OISD publications are prepared for use in the Oil and gas
industry under Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. These are the
property of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and shall not be
reproduced or copied and loaned or exhibited to others without written
consent from OISD.
The Co-ordinator,
Committee on
“Inspection of Static Equipment,
Oil Industry Safety Directorate,
2ND Floor, “Kailash”
26, KasturbaGandhi Road,
New Delhi – 110 001
List of Members
Name Designation & Position in
Organisation Committee
1. Sh. R.K. Sabharwal CMNM-IOC (R & P) Leader
2. Sh.A.S. Soni DGM (P)-ONGC Member
3. Sh.R.H. Vohra DGM-IOC (Mkt.) Member
4. Sh.D.P. Dhall CH INSP & AE MGR-BPC (REF) Member
5. Sh.P. Dasgupta SIPM-IOC ( R & P) Member
6. Sh.I.M. Advani MGR INSP-(PROJ) HPC (REF) Member
7. Sh.R.M.N. Marar Jt.Director OISD Member Co-ordinator.
In addition to the above, several other experts from industry contributed in the preparation, review and
finalisation of this document.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Scope
7.0 Check List for Inspection of Pressure Vessels Prior to Erection and
12.0 Inspection During Maintenance
12.1 Weld Build Up
12.2 Nozzles Replacement
12.3 Partial Replacement of Shell Plates and Domes
12.3.1 Hydrostatic Test
12.3.2 Pneumatic Testing
12.4 Repair of Cladding and Striplining
12.5 Repair of Painted and Rubberlined Areas
13.0 Documentation
14.0 References
x) Adhesion Testing Kit. xii) Ensure all internal attachments are welded
xi) Holiday Detector. as per drawing. NOTE 1
xii) Spark Tester. xiii) Witness pneumatic tests of the liner welds
xiii) Pit Depth Gauge. (lined nozzles) and reinforcement pads.
xiv) ID & OD Gauges. NOTE 1
1. Check for proper METAL WASTAGE
alignment of supports.
2. Check nameplate
4. The fractionating column bottom and
Check foundation bolts and internals are subjected to high temperature
shims. corrosion due to presence of sulphur whereas
column top is prone to low temperature acidic
CHECKS REMARKS corrosion because of salts and H2S present in
the crude. The crude containing naphthenic
acid also causes the corrosion of the column
5. Inspect shell wall for shell, and the same is pronounced in the
out of roundness, bulges and sections where temperature ranges from 200oC
dents. to 400oC. Severity of naphthenic acid attack is
6. Inspect visually, weld higher where the turbulent conditions exist.
joints. The impingement plate particularly in the
7. Check alterations columns where the feed nozzle is radial is
made during plant subjected to severe erosion. Noticeable
construction. corrosion or erosion is also generally observed
8. Check wall thickness where the steam impinges the shell. The
of shell and nozzles. dislodging of the trays (particularly valve trays)
9. Check and test is common due to steam surge.
reinforcement plates and test
holes. Galvanic corrosion is also observed at
10. Check and test the location where cladded shells and
nozzles, facings, gaskets and uncladded shells join together. Where the
bolts. lining is bulged, the parent metal is subjected to
11. Check outside bolting corrosion. Liquid level corrosion is noticeable
and stiffening rings. in the top tray downcomer collectors
12. Check insulation and particularly at the reflux collector trays.
fire proofing.
13. Check insulation 8.2 CRUDE DISTILLATION UNIT-
14. Check painting
quality. Pronounced corrosion is generally
15. Check internals. noticed at the interface level of water and
16. Check and test hydrocarbons. Mostly the corrosion is noticed
internal lining of shell nozzles. in the bottom portion of the accumulators,
17. Check for internal which are not internally protected.
cleanliness before final boxing
18. Check whether design
of vessel and foundation Dehydrators & LP/HP separators of
allows vessel to be crude stabilising units are likely to get corroded
hydrotested in situ. in the bottom portion from 5 to 7 O’ clock
19. Test shell position due to presence of salt & water.
hydrostatically, if any
alteration has been made in 8.4 VACUUM DISTILLATION COLUMNS
the shell.
20. Check whether proper The sections where the turbulent
relief valve is installed. conditions exist like impingement plate/flash
21. Check that connected zone are subjected to corrosion erosion due to
pipings do not strain the naphthenic acid and sulphur in the crude.
vessel nozzles. Columns, shells are also liable to corrode
22. Check for verticality of opposite to impingement plate due to rebound
of fluid. Weldments and Heat Affected Zone are
columns and tall vessels. Note 1
also susceptible to corrosion.
