. The value of 0.7 mm/yr estimat-
ed as the maximum corrosion rate
under the disbonded coating at 50 C
[122 F] in the laboratory study
detailed below roughly corresponds to
the maximum corrosion rate that
could have been occurring here over
10 years of operation.

Other Cases
Similar cases were discovered recent-
ly, again using ILI, on the 12-inch
Fig. 3: Disbonding of 3LPE at 35 C ([95 F] 18-inch Gabon)
Coucal-Rabi pipeline, again in Gabon,

Table 1: Test on 3LPE Coated Pipe Samples Stored During 15 Years

tions in the hottest part of the pipeline.
Tests Temperature Longitudinal Side extrusion Except for the presence of a layer of
of test extrusion magnetite on the steel surface, no signifi-
Average peel strength 23 C (73.4 F) 94 ± 9 226 ± 34 cant corrosion of the steel was noticed.
(N/10 mm) 60 C (140 F) 38 ± 3 142 ± 13 Excavations showed that in a few cases,
Cathodic disbonding @ - 1.5 V, 23 C (73.4 F) 6.3 ± 0.7 6.6 ± 0.4 where some minor corrosion was
reported by ILI on a few pipe lengths,
28 days (radial length in mm) 60 C (140 F) 32.2 ± 1.6 28.6 ± 4.1
the PE coating was found longitudinally

20 JPCL September 2009 www.paintsquare.com

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cracked and open at the 3 o’clock and 9 water diffusion). It is also notable that weight coating) operating at about 80 C
o’clock positions. Measurements on PE peel strength is much higher with later- (176 F) has been cut out for inspection
samples taken at these locations al extrusion as compared with longitu- related to internal corrosion.
revealed a significant thermal aging dinal extrusion (the difference is relat- Disbondment of 3LPP from the steel
effect (as shown by loss of elongation at ed to the type of adhesive) but that was observed, showing that disbond-
break, increase of viscosity, Shore D cathodic disbondment is of the same ment seems to be possible offshore also.

Laboratory Studies
hardness and IR spectrum). order of magnitude (no significant dif-

and an Engineering Approach

In addition to the details previously ference between the two epoxy pow-
given,10 it has been further noticed that ders), with the value measured at 60 C
loss of adhesion existed at tempera- (140 F) being very high. A Parametric Study
tures as low as 35 C (95 F), as shown in of the “CP Shielding Effect”
Fig. 3. In this case, as compared with Other Cases under Disbonded Coatings
what was discovered at higher temper- Local disbondment has been observed Gaz de France (Direction de la
atures, the epoxy primer was more visi- on the 16-inch Syrian oil pipeline on Recherche) and Total have carried out
ble and no magnetite had been formed. which severe corrosion was found studies in the Gaz de France laborato-
ries to assess the influence of the main
parameters governing the corrosion
rate underneath a simulated coating
disbondment. In particular, the study
assesses corrosion as a function of the
distance from the point where a direct
contact exists with the external elec-
trolyte. Parameters studied were the
height of the gap between the steel and
the simulated disbonded coating,
whether the water was stagnant or
changed, the resistivity of water, the
application of various levels of cathodic
protection, and the absence of cathodic
protection. All tests were carried out at
ambient temperature. The main results
are discussed below. More details may
be obtained in published papers.11,12,13
The test plan is summarized in Table
2. The detrimental effect of renewal of
Fig. 4: Disponding of 3LPE (16-inch Syria) water was clearly demonstrated. In the
case of stagnant water, the corrosion
rate becomes practically zero, with or
Also, it has been demonstrated that this under HSS (Fig. 4). In France, a short without cathodic protection within a
loss of bonding occurred with the two length of pipeline with a 3LPP coating few centimeters of the artificial coating
supplies of coated pipes, with two dif- operating at ambient temperature has defect. Of course, this testing does not
ferent coating processes and with two suffered complete loss of adhesion take into account any possible develop-
different epoxy powders. Peel strength without any corrosion. In this case, ment of microbiologically induced cor-
and cathodic disbondment measure- because all other inspected parts in rosion (MIC) that could occur in the
ments carried out on spare pipes that close vicinity did not show disbond- actual situation. This result is easily
had been stored directly exposed to UV ment, this observation tends to demon- explained by consumption of dissolved
and atmospheric equatorial conditions strate that this loss of adhesion could oxygen through the corrosion process.
gave the results summarized in Table 1, be due to a specific application prob- Any renewal of water increases the
which demonstrates again that the loss lem. corrosion rate when the distance from
of adhesion in the ground is related to In Indonesia, a section of a 3LPP the artificial defect increases, even when
exposure to soil conditions (especially coated offshore pipeline (with concrete cathodic protection is applied. Some posi-