The branches (pipe coming off each
Generally the reactors are of low alloy lateral) experience metal loss, mainly to the top
steels like 2-1/4Cr-1 Mo or cladded with circumference. Occasionally the steam coming
stainless steel. Due to this superior metallurgy out of jet blowing directly into another branch,
metal wastage is generally not observed. lateral or end plate creates erosion. Warpage
However, the following locations give indication of pipe grids can take place due to overheating
of deterioration/cracking. during startup and during operation. Many 5%
Cr. grids experience weld cracking.
i) Cracking of weldment of grid with shell at
the bottom.. The failure of refractory lining on the
ii) Baskets for collecting the catalyst dust are shell is another common problem. During
also prone to corrosion. operation, it may cause hot spots on the shell.
iii) Liners installed in the big diameter nozzles Erosion of cyclone dip legs, failure of cyclone
are susceptible to bulging due to failure of welds alongwith weld of cyclone supports may
weld joints at the end. also take place.
iv) Reactors made of low allow steel specially
2-1/4Cr-1 Mo are prone to temper 8.8 ORIFICE CHAMBER IN FCCU
embrittlement. (Temper embrittlement is
defined as a loss of ductility and notch Erosion of the double disc sliding valve
toughness due to post weld heat treatment gates, erosion at the core near the inlet and at
or high temperature service above 3700 C.) holes/sleeves in the grid plate are common
problems. Bulging or cracking on the shell
8.6 REACTORS IN FCCU adjacent to the gridplate also may take place.
The erosion problems in orifice chamber are
The shell, riser O.D. and portion of the caused by the catalyst carryover from the
cyclone dipleg O.D. are severely attacked in Regenerator.
the riser extension type of installation. Where
the grids are still used, erosion is found fairly 8.9 CHOKE CHAMBERS
uniform over most of the grid when high
velocities are employed through cyclones. Cracking of skirt and shell weld joints is
Some erosion occurs to the wall of the plenum quite common particularly in the coke
chambers and to the top head where small chambers where the skirt is not of slotted type.
plenums are in use. For those reactors with In the coke chambers generally feed, stripping
only two cyclones, high swirl of catalyst steam and water quench nozzles are installed
through the nozzles cause severe erosion. at the bottom. Due to thermal cyclic shocks
lower portion of the coke chamber gets bulged.
The refractory lining generally stands At the advanced stages of bulging,
up quite well in reactor cyclones. Normal circumferential welds which act as stiffeners
repairs require some resurfacing of small areas get cracked in the axial direction. However, the
or replacement of small localised sections. effect is pronounced just opposite the feed
There are two kinds of valves at the bottom of entry nozzle at an elevation of about 1 meter.
dipleg. The one mostly in use is the flapper The chambers where the feed enters from the
type with counter weight. The other is the top, bulging is confined in the top portion. The
trickle valve type, with the flapper plate hanging conical portion of the coke chamber where the
over the opening suspended by rings. The feed enters is also prone to cracking at the
flapper type of valves are subjected to erosion. knuckle portion. Bottom flange to shell weld
joint, weld joints of feed, water quench and
8.7 REGENERATOR IN FCCU steam nozzles are also likely to crack under
thermal cyclic conditions.
In the plate type of distribution grid,
erosion to the grid plates is a common 8.10 BULLETS AND SPHERE
phenomenon. Due to considerable vibration
and heat differentials cracking of the grid plate The corrosion and scaling is generally
can also take place. confined to the bottom between 5 to 7 O’ clock
positions probably due to the presence of
In pipe type of grid design where seals corrodents like H2S and water. LPG storage
are still in use, these seals may leak. Migration vessels are also prone to stress corrosion
of catalyst past the seal could destroy a pipe cracking. The circumferential weld joints below
grid in a very short time. the equitorial plates in the LPG Horton spheres
are more prone on such cracking.
8.11 VESSELS IN LOW TEMPERATURE frequencies as per statutory requirements
SERVICE shall be strictly adhered to.
Vessels in low temperature service e.g. Internal inspection of all the columns,
in KTU of refineries and propane circuit of LPG and vessels installed in battery area should
recovery units of Gas Processing Plants are be done during scheduled turnarounds,
prone to external corrosion due to faulty unless inspection observations and
insulation, which causes condensation of the corrosion rates dictate otherwise. Other
vessels. The severity of corrosion increases in pressure vessels installed in offsite shall be
case of corrosive atmosphere as in KTU. internally inspected at the time when these
are due for hydrostatic test as per statutory
In these vessels internal corrosion due requirements.
to moist So2 where condensation can take
place, also occurs. Internals and shell are iii) The internal inspection of reactors is
affected due to this. generally programmed when the catalyst is
dumped or topped up. However, it is
8.12 AMMONIA STORAGE VESSELS recommended that in-situ metallography be
carried out once in 5 years or at the time of
Generally the storage vessels are replacement of catalyst. The reactors shall
fabricated from Carbon steel and Nickel steels. be inspected externally in every turnaround
For the operating conditions prevailing at and the internal, inspection shall be carried
refineries, material of construction used for out within 10 years.
Ammonia storage vessels in the refineries are
carbon steels. The weld joints of C.S. vessels 10.0 INSPECTION PROCEDURES
are prone to stress corrosion cracking
particularly in the vessels, which have not been
stress relieved initially or after fabrication Prior to initiating the inspection of
repairs. pressure vessels, the inspector should
familiarise himself with the complete previous
8.13 COLUMNS & VESSELS IN DIETHYL history of the vessel, design parameters,
AMINE OR MONOETHYL AMINE service, original thickness, corrosion
SERVICE allowance, corrosion rate and vulnerable
locations of corrosion.
The weld joints and heat affected zone
of the columns and vessels in DEA and MEA 10.1 INSPECTION OF COLUMNS
service which have not been stress relieved are
also prone to cracking due to presence of H2S 10.1.1 External Inspection
or H2S and H2.
Most of the external inspection can be
Further details about corrosion in done while the column is in operation. The
pressure vessels are available in corrosion following shall be checked during the external
Manual-OISD Publication No. 136. inspection.
extremities and fire proofing of structural metal underneath. Paint or protective coating
supports shall be checked for water tightness. shall be examined for peeling or rusting .
Insulation shielding should be intact. If at any
The inside of the skirt is often subjected time insulation shielding/cladding is blown off
to corrosion. This is particularly true for or damaged the same shall be put back
vessels operating under cryogenic conditions. immediately after repairs to avoid corrosion.
Thickness measurements shall also be done to The insulation retaining rings shall be checked
assess the extent of deterioration. The to see that moisture is not trapped between the
condition of fire proofing on support beams and rings and weldment. The pressure vessels
skirts shall be inspected for bulging and cracks. operating at high temperature are insulated
Very light taps with a hammer will indicate lack from outside and the skirt is insulated from
of bond between fire proofing and steel. outside as well as inside to reduce the thermal
Appearance of rust stains on the surface of fire gradient between skirt and shell weld joint. Any
proofing is an indication of moisture ingress damage to this insulation is likely to cause the
and presence of corrosion on the metal cracking of this joint. Hence the insulation
underneath. If there is reason to suspect that shall be inspected to ensure that the same is
water or moisture has seeped through to the intact.
steel, pockets of insulation should be removed
to determine the extent of corrosion. however, v) GROUND CONNECTIONS
inspection of the skirt after removal of
fireproofing insulation shall be done at an Grounding connections shall be
interval not greater than 5 years. Skirt to shell visually examined to see that good electrical
weld joint shall be checked for cracking. contact is maintained. The cable shall be
examined for broken strands. Its resistance
c) Support of Horizontal Vessels shall be checked at intervals as outlined in
OISD standard-137 (Inspection of Electrical
Horizontal vessels resting on concrete Equipment).
saddle supports where water can accumulate
and cause external corrosion shall also be vi) NOZZLES AND SMALL
inspected. Horizontal vessels operating at high CONNECTIONS
temperatures shall be checked to ensure free
thermal expansion. The nozzles on a pressure vessel shall
be visually inspected and thickness surveyed.
ii) FOUNDATION/ANCHOR BOLTS When vessel is out of service, carbon steel
nozzles may be hammer tested. Small
Foundation bolts shall be inspected for diameter nozzles (less than 50mm) are difficult
corrosion and damage. The nuts on anchor to be thickness surveyed ultrasonically. The
bolts may be inspected to see that these are thickness may be determined by taking
properly tightened. radiographs wherever possible. The tell-tale
hole in the reinforcement pad shall be checked
iii) LADDERS, STAIRWAYS, for possible leaks.
Special attention should be given to
These shall be inspected visually for nipples used for pressure and temperature
corrosion, cracks, paint failure etc. Visual gauges etc. These nipples shall be checked
inspection shall be supplemented by hammer thoroughly in every shutdown. Test nipples of
testing. Corrosion is most likely to occur at the lined nozzles shall be checked for any
points where moisture can accumulate. leakage. Any leakage will indicate damage of
Crevice corrosion may exist around the heads the lining. If leakage is observed, pressure
and nuts of bolts. Ladders shall be examined testing through tell-tale hole and test-nipples
for free movement to take up expansion of the shall be done during internal inspection to
vessels. locate the leaks. Care shall be taken to keep
the plugs on the tell-tale holes loose.
Visual examination of insulation will SURFACE
reveal its condition. Insulation shielding shall
also be checked for quality and thickness. At a) Visual Inspection
few locations samples may be removed to
determine condition of the insulation and of the
The external surface of the pressure cracks. The bottom flange welding with the
vessel shall be inspected visually. The external shell shall also be inspected. The weld joints,
surface may show signs of deterioration due to HAZ and shell of 2 to 3 courses shall be
atmospheric corrosion, caustic embrittlement, checked for cracks and apparent bulging etc.
hydrogen blistering, thermal fatigue and Presence of suspected cracks should be
mechanical damage. If caustic is stored or confirmed by using Dye Penetrant Kit. Welding
used in a vessel it shall be checked for caustic of the nozzles shall also be checked for
embrittlement. The areas around the nozzles cracking.
and in or adjacent to weld seams are
susceptible to this type of corrosion. f) LPG vessels
External corrosion takes place in LPG Bullets and spheres having fire
humid areas and in areas where corrosive proofing on the outside surface shall be
chemical vapours are present. External examined for cracks, spalling, bulging and
corrosion can be determined by visual deterioration of fire proofing. Appearance of
inspection. Hydrogen blistering is more often rust stains on the surface of fire proofing is an
found on the inside rather than outside but may indication of presence of corrosion of metal
be found at either place depending upon the underneath. If above indications are apparent
location of the void which causes the condition. the fire proofing in suspected areas shall be
Blisters are found most easily by visual removed and the external surface shall be
examination. The shell should be checked for inspected for any corrosion.
buckles and bulges. These can be found and
measured by placing a straight edge against 10.1.2 Internal Inspection
the shell.