22 JPCL September 2009 www.paintsquare.com

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Table 2: Parameters of Corrosion Tests under Artificial Coating Disbondment* because of the temperature.
For the time being, it has been decided
Test n° Water Cathodic Gap Electrolyte Bubbling
(at our company) to require, as a mini-
renewal protection height
mum before HSS application, Sa 2 1⁄2
1 + – – – –
abrasive blast cleaning of girth welds and
2 – – – + + a liquid epoxy primer applied for
3 + + – + – onshore buried pipelines or when the
4 – + – – + temperature is higher than 50 C (122 F).
5 – – + + – However, the general trend is to apply,
instead of HSS, liquid polyurethane
6 + – + – +
(PUR) or epoxy-modified polyurethane
7 – + + – –
as a field joint coating onshore, which is
8 + + + + + currently being done on a major gas
Upper Level (+) 0 - 850 mV 0.5 mm water aerated pipeline in construction in Yemen (Fig. 5).
Lower Level(-) 1.5 cm/min -1200 mV 4 mm saline deaerated The system used a PUR-type product
*Key: The + symbol refers to the upper level of the parameter, and the – symbol refers to the lower level. designed for 80 C (176 F) maximum
operating temperature. The application
tive effect can be seen when CP level is maximum about 0.7 mm/yr at 50 C parameters, equipment, and personnel
enhanced. The detrimental effect of (122 F). had been accepted after a full qualifica-

Field Joint Coatings

increasing the height of the gap between tion process comprising a Procedure
the steel and coating in the studied range Qualification Trial (PQT) at the coating
explains why disbondments seem to It is believed that disbonding of HSS may application contractor premises and veri-
have generally no detrimental conse- be due to surface preparation by brush fication in the field at the start-up
quence on corrosion with three-layer cleaning and the effect of higher temper- through a Pre-Production Trial (PPT).
polyolefin (3LPO) systems: the gap in the ature. Corrosion under disbonded HSS Tests carried out on samples taken
3LPO systems remains very low, com- may be due to from the qualification trials were carried
pared to the case of other coatings such • the penetration of water through dis- out by a third party laboratory, mainly
as coal tar or asphalt enamels, tapes or bonded overlaps on plant-coating; based on measurement of adhesion by
heat-shrinkable sleeves (HSS). • the shielding effect preventing CP, pull-off test as per ISO 4624 and cross-
Analysis of the results shows a together with a too weak “true” level of cut tests before and after immersion in
Gaussian shape distribution of around CP; or tap water at various temperatures (up to
0.15 mm/yr with the maximum corro- • an increase in the corrosion rate 80 C [176 F]) and after various durations
sion rate reaching 0.35 mm/yr. This
distribution of corrosion rates may be
interpreted as the same as seen on a
buried pipeline, at ambient tempera-
ture, that may be subjected to coating Fig. 5: FJC with epoxy-
disbonding without knowing the specif- modified PV applied on
3LPE-coated pipes
ic combination of influencing parame-
ters. This distribution also corresponds
to values commonly found in practice.
For instance, NACE RP0502-200214
states that a corrosion rate of 0.4
mm/yr under disbonded coating may
occur in the absence of any specific
data. Taking into account a general rule
that the corrosion rate is roughly mul-
tiplied by 2 when the temperature is
increased above 30 C (86 F), we may
assume that the average corrosion rate
could be about 0.3 mm/yr and the