Pressure vessels entry shall be made
b) Weld Joints only with an applicable work permit as detailed
in OISD-STD-105 on work permit systems. The
The weld joints and heat affected zones area of the column to be inspected internally
(HAZ) shall be checked visually for cracks. In shall be decided based on the past history of
case of doubt it should be checked by dye the equipment. Available past history shall
penetrant test. supplement the standard inspection procedure
of the equipment. The inspection of a column
c) Hot Spots on Lined Vessels is divided into the top, feed and bottom zones.
If installed equipment is being inspected for the
Hot spots, which might have developed first time, then all tray manways shall be
on the outer surface due to the failure of opened and the complete inspection shall be
internal linings of lined vessels, shall be carried out. Internal inspection can be divided
checked during operation. The areas, which into two parts.
have developed hot spots during service, shall
also be checked for mechanical damage such i) PRELIMINARY INSPECTION
as gouges and dents, leaks, cracks and
oxidation of any external stiffeners. Prior to scheduled shutdown of the unit
the pressure vessel shall be examined from the
d) Ultrasonic Inspection outside to detect any unusual condition during
operation, such as leaks in nozzle welds
Thickness measurement of the shell through tell-tale holes or gaskets, the condition
and domes may be taken from outside. Exact of the bolts and flanges, the apparent condition
location of thickness measurement may be of insulation and any other visible defects.
decided after internal inspection only. During shutdown, before cleaning the column
from inside, preliminary internal inspection
e) Vessels in High Temperature shall be done. Observations regarding internal
Service dislodging etc. shall be noted. Samples of
deposits shall be collected for analysis.
Pressure vessel which operates on Preliminary inspection will also reveal the areas
thermal cycle like coke chamber and at high having deposits, scales etc. requiring thorough
temperature like orifice chamber in FCCU shall cleaning to detect metal wastage underneath
be thoroughly inspected from outside. In case the deposits during detailed inspection. After
of coke chamber if the entry of feed is at the the preliminary inspection, clearance for
bottom, insulation of at least 2 to 3 courses all internal cleaning may be given.
around shall be removed. The skirt to shell
weld joints shall be thoroughly checked for
Thickness and hammer testing wherever
possible should be carried out. All the nozzles
ii) DETAILED INSPECTION including the manhole nozzles and retractable
spool piece shall be thickness surveyed. In
a) Top Zone case of insulated column, insulation around
nozzles should be broken to facilitate thickness
Top dome, shell and internals in the top survey. Wherever, it is not possible to
zone shall be visually inspected. Inspection approach the nozzle, ID measurements from
shall be done to locate corrosion, erosion, inside shall be taken to determine thickness.
hydrogen, blistering, cracking, laminations or
mechanical damage. Special attention shall be d) Columns in Hydrogen Service
given to weld joints and surface conditions. If
pits are noticed, depth of pits should be Column in hydrogen service shall be
measured with depth gauge or pit gauge. Shell thoroughly inspected for possible hydrogen
plates below the refux nozzle shall be inspected blistering. Hydrogen blisters shall be inspected
for any possible grooving. Reflux collector and evaluated as outlined in Annexure III.
shall be checked for thinning. Spouts and
counter spouts shall be checked by hammer In catalytic Reactors and
testing for finding any possible deterioration. Regenerators, the supporting bars for internal
The trays and valves shall be checked for equipment such as cyclones shall be closely
pitting and cracking. Thickness of dome and examined for this type of attack. In these, the
shell near the shell and dome welding shall be catalyst and air distribution facilities are
taken in all four directions (E,W,N and S). particularly susceptible to erosion and shall be
Thickness of the dome around the nozzles shall closely examined for this type of attack.
be taken. Sample thickness of column Welding of the grid supporting rings shall also
internals like downcomer, downcomer be checked for cracking and damage. Out of
collectors and support plates should be taken. roundness or bulging may be evaluated by
Besides this, if at certain locations of shell or measuring the inside diameter of the vessel at
dome, corrosion is observed thickness shall be the cross section of maximum deformation and
measured at these locations to know the exact comparing it with the original inside diameter.
loss. Shell at the downcomer collector level If the bulging is at intervals, the measurement
shall be checked for any possible liquid level can be done by dropping a plumb line and
corrosion in the form of grooving. Reference taking the measurements at selected intervals.
points should be marked on shell, dome and This will also reveal the contour of the shell.
nozzles and same should be monitored for
thickness during every inspection to determine 10.1.3 Inspection of Lined Columns
rate of metal wastage.