www.paintsquare.com JPCL September 2009 25

• water saturation and diffusion in
FBE layer, depending on the type of
• superficial corrosion of steel surface
forming magnetite;
• all these steps being accelerated by
temperature; and
• the possible effect of internal stress-
es in PE/PP due to the thermal history
during application, which could help
explain why such massive disbond-
ment does not occur with FBE coatings.
(FBE is not subject to thermal aging
during application.)
Significant corrosion under disbond-
ed 3LPE only occurs when it is also
cracked due to thermal ageing, which
leads to a significant gap between the
disbonded coating and steel. The gap
allows renewal of aggressive species
and the CP current shielding effect.
Fig. 6: Pull-off and cross-cut tests at ambient temperature on PU-type product on steel Since 2006, the efforts contributing
(below) and PE (above) surfaces after immersion in tap water for 28 days and 80 C ([176 to the explanation of this phenomenon
F] below) and at 23 C ([73 F] above)
have concentrated on the following.
(up to 28 days). Figure 6 illustrates such proprietary treatments. Tests will con- • Launching of a fundamental study as
a series of pull-off tests. As shown in sist of: cathodic disbonding (28 days at Ph.D. work on adhesion mechanisms of
Table 3, values obtained on the PE plant 23 C and 80 C [73 F and 176 F], and 48 epoxy, as illustrated in another paper
coating as well as directly on the steel hrs at 65 C [149 F]); peel tests on steel presented at the 17th International
surface were found to be fully acceptable and plant coating at 23, 60, and 80 C Conference on Pipeline Protection15
when the parameters of application were and 100 C (for PP only); impact tests • Participation in a study on the devel-
optimized (especially the substrate tem- per ASTM G14; immersion tests for 28 opment of a new accelerated test
perature). Surface preparation was abra- days in deionized water at 40 (104 F), ensuring a better qualification that
sive blast cleaning to Sa 2 1⁄2 on steel and 60, and 80 C; and, after immersion, could predict long term behavior (car-
abrasion without any complementary peeling tests on steel and overlap. Total ried out for EPRG, European Pipeline
treatment on the PE. will be happy to share this program Research Group). Conventional peeling
In addition, Total is launching a com- with any interested party. tests and cathodic disbonding tests

Efforts to Explain Disbondment

parative program for an in-depth study used up to now failed for such a predic-

Problems of 3LPE/PP Coatings

of various field joint coatings (PE/PP- tion. This study is still running and the
based HSS, liquid PUR or epoxy, flame results are confidential for the time
sprayed PE/PP, etc.), especially through Possible explanations for disbonding of being
hot water resistance testing and evalua- 3LPE are • A study of water sensitivity of six
tion of the compatibility of the HSS with • water and oxygen diffusion through epoxy powders, carried out by IFP
plant coatings in wet environments. For PE; (French Institute of Petroleum). The

Table 3: Adhesion Tests After Immersion for 28 Days of PE Coated

the HSS, two surface preparation levels

with Liquid Applied PU-type at FJC

will be tested: Sa 2 1⁄2 (blasting to near
white metal, SSPC-SP 10) and St 3 (very
thorough power tool cleaning, SSPC-SP 3
Water temperature Adhesion on steel (MPa) Adhesion on abraded PE (MPa)
level of cleaning). For liquid products,
23 C (73.4 F) 15 to 20 5 to 15
various surface treatments for the plant-
applied coating will be tested: with and 60 C (140 F) 15 to 20 5 to 11
without oxidative flame and/or other 80 C (176 F) 15 to 20 5 to 10

26 JPCL September 2009 www.paintsquare.com


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results of these tests are summarized in elongation and tensile strength at break In addition, the general trend is to
a paper also presented at the 17th and Melt Mass Flow Rate (MFR). No apply, instead of HSS, liquid
International Conference on Pipeline significant change was noticed after polyurethane (PUR) or epoxy for field
Protection.16 5,000 hours of testing for all products joint coating onshore.

Hydrothermal Aging of LDPE

and all test conditions. Consequently, It is of utmost importance to demon-
no explanation has been given so far for strate whether an improvement of the
Thermal aging of various PE materials what was noted on the Rabi pipeline adhesion safety margin of 3LPO coat-
(low density stabilized by ethylene where cracking of PE topcoat in some ings is possible or not. If not, modifica-
vinyl acetate (EVA)) or not, 2 types of locations led to corrosion. Loss of the tion of Total’s basic choice could be
medium density) from various suppli- EVA additives is still the proposed changed in favor of FBE, in spite of the
ers has been studied in wet conditions, answer, but not a proven explanation. better mechanical resistance of 3LPO
whereas the present methods used for A bad batch of PE could be involved in coatings (generally considered as a plus
qualification are restricted to dry condi- this issue. by pipe laying contractors). Parameters

Conclusion: Present Situation

tions. The question was: Does physico- related to the composition of epoxy

and Future Work

chemical thermal aging happen to PE powders have been studied. Methods
up to 100 C (212 F) in water? such as measurement of “Wet Tg” and
The tests were carried out by The major corrosion problems are the use of two-layer FBE/adhesive
Korrosionstechnik Heim. The following related to disbondment of heat-shrink- coatings are very promising approaches
test conditions were used: dry air at 100 able sleeves applied on field joints of from lab studies. However, the differ-
C (212 F); demineralized water at 60 (140 buried pipelines. For Total, abrasive ences noted in water intake do not cor-
F), 80 (176 F), and 100 C; and air saturat- blast cleaning is now mandatory before relate with the severe loss of adhesion
ed with water vapor at 60 and 80 C. application of HSS and not only “rec- of the coating when immersed in water,
The effect of aging was assessed using ommended” for new onshore pipelines. especially when water temperature is