Austenitic stainless steel columns and
b) Feed Zone columns lined with austentic SS plates shall be
passivated as per the procedure given NACE
While inspecting the feed zone (flash RP-01-70 before opening them in order to
zone), the impingement plate shall be checked protect them against stress corrosion cracking.
for any corrosion, erosion and proper
attachment with shell. Shell plates shall be i) STRIPLINED COLUMN
inspected near the impingement plate where
there is a possibility of fluid impingement. The Procedure for inspection of striplined
internals shall also be inspected. Thickness of column is similar to the unlined column as
the shell plates in four direction and the explained above with certain critical locations
impingement plate shall be taken. Sample as outlined below needing special attention.
thickness should also be taken on internals. Strips shall be visually inspected. Special
attentions shall be given to the weld joints and
c) Bottom Zone HAZ of welds, where cracking can take place. If
cracks are suspected, dye penetrant test
In the bottom zone, bottom dome and should be carried out. The strips shall also be
shell shall be inspected. Special care is to be inspected for bulging. The striplining should be
taken at the area near the bottom drawoff. If checked by air and soap solution. The
pittings are observed, pit depth should be pneumatic pressure should be around 0.2
measured. At steam injection points, the shell kg/sq. cm. but in no case should it exceed 0.2
plate opposite to steam nozzles shall be kg/sq. cm. The area where the striplining ends
thoroughly inspected for possible impingement. shall be checked carefully as corrosion may
All the internal pipings etc. shall be inspected. take place due to galvanic action of striplining
and Carbon steel shell. Thickness on the CS
portion shall be measured. Nozzle liner should i) REACTORS
be tested by pressurising the area between the
liner and nozzle by air through test nipple. The Shell of the Reactor shall be visually
pressure shall not exceed 0.5 kg/sq. cm. After inspected and thickness surveyed.
testing, the test nipple shall be kept open and Thermowells shall be inspected for oxidation,
capped only when the plant/equipment is cracking or distortion. Linings for the primary
commissioned. Otherwise bulging of the liner cyclone shall be visually inspected at locations
may take place. Thickness of the strips shall like inlet horns, barrel and helix cones etc.
be measured at places to ascertain whether Dipleg shall be inspected for perforations by
strips have been subjected to any corrosion. lowering a light through the cyclones. Lining of
Thickness survey of the column shall be done the secondary cyclones shall be visually
from outside to check the parent material inspected at the locations like barrel, cone etc.
thickness. Dipleg should be inspected for
perforation/plugging by lowering a light through
ii) CLADDED COLUMNS the cyclones after cutting a window in seal port.
Aeration points in the secondary dipleg shall be
Cladding shall be visually checked for hammer tested. Grid holes shall be inspected
any deterioration like corrosion/erosion, pitting, for erosion and plugging. Condition of deflector
bulging etc. Thickness at designated locations plate lining, grid cone lining and riser pipe shall
shall be measured to check the bonding of the be checked.
cladding metal with parent metal. The portion
where the cladding ends, shall be checked for In the stripping section, stripper shell
corrosion which may take place due to galvanic and steam nozzle shall be inspected for
action. The weld joints and HAZ shall be erosion. Thickness measurements of stripper
checked for cracks. Nozzle liners should be shell shall be done. Condition of the lining in
checked in a similar way as explained in para the fixed and removable sections in feed riser
(i) above. pipe shall be checked. Inverted V-type bellows
at the expansion joint shall be inspected for
iii) INSPECTION OF INTERNALLY perforation. Inspection of steam and catalyst
PAINTED AREA feed injections piping and nozzles shall be
carried out.
The temperature limitations of the
painting systems used inside the vessel should In the plenum chamber, shell shall be
be known. While shutting down a unit, water inspected for erosion and thickness
flushing shall be resorted to instead of steam measurements shall be taken. Safety valve
flushing. If steam flushing is necessary, care inlet nozzles and vapour outlet line shall be
should be taken that flushing steam inspected for thinning and plugging.
temperature should not go beyond 100oC or as
recommended by the paint manufacturer. The In the anticoking chamber, peripheral
painted surface shall be cleaned by water holes shall be checked for plugging. Cyclone
washing and then mopping with cotton or jute. supports should be hammer tested. Shell and
Cleaning with wire brush shall not be resorted weld joints between shell and bottom plate shall
to. Man entry shall be by wearing soft-shoes or be inspected. Thickness measurements of the
bare foot. Painting shall be visually inspected shell should be made.
and thickness should be measured with paint
thickness gauge and the same shall be The internal lining of riser pipe shall be
compared with original DFT of painting system. inspected with the help of a cage lowered from
The paint should be checked for holidays the reactor. The bud bayonet shall be removed
FRE/FRP linings shall be visually checked for and the condition of Y section shall be critically
mechanical damage and cracks. Thickness of examined for erosion and cracking. Whenever,
the pressure vessel shall be measured from dissimilar weld joints exist in the riser pipe,
outside (Inspection checklist for column is these should be checked for cracks. The
given in Annexure-I) Reaction and Regeneration stand pipes shall
be examined for failure of internal lining and
metal deterioration. The convolutions of
expansion bellows shall be checked for
deposits. The slide valves shall be examined
for erosion and proper operation.
where they are in contact with ground.
The shell lining shall be checked for Therefore, inspection of the external surface
deterioration. Particular attention should be should be done, after cleaning of the surface.
given just near manway and in areas behind
the grid seal. Aeration connections, 10.2.2 Internal Inspection
thermowells and trickle valves shall be
inspected. Normally there are no trays inside the
vessels. Inspection of the vessel is done
Lining for primary cyclones shall be similar to internal inspection of the column.
checked. Special care should be taken in the Care should be taken to inspect the liquid level
areas at inlet horn, barrel, helix and cones. corrosion. Nozzle weldings, internal stiffners
Diplegs shall be inspected for perforations. and area around them shall be checked
Hangers and supports, spray shields and thoroughly from inside.
support lugs for cyclones shall be inspected. In
the secondary cyclones, barrel, cones and Pressure vessels which can not be
dipleg shall be inspected. Lining of the plenum internally inspected due to mechanical
chamber and stack above the plenum chamber restrictions shall be inspected using ultrasonic
shall be inspected. Emergency steam sprays equipments. In addition they shall be pressure
shall be inspected for oxidation. If the plenum tested as per statutory requirements.
chamber is of SS material, the bimetal weld
joint between chamber and shell shall be All weld joints in Ammonia and LPG
examined from inside. storage vessels shall be checked internally by
wet fluorescent magnetic particle examination
Grid plates shall be checked for bulges to detect cracks due to stress corrosion
and thickness. Grid seal shall be inspected for cracking, once in ten years, besides the normal
cracks or perforations. Overflow well and seal inspection.
boxes shall be checked for erosion and
perforations. Lining of the cone below grid Similarly, for vessels in DEA/MEA
shall be inspected. Auxiliary burner tips, air service spot checking of T-weld joints shall be
door and the pilot shall be inspected visually. carried out by radiography/ultrasonic testing. If
Inspection of aux-burner dome and the lining of defects or cracks are detected 100% weld joints
the dome on the inside shall be carried out. shall be checked by Radiography/Ultrasonic
Lugs and supports for the auxiliary burner Testing.
dome shall also be inspected.
Thickness of the shell shall be measured from should be checked ultrasonically from
outside. the outside.
Before determining the limiting or retiring of the ASME code. Section VIII Divn. 2
thickness of any pressure vessel, it should be Appendix- 4.
determined under which code it has been
manufactured. Retiring thickness shall be 12. INSPECTION DURING
calculated as per applicable code as most
vessels are built with some excess thickness in
vessel walls and heads, over that required to
withstand the internal operating pressure. The 12.1 WELD BUILD UP
excess thickness may result from any one or
more of the following factors: In pressure vessels where some of the
small areas within rejection limit as specified in
i) Excess thickness as a result of using a 11.0 sub clause b, have thinned down and
nominal thickness of plate rather than the entire corrosion allowance has been eaten
exact (smaller) value calculated. away, repair by local weld filling may be
ii) Excess thickness available as a result of required to build up the thickness . The area to
setting minimum thickness of the plates for be repaired should be marked at site and
construction purposes. should be cleaned thoroughly. The area is
iii) Excess thickness available as a result of filled with weld deposits, in a staggared manner
change in vessel service, by reducing to avoid warping, with suitable electrodes
safety valve setting or maximum metal matching with the base part. After weld build
temperature or both. up, the area should be visually/dye penetrant
inspected for cracks and defects. Thickness
Retiring thickness for many accessories of spots are made at a few locations at the built up
pressure vessels are not covered in the ASME area by grinding. Thickness shall then be
code; neither are the methods of calculating measured ultrasonically to check whether
such thickness. Some of these parts are trays, requisite thickness has been obtained.
internal tray supports, valves, grid, baffles, Preheating and post weld heat treatment
ladders and platforms. For some of the whenever required should be carried out as per
equipment, there are generally accepted the code.
methods of setting retiring thickness. Minimum
thickness should be developed for all such 12.2 NOZZLE REPLACEMENT
equipment. The results of possible failure of
such equipment. The results of possible failure Thinned and deteriorated nozzles shall
of such equipment should be considered for be replaced. Rejected nozzle shall be removed
setting these limits. Safety and continuous by gouging the welding. New nozzles
efficient operation are the prime factors fabricated out of piping having thickness
affecting retiring thickness for these equivalent to original nozzles are installed.
components. Repair or replacement should be Welding shall be carried out from inside as well
carried out when they have lost one half their as outside with suitable electrodes matching
original thickness. The retiring thickness for with base metal and nozzle material.
nozzles and internal pipings shall be calculated Preheating and post weld heat treatment of the
by applicable codes or ANSI standards. Widely welding shall be carried out as per the
scattered pits may be ignored provided: requirement of relevant code. The weld joints
shall be checked visually and also by dye
a) no pit depth is more than one half the penetrant test. Defects, if found are repaired.