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28 JPCL September 2009 www.paintsquare.com

above ambient. For the time being, the ried out in the U.S. on the internal Acknowledgements
following criteria have been introduced stresses will be highly profitable for The authors wish to thank their compa-
in Total’s general specifications for the development of knowledge.17 ny and affiliates for permitting the publi-
selection of epoxy primer: water Continuation of field experience cation of this paper. Many thanks also to
absorption lower than 10% after 28 feedback will be organized in order to Gaz de France, Direction de la
days at 80 C and “Wet Tg” greater than better know the influence of parame- Recherche, for the permission to publish
maximum operating temperature +10 ters such as temperature or soil information given in the section on para-
C above the operating temperature. humidity. All possible efforts will be metric studies.
The future work necessary for a bet- made to push operating subsidiaries to
ter knowledge of the problem of 3LPO perform excavations and field mea- Editor’s Note : This article is based on a
disbondment will be researched surements in order to contribute to presentation at the 17th Pipeline
through a continuation of the studies and assess correlations between dis- Protection Conference, Oct. 17–19, 2007,
at IFP, especially on test samples taken bondment and soil and operating para- and is published here with the permission
from actual pipes recently coated for meters. of BHR Group, the organizers.

various projects, and also on other A more relevant accelerated aging
epoxy powders and surface prepara- test allowing a better prediction of
tion systems. The Ph.D. work launched long term behavior remains to be 1. M. Roche, J.P. Samaran, “Pipeline
to better understand the mechanism of established (especially through EPRG coatings performance: Field
bonding of epoxy to steel will address collaboration) and implemented in the experience of an operating
factors such as mechanical vs. chemi- future revision of ISO 21809 stan- petroleum company,”
cal anchor, surface preparation and dards currently on the way of comple- Corrosion/87 paper no. 28, NACE
treatment, and internal stresses within tion based on a conventional International, 1987, Materials
the coating. In addition, the study car- approach. Performance, Nov. 1987, p. 28.

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2. M. Roche, P. Auclair, P. Couget, them,” Conference Paper, Offshore pipelines,” 2nd Conference of
“Progress in pipeline protection and Hazards and their Prevention, Corrosion in Oil Industry, Tehran,
inspection—The experience of Elf London, April 30–May 1, 1990. Iran, Feb. 18–19, 2003.
Gabon,” 8th International 4. M. Roche, “Coating disbondment 6. M. Roche, “How Total manage
Conference on Internal and leads causes of external pipeline pipeline integrity,” 15th International
External Protection of Pipes, corrosion,” Oil & Gas Journal, p. 49, Conference on Pipeline Protection,
BHRA, 1990, Florence, Italy, p. 65. April 1, 1991.

BHR Group, Oct. 29–31, 2003,
3. M. Roche, “Corrosion hazards 5. M. Roche, “TotalFinaElf experience Aachen, Germany.
related to pipes: How to control in corrosion management of 7. M. Roche, “An experience in
offshore pipeline coatings,”

Corrosion 2004, Paper No. 04018,

every mission
New Orleans, USA, March 27–
April 1, 2004, NACE International.
8. M. Roche, “External corrosion of
pipelines: What risk,” 14th SPE
Middle East Oil & Gas Show and
Inspect Any Metal Surface Coating
For pipes, tanks or any coated contoured Conference, March 12–15, 2005,
surface in the field or inside your manufacturing Bahrain.
facility, we simplify coating integrity testing 9. M. Roche, “The problematic of
with our full line of SPY® portable and pipeline external corrosion and its
permanent Holiday Detectors.
contribution to integrity
SPY® Model 780, 785 and 790 management,” IIC 2005, Beijing,
Portable Holiday Detectors China, Sept. 19–23, 2005.
• New ergonomic design 10. M. Roche, D. Mélot, G. Paugam,
• Pipe coating inspections up to 60” “Recent experience with pipeline
• Extremely durable coating failures,” 16th International
• Infinite voltage setting on the fly
Conference on Pipeline Protection,
Nov. 2–4, 2005, Paphos, Cyprus,
BHR Group. Paper published also in
Protective Coatings Europe and
SPY® Wet Sponge Portable Journal of Protective Coatings &
Holiday Detectors
• No belts, lightweight, fast set up
Linings, Oct. 2006 pp. 18–28.