vessel wall thickness exclusive of the The weld joints shall be checked for leaks by
corrosion allowance. pressurising with air at a pressure 1.03 kg/cm2
b) the total area of the pits does not exceed 45 through the tell-tale hole provided in the
square centimeters within any 20 reinforcing pad. Pressurising the entire column
centimeter diameter circle, and to check the nozzle weld joints should be
c) the sum of their dimensions along any avoided. In some cases where the area is
straight line within the circle does not accessible from inside, a box may be provided
exceed 5 centimeters. around the nozzle. The box is pressurised with
water to the test pressure of the column/vessel
As an alternative to the procedures calculated by applicable code. The weld joints
described above, any thinning of components and HAZ are checked for possible leaks. If any
below minimum required wall thickness due to defect is found in the weld joints, these are
corrosion or other wastage may be evaluated to gouged, rewelded and retested.
determine the adequacy for continued service
by employing the design by analysis methods 12.3 PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF SHELL
Some portion of shell plates and domes be 30% more than test pressure and calibrated
of pressure vessels may get thinned due to pressure gauges shall be used. The area
corrosion or erosion. The thickness of the which has been repaired should be thoroughly
affected area may reach the retiring thickness. checked for leaks and signs of deformation.
In such cases, partial replacement of shell plate The pressure drop shall also be noted. Before
or dome is carried out as weld repair of the big subjecting the column/ vessels to hydrostatic
area is not practically possible. The affected test, the foundation/supporting structures of the
portion is cut and removed. The new plates pressure vessels should be checked for water
matching with the metallurgy and thickness of load. Austenitic SS pressure vessels shall be
the original plate is made available. pressure tested using DM water or passivating
solution. Hydrostatic testing of vessel operated
The edge preparation shall be done as under vacuum conditions shall be done as per
per the code requirement by grinding. The the relevant code.
prepared edges shall be checked for cracks,
flaws and defects by magnifying glass and by 12.3.2 Pneumatic Testing
using dye penetrant kit. The welding procedure
is developed for welding the old and new piece When testing pneumatically, a soap
as per the relevant code. The welding may be solution should be used as an aid to visual
performed either from inside or outside. The inspection. This soap solution is brushed over
root run shall be thoroughly inspected for the seams and joints on the vessel. The vessel
cracks and flaws. After completing the welding is then examined for evidence of bubbles as an
from one side, the other side is chipped and indication of leaks. Often a vessel which
grounded. Before welding again, the groove is operates at a vaccum may be pressure tested.
checked for cracks and defects. Welding is This is the preferable testing method when
then completed from the other side. Complete feasible, because it permits the location of any
welding shall be visually checked and leaks. When pressure testing is not feasible, a
radiographed as per the applicable code. vacuum vessel can be tested for leaks by
Detailed inspection of welding shall be done as creating a vacuum by means of evacuators or
outlined in Annexure II. vacuum pumps installed in the units. If the
vacuum can be held for a specified time after
Preheat and post weld heat treatment closing of the evacuators or vacuum pumps, it
shall be carried out as per the requirement of is an indication that the vessel is free of leaks.
relevant code. In order to check whether post
weld treatment has been carried out properly, If the vacuum cannot be held, leaks are
hardness readings on the weldment and HAZ present but this method gives no indication of
shall be taken after PWHT. The hardness their location. A search, which may be difficult,
readings should be minimum as indentation must then be made to trace the leaks. It is
marks required during hardness measurement suggested that pneumatic testing should be
act as stress riser and this leads to stress avoided as far possible and if at all is to be
concentration. If post weld heat treatment is carried out it should be done in accordance
required it is recommended to carry out with relevant code.
radiography before post weld heat treatment
also. The defects in the welding are repaired by 12.4 REPAIR OF CLADDING AND
gouging and rewelding. In lieu of radiography, STRIPLINING
ultrasonic inspection of weld joints may be
carried out. The bulged, cracked or heavily pitted
cladding inside the pressure vessels shall be
repaired. The deteriorated cladding is removed
by cutting. The edges of the remaining
cladding is sealed by welding, using proper
12.3.1 Hydrostatic Test electrodes as per cladding and shell metallurgy.
If the area of the damaged cladding is small,
After satisfactory inspection and the area is weld overlaved using suitable
radiography, the column/vessel is electrodes. The area is then ground smooth.
hydrostatically tested at a pressure calculated The repaired portion shall be checked visually
by applicable code. The pressure should be and by using D.P. for defects and cracks etc.
held for a minimum of 30 minutes. During The welding should be done in a staggerd
hydraulic testing the pressure gauge should be manner to avoid distrotion of the shell. When
installed at the highest point. It is the damaged area is big, after sealing the
recommended that two pressure gauges be remaining cladding, striplining of the area can
used. The range of the pressure gauge should be done. (Details of striplining and welding
procedure is given in Annexure - II). Bulged v) Development sketch (Ref. Figure 5 & 6)
striplining is replaced by puncturing the lining
to remove entrapped air. The bulged portion of 14.0 REFERENCES
the lining is flattened by light hammering and
then welded. If the striplining has cracked or
heavily pitted the damaged lining should be The following codes standards and
removed and fresh lining put. The weld joints publication have either been referred or used in
are checked for flaws and cracks by DP and the preparation of this standard, and the same
visual examination. While removing or shall be read in conjunction with this standard.
puncturing the cladding/striplining, necessary
precautions should be taken as hydrocarbon i) API Guide for Inspection of Refinery
may be entrapped in between the lining and Equipment - Chapter VI - Unfired Pressure
shell. Vessels.
vii) IS-9964 Part-I, Preparation of Tank for Safe
Entry and Work.