• Sponge roller speeds large flat

11. X. Campaignolle, S. Gasteau, S.
Compact, Karcher, M. Meyer, “Corrosion of
wet sponge
surface area inspections pipelines under cp in the presence of
holiday • Interchangeable flat or roller sponge coating disbanding,” Eurocorr 2003,
detectors Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 28–Oct. 2,
discounts on detectors
available through our 12. X. Campaignolle, M. Meyer, F.
distributors. 4% for 6 through SPY® In-Plant Holiday
10 detectors; 6% for 11
Bernard, S. Karcher, S. Gastaud,
Click our Reader e-Card at paintsquare.com/ric

or more-same order
Detector Systems
• Custom designed to streamline
“Organic coatings aging
same shipment.
(excludes Model 670) manufacturing
consequences on under cp buried

• From pipecoating inspections to large

pipelines corrosion protection—
Reliable continuous inspections
flat surfaces
simulated defects,” Corrosion
on the assembly line NACE 2004, International
Symposium, 59, New Orleans, USA,
March 28–April 1, 2004.
For more details on SPY® products and our complete line of SPY® Holiday
Detection Equipment visit our website @ www.picltd.com. 13. X. Campaignolle, M. Roche, M.
Meyer, “Corrosion externe des
PIPELINE INSPECTION COMPANY, LTD. canalisations de transport sous
PH: (713) 681-5837 • FAX: (713) 681-4838
protection cathodique en présence

30 JPCL September 2009 www.paintsquare.com

de décollements de revêtement,” and Oil & Gas production activities. He Federation of Corrosion), Convenor of CEN
4ème Journées d’Aix du became Head of the Corrosion Department of TC219 WG5 on Qualification and Certification
CEFRACOR, 20-22 juin 2006 (in TotalFinaElf, now Total SA, for Upstream after of Personnel in Cathodic Protection and leader
french). the merger in October 2000. He participates in of ISO TC67 SC2 WG14-3 on Field Joint
14. NACE RP 0502-2002, “Pipeline a number of professional organizations for the Coatings. He is Certified AFAQ AFNOR
external corrosion direct corrosion protection industry. He is chairman Compétence level 3 (expert) in Cathodic
assessment methodology,” NACE of Cathodic Protection working parties in Protection for Land and Marine applications.
International, Houston, Texas, USA. CEFRACOR (France) and EFC (European
15. E. Legghe, E. Aragon, L. Belec, A.
Margaillan, D. Mélot, M. Roche,
“Loss of adhesion of three layers
pipelines coatings under cathodic
protection,” 17th Pipeline
Protection Conference, BHRG,
Edinburg, UK, Oct. 17–19, 2007.
16. V. Sauvant-Moynot, J. Kittel, D.
Mélot, M. Roche, “Three layer
polyolefin coatings: how the FBE
primer properties govern the long
term adhesion,” 17th Pipeline
Protection Conference, BHRG,
Edinburg, UK, Oct. 17–19, 2007.
17. B. Chang, “Residual stresses in 3
Layer Polyolefin Pipeline Coatings,”
17th Pipeline Protection Conference,
BHRG, Edinburg, UK, Oct. 17–19,

Denis Mélot is responsible for non-metallic

materials and coatings in Total Upstream
Corrosion Department. He graduated from
Ecole Universitaire d’Ingénieurs de Lille
(Materials Science) and has a Ph.D. in
Materials Science from Université de Lille. He
was the Research Engineer at the University of
Massachusetts and Technical Manager for cor-
rosion protective pipeline coatings in Atofina
before joining Total in 2003.

Gildas Paugam is a Corrosion Engineer in the

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Total Upstream Corrosion Department, in

charge of assisting several operating compa-
nies, including Gabon.

Marcel Roche graduated from INSA (Institut

National des Sciences Appliquées) de Lyon
and ENSPM (Ecole Nationale du Pétrole et des
Moteurs). He specialized in corrosion from his
first professional occupation in 1970 within
Technip and IFP (Institut Français du Pétrole),
then for Elf Aquitaine, covering Oil Refining

www.paintsquare.com JPCL September 2009 31

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*All Rhino urethanes are 100% solids. Some epoxy and polyaspartic products may contain less than 100% solids. Dealerships are independently owned
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