DESIGN CODE_________________________ SHELL______________________________
MANUFACTURER_______________________ INTERNALS_________________________
MANUFACTURER’S INSULATION_________________________
ORDER NO.____________________________
DIAMETER___________________________ HEADS_____________________________
DESIGN TEMPOC_____________________ OPERATION TEMPO C_______________________
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
ii) On-Stream
I) Breakdown
a) Scaling Nature
b) Dome
c) Shell
d) Welding
e) Nozzle Welding
f) Internals
g) Spouts and Counter Spouts
a) Scaling Nature
b) Shell
c) Welding
d) Nozzle Welding
e) Internal
f) Spouts and Counter Spouts
a) Scaling Nature
b) Shell
c) Dome
d) Welding
e) Nozzle Welding
f) Steam Coils
welded on, must be checked carefully after iv) ULTRASONIC TESTING.
the attachment is removed. The area must v) EDDY CURRENT TESTING.
be ground smooth and any pits or tears vi) FERRITE DETERMINATION.
shall be filled in with weld metal ground vii) ULTRASONIC HARDNESS TESTING
smooth Air hardening materials should be
preheated before any thermal cutting. Hardness testing by portable hardness testers
may be considered as NDT method. Hydraulic
vi) Postweld heat treatment time, temperature testing may be done to check for leaks through
and heating/cooling rates. For groove welds, cracks etc.
welds, the width of finished welds will
fluctuate in accordance with the groove 6. DESTRUCTIVE TESTS
angle, root face, root opening and
permissible tolerances. The height of i) Mechanical tests like tensile, bend, impact,
reinforcement should be consistent with the hardness, drift, flattening tests etc.
specified requirements. Where not
specified the inspector may have to rely on ii) Chemical analysis, microscopic
his judgement, guided by what he examination, grain size determination etc.
considers a good welding practice.
The method and extent of examinations will be
The finished weld, should be thoroughly governed by applicable code requirements.
cleaned of oxides and slag for its final
inspection. 7. REPAIR OF WELDS
After visual inspection the finished weld may be i) No repair should be carried out without
examined by one or more than one of the prior permission of the inspector.
following techniques.
ii) Weld discontiniuties which are beyond
5. NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTS acceptable limits shall be removed from the
joint completely by the process of chipping
i) DYE PENETRANT TESTING: Unless and grinding.
otherwise specified, the extent of this test
will be 100% for all root runs for alloy steel iii) Where random radiography is specified,
welds. Adequate precautions as specified the first weld of each welder shall be
in applicable code should be taken while completely radiographed. In case of pipe
interrupting the welding cycle. size 150 mm dia and below, the first two
welds shall be completely radiographed.
iv) For each weld found unacceptable due to a
iii) RADIOGRAPHY: Unless otherwise welders fault two additional checks should
specified the extent of radiographic be carried out on welds performed by the
examination will be as follows: same welder.
D. Hydrogen blisters visible in and very near
A. Visually inspect exterior and interior of highly stressed areas such as head
vessel to determine location of all hydrogen knuckles, openings, seam and seam
blisters. junctures, and support pads should be
considered unacceptable in pressure
B. Determine blister thickness by ultrasonic vessels.
survey or by drilling.
1. Affected components should be repaired
C. Conduct magnetic particle inspection at the or replaced. Repair or replacement
edge and crown of any blister 2 inches and should be approved by an appropriate
greater in diameter to locate cracks which inspector aided by material and design
originate at, or have progressed near to the specialists as required.
E. If the diameter of any blisters listed in
D. In order to detect plate cracks (fissures), paragraph III.C exceeds the thickness of
conduct magnetic particle inspection of the the plate, and the vessel is operated below
plate for a distance of 6 inches beyond the the metal transition temperature, the
limits of blisters 2 inches and greater in material should be replaced.
diameter appearing on the inside of the
vessel. See Figure 1. USE ASME Code, Section VIII Division 2,
impact Test Exemption Curves for Carbon
Steels.' as a measure of transition temperature.
3. Blisters showing on both inside and outside legs that are welded to the vessel. This
of vessel. can form an explosive mixture with air in
a. Drill from inside. the legs.
b.For vessels in hydrofluoric acid service, drill
from outside surface only. 2. Prior to any welding or cutting on or near
the legs of a blistered vessel, the legs
D. Vessels in hydrofluoric acid service. should be purged of any explosive gases
as follows:
1. If blisters 2 inches and larger in diameter
on the inside surface have crown or edge a) Drill 1/4" diameter holes at top and
cracks, gouge out complete blister, fill with bottom of legs, with a non-sparking
weld metal and grind smooth with plate drill.
b) Flush with inert gas or with air from the
2. If blisters on the outside surface are bottom hole.
cracked, treat as in Paragraph III A.
3. Other dead spaces of significant volume
D. Preheat, welding procedures, stress-relief, should be treated in a similar manner.
etc. should be in accordance with current
acceptable practice for the specific vessel